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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1912)
BSsBaWIBmSfjElB OCTOBER 12, 19 12 EVENING EDITION. f 4 COOS BAY TIMES GOOD TIMKS A1IKAI). T .1113 awakening of China, the incronscd coinmcrclnl activity of Japan and tho dovolop- . 1 tf .. nl.lll....ltw. t. nnnn. ... I IIIMIll 111 I III I'lllll I UlllL'ai LUll UIIUll- W. C. MALONKY isaiior ana ruuuiuor . f . ,.. AuBtraUtt nnd DAN E. MALONEY Nows Editor tho South Sea Islands, combined j with tho now trade rourc8 to the uiu worm, win uring prosperity 10 tho North Pacific. Tho canal will , offer now mnrkots for Pacific Coast products In South America, tho Wesf. Indies, tho Southern nnd Eastern states, Europe and Africa. With natural resources that cannot bo equaled, tho North Pacific Is Buro to como Into its own. JBABY HANDS B ADY hnnds! In all tho world there Is nothing half so strong, In ull tho world thore Is nothing linlf so pure. It seems at times as If God created babies that weary men and women might not abandon faith In him. What tongtio can toll, whnt pen can descrlbo what n baby means? Everything that Is holy, that Is beautiful, that Is good, clusters nround n baby. Its tiny hands fasten around our hearts with n mighty grasp that naught but death can loosen, nnd men and women aro nearest God when thoy kneel nt baby's feet. No man may over know tho thoughts of a mother as sho bends otcr tho bnbo for whom sho wont down Into tho valley of tho Bhailow. A halo ovor rests over mother nnd Infant, as If they had caught something of tho radiance of another world ns they llngored at tho otornnl gates. Every baby Is a complotod miracle, and Is so priceless that king doms nro worthless In tho bnlance, In that wco form Is wrapped up tho hopes, tho ambitions, tho lllu clons, If you will nnd our Illusions nro often tho most precious things wo have of n man and n womnu. For that morsol of humanity a woman lias paid a tcrrlblo prico and a man hns pledged his honor and his life. All that wo havo fought for, all that wo havo believed In, nil that countless generations hnvo fought for nnd believed In, tho blood of mnrtyrs nnd tho horoos, tho anguish of tho oppressed nnd tho tears of tho slaves, all that our civilization mentis nnd nil wo hope It will mean, rests with our bnblcs. It was for them tho millions who hnvo gono before strovo; it Is for them that wc must strlvo If wo aro men. y F DO 0 A IMPHOVH OAMH LAWS. N Association of tho Pacific Coast Fish and Gamo Com missions and Gamo Wardens to work for uniform gamo and fish laws Is tho latest niovo being made by tho California and Oregon gamo nnd fish Interests. J. S. Hunter, assistant In chnrgo of gamo con servation under tho California gamo commission, hns rocontly conforrcd with Fish nnd .Gamo Commissioner Btono of Eugono on this mnttor. Air. Hunter declares that a movo Jibb been started both In California and Novada, nnd Is fnvorod in Ore gon, for uniform and tnoro cqulra blo laws govornlng tho fish nnd gnmo Interests. This movo is now flprending ovor tho ontlro Pacific Ctonst country and ho Is confident that tho movo will moot with success. but because ho Is too good for hor rlvnl. Suspicion Is tho fly In matrimonial ointment. If you would rotnln your friends, don't glvo thom away. With Toastt amid Tea It Is a groat deal bottor to bo dis appointed in love than to bo disap pointed In marriage If you think you nro right, go ahead, but don't bo disappointed if tho crowd docsnt' follow you. TATiKS ON ADVERTISING. GOOD EVENING Tho merit of orlglnnllty Is not novolty; It is sincerity; tho bollovlng man Is tho orlglnnl man; whntsoovor ho bollovcs ho bollovcs It for hlmsolf, not for I anotnor. Carlylo. i Tho nweotest flowers aro tho .lowers that bloom In tho busy haunts of llfo, Chat fill tho nlr with swoot pcrfumo, In tho midst of toll and strlfo. The nwootPHt HongH nro tho songn wo Bing In tho.consolQSB.romidH of enro, "Whoro Bad honitB thrill with tho choor thoy bring To tho woary tollorn there. Tho Bwcotcst Joy is tho Joy to glvo, Of tho best our lives nfford, 'And JiiBt to triiBt each day wo llvo In tho fullness of tho Lord. JiiBt nbout tho tiino Roino Coon Hny men nro old uiioiikIi to hnvo np- qulrod good boiiro IiIh nolghhors lie-' Sin railing mm nu old nuasbnek. Many n Coos liny mail hns n Icicle coming Unit novor roaches htm. I - Advertising Is a branch or nn arm of tho business world, tho snino ns law or medicine Thoro Isn't n mnn In tho world, who when ho Is sick, would call up his doctor to toll him what's tho mattor without first bolng thoroughly examined to learn tho trtio stato of his condi tion. Again, thoro Isn't a business mnn who, when ho tins n law enso on his hands, expects his lawyer to win without first tolling him ev ery detail In connection with tho enso. Then why should business men neglect tho mnttor of adver tising, which will euro his business Ills nnd plead his caso beforo tho public, If given n squnro deal. Good advertising domnnds propor pMi-ntlon. porsonnl Interest nnd plenty of tlmo. It ennnot ho dono In n minute, or a day, or possibly n wook. instead of n Inst-mlnuto proposition it is a flrst-mlntito ono. ItALPIL KAYE. w LEES TODAY HnrBOB nro fed on ontH and hny. Nightmares nro fed on wild oats nnd WHshruroblt. Tho nvorngo mnn Is always butting In nnd adding to his collection of enemies. r 8TOUY OK Till: DAY Tho other day a man who has lived In Mnrahllold for 20 yonrs nnd bna nlwnya lived In rented houses was nskod by n friends why ho didn't quit routing nnd buy a homo of his own. "H I," ho replied. "I hnron't oven got nn automobile yot." Occasionally n woman drives n mnn to drink, but usually ho bents hor to it. Mnny n girl mnrrlea n man, not bocnuso ho Is good enough for hor. Takes Large Shipment of Salmon Leaves for Portland Today. Tho Ilronkwntcr Balled this morn ing for Portland. Sho took out in tho freight i:i:i tjorces of salmon nnd 2,700 cnROB of canned salmon from tho Empire ciuinory. Tho pnssongors who wont out on tho IlrenkwAtor wore as follows: Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Lnshnwny, Mrs. C. I). Mooro, draco Hownrd, P. II. Pinkerton, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. Cook. K. II. Phillips. Mrs. L. M. Hodby, F. Klnkoy. C. XV. ThompkliiR, Mr. Gillespie, XV, Tothrnult, Mra. It. Tnn uor .Lillian Tanner. Mrs. Sam Down or, Mrs. Kroshnw. MIsr E. Frnuklln, Mrs. G. C. Franklin, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Lottlm, C. XV. Groon, Mrs. II. Mann, Mr. Anderson, Chas. E. Mnth orB, J. T. Jouklu, M. Jenkln, A. S. Smith, A. J. Ilargor. Win. Sanhiiin, II. E. Richardson, Clnudo Fox, S. F. rriro, j. k. witnoiB and wire. Row F. JCeho nnd wife, Mrs. Chns. Ilognn, C. M, Doilds, Jack Lowollyn, Carl Moore, ltov. G. L. Hall, O. Fox, Mrs. Fox, V. Fox, Mrs. KoniB, Goo. Drown,1 ChnB. Drown, II. Thoros, J. Strucne, T, Pearson. Arlato materials Wnlkorrs Studio. QUATKRMASS for PHOTOS. (Continued from Pago Ono.) facts showing how in tho winter tlmo California dressed meat was used Instead of Coos county meat, bccauBo tho roads would not por mlt of tho transportation of meat in winter tlmo, Dr. Johnson of Myrtle Point also discussed tho laws which woro to bo voted upon nnd said that thoy should bo looked Into carefully. Cost of Hard Hand. Dr. Mingiis am. unccd that ho had secured from Hugh McLaln Bomo figures ns to cost. Tho rond from tho Douglas lino to Myrtlo Point, from there to Coqulllo, from Coqulllo to Dandon and from Co qulllo to Coos Day and tho ocean mndo a total of 04 miles. To build a concreto bnso nnd hnrd road it would cost for theso 94 miles $1, -188,060. Tho intorcst at C per cent would bo $8,937.30, nnd n 20-year sinking fund would re quire $74, 408. 20 put In It nnnunlly. This would mako tho 04 miles of road cost $102,781 annually for 20 years. It was suggested by Mayor Mor rison mat oonds could probably bo floated at a less Intorcst than t) por cent. Thoro wns n discussion rognrdlng tno rorming of n pormnnont or ganization suggestions bolng mndo by Mayor Straw, Mr. Topping, II. S. Knowlton nnd othors. It wns fin ally decided thnt n commlttco bo nppolnted on pormnnont orgnnlzn tlon nnd report nt n meeting to bo hold nt Coqulllo noxt Friday ev ening nnd that another commlttoo bo appointed to Invcstlgnto tho laws nnu iinu wnicn ono tlio organization should center upon nt tho noxt election. Meet Again Friday. Tho mooting noxt Friday night nt Coqulllo will bo a public ono. Evoryono will bo Invited to nttend nnd honr what Is said, nnd tho momijorBlilp of the orgnnlzntlon will bo open to nil who are Interested In tho good roads movement. Mnyor Morrison nppolnted ns a commlttoo on pormnnonl organiza tion, tho following: E. E. John- Ron, noorgo Topping, Dr. Johnson son, D. C. Green nnd Dr. Dnrtlo. Mr. Morrison nnmod ns tho com mlttoo to Invcstlgnto tho menBiiro to oomo itororo tho pooplo nt tho election Judge John S. Coke, Ed gar Simpson. J. A. Mntson nnd Hugh McLaln. It wns urged by Bovcrnl of thoso nrcflont Hint as tho election wns to bo hold noxt month thoro wns ev ery necosHlty for haste una thnt whatever campaigning for a good rond law was dono miiBt bo dono nt onco. Tho Iden oxpressed by thoso who wore present Inst night wnB that tho county Bhould bo bonded for the Improvement of nil of tho rends In tho county, but thnt ns n Btartor tho first thing tho organization wnnted to do wns to bring nbout tho building of n trunk lino which would bo a pormnnont highway to Rosoburg. Judgo Coko In snonklnir nf Mm mooting Bnld thnt ho did not wnnt in uo Several Strong Reasons Why It Would be to Your Advantage To Buy Clothes From Us I. Ours is an exclusive Clothes Store, and we devote our entire time to the study of Men and Young Men's wear. II. Being an exclusive store, naturally the best man- nfacturers of the country are anxious to place their lines with ns. III. We handle nothing hut reputable merchandise and guarantee everything we sell to he as repre sents. IV. Our finer goods are made by the celebrated Mas ter Tailors, SCIILOSS BliOS. and GO. of Baltimore, New York and Boston. THERE'S NONE BETTER. Y. Wc carry all sizes and shapes and are in a posi tion to fit you perfectly. VI. You have the advantage of being fitted by ex perienced clothing men, who take an interest in the welfare of the business and are anxious to see that every customer is satisfied. VII. We have several thousand satisfied customers and are gaining new ones every day. VIII. We mark our garments in plain figures and charge everyone alike. IX. We have no old accumulated stock. MARSIIFIELD. The Fixup: NORTH BEND. OLD RESIDENT W If nes Inlot, Mrs. John Hanson of Lar son Inlet, Mrs. Frank Herman nnd Mrs. Gcorgo TliurBh of Enstsldo nnd I-rnnk nnd Edmund Potorfion of Enat sldo. Mrs. Peterson wns tho niothor of sovon children, ono dnuphinn im. Ung died. Tho funornl will bo hold nt 1 o clock Sunday aftornoon from tho Swedish Lutheran church. Tho bur ial will bo in this city. tin Into P. A. Peterson, died Inst ov- onlng nt hor homo In Enstsldo, nged G4 VPfirfl. Rlln wna ntiA rt Mm t.l understood ns fnvorlni? Mm unitinn r i. ,....,,.. nn.i ... ...., hull, !!... nf ii " : "'"' ui mu mum nuu n tin IUU- . ..,(, 111 niiimiy mm ronu nt lrnruvn. linn hiumn, .ll.l i nn.,.. , II, -...."".:: I ' . " - ..o" uiuu JUDI "'"" u " juuuh 01 mo rest or 1110 spring. ihn!!iTf MUt.!,mt .hl8 ,c,on' nml ,10l Mrs- Potonun wns a natlvo of Gor tliought tho lilon of most of tho oth- many but had lived most of hor llfo Hrn rn.1i,,int .U'0 rn(.,S f l" 0n ln U,U Bt,U0- Fr ninnV "8 B no?mMonrir?.i?,ir0VC,rt n?d .t!,nt th0'nnd 1,or ,,U8bantl llvod on i ranch on m, n ?m ntn'nk,,lno ' 0 decWcd up- Lnraen Inlot nnd six years ngo moved on ns tho Hrst step. 1 to Enstsldo to llvo. Mrs. Potorson piinin q.,nniin, TTT o. ,. ,B 8Urvlv0ll " six grown children. I hoto SupplleB. Wnlkor Studio. They are Mrs. Julius N'olson of Hay- Mrs. P. A. Peterson, Pioneer of County, Dies at Home in Fneteirln II lUklLlIUl.a I M. . .. I uiiAftULtiii- k v. Hnrt, gan .Mrs. mnry a. Potorson. w dow of i;ihco; j. 11. wn on. Phi. HOTEL ARIUVATiS. I High Grade Mechanic Tools are a matter of pride with us. The best is more than a matter of pride to the man who uses them. He has to have the best. And to the man about the house, a good tool is a source of satisfaction. Mi J&& MSI Drop in and Look Over Our Line Plomeer Hardware Compasny jWest Marshfield Last Chance n.i1wl,,i IM?..Uvo weeks ,vo ,lnvo 1ccn nmliR n small nd offering "West Mnrslillold Snni." n'lJ0r?0,,1 tW f .th ,oup wh,ch wo ,,s,Hl' W "vo t , ' i ' OUCS " ,mvo uro ,,s ;oo(, "s owa sold, iliey nro lnrger parcels and were, therefore, higher priced! PRICE ON 70x100 CUT FOR A QUICK SALE. Must be sold by XovemlHT 1, or cunnot bo lind nt tbN iler Is offS for' SWCV ,,MebS,,lc,,t8 aro I,nM "'' " cor- $1650. flOllO on Central nveiiue, nicely clenieil nnd evaded. Mivet nml bcncr paid, fine flew, best Improvements on both o Kit's $1550. Try to buy n lot In Wot Man.bfleld. Go to any one you like, and you will conclude that these lots aro tho niost KlSorAerihem' TIWt 'S M WB lh,"k I. S. KAUFMAN 8b CO. 177 PIIOXT ST, C. II, Mooro. llnmlnn? r.nn Tnnni,.J nnd family, Ilnndon; Goo. 'w. Tur- n?.mGr,U,taa,S8: Al s- Morrison, Co qulllo; R. S. Knowlton, Coqulllo; J. W. Mast, Dandon; C. M. LeVillej. Portland; II. H. Donahcy, Portlul COOS Mr. Miller, Coos Rlrer; E. Armstrong, North Ilond, J. W. Le! man, North Ilond; P. IH rinktrto Lakosido; L. Prlco, Sumner Jff. Wood, Soattlo; J. C. Suncho and wilt, Portland; n. F. Segur, Myrtle PoW; .Mrs. Varnoy nndMrs. Lattln, Cm! edo; A. XV. J.undy, Coaledo; J. W. Wood, Sonttlo. CKNTRAL R. A. Lake, Kenlock Inlot; R. B. Hoad, nosebur?, Ore.! H. A. Korn, Ten Mllo. BLANCO Mnrguorlte heiru. Portland; C. M. Dodds, Portland; w. T. Tohnhorr, Myrtlo Point; Cl Fox, Abordeon, Wnsh.; Dane Fox. Coqulllo; O. T. Morohous, McMaW. LLOYD A. McDuffee, Coqullle. FOOT BALL! GIANTS vs. BOSTON RED SOX Sunday,Octoberl3 At Depot Grounds Admission 25 Cents Game Called at 2:30 ri- sm . m JtimBjaietmMzj