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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1913-EVENING EDITION. 1 " - ' 3 m gig Value Bargain Clubs fi Year's Reading Matter for the Whole Family If 3E an A good foundation for a Day's Work W For tlie PoulUy Raiser aT'w i SX L'wW,',,'.''"-! ylW V iff ;$ f-'' -ghc Wtchk Inictyau ami ffitftnert'" lifff.-: Ynur fe ! Save V ' -' lm' "H-rt '$ of plUfe ; One x&K !"tM;rT f2rS riT sag,., 3 u!ff vN BuarftaMB fe2L Clubs issJF wPw Sft wSwimv W'ffSfc w&sM KP? VVi-vSlfs Ji1?!! ""' wins -J?--r: 7""! Mil Mm&wzW' V'"'' .'".,:-l IS- fgSffiHy Don't V:'-'i'!;i "w--""" KteSry Wait V- V- '$y mm 7 Do It X'Vuy Ench Mntfnitno "t.'' Milir y Uio Dc.t of It. Clnsn i aVlUW TUSnjLTY IS NAS1ED. Presldcnt-Elcct Wilson Selects Iff m to Hi' Private Kccietuiy. tUr AMoclalti! Preee to Coot IJ Times.) TRENTON, N. J., Fob. 4. President-Elect Wilson announced todav that IiIh private secretary, J. p. 'I'uinulty. would ho secretary to lilin as president. APPEALS SUIT ABOUT TAXES AUK HOARDING GOIil). French l'eojiltt Setrclo Metal Money 1'or l'oiir of Wur. tllr Ao.lleil rrins to Coo llr Ttinra.) 1'AUIS, Pel), n. Owing to nppro lioiiHlons of a. poBslblo war, koIiI, which Is now twenty cents premium on ono huntlotl dollars has almost entirely disappeared for circulation In 1'ranee. Paris branches of the American hanks aro tho only places whore gold can ho obtained. Tho hoarding of gold Iibb been In progress for threo months. rilOltl'K I'LAVS UATiL. Send Your Order Today The Chicago Weeltly Inter Oconn nntl Fnrmcr In iu acvipipcr thmt llvci you llic lrtl ilotlci nj feature Iroin Iho LtJirmJ Dillr Inter Ocran, A wuill-ld newt acrvlcc. mjrliet rcsoni, tic. main iMi i apcr iccon J to none. Uverv lnue conlaln; iCTBoakriomenolraclerOmiin. anJ a ttnry by illil nlulilicd CI Whor. rubliihcil wtflly. Itcjular yearly auliacrlption price T The Family MnKnztno contain! clean, liolcaome ficiton, atortca elaiori tkia orJiaary Intcreit anj nappy editorial comment on c-jr-rtalncnti. Acotklnl fnni mXaiine lor the tiouiekcccpcr. Cfn WCiitJ noathly, Ketular eaily auliicripllon prlco uw The Fruit Grower nntl Former. A Bitumelbit hit helped lit readcra Improve Iknr Iruit, to natter whether they have a Ml orchard, or luat a few Ircet In the yard. It la tat liritit fruit paper In the United Slalct and coaialai more helpful matter for people who refnillforprofii orpleaiure than all olhrra at toether, rubllihcd monthly. Kcu- CI lujculriulicrlpilon price r Fnrm nntl Home la a paper that lll help to male every farm auccratfiil. It flvea In readera utt what they want, not thcorlea but practical facta, contributed by men ami women who ''know." It dealt with everything of Intereal lu the llouielceprr. rurmcr, (iardener, I'rult tlrowcr, Dairyman. I.lvc block ond Poultry Keeper. Publlihcd Cfl twice a month. Keutar yearly auliacrlption price OVlt Homo Llfo- Juit what Ita name Impllea-a matatlne that helpa lu aubacriliera lo make the home attractive and helpful. GooJe.liio tali, poetry anil apeclal Icaturea make Ihla a real home mafa- Ci tine, rubllthcd monthly. Kctular yearly aubacrlptton price oul Succeaaful Poultry Journnl. A aub acrlptton to Ihla maa'aiino it a year'a courae ol liutruction In poultry culture from the forcmott eiperta and practical hrecderi. Ointatna apeclal ailklea on all branchea ol poultry ralalnf, that will tare you money and teach you how to Jet the rciutta that Inaure pleaaure and profit to the amateurortheeipcrt, I'uhllahcd month Cfir ly. regular yearly aubtcrlptloa price Kimbnll'ta Dnlry Fnrmcr. A mala line Ihnt appcala to the bit breeder ol cattle and the general farmer who wanta to Increaie the production of hli cow a. Indited by prac tical men who breed Hood dairy cattle, hot: hortea and poultry and give their readera the benefit of their work uml ripcrlcnce. Pub llthcd twice a month, Kctular yearly Cflf tubacrlpliun price OVU THREE BIG VALUE BARGAIN CLUBS Either cf these comblipitlons means a saving of at least one half, and in addition you do not have to bother writln,' each publisher direct. They comprise a variety of publications that will appeal to those who want the best in their respective fields at a price within reach of all CLUB No. 1 rtttiT rnnvipo at i WEKLYINTPKOCKAN . . l.lfl ' nu IIUMB .10 FAMILY ...... j) HOMBUFE SU X'tularfrlc JJ.SO CLUB No. 2 StJCCI'.SSI'tJI. POUI.TKY WP.KKI.Y INTI'.K )CI:AN I' A KM AND IIOMIi . . I'AMII.Y IIOMIi I.IFI'. . . . . Ueiular Price . . .SO l.(J .5(1 .W .50 JJ.W CLUB No. 3 KIMMAI.I.'S .... WI'.CKI.Y INTKIt OCKAN I'AUM AND IIOMIi . . I'AMII.Y . . . . , HUMP. LI IP. . . . . Itcular Price A1MV riNtr of tho ahovo Clubs (No. 1. 2. or It) and a Yoar'H Subscription to fan f( rtll I WnEi TIIH COOS HAY TIMKS, Dully Kdlllon, all SIX Papers ONK YKAH pO.UU He sure to specify which club you doiilro. Ortlor by Number (Club No. 1, 2, or .'!). J .50 I l.oo .50 I .50 I .50 I UOOlaf aiiui:ss COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON. j Do You Leave Your uoors Unlocked? Toil Trmil.l ..i.. . v0,l l"",Ki o wiai, ami you w "Sf bo without lira In- 7 ."" tuu unpn i nnr u-nnl.l 32 i1 u8t " insidious. Ho S? f.. "insured nronorty q8-V." Jour Bavlngs for ill cost of a policy. lu aiesi and best. Kaufman Co. The Sign of Good Candy Always P Quick work, ry PROMPT WORK, FOR Rnnn umDi pone the old reliable 5BaySteamlannHr.. delivpn , ..... h57. u. ' Cl.? Tailorinrf 8tfuss ItTvlsniT iJ" I filial. Phone 250-X FAST AND C05D10DIOUS Steamer Redondo Equlpicd with wireless nntl subinnrliio bell SAILS FROM MAR.SHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, FEB. 6, AT 10 A. M. All PAssenKcr Iccrvatlons From Son Frnnclsco Mtut Do Mntlo t 803 Fife DIuldliiKi or Tier No 10. All reservations must bo to ken up 21 liourti boforo sailing. INTUIUOCBAN TRANSrORTATIO.V CO. PHONE 44. O. F. McOKORQE. Agent. &! Nn1?;1' 12:30 u KIR - oiy 4h 4L r a. in iihiii " 'kiajVWe NoTtt. " 12:30 'SS& Unr8thatB7ena 0" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUirrKI) WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA THURSDAY, FEBRUAR.Y 6, AT 6 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH nANIC ROAD AT TORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC OTEAMSHIl' COMPANY. Phono 1 1 O. F. McOEORGE, Agent. SLS SPEEDWELL OAPT. 11URTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Thursday, January 30, at 3 o'clock. TnE SPEEDWELL la speedy and has excellent passenger acconi motlations, largo clean aud ulry rooms and elcctrlo lights and wireless For freight and passage, apply, A. F. Estabrook Co. Title Guarantco and Abstract Co., 245 Cal. St., San Francisco. Mursdificld. M)l I, .trloao2rrtntatainp llliiiurn.iliiiiaiiiludillraaatid viirlroii'r'aiintiirfiiriii'Uiluu Ilatuud auutuulrlna. Singer Sewing Machines We Imvo IhtMii for rent or for Halo. Machines Hopulretl. Sttppllos and Needles for Sale. W. .1. HIT, l.'M Pail; Ave. Marsliflcld. Plume litl.X. THE WIRELESS LAMP may ho Invented soino time, as our window would Hiiggest. Hut we Imvo a lamp that consumes a Hiirprlslugly small amount; of current which wo will bo pleased to show you. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Uroadway FOR A GOOD WAT( II OR FINK JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Flue Watch ami Jewelry Repairing. '(l(l Front St.. .Marshfieltl. REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Soino flno bargains in Real Es tate. Houses and rooms for rent AUG. FRIZEE.V. 08 Contral Avenuo, New Auto Line Ah soon as roads will permit wo will run two cars from North Slouglr to Ten Mllo. Ono passon gor auto and ono freight auto, connecting with tho North Sta boar. NED GALLOWAY. LEW LOO.MIS. A. II. WILMOT. Noted Indian Athlelo Signs Up With Now York Nationals. tllr AaaotlatM Trraa to Cooa Hay Tlmea.) NEW YORK, Fob. 3. ."Jim" Thorpe, tho Indlnn athletic marvel has Hlgned a contract calling for his services with the now York National l.eaguo baseball club in 1913. In so doing ho Btopped forovor from tho ranks of amatour athletics, a ho iienco to his recent confession that bo played professional ball sovcral j ears ago. REI1ELS IN WASHINGTON. Confederate Veterans to March In Full Regalia at Inauguration. (11 Aaaorlatl Preaa to Cboa nay llmea. WASHINGTON, Fob. 3. For tho llrst time lu history, a band of tonfederntes will tramp down Penn sylvania avenue, March 4th, when Company D, Confederate Vetorans of Nashvlllo, Tonn., will occupy places of honor lu tho Inaugural pnrado. They will carry rlllcs and 8ldo arms and wear tho uniforms tlioy had during tho Civil war. Tho organi sation was hero during tho Roose velt administration, but did not bear arms. SUPREME COURT ADJOURNS. lily Aaaoelated Preaa to Coos Hay Tlmee. WASHINGTON, Fob. 3. Tho bu 1 re me court recessod today until February '2 1 without announcing Its iIccIhIou In tho stnto rato caso or of tho Intormountaln rato cases. DELAWARE CLAIMS HONOR. (Dy Anoda'.eJ rreaa to Cooa nay TlmM. J DOVER. Fob. 3. -Relieving Dela ware would maUo tho thirty-sixth mate to ratify tho federal Income tax amendment nnd thus mako It effective tho lcglHlaturo rushed through a joint resolution ratifying the nmundment. According to the speaker of tho house, llnal action was taken at 10: IT. thin morning. There Ih no kuowledgo hero of tho action of tho Wyoming legislature Delaware now clnlms the honor of having cast tho deciding vote lu fa or of tho amendment. PRINCE IS CRIPPLE. Heir to ltiislau Throne Pliable lo Straighten Knee. (Ily Aaaoclatr. I'naa lo Coo Hay Tlmea.J YALTA, Crimea, Russia. Feb. 4. -Imperial Crown Prince Alexis of Russia Is Htlll unable to stralghton Ills left leg at the kueo, owing to Injuries sustained recently, but the physicians Htate tue lameness will probably disappear. ItKEAK IN STRIKE. Purl of Sleel WorkeiK lu Pennsjl vaula Resume Places. Ity AaaoclatM rreaa to Cooa Hay Tlmea. P1TTS1UJRG, Feb. 4. Tho llrst break In tho ranks of tho striking Ironworkers at the Rankin plant or tho American Stool nnd Wire Com pany occurred when 200 out of 1500 men returned to work. Dep uties prevented disorder. As the day advanced other men joined tho workers at tho mill, in cluding soino of tho pickets. Work was nlso resumed at tho Uraddock plant, whoro It was estimated at 10 o'clock that fully COO of tho strikers had returned to work. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at 8 P. SI. SAILING FROM SIAHSHFIELH, Saturday, February 8, Saturday February 15, Saturday, February 22. Phono Slain 35-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, With Passengers and Freight, Friday February 7, at 10 a. m. F. S. DOW, AgCMt. Oceas Dock. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. North Bend Real Estate Two flno business lots on Sber mnn avenue for ?3G00. Shriver Realty Co. 1st Nat'l Dank Bldg. North Rend. Have .That Roof Fixed NOW See GOBTUELL PHONW 8121. RETAIL DEPARTSIENT LUMHER, LATH, SHINGLES, .MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL DILL IN TWO IlY USING OUR. WOOD. PHONE 100. 1'82 SOUTH RROADWAY Southern Oretion Company Fights Payment on Land in Old Grant. ROSHIlima, Feb. 4. The Soutn ern Oregon Company, successors to to tho old Coos Hay Wagon Road' Company, lias filed notice of ap peal to the supremo court lu tho case lecently filed by them against George K. Qulno, tax collector of Douglas county. The case origin ated sevoral months ago, when unit was brought by them to enjoin Sheriff Qulne, acting lu tho capac ity Of tax rrillnrlnr if ri,.., county from collecting taxes due u wieir property. Tho Southern Oregon Company claimed that the Htato had brought suit to recover tho land Oil flin pi-muni ll.ot .i. company bail failed to comply with the terms of the original grant, and consequently tltlo to tho land was under controversy. In Hon of paying tho accumulation of taxes, extontllng back ovor several years, the Southern Oregon Com pany offered to place the amount due as taxes In escrow lu somo re Hponslblo bnnk In tho event the Hherlff would deliver to them tno required tax receipts. The money was to ho holt! by tho bank until Hiich time as tho caso was finally decided In tho supremo court. In tho event tho cnao wob decided fav orablo to tho Southern Oregon Company tho money was to bo paid over to tho sheriff, while In case tho Btllt Wits decldeil npnliiat t, compnny thoy wero to recovor tho iiiiuuj tiuvanccu upon presentation of tho tnx receipts. This arrangement was first turned down In tho county court, and later by Judge Hamilton In tho circuit court, who hold that tho company was subject to pay Its taxes the name as any other concern owning PrODOrtV 111 tlm nfntn V,. ,i... bouthorn Oregon Company contom- I...IH.O i-i;iiriiiK a nnai decision lu tho supromo court. AFFECTsTJANp" GRANT. Senator Netuner Wants Oregon Log. islnturo to Act. SALEM Ore, Fob. 4. To appeal tho Coos Day land grant, which was rnntlo by nn act of tho legislature on October 22, 1870. will bo tho purpose of n bill that will bo Introduced In tho sonato by Sonator Nouner, who with Governor West and District At tornoy Drown of Rosoburg has boon Investigating tho mattor for some time. In his mossngo to tho loglnlnturu ' Governor West called attention to tlm grant nnd his belief that It was the tstato's place Instead of tho federal government's to recover tho lands, and tho bill preparod will bo for the tho purposo of carrying out this rec ommendation. Tho original grant wns mndo by congress In 1809 to tho state for tho purposo of aiding In tho construction of a military road from Coos Hay to Rosoburg. Tho lands granted wore nltcrnnto sections, designated by odd numboru, to tho oxtent of throe sec tions In width on each side of thu Intontlod road. In 1870 tho loglslnturo gavo tho lands to the Coos Dny Wagon Road Company for tho purposo of carrying out tho provisions of tho original grant. In 1908 tho fodornl govern ment began suit against the succes sors of this company, the Southern Oregon Company to recovor ' the lands and Sonator Nounor .and thu govoruor contend that tlu statu should recover tho lands. ONE DAY IN JAIL. Kansas City Editor's Contempt Cuta Goes to Supremo Court. (Iljr Aaaoelat Preaa to Cooa lla; Time, KANSAS CITY, Mo., Fob. 3. Ed itor Nelson was sentencod Saturday for contompt of court, to ono day In tho county Jail. His attorney Imme diately applied for a writ of habeas corpus. Tho writ was returnable Ira mediatory and all concornod adjourn ed to tho court of appoals, whoro nr guraont upon It was bogun. Tho writ acted as supersedeas and mean time Nolson was glvon his liberty. NELSON CASE DELAYED. Dr Anoelal.a Preaa to Cooa liar Tinea.) KANSAS CITY, Fob. 4. Tho ap plication for a writ of habeas corpus uskod Saturday by Colonel W. R. Nolson. editor and owner of tho Kansas City Star following his soutonco by Judge Murtzort to ono day lu jail for alloged contompt, was refcrrod to tho Missouri su promo court. This will act as an arrest on Judgment and Colonel NolBon will remain at liberty until tho upronio court acts. It will bo probably sovoral months before It Is reached. AFTER ROMR THROWER. New York Police on Trail of .Men Who Caused Outrage. t)r Aaaoclated rrraa to Cooa Day Tlmea. NEW YORK, Fob. 4. Tho po lice aro making extraordinary ef forts to find tho perpetrator of tho bomb outrage In tho Uronx, be cause they believe that tho bomb wus thrown by the same man who killed Mrs. Helen Taylor and at tempted the llfo of Judgo Rogal sky. They Imvo discovered that tho Infernal machlno which caused tho death of Sirs. Sladollne Horre ra and wounded her husband and woman boarder was like thoso sent to Mrs. Taylor and Rosalsky. Dotlt Horrara nnd tho Injured woman aro in a serious condition today. EIGHT-HOUR DAY. Five Thousand Garment Worker Strike la Doston. (Dr AaaoclataJ rreaa to Cooa Day Tlmea. DOSTON, Fob. 4. Flvo thous and garment workers struck to en forco tho eight-hour dny, and abol ition of tenement house work and recognition of tho union.