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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1913)
tHE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELO, OHBGOM,' WEDNESDAY, rttflUAIW S, 19I3-EVENINGEDITI0W. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS IIIUKFS OK BANDON. News of Clty-by-the-3en H9 Told by tho Recorder. Friday, January 31, tho people of Dandon and this aectlon of Coos county' will be privileged to vote on tho road proposition ,aB to wne ther or not eight per cent of the ten mill tax recently voted In the road dlBtricr hIiuII be spent on the township line road from Dandon to Curry county and tho other two per cent on tnc two .mho roau. John P. Wolbs and Miss l.etltu Copper woro marrlod at the M. E, parsonngo Friday evonlng, January 24, Itev. John J. Mickey oniclatlng. Walter Smith, little son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Matt .Smith had the mis fortune to get his nose broken last Saturday. . At tho meeting of the Dandon Commorclal Club Inst Thursday ev ening n petition was presented by J. C. Shields which had for Its pur poso tho building of a 10-foot plank road from Columbia nvetiuu to the More mill. A. 0. Thrift was elect ed by the club to take the petition, collect the money nnd get addition al subscriptions, nnd he lias suc ceeded In securing enough, not only for a 10-foot road, hut n 16-foot road for the entlro ins tance. Till Ward. N. Anderson, W. James and C. 1. llrnlnnrd, all of North liend, wero registered at tho Dandon IIouso Monday. These centlenien wero looking Into n property denl horc. Donald M. Charleston rnmo over from Marshfleld on a business trip. Mrs. Charleston nnd little son nlso aro hero for n visit with her pnr ents, Mr. and Mrs. Doyd. Sam doff has sold his second hand storo to a Mr. Mitchell, wiio has already taken possession. Mr. JJItcholl was a resident of Coos county but recontly went to Texas but remained only nine months and then camo back satisfied that Coos county wan good enough. Mr. (Ion has not decided- yet what hn will do, but expects to remain In Dan don, li. L. Hurst nnd wife returnee: on tho Pillold from Colfax, Iowa, where they had been since last May. Mr. Hurst owns two farms near that city and ho has been making- Improvements on them. While gouo ho built n flno houso on oiio of tho farms, In which his son-lu-law, Kd Stephenson, also for merly of this place, now lives. Mr. Hurst says everything Is flue bnck In Iowa, but that Oregon Is better and ho Ib glad to got home ngntn. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. HANHON ItUKVlTI US. Iludgot of News from tlio Western World About Clty-liy-tlic-Scn. Application for u charter to or Ranlzo tho Doy Scouts In Danann has been sont to tho National head quarters, Now York city. "A" troop will bo organized as soon as the charter Is received. Over -10 of Dandon's best citizens and business men aa well as ministers huvo signed thu application nnd will be come members of Dandon's local council. Tho Marshfleld Lodge of Elks has accepted tho applications of O. A. Trowbridge, Frank Fnhy, Sid Williams, Ilort Dlmmlck nnd Jack Sullivan. Others will hn passes! on soon. Tho Dandon auxiliary will bo known as Dnby No. UGUV& and club rooms will be fitted up over i ne uuuuou Dry Hoods store. News of the Upper Coqullle Vnlley ut Told bv the Entcrpri.e. Win. Carver wns down from South Fork yesterdny. He says a suspension bridge linn been built over the river near the Morris place for the convenience of pedestrians. Isam Walker came In from Eure ka Monday, making the entire dis tance on horseback. Miss DesBlo Ayers came over from Mnrshfleld Monday to assist In the telephone ofllec during tlie illness of Miss Ivy Miller. C. Milton Schulz, editor of the Myrtle Point Enterprise. Is In Tur lock, California, and vicinity, visit ing friends. Horn: To Mr. and Mrs. Silas Clark of Lee, Tuesday, .lunuary L'S, a daughter. The students of tho high school will present the Merchant of Ven ire nt Densoti's hall, Saturday ev ening, February 1. Tlioro will he longs between thu acts. Each nioni hor of the cast has worked faithful ly and Prof. Stastney has given them long and faithful drill. 11EGIN WORK ON TARIFF. Democrats Commence ItciNloti of Tariff Schedule. (11- Ai-ocl-teil 1'ren to fool llr Times 1 WASHINGTON. Fob. II. - Demo cratic members of tho House ways nnd means committee began today the preparation of n bill for the revision of the tnrlff, with tho plan pointing to dully executive sessions until the work Is completed. COOS COUNTY SPRINTER. Paul Wilson of Coqullle .Making (lood nt Stanford. The Coriulllu Sentinel says: John Miller reports that he re ceived a letter recently from Paul Wilson, son of V. It. Wilson, the optomotoriBt, who Is attending the college of law at Stanford univer sity. Paul writes that ho likes thu university flno and Is doing well. Young Wilson gained n wldo reputation as a mile runner while attending tho Washington high school of Portland lnsf yenr. While there he established a Pacific Coast record for tho mllo run, covering tho distance in 4:29. Ho writes that hu Is now under tho tuition of "Dad" Moultoii, the famous coach nnd trainer of Stanford uni versity and with his help hopes to establish a new world's record mark. WEI) IN CURRY COUNTY. Raymond U. Howltt. son of Mr. and Mr. James Hewitt of Eden bovver, was married at Cold lieaeh, Curry county to Miss Justa Doss of Albany, n nleco of Mrs. C. E. Short, formerly of this city. They will reside nt Gold Deach, whero Mr. Hewitt Is principal of tho pun lie schools. Rosoburg Iluvlow. FIRE AT DANDON. About 3 o'l'loclf Tliiirmlnv mnrii. Ing the Whlto residence on Pacific avenue, occupied by G. D. David sou and family, was burned to thu givund. Thu entire contents, ex cepting a few minor articles, wns destroyed. Tho origin of thi 'ire is uuiciiown, nut it Is supposed to ho thu result or n defective Hue. -Dandon World. WII.SON IS INVOLVED. IIRIEFH OF DANDON. News of Clty-hy-thc-Scu as Told by the Recorder. A. J. Forger of the Ferger Tlo and Tlmbor Co. returned Saturday from a two weeks' trip to Port land. Mr. Ferger Hiiys the mow was four Inches deep In the streets when hu left nnd that he Is glad to bo back In "God's country." Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. Marsh of Curry county, aro In tho city, end ed, by tho lllnoss of their daugh ter, Miss Dot Marsh. Dob lludtlllou nnd John Shields baggod 67 ducks on their recent New Lnrko expedition. Thoro Booms to bo u difference of opinion In naming Aburnethy street nt tho general rcchrlBtoulug Tho joint committees appointed for that purpose sugosted the name of division avenue, and the ladles' auxlllnry thinks that Cen tral nveiuie would sound more hnr lunnlous. From thu San Francisco Exam iner we learn that Wm. G. Dlbhleo. father of Henry Dlbhleo, died nt White Horse, Yukon territory, on January 20. Ho was a nntlvo or Presquo Isle, Maine. DcmorrntH Want Mini to Serve Sl Years or He He-Elected. W- Aa-MUtr.) rru (o Coo liar Time-. WASHINGTON, Fed.. 4. Anoth er nttempt to chnngo the proposed xlngle term amendment to the con stitution so it will eltlior lengthen President WIIsoii'h term to six years or inako him eligible for re election Is expected In thu House. us soon as tnu resolution passed Saturday by the sonnto, Is taken up for consideration. The passage or the slnglo torm resolution by the house is expocted, but many Demo crats who favor It. insist that It should not ho drawn so as to put Wilson off with a single four years term. 'ST&&'m t '$ jt-ti Ste Mw The Scotch Doctors Association Inverness and Edinburgh, Scotland. Presents MAC IAN OF GLENGARRY THE DISTINGUISHED SCOTCH TUAVEI.EIt, AVTIIOIt, SCIENTIST AND LECITREH One of Hie most Vcrsillle Talk ers ami High-Class Entertainers in Ills Own Peculiar l.lue Itcforo the American Public. Greeted by Crowded Houses from .Maine to California. In Ills .'Masterful Theme: "Racial Conservation 99 DO NOT .MISS THIS OPPOR TUNITY OF HEADING THIS CEL EDItATED AUTHOR, TRAVELER AND ENTERTAINER. For Men and Women FREE! CHII.DKEN NOT ADMITTED. Friday Night February 7 Masonic Opera House ComiuciichiK nt H O'ClocI; Prompt. PLANS FAST DOAT. New Vessel (o De Iluilt for Co-Ilillle-Dnndoii Hun. Tho Coqullle Sentinel says; Tho keel will he laid soon nt Hermann Uros.' shipyard for tho gasoline j)0at Charm, the second of the Willard fleet of river boats, Tho contract calls for completion of the bont, Including tho Installa tion of engines, by May 1. 19 13, and It Is hoped by Captain Willard that the boat will be In shape to tart on tho Coqullle-llandon run on that date or very soon thereaf ter. Tho lunchlnory will bo In Handon by March ID and the hull will no doubt bo ready for Its In stallation soon after this date, The total length of tho new boat will bo so feet, beam 13.S feet, and draught 21 Inches, siio will bo cnglned with a slx-cylln-dcr Gorham BnBoiluo engine which will develop .130 hortepower nnd her speed will be 10 miles per hour under ordlnnry pressure with a good margin above that when under forced speed. Tho actual weight of tho new boat when com pleted will bo only 18 tons while her displacement will bo 18.0 tons. . "Joy COAIi. Tne Kind YOU liavo ALWAYS USED. I'l.ono 72, Pacific Urerjr tad Tnuurfer Oompny. Eliminate Expensve Shafting and Belting Tho friction and transmission loss in belt and shaft drive sometimes amounts to 50 per cent, By eliminating that dead loss your profits increase, Individual olectric motors do away with tho shaft .ing entirely nnd practically eliminates belts, Every atom of powor goesdirectly to the machines, Central Station Power Cuts Production Costs You pay only for the power used, Individual olec tric motors enable you to use one machine without operating your whole factory, One department can work overtime without necessitating the expense of operating the entire power plant, A report from our power experts may put money in your pocket, At any rate it costs you nothing, Telephone 178 and ask for the Now Business De partment, Oregon Power Co. Twin City Auto Stage Line Jerry Kluiiev. formerly with tin nilnco Cafe, has inaug urated a new automobile stage line, between Mnrshfleld and North llend. The service Is known as the "Twin City Stage Llnu, ' nnd starts with two Boven-passengor Cndlllac machines nnd will have more If the servlco warrants It. Ho liinugurates a round faro of 25 cents between the two cities. 'I his, he believes, Is all the servlco Justifies since tho new waterfront road reduces thu time and nlso the cost of the service. He has made arrangements ror tho through service only, leaving the local service to thu local au tos but In case or an emergency will provide local service lor through patrons. lie will have his henilquarters nt thu S. S. .lennlngB storo In North llend. Phone 1 in 1 . and at lllllyer's Cigar Store In .Marsh Held. Telephone 1S-.I. The service will connect with all bont and train schedules. The regular schedule Is as follows: po. . Leave .Mitrxliiiclil Leave Nortli llend 0:45 n. m. 2:40 p. m. 7: in n. m. 4.1 r, p. m. 7:io a:ir 7:ir, i:io. 7:4,-, 3:45 8: it" fi:l5 s 15 4:10 S:' r,:',r' s:ir. i-u !i:ir, i;:ir, 0:15 15.15 io.i5, 9.45 f:40 loYlo 7:15' 1rt!in c:ir. 11:15 S: in "'V' 7:15 11:15 8:4n 10:'" s:ir, 12:10 p. m. 0:15 ll:ir, 0:45 12:45 0:45 11:40 10:15 1 : in 10:15 12:15 p. m. 111:45 1:40 10:45 12.45 11:15 2:15 11.15 1:10 11.45 2. IT, 11:45 1:15 12:15 11. m. 3:10 12:15 a. m. 2:15 12: 45 J 3:15 1jJ0 Wc Serve a Ciin nnrwpT! Corona Blend Coffee Willi overy ,11iitI Cf Come In mill tty c Coos Bay Tea, Coffee find SniciHo,,, '. '-. 'Ji'F H A modorn Brick undine , Light, Steam H eat fKt Furnished Itooi.13 with i?Mtl' Cold Water. n 1Iot U HOTKI, OO08 C. A. Mellln. t. " Rates: 00 wnlun Uny ,' Vor. Hronduv , MarEj You Auto Call Foote IMIONK14..lNIOIITAM)nv Hlnnil front of Illanco ltllltard P.!t TWO NKW OAIU ' .rter 11 v. M. HlnB.,. Keslclenco Phono ig8 VylllLllll IFIIVITM ... fWl --""" Wl Round Trip, 25 Cents Union Storage Company W. A. Heard. XIbp. lOxpert l'ackors. Carncts riMj Kurnlturu Packed 'sSnSS1 aiained nnd Ilepalred. "s i-roni at. l'honeiji '' """" ni uoilig & r, Clearance Sale IHCJ CUT IN IMCICKS-. Lndlcs' Children's and Men'i Ritnivy All now stock. Up-lo-dato Ijti The Electric Slioe Shop PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BHN.IA.MIN OSTM.VII, .iltk,.llli. !....., - - . . .... .,,.,,K i.Ki,vr nnii Arcllllecl, Pliono IOSMj Mni-shfleM, On. The Record Photographing Abstract Company now have photographic copies of all tho records of Coos County, Oregon, from which correct Information wo aro now ready and will bo pleased to mnlo for you Abstracts of Title to any rcnl catnto In Coos County, prepare lists of present owners, mnko photographic copies of TowiiBltcs, Pints and Township Mnps, or furnlBh any In formation in relation to tho title of any Heal ICstnto In said Coos County. I1USINKSS OITICK: 117 North Trout St., Marshfleld. Phono 1U1.1 W. J. RUST, Manager TAXES By furnishing us with a list of the prop erty on which you wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK T M. witinirr, J CONTUACIOIt AND ItltlMII.'K Estimates furnished on rcqitsL' Plans nnd specifications furnlitd If desired. An honest Job guiru- teed. I'liono 121-It. OLIVIA i:i)MAN, Mechnno-Tlicrapltt i Scientific Swedish Massage, Medic Gymnastics i.25 S. ! Sixth St. IMione 293-t I TOKI. OSTLINI), J Piano Tuner nnd Iteiulfff. lib S. Sixth Strcot. I'hono 10UI PKUh IULKV IJAIiMXflEIt Pianist and Ttuhtt Itcflldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Droidiyl Phono 18-L. W SI. 8. TUItl'KN, AHCIHTKCT Mnrshfiold, OruKon. DH. W. MOKItOW, Dentist. 171 Orlnios Ilulldlni;, over Orull Theater. Ofllco Phono 320. W O. CHANDIiKIt, ArcL Itect. The Personal Element Tho offlcors nnd directors or this bnnk want Its custoniors to reallzo that tho bnnk hns a porsonnl lntorest In those who do business with It. if wo can help you succeed In your business enterprises It will bonoflt tho community nnd the bank ns woll as yoursoir. Open nnd maintain a chocking account in this sound nnd do pendahlo Institution. Tnko ndvantago of nil modorn business inothods, mako uso of nil bankliiB facilities, and In tho mcantlnio mnko yourself and your business woll known to tho otllcors of tho bank. You will find that this courso will pay you. The First National Bank Of Coos Bay Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKXIU' SEXGSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specially Farms TimberCoal and Marshflold Office 14-J. Goneral Agents "EASTSIDE." Hooidh UOl nnd HOU, Coke DriUtyl MarMiflcId, Oregon. Dlt, A. J. HKNmiY'.H Kfnjlorn Dental I'ArlOFf. Wo nro nnulnnod to do high t! work on short notlco at tho tfl lowest prlcos. ExnralDauon m Lady attendant. Coko Dlds,0 Chnndlor Ho.ol, phone u.-J. T. J. HCAIFI2 A. II. HODCW Marshfleld Paint (8b Decorating Co, Furnished. RstlmatCM Phone U''b.J?Jal 4IiaiU'lMiL Pictures &Framins Walker Studio First ClassWeavii promptly dono at Gardiner's Ran Carpet faM Cor. Union and Montana Street! Phono 131. North uena. rcsS !.'! IirV'llllni! w'1 1 or delivered T i if n V K 120-b and we'll do It. Charge" l able. C7nA8 OUANin Auto Servic Oood Cars, Careful p"" City Our Twin City Laundry GOOD M'OHIC OOOD SKKVIOK Not in any Combine, 8 Hours Work for Women, Our Agents call niivwhcrv. Phono lii:t-J. New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tlio installment plnn. HAHIHNGTON, DOYLE & CO., 302 Front St. Phono 310-Ii Marshfleld, Or. reasonamo cuarKO". - 1 wjii go anywuoio -- CinnAn lllnnAn llAIHl aW alU ."". ",auu .Xc .TSlU'l uigar more, uay rnouo .- Night Phono 46. RAHKTCR nOODALK. W Look Up This $750 S G-room cottage with Iac. ment nnd threo 25x100 " Eastsldo for salo uy ""v' WM. J. LEAT0N 1C3 Uroadwav or Pho"! lJ!iJ Rarnanl A laneWOf . .llcnllT Heo our winuow u,l'rt wood ELEcrrmo FLXTml LEADED ART ObABSi uvj rORTADLE BT.v'' PHONE l84'1' , ih j-. j r . iVjF-'frti fe-za