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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1913)
fiOOP WAY TO RESPECT PEOPLE ft "8 INTIMATELY ACQUAINTED WITH THEM (Ham Exmm ..Ai.i.n OF AUTHORITY ,, mm whflcitl l tho Iiiilenciiii ... Times. It l Mr the cltj i i iiiinumlty llwl, last am WATCH THE WANT ADS. There are ninny good bargains to bo found there. Anything lost or found Is always adver tlscd In Tho Times. y iiil txiinmtinlly ml ,,11 the i "- JOIN 'J'"13 'J,M,:S 1?AM'IjY' MEMHEIl OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES .. . .. , lH 411 tl MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. & Consolidation of Time, Const Mnll Mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 172 OL. AAA !, Tlio Const Mull. mm llUT PORTLAND IK NOICTED BY FEDERAL GRAND JURY L.nmnintivns nf Ten of the rurgest Produce Commis- !... tIhimp n nrnn runt. SlUll riimo " "" URGED WITH COMBINE i RES I MAIN l ur mHuc Libers of Produce Merch ants' Associauuii in Serious Trouble. 0f AuihUlf.1 lf " Co" IU' Tlli.l POHTLAND, run. -' enig wore loturned liero todny by ic federal grnnd Jury ngnliist rep 'sontatlvcH of ton of tli Inrgcst oiluce niid eoiUlltlHHlon iiicrciiiiiun .1.1. ,.iti' 'I hnv ii ro churned llth forming n eomblnntlon In ro Iralnt of trade nnd with u con- blracy to t-nlii 1110 bo-cuim.hi iuuv Icntlrnt pimluee inorchniitH through i, nrcnnlziilloii Known nH tho Pro- luce MerolwiiitH AHHorlntlon of Portland. Those indicted nro. I v ii 1'iiL'f. I.. A. Iliunford ami 1. N Dlllej of Page & Son. Urn I.cvy nnil Jonn uoiu or uen Ley & Co. I M. YV Caldwell of Pacific Fruit nil Produce Co. rimotliv Pearson or rcarmm, law & C I John A lli'H nnd W. A. Mnns- Icld of Hell A Co. W II Dryer of Dryer, Iiollani Co, II. II, McKwen of McKwen & Baskcy .Mark I.ev of .MiirK i.ovy .v 1:0. Cliarloj K l.v.o and 12. I). I.ovy If Levy k Splpgl. v. II, liinrxo or w. ii. uinruo Tin. I ml li-i mi'ii t rliiifL'CH that the fociation wns formed to eliminate ompctltlou nnd also clinrgos thnt y refusing to Hell in Iohh thmi enr--i.i il IiiIr mill nl nilvimcnil nrlro, lo oncerns which refused to enter tho omblnatinn Riphu were hnuiporod then not actually forced to rotlro rom business. A W NEWS OF COOS BAY WOMEN IE OF L SENTENCE W Bradford Wheeler Says Work viii aoon oe underway; many wiki Humors. Ill A .1 fnk. 1 UPt. .1 m . omiiuiu uhccmt or mo con Hructlqii department or tho South ern Pfll-tfln rmil n.i.ln..u..n.l - . ..lw ,, tiuiK-iniiiifii , uy uii looj Hay as tho Hpcclm icproson- lal h'n nr flilof l.' ii' i i.. ... .. ....! iihiiii.-ui iiiiuii, in going over the situation hero prot- ' ""NKiiij no uid not euro o Klve out nin Intorvlow boyond . .v,.n, , llo hu;01 inl ine work on tlilH end Imd boon or dered nn.i n,. .......i .. --- -..m ...,. iiviiiiu I'unHiriieiion flOrk wnnl.l i.n i - in.... .. j v uimvr wny willllll ten dayg, ' Mnm ..... ... fn;V '..' . "UIH """ "'orios or rnll ?riia.c,,.vlt' "' fln!,t- Somobody h e,C.'l n b,0y "otordny thnt bnv a ..:.' 1,' .' l" .",,B '"K t? Vik '"'"" ,,H,,L 0I wny inroiigit 7'tail "IipiiiI n lnrgo Hum fi" taa., : "n,L'...W today out fn,i .' "" l,a"'"ieiy wit i- S0UthPrn,IntlO1,l. !, 8nl'1 tllnt "'0 southern 1'aelflc 1ms tho necessary I ioihinJSy thro"Bh North " Son It lnR y romnrkod that tho fihh" I,nclf,c ,,n,, H 0.000.000 field, ' uirongit .Mnrsn- thewn!?",1' ,,, "int yeslorday of wav In v,0"1B ovo'- th0 rlKht at til" Nuorll1I,e'l o dotormlno the ho 1 "'i''1 ,l0 w,t" 8010 or Property i??a ''""'""S8 tUo to ettl n1'1 ll0y ln,sht l0' ed I by nP ,1l,0llno'o formerly moved away. rUo nnd lmvo Jt ""atSLre,po.rt.e.d ,hat ,uoro rl' t would Vol h0 8orn Pncl uter ach ,lero the Dreak- There hnv10"""0" Uh 10 the iitSitinbeen n? developments tloni iaK,n B0 far "8 t,l e PaclfirliJeee the Southern ,r eoncern., Ter'lftl Railway kimS' 80 fnr na could bo '? "fort woul,i "id U that l,0S8lly lbe "common ..b0..mnd0 t0 nmend Claim i:L.fra.nPl'lBO, which mnnv Possibility o, ,?J , In view of the lDan8lng ownll . ,Toi'mll railway ,uuu'd be maiio c " U80r clause . Some ?.ade iib nnd dofin Marshfioir V suggosted that tim 5?me commny rou,lc11 sort tho Imlna,mfa0""sr clause I,, tho BeBt lB ed S Vhat,th0 Bovorn "ea ln the wage permit. rWAESOYiTrSSY"' FRES" U'ED. F,S?Ens JUST HE- KlUoW.73rilONB Suffratjettcs Are Paying Fines in London Miss Pank- hurst Sentenced. Illr AtoclpJ rtttt lo Cool nJ TlmM.l I.O.N' DON, Fob. n. MIhh Sylvia Pnnkhurst, siiffrngetto lender, was sentenced to two weokH Imialson ment or a fine of $10 at tho How stioot police court today. The same punishment was meted out to ID other women who participated 'In a raid on the Houho of CoiumoiiH with "General" Mih, Drunimond, .January 8. Ah MIsh Pankhurst was led away hIio shouted : 1 shall not servo thin sentence." This probably was correct iih tho IcatlorH of tho mili tants hnvo become tired of Jail and their flues are now Invariably paid by Homo third party. TRY .IACIC .KUIXSOX. Xegro PiikIINCh ( iw In Set for I'Vlii'iiary U5. (11 Aii(KUIrI I'n-n tu Coot IXtf TlniM.) CIIICAOO, Fob. B. Tho trial of .lack Johnson was yet today for February 2fi. JUDGE DALL IS E Judge Bean Decides Against Christian Herrmann in Suit. The decision of the Pnlted States District court at Portland in tlio easo of Christian Herrmann vs. .In (I go John F. Hall. Henry Sengs tuckcii, et al, Involving about 2 10 iicich of property at IJastsldo, wbh received hero this morning. Tho decision Is n complete, victory for tho Coos Hay men, Judgo llenn rul ing agnlust nermann on practically every point and ordering tho suit dismissed. Tho ciibo caused much commont on tho Hay on account of Herr mann charging fraud In tho salo of tho property. Judge Hall was at torney forr.Ms. Herrmann, who was administrator of the estate of her first husband, John Norman. Wlillo ho wns In Germany and soon after hIio married Christian Herrmann, ho represented her In sales of proper ty, .Among tho sales was that of tho Knstsldo trnct to Henry Sengstnck on, Ron Smith and others. After tho lnttor had bought It-. Herbort Rogors dropped out of tho syndi cate, and Judgo Hall took part of Rogers' subscription. Later Mrs. Horrmnnn dlod nnd Hornmnn married n second time. I In nnil Ills wlfn cnnio to tho IlaV nnd then ho discovered thnt tho property hntl greatly enhanced in vnluo. Ho then began suit to nul lify tho salo on tho ground that Hall had nor represented thorn prop orly, but Judgo noan holds that Hall did not do any wrong. Tho decision clears up tho title to tho Knstsldo property, much of which has been sold In lots. Decision In Case. Tho full toxt of tho decision Is na fnllmvn In tho District Court of tho United States for tho District oi uregon. Christian Herrmann, complainant, vs. John F. Hall, ot nl, defendants. Robert J. Upton, Henry St. Ray nor and C. I. Relgard, attorneys for complainant, and C. R. Peck and C. A. Sohluredo, attorneys for de fondants. R. S. Ilean, D. J. (Memorandum Opinion.) There Is nothing In the record to support tho chargo of actual fraud mndo In tho bill. On tho contrary, tho facts clearly show iint ttin cniA nf tlio iirooortv In controversy by Hall, as attorney In fact for Mrs. Herrmann, wub umui od Into by all tho parties connect ed therewith In tho utmost good faith. It was made for 1400 more tlinn Mm nrlrn fixed bv Mrs. Horr- mnnn and for Its full market value at tho time. Several witnesses or the complainant testified that Its mnrlfot vnlno lit tho tllllO Of WO sale was In excess of the amount pnld therefor by tho doronuanis, and whllo I think these witnesses Intended to testify to what thoy believed to bo tho fact, I am con strained, ln view of tho other tes timony, to concludo that they were nitolnlAn In thn YWir and had r6f- nroncn tri real estato values In 1900 WSSWWNS MUSI PAY BACK MONEY IE STOLE Judge Hall Paroles Phil Len non of North Bend and Pro vides for Reform Gives Him Good Advice. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILH, Ore., Feb. 5. Judge John F. Hall In juvenile court hero yesterday granted a potltlon for tho parolo of Phil I.onnon, tho sixteen year old son of Mr and Mrs. John Lonnon of North Hon, who was found guilty of aiding in tho robbery of tho North Ilend Nows Company. I.cnnon hnd been proviously senten ced to an Indeterminate term in tho state reform school, but sentence was suspended pending tho trial of Clint Alters, tho pal. In granting the parole, Judge Hall mndo It condition on Lcnnon'a good behnvlor. Ho gnvo him a good talk ing to In tho nature of fatherly ad vice. Ho told him that ho must go to work at onco and that bo would have to pay Allen about $150. Judgo Hall told him that ho would hnvo to apply one-half of his sal ary each month on this account. Ho also told I.cnnon that ho must keep away from billiard, pool nnd card rooms and must keep good company nnd Hhun ovll companions. Tho parole may bo revoked at any tlmo In enso Lcnnon does not llvo up to lis provisions. M (Continued on Pago Six.) IS CUT TODAY Over $6,000,000 Divided Among Stockholders of Trust; Like Standard. (Ur AMorltlril TrrM to Cool IX) Tlmci.) NHW YORK, Feb. 5. More thnn $0,000,000 will be distributed among the holders of tho common stock of tho American Tobacco Co., from a IC per cent extra dividend declared today. Like the $-10,000,-000 "melon" divided last week by tho Standard Oil Co., tho extra div idend results from tho supremo court' decree dissolving tho old cor poration nnd represents tho sale of treasury securities in conformity with tho decrco. FARRELL HELD TO 0 ' DEATH NATURAL Physicians Find That He Died of Bright's Disease No Inquest Necessary. Thnt Chas. Foster, who wbh found unconscious and dying in tho houso of Hazel Cameron on North Front streot, Inst Friday, died from natural causes, Is tho re port of two physicians who per formed autopsies on the decensed. Tho reports wore mndo by Dr. K. MlngiiH and Dr. Horsfnll to Coroner Wilson nnd Deputy Prosecuting At torney LlljcqvlBt yestordny. Thoy stato that death was caused by Ilrlght'H dlseaso nnd that tho In juries about tho body wero not suf ficient to have contributed to any extent towards death. In consequonco of theso reports, no Inquest will bo hold. . Doputy Prosecuting Attorney 1.11 JoqvlBt was hero from Coqulllo yes terday and went Into tho caso pret ty thoroughly with Coroner Wilson. Thoy wero unnhlo to find any ovl donco to show thnt Foster wns In nny wny Involved In tho fracas that occurred near tho Cameron houso a weok ago. It Is how bolloved that Foster, ov orcoino by tho dlseaso, fell nnd bruised his head and that tho oth er bruises about tho body wero tho result of his effort to movo hlm solf to securo assistance. He must hnvo been lying on tho floor for two or threo days In a helpless condition. New York Bomb Maker Placed in Tombs Pending His ' Indictment. Illr Atforlttci Trrii lo Cool Ilir TlmM.l NKW YORK, Feb. fi. John Paul Knrrell, Janitor and confessed bombmnker, was arraigned boforo a coroner'H Jury today and remand ed to the Tombs, charged with murder, to await the action of the grand Jury. Tho police hnvo confirmed all the details relative to his connec tion with tho Herrarn caso, but have not yet determined whether ho told the truth, lied or hnd a hal lucination about tho Taylor and Ko salBky enses. BULGARIANS CONTINUE ATTACK ON FOOTS AT ADDIANOPLE TOOAY WILLI IN OLD JAPAN Political Turmoil Follows Cen suring of Premier Nobles Thrown from Rigs. Illr AmocIUM 1'rrii lo Cool lli)r Timra. TOKIO, Feb. Ii. Exciting scenes were witnessed during tho dlsper sal of tho Japanese diet today, af ter a voto of censure on tho gov ernment of Premier Katsura had been carried. Tho exits from tho chamber wero thronged with peo ple who cheered tho members of tho Constitutional party, whllo tliey assaulted Saburo Shlmada nnd oth er so-called leaders of tho national liberal party. Thcso wero thrown out of their rlckashaws when they attempted to drive away. Efforts to duck them ln tho canal wero frustrated by the police. MANY ARRIVE ON ALLIANCE STEAMSHIP IN THIS AFTERNOON FROM PORTLAND AVIWj SAIL EARLY TOMORROW MORNING. Tho Alliance arrived In this after noon from Portland. Sho had a fair passenger list for hero and a largo number of through passengers for Euroka. Sho had a miscellaneous cargo of freight. Tho Alliance will sail at G o'clock tomorow morning for Euroka. Among thoso arlvlng on her were tho following: D. II. Munson, R. L. Phillips, F. A. Daly. Q. W. HolllBtor, "W. II. Drown, M. C. Kortson, Geo. Howll, A. L. French, and John Talley. MURDER IN PARIS. Prominent French OHIcial and Nuro Aro Slain. Dr Allocated Prm to- Cool DT Tlmu.J ninia i?l, K Pdiinrrt Peltier. i-iiiiikj, i ---. - - -. a high official In the French De partment of Justice was murdered ln his residence hero today. A wo man nurse wno was uuuuuiub was also killed. PLANS FOR BIG CITY Secures Park and School Sites, Absorbs Suburbs; Buy Waterworks. ' Chris RasmusEcu and J. D. Mills, two well known Ilaudon boosters, cnnio over from Randon last night to epoud n 'day or two In Maralifleld on business and pleasure. Thoy report everything prosperous In tho clty-by-tho-Bea with ldlcntlons for one of tho best years in Its history. "Wo have Jusr arranged to annex a largo district to Randon," said Mr. Rasmusson, "that will Increase our population by about 1000. Tho district Includes all of East Han don, Randon Heights and up to near tho ferry. Every resident of tho district except two has signed a petition to bo absorbed In tho town of Randon, so that It Is as good as dono now. "Wo will soon voto to establish a municipal water system. A provi sion In tho frauehlso of tho old company enables us to tako tho proporty over on an eight per cent basis so that wo will not hnvo much trouble in tho negotiations. "Tho town has Just purchased a fluo flftceu-acro park, Including tho old ball grounds, from Eugouo O'Connoll, tho Merchant estato and A. M. Crawford. It is a beautiful tract and worth sevoral times what wo paid for It. Tho school district has purchased two flno sites for schools, one being a tract of over llvo acres, which will afford a fine athletic ground for tho students. "Wo nro doing theso things m preparation for tho big city which Randon will bo. Everything looks bright for a railroad at Randon, but there has not beon any now developments In tho situation." HARROW CASE TRIAL. Leading Attorney for Defenso 111 In Hospital. (Ur AiiocUted Treti to Coot Car Tlmu.J LOS ANGELES, Feb. 5. When tho Darrow trial was resumed yes terday, Mrs. Robert Rain told of having used her Influonco on her husband to induce him to accept tho bribe money from Detectlvo Franklin, who was employed by Darrow, to voto for tho acquittal of tho McNamaras. Darrow's chief counsel, Earl Rogers, whoso Illness delayed tho trial, was taken to tho hospital and It Is expected that he will bo unablo to render any more assistance in tho present case. SESSION IS HELD. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. After several Ineffectual attempts to se curo consideration of Presldont Taffs appointments, the senate Re publicans succeeded finally Tuesday In forcing an exocutlvo session. Tho Democrats who opposed tho motion wero Joined by La Follette. A Democratic filibuster to prevent nny action was resumed as tho doors closed. With tho appoint ments sent to tho sonare during tho past two weoks, tho total num ber pending ls nearly 1800. WILSON STILL T Fighting Continues Along For tifications but News of Results Held Back. BULGARIANS BARRED RED CROSS THERE Newspaper Men Also Kept Back Reports Turks Are. Losing Ground, ' WAR Ill'LLKTIXS. I -4 LONDON. Feb. ii A sharp engagement began Into today I on tho Tchutalja lines, accord . lug to n dispatch from Con stantinople. The roar of tho I cannon is said to bo plainly audlblo In tho Turkish capital. President-elect Intimates He May Not Announce Mem bers Before Inauguration. Illr AmckUUJ rrcn lo Cooi IJ; Tlmci.) TRENTON. N. J., Feb. 0. President-elect Wilson sees no particular reason why ho should nnnouuco his cabinet boforo ho Is Inaugurated, though ho Indicated todny thnt ho will try to reach a decision as to selections before that tlmo. Mr. Wilson said that ho recalled that Cleveland did not mako his an nouncement until after his inaugu ration, thovh tho Governor said ho hoped ho will not find It neces sary to follow that precedent. PLANS ARK .MARK. Program Completed for Inaugura tion of President Wilson. Ur AuocUteJ I'mi lo Cooi IJir Tlmei.) WASHINGTON. Fob. 5. Tho of ficial program for tho Inaugural ceremonies was completed today. It follows In dotal! the plniiH of the Inauguration of Taft and Sherman four years ago. CASTRO IS IIONORKD. Invited to Luncheon with Governor of Ncv oYrk. (nr AuocUtfel rrn to Cooi Hr Tlmu.J NKW YORK. Fob. D. Clprlano Castro, ox-presidont of Vonozuola, today accepted an Invitation to tako luncheon with Governor Sulzor nt Albany tomorrow. KINO NOT COM I NO. Alplmiiso Will Not Visit America At Present. nr AiiocUte,! I'rfu to Cooi Oir Tlmei.J MADRID. Fob. C King Alphon so will not visit America, accord ing to an olllclal statement Issued today. ROADS FOR ALASKA. Special Commission Reports In Fa vor of New Line. Dr AuocUteJ rrtii to Cooi Dir Tlmei. WASHINGTON, Fob. C Tno Alaska railway commission has re ported to President Taft that one m oro extenslvo railroad will bo needed to proporly open up Alaska resources. The report, which tho president will sond to congress, says there are sovoral avallablo routes from the coast to tho far Interior of Alaska, hue no recommendations are made as to tho cholco of routes. V. P. MKKTING HELD. Sr AnoclileJ rreu to Cooi Dir Time.) NEW YORK, Fob. C. Tho exe cutive commltteo of tho Union Pa cific railroad hold another meotlng yesterday but it was unproductive of any news ropardlng tho dissolu tion of that road from tho South ern Pacific. REACH ON TRIAL. New York llrokrr Charged With Assaulting Wife. Dr Auoctatei Prm to Cooi Uij Tlmn,) AIKEN, N, C, Fob. 5. Tho tak intr of testimony in tho caso of F. O, Reach, millionaire New York broker, charged with attempting to kill his wife, continued today. Tho evidence today leferrod to tho stmggio at the point wnero .Mrs. Reach was attacked. I LONDON, Feb. C Difrlng ' I tlio retreat by Turkish soldloiB ) from Adrlauoplo today, 1000 i ' of thoin wero taken prlsononr by tho Riilgnrlnns, according ' to a dispatch from Sofia. . IPr AifocUted Prrii lo Cooi n7 Tliati.l LONDON, Feb. 5. Tho bombard ment of Adrlauoplo, which begaiv Monday, proceeded without .Inter ruption today. Tho report wiib spread thnt the Rulgnrliins had de cided to suspend operations for twenty-four hours so iir to glvo tho Turk ish garrison opportunity for surren dering. This nppoarH, howovor, to bo without foundation, according to army stories spread broadcast In rof crenco to tho conditions around the beleaguered fortress. A mcasago from Hclgrado thin morning sponkB ot the heroic conduct of two Servian rogl nientB, which participated In tho at tack on the outor circles of fortF. There nro no means of verifying thl or any other reports, as whatovor flglitlng Is going on, Is, ho to spoak, being carried on behind closed doora so far iih tho outsldo world Is con cerned. Reporj From Sofia. (nr AMOilalf.) Prr lo Cooi Dir Tlrmi.l SOFIA, Fob. 5. Tho bombard ment of Adrlauoplo continued to dny mi all sides of tho city. Tlio Dulgarian army headquarters roport yesterday (Monday) passed without fighting along the Tchatalja Hues. Tho forty-eight hour borbardmont of Adrlauoplo Ijy tho allies has thus far resulted In only eight doathti within tho city and tho Injury of ten others, acordlng to Turkish war of llco officials' Htntomont. Fifty prl vato houses wero set on Ilro. Tho bombard nient continues. GOKS TO FRONT. Turkish Grant! Vller Leaves for Field llcndquni'lfiw. inr Auoilittil I'ri'.i lo Tool if Tlmei, J CONSTANTINOPLE. Fob. C. Mnhmoud Shcnkot Pasha, grand vUlor and minister of war, left for tho front nt noon today. Ills do parttiro Is taken to Indicate soma forward action Is contemplated by the army ni Tchatalja. RED CROSS RARRKD. Rulgiula Will Not Penult Medical Aid for Adrlauople. a,- AuocUlcJ IVm lo Cooi ilir TlniM.) RERLIN, Fob. C Tho Rulgarlan government hns refused to grant tho appcnl mndo by tho Gormnn Emprosa to tho Quoon of Rulgnrla for per mission for tho Gorman Red Cross expedition to entor Adrlauoplo to at tend tho Turkish sick and wounded. Aftor tho Gorman minister at Sofl tried in vain to securo permission, tho German Empress tologrnphcd Queen Eleonoro to uso hor Influence, but tho Rulgarlan government says tactical conservations mako tho re quest Impossible. TURKS WIN FIGHT. RiiIgni'lauH Art) Easily Repulsed lit Adrlauople. CONSTANTINOPLE, Fob. G. Tho garrison of Adrlauoplo, accord ing to nn official roport, easily re pulsed tho attack Monday night by tho Rulgarlans. Although no ser ious fighting occurred on tho Tcha talja lines, tho village of Tchatal ja, which hitherto has beon tha limit of the Rulgarlan linos Is in flames, Its destruction apparently having beon decided on for tactical reasons. GOLD REACH IS TO HAVE GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM GOLD REACH, Fob. 3 Tho Gold Tloonli lffitit Dnii'ii nnt T.lilit f.n Is tho namo of a now company or- ganizou xor tno purpoBo oi iin nlshlng tho very necessary ro nulRltpR in tlio Innabltants of Gold Reach and vicinity. Tho company was organized January za wun capital stock of $5000 and tho fol lowing offlcors woro olected by tho .llrnntnrn. TO A. HllllnV. 111'GSldOnt: J. It. Stannard, vlco president; Frank G. Hauor, secretary; uuorgu D. Wood, treasurer, and W, A. Wood, genoral managor. Tho com pany will tap Riley Creok about a mllo and a half from town and build a largo reservoir, Insuring wator for uso of all nnd of flro pro tection for tho town. It will L a gravity systom.