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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1913-EVEMIWG EDITION -Beater Clothing LIa i READ! 'id '.fl Hearing of our big closing out sale of our merchandise department, Mr L, W, Plans, a local clothier, who is leaving Marshfield, came to us with a proposition to close out his entire stock of clothing and pants. He made us such a low price we bought it for nearly nothing and will close it out at once with the rest of our stock of men's and boys' furnishings, hats and shoes, A CLOSING OUT SALE THAT WILL LONG BE REMEMBERED IN MARSHEIELD. DON'T WAIT, MAN, ACT AT ONCE AND SAVE MONEY $12.50 Suits $5.85 Here are suits that make good service able suits for hard, every day wear. This is a tremendous bargain, and while they last, $5.85 $15.00 to $16.50 Suits and Overcoats $7.35 Men should not miss these beautiful suits and coats. Can be bought for such low prices. Browns, grays, and mix tures will be sacrificed while they last, $7.35 $20.00 to $25.00Suits and Overcoats $11.65 David Adlcr's Collegian Clothes are the world's best. L. W. Planz made a big sacrifice when he sold these suits to us. Just think, hand tailored clothes, while they last, $11.65 200 Pair of Trousers At 50c on the Dollar Hurry men! These splendid pants will go fast. Mice selection of patterns. Get busy while they last for: $2.00 Pants go for 95c $2.50 Pants go for $1.45 $3.00 Pants go for $1.85 $3.50 Pants go for $2.20 $4.00 Pants go for $2.80 Sec Our Big Double Pags Ad. Turn in at Our Sign Central Ave. THE BAZAR See Our Double Page Ad. Turn in at Big Sign Central Ave. COOS BAY TMES M. O. MALONKY Kdltor nml Pub. nXN K. MALONKY News Kdltor Official I'mxT ot Coon County. OFFICIAL PAPKIt OF 'I'lIK CITY of mailshfiklp. AX ABSURD fll'KST. old ritiK.vns mkkt. DR. LOUIS 1). HDVARTS. r fur red to 1" Washington iIIm pntchoH ih it ( i or limn scien tist, la entitled to wholusomo sym pathy nnd ii cordial word of good chour If his estimate of tho fu tnro young American Ih correctly outliniMl. "Your futuro yiimiK man." said ho, "will bo llko lotH of tho bou JovnrdlorB of Purls anil Uorllu of today. Many of our rich young won upend lioiirw propnrlng thorn solves for tho street each morning. Thoy go through endless hntliltigs and munlcurlngs. Ah ii result thoy aro a sot of piunperod cynics. Many of thorn aro what you call hero mollycoddles." 1 rogrot tn Imng Ino tho futuro American youth of tho city. Ho will probably ho of alight frame, woar n monocle, car ry a short, dollctito walking click. Ho will bo up 'till early hours of morning. Tho Into afternoon will bo hla rising hour. This Ih tho sort of man who comes before the fall of natloiiB." Horr Kdvnrts Ih as amusing u tho other men or foreign training who undortnko to understand Am erica after a wook'H visit. Never tholcBH, a guest who suffers from dyspeptic posslnilHiu to tho extent Indicated by thw Interview Is en titled to sympathetic enlightenment whatever our judgment of him may bo. Tho man who will count In this country Is tho man who does things. Kvory nation has Its mol lycoddles, nlwayH has hud them. In this country thoy do not count; In Berlin nnd Paris they may. Dr. ('. V. Toner Visits Willi llui-viu-d Classmate at Monrovia. Tho following from tho Monrovia Dally Nows will ho of Interest to ninny on Coos liny: "A fow weeks ago Dr. Towor ar rived hero from Coos Ray, Ore., sooklng tho siinshlno and wnrmth of southern California. K. C. Perkins, u lawyer of Iloston, sojourning In Phoenix a classmate at Harvard learning of this, ciuuo to this town. These old frlonds then arranged for the coming of tho third. And Dr. Jay Tiittlc, A. A surgeon, U. S., P. H. S.. from Astoria arrived yestorday. It Is llfty-ono years since these throe friends woro all together. In tho year 18(52 they woro preparing for Har vard College ut Kxoter, N. H. "Thoro has been n gront talkfest going on In a certain room at 'I. even Oaks." CALL ELECTION ' 0 MARCH 18. i i (Continued from Pago Ono. ilt.('i: HOLLAR NAILS .NORTH. I.ONO RKACH, Cal March 3. Tho Oraco Dollar, on her maiden voyage, loft Long Reach for Co qulllo River. Tho captain of tho now vessol Is .1. ,1, Fosen, an ox porlouced mariner. None of tho Dollar fnmlly mndo tho trip north In tho boat, as had been oxpected. Tho Oraco Dollnr was built by the Craig Shipbuilding Company for tho Dollnr Steamship Hue and wns launched several days ago. Hbo is 22. feet long and has n lumber carrying rapacity of 1, 2S0.00O feet. Sho will ply up and down tho Pacific coast. I AT TIIU IIOTKLS. GOLD HKAfH ROOM. Tho town of Oold Reach', which has been enjoying a healthy growth for tho past three or four years. Is continuing to grow. A hardware and drug store aro among tho lat est nddltlons to tho business houses of tho town, which ulso boasts of two merchandise stores, two first class hotols, ouo bank, two soft drink establishments, and other business enterprises, as well as a number of now and up to date dwellings. With tho opening of Roguo rlvor, Hold Reach will en joy still further piosporlty. Poll Orford Tribune. MUST DISPLAV Kl'ltlXC HATS in Mm houboii'h most stylish cre ations will bo shown Thursday, Friday and Saturday ut tho Clark Millinery, Broadway and Central, i-miliis of tho city are Invited to Inspect this display. ItYK GRASS SKKB at IIA1XKS. COOS Henry Lancaster, Aber deen, Wash. Blanco C. Nelson, Allegany; Roy Wnlto, Randon. LLOYD .1. L. Bradford, K, Har rington nnd wire, K. H. Bustow nnd wife. Frank T. Sosley and wife, Portland; Honry Stnndloy. Gardi ner; James Kolso. Shorwood; Honry Jones, S. II. Russoll, W. Anderson, Seattle; O. Larson, Spokane; Hon ry Longstiiff. Seattle; C. B. Mur nid, Kden Valley, Minn.; L. A. Bonch, South Inlor. CHANDLKR Oeorgo Hnnsen, of Oakland, Cnl.; T. H. Humphrey, S. C. Whlto. Portland; W. C. Soll mor, Biindnn; Karl F. W. Koch, Chicago; J, L. Anson, CoqulUo: A. Durham and wife, Bnudon. ' WVWVSWWN.. said that thoy could refuse to rat ify tho transfer nnd thus block It. There wiib talk nbout cnlllng tho speclnl election for Mondny, March 17, St. Patrick's day, but Council man Albrccht said thnt would not bo fair to tho women because Mon dny Ib "wash day" and thoy could not get out to the polls. Finally Councilman Copplo mndo n motion 'calling tho election for March IS, from S a. m. to 7 p. in., and pro viding for two questions to bo sub mitted. Ouo question will bo. "Shall tho Terminal Railway transfer tho steam line franchlso In Marshfield , with Its present common usor clnuso to tho Southorn Pacific?" Tho other is: "Shall tho South orn Pacific transfer Us franchise with the 'cinch' common UBor clause to tho Southorn Pacific?" Tho wording may bo chnnged by tho special committee, but thnt was tho sense of tho motion. I Who Pays For If." Ill Its original request for tho 'election the Terminal Railway offer ed to defray tho oxpense of It. Howovor. the election is not called exactly for tho purposo thoy wish ed nnd City Attorney Goss said thoy might not mnko good. Coun cilman Korguson said that If they I didn't tho city could pny for It. ! Mayor Straw wanted to know what good tho olectlon would do. Councilman Uon snld It would re lievo tho council of responsibility nnd Councilman Ferguson said thnt It would put it up to tho direc tors to mnko good as tho trustees of tho people. J. II. Mllnor. S. B. Cnthcnrt nnd W. P, Murphy woro named ns Judges of tho oloctlon and W. 13. Wilson, Max Tlniniormnn nnd Alva , Doll as tho clerks of olectlon. Councilman Winkler wanted a wo man appointed a member of tho board, but the others did not fav or tho Idea. Rand Proosltlit. I After the special election had been called, F, 13. Wilson nnked that tho question of tho town hup porting tho baud bo also submitted. Councilman Coppio thought that' It would not bo a good Idou to sub mit tho band matter as It might confuse tho railroad and ht.nd Ih- i Hues with tho voters. He said tho baud was provided for now for this year mid that tho matter could be submitted this fall nnd mndo bind ing Instead of advisory. Councilman Ferguson thought It would bo n good tlmo to submit the bund question nlso as It would , uring outn mggor vote. It wns finally agreed to place It on the ballot nlso. CI.OVRR RKKR at 1IAIXKS. MHMYKKK special OAXDV SAI.K. TAFFY 15c. Two kinds of peanuts 20c. LKW1S' COXFKCTIOXAHY. Clll'RCH MKlVriXGS. Tho Swedish Luthornn Ladles' Aid soeloty will meet Wednesday nftor noon at 2:30 at tho church hall. Lonton sorvlces will bo held at tho Swedish Luthornn Church. Tho Swedish Luthornn Church council will meet Thursday evening ufter sorvlces. Stafford's Canndy H tt&e Best I ALOXG TIIK WATKRFROXT Tho Nairn Smith arrived In ut 6 o'clock this morning from San Francisco nftor n good trip. The Tillamook which enmo hero. Sunday on account of tho rough weather. loft today for Randon, Tho Hardy and tnw Abordeon ar rlvod horo today to load lumber, tho Abordeon loading at tho rail road docks from tho Coqulllo mill. Tho I3liznhoth sailed from Ban don today for San Francisco. Mason Noah, who has been at the engine on tho Rainbow for tho past six months, tins resigned and retired to ranch life. Cnpt. Boh Jones, who was com pelled to go to California a few months ago by a sovero attack of rheumatism Is back ns master of tho tut; Robarts, which Is taking a cargo of coal from horo to Flor ence to be used by tho govern-1 motn contractors on tho Jotty and ' harbor work thoro. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. I Men for Railway. A crow of railroad laborers left this morn ing lor the Copenhagen Camp near Gardiner. Leaves Today The Adollno Smith loft today with nbout 1,000.000 feet of lumber. C. A. Smith loft mi' Iter, hut exports to roturn to tho Bay within a fow weeks. Seeks New Location A commlttoo of tho Chamber of Commorco Is out today looking for u now location, It having been practically decided to move from tho present location on nccount of tho high ront. Another commlttoo Ih busy soliciting subscrip tions for tho ensuing year. New Meat Company According to mi authentic report horo, tho Ar mour Ment Company Is arranging to ostnbllsh a branch houso on Coos Bay. It probably will bo through Llbboy, McNoll & Llbboy, which Is now understood to bo controlled by tho Armours. Tho opening of rail load construction hero will monn a big Increnso In tho domnnd for ment and tho Armours want to got In ow It ns woll as to establish a branch supply house hero for this soctlon. Veterans Attend Tho funernl ot Leo Wobstor yesterday was attended by moro monition of tho G. A. R. tlmn has boon asoniblod horo on any occnslon for a long time. Bakor Post niombors present woro: D. W. Small, A. D. Wotcott. 13. W. Schrock. I. S. Kaufman, B. Coleman and R. J. Walrath as honorary pall-boarors, S. Mlllor ns color bearor and S. B Cath cart as commnndor. Two or three others attended tho sorvlcea at tho Marshlleld Presbyterian Church, but woro untihlo' to accompany the n mains to Coos River. Tho funeral was largely attended by the auj friends of tho docoased, many mta bors of tho Hoo Uoo nlbo being prti-eut. I PERSONAL OVERFLOW . - J. D. GOSS will leave the hit of tho week for San Fr.uiclsco. 1). D. PII3RCI3 of tho Coqulll Bill Is In Marshfield on bunlncM. NI3D. KISLLY Is horo from CoaalU today on business. C. R. PI3CK went to Coqull to day on business. J T. CONLOGUB and MISS KATII BRINK CONT.Oai'H ar r from Coqutlle. T. W. LANGDON and vffe J111 movo from Bunker Hill to South Broadway. Ceo. RoorM has purchased tho Honker lim pluco occupied by tho Undo AN KFIDEMIO OF COUGHING- Is Bweeptng over tho town and WW and old aro allko affected. FoW Honey & Tar Compound Is H" safe reliable family d,cTIeM , coughs and colds. A. S. Jones. Leo Pharmacy, Chlco. Calif., "Foley's Honey nnd Tnr CompoM has no equal, and I recommend It containing no narcotics or oidw harmful properties." For sale w Lcckhart & Parsons, The Busy cor r or. MIR-WKKK speclnl OANDY SALK. I TAFFY 13c. Two kinds of peanuts 20c. LKW1S' CONFECTIONARY. The Power of the Nickel The Might of the Dime Don't hollttlo the nickels nnd dimes. Remember, that nickels nnd dimes built tho largest nnd tallest building In tho world (hon ors duo F. W. Woolworth, Now Yoik City, originator of tho 5 nnd 10c business. Mako your nickels and dimes save you dol lars by getting next to our vnlues. "Always Something New" Peoples' 5-1 0-1 5c Store O'COXXKLL RUILD1XG. If you aro troubled with the blues, visit THE ROYAL TONIGHT We have a sure cure for therrii a musical farce, in "GAY PAR.EE" BY THE BIG FOUR COMEDY CO. Last night proved a big hit and tonight another screamer for you, ALSO. DR. GAR EL HAMMA, a three reel feature, and THE CONTEST, a newspaperman's romance The best show in the county for the money. tint miss tnntaht'o fun Balcony 10c Do Lower floor 20c uv if IttLfi