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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFlELlTofS The Basis of Wealth First Addition To Marshfield Many o the greatest estates in the world; the im mense fortunes that have been handed down from gen eration to generation were founded on a small invest ment in land in a town the future of which was foreseen by only a few. Right here in your own city you have examples of holdings valued at thousands of dollars that represent the original investment doubled many times. A few years ago one of your friends purchased a lot at a low price; today it is worth thousands and still advancing. Invest in the future of Coos Bay. Buy Marshfield real estate. It's all good and the best investment on the Pacific Coast. Buy now while the prices arc right and take advantage of the increase. Invest your sav ings, no matter how small. Place a portion of your monthly income in a lot. Buy it in the best location. Make your selection in that section where the develop ment is taking place; where the homes arc being built; where improvements are being made. Buy in the line of progress the direction the city is growing. Take everything into consideration and you'll buy on the "South Side." Compare First Addition with other south side prices and you'll buy the new addition. You'll want to live where you can secure a 50x120 foot lot facing on an improved street for only $300 and on your own terms. Your investment in one or more of these choice sightly lots will return you a handsome profit. Call at our office for a plat and tomorrow take your Sunday walk out South Pifth street; follow the boulevard ex tension along Coal Bank Inlet to Pirst Addition. Your walk will be both pleasant and profitable. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Building Owners. III Telephone 160 Citv Auto Service r.Mi Can. Careful Drlreri uttd tuititli charges- Our motto: tiii anwuhurA nt nnr time." aiJi-Blinco Hotel aud Blanco JfUSlOM. IMyraonei isiuuii, ".VI cl Jfi HMEn Jt OOODATAt. proprietor. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. JAILS FROM AI.VSWORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. SI., OCT. O, W.23, 30. FROM MARSHFIELD AT TIIK SERVICE OK THE TIRE, OCT. 5, 12, 10, 20. Fttoae thin 35.L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington The Ship that Makes the Service Good Between San Francisco and Coos Bay WITn PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT '1D0W, Agent Oo Dock. THE FRIEND OP OOOU AV S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1612 MNBOTINQ WITH THE NORTn RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC WEAMSHIF COMPANY. raon O. P. McOEOROK, ABt. PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo An Equipped with wireless and submarine bell JAILS pROM M AR.SHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO Thursday, Oct. 10, at 10 a. m. rsiger Reservations Prom San Francisco Must He Mad t 05 Pifo Building, or Pier No. 10. PHOVg 44 1JJTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. Jprsity of Oregon Correspondence School ad"osf n? w,lth tho exception of the cost ot postage on papers fortv tih.i.V,n'ver8'ty Extension Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OHB Lh courses i,NIyEnsiTY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by r fre-aonrt J ied ls tho only requirement for onrollment In the 01 Botanv i? , 1?eP!",tment. Courses nro offered In the departments ftare. pJLii it,ng' Economics, Education, Electricity, English Ltt DrjIng plrr, CoPos!tion, History, Mathematics, Mechanical TWag. vri i Ed"catlon, Physics, Physiology, Sociology and Sur '" of a,l t0 tho Secrotary of tho Correspondence School, Unl- Cou gon' Eugene, for Information and catalogue, talons of IJJLSIDENCE at tho University prepare for tho Pro JCHinq pG NEEniNQ, JOURNALISM, LAW, MEDICINE, and Segls'er tor o,. l soniostor opens Tuesday, Sept. 17. Address tho E9 of -ift' a,?Bues descriptive ot tho College of Engineering, the "'"ne, and v , ihi Schools ot Education, Commerce,, coos my. mem. i.'m'n'i'i. r DBrivrbJ . irr tr - smAmWw.dr nrsr rw i y. W ypRESMTED NX T ''fit ft 3 m COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE M CCALEZS J&, AGENTS COAL COWtfJZfiWN. MIW. FARM FJiUlT. WOtfZ, " TiMDrn ivhe m 0R6ANIZIN6 Or 1MV3TR1AI CCffPANlES A SPZWIXYsa ' Tho past has provon that Inroctmonts in small aero tracts noar growing cities aro tho roost profitable Tho C. D. It- S. has such to offer. Chaa. J, Bruschke. Marshfield. Ore. Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GORST & KINO. Proprietors. LEAVE MARSHFIELD 7:16 A. M. 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:45 12:30 1:16 2:00 2:45 3:30 4:15 6:00 6:45 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 A. M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. P.M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. Mw P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. "P. M. P.M. A.M. LEAVE NORTn REND. 7:00 A. M. 7:46 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:45 11:30 12:15 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 5:30 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave North Rend Allen'B Nona stand. Leavo Murshfleld Chandler and Dlanco Hotels and Busy Corner. WILLAMETTE VALLEV FARMS, In Lano County, Oregon. Fruit & llcrry Forms, Truck Farms, Dairy Farms, Stock Farms, General Farming Write for DESCRIPTIVE LIST and LITERATURE telling you about tho wonderful resources of Lane County, Oregon. J. E. THOMAS & CO., Cottage Grove. Oregon. E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right hero. 870 North Front Btrt Marshfield. First Grade. John Clausen was nbsont Friday on account of Illness. Mrs. Wilbur, who hnd a hnlf holiday Friday afternoon, visited our room. Tho story of Tho Thrco Llttlo Pics has been told by tho children and dramatized this week. Botany. For tho past week tho Botany class has been busy with noto book work. They have also studied coed dispersal and tho history of Indian corn. English Twelve. Senior English students havo boon studying Irvlng's Skotcn Book, stories from tho Alhnmbrn, History of Now York, Conquest of Granada. They havo nlso written a short pa per on tho genoral characteristics of Irvlng's works. English Eleven. Study of Chaucer's Prologuo and pnpors describing different charac ters In Prologuo. Tcnlh English. Study of unity In tho sontonco. Work on Talo of Two Cities. Pa pers on Contrasts In French life boforo Revolution. Ninth English. Study of Rip Van Wlnklo with special work In oral composition. jQwza&p) oe At, the Golden Rule History Department. Tho Senior class in Amoricnn his tory Is now studying tho century of Colonial History, noting partic ularly tho grievances which woro tho beginning of tho causes for tho Revolution. Collateral reading and noto book work is nlso bolng dono giving tho cIbbs a much hotter and broader Idea of tho tlmcB. Tho Juniors havo Just finished a short rcvlow of tho early English History, In which spcclnl attention was paid to tho pooplo invading early England and tho locality In wMch tlioy Bottled, and how from Hint modern English nnmes havo arisen. Tho Sophomores and Freshmen nro doing good work In tholr Mo dlaovnl nml Anclont Histories. Tho former claBs has JiiBt completed tho study of tho Norman Conquost nntl tho beginning of Papal power, and tho Intter havo completed Babylon Inn History. Athletics. Tho football team looks better every day and Indications nro thnt a toam fully as strong as Inst year's oloven will bo tho result. No Bchodulo hns boon arranged ns yot, hut It Is hoped to begin tho season next Saturday. Final preparations for tho schedulo will lm nindo todnv nt tho County asso ciation meeting hold nt Coqulllo and ns Boon as possiblo will bo published, Coqulllo and Bandon aro both putting out teams this year and Myrtlo Point, ns usual, will bo a strong contonder. No doubt somo good games will bo tho rosult. Domestic Science. Tho clnss In ndvanccd cookery mot on Wcdnesdny, with a vory lnrgo attondnnco. Twonty-sovon aro enrolled nnd sovcrnl raoro naked to Join tho clnss. If enough moro nro Interested In such n class, an ovon Ing clnss will bo organized. Com- Tntinlnntn wlHi Minn Mnnrn nt 53-J or nny mombor of tho class If you uesiro 10 join hucu a ciubs. A class In sowing would bo or ganized, too, If enough dosiro It. This would bo a gonornl class In sowing In which nny desired lino would bo taken up. Pnttorn drafting and tho ubo of bought patterns would bo ono csneclnl subject Hnnd sowing, fitting, tailoring of drosses, etc. Each would furnish nnd mako any gnrmont sho wlshos. Plcnso phono to address given nhovo If you aro Intorested. Commercial Department. Tho night school, Commorclnl De partment, oponod on Monday ovon lng of this weok, with 12 mombors. Evorythlng points to a vory suc cessful term nnd all of tho class aro highly pleased with tho out look. Since tho texts had not nr rlvod they nro loarnlng tho type writer and tho principles of short hand by lecturo work. Thcro aro still accommodations for Bovornl moro and any wishing to cntor bo foro tho clnss nctunlly starts work aro requested to consult with Mr. Morris or Mr. Tiedgon. Howard McLaughlin, Mnrgarot Powers and Loulso Gldloy read with tho best expression In Fourth. B. Tho B clnss reports on tho steam ships thnt come. Into this port were very interesting. Tho puplln onjoy learning of things In actual life. IN CENTRAL SCHOOL. 1 GRADE NOTES. Fifth Grade. TJioro havo Jioon no nbsonces In tho Fifth grndo for tho last two weeks. Honrlotta Lococq cntorod tho Fifth grndo Monday. Lillian Sonmnn of the Fifth grndo has hnd perfect spoiling les sons ovory day this month. Mrs. Wilbur nnd Mrs. Glogsop vlsltod this grado Friday aftornoon. Fourth Ginele. Ilerschol Olauson was absent Friday aftornoon. Holen Locooq, Stolla Ilnglund,. Stolln Magnus and Wnllor Haglund painted tho best yellow popples Fri day. Robert Sneddon has improved In application. Stella Magnus gavo a good re port on tho Ufo of Helen Kellar. Mrs. Wilbur and Miss Spoonor's pupils received tho hnrd-oarned half holiday Friday, given thorn for nn ntlcndnnco of 98 por cont or more. Each room was tho recip ient of tho following commenda tions: "I hereby express my satis faction to you and your pupils over tho almost perfect attondnnco your ropm has maintained during tho pnst four wcokB. I hopo tho good work will continue. F. A. Tied gon." Rosnnna Thurston nnd Bcsslo and Orvll Lndd of California nro now pupils In tho primary grado. Nowly registered pupils of tho First grndo are John Lndd of Cal ifornia, Wllllo Thurston, Myrtlo Epperson nnd Agnes KuIJul. Those of the Second grndo lmv lnfl 100 per cent in spoiling for tho month nro Aldeano 8mlth, Loa tor Post, Blanche Thomas, Doro thy Ferguson, Morton Coko nnd Helen Merchant. Lowls Thompson has loft tho Second grndo to go to North Bond, Albert Johnson, Goorgo Kosonon, Thomas McGlnnlss nnd Luvlnn, Pntntor of tho Third grado handed In porfoct papers In nn nrlthmollo test of live questions. Tho following pupils of tho Fourth grndo havo had porfoct les sons In spelling for thrco weeks: Geo Wing, Sumner Dodgo, GiibsIo Cowan, James Eddy, Robert Fer guson, Robert Fnlrchlld, Allco I'lun agan, Fred Hlllstruni, Mnbcl Kong, Joseph Lapp, Roso Porklns, Jen otto Upton nnd I'enrl Torrlnulr. Harris Copplo of tho Sixth grndo has becu absent this wook on ac count of lllncds. Culy two pupils, Rolno Kosonon nnd Chester I.enet of tho Seventh grndc, havo boon abflout this mouth. Thoso of tho Sovcnth grndo who nindo 90 per cent or bettor In tho spelling examination for tho month nro: Edyth Sumner, Ethol Lingo, Gcorgo Engluud, Knthorluo Dyer, Mnbcl Immel, Cluudo I'ost, Ed tli Ilnwkmnn, Esmond GloBsop, Ilc'ou Rcos, Ursula Karrlngor, Story Mus son, Ilnzol Cook, Fred Dyo, Goorgo Torry, Goorgo llongell, Rolno Kos onon, Gilbert Johnson nud Lloyd LoMlcux. Tho weok's work In painting con sisted of grnsscH, grnln, weeds nnd autumn herrlcH In Hllhouotto. HAS A SEA GULL VOlt A PET. Malm; KHi-tinuu Caught It When it Wiin a Dayrt- Old. Louis II. Ilnniin, of Bangor, Mo., has n strange pet, n sen gull, tho survivor of n pair, which has at tractod n groat deal of nttontlon during tho last four wooks on his lawn at his homo. Tho other gull whon It wns found that It could fly, left Its homo nt Hamm's, and sluco thou hns been swimming In tho pool nt Chnpln Park and nlso In tho stream. Both birds woro woll tnmod nnd tholr strnngd nppenrnnco oxcltod a grcnt deal of comment. Early In July Ilumm was on a fishing trip. Ho found tho two young gulls, tlion Just a weok old. Ho capturod thom and brought thom homo, nnd slnco that time, up to throo days ngo, when ono of them flow away, they havo been woll contented, cntching nngloworms nud finding tholr own living on tho lawn. THE GARDEN OP DREAMS. In tho garden of dreams lot mo rest, far, far from tho laboring throng, from tho moans of tho tlrod nnd distressed, from tho strains ot tho conquoror's song. As a nntlvo of Bagdad, or Turk, I'd llvo In Ara bian nights, nwny from tho regions of work, from troubles nnd hollow delights. In tho gnrdon of dreams I would stray, and bothor my fnt hoad no moro, u-woudorlng how I shall pay for grocorles bought nt tho storo. Ah, thoro In that gardon I'd sit, com muning In poaco with my soul, nnd nover again havo n fit whon hnudod tho bill for tho coal. In tho gardon of dreams I'd rccllno nnd soar on tho wings of romnnco, forgottlng this old lint of inlno, tho pntchos nil ovor my pants, tho clnmor of children for shoos, tho hausfrnu's domands for a gown, tho lodgo's exorbitant duos, tho polltnx to work in tho town. Alas! It is as I supposod thoro Is no oscaplng my fnto, for tho gardon of dreams has boon cloned, n pad lock Is put on tho gate. Tho young, who nro bouynnt nnd glad, may ontor thnt garden, it seems; but tho old, who nro woary and sad, aro warnod from tho gnrden of droams! John Hoath, Michigan Bar, Cal., writes: "I was nffllctod wlt'i kid ney nnd bladdor troublo for nonrly six yonrs. Hnd n very bad spoil somo tlmo ago and was unablo to turn without help. I eommencod using Foloy's Kidney Pills and can truly say I was rollaved at once. I tnko plonsire in recommending Fo ley Kidney Pills." For sale by Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co., tho Busy Coiner. T. J, SOAII 'i: 3vl. HODGINS Marshfield Paint d& Decorating Co. Furnished. Phono 1-JO.L, Oroor Estimate ' " 1ARSIIFIELD, i i 1 m if i ""v,