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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1912.- EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. ( MALONKV.. Editor nnd Pub. BAN K. .MAt.ONKV...NcVN Editor MUNICIPALLY OWNER. THE dotiblo pnso position- nil 11 ItiBtrntcd booklots have nno iluu lila page )08lllonof "Winnipeg Illustrated" Is rIvoii to n handsomely pbotoKrnphcd vlow of n municipally owned power plant located seventy miles above the city on the Winni peg river: The- text accompanying roads: "Those works are located at Point du Hols on tho Winnipeg river, sev- cnty-sovon miles northeast of tho city! of Winnipeg. Tho water fall not- Tho nrnlly thirty-two feet Is Increased by tho power development dam to The forty-seven feet. Mill pond of C.000 acres. Tho I WITH THE I t TOAST AND TEA : 4 noon evening. I Wo need In these days more Christians of depth who nave Blink shafts Into God's unoxplolt- od truth. John It. Mott. Tin: Tho The ANTI-FOOTBALL It for n mesh rest of It in. purBo to carry tho --- COLLEGE. President sat In his chalr- tho Chair of Ancient Lit. Faculty sat all about as they wero wont to sit. Prof, of Mathematics counted sums upon his hands, Prof, of Deep Dynamics flip ped a bunch of rubber bands. total nowor nvnllablo The Prof, of Social Sclenco rubbed -7 . . I without fit n men In fin. 000 linrsn now or, which can bo Increased to 100,-Tho OjOO horsepower. Tho cost of the works, Including generating stations, transmission lino and terminal Bta- . ... tlons. all completed and equipped, Tho Pros dent began to speak his was $1,000,000. Powor and light IS ""-e wan iiiuswy Krunn; a furrowed, frowning brow, Prof, of Mixed Psychology thought of the Then and Now. cold nt cost. Ih anothor part of tho booklet "Winnipeg announces: "Winnipeg city ownB and oporntes its own asphalt paving plant, Its own quarry, street lighting, water works Including high pressure flro systom of .100 pounds prcssuro for flro protection. Winnipeg Is now in n position to encourage manufactures by affording chenp powor." Tho question that suggests Itself (o our American cities which nro still donating with thcmsolvos whether tho public could In n pinch do Its own business, Is why Canndiau cities, In stead of being warned by their Am erican cousins, nro going ahead so rapidly with municipal ownership. Why has Wlnnlpog Invested $4, 000,000 In a dam and powor site Bovonty-sovon miles awny If Dob Moines hnd voted $1,000,000 for tho Kookuck dnm It would linvo been much tho same and that aftor a long and varied exporlcnco with oth or publicly owned community enter prises? Pending nnswer to theso and sim ilar questions, It Is woll to note that "Winnipeg haa been making In tho past decado tho most astonishing pro gress of any western city. "I cannot understand why wo nro sitting hero alone. Tho term began two wookB ago, and still within our halls Thcro are no strident whooplngs nnd thcro nro no mucus calls; Tho boll Is In tho belfry nnd tho desks nro on tho floor There's been no riot such as In tho palmy doya of yoro. "No husky lads havo swnggored-as they loitered In to clnss, No freshmen havo boon ordered to go out and cnt tho grass, No now arrivals havo boon seized nnd chained against a trco And forced to give their version of 'How Does tho Busy Bee.' Why should tho placo bo vacant. nnd tho campus silent thus? Why Ib thoro no ono in tho wholo Dig plaCO UUt UB7" stouv roit tiii: da v. An Alibi. While the talesmen wero being examined for n murder trial In tho west ono was asked If ho know whnt nn nllbl was. "I think I do; yes, sir." "What do your understand by it?" The talesman reflected for a mo ment nnd then, with n hesitancy in dicative of grnvencss, replied:: "An nllbl Is when tho follow who did It wasn't there." -tt-it- A boy tins to explain to bis mo ther why he was out so lato and n man has to do the snmo thing to his wlfo. Tho pollco often got those who help themselves. Excuses don't amount to much as people Boldom bollovo them. -M-it- Do n friend n fnvor and ho will think ho Is doing you n favor In lotting you do It. Tho moon affects tho tldo and many young pooplo who wish to bo. A .Tonlln. Mn . mnn rnmnlnlna thnt ho hnB boon drlvon almost In-' Bano by his wife's offorta to find out tho Bocrota of his lodgo, nnd ho wnntB a divorce. After n bit of consideration ho would find It cheaper to glvo up his lodgo. Arlzona, which heads tho list of coppor producing states, last year mndo tho greatest output In its history. THEME.VDOt'S VARIETY I.V l-'ltLTI? In an article entitled "Whnt Var ieties of Fruit to Set." published In iii nirrniit IsHiin of Farm and Fire- shlo, tho author roports no-mo of the work being done nt tho horticultural department of the State Experiment Station at Geneva, Now York. Ko towing Is a table taken from tho arti cle which gives a list of the number of varieties of the tiineront rruiis which are actually In tho station col lection nt tho present time: Kind: No. of Vnrlotlos: Apples B13 Apricots "J Blackberries Cherries Currants o0 Grnpes J- Gooseberries - Nectarines Plums 2G1 PonchcB J Pears 121 Quinces JO Rnspborrlcs j Strawberries ln Total 2,004 Tho Why Fret? In tho Novoinbor Amorlcan Mng ulno appears tho following: "Aro tho trains too slow for you? Cacsnr. with all of Ills court, nover 'exceeded' tho speed limit. "Aro your wnges too small? In Eurnpo tho pcoplo nro content with muklng n living. "Aro tho lights too dim? David wroto his psalms by the light of a nmoky torch, "Aro you ugly? Cleopatra, though' homely, bewitched two om- ompornrs. "Aro you cold? Tho soldiers of Valloy Forgo walked bnrofoot on tho Ice and buow. "Aro you hungry? Tho children of India nro stnrvlng for want of a crust of bread. "Aro you tired? Why frot about It? Jacob waB tired when ho droamed of tho nnguls of Heaven. "Aro you sick? Suppose you hnd llvod two thousnnd years ngo when sickness was fatal. "Aro you poor? Tho Snvlour of Won was not wealthy. "Cheer up! Praise God that you live In tho midst of his blessings! "WHY .FIIHT?" TDK ADVANTAGE OF WINNING AGAINST TIIO.SK WHO AUK AGAINST YOU. Johi S. Phillips, odltor of Tho Amorlcan Magazlno, writing a lottor which Is published In tho Novoinbor Isnuo of his periodical says: "I think nil thoso of us who havo boon In tho Journalism of public mat tors who havo boon vigorously con cerned havo of lato years boon growing In charity In tho desire to take nil men Into our sonsu of the hu man being nnd his relation to condi tions nnd tho situations of tho day; to contribute loss lo Individual mal ice or Individual greed, or Individual vlndlctlveness; thoso whom wo havo folt Htrongly ngnlnst wo now wish to win, to bring ovor. And wo see something of tho efforts of this do Biro and tills feeling In today's life, both business life and political lift, "Wo see great business men nffoctod by tho aroused souse of tno people that his country will bo mndo u bet tor place to llvo In That It Is not only humane, but It Is wltso to have n wldor disposition of tho good things of life, Wo see In politics n far larg er number coming Into active Interest nnd making active expression con corning the polleloa or problems, nnd loaders taking people nioro Into their confidence. It has becomo n more open game. All this sharing with tho, largo number of people the Ideas thntj wo used to think wore limited to a fow, has changed tho Journalistic ns nect. Wo havo to say things differ ently, In different terms, wo havo to inalto allowances for tho human ele ments, for tho appreciation by Indi viduals of principles nnd Ideas that wo did not uuo to havo. "Thorefore, I think our Journalism has bocoine kinder, more Just and I may say moro effective The Itont of All Evil. In an nrtlclo entitled "The drama of wages" In the Novoinbor Ameri can Mngnrluo. the author reports a Chicago itlshwomnu as having said: it's uothln' but poverty as keeps folks from In In' better olt. it's tho lack o money ns Is tho root o' till evil." de mnn of mathematics tried to flguro out tho prob.; Tho man of Social Sclenco drew ductlons on tho mob And sketched n futuro paper on "Tho Stump of Intetloct." Tho ono who taught psychology at once- tried to collect A lot of hazy statements on tho Ifncss of tho That And lonesome waves of wonder roll ed nbout them whoro thoy sat. Then Bpoko tho wlso professor, ho who taught dynamic forco; "Inertia may bo traced, aB woll aB motion, to Its source Pvo glvon enroful study to tho ab sence of tho yell That used to mako our campus Bound plenso excuso me woll, I'll simply sny that hero's tho only college In tho land At which tho gamo of football Is of ficially banned." Exchanges -M-K- l,o ve doesn't laugh nt the smith who ropnlra automobiles. It Is a great doal easier for tho average mnn to build n cnstlo In tho nlr than It Is for him to nail a board on his fonco. A girl despises flattery until some ono begins to flatter her, -U-W- Glvo somo Coos Bay girls a dol lar and they will spond 98 conts of For Eczema Use a mild soothing wash tlmt Instantly utopu tho Itch. Wo havo sold many otlior romoillon for eld n troulilo hut nonu that wo could ner- sonnUr. eunranteo as wo ila tlm I, 1), D. Prescription. If I had Kczemn Id uso ANGOHA GOATS. Cooston, Drogon. Editor Times: In my wrltoup of tho Angora goat Industry, I notlco It rend 8C cents n pound for tho 1012 clip. It should havo rend 3C cents a pound (thirty flvo. Will you kindly correct this mis take ns I have no wish to bo mislead ing In nny stntoment I may mako. Respectfully, MBS. W. F. BAY. Harmon Tailoring Co. 128 Front St. Opposite Orphouin Theater. Pictures & framing Walker Studio CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Goos Bay At tho closo of business, September 4, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts J30C.4H.72 Overdrafts 1C3.12 Bonds, warrants and securities C3.C89.90 U. S. Bonds to socuro circulation 26,000.00 Real cstato, furlturo and fixtures 80,000.00 Cash and sight oxchango 149, 208. GC Total .' $023,470.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and undlvldod profits 11,419.78 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Doposlts 488.05C.C1 Total $023,470.39 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholders Is 8tno,oon.oo. INTEREST PAIR ON TIMS AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President DOIISEY KREITZEll, Cashier. Bed D. D. D. Prescription Cross Drug Storo. Wet Weather Goods Don't overlook our lino of wear ables for tho rainy soason. It Is hot ter to protect yoursolf In advance than to pay n doctor's bill for a bad cold. An ounco of provontlon Is hot ter than a pound of euro. Tower's Fish brand sllckors, threo- fourth longth $:M0 Full longth $3. HO Gold Modnl sllckors, short coats $:J.7."& Throe-fourth length $4.50 Full longth S.VIO Boys' size $2.00 mid l-W.iM A full lino of rubber boots, rubbers and umbrellas. Also a completo lino of ladles nnd children's rubbers. Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. PHONI5 1B4.R. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK. IIouso Moving nnd Grading. Wo nro proparod to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantor satisfaction. Let us flguro with you, G. 8. FLOYD & CO., Phono Q10-J. Mandiflcld, Ore. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY QLIVIA ED.MAN, -' Mccliano-Thcraplst Scientific Swedish Mnssngo, Modlcnl Gymnastics 'M S. Sixth St. Phono 21W.R. JOEL OSTLIND, f, r o vl'tt! Tuncr nml Kepnlror. 415 S. Sixth Streot. Phono 103-L R DNa LOUISE LARSON, Pianist and Teacher. Phono 254-R. T W. BENNETT Bennett Swnnton, Tom TV ni..n Have That Roof Fixed Fi222fS TnZTSX Mnrshfleld, Coos Co., Oregon. pERL RILEY UALLINGER Pianist nnd Teacher Resldonce-Studlo, 237 So. Broadwaj Phono 18-L. NOW See GORTHELL PRONE M21. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. fiufoiSfUixi! r . i ttfvruu. Olympic Flour J Snow Drifti Flour RETAIL PRICL $1.40 PER. SACK A Northwestern hard wheat used ex. clualvely In milling these brands Of flour. YH WILL MAIIi YOU 1 tor each sot ot old Fatso Teet sent us. Highest prices paid fir old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewetry and Preeloar Stones. Money Sent by Roturn Hall. Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. Wo will buy your Gold Filling!, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgli est prices paid. T EW KEYZER, .. , , Violin Instructor. Apply Hnlnca Music Storo. . Class Starts September 1. WJI. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Mnrshfleld, Orogon. pvR. W. MORROW, LJ Dentist. 171 Grime Building, over Grand Theater. Office Phone 320. J G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 302, Coko nulldlng . Marshfleld, Oregon. DR. A. 3. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Tarto. Wo aro equipped to do high class work on short notlco nt the very loweet prices. Examination freo. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg.. Opp. Chandler Hotel, phono 112..T. See California Now VIA THE $55.00 ROUND TRIP PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES IVfl SUNSET M I (OGOENftSHASTA) I I t ROUTES I I $55.00 HOl'.v TIUP 10TI,VXI) To ''OS AXfiKLQ See tho Wondorful Sconory Along tho Shasta Bouto. Ml. Shaata ShnBtn Springs. Soo San Fran cisco, Lick Observatory, Stanford University, Mt. Lowe. Loa Angolea, Tho Old Spnnlah) MIssIoiib, Ostrich FnrniB, SubmnrlneV Gardens nnd thousands of other In er- r t .... .. eating lontureB or tno uoldon S talo. Three Fine Trains Daily r,:no M. 8:15 P. M.. A. M. Full Information ns to fares from Mnrshlleld, beautiful- - Illustrated lltornturo on Callfornln, on application fto W. F. Miller, Supt. C. B., It.' & E Mnrshfleld, or ty 'writing to Chns. S .Fee, paBsongor traffic manager, San Francisco, Cnl. Anybody can attach the plug SS2i2iiiBHB The G.E. Flatiron then heats itself in about three minutes and will stay hot without fur ticr attention. Saves time, steps and fuel If the washing and ironing are sent out, the G.E. Electric Iron will still be found a marvclously convenient utensil to have in the house. There arc many little things women like to iron themselves, and many times it be comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs, etc., before the "wash" comes home. When occasions like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy it s the work of but a moment to attach the cord to a lamp socket and the iron is ready. Get one today. OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178. -iS-""l STATEMENT OF CONDITION t FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON,, At tho closo of business, September -i, 1019. . M . RESOURCES. .,rril!T Loans and discounts ; ftJanM Banking house ...... B2'K Cash and oxchanges 307.83 Total S81S,0iMJ pi i . , . LIABILITIES. t r0 ooo.OO Capital stock paid in lliuh Total $813,07." GET RID OP MICE Trap thorn. They start fires. Cnre will do much to provont fires. Our Insurnuco policies do EV ERYTHING to prevent loss on your part If you have a fire (and n policy.) Ask us your rnte. The cost Is trifling, the Insurance per fect. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Btrett Thi Star Transfer J and Storage Co. ! U prepared to do ell kinds of haullna j on short notice. We meet all trains i and boats and we also have the latest iBtyle Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, P M PhoWl-R, uo-J, or O-L. rop. Get Busy 0M AND GET AFTER TBTAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COME IN AND OUR PRICES ON smNnru Aism mooktvo PAPER- SHINGLES $1.80 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, ? I.2S AND UP. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co' RETAIL DEPARTMENT. ALL KINDS OF JOSf BINtlNQ' DONE AT IHtWI