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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1913)
FW OF US ARE PERFECTLY HAPPY; AND FEW OF US DESERVE TO BE ffions Saw ExmtB ,..,. iiapkII OP AUTHORITY' '"'K ii h ' c"y cut J lints. . . .t WATCH THE WANT ADS There nl'n liiuiiv i!()oil lmrirnlns F nml iiunuv """ nil tlio '" JOIN TIH2 TIMES FAMILY. f l.fl f.11,1,.1 Ifmt.. AiWttlt. STl '" "v. ........a iiuivi iiuj iiuufj mj iosi fir lounii is always nuvcr- t, Unit In Tim 'I' I m no K MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED I'RES . wl Established lii 1878 DL. XXAVi. ttS Tlio ConstMnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. A. Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 17H UK EXPLOSIONS IN NEW YORK SOLVED BY CONFESSIONS ALL RAILWAY NEWS OF COOS OAK hn Paul Farrell Calmly Con fesses to senmiiH Machines 10 ruupiu. Ie also tells of CRIMES ur iiiHno hwu olicc Declare He Is Either Crazy or is tne worst Criminal Known. I .- I.1A-H1M llfll l .vvm - . .--- --. N KV YORK'. Fell. I.-John Paul irrcll assistant superintendent of . ...nrii.wni Iioiiho whoro n bomb m exploded Sunday night killing " llerroni and wtniiiilliiR Her- ra nml ti womnn nonniui, - &... 'mini mi I III ClllirKU ill iiimii- de. after n.nkliiB " '! eonfes u ' . ... ....ll.. Tin nafi-iiiiiiMit on io i in? ii"i- " i. lat klllC'll .MrH licrrcr.i mm ii. in.. kc onu ilia' tli.siroyou ."r. nu - avlnr nml injured JudBo HognlHky. ll mlllllv rDllfcHHlIlt: tO HUIU.- le tho lionili to llorrern, Fnrroll Ken astonished tlio pollco by nil feini,,,. tiuii ho sent tlio bomb thiol. Hiloil Airs. Rolen Taylor a far nKo mlilliiB iliat Mrs. Taylor las I1I3 ilnugliier Next Ferrcll solved tlio niysicr.v urrnuiiilliiR io sending or tlio omli to JiiilKi' ICiiHiUHKy ami an- Illy ixilnliicil tuo dentil 01 iviii Ealkor Binm in ii. n' "-" rs. Taylor lit s.ihl. because "hIio ail emio uioiib Ml wiiKor as Killed lie dot lured, by a mail amcil because Walker .. ......I--'.. .1 ... f.. II nl ( r ... i"--i-u UV1'- lie attempt on ItoxulHky h ino was i ii, In Ii.. milled liri'IlllHO till) JllllgO ail nviilciircd an unniinied crlm- oal to twenty yours. Tlio lionili wns hit to tliu Judge b.v a man known Inly to Fnrrell an "Tony." J llorrarns lire wiih sougnr. .oitoii aid, bemuse tin recently bad snld hat lit' would dlsclmrgo bliu from Is job ns Janitor. Ilorrnra in uierlntenik'iit of tlio aiar(niontH there tut explosion occurred, kiii bhliii; IiIh (onli-'hlon In tlio prcH- Ir.ic of nslonl -licil dclcitlvoH, tlio fiakcr of ilr.nlly IhhiiIm, coiiHlructod j il ii in my liifi nml niaclilno nml ox Kilned how lit' nuiilo It, wbaf bo ut into It, liow It opcrnted and iliat ilaianu'i- vould bo dono to n crson who h .uiild open It. InU'srt tlih man In crazy, wild itpiity I'ollco CommbiHloiior DoiikTi- ny, "wo Imvo tlio iiiohI (laHtantiy rlmlnnl that tins conic to tlio at- mllon of tho police la no yuiira." ino mum wlili li klllod .Mr. Ierrcra rfiiilted In tlio prolmblo dm of eyrslKht to lior liiiHbnnd, nd tlio serious Injury of MIhs Tughtmaii, n Imnrdor. .Mim. llor- la opened tlio box, which wan 'rapped to resemblo a box of candy "J was iiniiildrcHgoil. n. Taylor or (linco Walkor waa llleil n VCar iilm hv .nnnnlnir n Imllar packaRo intu toilai tlm loasou of bor I' Hi remained unknown. 1 me a-'tnipt on UoHitlHky'H life k III a do WllCIl IntorAut wnu i.i. ued on tlio thirty-year Bontenco cblffs valet. "KM" WnlWrr .. I.'n..n .. I.., "..w I.IIIUII uv aea was tlio betrnyor of bla nX ' h"ot ,,ow tho J0ery near v c. vom-a n.r i,,. '"ty salil niin.. i. i.i ..... i. inlla .!. V. ' '" """III II i HI l0ve tho old mystery. SAYS MEXICO IS IN BAD SHAPE Former Minister Calcro De nounces Misrepresenta tions About Uprising. tnr AMoclntcl I'roi to Coon Ilnjr TlmM. MEXICO CITY. Fob. !. "1 Mod to tho Ainorlenn Bovoininont for ton nioiitliH tollliiB thorn tho Moxtcan rovoliitlon would bo ovor In hIx wpojta, 1 wnB forced to Invest my diplomatic diIbbIoii with domino mid lllllHk." This HtlltOIllCIlt was iiiiulo In tho Konuto Inst iilBht by foinier ninbiiHHiidor .Manuel t'aloro. Con tlnuliiB bo said: "Tlio truth Is that tho department or fluanco litis not painted tho situation us It real ly Is. Wo should speak tho truth, tboiiBh It destroys iih. Tho truth Is Hint tho situation is desperate. ' Calero's speech created a tremen dous sensation. Ernest .Vndoro, minister or finance replied, callliiB Calero "an Indlscroot uiiiiiiisxudor and bad financier." Johnson Porter Visits Gardi-lw,'or,: 01ir tn,llla nt sprinBiieid as at ner to Arrange for New Work; Wheeler Here. COUNCIL LAUDS LOCAL FEU Department Commended for Work Yesterday New Equipment. Johnson Porter of Porter Hrothers wns nt Gardiner this week looking af ter tho constructlolii of tho Coos-liny Kiibciio lino. It Is understood thnt he nuiilo preparations for starting tho work north from tho Sluslaw. S. C. Small, who returned via Onr illnor, said that tho town wns full or railroad men. Ho wns unablo to learn Just what Mr. Porter hnd ar ranged for on bis visit there. Mr. small says that tho Milwaukee is ar rnnBliiB to electrify -IliO miles of its mountain lino from Harlowtown, Mont. Ho says Hint ninny bli; Irrlfin Hon projects nro lotting contracts In Montana and that stnto Is having decided boom. Itallt-onil Man Hero. nradlloltl Wbeolor, a railroad man from Snn Francisco, arrived hero on tho Heilondo to look after some work on tho Hay. Whothcr ho is with tho Southern Pacllle or McArthur Porks Company could not bo ascertained to day. Tills artornoon ho lert with C. II. Marsh and C. F. McKnlght for North llend to look over mutters there In connection with tho construc tion work. Parties from North Ucnd reported today that It wns nutliorltatlvoly an nounced tlioro Hint construction work on tho piers for the big bridge ncroBH tho bay would start In about two weeks Ktigonc. In fact, we soon will bnve a continuous yard all the way be tween tho two points." Springfield will be on tho now Na-tron-Klamath lino which will bo com pleted wltln a year or two and It Is poHslblo that tho Southern Pacific may make Springfield n division point when scrvieo vln the Natron and Klamnth Falls is establiobcd. Ill OF RESUMED BY BALKAN ALLIEI NEW MXES PROJECTED. OR COOS MAY LINE. 10 CHECKS FIREMEN Property Owners Express Ap- Hellion uy Substantial Contributions. . Fire Ohio t.-.. . . bree mor m. "n."n5 -y received I'uree mom i.i , '"""' .ucuivuu WopertTownireCk8 f,r."1 Marahflold PPreelaiton o? in" "Jltl0 ,oUens of Jono by ha fl0rL th0 effective work "ock. YestTr,, ' ""r,"' U1 "onnldson 1 H-eck for i0 ' nancl01 80nt ,n The cheeeks t'o.inv . a ne Muth . ,i8 J8?'"8 th0 b,ock cPPoslte u" ftre? CentrnI nvcnue' sS!houseT;W,1,' ownor f tho IWaiulS:,,'3' iMr 0oa owns lYn hotel. nt? iw 80,,tl t tho fir.hte,'V,n,,,-,Ict- for r , (; f r lts '"'al bnnnuot lr H s- v ,Vn ' . " i4' wIvo Feb- fcu,,,l bv ti ,' l lp oney con- P'1" -rk .." "," 0l,e tor tho I , . " ' i.-.ont flres will C-. ,KI'i- Hie iiii.ou,i .. -.-...w a line Llbby C0.r,. -. V uTtrr cn,i JL"' J '"'no 72. Pacific - "nusfer romiwuy. Tho city council Inst evening tool; up a discussion of llro appar atus nml socurliiB additional protec tion, in tho discussion ninny com pliments wore paid tho flriuiii'ii for their o.tolloni work juhtunluy and tho council gave tlio departiiieut a voto of thanks. Mayor Straw snld that ho thought tho llromou wore entitled to groat credit for tholr services yeslerdny. Ho snld that they had certainly distinguished thoniKolves and If It had not boon for tholr valiant ef forts that a largo part of tho busi ness district or Mnrshflold would undoubtedly have boon llro swept. Ho snld that thoy had gouo In and worked ou tholr own time, endan gered their lives ami ruined their clothing. Councilman Alien said that the flreinon hnd certainly done flue work and said that ho thought the council should tender tho depart ment at least a voto of tbnukH. Councilman Ferguson In discuss ing the matter said ho wanted to suggest that tho city securo n larg er supply of the special coal for tho llro engines, as ho noticed tho Hiipply wns low and would not bo ndequnto in cube tho engines hnd to be used for any cousldornblo length of time. Finally ho was au thorized to purchase flvo tons. Tho coal costs $20 or $2G por ton. Arthur McKeown suggested that addltlounl bono bo purchased. Ho said thnt tlioro was not enough hose yesterday and thnt some addi tional streams of water could have been used to ndvnntngo, Ho mild that tlioro wns only 1C00 or 1800 feot of lioso. Ho snld that soma of tho boso bolonglng to tho city would not stand cnglno pressure Ho suggested thnt tho council look into and provldo nil tho hoso that Is necessary. Councilman Albrccht said that thoro woro two hoso carts not brought Into uso at yesterday's flro. Ho said that tho department had considerable hoso that was not brought into ubo. Mr. McKeown said that it would not bo right to bring in nil tho hoso carts from tho outlying ills trlcta and leave thoni without pro tection. Finally Councilman Fergu son moved that tho llro and water commlttco look Into tho matter. Mr. Allien stated that tlio city would receive 1500 feot of hoso with n now flro onglno If one was bought. Mayor Straw suggested that tho tug boat Powors bo equipped vr:b couplings so that It could ho con nected up with tho city's flro hoso. Ho snld that somo other boat's on tho liay should bo oqulppod to aid in flro fighting. Councilman For gusou also movod that tho flro nml wator oommltteo invostlgn'to this. Mr. Albrocht snld that tho Powers had been of great assistance yes terday In wetting down the roofs of tho Hnlneg warehouse and pre venting the danger of fire betiiR sinrt.ed by spark-, fiom the llro en gines. .1, Albert Matsan sugen stcd fhnt iContlnued on Pago Four.) Southern I'ncillc Plans Larger Shops Anil ViiiiIh nt Sprlngllclil. PORTLAND, Fob. !. To provldo for anticipated Increase In business duo to tho completion of tho Eugene Coch Pay Use, tho Southern Pnclilc Is aranglng to Improve slxty-llvo acres of laud which It owns on tho north ern outskirts or Springllold with ynrds and switching racllltles. Work will bo commenced early In tlio Hprlng. A round house, largo enough to ac coimuodato six or soveu engines will ho built, A now double trnck bridge will bo erected across tho Wllluinotto River between Eugono and Spring field. This will provldo n double track system botwecu tho two cities as the Portland, Eugono & Eastern road, which recently was acquired by the Southern Pacllle. can bo used on tho second track. Hot h tho electric mid stoma roads will uso tho new bridge. "Our biibluoss nt Eugene Is grow ing constantly," said D. V. Campboll, genornl superintendent, today, "and wo bavo to adopt somo means to enro for It. As wo own tho land at Spring Held and nono at Eugono wo have de cided to put In tho Improvements there. When tho Coos liny lino Io completed wo will roqulro additional room ami It will no Just as ear.y to E. M. (Tiesler Investigates Country Tributary to (irants Pass. CHANTS PASS. Fob. !. E. M. Chester, connected with tho Port land & Snn Francisco Coast Rnll way, hns been In town looking ovor tho country nml getting Informa tion nlong the proposed route from Maishrichl, Oregon, to Trinidad, California. Mr. Chester says ho In not hero tor tliu purpose of Inter fering with the building with tho Pnciric-lntcrlor, but thnt bis com pany has a perfect understanding with tho Southern Pacific Company for traffic iirrangonients. It is proposed to build from Marsbriold to Regno River and thonco to Grants Pass and on to California points. Ilranch lines are projected to Il linois Valley and up Williams Creek to rench rich timber bolts nml mining districts. A number of busliicBs men were Invited to visit Mr. Chester ut the company's locnl clllco and dlsciiHB the situation In a general way. Rl'SII XATRO.V I.IXE. Southern Pacific Hastening Comple tion of New Road. Concerning tho Southern Pacific's work on tho Xutron-Klamath Falls lino, a Portland papor says: The now lino hns been surveyed from n point about 10 miles south or Mount Hebron, California, to tbe main line. It Is probable that tho new cut-off will connect with the main lino a short distance south of Weed, tho present connection. This work hns been undor way for nenrly four years now. When It first wns "undertaken tho en gineers figured Hint it could bo rtn Ished within three yonrs. Hut phy sical nml financial difficulties were encounterpd nml dolnys resulted. It Is snld thnt tho work botwecu Natron nml Klamath can be finish ed within n yeor If it Is given close attention. Relieved of his Jurisdiction over the Ilnrrlinnn properties Mr. Krutt hchultt will ho ublo to givo this work closer study. K. E. Calvin. vice president and general mana ger of the Southern Pacific, has giv en It much attention In recent years and It Is understood that ho Is ea ger soon to have It finished. WOMEN STILL DOW IN LONDON Suffragettes Continue to Make Trouble in England Ul timatum to Cabinet. (Iljr Amo. latc.l Prrn to Coot Hoy Tlmfi.) LONDON. Fob. 1. Tho suffrag ettes ato planning an exciting "civ il war" In Loudon, according to mi announcement by Mrs. Pankhurst today. "Militant sufrragettes," snld Mrs. Pankhurst, "are preparing alt sorts or effectlvo strokes. Tho gov ernment must act (illicitly nml give us votcB or go. Women will use every method, constitutional as welt as unconstitutional, to turn the cabinet out." Detectives in great numbers nro on watch In all London streets, but the surfragcttes continue successful liildB. The contents or 110 letter boxes woro destroyed, but tho per petrators escaped without detection. NO ACTION ON i KING MENELIK IS DEAD AOAIN LONG ISLAND VESSEL ASHORE Ruler of Abyssynia Reported Dead and His Successor Ascends Throne. Illy Auoclalf.1 rrfi to Coo nt) TlmM J LONDON, Feb. 3. King Monollk or Abyssynia Is dead, according to n dispatch received horo from Ad-dls-Aboba today. His successor, Prluco LldJ Jeassu, ono of his grandsons, entered tho capital on Sunday with great pomp. No of ficial confirmation lias been re colvod hero of the doath of King Monollk, who on sovoral previous occasions has beon reported dead, CARDINAL NAGLK DEAD. Ur AuoclitM Treii Io Coot n; Timet.) VIENNA, Fob. 4. Cardllnal Franc X. Naglo, archbishop of Vienna, died noro today. Big Norwegian Freighter Goes Aground and Life Savers Can't Reach Her. (nr AttotltttJ rrfii to Coot lUgr TimM.) NEW YORK, Fob. 4. Tlio Nor wegian frolghtor Nicholas Cunco, wont aground today on Long riench, off the southeast shoro or Long Is land. Life savors woro unablo to board tho steamer In tho high bea. It Is bolloved that sho carries no passengers. APPOINTMENTS HELD UP. Deinociates Prevent Kvecutlvo Ses sion to Consider Tlieiu. Dr AMocUted I'fft to Coot Dtjr Timet. WASHINGTON, Fob. 4. Repub licans senators failed again yester day by a tlo voto to secure an ox ecutlvo session to take up Presi dent Tatts appointments. Read This Old Chinese Proverb A "A good customer won't change his shop, nor n good shop loso its customer once In threo years," says nn old Chinese proverb. Tho Importance of this to you rests upon tho fact that tho "good" customer has confidence In his shop, and tho "good" sbop gives tho customer quality, ser vice and a squnro deal, A You can rely upon socurlng. those things from tho mer chants who advortiso In THE TIMES, for they .realize, that onco favored with your trade, thoy must rondor all those things to rotaln your custom. Tholr advortlsoments In THE TIMES aro offors of goods of tho beat quality, courtosy, and speedy service, and when you shop In their storos thoy fulfil those promise. H Shop with reliable merchants and acquaint yourself with the buying opportunities they ofror by reading tholr adver tisements closely and constantly every day In THE TIMES Proposal to Exchange Contri butions to Merchants' Pa trolman to it Made. The Coos liny baud matter was brought up for discussion at tho mooting or the Mnrshflold city council last evening, but mi final action was taken ou It. A discus sion of tho police situation was In jected Into It, also. Manager Wilson of the band reported that the sub scription list circulated to aid tho band hud not progressed very tar, many or tho formor largo contri butors Insisting that tho baud should bo supported by tho city di rect. Ho snld thnt the qiiostluu or maintaining tho band now rested with tho people ami It was up to them to arrange ror Its support ir tho band was kept up. Tho matter was brought up by Councilman Albrccht Inquiring or Manager Wilson how tholr subscrip tion list was gottlng along. After Mr. Wilson hnd replied, Mr. Al brccht suggested that since tho city needed somo addltlounl police pro tection, tno merchant's lire patrol man might bo taken over by the city nml vosted with full pollco au thority and then tho business mon who woro contributing to tho pa trolman's salary could glvo tho samo sum to tho band. Mr. Al brccht said that tho city needed nioro patrolmon and that an olllcor could do tho flro patrol and also guard all tho watorfront nml koop up tho prosont clock system. "Thnt's a good Idea," doclnrod Mayor Straw. "I hadn't heard It boforo, but It sounds good. Tho city cortalnly noeds more pollco protection. You people and tho pooplo generally don't know nil tho trouble wo'vo hnd. Wo hnvo tried to do tho best wo could, but thoro nro throo or rour bod crlmlunls around hero. Just tho othor night n man was murdered In a right. Wo have simply got to do somothlng about increasing tho pollco protec tion bocauso rroublo Is constantly Increasing." Not in Fight. Coroner Wilson, who wns pros ont, hero arose and said that Dr, Mlngus, who was porforinlng an au topsy on Charles Fostor, tho mnn who had suddonly dlod, had not beon ablo to Hnd that any or the outward Injuries had caused death. Ho said that thoro was no doubt but that tho man had beon In n fight somo plnco, but that ho and tho ofllcors had beon unablo to con nect him up with tho drunken brawl that occurred on North Front street last Tuesday. Ho said that thero woro somo bnd fights pulled off tlioro, knives, pokers and cord wood being used ns weapons. Councilman Ferguson said mat It was bocauso ho realized that tho city must havo bettor pollco protec tion and because It uoodod somo other tl'ings that Tie had opposed contributing to the baud's support. He said that the money was need ed more for the other things. Ho said that the police force must be enlarged and the olty regularly patrolled. Matron's View. J Albert Matson hvro nrohp and said tlin' the merchants had en- (Continued on Pago Two,) Few Minutes After Termina tion of Armistice, War Is Renewed. FEW DETAILS GIVEN ABOUT RESULT SO FAR" Report That Part of City Is ire Flames Result of Heavy Artillery Fire. CITY IN FLAMES. i - SOFIA, Feb. I. Somo qimr- ! tors or Adrlanople aro In f , Names as a result or tho bom bardment by tho llulgnrlans and Servians, which was re- sinned with more Intensity tu j day, according to advices rc I colvod hero from tho front. , tnr Atioclttd I'ri'M to Coot Iltjr Time! LONDON, Feb. 4. A torrillr bombardment or the forts around Adrinnoplo was begun last ovonlng by tho Iliilgnrlnus nml Servians sur rounding tho city nml uumberlu over 100,000. Almost nt the con clusion or tho armlstlco nt 7 o'clock tho siege gnus from the various points comnuiiidlng tho forts op ened fire. Not even tho residen tial portion or tho city was spared Thero Is a considerable difference of opinion ns to how long tho fort ress will bo nblo to hold out. One dispatch from Miistaphu Pasha to day which reported that heavy can nonading continued throughout the night, concluded with the prophecy mndo by tho liulgurlnn start that two weeks would sufflco for the besiegers to force the Turks to ca pltulate. Military mon, howover, knowing somo thing about tho sev eral linos of tho forts which font tho dofenses at Adrinnoplo. look ror u prolonged ilofenso. ASSAULT MADE TODAY. Division of lliilgurlaii Army Attack. Adi'laiiople FortN. tnr AmocIaIp.1 I'rtu to Coot Dtjr Timet ) LONDON, Fob. I. A full division of the liulgnrlan Infantry advanced to attack Adrinnoplo this nioriilnp undor tho covor or tho florco bom bardment, according to a agency dis patch from Solla. Tho result of the assault is not yet known. PASSES AWAY Mrs. Crutchfield, Sister of Mrs. E. J. Coffelt of North Bend, Dies in East. Tlio sad news was recolved b Mrs. E. J. Coffolt of North Ilontf ot tho death or her sister, Mrs. Crutchriohl, January 28, In Chica go. Mrs. Crutchriohl died two days artor an oporntlon ror appen dicitis, though tho physicians woro somowhut puzzled ns to tho oxact causo or doath, us the apponutv could not bo round, Mrs. Crutchriohl will bo reiueui borod by many frloudu on Coos Hay ns sho and her daughter spoilt tlio summor nt tho homo or E. J. Cof folt on Coos rlvor, nlno years ago Sho has since mndo hor homo In Chicago, whore she has threo sons In business and where her omy daughtor, Mrs. Thomas HardvvicR, resides. She also has ono son Ii Spokano, Washington. Hor hus band, who also survives hor, Is a. Mothodtst minister. WOMEN 10 AID STRIKERS NOW Boston Social Leaders Assist in Picketing Around Forty Shops Involved. (nr Amoi latol Treii Io Cook nay TlmM 7 IlOSTON, Fob. 4. Sovoral socloty womon today Jolnod tho hudreds of strikers in plckotlng the forty shon nffoctod by yestorday's walk out of the garment workers. Tho women pickets woro warned by the strlki loaders not to resort to vlolen . A FRESH SUPPLY of FRESH OLYMPIA OYSTERS JUST RF CEIVED. Fico Delivery. PROM your ORDER to PHONE 7-J. If you havo anything to sell, rent, trudo, or want help, try a Want Ad.