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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1913)
3KESCuju2M: m THE WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR MAY BE HARD IT IS SELDOM LONESOME (Hum twT A11TICI.KH Mmm HKksI NOW IS VOnt TIME. A sinnll nil In The Times until column limy bring you results Tin mediately. Try one. MiHHBMHHHni .i..,.m,Ii TIiiich mint l)(.,tfojmill - - llu'in! t'- tlietul ""'' MEMBER OP TIIK ASSOCIATED IRE8 .. . -,.lll..1 Itl 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1913 EVENING EDITION. lull . XXXVI. olio Const Mull. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 194 jjjfED STATES TROOPS KILL FOUR MEXICANS IN BATTLE Lnish Between Regulars W ., Milne from Occurs nvi- ",,M" " Douglas, Arizona. ACH SIDE CLAIMS I ijlrltno j'"uw weans Arrested Ma ero Messenger am uuau lll-Fcelmfl. ITALY JOINS IN ACTIVITY MILITARY RULE BEGINS IN MEXICO KI, IMSO SHOOTING I . ..minimi Press.) BL. -";- Unrrli 3. I Tbe Mexican soldiers jiatrol- , It inoi over nit .v..... -" .'..I- ,.1nv TllO lUltotH .'. miiM Pn8t of hero. No mice jl one a Injured. .. ...! tw.. m i ,,oh lur TlmM.l -. . .r. i.l. Mnreli .1. FOIIf UOLUIiAS, (III. - hi Mexican soldiers nnd nn mi- '" i... .. u-nllllilnil won) UOtn nuniuvi "i "" - ilea to Aruo I'rluln today from n " .. i..i,.((rtl lilttlltl oli on tno mieniu'i""'" i miles from here where two " .. .1.. VI..H. I' Hi II tun loop oi lu """ "v , :,, inlrr foufilit a ItO-nilniito bnttlo itts -toe .Mexican ri'muuin j .- il... .mini ulifilu wiirn :, .iioro uiiui i ni.wio - "stl br the Aniorlfiui troops mid t i eitlniatctl Hint fully ns ninny :ore ero nrni ' " " we of the AniorltiuiM wero lilt. Mtier Ue croscd tho Interim- :stai line. Colonel (hillfpyle. rominondlng ii Ninth cavalry, has sent u dr illed report of tliu skirmish to tlio nir department nt Washington. General OJeda. tlio Mexltnn coin- . .. i ...... ii. i.. i.. . it in !. ni ... .v. i i .... it t ri.., M' III IB AllU'rilillin IIH'U mm. linn i denied by tlio I'nlted States of- an. Ill It'CIIIIK n riiKUluiuiiMi ilnrdar afternoon when tlio aiii- frlciot arretted Juan Castillo, ub .. ...i... . ,1... t in kjiiik iu il utin uiiui iiiu tcirlran tldo to Agud l'rlctn with illltiia fVntn tltn tnmlilH it 4 i L'ifliM InniA In fst iitrtmj Hwvtv jyutM in tyuiliirt ItCCOUT IS DI'.MIvl). Iwirtn Anllmrilles Deny Killing 0 10U .Mllllcio .NoKllH'h. (If AmltlM I'm, o Coot lUr IIium.I MEXICO Cltv. .'! Tlinrn no truth to tlio nceoiintB iiuliilHli- mine united HintOH of tlio liill l Saturday by federnln of 100 :tlaoj irregular troop, who Mill under tno Into I'roHldcut aiiro. )lademi Uiim ('nlin. IB; Au 1,1,4 prtM i0 cMt lu Tim, l RlVAN'A. Mnrfll. ! 111 .,......- (--- V M. 1 lltJIII- '"of the Madero family now In r ! tail nir ;pv VOI'K tO- F-orrox tuoiiiu: i. .iti.o... la Triwiwr Itepoite.! to i iutf ' or,Ge,lcri,, w.oaa L,!,lof i ntanf n "".V noun. iW WI"K f four Moxl L. Ninth rd o n. ' . m,,K lln,, "ee laJfiJ?6 affalr wrly today. tbi : if i rnu;a tliolr con- oi.;,lf Amerlrdn troonora CJft"Wei. U wb In Gets Busy With War Prepa rations Liko Rest of Eu ropean Powers. tnr AmwUIkI IT(m to Coon lly Tlinrn,) OI3NKVA, SwIUorlmid, March II. Tlio Itnllnn Kovornnionf lias Join ed tlio icHt of tlio Kuropcnn rontl ncntnl iiuwith In uuikliiK nillltnry liroimrutloiiH. It Iiiib InereiiHiMl tlio Itnllnn KnrrlsonB nloriK tlio SwIbh frontier nml nillltnry t'tmlnooiH nrc oiiKitKed In liulldliiK now fortn com intuulInK tlio iniHBi'H from the mouth of tlio Slmplon tunnol townrd the Unfit. ClmmlieiB for iiiIiich hnvo lieon uxenvntud nt tho Itnllnn on tnituo to tho Krent tnnnolB. WMIM'EWAN PASSES AWAY 1ST mi 1KAG0 m" f San An- " "W Robbed or Victim of Fall. p.-ut Tim in r. r. 1Et,3 M."reh a.-fiinL S?, either ? ,f M1.000, 3l real Sl " 8' wfo ' " "taiin J" estate iipnio,. ... o... St.oM,rs' Ml- i. "S C'thM."!111. revived Wi. "om a pi,i UB,t uvawji i.S. .d naB. !K Bt- ll ad the, "1'i'Hl aooo C'l her i,ni 1 vanaton . The hCr pocket book wn t-toir- t or Btolen is Pioneer of Coos County Suc cumbs to Attack of Heart Failure. William Walker McEwnn. nn old resident of Coo county, dlud yea tordny uioruliiR nt tho home of Ills Htop Hon, J. M. Koiilkcd, on North becond Htreot, of henrt trouble af ter n two yenrfl' IHiiphb. Ho wns formerly employed nt tlio Ubby initio mid Inter wnw eiiKnucd In the liquor biiHlnoBH In MnrHhrield, hut for Bovornl yoaru hnd been connect ed with vnrloiiB work. Ho was one of 'tho cluulur nioiiiliora of .:.t.o i.odKo. KnlKlitB of I'ythliiB. Sir. McEwnn wnB horn In Glns kow, Scotland, aoont 08 yenrs nKo, and en mo to Coon Hay In 1871. Ho first oitRiiKcd In mlnliiK. About -'. yonrn nt;o ho married Mrs. FoiiIUoh, Ono Bon, Win. McEwnn, of C'oiiulllo, wiib born to them. Ilo.sldoH tl Ib Hon mid his wlfo, ho Ib survived by fiovornl Htopuhlldren who nro .John -M. Foulkes of Mnrsliilold, Mfs. .1, C. McCullocli of Ton .Mllo mid tho SIIbkcb. AiiiiIo nml MnrKlu Foulkea of Seattle. Tho funornl will ho hold Tuosdny nftoriioon at li o'clock from Wil son's ehnpol, the llov. It. E. Ilrown liiff olIlclntliiK. The boivIcok will bo undor tho North Houd Odd Follawn mid Mnrnliflohl KnlRhtH of Pythian. SlKiicd K. I. Clmi'tcr. OwIiik to tl'.o quostlon being mis- od ns to tlio dinner nioniiieiHiiip of Myrtlo Lodge. K. of P., F. P. Norton thla niariilut; looked ti the chnrtor. Myrtle Lodgo, No. 3. wns orgnnized Soptenibor 23, 1875, but was maintained under n dispensa tion until Nov. 10. 1SS1. when tho chnrtor was grnntod. It Ib tlio old est K. of P. lodgo In Oregon. Tho inombors' nainea that np poared on tho charter nro C. H. (olden, pnst grand chnncollor; Thomas Hirst, past chancellor: W. O. ChrlBtenson, past chancellor; Captain A. Mntsan, chnncollor com mmidor; C. W. Fletcher, vlco olitin collor; T. Q. Owens. P. L; J. W. nonnett, K, of It. and S.; A. Io breo, M. of P.; G. II. Springer, M. nt A.; Wm, McEwan, I. G mid Cnptnln J. Ernest, O. G. Huerta Regime Will Start With Iron Hand Soon Zapata Band Kills Sixty Troopers. tllr Awn hirl lriFH In fool Ily Tlmn.l MEXICO CITY, March 3. Tho flrlu and energetic military rule promised by tho nuw Mexican gov ernment under Provisional Presi dent lluortn, probably will ho In migurnted thin week. Huerta Iiiib hnd eight ilnys conference with vnrloiis chiefs or their commlBBlou iTS. Tho govorniiient now Ib dls poecd to consider mh Irreconcilable nil those rebels who continue to dolny Indefinite recognition of the new order of things. Tho program of pnclflcatlon It Ib expected will ho put to Home sovcro tcstB. A hmid of ndherenlB of Znpatn fired on n federal troop train run ning from tlio enpitnl to Cuernnvn en yesterday nnd nlxty soldlerB woro killed or wounded. Similar bands of Xnpntlstns continuo to commit rnldB in the federal district Itself nnd In the stntc of Morelos, Indi cating that tho mountaineer rebels nre determined to keep up gucr llln warfare despite tho negotiations between the government nnd bro thers of Znpatn S s s C. A. Smith Thinks the New Administration Coming In Tomorrow Will Not Disturb the Commercial Situation. "Tlio general business conditions of the country are Hplendld," ro mnrked Mr. C. A. Smith, In his otllco In response to n question ns to the present outlook. Continu ing, ho Bald, 'VThore In not a sin gle feature of the situation to cuiise npprohousloii. "Ordlnnrlly audi nn Importiuit mid radical change in administra tion as the Incoming of tho Demo crats would mean almost n panic. The possibility of radical changes In the tnrlff would cnuso apprehen sion among business men, This time there is apparently no fenr of this clinriiRter any whore. All over the country there Is the most op- T T IS lluj-H Iliislncns E. II. Cnnipboll hns bought tho Gnzoot prlntery from C. S. Dodgo nnd will conduct It ulono. Mr. Dodgo nnd family ex pect to loavo soon for California to locate. NotlihiK New Nothing new has developed In the KInney-Wllsoy doal. J. M. Eddy was here to day and snld that .Mr. Wilsoy wns in San Francisco, bur that tho deal was going nil right. Win-unit Out Justice Pennock hns Issued a warrant for Frank Ward, now at Dandon, ' charging him with soiling a gun bought on contract from tho Cyclery before ho had paid for It. Wed Here Harry Ingebrichtsen and Pearl Helms wero married by Justlco Penock tho other night nnd hnvo gono to Portland on their honeymoon trip. Tho groom is omployed nt tho Cyclery nnd the brldo Ib n Bister of Mrs. Stico who conducts the Lnttln .Hotel on South Second street. PIltST DISPLAY' SPHIVO II TS In tho Beason's most stylish cro ntlona will bo shown Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday at tho Clark Millinery, Broadway and Contral. Ladles of tho city are mviieu io English Interests Alleged to Be Trying to Dominate American Trade. (Mr Aiaoi Iflol Prm Io Coo lujr Time ) TlM.'VTftV Mifoti :t Tlio Si- culled thread trust wiib attacked by tho federal government In a civil nutl-trust biiU filed today seoklng u dissolution or tho alleged nttempt ed monopoly by tho "CnatoB Inter ..utu" ,r flr.Mit llrllnln (if tlio thread trndo of tho United Stntcs. Includ ing Hint- or tho-Ainorlcnn Tiirciui Company Itself, a cousolldntlon of II companies. Tim r-nnrt In iiiilfoil to order n dlslutegrntloii of nil tho combina tions In this country controlled ny tho Cnntos Into such milts ub will rostoro competitive methods. It necessary to neeonipiisn hub resuii tho court is uaiioa to npponu a recelvor for tho properties. COAL TAK TltUST. (11 Awoi lll I'rrr lo Coot liar Tlmc ) NEW YOniC, Mnrch 3. A dlso Intlnii nf tlio Rn.enlled "Conl Tar Trust," la nsked by tho government In a civil autt Hied in tno united Stntes district court hero today, un der tho Sherman nntl-trust law. PORTERS GET BUSYON LINE Make Arrangements at Eugene to Hasten Construction of Coos Bay Line. EUGENE, March 3. Tho Guard says; Johnson P. Porter, It. D. Porter and Arthur Porter came up from Portland to mnko arrnngo monts with tho local otllco of Por ter Pros, to handlo men and sup plies for construction work on the Willamette Pacific beyond tho Notl tunnol. Johnson P. nnd R. n. Por ter returned to Portland and Ar thur Porter nnd W. D. Kolr wont to Albany to make nrrangoments for horso feed. Work will soon bo pushed on their contract, nnd tho men nnd material are being assembled. Work on tho tunnels and on a part of tha right of way lias novor ceased during tho win ter. Tho approaches to tho long tunnol at Gardiner have been fin ished nnd construction of the tun nel, which is 4 COO feet long, will bogln Immediately. Tho small 450 foot tunnel near the Junction of tho Wildcat and the Sluslnw, Is ivoli nudor way nnd 350 feet of It Is practically finished. Twohy Uros. sent z& men irom hero to work on tho Notl tunnel on tho Willamette Pacific. They will tnko tho places of those who quit work when a man was Killed and' two others Injured In the cave- tlmlstlc feeling nnd It seems to bo bnsed on nctunl business condi tions. "This sentiment Is evidently caused by confidence Hint tho Dem ocrats nro equnlly Interested with Itepphllcans In tho continued pros perity of the country and that tho now administration will do nothing to disturb Hint prosperity. "Recently there hns been nn In creiiBO In Interest rates In New York, but I think It rofloctn '.'enr of poBslhlo European complications In tho nnlknn-Turklsh war rather than any domestic conditions. "Locally tho situation Is much the smile. Thero should be also a feeling of harmony and united ac tion among Coos Hay business men to foster nnd promote those condi tions Hint contribute to continued prosperity." Air. Smith expects to leave on tha Adeline Smith for Oakland. DOCTORS KEEP E HELD UP Insist Dr. Friedmann Obtain License Before He Can I . Practice Here. (Or mo IllrJ I'rrit to Coot llr TIiiim NEW YORK, Mnrch 3. Instead of opening offices hero today as he hnd planned. Dr. E. P. Friedmann, tho young German physician, has decided to test' his tuberculosis euro boforo tho Now I'orlt County Med ical Society befnro ho nttompts the treatment of patients. Olllceis or tho society Informed him that If would bo nccessnry to obtnln n llconso to practice hero. PRESIDENT-ELECT WILSON AND PARTY REACH CAPITAL TODAY 6RYAN STILL IN THE GAME Denies That He Is Opposing McAdoo for Secretary of The Treasury. (Ilf Auotlitnl I'roi to Coon llr Time. 1 WASHINGTON, March 3. W. J. Hrynn arrived In WnBhlngton to day and wan escorted by a recep tion committee to tho presidential suito in a down town hotel. Ury nn evaded questions as to his re ported nppolutmont ns secretary or stntc. The Aobrnsknu denied tho published report that ho was hold ing up the announcement or tho cabinet olllcera through protest against the naming or William G. McAdoo or New York ns secretnry or tho treasury. Throughout the morning Urynn recolvcd friends if n (I political allies Informally. Tho Ncbrnskmi snld ho hnd no plans for any formal conference. LANESECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR Everything Ready for Inaugu ration of New President Tomorrow. PRINCETON SENDS BIG DELEGATION WITH HIM Farewell Tendered by Home Town Just Prior to Depar ture of Train. , I I'Allt WEATHER. J ! WASHINGTON, March 3. "Fnlr Tuesday morning, pro- i bnbly followed by unsettled i weather Tuesday afternoon or i night," wns tho olllclnl weather I biirenu foreenst Tor Innugura- . tloit day, Issued enrly today. I PARTY IX WASHINGTON. T - (ily 'Associated Press.) j WASHINGTON' Mnrob :i I President-elect V lsou mid his I party arrived nt 3.10 this nf- tornoon, niAXGE in "Homo Rule" Churchill' Cousin I Will lie Lord Lieutenant. 1 llljr Ahoi IflM rimi to Cool Ilajr TlmM ) I LONDON, Mnrch 3. Tho Earl of Aberdeen has decided to resign ns I Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, which ho hns held since 1905, according to the Globo today. Ho probably .will be succeeded by Union Ashby Stlodgers, a cousin or Winston .Spencer Churchill. W E STARTS TODAY Engineer C. R. Broughton Be gins Preliminaries Dix on Rushing Clearing. C. R. Broughton, tho Southern Pacific bridge engineer, who Ib to have aupervlalon of tho construc tion of the Southern Pacific bridge across Coos Bay, arrived here Sat urday night with a crew of six men and has started the prelimin ary work. Today ho Ib taking the necessary soundings nnd ascertain ing what they will havo to do to securo the foundation for the piers. Tho bridge work will ho rushed from now on. Whllo the general plans have been made, somo chango may bo necessary If tho soundings and tests made necossltato It. Mr. Broughton was accompanied by P. J. Jackson, E. L. Sparks, Julian Gosliner, It. M. Stambro, Wm. Blake and Poter DeCoto. ' Contractor Dixon of tho MacAr-thur-Porks Company yesterday morning started a crow of men clearing the right of way through Simpson Pnrk. preliminary to tho starting of construction work. Ho hopes to have tho construction oqulpmont hero so that ho can start tho latter as soon as the clearing Is done. Engineer Wheoler la still work ing on right of way and surveys California Man to Retire From Interstate Commerce Com mission for Place. . in Auoiltie.1 I'rrtu lo Cooi Ilijt TlmM.) WASHINGTON, Mnrch 3 Frank lin K. Lnuo, chairman of tho In terstate Commerce Commission, has accepted the post of Secretary or tlio interior in Wilson's cabliief. Lnno hlmsoir will not comment hut friends in Congress mako a I positive statement Hint ho hns ac cepted. Lane Ib now serving Ills second torm as a member of tho Inter state Commerce Commission. Prior to his designation to tho commis sion, he was Democratic leader In California and a Democratic candi date for govornor. Subsequently ho viib tho Democratic caucus ciiu dldnto for Uultod .Mates senator. (Ily Amo. late! I'rwi lo Com llr TlmM 1 PRINCETON. N. .!., March 3. Stiidonta or Princeton mid tho townspeople Joined today In glvlnn Woodrow Wilson n farewell dem onstration. Five hundred BtudentH went with him on n special train to Washington. The lost of tho students mid many residents loft on other trains throughout tl-o dny. Wilson's train left hero nt 11 o'clock. It will Htop at Wost Phll ndelphln, whom Mrs. Anna E. Ilowo, a sister of WIIhoii, Joins hor brother's party, Tho pre' 'nnthvl party will arrive In Washington it 3:15 p. m. With the President-elect nre Mrs. Wilson, tholr threo daughters, tho Misses Margaret, Jessie mid Eleanor mid an escort of 500 Princeton BtudentH. WELCOME TO WASHINGTON. REST OK CABINET. Secretnry of Agriculture Only Plnco Not Killed Yet. njr AmoiIhIk I'rfU to Cool lUjr Time. WILMINGTON. Do!., March 3. (Aboard Wllsou's special train) Vlco Chnncollor Lludloy M. Garri son of Now Jorsoy ror Seorotnry or War mid Franklin K. for Secretary or the Interior. Is tho cablnot slnto upon unquostionnhlo authority. Tho sumo sourco gavo tho romalndor or the cablnot ns follows: Secretary of State William J". Bryan of Nohraakn. Secretary of tho Treasury Wll llnm G. McAdoo of Now York. Attorney General Jnnioa Mc Iloynolds of Tennessee Secrotnry of Cominerco William C. Redflold of Now York. Secretnry of tho Nnvy Josophus Dnnlols of North Carolina. Secretary of Lnbor :Wllllnm B. Wilson of Pennsylvania. Postmaster General Albert Bur leson of Texas. Secretnry of Agriculture Is not filled. LEAVE TODAY ON A NCE Steamer Sails This Morning for Portland - Arrived Sunday From Eureka. The Alliance arrived In early yes terday morning from Eureka nnd sailed this morning from Portland. She had a large through list and n good cargo of through freight In addition to tho Coos Hay business. Among those arriving from Eu roka on the Alllanco woro: J. A. Wang. P. Gouthlor, Mrs. F. Gouthlor, Grover Gouthlor, G. Van Eolde, II. Doyor, R. M. Layton, P. D. Layton nnd P. Hollistor. Among those sailing for Port land on the Alllanco wore J. Quick. Geo Glffler, C L Adams. Win P Smith Tho SKATING RINK will bo CLOSED to the public until runner Reception Planned for Presidential Party Tart's Welcome. tllr AitOfltlM I'rifi to Coo lltjf Tlinn WASHINGTON, March. 3.--President-elect Wllson'H party will bo mot nt tho depot, where a brief reception will bo held mid thouco driven without military escort to tholr fiotol. At (1 o'clock Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson will bo escorted by Colonol Sponcor S. Cosby, Tnft'H nlde, to the White House, whoro President nnd Mrs. Tnft will greet tho Wilsons In the hluo room. TAMMANY IS GOING. Will Participate In Parade for Flint Time In 21 Years. tnr Amo.UI4 l'n lo Com lUr TIMM NEW YORK. Murch 1. High lints of uncertain ago mid frock coats and gray glovos worp conspic uous In mid about tho Pennsylvania mid Bnltlmoro mid Ohio tormlunls todny. Tammany, 2,500 strong, was lonvlng for Washington to march In tho Inaugural parade for the first tlmo In twenty yonrs. LAST DAY OF TAFT IS BUSY Retiring President Gets Ready for Successor Holds Up Labor Bill. (Ily AuorltlM I'rf.n lo Coot pay Tlmif WASHINGTON, March 3. Presi dent Taft hold an "openhouso" to day and with his characteristic smllo greeted political rrlonds nnd foes. Ho remained at hla desk until 3 o'clock this morning clearing up Im portant business but was up early to rccolvo callors. Ho bado good byo to department heads mid assis tant socrcoturles mid many employes about the capital, Tlio president signed tho conimtsloua of 3C0 per sona whoso nominations woro con firmed by tho sonnto, wroto his auto graph on sovoral hundred pictures of hlmsolf nnd signed scores or Im portant lottors. Opposes Labor Bureau. Govornor Sulzor ol Now York wqb ono of tho first callers on Tart to day. Tho govornor had beon Invited to see tho prosldout sign tho bill creating tho Department of Lnbor Samuol Gompors, prosldout or tho Amorlcnn Pedoratlon or Labor, was with Governor Sulzor, hut the presi dent did not sign tho bill, although Sulzor mado u short argument In Its behalf, it is understood that Taft will not veto tho bill, but If ho llnally decided ho does not wish to npproo it, ho mny rofuso hla signature nnd