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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1912)
THE COOS DAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 191 2.-EVENING EDITION. SvT i ;' -I t Ccfxrifbt nrt Sciuffner A Marx Young Men's Clothes For Fall 1912 yOU'LL find a great variety of good styles to select from in our young men's department; lively models, new colorings and patterns; and .many new weaves Hart Schaffner & Marx are noted for the very large range oi' the fab rics they use; and we've selected from their line the things wo think will best please and suit our customers. The important thing about these clothes is the way they keep their shape ; they start stylish and they stay stylish. That's where the quality counts. Come mid see what $25 will do for you in suits; Yo havo thorn from $18 up; and over coats from $10.50 up. Woolen Mill Store lids Htoro is tho homo of Hart Schnffner & Mure clothes I PERSONAL NOTES WM. WATBU of North lnltf g l limn luuay. WILLIAM Saunders of Umpire is 111 tho rliy today, OM AS. TAYLOIt of Lakeside Is n Mnrshflold visitor. FRANK STOCK Ih in Mnrshflold to day from Sti Minor. HI) JONKS lias boon busy nil day pnyliiR cloctlun bets. PltANIC IIODSO.V of South Coos Hlvor Ih in Mnrshflold. l-'IIMD MtTKT7.UI, of Lnkosldo Is In Miirshfleld on business. .1010 STAMHUCIC of Cntchlng In let Ih lioro on business. K. L. HOllKltTS of Catching Inlet In In Marshflold today. OSCAIt KIIAXX. of Sumner Is a Marsliflold visitor todav. UOCCO IlIASCO of Coos Itlvcr Is a Marsllflhlll tlllalnnoo viol,-,- T. J. KOLSTAItT of Coos Itlver is In Marshfleld on business. J. .T. CLINKHNIIHAHD of DanlcU Creek Is a Mnrshflold visitor. PIIHD HANSEN' of Sumner Is In Mnrshflold todav on InmliiAsn SHERIFF W. W. OAGK enmo over on mo noon train rrom Coqulllo. P. K. OKTT1NS loft this morning for Coqulllo on business nnd iiloasuro. H. II. NORTON enmo down from Sumnor this morning on business. 11LUFOUI) DAVIS of Coos Rivor Is In Mnrshflold on business todny. MRS. JACK imoWN of Honryvlllo Is shopping In Mnrshflold today. HAItllY WILKINS camo in from I.nkcsldo this morning on busi ness. WALTHIt SINCLAIR of Coqulllo enmo to Mnrshflold on tho noon train. CAPT. W. C. IIAItRIS enmo down from Sumner this morning on burlncss. A. 1, IJOIIERTS of Catching Inlet Is In town today attending to 1'lltllU'Sfi. MISS MYRTLE LUND has gono to Conulllo to visit hor sister, Mrs. P. C. True. ANSON ROGERS nnd wlfo of South Coos River nro Marsliflold visitors today. MISS FLORENCE ROOK of North Coos Illvor Is In Marsliflold on a shopping tour. ED NOAH of North Coos River enmo to Mnrshflold this morning to attend to business. C. A STOCK, a mining man of San Frnnclsco, loft for his homo todny on tho Rodondo. C1IAS. KORRIS passed through hero todny en routo to Conulllo with tho Lnkcsldo election roturns. J. E. SCIHLLINO of Myrtle Point. The Fashion Tailors I For Ladies land Gents Clenning, Pressing, and Alterations 150FrantSt. who enmo over on last night's train returned homo today. fl A nnm it kti. i.. town this morning on his way to Coqulllo with election returns. MRS. M. L. DOUGLAS left on tho Rodondo this morning for n visit with friends and relatives in Cal ifornia. J. P. 11YERS of Arizona, who has been visiting nt tho homo of hU Inouier In Sumner, Ih In Mnrsh fb'd today. JUDGE JOHN P. HALL loft this morning for Coqulllo to nttend tho regular session of tho Coos county commissioners. MRS. CHAS. JACKSON of Ross In let, who recently returned from California, wns roportcd very low last ovonlng. J.. WRIGHT WILSON has moved in to tho liouso at tho corner of Sec ond street nnd Elrod nvenuo which he recently purchnsod. J. D. CL1NKENUEARD of Dnnlols Creek passed through lioro todny on routo to Coqulllo with tho Coos Rivor election returns. GEORGE DOLL, who wns n pass enger on tho Washington when sho struck on tho bar, has post poned his trip for a mouth. MR. nnd MRS. K. L. HEAP of Allegany were in Marshflold this morning on their way to North Bond, whoro they will locato. JOHN PORTER of tho west fork of tho North Fork, an old tlino Democrat, Is In Mnrshflold, cele brating tho landslldo of that party. MESSRS. PINKERTON and Braln- nrd of North Inlot camo , to Marshflold todny with tho oloc Hon returns from North Inlot on routo to Coqulllo. 0. J. 8EELEY and Win. Thomas of Coqulllo, who woro witnesses In tho Brndbury-Horrmnnn enso In fodor nl court In Portland, passed through lioro today on routo homo. FREDERICK D. BROWNE who Is in chargo of tho engineering on tho Southern Pacific near tho Gardlnor tunnel loft for thoro yostorday nf ter spending n fow days In Marsh flold. RAY TIBBETTS loft on tho Rodon do this morning for Snn Francisco where ho has accoptcd a position with tho Fodoral Construction Co. Ho will bo located at Burl inganic, Cnl., and will remain In definitely. MISS HAZEL TIBBF.TT8, who wont to Bnndon yostorday, loft that place this morning on tho Fl Hold for San Francisco. Sho will visit with Mrs. Ray Tibbotts nt Bonccla, Cnl., and with other rolntivcs and frlonds in various California cities. with tho lcw8 of the Eastsldo coun cil nnd the mnny there who nro sign ing n poimon 10 tiio Port Commis sion. Buys Truck Ed Wnlrnth has purchased a one-ton Menomlneo truck nnd expects to uso It In the dray business here. It will nrrlvo soon. Mnny l)urkt. 1). L. Footo nnd Walter .lenson yestordnv bngged 20 ducks. This Is tho best record mndo recently. Tho storm made tho shooting better. Brother lit Itnco W. L. T.lelitnnr who was one of tho candidates for county commlBslonor In Multnomah county, is n brother of Cant. J. It. Llghtner of Mnrshflold. Pony Trnlllc. Cnpt. Alex Hall of the ferryboat Transit reports tho fol lowing truffle during October be tween Marsliflold and Eastsldo: I'nB sengors. 0,140: doublo tennis. 2C2: single tennis, 198; stock, 49; nutos, 42. Bljt OH Tank. Goorgo Goodrum In putting in a 287-gnllon gnsolono tnnk In IiIb now gnrago on Contral nvenuo. Tho tnnk will bo undor giound nnd compressed nlr will forco tho liquid to a convenient plnro for uso. In Arizona. G. A. Brown of tho Smlth-Powors Logging company, who left horo rccontly for his health, has wired friends lioro that ho Is nt Tuc son, Ariz., nnd will probably spond most of tho winter thoro. Ho Is fool ing consldornbly Improved. Ienvcs for Trip. Addison Ben nett, who hns been horo writing up this section for tho Oregonlnn, left this afternoon on his trip down tho const to Euroka. Ho will bo followod by O. II. Marsh ub soon as tho latter completes his election hoard duties, Reclaim LnntR Milton Lattln of South Inlot has tho Simpson dredgo throwing up a dlko nlong IiIh ranch nnd Is nrrnnglng to reclaim nbout ten ncrcs of tho rich bottom lnnd. Harry Rhodes who lives near him plans to do tho samo thing whon tho dredgo complotcB its work nlong tho Lnttln plnce. Oppose Saloon. H Is understood thnt n number will nppcar beforo tho Coos county court Wcdncsdny nnd op poso tho nppllcntlon of Frank Cnm oron for a permit to open n saloon on South Slough. A. II. Powers Is said to bo opposed to it, Sheriff Gago op poses It nnd many others. In fact, thoro Is n strong opposition to tho SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY. Presbyterian Ladles' Aid with Mrs. James Forty of Bunker Hill Social Kmbroldory Club with Mrs. O. Hanson. Mrs. A. 13. Adolspergor nnd Miss Rush nt enrds in honor of Mrs. Clnybaugh. Baptist Ladles' Silver Ton with Mrs. A. 7 Downs. THURSDAY. Social Sewing Club with Mrs. George Ayres. Presbyterian Ladles' at nn nll day session with Mrs. C. H. Walter. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Dorsey Krottzcr. North Bend Altar Guild with Mrs. Gcorgo GclBcndorfor. A. W. N. Club with Mrs. W. P. Murphy. I SewingJMachine'Needles i nt Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agentx. Phono IrtH-K 172 Broadway TIDES 1'OH NOVEMBER. nnimv in irivAn tho Hmo and 'height of high and low water at Marshrioid. Tho tides nro placed in tho order of occurronco, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day; n compn- loon on consocimvo noignis win Indlcnto whothor It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, Bubstract 2 hours 34 -minutes WANT ADS. wijs "The Busy Corncr"-The Rexall Store As Prophesied The Busy Corner was elected the leading drug store of Coos Bay by a bi? majority. 'Ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE irrrs-v nrvRNER" HONE- MAIM OOO . US -MAIN 298 WATNED By laily with daughter, position as housekeeper. Address j "D", enro Times. j WANTED School girl to exchange services for board nnd room In prl I vnto family. Address "G" caro i Tim os. WANTED Position nt small wages In doors, for tho wlntor. Address, W. II. Burghngon, Mnrshflold, Ore. ' HOOM. and HOARD 207 North Jlnl St. corner Commercial. 1-XJlt BENT Modern five-room bungalow, 8C3 Third and High land. Call botweon G and 0 In tho ovonlng. r t T 1' r.. ?(. -fIU Cnlllli (1'Wll n.llJIV "" oi".-., u.. .-...... Second street. WANTED A roll top desk. Ad dress Box 720, North Bond, Oro. (WANTED AlKiut Nov. IH I will I want an oxporlonced woman to COOK lor O or o jioiouun ouu .un.v chargo of rooming houso. If satisfactory, will havo permanent home. Address W. H. Burghagen, Marshflold, Oregon. WANTED 2 or 3 boarders and roomers. Mill men preferred. Ap ply 219 S. Broadway. IP l'OU HAVE lots or ncreago In rail- , road addition to sen, write uox hu and state prlco. WANTED A small launch, O to 10 , horsepower. Aaaress uuus oj Manufacturing Company, North I Bend, Oregon. 'V -- 0U WANT A MESSEN 27Someth,'S snt for P Jl rv. . i. Charges reason- C1IA8 GIUNBY, WANTED ! ! ! OAItrETS UPnOLSTEBING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. tnatlo Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING ITARVEr, I'hone 1 kes Want A4s Bring Results WANTED A pxxl automobile. iiini i,u if nprpa nf fine lnnd III ilUUD IV In Oklahoma. Address O. fc. Nlles. Coqulllo. MONEV TO LOAN On Piano, fiirnl turo. personal property, otc. Call from 6 to 8 p. ra. H. H. Harper 334 First street, rhono 349-J FOB SALE D17 wood, fir and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 1E3-L. IgQ OIHrs.. I Ft... 7Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... 0.10 C.3 1.10 G.4 2.00 r.3 2.40 G.3 n.GO 1.2 0.37 1.5 7.20 1.8 7.G9 n o 12.31 0.3 1.10 0.8 1.45 7.0 O OI 7.1 0.30 0.4 7.23 0.4 8.00 0.9 8.40 1.2 - LOCAL TEMPEUATUBH m.'rniiii. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m Nov. 0, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government motoorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum jjC Minimum 52 At 4:43 n. m 50 Preclpatlon 8 Wind Southwest: rainy. - iiuihn ENEGREN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnsi Enogron nt tholr homo on Coos Rivor Tuosdny. Novomber 5, n son. Ho will probably bo named Wood row Wilson Enogron In honor of tho successful cnndldnto tho day ho was born. Buys ProH'rty. Victor Rudncss hns purchnsod tho proporty on Park nvenuo between Second nnd Third stroots from D. L. Rood. Hero Ten Vents. Dr. Leslie Is celebrating tho tonth yonr of his arrival on Coos Bay today. Dr. Leslie enmo here from Missouri. Waterfront Street. Tho Eastsldo city council nt Its meeting Monday night docldod to try and socuro tin Port of Coos Bay Commission to havo the harbor line parallel Eighth street, loavlng a sixty foot street thoro along tho waterfront. This will bo In con formity with E. L. Robinson 8 ori ginal harbor line. Polhemus' harbor lino alone Enstsldo does not conform permitting of saloons outsldo of pla ces whoro thoro Is police supervision. Coqulllo News. Mr. Squlor, form ly of tho Coqulllo Sentinel but who Is horo to tnko tho Alliance for Euroka, whoro ho will locato, reports that Mr. A. Holland who fell off n roof last Friday Is In n critical condition. Ho Bays that since tho city council threat ened to cancel tho frnnchlso of tho Coqulllo oloctrlc compnny, tho com pany hns been furnishing bettor light ing service. Tho Coob Bay Homo Tolephono compnny Is nrrnnglng to Instnl a larger nnd bettor switchboard there. Couido Separated. VInco Pratt has received word from Gladys Brockwcll. tho nctress who played tho Coos county circuit for nwhllo nnd who also plnyed with somo Mnrflhflold homo talent, nnd her husband, R. 13. Scott, havo sepa rated. Sho accuses Mr. Scott with being mixed up with other women. Sho wanted to coino bnck horo nnd play tho circuit, but Mr. Pratt 1 not onthuslnBtlo over having hor re turn. Sho Is with hor mother In California. ALONG THE WATERFKONT 4 Louis Pntorson, until recently connoctcd with tho Nan Smith, has shipped with tho Alliance as stow-nrd. SALMON TROLLING nt THR GUNNERY. OUTFITS ROOM AMD BOARD i The nocrest, 381 First tret, Phono 12S-3C FINNAN HADDIES SMOKED SALMON SMOKED HALIBUT Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MABKEY'S, CANDIES IV LOpenniinig Amoeimceinnieini Wo desiro to announce to tho people of Coos Bay that Leid's Bakery and Delicatessen was opened to the public to'lay with a i'ull lino of Bread, Cakes, Cookies, Pies, airad AM Baked Goods We havo adopted as our niollo: "Cleanliness is next lo godliness." h Oor Bread ade Cleaim Kept Cleam Delivered Cleao Sold Cleaim i We Extend a Special Invitation to the Ladies to call and inspect our sanitary bakery ono of tho most modern and thoroughly equipped baker ies in Oregon outside of Portland. You will bo welcome at any time and wo know wo can con vince you that our bread and baked goods are tho cleanest and best made. JUeaCTS Delicatessen j Phone 112-L. 333 N. 2nd St. Next tho Corner of Central Ave. TONIGHT nt The Royal 1000 1'eet of , THi: LATKST I'KOnUCTIOXS Ono lma beon out hut two woelts. Horo Is a good ono you don't want to miss A Country Scandal A featuro In two reels twit pleases ovoryhody. ' Tho Life 'or HM IMcturwrnio Hudson An Ohl Tune A stirring drama hy tho 101 Bi son ,c9imjmny, .Good muBlc and realistic sound effeots. 10 cents. s;:? Hess' Poultry Pan-a-ce-a In not n htlinulniit, hut n nu tritious tonic, which produces i-gpi In naturo'H way. In winter, keep your hens warm, feed I'mi-n-rc-a: If you don't Ret moro orrh, and lots of them, return tho empty packiiRo und your money will ho refunded cheerfully. MANUPAOTUIUNO CHK.MlSTS, THK QUALITY' STOltU. fl 4