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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1912)
WHAT A PITY THAT A MAN NEVER REALIZES THAT HE IS A FOOL KMMK mvt ADVUItTlSlSa In The TIMES VviH Put Voiir Krol !- "in (he Market" Effect I velyl ,, will put tho facta about your BrlrtJ before Uo oyos of a 1 "pos- P.iT hiivurfl" li' town' And If & off of , W,' UBht l ittt?a WANT ADVERTISING ki Tlio TIME" Will Keep tho Inroino from Y007 Furnished Rooms from Lnpclagf YOU can really help tbd thiully revenues by ranting n few furnlshoii rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tlio classified coluninj, you may keep that llttlo extra Income as "steady as a clock." own . )u " DU" "" MEMIIER OP' ASSOCIATED PRESS (E000 CIW U OL xxxv established In 1878 M4 The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 191 2" EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. WOUNDED IN ISLAND DISASTER A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull anil Coos liny A (Iter User. No. 331 Wl HUNDREO KILLED ID ROOSEVELT IS OFFJCIALLY NOTIFIED President Lccontc of Hayti Is Victim oi txpiosiun mm Fire Today. ISLAND PALACE AND BUILUIIMUio vvnnurxcu Ammunition Stored Under Gov ernment Buiiaing lUUUIIUU Off by Blaze. I OVI3R 100 VICTIMS ... . I (Uy ABOCiniOd jtobs; l'OHT AU l'liimiiw Jiuyu, a Aiitf. s. A later Investigation shows tho casualty Hut of dead and wounded nmountod to four hundred In the destruction of tho covornincnt pnlaco. . I rORT AU PRINCE, Hnytl. Aug. 8 General ClnclnnatiiB Loconto, pros-' Ucnt of tho republic of Hnytl, per ished today In n II ro thnt destroyed tho national palnec. Tlio llro wuh caused by tlio oxuloslon of n powder niagazlno nttncliod to tlio pnlnco. i Tho cxploslun occurred nt 11:15 o'clock this morning mid tho shock ihattcrcd tho pnlnco. Flro followod quickly and tho pnlncc, a woodon , ttructurc, wns consumed within hnjf an hour. There wero n great number . of explosions of munitions of war, ttorcd In tho cellars. All tho houses around tho pnlnco wero greatly dnm MINE IS DEATH TRAP FOR 600 Over 650 Entombed In Ger man Shaft by Fire Damp Explosion. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Da Tiinos) DOCHUM, Germany, August 8. Six hundred and llfty minors wero Im prisoned todny In a conl mno four miles from hero by a llro damp ex plosion. Committee Apprises Him To day of His Nomination for President Plans for Cam paign. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times). CHICAGO, Aug. 8 If in ibo tu mult nnd shouting of yesterday's National Progressive Convention, Col. Iloosovolt had any doubt that ho was effectually nominated for presi dent, ho was reassured today whon tho commlttco of notification mot him nt tho hotel nnd "formnlly" notiflod him of tho result of tho nomination. Iloosovolt, Johnson nnd Dovorldgo had just returned to tho hotol from a photograph gallery whoro thoy had Snn Francisco, Chicago and Now Or lonns. Gcorgo W. Perkins, It is ro portcd, will bo chosen chairman of tho campaign executivo commlttco hcadquartoro in Now York. Senator Dixon will bo mado managing direc tor of tho campaign nnd will travel throughout tho country. NAMED JtY ACCLAMATION Johnson nnd Roosevelt Chosen on First Unllols In Chlcnco CHICAGO, Aug. 8 Aa was expect ed, uov. mrman Johnson of Cnllfor nla was nominated for tho vico-prcsl' doncy by tho Natlonnl Progressive Party convention horo Into yesterday niternoon. Thero wns no opposition. Tho soloction of Gov. Johnson ns Col FOREIGN BUILT BOATS OWNED BY AMERICANS FREE IN CANAL LORD'S BILL ItnnHVnlt'n rnnnlne mntn la m. Mini ttlntl.xAcf tnl.nn ,n ltH .! 1. t. I Pfirflflfl llV ttln PrntrrnflfllVA InVltlna n v.v.. iiuiuiua IMIIUM 11 UJ UDUU 111 bllUl ."--- w0.wum..u .vmuu.d fcv campaign. Colonol Roosovolt was in mtiKo tno strongest posslblo tlckot for excellent spirits nnd greotod visitors' them. Roosovolt was also nominated cordially. Tho coromony was soon over with, nnd then nomlnocs gather cd with tho membors of tho national commlttco which had nssomblod to Tim hn.iinu nf onvnn minn ... comploto Its organization nnd mnko rocovored and sixteen Injured wero ca,Pa,Gn Plans. removed. rll national commlttco dlscussod by acclamation on tho first ballot. PICTURES OP WILSON Democratic Candidate Will Poso for Photographer Today (Dy Associated Prcsa to Coos Day Times. . SEAGIRT, N. J Aug. 8 Cover- OVER $100,000 Tim nxinnt nr iim ,iiuninr t,i and probably will adopt a plan of. - ..-, ........ w a(W UIIMIUIWI UUIU .. . . . . I - a a. , a. - not bo estimated early today enmpaign with rour vico-chnlrmon,; nor wuson ion ror wow York today It Is feared that moro than ono'oncn t0 uo ,n c"nrgo ot tt soparnto' to havo his portrait drawn. From tho hundrod lives hnvo been lost. Twon- uio country. Tno nonu- hhuhubh, pn-mrcs win uo ropronucou ly-llvo bodies hnvo boon recovered. ' ' S""-u u tMAAiXJSSSf.?.' rhJj-"" '1 "Js-"ff ffiffilff, GIRLS FOUND DEAD IN CABIN to iced but tho llrst was conllncd tho pniaco. I Gould Sisters Were Murdered Members of the family of tho pros- m ...... ii....:ii ri Ident all of whom woro In tho pnlaco ,yuai vvuuvurvillf, UUI., wero saved, but I.econto himself por-. Made Hard StrUClCllC. ENGLAND TO BALK ON EXPO COURT RULING lined. I Consternation reigns but no dlsor- (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos !er occurred, tho military author!- Hay Times.) tics maintaining ordor. I WEAVERVILLE, Calif., Aug. 8 Iloth tho chnmbor nnd tho Sonata unto Gould, aged lU and Klbn Gould. havo been called In national nssom-! 10 years old, slstors, wore found mur Mr and probably will nomlnato a sue- dored yesterday aftornoon in their cetsor to Lcconto todny. Tho cnuso homo at Stelnor's Flat, four miles May Not Participate in San Francisco Fair if Turned Down on Canal. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, August 8 It Is said In S w Prosecution in Bribery Trial Not Permitted to Impeach Harriman. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Aug. 8 Judgo Ilutton sustnlncd today tho obJcc- OUSTED ILLINOIS SENATOR SPENT BIG SUM TRYING To Retain Seat. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 An al lowance of ?3G,000 or $40,000 mny uo nmuo by tno Senato to holp Will lam Lorlmor defray tho expenses of his threo years' fight to retain his soat. Lorlmor has turned in bills nmountlng to ono hundrod thousand dollars or moro. Ho was recently ousted. NEW YORK NET IS CLOSING IN o( tho explosion Is not explained. HS REWARD FOR JOYMER down Trinity river from Doiiglns City. Tho cabin whoro tho body of Klbn was found showed tho girl had mado a desperate struggle for lior llfo. Tho body of tho younger girl was llfty foul away. Doth woro shot. Tho girls wero dnughtors of Mrs. William Loreitz by n former marri age. Gcorgo Loronz, brother of William Loronz, Is dcclarod to havo been Insanely Jealous of Elbn who did not wolcomo his attentions. Ho wns loft nt homo with tho girls yes terdny nnd could not ho found nftor tho disco vory of tho bodies. Ho Is said to havo rccontly shown Indica tions of Insanity. Tho investigators found no clues Indicating tho Identi ty of tho murderor. well informed circles that tho reason J tlonB of Ul0 dotcmQ t0 question asked Great Drltaln hns not yot accoptod K. A. Cnntroll yostordny tondlntr to tho Invention to participate In tho imponch tho testimony of Job Hnrri-Panama-Paclflo exposition lies In tho mnn ,n "' ."rlbory trial of Clarcnco fnllurn of thn llnliml S.ntn tn AA P.?"! .7 ' C0.Ur.t .rUloil thnt th. ,1UL.Hl,OIl wniCn rotnieu to narnman's uio question oi rnnama cnnai tons, allogod connqctlon with tho Los An Should tho decision bo ndvorso to coles Times' dynnmito prior to tho Drltlsh interests it la likely thnt Eug- explosion, purported to Imponch Important Changes Made In Proposed Regulations for Panama Waterway. SENATE BEGINS FINAL CONSIDERATION OF BILL United States Registry to be Extended, to Include Ves sels Built Abroad. (Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Day Timos). WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 Senator Johnson successfully nttomptcd todny to mnko tho Sennto olt continuously until tho Panama bill Is flnlshod, and to limit tho speakers to flvo mlnutot oneh. Ho declared tho Sonato should bo compelled to act on tho canal loc islatlon ratlior than talk. Williams offcrod an amondmont to permit foreign built ships, ownod wholly by Americans, to participate Id tho privileges of tho coastwise ships. It provoked nn acrimonious passage of words in which Senator Martin was accused by Williams of making a protectionist speech In fav or of Vidi-lnln nil I n vnr.lo rininH..i .. . . " -.,. v-.". 'iiiuma ireo snip speech amondmont wns ad opted by a as to 10 voto. Williams ' lftftftt nlllllllAM ,A ... !..(. . . ..wv.. ..nuini:, iu uuiiiH io American registry of American ownod shlpa of forolgn mnko, which nro ongogod exclusively In forolgn trndo. Tho second Williams' amend ment was adopted by a voto of .11 to -'4. .Many lopubllcans voted for It, expressing tlio belief that It would cnablo many foreign built ships to lly tho American ling without bringing tho cheaper shipbuilding of foreign nntlonB Into competitions with Amer ican plants. Lower tolls for ships passing through tho canal In bullast woro proposed by Johnson of Ala- land will dccllno to oulclnlly partlcl pato. Sheriff Gage Wants $500 Of fered tor Him Dead or Alive No Detective. nitt ,0 th0 C"08 Coun,y Com- uiu ! now ,n 8e88lon nt Co- si'iie, for n rownni nf tr.nn f . !rTerof,1!llJoJ"er,dendornllve. ". UUk'O Ims unnn, !...,. .1 ...; h, ... ;v."w "" .hu" " inini... " " ""vr iiiui i as gone into It very cnrofniiv u i . " Be i . 8 "mle1r8foot that ho bo f Umt JJ'"c" l's mot with foul The fact thnt im i. .,.-., .... !. ' reward n, V uonuu ior uio r.TadVr'nii1 r?8,0,rnV011 ,of R-A- CoPP'e Betums From Ex Jjgf tat bl hnsl'dmo ;SJJ strong tended Trip with Reports si;;',i,,; ln I of Fine Business. trntb Id ith 80 sa'8 thnt thoro ,a o u- A- Copplo returned Inst even has been ! ir?',ort "'"' detectlvo Ing from nn extended enstern trip. a South sin., . s on u, Evnns enso Whllo nway ho visited Now York, taian ihin. . '.nl lei,st B0 fnr "a ho. Chicago, St Louis and other points. " a dAU,,i (I wltn u- o says Ho says that commercial conditions vvmy imoiW'V nnnt l,l-' In lin nfiaf nrn. nvnnllnnf Tlinrft Is PIONEER EARLY TODAY llnrrlnmn In collateral mattor nnd thcroforo was Improper. S IN THE EAST h... -"V.,.U IIL'I.IIO.. nn... ... . "uager lii l. "n"- duih Uieir,1" i"-' vuai uru UAtcuum, inoiu to ,0 8ft thorn i y """ "I'rango nono of tho usual presidential year "f Probabl BW8 any Ml tho report a lnf Probablft"80 bliU ,,mtno felt that backwardness -In business 6akinr .,.-. 8 did not warrant i largo wholesale houses ttney Tho? rnet w,lM dotectlvo "Hsk nnd growing trado with futuie a and mi ""mea ?' a day for a prospects very bright. on the exnen exi'onses with no limit The usual political unr,. i tlnn offset by tho bumpoi i n the r. i., ' "? "ns bcon wnrklnc n'e In evidence overywhero In tho - oo llimcoir " ,.i.ii. 1 i rrl. ...! I. " Connect! wwum uot uuu rani, uio uuuuun f defecthe lein l"1 tllQ re')ort of a 'or n Sront nd prosperous year In laid tho, ""uin siougV It ""inneHS is unsiiaiiy promising. Pi-... . l"l 80I11O rnlnl.. . n.'.. Slnnl.-lnn nt nniwlltlrtiKl ,'........ tS W IW....U..l V.........W..W, 8 thoro has been a George Woodruff, Well Known Logger, Dies after Brief Illness. DIED. GEORGE WOODRUFF n well-known logger and ono of tho pioneers of Coos nnd Douglas counties, died at Mercy hospital, North Dend, this morning at 1:30 o'clock. Mr. Woodruff was brought to Marshllold Inst Monday, suffering fiom an attack of epilepsy, of whlcn ho has been a victim for years. Tho cato wns not considered dangerous ut first but yostordny It was thought host to take him to Mercy hospital for treatment. About midnight ho was overcomo with a sinking spoil a tul passed away at 1:30. George Woodruff wbb born In Illi nois but wns ono of tho pioneer bnnd thnt crossed the plains in tho early days. Ho located In Douglns county ct ip ,r.r. i In 18B4 and Is well known to early HM .lllll'Pl' lo " .i, 4i. . .t -- by tho bumper crops that " - ' - ' a orvvvliorA In tllrt v ' " "" "" w" li "i. Ills only brother, Jt. A. Woodruff, la nt present a resident of Roseburg Mr. Woodruff wns a married mnn but his wlfo nnd daughter havo boon dead for years. Ono son survives, Em. iT L."Bl 6omo rolntivo f w"' ; . --. uaa sent thn,,. .. v.r ' "' A, "..," :.. -'umental In . " e-r or wna - . V'" . " D.,"u """ wvw' ' but his present whereabouts aro un kV e V),r; Gee was not s, thuslns;',. o'n mlns anil among busi- &?" IJSSJ0iP.ttW2ijre?r" "n " doubted tho rnnn.t ' SUr' llesa men L-onm-nllv lm fnn.wl fw nd. I ' CoqlllUo Valloy but about tWO Wall, Mar ,Ved th0 "Port f'y Hn0 Loft n, .. 1-eft Country "uiie rnnc . :. """iiry at .11 ,! ?.st Of tho nennln ?... ,are aaZtrW,.,h th0 Joyner caso S01,",G "marlcod. "but foul pi, S . th?t ho hns mot with tlceablo that I did not i.nrnnta i. n.,ii oo. -K. J years ago went north to the Colum .... a ... ,lu, muuiio ni ij ,,i ,.,,. ..... .i .., .t i Thoro nro ninny of courso." Mr.i"'" -"" ir It wns no- meet them. 0e'lyskinfe,w lnt'mato that Jovnor Whll tl,0re wns no Tnft enthusiasm ho Iii 8'PPed out rrn... .. .Joyner tlior , ., o..i,.i- nni..n,i... . -r iq nnt ho. -oy ciaim that -" " " i'invuii ..unimm,. v.- kre to h0M h! nnytllnB Particular pressec1' Tho Ronofal sentiment "trifle. 'hl?n and that he did nnt Beeil,s ,0 ,)0 tlint while Roosevelt will "untry. rhlm"s ' Jumping tho not cut n M f,K"ro no w,u tak0 nurd.;' fne'elalm thnt i.fe..:: enough votes from Tnft to nernilt : Mutton ??. "PWtery and h T'T Wilson to win." i;?'edlilmBomo T...... ...... .... u,nl niDh- to ," '08s b o reason fw i-ti. minus juugo joun r. I'.,,. Pl lea np f '. 't"8?n 'Or Hnl anil f-nmnilRslnnnra nm.nt nnil found ,. .80n'ethlnc nm .....'. ' ArmstroiiK nassod throuch here to- f0ft ill h e3tPectcd that cnrf..i i8 dny en routo to Ton Mile to Inspect t,u JojLiS mad9 to get in tm.nV rontl8 ,n t,,at section. They will re- M he has met uU,?,.,,0Wn tho theory v .t vb . ,,iTn .,n -- ".in inni nln.. - w" "... ... . ...v.. un imi.u,.i An ,,-...."- " " . FLOUR. r w2" tAs,,1,a,i anbaI"J, not heard from him since. Tho funeral arrangements hnvo not been mado. . Tho funeral will bo held from tho Wilson Undertaking ParlorB Satur day morning nt 10 o'clock, Intermont in the I. O. O. F cometery.. GET BUSY ON SURVEY TODAY W. J. Wolfrom and Party Checking up Route to Marshfield Now. There Is still much gossip mid speculation rolntivo to tho activity of tho Southern Pacific surveyors under W. J. Wolfrom, who arrived horo a few days ago from Snn Frnn clsco. They nro at work today checking up the old survey from out about a mllo on tho locnl rail way north through town. It wns nlso reported todny that tbolr nctlvltles would Include work on n lino to tho Smith mill and to Knstsldo This, however, was mere ly gossip. Gilbert Gllhortsqn, who came In todny from his conl mlno nenr Coos ton, reported that somo Southoru Pnclflc surveyors woro nt work near Potorson'B landing on Hnynos Inlet yostordny. Ho said thnt mnny bo lloved thoy woro working on a routo along tho east side of the Day. Parties who aro supposed to- bo In closo touch with tho situation say that tho surveyors will shortly bu gln on the work south from Coos Dny, supposedly on the Const Lino which tho Southern Pnclflc hns lon been projecting Engineer Drown nnd porty who woro working on tho Southern Pacific survey near tho tunnel camo In to North Dend last night and this morn ing started out for North Inlet where thoy hnvo about a week's work. More' Evidence to Substantiate Confessions in Graft and Murder Case. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Timos). NEW YORK, August 8 Tho cum- lllnHlm AvIlUnflA tltn In nllltim tn foro tho grand Jury Investigating tho' b.a,nn nndnniunendmcnt was adopt pollco blackmail Is said today to in-! ". t0 nut"orlzo such a reduction In volvo four or flvo high pollco ofllclals. ' m .. . . , , Tho witnesses examined by tho dls- ,. A"0"10" Bt dovolopod agalnet trlct attornoy havo furnished much J110 Senato commlttco'B amondmont corroboration to tho confession of l0 . ox.omIH tolls Amorlcnn vos- "Jack Roso" that Limit- Dcckor lev-, v, , ur'K irnuo wnoso owners led blackmail. Ono of tho witnesses I nBrod Jo turn thorn over to tho gov told tho district attorney thnt ho was S,?,ent An t,mo,of, war. Sonntor throntonod with doath if ho told whnt f, '" 'H1,,?, Ge0,rB,a dcclarod that under ho know of tho system. Roso has' " 111,n"18 nmendment Just ndopt sont word to tho public prosocutorl ,, Americana could buy Bhlps nny thnt ho Is prepared to ldontlfy tho J'horo and put thorn Into the forolgn four murdorors of RoBenthnl.. Until, AT,?,!0, n"d npo tolls at tho canal, now, Roso was not rendy to say that' JH? '! ,cLn"lcmi,nent wns "doptod. Senator Gnlllngor then rolntroduc od his nntl-aubsldy amondmont which wns ndoptod without opposition. It provided that forolgn built Bhlpa bo admitted to American registry undor uio terms or tho Williams' amond mont, said ships not to rocolvo the ho could positively Identify tho gun men. hocio:fi:lli:jT to aid "White Sluvo" Investigation Evidence is Turned Over by Him (Dy Associated Press to C003 Day Tltnnn 1 nriv vnnif Ann.' s aii ti.n ,inl United Statca subsidies unless thov'ra collected by tho detectives employed' BU,tnbl for conversion Into nrmorod """""" u nuiiitiu HiruCK OIU 01 the bill a provision to nuthorlzo Im niodlato Bottlomcnt on tho Isthmus of claims for daniugo to ships passing through tlio canal. by John D. Rockofollor, Jr., for In vostlgntlng tho lnwnrdness of tho "whlto slavo" trafllc has been plnced nt tho disposal of tho District Attor noy Whitman In connection with his investigation of tho pollco grnft that Is allogod to havo led up to tho mur- dor or Herman Rosenthal, tho gnmb lor. It is snid that ono of Rockefol WEI) IN CALIFORNIA M. P. Long, mnnngor of tho O. IC !.&!!-eL fSSSSr sllnZS,,inbS?: Ifornla, whoro they woro united in marriage, July 22 nt tho Mothodlst disorderly houso and paid n trlbuto or jooo monthly to a pollco Inspec tor for protection, STOCKINGS AT $23 A PAIR. "DEVIL SHIP" VOYAGE Internal Combustion" Vessel, Sail- less nnd Funnellcss, Astonishes tho Mist. LONDON. Aug S. The motor ship Selandtn, tho first Internal combus tion englned ocean-going passenger nnd enrgo vessel, has concluded Its maiden trip to tho Enst Indies, a 21, 000 miles voyngo, during which tho engines wero stopped only onco for n slight adjustment of tho valves. In all matters of fuol consumption, enso of maneuver nnd general holiavlor, tho vessel exceeded all expectation. East of tie Suez tho motor ship gain ed tho nnmo of "Devil Ship," duo to hor movement without olther sails or funnels. Tho success of tho motor driven ship has Induced her owners to contrnct fpr threo vessels of tho samo typo, but with greater horse powor and tonnage. pnrsonngo. The brldo, formerly Miss Ruth Edna Lutz, Is n young Indy of vory pleasing porbonnllty nnd loft . host of very strong porsonnl friends In Hughson whoro sho taught school for several years. Sho expressed hor seir ns highly plonsod with tho Co fjulllo vnlley and says she known she will feel at home horo. On Wodnesdny, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonp moved Into their now homo on the Jnmes Lnlrd placo and on Wodnesdny ovonlng thirty or tho young peoplo of that vicinity gnvo them a hoarty char ivari. Mr. and Mrs. Long lnvltod the pnrty Into their homo and entortnln ed thorn with clgnrs, refreshments nnd music. Cotjulllo Sentinel. itut ATTENTION, A. O. U. W. Ada qnaan.t I Have your Job printing 8 bHnc results , rha Timet' office. done at Mammoth Lodge No. 87, A. O. U. , will hold their regular meeting Thursdnv evening, Aug. 8 A full attendance Is required. This Is tho start of a rousing campaign and your holp is needed The Deputy Grnnd Master for the state Is here and wants to meet all tho members. E. A. ANDERSON, Recorder. Try The Times' Want Ads. Material is Real Gold Thread Ami Silk. NEW YORK. Aug 8 Women'- stockings mado from real gold thread and silk nro to bo tbe proper thing abroad this season. Thoy come from Vienna and cost $25 n pair. Another novelty will be blftck or whlto silk stockings, which, nbove the ankles, will be worked In elabor ate designs, such as a peacock with its tall outstretched in gorgeous col ors To enable these embellishments to be visible, shorter skirts, tho $1,98 kind will do, nro to be insisted upon by tho dressmakers, it Is announced, imOWNRREAI) CAUSES AGED MAX TO MARRY NEW YORK, Aug. 8. "It all enmo nbout through Anna's wonder ful brown bread, No other woman ever mado brown bread so delicious." NORTH REND NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shook nro giv ing up tho Coke resldenco August 15. Mrs. Shook will leave for nn exten ded visit nt her old homo In Toxns and Mr. Shook will go to Gray's Har bor with tho DredgQ Oregon when It leaves Coos Day. Mrs. M. D. Sherrard nnd Lincoln A. Sherrard nnd son, nnd Mrs. Robort snld Dr. Andrew Cole, who celebrated McCnn ,'oft today for Port Orford his eightieth birthday by marrying t0 atteml u'o Agate Carnival. The Mrs Anna Sehultz. bakor of the "nrty nr0 intorlng down, going via. brown brend. I Dnndon. Cole's eighty years bear llghtli j Times' Want Ads tiring results. and he assured tho reporter he was going to round tho century mnrk. "It's regularity, total abstinence nnd proper living thnt hnvo brought FURNITURE RARGAINS Tho unsold nrtlelos of household rurnlturo belonging to M. C, Ilorton nnd consisting of n mahogany chlf- mo within twenty yenrs of n liun-i fonler, mnhognny writing tnblo. dred," he snld. "Mv one Indulgoncoi fumed onk extension tnblo, fumed is two cigars a day." oak library tablo, fumed oak sowing Tlio doctor doesn't want a honey- moo (rip. Mrs. Sehultz, however, confided to the roporter thnt they woro going to Niagara Falls. Sho Is forty-six yenrs old nnd hns a son table and Iron bedstead hnvo been loft with Perry & Nicholson for sale. These articles aro practically nov and will bo sold at from 40 to 45 per cent below the retail price.