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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1913)
lafSVmK' . p-tv-Fp- ,. .rv Jal.ti-i VfRYTIME THAT A MAN WHO IS WISE MAKES A MISTAKE HE LEARNS SOMETHING (Battel iaau Sttttfls Uasssfli "T AKTICM.S NOW IK VOl'll TIMK. A small ml In Tin' Times mint column limy bring )on results mi nusllntcly. Try one. ,,,,,1 llitOIIBll TIlllfH Willi t T. .. Itwilllf 'I'llPV .....! I il'll " '" "' mKji!-: ... rei'" MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRE9 Kstiibllshcd In 1H78 ,0 The Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A. Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Uuy Advertiser. No. 196 vollxxxvi- WDEMOCRATIG 8EHATE HOLDS f IE OF WILSON'S CHOICES Luses to Confirm Appoint- mmerce Commissioner. ICABINETSELECTIOHS ANUOLHiMX m. Isenator, GS Objects to Finally Concedes. . . ,1,1,11 9inoo Hir Tllnm 1 ....BinvnTOV. March " -With . (tin In every row. tho Senate S under Democratic control. ?PieiWcnl Marshall, new tlio intricacies of wnate procedure plek- J ellnJlnnry nrgnnlzn.ln,, with the 1 of experienced parliamentary ,i. The roll mil showed SII t"lnatlonH were received mid tho ,Sir nominations we.e: Edttr B. liniK. rcnppuinn'ii un. a states commerce roinnilHHliini'r. t.i.- II Mnrl.ln Hlll'l'dlarv (if tllO l&tcntate Coinmerie Commission, to commlMioner in uri-i mum 's K. Lane, tlio new secrotnry or lit Interior. On motion ol iinnin, mo nunmu .... InlA ntni'lllll'lt KCHBlllll. After i brief session, tho sonnto confirm ed ill the ralilnut nominations nnd CUrk, It illd " how over, con- to Marble. n.lll - In ni fllllltftt I Mil I ft ICC CUUIillliUiiun in .ii. .... tij Icen active In tlm .ioiiku rom mlttee InvcatlRnllon of flni liimir isce compank'fl In which tlio munu .i. 1ift it nti1l(nifiri U'tiH troosht In. Tlio wiintor finally maarew ins uhjucuuiid. It . . enl.l tltnl tluirn ll'itril lift II ajj ouui Mint ....w ...v L.iMltli.a . ! II flil A It lit tlllt UIMI- it tlibetl to Imvo IiIh nnnio fully Mtildered by tlio semite IntorHtnto rommerce committee. BRYAN TALKS 10 EMPLOYES Surprising Address Made to Under Secretaries of De partment of State. . HltVA.VH SIIOItT TMIt.M. . Illy Ahmk lulnl 1'n-n In Coin Htr Tlrnn I LIN'COI.N'. N'i.Ii.. Alnn-li .. i i FcIuikIh of W. .1. Ilryim horo i j liiul no liitlnintion from him ' tliut ho IntonilH to make IiIh ' I term of olllco ns Heerotary of I Htnto it Hliori ono or that ho I I coiiHlderH his tonnro uncertain. Mho llioHe who heard him In i I Washington today tlcy could I 1 only Himcnlato iih to IiIh moan- i I 1hr. U.S.TB00PS KILL SIX MEX.SOLDIERS IIKI.II SHOUT SICSSIO.V. In tlkn ami Cnlilnet .Mcnilicix Oinforeiice Today. (Cf AiMrlti I'iih lo Cook llty Tim..,) WASHINGTON. Mnreli B. IToh- Ut:t Wilson ami memlierR nf his tillnet held a Hliort "family" wa in today. Illy Amui IhiM I 'rim In i'ikm liny Tlmiw ) WASIIINOTON. March r.. Wil liam .Icnnlni;s Bryan In aildresHlnj; tho aHBlstnut HeeretarleH and licadn of tho vnrloiiH hnreaiiH of tho State Department today declared: "I am not prepared to discuss tho tenure In olllco. .My own tenure Ih brief, hut my tenure lias not even lieKtin. I am Hiiro your teuuro Ih therefore, not moro uucertnlu than mine. I have not had time to learn from the nrenl dent tho Kenernl policy that will ho Impressed on tho various depart ments, hut Its not neccsnrry for ub to dlBeiiBB tho loiiKth of service. It Ih HUinclent at this time to make each other's nfi'unlutiiuco and I hope that when the time comes for mo to re assemble you to Introduce you to my HiiccuHBor, I can look hack on nB do IlKhtful associations as the retlrltiK Hocretnry does." Ilrynn'H wnrdH cntiH ed n surprise hut ho followed them with no explanation. Ninth Cavalry Inflicts Losses as Result of Skirmishes on the Arizona Border. Illy AiwoiUIpI I'm lo Cnoi liny Tlmm DOLIOLAR, Arl.. March 5. Tlio Mexican authorities at Akiiii Prletn declared today that two Mexican boI dleiH wore killed yesterday by the machine kuii used by tho troopeiH of tho Ninth cavalry skirmish on tho border near here. This mnkcH a to tal of bIx federal soldleiH killed nlnco Sunday when the IliHt light occurred. None of tho Anierlcun trooiiei'H wero even wounded. Tho entire Ninth cavalry, Includ Iiik tho maehlue platoon remains on tho border today drawn In Hklrinlsh lino for a distance of twenty mlleH. Tho Mexican troopa have not been HlKlitcd near tho border. Hundreds or refugee!) nrrlved horo iIui-Iiik tho night from Naco.arl. whore trouble Ih expected today when tho armis tice expires. Nearly six hundred Mn dorlsln rebels left the Cannnea dis trict last night to Join others nt Co lonln Morolos, where a moblll.atlon Is In progress. nlry by firing tho first ahot, necord Ing to a report today from llrlgndler Oeneral llliss nt Fort Sam Houston. AMKUH'AXS FKAIt Tltorill,K. miixicans .m: m,..Mi:i. l''lred on r. S. Troops Snys (I' llliss In Iteporl. tlly AKUinl 1'rrn lo tuoii IKy Tlmnt.l Outlook III Old Melco Far From Satlsfnetory. Illy Awo Utnl I'km to Com liny Tlmw ) WASIIINOTON. .March fi. Frank Horace, an Anierlcun, was Hhot dead by an unknown assassin In Man.aiilllo. Consul Kirk is In vuKtlKiiilng. Consul Ellsworth nt Ciudad 1'orforlo Dlnz fears com plications over the attack of Colonel Cnrrlnnzn to extort money to pny his soldiers from Americans and other foreigners, i BALKAN ilNS AGOEE 10 ACCEFI EUROPEAN HAIN STIIili AlTFIt MADKKOS. t Illy Miwi l.lrl ! lo Co liny Tim. MICXICO CII'Y. Mnrch r,. Tlio dHparturo of the members of the Msdero family from Ilnvnna Tucb ilny cheeked the .Mexican govern ment's plan to ask the Cuban gov ernment to surrender them ns al iened conspirators. m'.UKI.S IX CAXAXFA. Illy Awo lite! 1'rrt to Coon Hay TlMM. CANANBA. Mexico, March fi. Five hundred MnderlHts marched out WASIIINOTON, March fi. The' of Cnnnnea, leaving tho town In Mexican troops wero responsible for the possession of tho federals. The tho Intcst border fight near Douglas, rebels go to Join the volunteers In Ariz., with troops of the Ninth env- te A In mountains. SII Al CURE EOR LUNGERS In MKirr IX WASIIINOTOX. itnxKrallr .Viitlnniil Commit fct IIoIiIIhj: Scsoliin Today. Hr AiwUi riTH io root luy Tim ) WASHINGTON'. .Mnreli .'..- Miih- lsi as combined with plensuro i meeting noie today of tlio fe-Otratlc Xullminl I'diiinilltiwi. Tie meetlnt,' -a8 called by Win. !'. -luiuiu, nauoniii ciiairiuan, who m jhen a tCHtlmonlnl lunoheon lj tie other members of the coin- t-HCe- I'lntiu tnr i.imiliiiilnu .in... tt the next four yeniH ami detallH tl crtanlzatlon perfected during tho n:lsn wero talked over. Tho rW that .McConihs might ho N as ambassador to Franco K'leJ some siipcnbii inn iiiiiini itiu iK'esior as clialrmnn of tho com- UIT, wibb i'hoiii: Wfral liiWhtlguiiiiu ,,f Hints In .... "'"'" raraile. 1-ia-xUtM 'r to tow lUy Tlm.) ASIIIT.Tnv .... , "1 Jonta. nini..i. , .,, '1111111111 uiiii roiii- fti hm re alIoIntl to Invostlgnto SLr" ,cenM l''"t marked tho ntifnm K0 l,nKcant March 3, '--iicu ineir unties, aim SlfoS'8 "' W,U ,)0 "mt, ,,y MARBLE m LANE'S PLACE California Man Named by Wilson for Interstate Com merce Commission. New York Board of Health Takes Slap at Dr. Fried mann in Statement. Illy Awo. Inlol I'itm lo Com llay Tlmm.) NBW YOUK. March fi. Tho Hoard of Health In n statement to day huj'h "On tho advice of tho ad visory committee It has been de elded not to undertake nt tho pres ent time any olllclal clinical tents of nny specific treatment of tuber culosis," Tho action is aimed nt Dr. Fricdmiiuu of Herllu, who lias no license to practice in this coun try. Tho Hoard, however, Bald. "If Dr. Frlodinann rurea lo give It n sample of his treatment. It will mnko certain tests, but not on pa tients," Dr. Frledinaun has not announced IiIh Intentions. 66 CI FI II W N F n GERMAN ARMY STRENGTHENED! Peace Footing Brought Up to 808,000 France Also Gets Busy. Illy Ao Ulr.l Tnti to Coot Itny Tlmoo.l COLOONB. (lermany. March fi. Tho new Uermau military bill will ndd SI.00U recruits to tho annual contingent called up for sorvke In the army, according to tho Volks Xoltung. The total strength or the peace footing is thus brought up to SOU, 000, exclusive of officers. FIIAXCB Will sTiti:x(jTin:xs aiimv. IN COLLISION German Gunboat Rammed and Sunk by Cruiser in North Sea. Illy Au. lalr.l 1'rrft to Coot llty Tlmra, HBl.IOOLAND, (lermany, March fi". Sixty-six of Iho crow of tho donnai) torpedo boat 0-1 78, wero drowned when the vessel was ram med bv the cruder Yorck In tho North Sen last night. Soventeen wero saved. Itei'iilic Three Vcois Sen Ice In Army .Now. Illy AMorlatrd I'rrr. lo Coot IU) Tlmrt.) PARIS, March 5. Tho Frouch cnhlnor today accopted tho doclslon of the supreme council of war In favor of a three year term of ser vice In all branches of tho army, In- til. .n.l ..r .. .... l.ltt. . .. M.I. nivuu ui iu an iiiuieriu. i no men- r--l.. pi i . mm. win lui.i nt tm.ut m .inn .,,.. I UODcniinfinn Brnifinrs flrr Nnw to uio pence tooling, wiiicli nt tile I present time stands at fiKO.OOi, ox- clu'tllng officers. The vast military liropnratlons of Oerinnny wero giv en us the compelling reason of this stop. Individually Reply Favoring Plan to End War With Turkey at Once. MUST CONFER WITH EACH0JHER FIRST Close Ties of Alliance Shown in Reply to Offer of the Powers to Act. Illy o. llij ir lo Coot liny TlmM J LONDON. March fi.- It wiib an nounced today that all the Balkan nllU'H liuvo Individually accepted It principle the mediation of Buro'v enn powers ft r n conclusion u pence with Turkey. Bnch emplia sized, however, the necessity foi consulintloii with other nntloni forming the HhIIiiiii League before giving a formal agreement TO RUSH IRK NEAR GARDINER ni ENCH POST aa f - uu,ouij Umey I ItAIIS OFFICK SKBICKHS. I 1. (Ily Attoi lalcl I'nu lo Coot llay TIiimm WASIIINOTON,. Mnrch fi. In tlio llrst statement that Presi dent Wilson has Issued from tho I Whlto lloiiso since ho heenmo I president, he announced ho I should declliif to seo applicants j for olllco In person except those I ho invited. j Ily AttoiUltsI I'rwt lo Coot llty Tlmra.) WASIIINOTON. .March fi. John If. Mnrblo of California, secretary of tho Intorstato Commerce Commis sion, will succeed Franklin IC. I.ano, who become Secrotnry of tlio Inter ior. President Wilson will reap point Bdwnrd A. Clark of Iowa a niombor of the Interstate Commorco Commission, Clark wns ro-nppolnt-ed by Tuft, but tho nomination fnll ed of confirmation In tho sonnto in tlio contests over othor Tnft appointments. (iiamjKXoi: my i.n'i'o.v. Will Try Again for American Vinht Cup In 11)1 1. Illy .uarUtftl I'ntt lo Coot llay Tim ) LONDON, Mnrch fi The chrllengo of tho Royal IMster Yndt Cub for u series of races for the Ameilcan dip to tnko plnco In 1!1 -I. iiimIo on behalf of Sir Thomas Llptnn, Is on its way to Aniorlcn. Tho chnlienno Is for competition under tho ol'1 rules. COTTHIIiL WINS Ol'T. Veto Sustiiliuil In Scuttle Ucfcicn flim ICIcctlon Yesterday. (Ily Ao ItlrJ l'rv.t to Coot llty Timet. SBATTLB, Mnreli fi. Tho bill imsseil by the city council over May or Cottorlll's veto forbidding tho police to enter rooms to niako nr roHts without first obtnlulng war rants, wns defeated by 500 major ity nt tho referendum vote yesterday. D E Tltl'ST Sl'lT TRIAL. CAHIXOT TO SBXATB. tr , llSrl'V- 'II -'villi "V to England. :tov " ' " llty Tlmit 1 M.iif.i. -. ii -.' I .,, IIUB1- "' i"mal nnnouueo- " nan oiterod - l "ship to Mc- 'lo Natloual 1 '"lit bald tliut "ii Ul accept, "met appoint. la prominent. ' s choke for 'lUain. - S.UDHI UVdi T.;'M,,",, Kwl by . 3tnv ... ,ru,i,II"i iT1 -Geoff V,' KnglanU. ...miuiii- Kill- J I II Wilson's Cliolco Siiiue as Was Pub lished Yesterday. Ily Aitorlttcil ITfit lo Coot llty Timet, WASHINCiTON, Mnrch fi. Preal- dent Wilson sent tho following to tho Sonnto todny for confirmation ns membors of Ills cnblnot: Secretary of Stnto William J. Hrynn of Nobrnskn. Secrotnry of tho Interior Frank lin K. Lnno of Cnlifornla. Secretory of tho Treasury Wll llnm O. MeAdoo of New York. Secrotnry of Wnr Llndloy M. Onrrlson of New Jorsey. Secretary of the Navy Jnaophut Dauloln of North Carolina. Attorney Oeneral- James Mc Reynolds of Tennessee. Postmaster Oeneral Albert Bur leson of Texas. Secretary of Commerce rWilltam C. Redfield of New York. Secretary of Agriculture David A. Hum-ton of Missouri. Secretary of Labor William B. Wllsou of Pennsylvania. International Harvester Company At tacked by (iovcrniiicnt. (Ily AMoilaitU I'nu lo Coot llay Tlinw. OMAHA, March fi. Jinny wit nesses presented themselves todny to testify against tlio International Har vester Compnny nnd others in n suit brought by tho government, alleging violation of tho Sherman anti-trust Inw by alleged lllognl restraint of trndo. Tho lienrlng Is beforo Speclnl Examiner Robert S. Taylor of Dulutli. Bight firms and eighteen Individuals are dofomlnntB. Times Wnnt Ads bring results. T PROVES FATAL Two Killed, Four Fatally in jured and Ten Hurt in a California Camp. lily Ao. ItlKj I'rwt lo Coot Hay TlmM SAN HBRNARDINO, Jlurch 5. Two men were killed nnd four fn tally Injured by a delayed shot of dynamite In a railroad construction camp, near Keonbrook, ton miles north of hero. Ten others wero Injured IS GIVEN A JOLT The Massachusetts Legisla tive Committee Turns Down Referendum on It. Illy AMorlilri) I'mi lo Coot llay Tlmrt. BOSTON, March 5. Tho causo of woman suffrage received a set-buck In the Massachusetts legislature, when tho committee, voted to report "ienvo to withdraw" on tho bill pro viding for tho referendum of tho constitutional amendment which would ellmlunto the word "male" from the provision dofliilng the qualifications of voters, Tho vote of tho committee wns six against, three for nnd two not recorded. 1CLKS XOTICK. There will be election of officers tonight nnd othor Important busi ness. Every Elk should make n speclnl effort to bo present. GEO. ROTNOR, Secretary. Do What You Have i- i ..... --a To Do Today Do not say "business tomorrow" for this phrase carries with It tho threat of lost opportunities. Tho man who first said this lost his llfo by falling to open a lottor giving warn ing of n conspiracy against him. . . "Dn what you lmvo to do todny;" do your buying today; take advantage of the- opportunities THE TIMES' advertisers offer you today. The cause of the particular buying oppor tunities tney offer you In their advertisements today may be uucommon conditions. If you psss by these opportunities to secure exceptional values, high quality and reasonable prices, you are uot doing your duty to yourself and. your family. Your failure to spend a' few minutes eaoh day on the ad vantages presented by THE TIMES' advertisers hurts In the place where It hurts most In these days of high cost of llv- 'ing the pocketbook. . Make your motto "business today" ot "buslnsas tomor row;" rad tbe advertisements 1 ?HK TlMM olwtly and constantly todny and overy day. SfFI'RAOi: IX .MAINE. House Kills Bill Providing Hie Re ferendum Amendment. (Ily Amoi lattkl I'rM lo Coot llay TIrim. AITOUSTA. Mo Mnrch C A bill providing tor tho reforoiidum on tho woman suffrage nniondmont to tho constitution, wns killed In tlio house todny by n vote of 80 to fi3, after It hud paused tho Senate. COL. PEYTON W T Spokane Millionaire Dies and Leaves Big Fortune to His Family. The following dispatch from Los Angeles will bo of lntorect on Coos Hay because Col. Poyton wns woll known horo through n fow visits on the liny, bocnuso his daughter, Mrs. J. M, Hlnko, formerly residod hero, and one of tho Poyton boys inndo his homo with hor hero for a tlino: "Tho body of L. N. Poyton, tho Spokuno inultl-mllllonalro, who pas sed nwny In Los Angeles, is lying In stnte nt the Sutch Undertaking Par lors, preparatory to beJng sent to his home hi Spokane. "Funeral arrangements are uuder the directions of the Musculo Order, of which he was a high member, and tomorrow, accompanied by the en tire Peyton family, the body will be taken to Spokane fofr burial. The funeral services will be held Friday. "His fortune will be divided by his widow, ona daughter, Jlrs. J. M. Blake of Sun Fran isio, and two sons, Horace ('. nnd Hiram Peyton, who recently finished their courses at the Harvard Military school." Libby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Working 185 Men in Two Camps; Rush Tunnel. Copenhagen Bios, aro now rush ing tho work south of the I'mptiun, working their crews seven das a week, (lood progrecs Ih being inudo and they expect to couclud" this contract much earlier than win ex pected. Ihoy are now working ISfi moil In the two camps, ac cording to parties Just returning from there. Additional men aro being put to work, $2.fi0 per day being paid for common laborers, Work Iiuh not yet boon started on the big tunnel, although Cop enhagen Bros, have completed tho approach for It. No word had been received there yesterday an to when Porter Bros, will begin work on It. Acocrdiug to tho last plans heard It wiih proposed to drive It from both ends. Three crown will bo worked at each end, keeping tho shifts working about 2 1 houra per day. In tills wny It Ih figured that it will be driven nt too rate of nt least eight feet a duy on ench end, or n total of 1(1 feet, At thin rate It would tako about aoo duya or n little over ten months to com. ploto the tunnel, Some have est! uinted It would tnko n year and n hnlf or two years to drive tho tun nel, which will be a little ovor lfiOO feet long, but Porter Brim, aro uot- figuring on anywhere nenr uch n long time to drive It. "Tho Coponhngen eunipH nro tho best rnllrond camps I have ovor been In," remarked n .Muishffold man who has Just visited thero. "Ihoy keep them clean mid ordor iy nnd I do not know of a hotel Hint sots u tnblo uuywhero nenr us good ns their camp table. Thoro lias been no sickness nnd no serious accidents. The weather has hand icnpped them, but with fairly good weather, they are making it fluo for tho men." Otto Copenhagen Is expoclod hero soon. No further news has beon re ceived relative to the work north of the Umpqun, It is snld thnt- Pnrtor Bros, nro figuring on utilizing the lakes ami streams south of the Slusluw as a menus of transportation for tho camps to bo put thoro this summer. Thero Is a chain of lakes and by n little work It Is figured that chan nels nnd landings can be fixed to nccommodato pretty good-sized lauuchos and scows. Dixon ut Eugene. No doflnlto word has boon received yet ns to when actual construction will begin. .Superintendent Dixon loft North nend Monday for Eugene to confor with olllclnls of tho Jlac Arthur Porks Company, .Mossrs. Hitchcock and Tinkler, about tho work horo nnd to mnko nrrntiBomontH for bringing In tho mnchlnory. No word hns beon received from hint slnro ho left. NEW COXORI'SS LEADERS. of Kern "!' Indluiiu mid Palmer Indiana Heads Detuucruts. Illy Auto Idtttvl li, tt 'o luo, ltt 1 n WASHINGTON. March fi i: reseutatlve A. Mitchell Pann- i ' Pennsylvania will be the chairman of the Domo'i-'tli bin'i suet oodlng Burleson, wl o U I' master Oeneral. Clark has u position as Democratic eniul li for speaker of the House. In the Senate caucus of Demo crats, Kern of Indiana was umui Imously chosen leader of i ' branch. COrXTKV SHORTS nt HMNE