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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1912)
M AFTER TRYING REALIZE THE MANY THINGS HE CANT DlX ok authority' WATCH THi: AVANT ADS. r " 'Time H for ,no ('"y "a Viiiiniiiiii'y ant, lust ami In 11.0 iii"'' JOIN 1",! TIMKS I,,Aa,1I'Y- There arc many good Imrgnlna to bo found lliorc. Anytlilnf? lost or found Is nhvnyH adver tised lu Tho Times. JOB A AN iff 3&V& tttt0 h 1 MEMIICK OK THE ASSOCIATED PItES 'saaia&ujaiggaffiaaBsaBSSTfw com fiate any '! lit tlker- $lto 50. 'idnpl Rafa iced . . 1 . 4 (IfU ', wvil km'"""4"1" " Jl;:" WMMIWWm DIES OF MISSING E FOUND NEAR LOS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. RS A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall unci Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 132 AVIATO ANGELES WITNESSES THIIK BODY IS JOYNEiTS Ur Lawrence and Horace Kearny, who niuu w 0 ban rictuuiauu. ......r-n iin nM HE WASH tu ur "" Mnn ..... fence's Wife identities I Husband's Body by De scription 01 OI0U1U5. . TBI BUS BIPLANE 1 Greek Aviator Uses Flying Machine in Attack on Turkish Fortress. (My AuorUtnl Tim to row Itar TIhw 1 1'AIUS, Due. lit. A veritable hnll boinljH whb thrown Into tho n,Altl PrfM l Coon Dr TlmM.) M AMBLES. Dec. 19. Tho .to of ChcJtcP Lawronco, uio ....normnll llllll COIUIintllOll Of earny. v. ho loft here Snlur rf In n liydnplnno, which brought il I. l.nlll 1IIIM1. I1IIVU IJUUI1 U" ! i fmm the Ben. A message of ," . it.iti 1(n ttrtllt MillI! I. ..iIi..IUii .. fMlitH.I l.t iltn TJMOmiO Wlliua mill inu immi; i jiumnii ivjiwvbo ui jhiimih uj uiu I'' ... m ... - .... Ixll.i .llltldl ... . i found iion"t; i" "" """" 'droek military aviator .Moutoiiama libera anil im uccii-iuuiumuu d nn nreompanyiBK eomniiK who ill Of I.aWrCIK C ,. (I. nv- tl,n nllv vmlunlav In n n tody wn. ' inn in ii Ky ""-! "" "'- " " ""' ICrOSS II1C lrum ui winwn nuiui uiiimuu. inu iiuirmn nno iiuiivu ' ... ..... ,. nn" fl It'll It A 1 . .... . .. .. n, ritoroi i-u-1 viii . r.u .. .... in-incinn nv on in, i c no i- KKMlcedtoK 'alon I.... hi (he way i.iy iiuHuanu wns uresHou f.tknirin will) Kearny." Biild Mrs. . it f "'i ..-- .. . jrrtnee today sno moil coiiapsum oYSTKRS JuhI rccclvwl. PHOXH Identity of Corpse Found Near Tarheel Not Positively Es tablished Hearing Again Tomorrow. they thought tho body was Win. Joy ner'H. Doth know Joynor woll. So far no ono hns been secured as a wltncBS who will testify posi tively thnl tho tntoo mark wnB on Joynor's left hand. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Lll Jonvlst was present and assisted Coroner Wilson In conducting tho i no belief Hint the body found inquest. Tho Inquest was adjourned Monday nenr Tarheel Point by tho Foster 1ml Ih Hint of Win. Joyner, uio honiii siougii rancher, who mys teriously illgtipponrod a fow months ago. was strengthened at a continu ation of tho coroner's Inquest last illicit. Several witnesses who know Joyner well testified thnt they be lieved tho body was Joynor's, but nono wero absolutely positive. Only ono witness expressed tho bo iler Hint tho body was thnt of Capt. Our Johnson, or some other ono of tho victims of tho Osproy disaster, ami thnt wns Capt. Tyler of tho tug Hoscoc. Cnpt. Tylor testified that ho wns poult Ivo that tho ropo found at tached to tho body wiih tho casting lino off tho Hoscou, which hnd been thrown to Cnpt. Johnson when tho Ouprey wns going on tho rocks. On the other hnud, C. 0. Hoskctt of tho Southern Oregon Company at MORGAN DENIES 111 THERE IS A "MONEY 10081" POSSIBLE until tomorrow afternoon, when Clinton, tho former companion of Joyner, will bo here from Ten Mllo to testify In tho enso. A numbor of South inlet pcoplo and Kinpiro pcoplo who know Joyner woll will nlBo probably bo summoned to tes tify. Tho session tomorrow promises to bo decidedly Interesting. To Get Descriptions. An effort Ih being niuilo todny to got a more nccurato description of Cnnta In Gun Johnson from iuh ram lly nenr Gold Ilench. Tho tntoo mark on his hnml will bo especially I mm I mil Itno nud ulso tho kind of clothing thnt ho woro on his last trip from there. An effort Is nlso being mado to get tho military description of Joy nor. Todny telegrams nro to bo sent to Joynor'H old roglmont nnd tho War Dopnrtmont nt Washington for tho exact description or joynor nnu . - i. .1 ... I... (i.tntt li.filllu i:l vii carru ii ' hi i' " ,,........,. ,,., .,- w i.i. .ivii J IDS AXOn.KS. Dec. 19. Paul "'"".- '' ' "'" ' "" iiihif, tho ii.n who found tho COM! HTOHK CO. IMIO.M5 T.f. TKtaco of KenrnyH liydro-noro- ue it rr-liiriuairs uvo, -ruoBuny, noriM bv t 1 nliono today that ho' Ii found n body four miles south (iheiDOt wlicro tiio wrecu oi uio ...I... ....,,f1 l.rlnmlu Krapune nn ,.u ! Keirnoy ana i-'nosior i.awrcnio, I Bewinaneriiiiin, who nccompan- 1 Kearny on tho fntal illght, havo kxetotuo Bccno to aitcmpi 10 iiicu- Ji the tody iib that of ono of mo cluing men. IE PARLEY M SUNDAY porks and Balkan Represen tatives Adjourn Hastily in London. .uunmv to Sunday LONDON. Dec. 19 It was an nounced lntir todav that tho I'peaco confirrnco had ndjournod I until 4 o'd'ick Sunday nftor I EOOn. oN rpitKnn wnn trlvnn for 1 1 Ike hnsty adjournment. . ; (If Auorlitfl l'r to Coo liar Time.) LONDON, Doc. 19. Whothor tce la to bo doctored botweon JTirtey nnd tho Dalkan allies or 'r continued, Is oxpectcd to bo Kled within 48 hours. In dlplo- :tlc circles In London tho opln- prevails that if obstnclos which ICmnlre. testified Hint ho thauclit that tin ropo was tho snino kind that ho. his mcasuromcntB when ho cntorod Mold KnvHrnl lliniisnnd foot of uneh . tho nrmv. year for IIhIiIiik rope Mr. Hockett Tho olllclals, while not nolo bo far declared Hint he bulloved tho body to got iibflolulo ovldenco Hint tho ntKKII OI.Y.MI'IA and KASTKItXj was Win. Joynor's. I body Is William Joyncr's, nro going rapt, .lonn Anderson, wno Know on nun incory. ino in nn mui Capt. (Jus Johnson woll, tentllled that wns absolutely nothing In tho pockots ho vm nearly posltivo that tho body hnd strengthened tholr suspicion that was not Capt. Johnson's. Ho for-, tho body wnH trown In tho Hny lo niprlv sailed with Capt. Johnson. hldo n crlmo nnd try to conceal Its M. KIMott of South Inlot tcstllled, Identity, that ho thought tho ropo around the Tho blue ahlrt found on tho corpso body might bo n piece of llshlng rope. I wns not of tho honvy kind, hut wns However, kohio black spots on It of a rather light mntorlnl. wero nt Irregular distances apart and Shorlff Ongo, who from tho first this cnused him to doubt that tho linn believed that Joynor was shot In ropo had been used ns n llshlng lino.' tho back with a shotgun, from cluos Ho thought ho body was Joynor's. ( ho got In tho Investigation, does not (us Peterson of Empire ana uari appear to do as auro nnoui mo uimy Albrccht of Marshfleld testiricn tnat peing joynors. CLASH ABOUT L S A 1 Mayor Straw and Councilmen Differ Over Merchant's Patrolman's Duty. Lnst ovoiiIiik's Bosalon of tho Marshfleld city council was enliv ened by it clash ovor the merchant patrol which tho council has been ro-operotlng with Uio Trout street property owners lu maintaining. Mayor Straw declared that "ho would not hnvo any olllcor working for tho city when tho snloon men nnd othor unduslrnblo property owiiors woro contributing to his salary." Tho mattor wns brought up by K. K. Dooth of tho Morchonta' Patrol nsBOcIatlon, npponrliiK boforo tho council nnd asking that tho city contlnuo Its monthly contribution of $20 towards tho salary of tho patrolman. Ho said that thero had imnn Bonio dimcultloa about tho 'mutter and that tho monibors had deoldod to hnvo tho olllcor noncu forth net simply ns a watchman nnd not ns nn olllcor of tho city. Ho said that sumo had boon com plaining becniiBo as nn olllcor tho watchman was not always on his 11 v likely to presont thoniBolvcs nt 'to teislons of tho poaco confer- ""at St. James' Palaco can bo' wre"T.. V ., ' ,,. " ,.; .t would mounted Woro night, poaco will," " l fl cto y o l.avo tho StMwred. Tho ro-vlctuallug of b mor0 ?"" .,,,, wntnl, ! Turkish fortress at Adrtonoplo , ncl "Z " .trout o or nr-:-Mch ,h, Turks .re-reported to . r tr o !e er ! as n condition of wnlving tte'r demand that Grocco sign tho htlce Is tho most troublosomo Wit and If thn TorltH lnnlntaln ttelr attitude, It will indlcato thoy still firm on tho subject of ro tion of tho fortross after tho ir. The ncacn nlnnlnnlnnllnrlnn of Balkan nlllna nn.l Trtflrnu wnrn 5 ,essIon today three-quarters of llOUr. Thnn nnnl.l.l Tlnahn nnil k'lh Pasha hurriedly loft tho pal Jte and went to their hotel. Thoy '"Med to e'n ihn rannr-tnra nnv "'ormatlon. L LE Mli CHILD Three Men Wounded in En deavor to Capture Mem phis Man Who Killed Wife Strongly Barricaded. Ur Am ItlM Trm lo Coot Ilr TlmM.1 MICMIMHS, Tonn., Doc. 19. A 4 yonr-old child munching nn npplo walked Into tho living room of a boarding Iioiibo hero Inst night nnd announced that "papa has killed mammn." Tho child's mothor, Mrs. Adam M. Iloohlor, was found nt tho door of her npartmont with tho hend almost savored, had fled .nil Jesso Woolf, n pollco olllcor, was seriously wounded, nnd Chnrlos Davis Bllghtly wounded as a result of nn nttompt to arrest Iloohlor, who wns located In a Iioiibo in tho central part of tho city. Uolnforco montB could not- dlslodgo Iloohlor, who is bollovcd to bo woll armed with mippllcs nnd ammunition, Tho pollco ny thoy will atnrvo him out. After besieging Iloohlor for eight hours tho ofllcors forced tholr way into Doohlor's stronghold nnd shot nud klllod him. Dooliler had llrst Her husband, been pnrtlally overcomo by fumes of formaldehyde forcod into tho Shnuldlng Parsons, n drug clork, room through holes cut Into tho shot nnd probably fatnlly wounded wall ojid flooring, J S HOD TALES Prosecuting Attorney in Dy namite Conspiracy Trial Relates Them. rests that tho regular city should bo called. Councilman Ferguson objected to this plan. Ho said that tno cu was paying $20 a month to get the bonoflt of tho ofllcor'B servlco and for ono ho was not in favor of paying it unless tho city did get this sorvlco. Furthermore, ho said, thnt a watchman would bo useless unless given authority to mako ar rests. Ho said that ho was n' mom bor of tho merchants patrol and unless tho nlghtwatch was contin ued at a special offlcer ho would withdraw and opposo the city pay ing $20 a month. Mr. nooth said tho members had talked it over and ho had talked with Mayor Straw about tho mattor. Tin said that it was a suggestion that tho chnngo bo mado to over como some difficulties mat mm Afrtnnorl 111). Councilman Copplo wanted to know If tho members would not bo -nHafimi If tho nlghtwatch ws ulven Instructions lo keop on his heat from Anderson avenue to Al ,!,. ninnir tho waterfront. Amvnr Straw said that ha would Iltr ir o i..n..mi -ri-T' i .nnnin nnv man a special ov ,.,.- - . iiuir.L r i'w liuL tiijiiuiiiv ' - '"OS 1UY witit iARi?vni?n? fimr to whom tho saloons was con- SW1SS GRT READY. I er firaln from Aiiini-lrn ns Pre caution for l'osslblo War. Ht-n" "M Tn" ,0 Co ny TlmMl "EUXK. Sunt 111 Tl.n Rnrlna ,0Ternmen win, ,!... o Mi. iv... ".m it now ui w i'w uUty nf wnii n it twn mnn 1 1 n er ihn KiT ot ready cn8h nt ,ta com ai continues to order quantl- Uf Of fr-nl . . ... -- o inu irom America. STIUAII It SPEROWKIiTi WIMi tlVp s KitAXCISCO SUNDAY, -CVK.VI 4Vn rnnaiiT. Cet Tin. ..... .. . .vi iv -i I'nr-i'.vt'C' iviiuiii- Ih) Cooklns Assortment $8.00, "i ?20, at Pioneer Hnrdmiro Co. ...... ..i.. fiwoniH his salary. Ho said that Patrolman Doano was a TAF1S LEAVE W President and Wife Will Spend Christmas in Tropics Inspect Canal. inr AiiocUteJ Tr (o Cooi nir Tlmn. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Dec. 19. Stories which tho government charged Hockln told while acting as tho head of the dynnmlto con spiracy, woro related by Special Ab- BiRtnnt District Attorney Nool in continuing his argument to tho will eat Christmas turkoy in tnrv In tho trial of tho 40 accusod tropics and spend tnroo days "bomb plotters" today. In betray ing all with whom ho had to deal Hockln novor told tho same Btory twlco, declared Noel. Ho said that Hockln was ono of tho original schemers to blow up non-union Jobs. Tho dynamiters wero about to ditch him, so Hockln decided to betray them. Ur AuocUtM I'rtM to Coo Vr TlmM. WASHINGTON, Doc. 19. Presi dent and Mrs. Taft and invited guests will leavo Washington to night for Koy West, Florida, on tho llrst log of n flying trip to Panama. Tho Prosldont and friends the In specting tho greatest engineering feat in tho world and bo back In Washington in tlmo to shako hands with a few thousand persons nt the Whlto Houso New Year's reception. NO NEWS AI10UT IUUDGK PERMIT HOATS STIbh IN HAY Tho Nann Smith, Redondo nnd Alliance are still lying in tho lower Day awaiting an opportunity to got out. Thoy hoped to cross out early tomorrow morning. Unless tho Nann Smith gets out tomorrow, Arno Moreen, Jack Me roon. J. V. Smcaton and Vernon Smith, who planned to go to Berk eley for Christmas on her will nrobably loavo overland. Tho Nowberg came in yestorday. Elect Tonluht. At a meeting of tha Masonic Blue Lodge this ovon Ing election of officers will occur A banquot will follow tho business bcsfIoii, Although It was expected that tho United States Engineers nt Wash ington would today anounco their final decision on tho southern paci fic's application to brldgo tho nay, no word had been received hero up to 4 o'clock this nftornoon concern ing It. It is generally expected from au thoritative advices that tho permit will bo granted under tho conditions outlined In Tho Times last nlgfit. J. D. DYER of Sumner is In town today. L. T. HAXELTON of Caching In let was a Marshfleld business visitor today, MISS SERE STONE of Catching In lot was shopping In Marshflold today. ST BOUGHT LETTER Former Senator Foraker Tells Committee About Arch bold Literature. ' ttlr AHoditcl I'rrtt lo Coot Hr TlmM. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. Tho re lations botweon former Senator For nker of Ohio and John D. Archbald of the Standard OH Company, ns touched upon in tho lottoro mndo pub lic by Willlnm It, Honrst, was tho subject of yostorday's hearing by tha Sonalo Commltteo Investigating the cnmpnlgn contributions. Foraker produced boforo tho Son ata Commltteo n Btntemont prepnrod by Gilchrist Stownrt purporting to bo bnsed on the description of V. W. Wlnkfleld of How Wlnkllold and Charlos Stump took the Archbnld lottors from tho Standard Oil olllcou and sold thorn to roprosontntlvo Wil llnm It. Honrst. "Mr. Hearst Bald yostorday ho did not know how the letters woro pro cured", declared Foraker. "Such n preposteroiiH story nn that you might toll to tho inurlno but to no (Aio else" Fornkor snld that Stowart In 1908 sont hi in newspaper clippings lu which W. A. Utlmiin, "attorney for O. P. Taft" was roportod to havo consulted Hearst about tho lottors bo foro thoy were published and sug gested that Ullninu, Taft and John T. Crnnln, tho latter formerly connect' oil poltlcnlly with Hearst, bo called as witnesses. Fornkor declared thnt about n week ago lo had Stowart go to Chicago whore Wakollolil was working as n waiter to ascertain what ho know . Fornkor proceeded to do tall Htownrt's report but declared ho did not vouch for Its accuracy. DAY'S DKS IN CONGRESS Senate Confirms One Federal Appointment House Adjourns. (nr AuorUttd I'rtM to Cooi llr TlmM. WASHINGTON, Doc. 19. Tho Senate boforo tho president's mos sago was delivered to It today wont Into oxecutlvo Bcstdon o consldor President Toft's appointments, tho confirmation of which havo been hold up. ,Tho result wns ono con firmation, 'that of John H. nrown, aB postmaster nt Concord, N. II. Tho sonnto thon wont Into bob slon ns a court of Impeachment to contlnuo tho Archbald trial, Tho Houso ndjournod to January 2, owing to lack of a quorum. J. Plorpont Morgan contlnuod his testimony boforo tho "money trust" Investigation commltteo. Tho Interior Dopnrtmont expen ditures commltteo ndoptod a re port censuring Robort G. Valentino, former commission ot Indian affairs for his conduct Prior to his resignation. WEDNESDAY IX CONGRESS. Great Financier Says That He Likes Combination Bet ter Than Competition. TELLS ABOUT CONTROL OF OTHER COMPANIES Says He Has Only "a Littfe Bank Stock," a Million Dollars or So. . ttlr AMortilM I'rrti to Coo nr Ttmm.J' WASHINGTON. Dec. 19 J. Picr ponr Morgan resumed tho wltnosn stand today before the Iioiibo "mo ney trust" Investigating couiiitlttcu. Ho wna nrcoinpnnleil by sovoral ot his attonio.VH. "Thoro could bo no money trust. All tho banks nnd all (ho mouuy (nt Christendom could not control morr oy. Tho question of control Is per sonal ns to monoy and credits- de clared J. Plorpont Morgan todny ta tho commltteo. The IiIk llnnanclcr wns led un lo his answer by tho quowllonliifc mf Snmuel ITntc-rinyor. counsel ot Uio committee, who asked Morgan, "Iff ho dlil not feel his vast powwr," Morgan answered that ho did not nrT mlt his vast power nnd did not f.-el It. Oiipo when tho Inwyer and wit ness got Into n discussion of com petition nnd combination, Morgan said, "I would rather hnvo combin ation than competition, I Ilko a lit Ho competition, but I llko cnmlilnn tlnn hotter.- Control Is tho ttnport nnt thing; without It you cannot tla n thing. Hut no ono could monopo lize money. Ono mnn might go, control of railroads or merchandise ' hut novor money and credit." Mor gan's declaration that thoro could be no money trust" wns omphnslzoif oy n vlgn)ouB bang with bin list on tho nrm of his chair. Tho financier testlllod na to tho n hitlons of tho "lloueo of MnrKitn" with Hovornl grunt corporations. Ho testified Hint ho hnd approved Uio prices nt which subsidiaries of Uio United Htntes Steel woro taken Info tho big stool corporation, but Mur gnn only said ho might havo de cided who should not go on." HIh holdings of corlnln horde stocks ho characterized ns "Not very much, about n million dollars." much to tho nmuHomeut of tho com mittee and (ho crowd. Tho flimn.- clor Joined In heartily. Tho prlnelpnl pnrt of Morganl (osllmnny on roncontrntton of mon ey nnd credits will bo resumed this nftornoon. Morgan answored .with apparent freedom, nil nuuutlans. Ho agrecr! thnt through "Voting trtis(H" hcv ornl of which existed in his com pany, n fow trus(ees could namu Jf roctora, who lu turn would muim of flcorH of grent Intorstnto luduatrinlu or railroad corporations. Morgnu do nled thnt ho bollevcd lu lutorlockfiie: directorates whore two or throo imom hold directorships In sovornl bnnku mid truct compiiuloH or corponitloiiB, could bring about control ami unity of notion. Ho declared that n mnjnrlty on directory bonrds. such inon could not dlctnto tho nffnlrs or control ot corporations. Tho llpnuclor took di rect Issuo with I'ntermyor ns to tho opportunity offorcd n fow men to got control of tho general lmnUlo coudldous through such participa tion ns Morgan nnd Company hnvo on n bonrd of directors of tho load ing Lanka of Now York. Tho company's attorneys explain ed to tho court (bat thoy consldorcd! tho only prnStlcnblo method by which stock could bo distributed without lrropnrnblo Injury would bo for the Union Pnclflo Company tn offer it to its own shareholders pro rata, ac cording to tho amount of tholr hold ings, for purchaso at u fair price,, or to dlstrlbuto It as n dlvidond ta Its stockholders, entitled (o a divi dend. Thoy doclured that tho Attor ney Genoral was opposed to such a plan. It was argued that tho plant advocated b" tho railroad attorneys was in conformity with tho practice in oilier dlBsoluHonB, dlroctod by tho court, "To rofuso to allow tho Union Pn clflo shareholders to partlclpata in such n distribution," doctored the attorneys, "would exposo thorn to sorious loss and possibly Irroparablw Injury." (Or Awocltlai Prcit lo Coot Day Tlnr), WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. The sonato Democratic caucus reached a decision to permit only a conflrma atlon of tho army and navy nomi nations boforo tho holiday recoss, Senator Dourno was elected chair man of tho Joint congressional com mltteo to promote fodoral aid In highway construction. Sonntor Hoko Smith spoko In support of tho Lovop agricultural oducatlon extension bill, Tho houso banking and currency suh-commltteo decided to report fa vorably on tho Levi bill to rollovo tho stringency In tho monoy market fifty million treasury to dollnrB) nntloual by londlng from tho bnuks. Tho houso passed the Burnett literacy Immigration bill to bur Im migrants over 1C who cannot road It also rosumod consideration oS tho Indian appropriation bill. fl 0 "Wear-Ever" AIiiiiiIiiiiiin rTyVUnuIo and Paper Cutter JL 1 CLw,th onoh ?1-oo pur chase of "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Ware. Pioneer Hmdwnro Co. The FIRST NATIONAh H.WK of Coos Hay announces lis HlllC CALENDAR Is ready for dfstrlh'r tlou to Its customers. i m m. i . ! m 1! (Continued on Pago Six.) Ltr-A'fiirSa " -"r '" - ' " l