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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1912)
BY PONKEYjaL AS EVERY DOG HAS HIS DAY AND EVEN JLBS38S HAY JeKIISIKO In Tlw TIMES g! your Real Estate "in iLrkct" Effectively! t 5,0 Mt" nbout your 'Pw .,.' In town. Ann u mum i'' them who ought to own i'1.. itl rot ' (&nm lag Sfott MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMKB Will Keep your Income from Furnished ltooins Steady. YOU enn rcnlly liolp tho family rovonuoR by renting a fow furnished rooina nnd, If yoti know how nnd when to uso tho classified columns, you niny kcop that llttlo oxtrn la- como na "steady as a clock." EiliiUITsliMf In 1878 YKXVI. w t,' Co MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. ILL RETURNS ARE IN lliraCOUNTflE tyUAL SUFFRAGE WIN A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll Mn qc nml Coos liny Advertiser. ,"Ut J0, ...., fnr PrnsfiCLltintl nlHTOW I"' WT " Ittorney.Has a bio Kiaioiuy. L SMITH WINS ' FQK blHIt i.i.mcl in RnSUltS IS Rbown by People All over uotniiy UTIST HKSl'IiTS. famine flpirw nro totals cprcclncls I" frt.8 county, "' L ihc cities and most of tlio ,WCpnr President. i.i (Rep-) ;"' n (iicni.j ulfa (I'ro-) o:, u ic. .100. well (1'roR.) ". 1'or tOIIRIThs, jiJkII (I'rog.) HI. nitr (Hop.) . cluOon (Hoc.) iim. . lA (IVni.) :"'. I, . ficnnwr. nr (Intl.) 100. k (I'top.) 20.1. .(item.) 721. Lip (Soc.) .".id. I (licp.l ". DMrlrt Allot HP'. U (llrp.) 1:10:1. bun (Soc.) KM). l-ltfll find. 511. ((IK'lii.) 1HI. Mine nnini'n, Lmt (Soc.i Ml). Lth(i:oi.) m.'d. imlfr (liul.) wm. Joint Hopri'M'ntiillvo. I (Soc.) r.7(l. dith (Dcni.) 71)0. (lien.) KOI). lUkminn (i'mg.) 212. ' lor iicpresriiiiilivp. iin (Itcp.) ():l(). A IPro.i 2.10. ltoon (Dem.) (11.1. I lor Sun Iff. (Pcm.i lH2. 11 (ltcp.j 8K2. "" (MC.) 320. Aieior. n (Itcp.) 717. M (Demi low.-:. Iibii (Soc.) mil. lor Surveyor. i(Iml.i vn. NMltep.) oo:i. "ii (inn.) .ino. 1'or Coiiitlillnnpr. m (itcp.) io:ii). w (Sw. nrnv jWf (Dem.) r,n. Warm .Vnrly Complete. wre returns nro nonrly -tEC for llin itninili. rri.nRn precincts In tho county nnrt wn given nro tho totalB of ttlCCtl. Till f Minor. ,..!. !.,. !'' !ft!or,e(1 nro In most enscs "uk I'lvcuiciH. ji IB not it. i ,hcro t0 bo ny chango 7r; m. o fnso of Polrco nml IT! Hhlcn ,s not yot tlocldod. i. v ' "'"mci imor- !hi. i' " nl,u "ioro. 11" f'S In noilL-lnB nml llin I IIlPrA Alnl... ..... r Ik. a, i . "" Ulnl "0 w'l Hi Tv " """' ll Bro win :Cooi 8 ,malrI,y of 13C so ui - .'' wicn IB OUOURI1 i L y, ,eatl tIlat Stommlor r.'My-f.0"'-..1 tier n. ,i" ,""."" "B "'" tSriM ihe.conty winners nro vi jnieraay, ;i L,n.l Uno nro very closo county aud Lnno may carry WttCffORTii is 11BATEN TriJl,...0',,,n:,w Wkoly Dc- "5". Coo, ii Tin. ji ft0v I-nto flg S0.wdIe Is In tho load for klidff.,7 "Bworth will not con- WsZLZ' LnBworth "'' WILSON WINS IN ILLINOIS Democrats Now Claim State By a Substantial Plurality. A IMilNOIH KlttUltKS. (Ily AsBoclntod Press) CHICAOO, Nov. 7. Wilson, according to returns received nt two o'clock, linn ovorcomo Itoose voU'h lead In Illinois and with GG3 products to hoar from hns a plurality of 1G08 and will pro bably rench 2,000. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Times) CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Honoris to tho Democratic nnlloiial headquar ters nro Unit WIIhou Iiiih n substan tial plurality In HIIiioIh, with 23 counties. Tho missing counties nro In Southern Illinois, which hnvo nlwnys been consistently Democratic. WILSON AHEAD IN CALIFORNIA I 10 GET U RE WANTS On to fiiwn u: ..... nt tHeFsiresfflyU- ;-iary of State. soclatea Press I, Bav Vi 8 t0 Th0 Cooa W Htt'lfi ' J; Thoro appear oitl heJn,Ubt 4,n tl16 Western RlloSldteter8 but that w Wj -ant nUerod his choice lidfn;.y offlce within tho clft t.'I(r that SnJ Many nrorossed K of state P08tive to bo r UcmA.Y with pocket I " at mivvnnv Has 1200 Lead Over Roose vet Recount at Los Anaeles. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Uny Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. Ro tiiniH from .1872 precincts out of 1327 In Cnllfomln glvo Wilson 207. 501 and Hoosevolt 2tiC.2:Ui. WIIhoh'h plurality la l.-'GC. In Lob AngoloB county n recount Is nocessnry nnd mny bo complotod to dny. Hoosovolt's plurality In thnt county Is 17,CC9. in 1 imili t. (Py Associated Press to Tho Coot Times..) CINCINNATI, Ohio, Nov. 7. Ab a rosult of orrors In tho unofllclal count In tho rnco botweon Con Kressmnn Nicholas Longworth, Ho publlcnn, nnd Stailloy K. Ilowdle, Domocrnt, In tho First Ohio dis trict, tho contest Is In doubt. Kvpect Siieclnl Session. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Tho Coos Dny Times.) wAQiirvnTns. N'nv. 7. Domo- crnta horo consldor It llkoly thnt Wilson will cnll a Bpocmi sossion of tho now CoiigreBS soon nftor ho Is Innugurntcd ns President Jn Mnrch. Will Not Tnllc. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Tlio Coos Day Times.) PRINCRTON, N. J.. Nov. 7. -"I think my right coursp now Is hear everybody and that I should not make- any stntomonts." This nnswor was given today by Wilson nftor a series of requests for stato monts of his nttltudo on natlonnl and Intornntlonnl questions. Ho was nskod by vnrloua nowspapora about an oxtra session of congress. Canndlnn reciprocity, Intornntlonnl rolntlons, Panama canal nnd a va riety of Issues. Increases In Kimsns. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. . Later returns from Kausas incroased Wil son's lead over Roosevolt. It la oxpected when tho count Is con cluded that ho will havo a plu rality of 15,000. la South Dakota. SIOUX FALLS. S. Dy Nov. ' . Roosevelt Is leading Wilson toda In this stato by nbout 5000. XOHT1I DAKOTA DEMOCRAT GRAND FORKS, N. D Nov. J. Tho Republican Stato Commit eo con ..i ii. itTiiann lino rnrrlnd Nortu Dakotn by four to eight thousand. MINNESOTA TO ROOSEVELT. T4to Returns SwinR Stato from the mil vl till . (Dy Associated rress to Tho Cooi Bay Times.) , ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 7. Late returns today swung Minnesota from Wilson to R0.80Ve"ifAw will probably carry tho stato Dy 15,000. . . - -iTTAir.tvTinnn FIUiKU oarrei """"lf,;; DATTERIES at THE GUNNEia. Tin vonr lob printing done at The Times office. Women Win Out by Big Ma joritySingle Tax Badly Beaten Senatorship Close. (Hy Assoclntcd Tress to Tho Coos Dny Times.) PORTLAND. Nov. 7. Reports from throughout the stnto nt noon todny showed thnt woman suffrngo hnB carried In Oregon by n big ma jority. Slnglo tax Ib bndly defeated in tho state. Lang nnd Selling nro running FIFTEEN AVIATORS DIE IN A SINGLE MONTH. S IN OREGON very close, nnd Bourne Is apparent ly out of the running. EVERETT SINGLE TAX. PARIS, Nov. 7. Fifteen nvln tora woro killed during Octobor, nccordlng to tho records posted nt tho Aero Club todny. Tho list Included tho nnmes of thrco Am ericans. Tho donth of Popoff, tho Russlnn, killed nt Adrlnnoplo Tuesday brought tho totnl num ber of nvlntors killed during tho history of tho hcnvlcr-tlinn-nlr mnchliios up to 207. City Adopts New Taxation Scheme There. (Ily Associated Press to The Coos Bny Times) EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 7. Tho single tax amendment to the city charter wns adopted at Tuesday's election by a voto of two to one. Everett Is tho fourth city In slzo In tho stato nnd tho first to adopt tills taxation method NOVE.M1IER 28 WILL I IK THANKSGIVING DAY. (Ily Assoclntcd Press) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 7. President Taft today Issued a proclamation calling upon tho people of tho nation to colobrato Thursday. November 28th "In npproprlnto offering of pralso and tlinnka to God for tho good gifts thnt hnvo boon our portion and In humble prayor that hta great mercies toward us mny endure." W UP HIS FIGHT 4 BIG STEAMER ie AGROUND Maintain Contest for Reform The Royal George With Nine in New Jersey Until He Becomes President. (By Assoclnted Press o Tho Coos liny Times.) PRINCETON. N. J.. Nov. 7. Just bccniiso Woodrow Wilson Is president-elect of tho United Stntes ho does not, ho nssorts, Intend to, retire from tho light ho hnB waged ( for two yours for n program of. progressive legislation In Now Jer sey. Wilson said todny Hint "it will stny on tho Job nt Trenton until I hnvo cnrrled out theso ro forms," but with tho Domocrntlc likely to bo smooth progress when, tho loglslnturo convenes jnuiinry 1, 1913. Hundred Aboard Is in Trouble. (ny Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) MONTREAL, Cnnndn, Nov. 7. Tho Canndlnn Northern Royal Mnll Btcnmor Royal Georgo wont aground In the St. Lawrence river near Quebec Inst night mid Is in n pro- pnrlniia Mini! It Inn. All of tho 000 pnssongors woro removed safoly. It was bound irom jsnginim io inn port. .'- vrr ' .1 '-S31TV BATTLE IS ON IN TURKEY SULTAN'S FORCES .MAKING LAST STAND AT FORTS JUST OUT SIDE THE CAPITAL. CRISIS FOR TURKS (ny Associated Press) LONDON, Nov. 7. It Is bo Hoved that a last big bnttlo Is In progress botweon tho dofondora nnd Invndors at Tchatalja forts before Constantinople. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov. 7 "Wo will sing a To Doum of thanksgiving In tho Mosquo of SopJIa next Sundny," boasted lenders of tho conquorlng nriny of Dulgnrla today, boforo tho . Ti.ritaii iinttin linn between thorn and tho city of Constantino ple It Is reported tno greni stronghold of Salonlkl hns been evacuated, but no conffrmntlon is recoived. (By Assoclnted Press to Tho Coos Bny Times.) nni nnK'P Dnrmnnv. NOV. 7. - tUhmi.i.Ji v.-.. ......, ----- -- Tho Turks nro reported to hnvo been decisively uraw " i" -gnrlnns and drivon in disorder from positions nt the Tchntnljn forts in front of Constnntinoplo. according to a dispatch from Sofia. The nguting nas own vui "" " tho Inst two days. (By Associated Press to The Cooi Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov. 7. Tho Turkish . i i .i.lMiHrnwn from garrison n uun n.mi...-. - Salonlkl, after destroying a number . .. i.. thn nitnrnnpnpn of uriuges luruuuB i i.i.- to tho city, nccordlng to a newspa por agency dispatch from Athens. Gives Powers Liberty. (By Associated Press to Tho Coo Bay Times) PARIS, Nov. 7. Turkey has de cided to give tho powers complete liberty of action In arranging con ditions of peace, according to a dispatch from Constantinople to a local newspaper. When In nccl at PLUMBING, HEATING, TIWING, SHEET METAL "WORK, CALL 101-J PIONEER IIDWRE CO., When done by us It U done right. TRY our FAMOUS SPEED SHELLS. Tlio kind that tips over tho FAR ONES. THE GUNNERY. am OR FOR HADLEY Missouri Governor Offered Second Place on Repub lican Ticket. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Iliiv Times) WASHINGTON. I). C, Nov. 7. Presldont Tnft returned to Washing ton nt 0:40 todny. Tho prlvnto enr of Govornor Hndley of Missouri wns attached to tho President's train at Ilarrisburg and tho governor camo on in Wndlilrifrlnn. Tin will rnnfor with Tnft today. When asked If ho would tako socond place on tlio republican ticket, Gov. Hndloy snld, "I hnvo not been asked." Gov. Hndley did not seo tho presi dent on his way to Washington nl though tho enrs woro placed together. Hndloy snld thnt ho luu7 como to U'nnlilnctnn nn nrlvntn Imslnosfl but did not deny ho would tnlk with Tnft nbout tnklng socond place on tno re publican ticket to go before tho olec- nrnl pnllpen. Rnvnrnl nf the nrosl- dent's callers, among them cabinet officers, oxpressod tlio opinion uinv Hndloy hnd declined nnd ono closo to Hndloy declnrod tho Missouri Govorn or would consldor it nn "empty hon or.' UNIONS IN POLITICS. American Federation of Labor Mny Form Unity. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmea.) nnniiRRTRn. N. Y.. Nov. 7. Ono of tho questions thnt will bo discussed by each oi ino nvo u pnrtmontB of the American Feder ation of Labor, which opened its session hero todny, Ib whether it Is ndvlsablo for workers to organlzo a political party to embody their de sires for loglslntion. Tho American Federation of Labor has nover ta ken part in political campaigns and has a rule forbidding discus sion of political matters In its meotlngs. RECORDS SHOCK. Relieved Earthquake Visited Alaska Somo Time Last Night. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Tlmea.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 7. A pnrMimiakn was recorded last night at the University of Washington, tho disturuanco m estimated to be not more than 2000 miles distant aud probably In Alas ka. Tho disturbances disturbed nml agitated tho needle ono hour and twenty minutes. MEREDITH AND PEIRGE RACE CLOSEST C 1 S T IN COUNT! VVViVSiWVNVimV-,s-'VVN L ES Has Majority of Ten With Three Precincts Miss ing Now. ' (Special to Tho Times.) COQU1LLB, Notf. 7. Thlrty thrco out of 3G precincts In Coos County glvo Bourno -170, Olnrk 23G. Lnno 875, Pagot 75, Uninp G44, and Soiling SG5 for United States Senator. It is impossible to got any do tallcd roturns horo, most of tho precinct returns being scaled up so that It will bo ImpoBslblo to got tho figures until County Clork Watson orders tho canvas of all tho voto, which will not bo for n day or two. County Engineer Gould has won out by a good majority. OSPREY VICTIM BODY FOUND Remains of Capt. Jacobson Discovered on Beach Last Night. Tho body of Capt. II. JacobBon, ono of the victims of tho 'wreck of ll. wnu fminil Inn! lllizllt nloiig tho bench by tho drlvor of tho Gnrdliior-coos nay Btago. tho body wbb lying on tho bench nbout six miles above. Jnrvla landing. At first, there wnB somo doubt as to wh'othor It wns tho body of dipt. JncobBou or Cnpr. Johnson. Lnst night Coronor Wilson with Capt. Davo Holdoii Btnrted out to bring tho body In and found It nf tor much difficulty. Thoy hnd to senrch tho bench for houra nnd Mr. Wilson snya thnt if it hnd not boon for Mr. Iloldon, ho would not hnvo been nblo to find It. Tho body wns Idontlflod through a chock for 94 conta from O. W. Rlddlo to Cnpt II. Jacobson. Tho coat was gono and nlso ono shoo. In tho pockets were found n gold watch nnd chnln, $25 In monoy, a ring and some cuff buttons. Tho body wub not miitllntod but tho fnco and hoad woro badly bruised and discolored. Howovor, It wns on tho vorgo of decomposi tion. II. A. Loach, manager of tho Weddorbtirn Trading Company, to dny noon Identified tho body nB Capt. Jacobson'a. Mr. Leach loft tnv iinmn tlila afternoon. No in quest will bo hold. Cnpt. .Tncob- son's children nnvo noon nuwuuu. Seen from Stnge. Tho pnsBongors on tho Incoming stngo saw tho body but thoy had pass ed it boforo It was discovered. Tlio body was partly in tho wntor and hnd ovidontly boon wnshod up onto tho sand. A short tlmo boforo It was no ticed that blood was running from a wound in tlio forehead nnd this lod somo on tho stngo to bollovo thnt tho mnn hnd not beon dond n long tlmo. Under most conditions tho npponr- nnrx. nf tlin fresh lllOOll WOUld llUll- cnto thnt tlio mnn had boon dead but a short tlmo but In tins caso mo nouy had beon In tho very cold wntor of the ocean. Shoo Taken Off. Ono shoo was off tho foot and tho ntimr niinn wns unlncod and tho man's coat was gono. It was qulto llkoly that ho had tlirown on nia coat uu expecting to Jump Into tho water, had taken off ono shoo and hnd unlaced tho othor. . . At first It was thouglit uy somo or Mmsn nn tlln RtflL'O that It WOB tllO body of Cnpt. Johnson nnd othors thought it was capi. jacooson. DODDERY AT DRAIN. Thieves Drenk Into Cool Storo nnd Muko Haul. TiuAiM nm Vnv. 7. Burclnrs (entered tlio general morchnndlso Btoro or N. D. cooi ny prying open u ..on. M.ln.lnu' nnil with lOOlH BCCUrCl from tho rnllrond section house knocked off the commnnuon oi ino enr frnni wlllpll tllQV tOOk $120 In coin' nnd currency. A fow pocket knives woro also taken. Nursery Stock. See A. E. Seaman, Phono 49-J. V, M. O. SPEED SHELLS of THE GUNNERY. If you have anything to sell, rent or trado, or want help, try a Want Latest Returns from Twenty Two Precincts Give Peirce Thirteen Plurality. NEED FINAL COUNT TO DECIDE WINNER Race Is the Closest One in 1 Coos County This Election. Tho race between Morodlth nni Polrco for Joint representative la ono of tho most Interesting in tho county election, ns thoy nro so closo It Is impossible to sny posi tively which ono will win out. Tho Coos county figures so fnr glvo Polrco 13 In tho lend, but ono or two preclnrtH might chnngo It. Ao tho roturns come In, first one nn& then tho other would bo found to bo nhend, so it Is cither mnn's rami so fnr. It la likely thnt It will bo nec essary to count out ovory precinct boforo tho contest can bo decided. In Curry county thoy are runnlnK ovon elosor. Todny It wns reported, thnt nt tho lnst count Polrco wan only 5 votes nhend of Morodlth. In Curry county. DROWN EASY WINNER. Claims About 15(1(1 .Majority In tins District Now. HOSEHURG, Nov. 7. Ooorgo M. Brown this afternoon stated that ho would ho re-elected district at torney by about 1500 mnjorlty. 1I clnlniB between 300 nnd 400 major ity In Douglas county, nenrly h two to ono voto In Coob county and In Curry county three to one. I TD L ALL WILSON WILL HAVE OVER I0t ELKtTOHAL VOTES AND COl. ROOSEVEIr 10(1 TAFT HAS ONLY THREE STATICS DEM OCRATS WIN EVERYWHERE. THE RESULT. (Dy Assoclntcd Press) IlooHovolt hns G states with with 109 electoral votes. Taft hns 3 states with 12 doctoral voles. Wilson hns 39 states with 115 electoral votes. llouso of Reprosentutlvos DomocrntM, 2G7. Republican, 00. ProgicsBlvo G. Districts unreported, G3. Districts unreported G3; to tnl members, 435. Tho foregoing Is tho stand ing nt noon of tho houso of roproBontntivos of tho G3 (now) congress. Tho totnl of 2G7 gnvo tho Democrats 49 more than the 218 nocossnry for n majority and 47 mora than tho Demo cratic membership of tho G2d congress. Coiigrosulonnl districts unac counted fop nro Cnllfomln, 3; Illinois 8, Kansas 2, Massnchu sotta 3, Michigan 12, Missouri 3, Nobrnskn 4, Novada 1, Now Hampshire 1, Pennsylvania 9, Utnh 1, Washington 5, West Virginia 4, Wisconsin 2, Wy oming 1, ,1 VOTE IN SOUTH. t (Dy Associated Press) I ATLANTA. Nov. 7, Tho solid south rallied to Wilson. Ills pro- j bablo popular plurality In Ark nnsns Is CO, 000. Georgia, 35,000 to 50,000; Florida, 25,000; Kentucky, 100,000; (plurality over Tnft); South Cnrollnn, 50, 000; North Cnrollnn, 00,000; Mississippi, 100,000; nnd Okla homa, 15,000. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK. Nov. 7. Overturn ing tho big Republican mnjorltloi in stntea novor boforo captured by DomocratB in n presidential elec tion, tho Wilson-Mnrshall ticket swept Into ofllco yesterday on a wavo of victory that cnrrlod with It stato officers, congressional soati nnd control of a nuinbor of legis latures that will glvo opportunity to oust Republicans from tho Uni ted States Sonnto and add to the Democratic strength In thnt body. On returns recoived from States where results are reasonably cortolu It appears thnt Govornor Wllso will havo almost, if not qulto, 40U of tho 531 votes In tho doctoral college, and that Colonol Roosevelt would nnvo nearly iuu. President inn huh rueuivuu uii (Continued on Page Two.) t m :il Vlll "-