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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1913)
ff MAY BRING WISDOM BUT IT DOESN'T LEAVE US MUCH TIME TO USE IT (tea lag 3fott? .. i.iim'ii op authority' 'Tin '' Li, l" llm liHlt'lMsncl I" '"."'" ii u for tho elty WATCH THE WANT ADS. There ni-o many good bargains to 1)0 found there. Anything S munlly -' ' Time al (HO u JOIN THI2 TIMES FAMILY. lost or found Is always ndver- 1) uscti in 1110 JIIIICS. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PItES ...UI I'stlim""'1" 1" IfOL. XXXVI'mTIio Const Mali. . .. . ., I.. IOTII MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 11913 EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. A. Consolidation of TIiiich, Const Mall Mid Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 173! IEXICAN CONSUL FLEES FROM EL PASO 10 ES I PLAN WELCOME TO NEW VESSEL BULGARIANS VICTORS OVER U &.!' lhs United siawa "w"" ity Laws. IMERICANPJF'LSARE, IPULVtU IK OUHHuni. Chargcd With Bejna in Colli.- sjon wmi iiiu mciuuiu Government. trr a,, l.tea In too. tlr Tltno. 1 11 .. I.'-.I. l! Vlll'lflllll L UonU'.,tho"McNli:nii'wMiil KK , i. mciiBcil f conspiracy to Kid niunllloirt of wnr Iron, the. iU" . 1.......1 imrii Morunio l . nrriinr isauvi - Uccd to l.o In Juarez. v.ititAXT rt) consul. ie .Un Hie l'l' l,,,r"n' lU" t(-7 A ,11'tlln 10 i ou IK) Tliuw.1 Eh 1'ASO, Tex-. Feb. C Tlio arrant awHnet UoiuiiIp "O"'"'1,"'1 i.i t l)ntmit II i.. Mr- K, ..m uhn rlmrucd Hint on Juno F'lll!, tlio Alcxlum consul fiirnlah ,i wnnov to liliu mill t" eonipnn- floni lth li'rli '" ! -!- "nil" tor tnc iie oi l"v 'i,""B' " ilionild and lilt 'wo roiiiiuniin ure arrested as a resiui 01 an -I,,! iranxaitlon mill wore held (til the thsrRM of vIolulliiK tin noii- tr.lllr lllttl. Till) C'lUirgCH lllHO III mlr Alberto .Miuleio uncle of tho Mexican iirwhli'iit now In Chlhnu-i Ul, tUll he I" IIKIltii.Mlil III I. 0 1 arrant, The warrant for Llornto, ibo li In Juarez, lias not jet licon I f.rro.1 rnminlssloncr Oliver, noon' , "-" . .. - - .. i learning of tlio failiire to soivo uiu urranl, last night before l.lnrento crossed too line, lam mo uiiiinu up tn the United States iuui hIiiiI'h of fice and ho appointed n special 01- flcer to make tlio uncut. (la UN May to Mexico City. SD;AtU'r4 I'u'i lo (.imi luy Tlinm JL'AIIEZ. Kcb. (I Lloronto mild today that he would not now ictuni to El i'ato, but would proceed to Mexico City, lie admitted ho em tio) ed three Americans to doatioy the Mexican Central railway iih (Urged, but s3h he wiirued them j tot to Iolate tho I'nlled StatPH nou tralltr laws. I.loronfo Intimated libit he might return to El 1'iiho inter lo answer the clmrKCH. C?Au3 U;f4 I',,,, ,o i ..i lUi Tlttim ) WASHINGTON'. 1-Vli. I! -I Mm mow i't the American oIIUIiiIh In El ruo tcre "at the heck anil call of tie Madera government." wero inndo Wore the House foielun affalrfl commlitce today b A. It. HurgesH i m raso, an attorney for several ulmanti for ilanuiKe k'wIiik out el the border trouble lie alleged t Aiilitaiu United stntcH At y KiiBlekln- had a "Huh iosii" Peement with Ho .MeMean coiikiiI 'o allow the claim or hut ono wo ' ,BurKtM tt8 mhlwil to pre ,,, h',l "JleRJtlons to the Dopnrt- rLMJ,.ISl1ci" Tll c.llUlllltteo ; M In claims to Aiiierlcann. Tho .,;'" urK,,,l "ii H'o Idea that JJ W ernment mil deiiianil it- ss TAFT'S VIEWS ABOUT ALASKA Adeline Smith, Due Here Feb. 15, to Be Welcomed with Ceremonies. l'rcBldont D. C. Green of tho Marahllold Chnmlior of Coniinurco nn iioiinecd today Hint iropnratlon8 would at onto ho Hlarted for n big reception to tho Adeline Smith, tho hlf, new lumber sclioonor of tho C. A. Smith Company, which Ih uuhc duled to urrlvo hero on or before Kehriinry IT.. No word hna been re ceived from Cnptnln Olnon. who la hrliiBlnj; the vessel here from New port Nowh. bIiico he put In nt the port Jimt on the Pacific aldo of Cnpe Horn, lie Ih mnlclns the run here direct. Dotnllfl of tho reception will be made nt the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Friday night. It Ih proposed to linvo a gnlly decorated fleet of Binnll vcsaolit meot tho Ade line Jimt Insldo the bar nnd proper ceromonleH follow, Blmllnr to those that narled tho coming of tho Nunn Smith, a few years ago, when a holi day wna declared for tho recontlon. Wants Government to Build Two Roads from Coast 1 Operate Under Lease. tllr Amih Utfl I'mm Iii Coin liny Tlinm WASIIINOTON, Feb. C AIuhIcii'b vnat resources can ho boat liroimlit out within the reach or tho world In tho opinion or President Tart by tho construction with government umilst nnvu or two railway Hiiob from the Alnakan coaat to tlio Interior. Tho ownership or which shall, bo In tho government, hut which Hliall be op erated by private parties under leiiHe. In a special mcHHitgo to con gress transmitting the repoit of tho Alamca.ii Hallway Commlaalon, Alio president strongly urged today, leg islation along these lines, asking tho government to either guarantee the principal and Interest of tho bonds necessary to cniiHtrurt thu roads, or build them. "I am very much op posed to government operation, hut 1 bullvo that government ownership with private operation under a lease Ih tho proper solution." wrote tho president. W T AT M PON T Prominent Railroad Contract or Charged With Larceny; Trouble with Workmen. (Special to Tho Times) MYltTI.H POINT. Ore., Feb. C i'. i.. mirr.. or Wllllott nnd Hurr. eon RANDALL CASE GOES TO JURY TURKS IN SMALL ENGOEMENTS BEACH TELLS E STDBY M Suit for $20,000 Damages Is Submitted This Afternoon at Coquille. ' (Special to tho Times) COQUILLE, Ore., Jan. C The JHO.OOO damage, case or llaudall vs. T NET IS NOW FASTENED - Jminent from Mexi. o. IHVS iVoiXUS IN t'O.VC.IUCSS. rl'uMlcaiisr.Miiih,!.. n..i.. ... unriiuiloH '1'ufl Nomination. 'Mr "d limi. U'lO... aaiii.MSTnv i.. . '' FrldL yiV1'1 ask '""Hblern- MbTb n . ', nr I,,nh0 wns 5MI cans T mtor 1ork'- uii of thA rti '. ",u -oiiiirnia-,Krlmln.iit '"""'''""oiiB, wlth- t0n wlon for their conHldera Anate"!1' "w?d to ,PIutriT.".",",,u. l" Levnr ik. ---. vAitriiHiiitt i.iii --. i li..::.4ur a eonroron. n n diell llfor: roiiB- com- tri ParTraenV morn the t tllt.v.e.nt expem Itiirea ?'lttllrera had fi e!01!inr8i Ino man "' ' U.200 00ndea ,nXe8 lum,,"lt- "wsmitiis iuisi: ,r?RTU.A. p;r,,,:" IMHCK8. 'iarr.n.1.. 98 ( tirnii. . ' -vi in nnAnrf .. sWKas5 'ffKc ?Hft h n? fl,1 U,vr Valley ,flySr i.:yblch they l!?ttftV..h aa fol lit. tvI BhOpIn , i " ,a "H oi" '.' V.50- RweuAJ' .1:: '?" 5 and ,,ej3 and ,? " i nnd 2, ' 11.50, ttna4?l25; S.,03 n nm rftt-'-Is mndo nee- VJ2JS&X Hat: Da8 aud Iron. roaso Tke T'eaUoVoBb "rs lono at '""have anythlne to sell. rent. Sick Police Officer in New York Makes Startling Confession. Ilr Ao llr. 'r. lo Coo U TlniM. NEW YOltK, I'oh. (J.Tlio trail or tho police graft upon which Dis trict Attorney Whitman set out lust Bummer, Is declared by him today to have emerged Into an opou road leading to tho men "higher up." Through n remarkable conreaslou which Pollco Captain Thomas Walsh made to thu district attor ney last night, which will ho re peated to tho grand Jury, Indict ments will he bought ugiiliiat nov el al officials, if obtained theso Indictments will ho thu moat Import ant developments In tho oxposure of tho "system" alnco the city wua nrniiHod to tho alliance or Its police with gambling aud vice by the murder or n "squenllug gambler" at tho Instigation or Police Lieuten ant Chnrlea Decker last July. Walsh'a confession was niado on his sick bed. Walsh admitted Ink ing vice graft to tho extent or per haps $100,000 In a single precinct. Hair or this was turned over to tho "hlghor upa." FIRE I NORTH BEND IS SMALL Chimney Burns Out and Starts Small Blaze in Gem Saloon Building There. Plro starting from tho chlninoy burning out last night threntoned tho old Ciom Snloon building In North Dond with destruction. How ovor, It wns discovered before- It hnd gained much headway nnd wns ex tinguished by a fow palls of water, Tho walla near tho chimney "woio allghtly damaged. Tho building wns formerly occu pied by Jay Wilcox's resort and Is now conducted by a woman named Lucllo Parker. tractors of tho Smith-Powers line, la tho C. A. Smith Comnnny'B Intcrur wanted here on n wnrrnnt chnrglng ban line, which operated tho trnm lilm with larceny. An attempt waa way between tho mill and tho retail tiiiKio to iiiivo .Mr. Durr arrested by yards in MnrBhllcld, went to tho Jury Constable Cox In Murslideld. but tho Into this afternoon. A verdict la ex- olllclalH here did not know that tho pectcd this evening. Hnndall lost n man mimed In the wnrrnnt wna tho fog in an accident on thu rond n prominent railroad contractor, nnd year ago. they gave .Mr. Cox the wrong clue. Immediately on conclusion or tho Ah a result or tho delay, Mr. Durr Handall cbbc, tho securing or a Jury left on tho Nnun Smith for Snu In the case of Sveuson vs. the Cody Francisco before tho warrant could Lumber Company of Dnndon began. b( served. SveiiBon'a heirs aro suing for dnmn- Thu s arrant reualta from uomc ncs, alleging that through the fault trouble on thu line. John Wall, u or tho company, by whom ho was suh-coutrnctnr, had Homo trouble employed, ho waa killed, with another sub-contractor, named lllgga, and was ordered to leave. He refused aud then Mr. Durr, It Is charged, had his tents, etc., conllH catcd. IllggH Is on trial here today before Justice Dodgo, and whether Mr. Durr will ho sent for dopondit on the outcomo of tho present suit. F.J. TO POItTEIt HELPS KEAItCH. Itullrond Contractor Olves Up Hope Of Finding Dinlm's Hody. Tho Eugene (iuard nays: "J. II. Porter of Porter Droa., contractors, returned to Eugcno from the Hliislaw, arter nn unRiir ccBsfull search ror tho body of Dan Druhn, goucrnl superintendent of tho Portor Dros.' Construction Co., who was thrown from a barge on Janu u ry 21 and bohended. BE Marshfield Man Expected to Be Selected Coos County School Supervisor. It Is oxpected that P. A. Golden, fur venrH Hiinorlntondent of tho Tho river MnrHhfloM KehoolH. will ho nnnolnt- waa dragged from ono mllo abovo 0d school Hiinervisor nt Coniillle Maploton to Ploronco, every meaiiH noxt Tuesday when the nowly ap havlng boon used to find tho body. ' pointed Cooh County Hoard of Edu Mr. Portor Ih doubtful regarding the rntlon meot and orgnnlze. The im possibility of flndliiK tlio body. It itj0 i,nH ,C(.n vacant since Dr. .1. Is his Idea that tho hody lodged In -. McCormnc resigned about n year some of tho holes or snags in tho a;0 bottom or tho river. .r, Dakor. tho now superlntend- 1 ' out, has appointed Mra. t. A. Uo- SPOILS OP WAIL iborts or Myrtle Point, A. McNalr or Dandon. .1. J. Cllnklnbenrd or Coos Oreece and Are Oiinnel- Hlver nnd John Yonkam uh mem- Ing: Over Proper Division. hers or the Donrd or Education. iny ao. utisi inw 10 row a) thum i t i,n8 genornlly boon undorstood SOFIA, Feb. 15. Tlio dlfllcultlos that Mr. linker promised that tho which havo urlson betweon tho'appolntnienf or school Biipervlsor Greek nnd Diilgnrlnn division or tho would go to Mr. Golden when Mr. spoils or tho Dnlkau war aud what ; Dakor was making tho campaign n la to bo tho fato or tho enptured ' yenr ago. Ah tho now county Hchool fortrogH or Salonlkl, aro ronsona bonrd aro appointed by Mr. linker for a visit paid to tho Diilgnrlnn; it Is expected that thoy will cou- capltal today by Premlor Venlzoloa. firm tho solectlou for tho plncp. of Greece, who conferred xvlth.KIng Mr. Golden, whllo not nctlvo In Accused Millionaire Broker Tells of Assault on Wife at Today's Trial. Illjr mo. UIM t'rr lu Coo l)y Tlmw 1 AIKI2.V. S. C. Fob. li. Frederick O. Deach took tho wltncHB stand In lilu own defense today lu the cnHo In which he Ih charged with as saulting his wife with murderous Intent. Ho related tho circum stances of tho experiences on tho night or Pebrunry 20, It) 12, when ho with his wife nnd guest heard a scream near their home. Later his wire went to put thu dogs in tho kennel. Shortly afterward ho heard her scream aud went to In vestigate. Ho thought tho first flcrcnm hnd been from quarreling negroes nnd that when hla li screamed, ho went to tho rescue A negro fled from the scene and ho found his wire wounded and gave her some attention. Then ho got hla revolver aud went lu search ot the assailant, and to telephone ror doctors. Itoturnlng, he round the door closed, nnd before It waa op ened, ho announced to those In side. "It's mo, Ilench, let mo In." This Ih the statement that has been used against him by tho prosecu tion, other witnesses giving it a different apparent meaning. Mrs, Dcnch may be called to tho stand. Reported to Have Repulsed) Sultan's Troops on Penin sula of Gallipoli. PLAN TO GET GREEK FLEET TO ADRIANOPLE Europe Does Not Believe Was in Balkans Can Long Con tinue; People Tired. WO.VT LAST LO.(l. -- ONE KILLED IN 0 Ferdlnnnd and Promlor Guochoff. 1IAXIC STATEMENT. school work for tho Inst row years, Ih well known In Coos county edu cational circles aud hi many friends would bo plunsod to seo lilm ap pointed school auporvlsor. NO NEW COUNTY. A HAT OP TWO COLOHS. Deau Di-uuimcl of Phi-Is Pronounces tho Oddity "Delicious." PARIS, Fob. C A hnt In two colors for men Is being offerod for salo In Pnrla shop3. It is sort rolt, or tho Homburg tVI'o. but with rather larger brims. Some aro black nnd white, others block nnd green, gray and brown and othora or all posslblo varlationa or tho color gamut, tho top part of tho hat being ono color nnd tho brim of another. Andro do Pouqulro. tho acknowl edged Deau Drummel of Pnrla, be ing asked by the Invontor of tho new lint for his opinion, cnblod from Now York tho ono word, "Doll-clous." Illy ua Mini Pr4 lo I'oa Ihiy TIWM.) WASHINGTON. Fob. C The comiitrollor or tho currency today Issued a call tor n statoniont ot tno condition or nil national banks nt SALEM. Feb. 0 Tho star or hopo tho closo of business, Tuesday, Fob- or tho would-be t-oimty or Sluslaw riiary 4. !sot when II. D. 102 wns IndoHntoly postponed. This bill, Introducod by If you havo anything to soil, rent, , Pnrsons by request, proposed to cre trado, or want help, try a Want Art. "to n now county out of tho western i portion of Lane and Douglas couu- Tlmea Want Ada bring results. ties Your Appearance Speaks For Itself It Is tho duty of every ono to look their very best. Put Hug tlio best foot forward la not only pleasing, but lt Is good business. Your Incomo and Its amount haa a great deal to do with tho way you can dress, but not everything., Almost aa much dopondB on how you spend your money. If you buy as tho lmpulso strikes you, It Is a certainty that you will not al ways get full value. Your buying should bo dono with fore thought. You can gain full Icnowledgo of when, where, and xvhat to buy In a fow moments' time each day. It takes no longer than that to go through the advertisements of tho morchnnts of this city, tho best of whom advertise In THE TIMES. Read theso advertisements closely and con stantly each (Iny, then you can bo sure of getting tho best that money can buy nt tho lowest price ror which it can bo sold. Five Leaders of Union Arrest ed at Rochester for In citing Trouble. Illy Am litis rrrM lo Com lliy Time NEW YORK, Fob. 0. Plvo lend era or tho garment workers on atrlko nro under nrrcst on tho chnrgo or In citing rlota. Vnlontlno Saulor, pro prietor of tho clothing shop, who fired Into tho mob attacking his shop ih undor nrrcst for killing Ida Her man, ono of tho nllegcd rioters. Eight others wero Injured, but will recover. i LONDON. Fob. (i.Notwth- I stniidlng Dulgarla's warlike ut- t tltude nt Gallipoli. Adrianorilo. I and Tchntulja, diplomats of i Europe are convinced that the I war will not last long. Ff- I nanclal ombarrnssmont of Uiu i' j combatants nnd losa or enthu siasm ror wnr by tho pooploa , Involved load to tho holiof that I peace negotiations will noon ho i j resumed. 4, Illy Amo. Mini I-m-m lo Co lly Tlmw SOFIA. Feb. 0. The Turkish army occupying tho peninsula- or Gallipoli and defending Tho Dnrdn nolles, Buffered defeat at tho hiuioV or tho Dulgaiian troops to thu south or tho river Kuvuk yester day, according to a statement or tin. Dulgnrlaii war oHIoc. Tho Otto man troops are said to bo retreat ing In disorder toward llulnlr. a small town northeast of tho city oi Gallipoli, pursued by tho Dulgar Iruis. The stntoinent concludes, "aa n result of this success or tlio Dul gnrlaii troops, tho wholo coast or tho Sen of Marmora ns far ob Bn lalr Is now lu the hands of the. nal knn allies." Tho main object or tho Bulgaria, armies, apart from tho reduction ol tho fortresB or Adiinnoplo, was dis closed in dispatches given out by tho war orflco today. Tlio plan 1 to reach Tho Dardanelles StruItR and clear them for the pnssago ot the Greok fleet Into tho Sea oC Marmora. Thon tho Creoles wfl5 attack Constantinople from tho sea. Prom reports or tho lighting to the north or tho peninsula or Gal lipoli, It can bo soon that ono col umn or King Ferdinand's troops Ik marching straight- ror tho city oC Gallipoli. It haa occupied already aoveral villages, but haa not comer Into contact with any largo roico or Turks, or which thoro aio ssdS to ho 70,000 on tho Gallipoli ponlu sula. Tlio guns of Tho Dnrdanollu forts can also bo trained toward tho land aide. MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Steamer in Early Today from Portland with Large Pas senger List. 'Thollroiikwntor nrilvod In today from Portland with n largo nnsson gor list and a fnlr cargo of freight. Tho Dronkwater will sail nt l o'clock Saturday morning for Port land. A week from Saturday alio will sail nt -1 o'clock lu tho morn ing. Among thoso arriving on tho nreakwator today wero tho follow ing: John Marsh, Lewis Marsh, D. Marsh, D. Norduni, S. Nass, Mrs. P. Plorco, Mrs. Plorco, Poto Oborlo, O. D. Thomas, Miss E. Janzon, Mrs. Dodson, J. J. Hess, A. L. Richard son, Grant Cordors, Mrs. G. Cor dors, Prod Leo, Win. Dnld. V. C. Gorst. A. Boakurtz, O. A. Donald son, A. C. Goromo, Ii. Ramsey, P. Ramsey, Mrs. D. Ranisoy, Eliza Strong, Emma Hanson, Mrs. 13. A. Strong, P. R. Graff, E. A. Strong, E. E. Vnnslckle. J. S. Johnston, J. P. Johnston, Chns. Socors, Chns, Hnzleton, R. C. Wednor. Mrs. It. C. Wednor, Chns. M. Terry, Jako Mil ler, It. D. Mlllor, It. S. Dassett, W. It. Dassott, John Locko, E. D. Doron, P. M. Case. Gus Orammor, Jas. Forsytho. E. It. Pattlson, W. P. LaShells, D. Llppman, H. D. Dona hey, C. nunkenborgor, Ray Dontley, A. T. Balden, Mrs. A. T. Daldon. E. Lludstroni. A. J. Dran, Win. Ru dolph, II. D. Wnllaco, Guy Closo, Willis Close. II. M. Closo. Sylvia Close, Mrs. Closo, W. Closo, .Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. M. T. Rowloy, G. M. Malloy, J. D. Damltz, W. J. Meo, Paul Schultz, M. Ostlind, C. W. Wnllaco nnd eight steerage passengers. T VALVE IS jiSHEIJ Unknown Miscreants Make At tack on Bradshaw and Kimball. Today ono of tho most dnatnrdlr tricks that has boon perpetrated lu Mnrshflold in a long time waa; dlBQoverod today at tho shops of tho Dradshaw-Klinball Company or North Pront stioot. A patent rot ary vnlvo, which had Just been com pleted, waa Jorkod from tlio evliloi Hon ongluo and pounded to pieces As to who did it nnd what their motlvo wns Is n mystory to Mr Dradshaw and Mr. Kimball, The possibility or giibollno engine innk ora who foared tho revolution time tho euglno would mnko In tho in dustry has boon suggestdd as au ex planation. Tho vnlvo waa patented some time ago and Is a big im provement on tho presont typo oi engines, making practically a noise less engine. A pntont, nor as good? as tho ono that Mr. Drndahaw haa porfected, recently sold Tor $150, 000. It is bollnvcd that tho deed wan perpetrated last night, although It. might havo occurred tho night be fore Tlio party who did It ovldont ly know tho vital part, because hi pulled tho vnlvo out and must liaro put It on nn anvil and hit It wttl a hammer, smashing It to pieces. It will tako at least sixty daya in which to roplnco tho broken rot ary valvo. Mr. Dradsnaw had re cently received somo fino otfeiH for tho pntont and waa planning to ox hlblt this engine now. DRYCE IS NAMED. Oa Will Represent Great Britain Hngito Arbitration Court. (Dy Amoc laid rrew lo Com Hay Tluw LONDON, Fob. C. James Bryce-. tho British ambassador to Wuslilii'; tou, haa boon appointed by the lah government n member of tho per manent court of arbitration at T' Hague.