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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1912)
THERMS NOTHING CERTAIN IN POLITICS EXCEPT THE CERTAINTY OP UNCERTAINTY -TTdVKIVTISING In Tho TIMES Tat your Heal Estato "In the Market" Effectively! it will Pt tho facts about your t noforo tho oyoa of nil "pos- W hX" In town. And If thoro jJ'iJ of "hom who ought to own (Slum WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMJH Will Keep your Incomo frow Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can really holp tho fa3y i rovenucs by renting n fow furntibdL'j rooms and, If you know how stn whon to uro tho classified colum-Vl you may keep thnt llttlo extra la-1 cotno as "steady aa a clock." umtWB It, J0U1I MEMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED PREB VOL. XXXVI iMnbllshcd in 1878 MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1912. MORNING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. No. 93. 'at Tho Coast Mali. WILSON IS CHOSEN PRESIDENT IN BIG LANDSLIDE. mtt Iffll STATES ey Returns So Far Give Him 291 Votes in Electoral College. ROOSEVELT LIKELY R0CARRIESJOUR STATES Returns from East Early in Evening Indicate a Dem- ocratic Victory. ELECTORAL VOTE. PORTLAND, Nov, 5, -Tho states where res suits were reasonably certain at 10, o'clock gavo tho following elec toral vote: Wilson, 291; Roose velt 29! Taft 8, The total vote in the electoral college is ! CERTAIN I STANDING BY STATES, f Claimed by Wilson. AUbimn Arkansas Connecticut Dolawaro Florida Indiana Kutuckr North Carolina I'lrjland Mississippi WUconatn Virginia OUihoma Now Mexico Minnesota West Virginia Ktv Joney Massachusotta 1)1 electoral votes. Claimed liy Roosevelt. Illinois Michigan Orejon Kansas Iota Claimed liy Tuft. Ytrmont Puujlvanla Olio Uncertain. California Woodrow Wilson Is elected President of the. United States ty a great Democratic land slide, The returns from the fast and south indicated ear v in the evening that Wilson as the winner, Although the western states have not completed too return, enough has been ported to leave no doubt, (Ry Associated Press.) "EW YORK, Nov. 0 .(1:00 n. m.) "-Shortly after 11 o'clock tonight tho wmocratlc niitlonnl headquarters jWm the follow lnB states nro certain jjMVUson: Arknnsns, Connecticut, wlaivRre, Florida, Indiana, Ken l7, South Carolina, Maryland, ""SAchusetts, Mississippi, Wiscon "".XewYoik, South Carolina, Now "K Missouri, West Virginia, Now 'mj with a total of 201 electoral tote, AT PORTLAND. (Ry Associated Tress.) jOItTLAJJi), Nov. 5.Wlth 703 r countwl in B3 Portland pro ,ct' ,h vote Is Taft, 100; Wilson, u'! Roosevelt 203. "or United States Senator, Bourne, ., ""i - , ViarK, I'rogrcssivc, ne, Democrat, 310; Paget, Pro- II p selling, Republican, 207. Wbu ReprCi,enttlvo, Iiafferty, Re ft,. nu Progressive, 300, Mc IW' Indcncnileti 127; Munley, J?nx 2J1. Equal suffrage, yes, no 213, TE:WS Ilia FOR WILSON, jj, (nJ" Associated Press.) Udl ' Tovas' Nov B. Returns 110,000 U"lt Wltoon ,IIUJ Toxls by TAPT LOSES OHIO. OINXATI, Nov. B.-Gov. Wood- GLAMED WLSON RS - - -w wwvw IwwWVWWW RAGE IS CLOSE IN T Carried by Taft With Plural ity Over Roosevelt of 374. (By Associated Press.) WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt Nov. C. President Taft cariles Ver mont by 921 votes. Comploto re turns show tho following: Tift, 23, 217; Roosovolt, 22,373; Wilson, 1G, 397. row Wilson was running ahead of President Taft In tho hitter's own stato when tho llrst 11(10 precincts of tho fi2tl In tho stato had been counted tonight. KANSAS FOR ROOSEVELT. (By Associated Press,) TOPKKA, Kans., Nov. 5. Returns at 10:30 tonight Indicate thnt Roose velt would carry Kansas over WIN son by probably 10,000 plurality. Taft apparently was running a poor third. I Conceded to Wilson. (Special to Tho Times.) WASHINOTON, D. 0.. Nov. C Tho Washington Times, Frank A. Mun soy'B Washington papor, concodes tho election of Wilson by n tremendous swoop. McConnlck's Claim. (Spoclnl to Tho Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. G. Modlll McCor mce who lins beon In chnrgo of tho Chicago Progressives headquarters Mnlmoil Illnols. Michigan, iown unu Wisconsin for Colonel Roosovolt. Conceded to Roosevelt. (Special to Tho Times.) ntiinxr.n. Nov. 5. (9:4G P. m) McCombs, Democratic chairman, con cedes Illinois to Roosovolt. ROOSEVELT LEADS OTHERS IN CHICAGO Chairman Dixon Claims Five States for the Colonel and Progressives, (Special to Tho Times.) niiininn Mnv. R. notumS TO- -.i...i -m 700 nmclncts out of 1498 CUDVU Hunt '" - precincts In Cook county givo Rooso- i . j not fTrtff Hli.- volt 73,977, Wlison ot.ooi, -.. --. 977. RFTURNS IN PORTLAND "SLOW IN COMING IN Roosevelt is Far in Lead and Bourne Is Probably Ahead, try.. AoonMntpll PfCSS.) T,nnTT,AND. Nov. G. Returns . .... ..inM in Portland givo irom - ivv...v. .. , wit,, 177. Roosevelt lo. ran ai, "...:;"., Ronator For United amies ou..vv,., -- Bourne, indepemtem -.. ;;. Progressive, si, ""u --- -lOsf Paget, Prohibition, 19; Selling Ropubllcan, 91. JL nnfivn Lnfferty( Re- publican and Progressive 148! Mun ley, 8C, tjio su 4"v . i equal suffrage 60 votes for to 48 against. Partial Returns. (By Associated Press.) . .... c TnrHil re- PORTLANU, Nv " " tur from eight out of the 1 CO pro clncts gave Taft 10 W o - ; Roosevelt 29. m itvo v - 5.1 returns for United Sates senator glvo Bourno, Independent, 16; Clark, Progressive, 6; Lane, Democrat, 17, Selling, uopuunv"", - nKv-VnATi. Tho bind TOU have ALWAYS SJeD. Phone 72, Pacific JSSry and Transfer Company. I EXTRA EDITION! THE COOS DAY TIMES bolloves In doing, rather than Drugging; In servlco Instead of screaming It presents its readers this extra edi tion this morning, with election returns, as comploto as money nnd offortB could secure, as nn earnest of Its endeavor to servo tho pcoplo of Coos county with nn up-to-tho-mlnuto dally newspaper. It was Issued un dor rather ndvorso circumstances. Tho Times had arranged for a com ploto Associated Press night report by Western Union telegraph. Immed- Iflfnlt. nflA. Mm .in.inM nmnt In mam nnt aimIm 4 It a tillnn .t.n.., itnll'tl "vij utiui wiu iimji;, wvui iu iill'oa tint u,t;ilill& tiiu nitVD uuv uuw.i. Nothing daunted or dismayed, Tho Times promptly mndo arrangements for n special and Associated Press roport by long dlstaneo telephone All night long, until noarly 2 o'clock this morning Tho Times continued to ro colvo by wlro tho olcctlon roturns which nro presented In this edition. It roqulrcs patlenco and persistence monoy, effort nnd cntorprlso, but Tho Times never fnltors or hesitates when It is a question of servlco to Its subscribers and renders. It, always tries to llvo up to Its claims as "tho papor that docs things." His Plurality in This State May Reach 15,000 May Get Washington. (Special to Tho Times.) ROSEBURO, Nov. C. Returns re ceived hero Indlcato that Roosovolt may' carry Oregon by n plurality of Early Returns From Wedder burn Indicate He Will Be Winner There. (Special to Tho Times.) WEDDEUBURN, Ore, Nov. G. Tho rnco botwoon Wilson and Rooso volt In Curry county Is closo, accord ing to Incomplqto roturns received bo far. Lano Is nhead for stato Bonntor vlll doubtless carry SOCIALIST BERGER DEFEATED Congressman from Milwaukee is Beaten by Stafford, Fusion Candidate, (By Associated Press.) MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. G. Congressman Victor L. Borgor, or Mllwaukco, tho only Socialist In congress, was dofonted for ro-oloctlon hv former ConKressman Wm. Star- ford, who ran as a fusion cundldato on tho Democratic, ticket. DEMOCRATS ELECT NEW YORK GOVERNOR Received More Votes Than Both Others, According to Early Returns, (By Associated Press,) nrw YORK. Nov. 6. Returns for governor from 100C election districts out of 3093 In Now York stato oui alilo of Now York city givo Hodges, Ropubllcan, 11C.007; Suhor, Demo crat, 131,343; Straus, rrogrossivo, 79,697. The same precincts In isiu gavo Stlnson, Republican, 164.70J, DIx, Democrat, 146,890. BIG MAJORITY IN THE SOUTHERN STATES Wilson Carries Everything in the Old Time Demo- t cratic strongnoia, (By Associated Press.) o-iTtTmTA. s. C. Nov. 5. Indi cations nro that Wilson has carried South Carolina by a majority oi ov,- 000. 105,000 In Mississippi. (By Associated Press.) JACKSON, Miss.. Nov. 6. Tho Democratic majority In Mississippi Is estimated at 105,000. In Arkansas. (By Associated Press.) , Tmr . -nnr.K Ark.. Nov. 5. ..i- .,ioH Arkansas by about 50,000 majority. OUNS FOR RENT THE GUN- NERY. ROOSEVELT W LANE LEADS IN iY 1G.O0O. It Is also thought that Roosovolt has carried Washington. Returns from Portland glvo Soiling 97, Ilourno 96 and Lano 32 for Unl ted Stntcs senator. At 1 o'clock this morning Qcorgo M. Brown claimed a good lead In Douglas county over W. W. Cardwoll for prosecuting nttorncy. Tho lncomploto roturna rccolvcd so far follow: For Prosldont Wilson, 14; Rooso volt, 13; Tnft, 2. Senator Lano 1G, Bourno G, Sell ing 6, Clark 2. Socrotary of Stato Olcott 13, Ken nedy 0, Ryan 8. District Attornoy Cardwoll 2; Brown 2. Stato Senator Stommlor 19, Smith 10. Representative Morcdlth 19 Polrco 13. rfhW me CANNON LIKELY BEATEN AT DANVILLE. Meager Returns Indicate That He Is Defeated by F, L, Hair, (By Associated Press.) DANVILLE, III., Nov. 6. Meagor roturns Indlcato tho dofeat of formor Snoakor Cannon by Frank L. Hnlr by about 1200 plurality In tho 18th district. ROOSEVELT CARRIES CITY OF OYSTER BAY. Succeeds in Getting the Lead in His Own Town and Precinct, Carries Oyster Bay. (Spocial to Tho Times.) OYSTER BAY, Nov. 6. Colonel RoosevoU carried Oyster Bay, his homo town, by a plurality of 292. Tho voto was, Roosevelt 610, Wilson 218, Taft C7. Tho Colonol's own ejection district voted Roosovolt 231, Wilson 80 nnd Taft 2,8. TIMES RECEIVES THE FIRST ELECTION NEWS. Western Union Wires Down But Returns Came in Over Telephone, Tho Western Union Telegraph Co. wirpa wnnt down about C o'clock at nn nicoodlnclv unfortunate time, aa overyono was anxious to hoar tho returns, but tho Coos nay iimeB sorvlco from tho Associated i'resa .n onnt nvnr tho tolenhonO llllCB. It was slower work but tho news was brought through. Tho Associated Tw tt B -- m Press gavo a full account or mo tqtal figures aa quickly as they could bo gathered from the fcast. Thn Times snoclal servlco from tho Associated Press was tho first authen tic figures given out to tho poopio oi tho city. The Times received many calls from out of tho city asking for re turns. Tho results were mau &" to the poopi0 at North Bond lllfi OREGON GURRY GOTO' CONTESTS CLOSE IN COUNTY, GAGE IS NOW IN THE LEAH FIRST COUNT FROM LIBBY Tie on Woman Suffrage and Debs Carries Precinct For President. Llbby was tho first precinct to finish counting. Tho vote was small, thoro bolng 12 votes cast for presi dent. Llbby had n majority of 1 for Dobs over Roosovolt. Tho precinct wont against tho good roads moasuro, thoro bolng ono for and two ngnlnBt. Tho question of woman suffrngo commanded moro attention. Tho voto waB G to G. Slnglo tax In Llbby was lost by n voto of 7 to 1. Qnco got 8 votes for shorlff In Llbby nnd Lund nono, whllo Orr, So cialist, got 3. Tho details of tho voto In Llbby Is glvon with tho other local ro- turns. "SOLID SOUTH" ALSO GOES FOR WILSON Indications Are That Ho Car ries Kentucky as Well as Northern States, (Special to Tho Times.) T.nmsvii.T,rc. Kv.. Nov. G. Thlrty-flvo counties comploto out of .... -nn t ir..l...l,.. l.t Wll.nn An - tho 120 In Kentucky givo Wilson CO,- 838, Tnft 28,200, Roosovolt 22,731. SOCIALISTS STRONG AT LOS ANGELES Vote for Debs in That City Is a Big One, Though Wilson Ahead, (Spoclnl to Tho Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl Nov. G Pnr- lnl rntllrna frnill 118 nut Of 455 nrocincts In Lob AncolCB city glvo. Wilson 7057, Roosovolt C541, Doha 1387, Taft 197. TAFT GETS- ONE LEAD im i iii-m-i--, n" n H I D l r. Tl, Plwn raillUI nuiUIIIS uiuio w'vu,talnabIo at 2 a. in. Tho count Him One of Few Vic tories of Day, (By Associated Press.) PHILADELPHIA. Nov. G. Ro turns from 370 out of 1210 oloction districts In Phlladolphln glvo Taft 21,387, Wilson 11,284, Roosovolt 1, 109. DEMOCRATS WILL NOT GIVE UP IN ILLINOIS. May Yet Be Some Doubt as to Roosevelt Carrying That State, (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. NOV. G. With 223 precincts hoard from tho Indication nt R:1B n. m. aro that Roosovolt will carry tho state outsldo of Cook coun ty by 100,000 plurality if tlio returns fnntimtn In tho nresont ratio. Wil son's managors do not yot concouo Illinois to Roosovolt, ncwover. CLOSE RACE IS ON IN CALIFORNIA Scattering Returns Make Re sults uncertain Tor Wilson or Roosevelt, (By Associated Press.) RAN FRANCISCO. Nov. G.r-Scat- terlng roturna from all sections of California Indicate a close raco uo twemr Roosovolt and Wilson. Tho registrar of voters, Harry Zo- mansky, estimates that Wilson win carry San Francisco by 20,000 plu rality. W ft Selling May Carry County far Senator But Not Yet Certain. r TOTAL VOTE CAST 1 IN MARSHFIELD 791 .. Brown Some Ahead SmiBi and Stemmler Close Women May Win. TOTAL von: OAST. i 1 j North Marshriold Sftf j Central Mnrshficld 3C7 1 South Murshflcld 1KI ,j j North Bend, North 191. J j North Bend, South 203 j Bunkor IIUI 91 j Bnndon T5TJ3J 4 -- LATEST COOS TOTALS. .1 Tho flnnl roturns In Llbby, Empire, Bunkor Hill nnd Cooaton and pnrtLS roturns In North Bond, Bnndon. 0 qulllo nnd Mnrshflold aftor mldnljdrt totalled as follows: President Wilson 103, Trttt . RoobovoU 80, Dobs 73. U. 8. Sonnlor Selling 11G, Lmk 114, Bourno 87. Congressman Hnwloy 101, Cnmi boll G7, Richards C.I, Smith 4G. District Attornoy Brown 35X. Cardwoll 149, Cannon 113, Long-ML Stato Senator Smith 270, Stcnwk lor 2G7, Knlser 140. Joint Roproscntntlvo Morodiah ,1(5 j0rco 120. Hull 92. I ... ... .. ..ju Btirvoyor mors u, uouui in, uniisau fir.. Shorlff dago 390, Lund 199, Orr G4. Roprescntntlvo Barton 194, IIiE 4G, Robinson 131. Coon County Slnglo Tax For T3M, ngalnst 169. Stnto Slnglo Tax For 1G0, again 114. Suffrago For 111, against 87. Good Bonds For 97, ngalnst TS. Assessor Thrift 178, Hanson L, welling 10. Somo precincts will not linn KAimllnrt until Intnnrrnv ivw" ,".... V - lliwullH In tUv county aro aa yat u"Ac9rniy rmv t tho precinct i- counted out and hut a snuill nmoa of ",0 r8uUs ,n U"H r,ly "Cr " I Iks very hlow owing to tlio largo Vi. lot. From scattering returns It appeal that flaco Ih strongly leading Lmt for sheriff, especially In tho CoqulUu valley, uhero ho Is running 3 to Tt. Smith nnd Stemmler aro running vrrr closo for htato ncnator. Pierce Meredith nro running closo In Cooe for Joint representative. Brown appears to havo n hlg Iwifl over CardncU In tills county for pros ecuting attorney. Womnii'H hiiffnigo will prolmblr carry In Coos county. Slnglo tav Is probably dcreaieu t tho county, but htato graduated tK may carrj'. Ben Selling will probably carry fle county for stato senator with Lane second. Haw Icy will carry tho couuty eny for congress. Thrift Is probably elected assessor. Tho Socialists will show a Mg gait In their vote. II. O. Dlers appears to ho polling good voto for surveyor. It Is doubtful which prcsKientiiK candldnto will carry tho county. VOTES RY PRECINCTS, South Marshfleld. Shoriffango 33, Lund 18, Orr "B. Stato Sonntor Smith 28, Stemm ler 10, Knlsor 10. District Attornoy Brown 17. Cardwoll 21, Long 0, Cannon 7. U. S. Sonator Soiling 9, Lano TS. Bourno 7. North Marshfleld. Presldont -Jt: (Continued on Page Four.) 11