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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. 7 ft & h COOS BAY TIMES W. C. MALONEY KiJItor anil Pub. DAN E. MALOXEY News Editor' THE CITY BEAUT1IFUL Entered at tho postofflto at Marsh aeld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class mall mattt- Dcdlcated to the service of tha people, that no good cause shall lack n champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. subscription hates. DAILY. Cne yoar $6.0 Per month BO WEEKLY. One year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription price of the Coos Day Times is ?5.00 per year or $2.60 for nix months. Tnc saereu narrative ponrayi the progress of mankind, In that , It Introduces man to us In the tole of a humble Inhabitant of a gar den and it leaves lilm in the splen dor of a city the new Jerusalem. So docs Augustine write of the eter nal rlty, not In her sins, but purified and glorified. John Dunyan likewise had a vision of wlnt ho calls "The dred feet, its polished point seem inly piercing tho heavens, and seen for miles around, Its colossal size Is at once a worthy testimonial of the bigness of a nation's gratitude. Within It is a great elevator which carries visitors to tho top, and there nro also winding stairs. One hardly cares to climb It twlco the same day. The city Is filled with public build ings and national Institutions which NEWS FROM NEARBY" TOWN City Hcautlful." Some of tho bost mnko It a centre of attraction for nil of the world's thought focuses itself i visitors. Weeks would bo required upon the city, for In It are seen the to mnko n thorough study of them ntflftna nttit Mm tirtuol lit 1 1 Irtrt r? nmti I nil Tntltlr nntitnnl atlnnA . If It is often blackened with the these, and located almost in tho heart camping on Schofleld CreeK. deepest sins of man, It Is more often of tho city on n commanding hill, Is the scene or nis iilgnest achievements tue statilest of all the nation's pub XEWS OF GARDINER GARDINER, Ore., August C Mr. Hutchison, wife and two children of Modford are spending a few wcoks In every department of life. Con-' lie buildings, the Capitol. Tho Pa- Pred Assenhelmer, or tho Gardiner confectionery, has purchased n flno new grnfonola for the entertainment of his customers. J. A. Jnnolle's new motor boat was An Independent Republican news i ?apcr published evory evening oxcept Sunday, and Wcokly by The Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to rOOB MAY DAILY TI.MES. MnriOiflcld :: :: :: :t Oregon OIHGIX OF DULL MOOSE. WHEN Colonel Roosevelt arrived In Chicago and plunged Into tho content over the stolen delogntos at tho recent Republican tonvontlon nowspnpor correspondents were nmnzed nt tho Indomltablo on orgy with which ho mot tho stress of bnttle. In sheer wonderment over the Colonel's vigor and vitality, and with nob unfriendly solicitude In tIow of the tremendous pressuro and strain to which ho wns subjected, tho tnrrcspondcntfl asked htm the ques tion: "Colonel, how do you fool?" "I feel lllco n bull moose." wns the Colonel's characteristically reassur ing reply. When this was printed somo of tho nowspnpors throughout tho country. Keen Tor anything to deride Colonel Roosevelt, dubbed lilm the "bull mooBo" nnd tho progressive move ment as tho "bull ninnpo party." In view of the epithet they had previously applied to the Colonel, the appellation of "hull moose" was a 7enlly grnclous one to lifstow upon him: nnd as for tho "bull niooso par ty," tho press hns performed a gen uine service In coining a phrase lllustrntcs tho vigorous, wholesome-, and Intensely American now party, of which Colonel Roosevelt Is tho lend er For tho bull moose Ik the blccost and most noble niilmnl that makes Its habitat on tho Amorlcnn conti nent; Monarch of tho forest, great est neast mat rrequents nnturo'R wilds, it will never live In captivity. Courngoous and strong. It yields to no nniivo roe- in Kh woodlnnd do mnln. Clenn living, It does not exist as n nenst or prey Keen of souses. It detects ovory tnlnt of the air, nnd catches evory note- of danger wafted on tho winds. Upstanding, majestic .nnd dignified. It morltH Its title of nionnrcii or Amorlcnn nnlmnls. turlos ago found our nncestors In the I lace of Justice at Urusscls Is said to forests of Germany each with his lso- oo the largest building In tho world lated homo, glorying In his scpnra- in tho extent of ground covorod. but tlon from others. Today ho Is found no other Is so massive and imposing Inunched Mondny, and Is n very noat ns mo uunuer oi cities, we nenr us mo uapitoi uuuciing nt washing Httlo craft of the fish-boat variety, the compnrlson often expressed: ton. Its lmrnenso domo rising nearly, The country Is God-made; the city" as high as tho Washington Monu- Tho Gardiner Drug Storo Is being ment, Is crowned with a statuo of tho remodeled and eninrged. mo rooms Goddess of Liberty. Within a stone's nbovo are being fitted up ns olllces for throw of tho Capitol Is tho Congress- Drs. Field nnd Prntt, also n fow lonul Library, tho most splondld rooms for hospital purposes. noino ror nooks in the world. It Is constructed of marble and grnnlte nnd represents n cost of about thir teen million dollars. Tliero hns only recently been finished a union rail way station costing nearly fifteen million dollurs and being nearly a ,, , ,. ,, , ,. .. quarter of a mile In length. I . 'Mr.' n,'d 'V8' -'.red arrollmnnu on- No mention of Washington City Is! crtalned at cards Saturday ovenlng rnmnin.n,,. ;..fMn honor of Mrs. Lester, of Smith to be whnt Is now rapidly becoming,! places nt least of historic Intorest, ' If It has not already bocomo so, thai Mount Vernon, tho homo of Oenornl iw T ir ' i.,i i.n. i. - statilest nnd most beautiful city of Washington, nnd Arlington National I , 5 , J' , A,,8l,ln, 1'ns L001. ro the world. There Is every reason Cemetery, formerly tho homo of, i0,' "A .Jf11!0'!!"1 -?L "a"i!.0.r wny it Biiotiiti nnvo that as Its ideal; Gonornl Robort E. Leo. Mount Vor-I"... m, . b " "" XEWS OK HAXDOX mnn-tnnde," Inferring thereby thnt God has little to do with the making of a city. A moment's reflection convinces us thnt Into the making of n city has gone the best of whnt tho country can produce, and nt tho same time It Is tho embodiment of tho gen ius nnd tho inspiration of man, which in their Inception nrc divine. More than n century ngo, nlong the shores of tho Potomac rlvor, af ter It has found Its way over tho rocky hill country lying between Maryland nnd Vlrglnln, there began i E. Haskell, tho Joweler, Is having his place of business eninrged nnd n new glass front added, affording ad ditional space for the display of his wares. Hrlefs o"f Clty-by-the-Scn ns Told ly tho Recorder HORN July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lnnglols, n 10 pound hoy. Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge- ontortnlnod at her homo on Spruco Wednesday ovenlng In honor of MIbscs Mcrvllyn Decker nnd Glndys Strador. A very delightful ovenlng was Bpont In mus ical amusements, after which Mrs. Trowbrldgo served a very dollclous luncheon. Thoso present woro Misses Mcrvllyn Decker, Glndys Strador, Er mn Crnlno, Rny Carey, Esther Solvo, Charlotto Caroy, Hattlo Johnson, Pearl Crnlno, Charlotto Schnohor, Edna Russoll, Messrs. Roy Thoin, Claude Adnmas, WIlllnmH, Ely, Lont nor Gnlller, Rny McNalr, Harry Cralnc. MVIITI.I,- Itmwii .......I " "''' 'wiSTIMB, Xcus of rpitei- Coqulllc Vail.. Told liy Enterprise. Horn Tuesday. July 30, i)i Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. xyngncr oh! South Fork. 'l Horn Sunday, July 23, 19l, Mr. and Mrs. Clare. Juhn,oa'! Lee, a son. s Horn At While Cross hosplu h this city, to Mr. nnd .Mrs. pre(ler," Zottor of JohiiBouH- mill, SatntJ July 27, n son. Horn Snturdnv. July 27, 19li . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall of tho Non Fork, n son. or John Wholirey returned to M,r.v Mondny nflor a number of ilnvi'k,.' iichs trip In tho valley '" John C. 'Strong went in n...n Inst Saturdny to Join Messrs. Thoi' j son nnd C A. Oourley In n hutSi nlr The Ladles' Art Club gavo n plctrlp Into Curry county 1 tie pjtj vent ns far ns Port Orfnrd In y, 'Iioinpson'8 nuto, and will JSi noriuu nriittitft' in !.. t ' ;.;,; ', "' "" "Re rlti non, situated nbout fifteen miles!,' ":., " S.""" .?"" down tho Potomac on tho yirclnlal ""uny '" D01ucmuor' side, Is n spot of raro beauty, nnd touny tno grounds nnd buildings nro' Asldo from this it! kont ns nonrlv n ,.n,t i ",i, ;! i"-MB nnouunB at the bench. Thoy ." . " " - - I hnvn na tlinlt minala In nnmn n hhi ost to tho genius of n dlstln- original condition, oven to tho pine -I ?"i " n," n " ,, Frenchman. Major L'Enfant. ing of tho furniture. ! Lm 'u "' Tl of(lanr!,lner- itatuo stands In ono of the' Washington Is typically a reside..- ,! ' ', " c !, Ctl"B '" lh j n dolU of grntltudo of u cltyl tlnl city. Its freedom from any con- tnctIC8 of "0 Scout8' THE TAINTED mr.VDLE uiu I'lncl.em'H Hpncloun coffer groniiH nonentli Us stack of shining hours, which wero his only goal; nnd foolish penplo envy him nnd wish flint they could pull his limb nnd get- next to his roll. .Old Plnche.n now Is pretty old. nnd as ho vlows his pile of gold, perhaps It hoojiih Hko trash; porhnps to dodgo tho stinging nips that conscience gives to such old pimps, ho's give up nil his cash. Per haps, When lookll.K down Mm voir ,.,.1 .I.I..1.1 : " "".. nv iV. nvnii , ' ,H0 ro',".'l '' world, not tie monoy wo have. IIH aarlco has caused, he looks with that ouollfles us for f.owm-Ri.h, "ST01'.0" .lVlt. and wrings his Every human bolng must do his 4, 4 ns tho capltol city of tho greatest nation In tho world. It wns tho mind of Washington that conceived it, nnd It rightly benrs tho nnmo of Its hon ored founder. Asldo from this 1 owes most to tho genius of a dlstln gulBhod From whoso Btntuo l-.imn ua u uuiu. vi Kiuuuiiin oi a CUV CKV. Its rrenilnni rrnm nnv for which ho planned so woll. Wash- Bldcrable nniniifneturlnL-. with itu u Ington Justly desorvos the nnmo bvi clnl. ofllclnl nnd Ininiincimi nr,. n,,,i which It Is so generally known: ", renders It peculiarly attrac of Magnlflcant Distances." Is this ro- tlvo ns n plnco In which to 11 vo. h.ici-i h is a Hisier cuy to raris, wm.jTwo miles from tho city on Mt. St. Its wldo streots nnd boulevnrds. nll.Alban's, with everything spread out lined with trees. Then thero nro tho. beforo It ns a pnnornmn, thoro Is to many beautiful, well-kept pnrks. the bo built a masslvo Gothic EplBcopnl largest being Rock Creek Park.! Cathodral, costing llvo million dol whlch reml.Hls ono of Central Park, lars, ono chnpol of which has already Now "iork City, and winds Its wny been completed. Hero nro loented for Severn! miles along Rock Creek,' tho Cathodral School for girls nnd n pnsslng through tho National Zoo- school for hovs. logical grounds. Second to this In These nro 'but a fow of the moro beauty is Potomac Park. Just recent- Important features of a city, which ly llnliihod, Its broad driveways run-' needs only to bo seen In order to real nlng for miles, nlong tho rlvor front. Izo thnt It woll deserves tho title Almost In tho centre of this park nbovo: "Tho City Ilenutlful," and stands ono of tho nation's momorlals when onto seen, ono is Inclined to to the father or our country, tho use the words of tho Queen of She Washington monument, tho highest bn, when sho boheld tho glories of structure of Its kind In tho world. Solomon's kingdom: "The half hath MlwJ5vJSJ !V -!?'&&t,. -f- '-u?"-rJ' PX liu- not boon told me." WITH TOAST AND TEA ant. Tho term begins on tho first Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Wndo aro en- Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Angus and Mr. and Mrs. Will Angus nnd baby daugh ter have returned to Gnrdlner, after n n onth's visit nt Portlnnd nnd Now-port. Gnrdlner .hns ono of tho finest np- In Aznlcn Park yestorday aftor- noon which wns greatly onjoyod by the members and guestH present. 4. t.tft . ... n mititiihlnlla utw.flfi. nvitnnll.Li. ... .... . ii. U.VV II III. tl MlllllillUIIO lfll.l.U . .11.1... "II, uii;ijiiiLi 111 UII inlrt ...I dinner wns served. Among thoso fluids for big gnino by tho timet, present wero Mrs. C. Y. Lowo nnd season opens. ' daughter, Miss Maude, Mrs. F. E.' Win. Russoll of tho Old Soldier Dyer, tho Misses Ford and Miss Don- Homo nt Los Angeles, Cnl., and IN holm of Portland, A. O. Thrift. E. E. E. L. Reeso of Solum, Cnl.. fiS Reynolds. Mrs. W. A. Pottlt, of Robo- nnd sister or Clnronco Russell olf-i bur. C. E. Kopf nnd wlfo, nnd Mrs. South Fork, arrived on the Drufc water to .-..arsiificld Friday. Thr l.nvo been visiting relatives in WiA Ingtton points, nnd after n wwh visit with relatives hero c-nwt 1 II. K. Flom. GOLD REACH NEWS. Curry County Events n told by tin- lonvo on tho Steamer Wnshlnrsi CIoIk. .'or s'i FrnnclHco Mr Husitlib N H. Moore of Long Ridge killed anxious to got back to Los Angela a large panther and a bear last Sun- l"io tor tho National 0, A. It.- day. The varmints are not so tin- cn.npment thoro next month, morons this year ns common. I M- Sturdlvni.t wont to Mini. E. O'Knno returned to Wcdder- "t'lil Tuesday to bo with her tot. burn after a week's visit at PorN'Tom Sturdlvant. who wan quite k land. Ho wns accompanied by his "Hly Injured In ono of tho big bj. family, who came here to mnko their ' camps on tho bnyalde. future home. JnBpor McCloskey entertained -.ft.... T 1 !'. .1. ...... l... MM..A.I lllllllllltl nf Ilia ..i.... -.U-J. M inln.n.l I, ..!,.!.. ..!... . I I ' '"""I '-'III IWIIHilll nun TOIIIUI H - " ...o JWIIII 1 1 ICI III Ufl. OroLn nn.V u nH J n , l"ltln as teacher for tho JnckM ilny nfternoon In honor of hlseltbl r"' nJ .. I . n.for,,i8 th0 tnc8t ?'! Creek Bchool for the ensuing te-.n birthday. Games wero Indulge h until niiout four o'clock, when 'a cream, enke, lemonnde nnd rudli wero servod. nCatM'a .lrnrJ1O,J'0OVC8 VIr0UB1lltlo- 81- months. We bellevo sho will nn 1 1 nct?CXrCn0,tlon,,ly',nnltc n cfflcll'"t l'er nnd will lino ones, ono dresslntr 850 nounds. : ..1.... - i... ....... ,1... .l.nH . .1 . ; " . hin -t "iniiit-ir riiiiniiiLiiwu. nv uiiiu! muru 1111111 yuu pounds. Mr u p 'I'rncv of the Forestry Oil Inn ltnu 1iinn n.kil I 1 .iii.l..i A crow of surveyors and assistants j i(lllKt.r Iolm fnr t)l0 sonBn OLD HORN STILL IX SKItVKT- I'OItT ORFOIID OFFERINGS. i GOLD REACH. Ore, Aug. C Ru i ty Huinmorsloy toots n big hrass hen in tno itoguo River Hrnwi Hand tic GOOD EVENING. 1 1 llliiiiu 1-Vllowxlilp. In trying to find n basis of uulversnl fellow ship, what Is the flint consideration? Not money. That Is not a basis for fellowship. Of course, thero aro exceptional circumstances when money may pay for trnv- el mill culture nnd ho aid In the formation of character Hut money Is not n gunranteo of either culture or hospltnMtv. II is (no worn we do in the Iced n sign on n moving plcturo show: "Pictures for Today; Tho LobI Dog, 1 10 feet long." Go on you flshor man, with your fish storlos." , TRANQUIL .IOVS nro doing somo preliminary work In preparation for starting work on tho' railroad tunnel between this nlm-n' mill Pnn. 11m. I I ..".iu ...,i-i 111 linn mum l imu v.oos n. Curry County .Whs ns Told by Hie w enrried by n horn-plnycr durltj -pi... ir o . , , . ..I Tribune. I Sherman's march to the sen. r-nJuL-i . . ln?I),octor visited, The Rnndolph left hero Saturday HninmersleyV horn was made!' "'.'. " ,"1 """V "'"' "pecieu tno I iKiou ror Eureka, where hIic will en- "' Hostoii Musical compnnr In 1111 ?" ?, (V"8 vacc fl,n,llnK ovory- gage In the-trade at Klamath rlwr . "l 'ot retains the full volume el m. Im mr'0 Inuch ,0 Inol Fl"". W. K- Duiigan. W. """ml that cheered up tlio "boriu tho credit of our olllclent postmlB- iruns, .Mrs. J..ZZIO rorklns. Considerable travel botweon this II. Kennedy. J. C. Kumlall nm! m. a. hluo" ns thov mnrelieil ihrnnrh ib Sweetmnn. nil of Mnrabflold. arrived 8ntli. horo Sundny on tho Rustler. TV-v brought nlong a rompletc supply for DANCE EAGLES' HALL Salurdij Let others tnko thoso eastern trips, ur nnvo n uing in gny Now York; Hy shores of bloom tho rlvor slips, Events of the HlimJuw Valley ns Told 1 is fun to watch n bobbing cork. ' by the West I Tim llll. 'l I ni'r hands nt lusr. nnd wishes ho iiau pnuseu. Old Plnche.n hasn't jong to live, and porndventuro ho would glvo his wealth If he could say: "I helped n neighbor In dls- iren, necnuso or puro kind-hearted-neB, upon n bygouo day." When life Is drawing to Its close nnd Into night tho twilight grows, nnd ghostly voices call, when you. n poor old worn-out chnp, can hear tlio do.ith rold wntvrs lap. that must engulf us all, tho poorest comfort you can have the cheapest balm, the puukest calve. Is n big storo of gold; wealth won't tnvo ofr tho fateful day. or guide t ho feet or smooth the wny. or make llio night- Iphs cold When It's too fate old Plnchen. sees how better are iweot memories than all bis hoarded iiore; now rrnll and wovk Is Money's hark when ho goes sailing In the niii io i. in. n starless shore. work woll In the world, whoth- tr It Is paid ror or not, In order to qualify for tho fellowship of tho common life. --Selected. 4..-. DISCONTENT. fe-trtikt. Nit W CbuJh (K4CJ THE VILLAGE IIKLLE. The lawyer roundly curses The husliienB he Is In; Tho poet dumus IiIh vorses And claims they ketip him thin; Iho cop would ho tailor, The tnllor would bo cop, The former be a sailor, The sailor tend the crop Tlo Journalist declares ho Would soil cigars Instead; in- niu'riimmr swears no Would keep an oyster hod; In every occupation The people seom to throb To try somo now vocation The other fellow's Job. Hut when the circumstances Would free them from their groove I'liey do not take tho chances, They do not want ro .novo. Their trade they sourly view it With venom and with gall; aiiu yei tnero sticking to It; Thoy like It. nfter all! RERTON HRALEY. Col. Grln.os savs: "Almnt nil there Is to tho Roosevelt band wagon Knto IliinkliiH Is our village belK. She knows tho Mles and knows 'en. well. She wen is the latest cut of gown while sprinting up and throug.i the town. Her drons displays a splen did form She's clothed enough, but not too warm. She doesn't even mind tho breeze that blows the bail; off innplo trees. She wonts a pnlr of dalntv sliium tlmt fit mi ililit ud. ... not low tho tln'ed hose cut peek-a I N( f,u ' Hio tongue ikki io lei tno 1 1 1 n u i w 1 1 skin show through. Sho waddles 'imuid, and never soils her soft white hands ltu ronbts or belli;, and broom, and ke tle". pe and cikh. ror Mother all such labor take, while Katie loams to do a ihk bv which lio n.av some sucker bag. who l'lun't uuiiie the proper "tutu " We reel f.i.- bin. Poo. cuas! Poor cuss' Our Katie knows a host of things. Sho dunces, plays, and even sing She's up on all the latest noise, and breaks the hearts of all the boys hue ii mako some man a splendid wlfo to tlo up with. for life. for llfo. They'll never quarrel but once or twice, provided, ho retains tho price. nOR STANLET. I'wi round tho very thing to do When sumnior days aro hot. I drink a glass of buttermilk And chew the cud of thought. And horo In pence and nulot. ton. Afar from nil tho giddy throng. Where summer skies above aro blue. And nil the vales nro sweet with song. I). Y. STAFFORD.! Let others llngor by the ben Or seek to luro tho wary llsh, Hut no such "sport" ns that for me. I linvo a fairer, Bweoter wish. A screened-In porch, n good cigar. My heols sot high upon tho rail, Far, far from whoro tho shooters nro. And unuhcd bank notes by the bale henry uuaaiNs! It's easy enough to bo pleasant, When thoro's plent of water flows by Hut tho man I adore, IS tl.e Ono Who llim'l rnnr- When tho gosh-darned faucot goes dry. J. W. DENNETT THAT XtMlTII POLK The artlc wanderer's lot is tough, Though ho the goal may win. There is no Ico box big enough To put his tronsure In. , RESIDE THE SEA ly the blue sen I sit and dream. The noon is high, the wind's nsleop. A Sabbath calm broods o'er the deeii White ships, like lilies, lie at rest rilllll ut.Ia.'., ....I... . -.--... ...v. ...,.v. o iiiui ureasi. And mid the heavens that bend above A canopy or tender love. In reverenco hushed all things doth leem, So by tho sea I sit and dream. j mt- uiuo sea i rest content! . ---. ...u . --'.,(-.( uiwiin it -,ifiiiiiii.-Li- nu ii iniiiu nun rioreuro IS OVliInilfm. In-Inn niillm- n..,.. .,,.......... nvn.. Aim. IT I n .1. I.'rr. tho number or tennis pnsslng over lov In tlw wilds of Elk river, where HI-U'S ORCHESTRA. No "rigglnt- ho now wagon road. It Is said that the waters abound with trout an I " .... ,., uu ol i,L. i,nc8l Btenic tue ..ins witn game. rou 08 In Southern Oregon. It ro.' The Oapiey enme un from itmrun' river Sunday on her way to Coon Ray. Macleay. one or the owners r,' the Wedderbiirn property cniiit- do-vn on her on her InHt trip nnd will sihiuI Bomo time at Weilderhnrn beforo re-l turning to Portland Julius Koch came down from ilainlnii Innl V'.w1.i...i.... i.. 1.1- Tho Wllholllllnn en inn In f-... ! one.BfMiti.,1 ,,nt n. .....,.. Coos Hay Wednesday aftornoon and nrtlng ns pilot and Instructor. Julius 01 yi'nrn or nco nnd imi nvna ... -.11 At a --n ported thnt noxt year thero will bo nuto servlco from Eugeno to Mnrab flold, via Gardiner. NEWS OF FLORENCE loft yestordny for Yaqulnn. Mrs. Alfred Funko returned Sun day from Coos Hay whero sho spoilt n couplo or weeks. Tho government telephone lino In to Florence was completed yestorday and tho rorestry sorvlco now has di rect communication hv wir i.n. , Florenco nnd Wnldport. t5;,.?!!!10!:ni'wlf? -eft on "i " IIIH-lllllllll to Toledo. imping nil tlio run you can In vnnih. Mrs. Anna Oauntlett arrived at Por Orrord Tuesday night or Inst week enroute rrom Seattle to Gold Reach, where she will Join her hiis-l band Will Gnuntlett. and remain several months. She Is the sanie gonial Anna ns of old. wolcomed by1 all. and looks Just "splendid." I n 12 nrook,.vn ml In here from Bnmlon nt 4:30 a. ..... Saturday i'n'n nAnk H'? '" " C0,'l' f hOl.i'S ..,k. ' "'?.'"8 n," let here at ,....!.. .. -.---. 1"W.U.I """' ,or il "li 7:0 for Sun "CAT TAILS" FOR COOI'Klt.lCK. Polk I'liriilslies Portland DALLAS. Ore., Aug. 7 Tl.e np pearanco of Peter Roddlkopp, of .-... i-um biiuion, on tlio stree's the w.l,hr.,lny,.W'th,a, cnvoyance loaded with bundles or leaves or tho ordin ary "Cat tails" or tvnim i... ' product or the damp bectlons or 'the Pacific coost. led to the Inquiry of ,. ..,.. nu mo waves, itedd kopp stated that- the leaves wore be Ing shipped to n Portland cooperage company and thnt they aro used In T.u,T?,.r"0"" bnrro,a n'l kegs. The leaves are placed botween tho stnyes and heads to prevent leakage and mnkcu thou, absolutely rlcht the use of the typha leaves are common. It is said. In all cooperage plants of tho country. Al'TOS GOOD ROAD DIES AT PORT ORFORD tnL'A! ?t Port Or- o . "" ni l,lnt l n Sat i day. Crew had been out to sea 1.1 'K'" '"", J",8t "l..rno,l wC RandoriVecSder? W"8 U, rou j Fifty-First Oregon State Fair Salem, Sept. 2-7, 1)12 ljilH,()().) Offered In Premi ums on Livestock, Poultry, AKrlriiltuml ami other protlutti Races, Doj Show, Shooting Toiiiiiaiiieiit, Hand Couctrf. Fireworks Wul Vrve Attrf tloiis Send for Premium List und En try Hlauks Reduced Hates nil till RAILROADS For pnitliiihirs address FA NIC MEREDITH. Sec .Siilem, Ore. "i THE Ql'IKT OIISKItVKR SAYS: T..T r . bi en I give thorn to tho ebbing tldo io bcatter, scatter far and wldo; hen memories thnt sometimes bless i ni.. .i "tttttiui nun ice sweet, or numlnpqq "Mno reathors may not mako lino Found in dim woods bvinfc n ids. but It Is rather ilinirnw J ..".""" "0"8' u lnke or ithuslastle over a plucked chicken."! Seem diirti'ng from Slli: NEVER WAS A WIDOW Old Adam's luck was not so bad, As you'll agree, without a doubt, He never hoard Eve boast about Tho virtues hor first husband had. -, . ," r, Some Dog, Even for a Lariro City. Times Want Ads bring results. The New York Telegraph man no Day after day tho romls nf ni. son aro taking solid and con.pensat- t aiuiiiu, IHO COnil nnivo The vT;,ln ,. . m." . . V. . . I fiom evory quarter: riu. T . ...?" All borrows t,a' le' years hvoi nn ,,0"C,y fr th '' to 7& 0 hr t ' rs ,nno and condemn the niin.M.ii ...; . " .I...I. . "-.....wuuD 11,111 mm! uurs, since this machine Is come to stay, and in staying win aid very materially in making these sai ie roads better for tho man who tolls o produce something which he may haul over them to market. ti. Y. an inter-rolntlon between the farm- ....e.. ...... i uuioniouiie which mny not be disregarded now, nor nt "-' " iHure. Astorlan ing from me ns I dream. Hy the blue sea I live anew! Cnto my biiul a glad new morn Is silently hut surely born; J-or ponce and tardy hope have come Tho larger life, with portals wide, l o.nes toward me on the flowing tide And entering it, at once I seem 1th God. as by the sea I dream. Lucia W. Evans. Tho very Rev. Dean Harry or Sv- "" "x w' uiesi siy.e as sumed by women ns the "camel hump walk." We know some Coos Rny women whose walk might ba more accurately described as the "elephant waddle," Who Has 1,000 Cash? Tnn,V.;VXTS T,H' ,U:ST "rSIXKSS 11UV IX OREGON' nin.W . wk n.wr . iii'siVKss rpiiAT wir.i, nil R ii ,,,M,',OS,'ST ,VV,'-s'l'lATIOX, THAT IS XKTTI 11. KVr 0V mi- INVESTMENT. IT REQUIRES 7I1MMI t'.isii TO SWING Mil'. THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT, HALAXCE TERMS TO RIGHT AND THE TERMS CALL AND LET I'S vi.-r.T. . l'CM ,...... "llll ivm JV iriCKM- Jl,'KXT YOU i" it riirv MUST ACT French Realty Co. .wiam-lKM), OREGON. SMH NORTH FRONT ST. 13 '-!