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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 10 SOCIAL CALENDAR Men's Shoes WEDNESDAY Lndlcs Aid Society of tho Metho dist Church nt tho Methodist parsonage. S I BUG I MSB bote arp (enelratinc aini Iilhetaisllcf tlio back a sure Lltrttan M f1iinrr1rM Iflrlnrvs Thcc luHeiings nro oltcn Lome dace and tlio endurance of the- fo:f a oft tiicd t j t!ia utmost. MWrgWTU KIDNEY PILLS I: remedy for these excruciating i, end rebel is sure, quick and rat We sell these under a Guarantee Decent or refund your money. s o ft oeit box, price, 50c. lockhart-Parsons Drag Company The Rexall Store "Hie Busy Corner" Rae JWa 208 Ut 'ill Furnish Your P on the bailment Plan .K.Wi 8,1 North Front Rt. PUt6-X:ne8.phonotRR Star Trancfa 1(1 Storage Co. Dim .. . lV4lttd ' jeoeetall trains Umii w 'V?,6 tho latest P oiL0 Mover. We IHeisn ker. P .,... "'- p. Sm, assi'H. 1JB-T fc" w "M-I. 'MONTGOMERY "weandlnc,,,,- -i rmZri "Hunkidori" Chippewa High Tops Woolen Mill Store A ten's Outfitters. r WANT ADS. KOIt SALK (i'imiiI (ml; riuniliiif nt tlio price of Junk, by tho pier or all. It. It. Cnmoron, KnstBhie. WAXTKD Washwoman lo do wink nt house. A. Jr. M Times olllco. WAXTKD Girl at Chandler Cigar Stand. Easy liouiu WANTED To liny Is-uiso iiihI lot In Slarahfleld, not tn cost over I200H. Address I, euro Times olllcu. Slliiiieaolls Properly Wanted. WANTED Tit exchange my well Improvud and finely located prop. orty on Knstnldo for .Minneapolis property. A Kod opportunity I for anyone to make a good deal. Call and hco mu at Kustslde. W. L. La Pnlmo. WAXTKD Position as housekeeper. References exchanged. Club pre fered. Ilox 533, Mnrshfleld. FOUND Parisian Ivory envelope opener. Owner may get snuio at Times oltlco by paying for this notice. KOIt HAM; .Jewel C.ih Stove In good condition. Also heater. Mrs. M, T. Ilrltton, 1!)C N. Second St. I'Olt SALE Booming house, 11! rooms, 190 N. Second St., Mrs. M. T. Ilrltton. LOST Small black leather shot ping bag, with gold trimmings. Howard for return to C. J. Pet erson, Times olllco. I'Olt RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 1C3 South Second street. KOIl KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 237 N. llrondway. WANTED Abstract girl competent to opornto typowrltor. $75 per month to start. Apply Business College. KOIt SAM-: Bicycle, good s new. Soo Clay Church Ited Coss Drug Co. WAXTKD To buy tent, 111 x 1-1 or ixiii, parties Having samo nu dress P. O. Dox 7G7, Marshflold. KOIt SALK lllock, 20 ft. square, It lots; 13 room 'modern house, furnished; barn; wind mill and woll. Locntod southwest of West 'font Is and An-Urson. AH for $10,000. Inquire 1035 Andorson nvonue. 1IOUSKS llUirr On easy terms. Ono-fourth down nnd balanco In monthly installments. Address II. II., Times olllco. KOIt HEXT Ouo room modern houso on South Fifth stroet. Phono 331-n or soo J. C. Doono. WAXTKD Sou Iiik by Mrs. C. Poole, 343 South Iirondway. WAXTKD Purines' to lake charge of office. Small capital required. Dox 55, Times olllco. WANTKD Twelve experienced min ors and tlmbor mon. Apply Denv er Hill Coal Co. KOIt SALE Dry wood". (Ir nnd ul der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Perry landing. Phono lBS-L. KOR ItENT 1 room houso on South 4th Street. Inquire J, E. Edmunds Coos Bay Wiring Company. KOIt SALE Klyo high-class White lyjuiuiouo s ana uuuuo jbiuuu Reds, young roosters, 8 months old, bred from first class stock, In our exclusive Men's Shoe department we are showing the most up-to-date line of Men's Footwear We are sole agents for Selz Royal Blue $3.50 to $5.00 Florsheim Shoes $5.00 to $6.00 for Loggers $3.50 to $5.00 cncli. Thin Is n snap for iiiiyono wnntlng u good rooster. Apply nt Empire Poul try Ranch or PoBtofflco, Kmplro. KOIt SALK Horses, linriu'ss and wagon. Phono D7-J, Coos Hny Stcnm Laundry. Get the Habit! Tlu Hie Store llalilt. It's n money haver. Il's ulv iiii Mr. 1 1 lull Prices. 'i are here lo servo you. "ALWAYS SOMETHING XEW." Peoples'5-1 0-1 5c Store TONIGHT ai TFe Royal TIIH WOl'LD-IIK 1 1 Kill A very In t cresting drama (American.) SKMIXAItY COMPLICATION (Coiiiet.) DKACOX'S SIIOKS HIS COOK LADY Tut. good com dies (Majestic.) XKW VAUDKVILLK TOXKJIIT ADMISSION Any Seat 10c For Rent Store on llrondway, $15 per mouth. 5 unfurnished housekeeping rooms on llrondway, $12 per month. Agonts In Marshflold and North Pond for tho NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO., ono of the oldest and strongest In oxlstouce. IT'S THE BEST NONE BET TER. Correctly written poli cies our specialty. French Realty Co. 315 Vi No. Front St., MnrsMIoId KOIt HIOH-GRADK SI EAT and fan- cy SAUSAGES OK ALL KINDS call up PHONE II II, Tho NORTH BEXD IlKKBIGKRATIXO SIKAT CO., where you can SAVE FIVE PKK CENT by paying cash. WE WILL MAIL YOU J?l for each sot of old Falso Toet sent us. Hlghost prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclou? Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln, Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Phlladelphlss, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will bfiy your Pold Filling, qold Bprap,and Platinum. Hlgu TIPKS KOIt KKBRUAItV. Ilolow In given tho Hmo nnd height of high and low water nt Mnruli field. Tlio tides nro plnced In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino nnd heights on the second lino of cncli day; a compni Ison on consecutive heights will indicate whother it is high or low wntcr. For high water on tho bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. 8.47 -0.8 0.20 9. IS -0.2 10.12 0.3 10.114 0.8 WHAT 1 1 K 1 1 I'O I t KCA ST. By Associated Press OREGON Unln or snow In west, snow Hurries In east por tion tonight nnd Thursday. Colder In east portion. LOCAL TESIPKUATURK RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at (4:43 a. ni., Feb. fi, by IlonJ. 'OHtliud, speclnl government nio toorologlcal observer: .Maximum fi3 .Mlnlmiiin 43 At 4:13 n. m 43 Preclpltntlon nono Precipitation slneo Sept. 1, I 1 ill .l' 7'' Precipitation samo period provlous year 3(1. fiO Wind Southwest, cloudy. Probe llamlon Klre Mr. DoGroff, ropresentlng tho Now Zealand In Hiiraneo Company of Portland, loft this morning for llamlon to Investl gnto tho llro which recently occur red there. Randall Case On Dr. E. Mlngus was called to Conullle this morning to testify In a enso of Randall vs. tlie C. A. Smith Company. It Is expected Hint the Inking of testimony in tho suit will be completed todny. I Paper lo Change Reports from Coqulllo are that Percy Lovnr, formerly of Mnrshlleld, Is figuring on leasing tho Coqulllo Herald from Editor Aekermnn. Mr. Levur this week took bis typesetting machine to Coqulllo for uso there Will Wed. Friends of Miss Son evnh Soronson, a North Bond tele phone operator, nnd Edwnrd Llnd horsr. driver on the Gorst & King lino, hnvo boon npprlsed of their ongngoments, their nuptials to tnko place Homo time in tho summer. Mrs. Bertram Belter. Mrs. F. W. Bertram, who was badly burn ed In tho llro tho other day, Is re ported doing nicely today. Sho surfers considerable pain but tho de velopments havo been favorable. Her little son, Lawrence, Is nlso getting along nicely. Drop Case Tho Coos Coun ty grand Jury, which Investigated tho Burghagen enso nt Coqulllo Inst wook, decided to leavo it for a civil action boforo any criminal procedure Is Instituted. Tho Burghagen enso involves somo Bunker Hill pooplo, tho trouble starting botweon Win, Burghagen and his wife of three weeks. Game Tonight. Tho Marshflold High School and tho Indopondont lmskotball teams will play this ev ening nt tho Tnbernnclo. Friday night tlio Coqulllo High school nnd tho Marshflold high school tonnis will play horo and u gamo botween tho North Bend High' school and Marshflold High school second teams may bo orronged as a pre liminary. Coming to Coos Bay Mr. nnd Mrs. Linn Schniltz, of Storm Lako, Iown, expect to leavo thoro noxt week for Coos Bay to mako their homo horo. Sirs. Smltz will bo uottor remomuer od by many Coos Bny friends as Sllss Nina Haines nnd will bo warmly wel comed on her return. Their coming at this time Is n result of somo of tho effective boosting that Is being dono back In tho mlddlo west by A. T. Haines, who is spreading tho Coos Bay gospol ovorywhoro. To Aid Daughtcs- August Carlson of Ten Mllo nrrlved horo today with his llttlo daughter, wuom no win tnko to Lane hospltnl In Snn Fran cisco on tho Redondo tomorrow, Tho child hns been blind for somo tlmo nnd for n long time was un- nblo to wnlk. On a previous trip tho lattor dlfflculty wns overcome Pickles! Pickles! Sweet Pickles Sour Pickles IIeil Pickles Dill Pickles Spiced Pickles Onion Pickles Slusturd Pickles C. B. Pickles (Plain and mixed) Chow Chow Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Muskey'i Cadle. 5 Mrs.. 3.05 8.15 2.10 vi... i.s 3.0 o.2 o Urn.. :i.;n 2.r.2 Ft... fi.O 2.7 (1.1 7 Mrs.. 1.00 !i.25 11.20 Ft. .. r..i 2.n n.n 8 Mrs.. 1.21 9.59 :i.r.7 Ft... C.II 2.2 r..o !) lira.. 4.10 10.30 4.33 Ft... G.I 2.0 fi.3 THURSDAY A. N. W. Club will moot with Mrs. F. 13. Allen. MInnlo-Wls Club with Mrs. Chns. LaChapelle. C. W. 1J. M. with Mrs. llnrbeo In I tho O'Connell Apartments. Norwegian-Lutheran Young Pco- pie's Society nt tho Church hall. and Mr. CarlBon was ndvlsed by the physician that If lie brought the girl there again, ho thought her sight might be restored nlso. So they will leave for there tomorrow. Ferry Trnlllc Captain Alex Hall of tho Ferry Transit reports the fol lowing frnlllp tlitrlmr flm tnmitli nt January: 538fi passengers, 121 double tennis, 101 single teams, head of stock, 43 autos. The total trnlllc for tho year 1012 was 50.321 posongers, 22C1) slnglo rigs, 132!) double teams, 302 head of stock and 510 autos. Eight Hour Day The Coos Hay Steam Laundry Is now operating on the eight hour day schedule. Messrs. Jones havo had the matter under consideration for some time for it In volved n rearrangement of their en tiro system. They have succeeded In making tho necessary changes and nro now operating under It. PERSONAL NOTES W. N. SIOBLEY of tho Creamery Is In town today. HARRY JARVIS of South Coos Riv er Is In town today. FRED BRl'NNKL of Coos River Is In town on business. JAMES LANDRITH of South Coos River Is In town today. 0. A. BONBRAKE of Robs Inlet Is In town on business. GEOROE HEBRON has returned from n trip to Rosoburg. .MISS LAURA Dl'DAY of Bunkor Hill spent yesterdny In town. MISS ELLA KRICK Is a Slarshllold visitor from South Coos River. SIRS. JAS. LANDRITH of Coos Riv er Is a Sinrilhlleld shopper todny. SIRS. ALEC SIATSON Is spending tho day In town from Catching Inlet. CIIAS. SIAIIAFFY of North Coos River Is In Slarshllold on business. CHAS. ESTERBECK of Catching In let Is In Mnnrtillcld today on busi ness. SIRS. WSl. DJORQUIST of Catching Inlet Is vlsithrg In Slnrshflold to day. MRS. W. T. PAINTER of Slyrtlo Point was a Slarshllold visitor yes terday. SIRS. FRANK HODSON of South Coos Rlvor Is spending tho day In town. MRS. W. B. SMITH of tho Creamory Is spending tho day In town shop- HOWARD COLVER of Catching In let Is spending tho day in Slarsh llold. SIR. nnd MRS. CIIAS. COLVER of Catching Inlet are In town on bus iness. W. II. SSIITH, tho Coos River rancli or, is in Slarshllold todoy on bus!- SIR.eSnnd SIRS. N. E. DAGGETT pf Alegany nro visiting In Slnrshflold todny. HENRY HIGGIN8 enmo to town this morning from IiIb homo on North Coos Rlvor. H. LOCKHART will leavo on tho Redondo tomorow for Snn Fran cisco on business. S. B. CATHCART loft today for n week or ton days' Btay on the uppor Coos Rlvor. OSCAR BAILEY roturnod to Slarsh Hold this morning nftor a visit with frlonds in Sumner. A E. STOSSSIE'STER rot u rued "last evening from a business trip to Coqulllo Valley points. BERT GRAY, who has beon making a business visit to Allegany, re turned to his homo In North Bond today. ... , , i R O. ORAVES is todoy moving his 'otllces from tho First Natlonnl Bank building to room 214, Coko building. JOHN LONGSTAFF como down from Sumnor this morning nnd win spend several dnys in town on business. JAS. McGRAW returned to Lnmpa today to resumo work In tho camp thoro after n short visit with friends hero. SIR. REESE, a lawyer from Port land, arrived overland last even ing and loft for Bandon this morn ing on business. C. A? SMITH loft this morning for Coqulllo and Slyrtlo Point, whoro When you nro cold nnd weury of heart, Down to Stafford's Is tho plnco to start. Wo claim our refreshments tho best In lino, And our hot drinks will suit you flno. With our candles and chocolates sweet, You neodn't bo ashnmod to treat nil you meet. at Stafford's New $5,000 Parochial Resi dence First and Church Later Prist Returns. Hov. Father Munro returned Inst evening from n trip to Portland, where he took up the matter of tho erection of it new parochial residence nnd church with Arch-bishop Chris tie Father Munro was vested with tho authority to proceed with tho grading and moving of tho old church and tho erection of the new $5,000 parochial residence, which work will be begun on at once. Arch-bishop Chrlutlo will bo hero ! '" tlio early spring when plans will be consumatcd for tho largo now church. The property on which tho old ehurch stands Is 130 x 200 tool, nnd the home will bo erected on tho Bouth sldo of tho property, facing Sixth street. Tho old church will bo moved to tho rear of tho lot, which will be on Seventh street, nnd tho new cdlflco will occupy tho plnco where now stands the old houso of worship. Services will continue in the old church nfter tho moving un til tho new St. Monica's Is completed, when It will bo used ns a hall. Rev. Father Munro reports a most satis factory visit, n rough homo trip nnd a glad homo coming. On Inst Sunday ho olllcintcd at SInss nt St. Joseph's Church In Salem. During his nbsenco Father Munro )!jdtcdt!heSmmd gltlos ho will Inspect tho now logging road of tho Smith-Powers Co. SUSS MARY CLARK oxpocts to leave the middle of tlio month for Portland, where sho will pur chase her spring millinery stock, G. II. MEYERS Is moving today from tho James Lnndrlth homo on South Coos Rlvor to his new homo on Elrod avenue, near Tenth st. SIR. HUBBARD of Wnlla Walla ar rived on tho Drain stago last oven lug and left this morning for Ban don, whoro ho will visit , with friends. AMONG TDK SICK. SIrH. Fred Kruse, who recently un derwent nu operation for appendici tis at .Mercy hospital, Is reported to ho getting along nicely. G. W. Dungnu Is conflnod to his homo on South Brondwny by a se vere attack of the la grippe. Eugeno O'Connell, who hns been laid up for a fow days, Is roportod Improving. Sirs. J. L. Koonts, who has been quite sick at tholr homo In South Slnrshflold Is improving. Sir. Koonta has also beon Buffering from In grippe but Is nlso somo bettor. Mrs. B, R. Keller lias beon suf fering from a Bovoro attack of throat trouble at her home In West SlniBhrioId. The llttlo child of Sir. and Sirs. II. E. Johnson has beon quite sick nt their homo on Fourth street. Win. J. Lcnton hns beon suffoi lug from n severe attack of la grlppo. AT THE HOTELS. BLANCO HOTEL A. J. Preelioi, Norway: W. F. Cameron, Grand Junction: Rny Slorgnn, Slarshllold, Joe Kaiiffman, IVnndon; C. W. I'atior on, Florence HOTEL COOS--Sirs II. RohorUj.m. Pin Hand: T. J. Thrift, Coqulllo Dr. B C. I oilman, Iortland; Sir. Outlip. Coca River; Lea Smith, Coos R'.v.: fun Smith, Coot Rlvor; AI 3ml 'i. Coos River. LLOYD HOTEL C.H.Crnndo nnd wile, Coqulllo; O. E. Edwnrds, Slln nonpolls: Allen Brotherton, Austin, SI Inn.: Vndo Gnrtln. Coqulllo. THE CHANDLER C. S. Hamp ton, Portland: V. S. Jenkins, San Francisco; E. P. Rogora nnd wlfo, Sf.n Francisco; A. N. Holmnn, Poit Innd; E. C. Slershon, Slgmnn, Mich.: Robt. Slltcholl, Snn FranelBCo; Wil liam Lloyd. San Francisco; R. B. Freeman, Placorflold, N..J.; C. R. Elder. Snn Francisco; J. A. Calway, San Francisco; Sir. and Sirs. W. II. Cutton, Snn Francisco; E, SI. Riley, N. Y. BLANCO HOTEL C. S. Lottmnn, Snn Francisco; F. Housor, Lnmpa; LLOYD HOTEL J. SI. Slarlln. Los Angeles; W. D. Button, Bandon; C. Alvln, Grants Pass. THE CHANDLER L. F. Hart. San Francisco; L. E. LllleqvUt, Co qulllo; II. Hogan, San Francisco; Chris RasmiiBson, Bandon; J. D. Mills. Bandon; P. Bum, Snn Fran cisco; R. II. Slador. Seattle; L. B. Reedor, Portland; L. II. Hubbard, Wallsbury, Now York; Fred Kolloy. Coqulllo; W. G. Egleston, Oakland; F. A. Dnly, Portland; G. W. Hollls tor, Portland. SELL GARD1XKH CltKA.MKRY. GARDINER, Ore., Fob. 4. Tho Townsond Creamory Co. Bold their creamory at Gurdlnor to tho Smlth Umpquu Co-oporntlvo Creamory Co,, a fnrmora corporation recently or ganized. Put Iron in Your Blood 'm&wt l ai - fi . rMrrri a Blood Tonic Pills make pale, weak folks strong and iiuldy. Price HOC TtTZATTJBBkTiTliisaiVai 1 I4.P A A M sWM Wl kAslgJ