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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1912)
COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1912 EVEN1NQ EDITION. J55- THE r 2 WSi i ""'" '"" " i ' " ' "" . OONTIIIDUTIONS concerning iocil nppnlnga, Intended for publication la tbo Bociotr depart ment of Th Tlmea, must be sub mlttod to the editor not later thn o'clock p. m., Friday of each VHk. (Exception -will be allowed only In caeca where events occur lator than the time mentioned.) TJIK WOMAX. Tbo woman wo walk with down tho yearn, Sharing ltor shadows and smiles and tears: Tho woman wo walk with hand and hand Ovor tho road of tho rugged land, Tho quiet places, tho stormy heights, Do wo walk with hor, too, In her lonely nights) Tho womnn wo walk with think of hor When you feel tho rollicking Impulse stir; 8ho has hor right In our life each hour, Bbo has hor sharo and her part and dowor In all what wo do and hopo nnd plan, Now Isn't It true, Blrs, man for man! Tbo womnn wo walk with and who shares Our early struggles and trials nnd cares, Can wo forgot hor and loavo hor bo- hind An a soparato being, of soparato mind Of soparato fooling nnd honrt and DOIll Tho woman wo walk with, walk with wholol Tho womnn wo wnlk with down tho dnyH is ours to cherish and lovo nlwnyB, And ours to take Into pnrtnorshlp. Not only In sorvlco of hand nnd lip, Ilut service of soul and hopo nnd dream Do wo let hor como In to our lofty gleam T Tho womnn wo wnlk with down tbo yenrB Una borno our bunion nnd wopt our tonrs; It Is only right that hor llfo should bo A part of tho llfo that wo strlvo to BOO, Pilled nnd flowing for our own bravo part, With light and sweotness and lovo nnd heart! ! ttf RISK," natd tho woman In white, I "that n priest In Massachusetts has preached n sermon In which ho exhorted tho widows In his con gregation to Btnnd nsldo nnd glvo tho young girls n chnnco to socuro such husbands as nro limiting around looso In thnt community." "Woll, you haven't hoard of nny of tho wldowB tnklng hln ndvlco, hnvo you?" Inquired tho womnn In bluo. "No, nnd you won't," said tho girl In tho pink hat; says Dorothy I)lx; "wldowB nro pirates, and thoso long Telia they wear nro nothing hut tho blnck lings tlioy null to tholr mnsts Allowing thnt tlioy tiro going to glvo no. quarter." "Widows nro n queer proposition," ttnld tho womnn In whlto In a specu lative tunc "Why Is It, for Instance, thnt wo sponk of n woman of forty who has never been married as an old ninld, whllo wo call n woman of forty who has lost hor husband, n young widow? Also, It Is true that n wom an who roaches tho ago of forty-llvo without ovor having been married, practically has no chnnco whntovor of over getting married, hut n widow of forty-llvo enn marry two or threo more If she wants to. "And tho two women mny bo equally an good looking, and equally woll off lluunclally, and equally ns charming nnd Intelligent. ion woudn't think thnt tho fact thnt n woman had been married would en banco tho value of her matrimonial stock, but It does, Kven a widow vlth children can marry nil nround n spin, nnd glvo tho prettiest young girl run for her money. 1 wonder why this Is?" "Pooh," replied tho woman In bluo scornfully, "thnt's easy. Tho widow la tho niatrlinonlal professional whllo tho spin Is tho amateur, and, other things being nnyvvhero near equal, tho professional always wins out. Any womnn, not a fool, who has beon married, knows men nnd tholr little peculiarities and weaknesses nnd how to work them ns no unmarried wom an possibly can. "Moreovor, tho young girl and tho spin both expect n lot of men. They ropresont tho roinnutlc Action theory of how men ought to treat a woman, while tho widow exemplifies tho roal facts In tho enso. "Thoy oxpoct a man to pay them compliments, to send thorn tlowcrs, to write thorn notes, nnd to gonernlly dnuco attendance upon them. On tho other hnud, tho widow knows that no matter how much a man loves a womnn, there Is somobody that ho always loves n thousand times moro nnd thnt's himself. So, Instead of waiting to bo flattered, sho gots busy hcrsolf with a hot air machlno; In stead of demanding to bo entortalnod sho does tho ontcrtnlnlng; Instead of oxpcctlng tho man to do things for hor sho coBSots, nnd pets, and fusses over him. "Abovo all, tho woman who has boon married, If sho has a grain of sense In hor head, has learned not to nrguo, and to kcop hor opinion to herself when It differs from a man's." j. .j. . MILMCO.MA l'AUTl Tho Mllllcoran gavo tho first of tho soason of Its most delightful overl ings at tho Club rooma last night. Dancing, cards and blllarda formed tho ovenlng'B diversions nnd wero thoroughly onjoyed. Koyzor'a or- chestrn furnished superb music and tho dancing lloor Is ono of tho best In tho city. Tho lnrgo nnd woll ar ranged room 8 of tho Mllllcoma lend themselves excellently to theso par ties whero tho entertainment Is var ied. Tho BPnclous and attractive reading rooms mako Ideal card rooms nnd with tho blllnrd roomB for smok ing nnd blllnrds all mny onjoy tholr fnvorlto pastimo In mannor most ngrooablo. Tho Invitations woro limited to tho members nnd out-of-town guests. Tho nttondnnco was not largo but tho oc casion was most enjoyable. Thoso present woro Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hlnko, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dorsey Krolt zer, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Stnfford, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. l'orry, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). C. Green, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. M. Pnr soiib, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Cohnn, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Jones, Mrs. nnd Mrs. J. A. Mntson, Mr. nnd Mrs. B. 3. Unr golt, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Powers, Mr. nnd Mrs. M C. Mnlonoy, Dr. nnd Mrs. B. Mlngus. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. House worth, Misses Hazel Powors, Nolllo Tower. Lucy Powors, Nann Drown ing, Mnmlo Mnhonoy, Mnudo Pnlntor nnd Vlolot Hcndorson, Mrs. Edna HIchnrdBon, and Mra. Efllo Fnrrlngor, and Dr. McConnnc, F. P. Norton, J. D. Gos8, W. J. Conrnd, (loorgo Good- rum, G. A. Drown, J. A. Johnston, I'. Hnrclay, Victor Johnson, Vernon Smith, Ansgnr Lngerstrom, Mr. Ilrnckett and, Mr. Whlto. ' fr V T IMtlDGi: PAUTV Mrn. N. Uasmusson wns hostosa nt n most delightful Ilrldgo party last Tuosday nftornoon. Six tnbles of Ilrldgo woro playod, Mrs. K. w. kmii tnorcr winning first prlzo nnd second I high bolng nwardod to Mrs. Ward Hake I Tho spncIoiiB rooma woro boautl- fully decoratod with nasturtiums and nutumn loaves, which carried out very effectively tho color sehomo of yollow. Lator In tho nftornoon, tho hostess sorved n delicious four- courso luncheon. Among tho Invltod guests woro: Mrs. Otis Itogors, Mrs. Henry Song- Btnckon, Mrs. Horbort Lockhnrt, Mrs. Clnudo Nasburg, Mrs. Harry Nas- burg, Mrs. D. Vnughan, Mrs. Frank Hague Mrs. C. W. Tower, Mrs. D. C. Greene. Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, .Mrs. Uoyd M. Itlchnrdson. Mrs. Norman Nelson or Snn Francisco, sirs. J. n Mllner. Mrs. J. T. McConnnc, Mrs. M C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. Fnnnlo Hazard, Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr.. Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mrs. Frank Horton, Mrs. B. I). MeArthur. Mrs. A. T. Unities, Mrs. A. B. Adolsporgor, Mrs. II. S. Tower. Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs, A. B. Noff. Mrs. W. F. McBldownoy. Mrs. Hugo Qulst, Mrs. Georgo Murch, Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgnn. Mrs. Frank Par sons, Mrs. Wnrd M. niako, Mrs. F. Cohan, Mrs. W. F. Mlllor, Mrs. B. F. Morrlssoy, Mrs. B. W. Knminoror, Mrs. J. T. Hull. Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs F. 13. Leefe, Mis. W. II. Kennedy, nnd MIbrch Genovlevo SengstncKon, Agues Huteheson, Anna McBldownoy, Ita inona Undiilffo nnd Phoobo Larson. . SPIIiELLA CORSETS may b obtained la Marshflsld from Mrs. 'Annie Holland, Corsetter. 93 S. Hb tt Phon JOOX. I1BACH PAUTV Mr. nnd Mrs. F. S. Dow woro host nnd hostess last Sunday at a beach imrty. which was enjoyod by four teon people, tho party making tho trip In Mr. Dow's nuto. Tho guests woro Mr. and Mrs. Dlment nnd Miss Gladys Dimout, Mrs. Helen Ilnldwin, Miss Inez Ilnldwin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Drew and son nnd Harold Haines. I POHTLAX1) PAUTV Mr. and Mrs. Oliver King Jeffory will ontortnln with n dinner of six covers tonight ns n fnrowoll to Mrs Holen Gnlo, who will roturn to Mef- ford tonight after spending n week with Mrs. Jeffory. Portland Telo gram. ! HAND COXCBUT Next Friday evening, October 18, tho North Hend Concort Hand will glvo n concert In tho Tnbernnclo building In North Ueiul, which has recontly been converted into n gym nasium. V v 11KACH PAUTV. A Jolly crowd of North' Bond young folks, chaperoned by Mrs. P. L. Swearlngon, chartered the launch Shamrock and spent Sunday nt the boacb. Part of tho day was spent climbing tho rocks at Coos nead, PERSONAL notices of visitors la tho city, or of Coos Day people who rlalt In other cities, together with notices of social affairs, km gladly receiTod In th social d partment. Tolephone 133. No tlCM of club meetings will bo pub lished and secretaries aro kindly ra.uosted to furnish same. nnd In tho nftornoon a trnmp to Mussol Roof wna enjoyed. Thoso in tho party woro: Mrs. P. L. Swearlngon, tho Misses Marjorio and Kathorlno Swearlngon, Knto Anthony, Gurca lingo, Ilnttlo lingo, Nora Hago, Bsthor Imhoff, nnd tho Messrs. Joe WInsor, Tod KIssam, Allen KIssam, Roy Cnrr, B. R. Fluoklgor, Georgo Dowoy, Halllo Simpson nnd Porcy Phillips. ! ( 4 TBXDEU HBCBPTIOX. Last ovcnlng, tho young Pcoplo of tho Unptlst church tendered tho now pastor, Rov. Albert F. Uassford a ro coptlon to which tho mombors nnd frlonds of tho different churches and gonornl public woro Invited. Tho church rooms, under tho artis tic efforts of tho ladles, woro made both beautiful nnd nttrnctlvo with floral decorations of autumn leaves, nasturtiums and dahlias. After tho delightful program which was highly enjoyed by a goodly number, dollc ious refreshments wero served In the I). Y. P. U. room; Misses Anna Downs, Alpha Mauzoy, Edith Ayro, Holen Gulovsou nnd Bddova Wheeler as sisting. Tho following progrnm wna given: Instrumental Duet Miss Alpha Mauzcy, Charles Rohfold. Recitation Mrs. Pnpo. Wolcomo C. II. Marsh, (Dnpttst church.) Wolcomo F. B. Allen, (Methodist church ) Vocnl Solo .... Rov. G. LoRoy Hall. Wolcomo Rov. Z. O. Downrd, (Christian church.) Wolcomo .... Rov. R. E. Drowning, (Episcopal church.) Rocltntlon Mrs. E. Kolly. Wolcomo I. S. Smith, (Prcsbytorlnn church.) Vocal Quartette Misses IJosslo Ayro, Alpha Mauzoy and Messrs. Georgo Doll nnd Chnrloa Rohfold. Wolcomo Rov. G. LoRoy Hall, (Chnpol Colportngo Crulsor.) Vocnl Solo . . Miss Floronco Rohfold, Wolcomo Supt. F. A. Tlodgon, (Mnrshflold Schools.) Vocnl Duet Mlsscn Floronco nnd Ilnttlo Rohfold. Responso Rov. A. F. Uassford. Tho committees woro: Roccptlon committee, Miss Alpha Mauzoy, chairman: Miss Frances Frnnso nnd Miss Allco Tickcll, nnd Messrs. G. LoRoy Hull, C. II. Marsh nnd ICd win Dolnn. Program committee, Miss Holon McLaughlin, chairman; Mrs. Hnll, Miss Ilesslo Ayro nnd Charles Roh fold. Refreshments, Miss Frances Frnnso chairman; Mrs. C. II. Marsh nnd C. Wilson. 4 CLUI1S AXI) SOCIBTIBS Tho Progross Club mot on Mon dny last with the presldont, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, for tho first study nftor noon of tho season. Tho business session concluded, tho presldont gavo n short talk outlining tho work of tho club nftor which Mra. Henry Songstncken road n vory Interesting pnpor nppropos of tho day's subject of "Travel." Roll call was In answer to tho quotation: "Whoro hast thou boon this year, be loved, What hast thou seen? Whnt vlslonB fair, what glorious llfo? Whoro hast thou been?" Many Interesting vacation remin iscences wero given. Tho next meotlng will bo nt tho homo of Mrs. A. B. Adolsporgor Mon day, Oct. 21, when Mrs. Butts and Mrs. F. G. Horton will hnvo chargo of tho progrnm. Tho subject Is "Tho Llfo and Work of Goorgo Elliott." Tho membors present woro Mrs. II. Stngstnckon, Mrs. F. G. Horton, Mrs. C. W. Tower. Mrs. W. M. Blake, Mrs. W. F. McBldownoy, Mrs. W. S. Nic holson, Mrs. A. L. Butts, Mrs. F. B. Leofo, Mrs. J. M. Upton nnd Mrs. A, L. Barker. Tho A. N. W. Club enjoyed a trip to North Bond Thursday afternoon whoro thoy wero entertained by Mrs. Chns. Kaiser at tho homo of Mrs. Gobhn, . Tho rooms woro very pret tily Ui. trued with overgreens nnd dahlias. After a pleasant nfternoon of sowing mado moro enjoyable with interesting conversation, tho hostess sorved a delicious luncheon to her guests, who woro Mrs. F. B. Allen, Mrs. F. M. Frledberg, Mrs. Charles Stauff and daughters, Margaret Lo- ona and Allco Marlon, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. B. Mlngus, Mrs. II. Reed, Mrs. G. A. Bennott, Mr . J. T. Hall, Mrs. Olivia Bdman, Mrs. S. Lnndo, all of Marshfleld. and Mrs. Gebhnrt nnd Miss Theodora Knlsor of North Bend. Mrs. S. Lnndo will entertain the club next Thursday, Oct. 17. The Social Sowing Club was verv pleasantly entertained Inst Thursday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. J, C. Swlnford. Although only a few were (Continued on Pago Eight.) should Serge Every Woman in Marshfiglj mid try on one of our new smartly tailored suits. We have them In L'gcs, Tweeds, Cable Cord and Rough Diagonal Effects. Ylicn a woman does not wear a tailored suit, shu must; have a Bje Rough Stylish Coat to wear over her one-piece dresses. A largo assort ment in Chinchillas, Serges, Rough warm-looking Mixtures, double-faced Cloth, Kerseys and Cheviots. Priced nt $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 on up $37.00. "Wo have a completely equipped alteration department. "Wo absolutely guarantee the fit of every garment. No charge for alterations. Buy Your Coat or Suit at the New Store Raincoats for Women, Misses and Children. Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear. Petticoats An entire new shipment. Sweaters and Sweater Sacques Ladies and Children. Silk Scarfs' Ribbons Blankets -Hand Bags -New Neckwear -Umbrellas -Naiad and Omo Dress Shields. -Trunks and Suit Cases. -Towels, Sheets and Pillow Cases. -Boys and Children's Overalls. -Shoes and Rubbers Next Time Try the New Store New Goods on Every Boat LET US SHOW YOU THAT "MONEY TALKS" Hub Dry Goods Co. O'CONNBLTi BUILDINO MAEKET STREET A Little Talk On Iron Beds Probably all iron beds look alike to you. When you buy a iron bed .you may pay just as much for an inforior bed as you could get a first-class bed from us. Hence this light on the bed question. We Quote Here to You Six Reasons Why Our Line, The A. B. C. Beds, Are Best pipe First The tubing is steel, smoother than ordinary l ,.i. W-. wvi..w ' Second The finish is of better quality and thero is more of it than on tho usual bed. Third All A. B. C. beds are fitted up at tho factory so that all stand straight and rigid. - ".j Fourth The rails are reversible, so that any kind of spring may bo used. - Fifth The connections are malleable iron and guar anteed not to Ircali. Sixth Tho factory gives a 2o-year written guarantee Willi I'ilUU uuu. . ii No Matter What You Want GOING HARVEY CO. Sells It for Less Complete House Furnishers y . y, '1 .. it iu, lUhflti