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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1912)
All THINGS fOMF TO HIM WHO WAITC" AND AM0N6 THE arrivals-are, hunger, trousers badly LL I NIINU3 IUIYIL IV Mil VI WPU VYAH5 WORN AT THE SEAT, BILL COLLECTORS AND AN AWFUL GROUCH tmVT ADVKlWISlNa In Tl.o TIMES WANT ADVERTISING la Ttu I1ME Will Keep the Incomo from Yo furnished Rooms from Lapaiogt YOU can roully help ttw family revenues by routing 11 fow furnished rooms and, If you know how tori whon to U80 ttio classlQod eolnniru. you may keop that Ilttlo oxtr lneoine fm "steady a3 a clock." 'U l'ut ollr "-" " xm& Uio Mnrltcl" juiccuvcijt .- . ..,. tiKrtiir vmir V'T'&S lu town. And If BV ??..,?' , wh0 0UgUt t0 a own ". iu ' MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS EAjJO-VaiLaAiagJiJIft l, WVW iCstnbllsneu in 10. n MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mall mid Coon liny Advertiser. No. 330 IU AAAi T,M, CoAHt Mini ii nui fiiKwi ii (EfltfB mm IWIWllBni"-- -"ii"WWIWlMBIiW JL ROOSEVELT IS PLACED IN NOMINATION IN CHICAGO t ji.. DunnrncsiVP. PnrtVrS t Nominee for Presidency Wilt, MIlUllluvi" SHLYLAUDED IN NOMINA I IIMU orucuri Ltrnrm Committee Finishes Draft to Submit to Con- . vention Late louay. AAOVVVV - - - nOOSIJVKIP XOSIINATKli (Uy Associated jtcbh.j CHICAGO, HI.. Auk. 7 n,,inrn Hoobqvo t wnH nomln- ittiil for tlio presidency by tlio Rational Progressive Party this Mternoon without opposition. T r Associated 1TOBB lO luu ,vva " Times). nillCAGO. Auk. 7 Tlio first floor tato of tlio National Progressive VETO MAY HOLD UP SALARIES AGAIN IIIIIII'I III I I III (By nUUDtlCLI IU TOUR COUNTRY Plans to Make Trip to Pacific Coast and Visit Forty Different States. (Uy Associated Pross to tlio Coos Day Tlmoa). CHICAGO, Aug. 7 Col. Rooso volt will lonvo for Now York tomor row afternoon. I Jo will go direct to Oyster Bay for n fow days beforo bo ginning his cnmpnlgn. Jloosovolt's lirst engagement Is to speak In Hhodo Island, Aug. lGth and the fol . ? rnvninn was nrccli)ltati'dl,owl"K (,,,y ln Boston. Ilia long ..?r"" Mn.Z fKinli'ln"" will lrolmbly begin early In mnko no rear platform speeches. SECONDJPLACE W ' . . .... ..i. .....I mill. IIia ..nlnln, iDtCd 10 KO lUlUllll nil.. v..u , , ,. ... , ,. ,.nl.ln ...111 Ion Breeches. . I ,i, - i.r...,. .,i. iinrv .1 Aiiem oi ivnnRnn iuii wiu Dosltlon nntl was seconded by Wm." nn of Pennsylvania. Timothy L. bodruff of Now York, I'ormor uov, Lr Port of Now JorHcy and sovor- fotlicrs stood by tho IcadcrB In fn- of tlio recess. Tlio motion enr- i Mcdlll McCormlck, ehalrmnn or fommlttco on rules today pro- tied tlio cotlo governing tho now lanlzntlon, Tho roport designated, i now party "Tlio Progressive rar- Thoro was objection ny somo dropping ti.o ,NnionBi." j0in n pgr 0f ew rjrlean flnnl adoption of tho rules was , c. ;j off until tho commltteo could tO StCD ASldC TOf Man ilder tho point anew. . From Ca ifomia. rule forlilddlng federal oiilco- ucrs irom silting as nsuonai com- iuy Associaicu itobb io ino uoob Day Times.) CIIICAOO, August 7. It wbb an uounred this nftornoon thnt John M. I'nrkor of New Orleans, onco spoken of for vlco-prcsldency, would plnco Gov. Illrani Johnson of California In nouilnntlou for that olllco. tttce-men provoked a storm of np- tuio which was ronowod whon tho e requiring states to havo pros!- Dtal prlmnrles which read, provld- thnt ilelegntCB to tho rrogres- i convcntloiiB In tho future should selected under Btntu laws whether by bo optional or mnndntory. Pro-! Ions wcro mado that whero stato ifs canto Into conlllct with tho rules tho convention tho stnto lnw bull prevail. Contested dolcgntea to no barred from taking pnrt In i convention until their rlcht to a It Is determined. fhc rules were nuioiidi-d nftor tho kvcntlon reiiSBPinlilcd lll'SV OX IMiATFOU.M. Xt'gm nntl Iiiimr Questions to bo Inrluilcd In It. (By Associated Press to Coob Bay Timer ) CHICAGO. Aug. 7. A Biib-com- mlttco of tho National Progressiva flio namo . Pnrty Is hard nt work todny complo- gested. "Tho Progress! vo Party," ting tho final drnft of tholr rocom motchnnKed. tho nrnvlslnn bolnu mondntlona for tho platform for tho do however to recognlzo dole- Progressiva Convention. A long con es from states whero tho pnrty foronco with Col. Hoosovolt was hold r u.iii ucen priMMiiptcu ny oppu- this morning, ii wna sum mo pini- f or m hnd boon cut to loss than J.ouu words. Thoro was a sharp discus sion during tho night session on tho negro question and It was roportod thnt n plnnk on tho subject hnd been Insortod after a closo voto. Tho 11 nuor trnfllo was also roported tho subject of a plnnk. Tin- Progrot, i.c Party platform ns finally approved by thu commltteo rtn rosolutlona and Col. Itoosovolt ...m .-I.ah ..ul IniA tlilr nflnrnnnn ift no Stntn l,n..i.i i....' ';,'. .. "B K"" "" ",lu """ ''. -, deloJV.n f. ' V 'uaa "n"1be tnkon up In tlio convuntlon ntter i.Me.'"r. e,u',, congressman', i,o nominations. '" amies senator. I'rnlse for Itoosovolt. M l!60 this nftnrnnfin rv.lnnl psevelt wn i,ii.,.n.i i.. i. '..".. litis n. I. '"" ill IIUIIIIIIllllllll the Prwldcncy by V. A. Prendor 1 01 ew York. )nsevihBPnech. ,10''nntInK Colonel dhoeSLrrra8'r?vLowc'' tho ... . " l" l,lu lorniniioii ZJOM. l" l'OB for e i , uul'nroa "my candlr fn:'..more thn a citizen, ho Is a lodif fm n thl8 nomontouB' h Wc?! d0bt whon a na-' ..... n o , how "u ii. CUI whothor It wlll.l OUllllluril uiuyuu uuiiiHaiijr 2pte4."lffl Enjoins Sherriff Gage Senate Passes Federal Offi cers Appropriation Bill in a Way That Is Objectionable to President. Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay TImos) WASHINGTON, D. C, August 7 Limited torms for civil scrvlco em ployes, tho abolition of tho Com morro Court 'and tho retention of tho llvo Judges as oxtra circuit court Judges will bo submitted to Prcsldont . RULWsTS A Tnft ns provisions on tho leglslatlvo, oxecutlvo and Judicial appropriation bill. All theso proposals already ap proved by tho Houso wcro adopted by tho Scnato today by a voto of 30 to 19 agnlnst tho opposition of Son ntors Cummins, Crawford, Burton and Lod go. Tnft's friends say ho will veto tho bill nlthough in doing ho ho will hold up his own snlary nnd that of evory mombor of Congress nnd ovory United States judgo. Such action would dolny furthor tho nn-, mini appropriation over duo since July 1. FROM EAST TO PACIFIC COAST DEMOCRATS TO NbUHUt M! WILSON IS NOTIFIED TODAY Formally Accepts Democratic Presidential Nomination at Seagirt. (By Associated Press to tho Coob Bay Times). SKAGHIT, N. J., Aug. 7 Govern or Wilson was olllclnlly Informed to day that ho was chosen at tho Balti more convention ns tho nomlneo for tho presidency on tho democratic, ticket. Briefly nnd simply, Wilson was uotlllod by Scnntor-oloct Olllo JnmoB of Kentucky who omphnslzod iir ho said that Gov. Wilson had ob tained tho honor untrammolcd by obligations nnd unombnrrassed by ulllllntlons of any kind. Though Gov. Wilson spoko ln accoptnuco the oretically to tho llfty-two mombora of tho commltteo roprcsontlng ouch stnto and torrltory In tho Unltod States, his speech sounding tho dopth of his political philosophy was .hoard by groat throngs. Prominent demo crats, govornora of many states, their families, members of Women's National Democratic Loaguo and a multltudo of scasldo folks enmo from up nnd down tho Jersey const to at tend tho exorcises. MI Pts or tho now pnrty. This sltua wists in Pennsylvania, whero ItOOSeVPlt folio worn worn pnm. I led to adopt the namo "Washing I arty." One Amendment to tho es added four women to tho na- nai cominittco as menibors-at. Be. ThO basis nf ' chanced to nrnvld mm fath COIlKlTSsloiuil i!lHt,.r. ,,,,,1 each 5000 VntpH cnat tnr Mm n. Il Ik,. . " -- " !'"- -. ...u iirvvions election, nrovld COLLECTION OF TAXES FOUGHT R?ot.moK r man in Amur ..nn n ...1' lis such -..""..." '"" """ i,ro" pheoio,n"e" '8 'or task' iTonl,.BJ,Ld.8to h"8' access writ-1 from Proceeding. COQUILL.K, Or., Aug. 7 Follow ing Judge Wolvorton'a ruling that ! .n every pago of hfc offlpini Vnr ' tho Southern Oregon company must, he ha8 fought ho wl": Pay tho taxes on its land grant hold-. ; m American llfo and conn mr ,nes ln Cooa county- Snerirr ungo the. HoRnJr." ""' conquer- took stens lmmodiatoly to collect it. ivaUsreliSXoyer, beforo ho had proceeded M tare lee a certalntTln So " far- ho was B0rV0(l wltU nn ,n'l 11 other t,.i- v,-'liiy in nopo .,. atii 1,1 rrnm ooii. re t me ir. ., ' ""? " (Ul not ,,. , .,, ... iitinn in titV.. ,s"v That task has "'"" ".b..1";" u'v ' " . 'ZZ art . . "IWI mtorm ttent lovni. 1,,u "0l""B ol l" ,UOi- "" """ URS? th task be. nJXm?' "hlcl, now own, tho Southern Ore- ,e?ha8 Bav " "f"a,T uy to prln- "." . -" -n '"." tV" T. n ,'R ., Jh of experience nnniin Ji.0i!.? lnnd grant holdings In Coos county 'i men for the dutv " nro not known hero ns tho suit wasi l.f . w iiT ll 1 r-'gnt Will Second uegun in ieuerni court ai roruunu. ;d the first , ,en,"- L,nUBy, CALEDOXf AX PICXIO Nhw Planned fr i? Bocon("ns Charleston nny. Sunday, August 11. All Invited Take Steamer Alert, and launches Alice II. and Standard. Bring your lunch. TO BE CANDIDATE Report That North Bend Will Name Him for Port Com missioner Race. It wns reported hero today that a movomcut had been started In North Bond to havo Horbort Arm strong, resident mnungor of tho Moiinshn Woodeuwnro nnd Southern Oregon companies, chosen ns ono of North Bond's two candidates for port' commissioner. It had been uiidoi stood thnt 0. S WInsor and L. J. Simpson would bo tho two candl-; dntos but n movement for tho so-, lectins of Armstrong and Simpson Is now said to bo on I Today, a petition for nominating J. A. Ward of Mllllcomu was placed In circulation. Tho nomluntlng potions of W. S. Chandler, Dr. 10. Mlngus, A. II. Pow ors, Henry Sengstncken. Duncan For-, guson, W. F. Squlro, W J. Itust, E. j A. Anderson nnd A, 0. Rogers havo been filed so far. Cooston AVnnts lu Wm. E. Honinio of Cooston was In MnrshiloM today on business and rc-j ports that a meeting of tho residents' of that tootlon called tho othor dny on matters connected with tho Ken will Tulvpliouo compnny- wna dovotod largoly cj a difcussion of Port Com mission matters. Most of thoso pro sent woro In favor of J, A. Ward and A. O. Rogors for two of tho commis sioners. They nlso thovght that something should be dono to Insure a division of tho commiPbloners for tho varlops parts of tho districts. It was pro posed to di vl.lo the wholo district into three or llvo districts, allowing Mnrshfleld find North Bend threo of tho conunlFfcluiiera and electing tho other two from thf outside. A com mittee consisting oi II. A. Ward, A. O. KJeilum! ana G. Gllbertson was selected ti. confer with tho Marsh llold Chamber of Commerce and tho North Deed Commercial Club to seo what could be dono about dividing up the con.iiilrlon. . MORE FIR NG ACROSS BORDER Mexican Rebels Said to Have Opened Fire to Cause Trouble. (By Associated Press to Tho Coot Bay Times.) EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 7 Mexican rebels fired again last night on tho United States troops on guard on tho bordor. Tho Americans return ed tho flro. Tho soldiers bollovo tho firing was dono by rebel patrolmen with malicious Intent. PEACE IX MEXICO To Meet Government Men Iteliel Demands .Madera's Itcrilgmitloii (By Associated Prosa to tho Cooa Bay TImos). MEXICO CITY, Aug. 7. nopro sentntlvcs of tho government will moot Emlllonn Zapata, tho robot leador, at El Kllguoro, Morolos, to morrow to discuss measures aiming toward pci'tco In tho southern pnrt of tho ropubllc. Zapata lias declared ho will entertain no proposal unless It contained Mndoro u resignation Split in House Majority Ex pected on Battleship Bill ' This Week. (By Associated Press to Tho Coob Bay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, August 7. Insurgency ln tho Democratic ranks in tho Houso Is expected to appoar when tho nnvnl appropriation bill comes up this week as n result of last night's caucus when tho "no battle ships" contingent prevented action by staying nwoy. Tho battleship ehamplona Insisted todny that they would tako no further action looking to a gathering of tho party but would consldor thcmsolvcs frco to act In tho Houso. Tho lendora havo ovolvod no plan but nn agreoment to nccopt tho Sonato's proposal to ono battlo ship would bo brought about It said. STILL PROBE JOINER CASE Sheriff Gage Investigating Dis appearance Arrests Ex pected Soon. Sheriff Gngo is still Investigating tho dlsnppenrnnco of Wm. Joynor from his ranch below Empire Ho went down this morrdng in compnny with C. G. Hocltott. It is understood' thnt Sheriff Gage Is going on tho theory that Joynor has mot with foul play and while ho Is snld to havo secured somo clues, ho Is endeavoring to find what has been dono with Joyner beforo mnklng nny arrestB. It was reported today that Detec tive Ghorst of Portlnnd has been pro bing tho Evans murder caso on South Slough with in tho last fow weeks. This Investigation, it 1b said, stirred up tho fooling that broko thero nmong some of the South Slough don Izons last spring and Is believed that tho troublo might havo had some thing to do with Joynor's disappear ance. Peculiar Chap. Joynor wna decidedly a peculiar chap. Ho wns nearly six feot tall, straight and mado a good appoar- anco. in laci, no was a goou juuKiug follow. Ho had a small moustache, rather sandy and had brown hair. Ho appeared to bo about thirty years old. Ho welghod probably 160, Ho apparently hnd a good educa tion, writing a good hand and bolng ablo to carry on a mora Intelligent conversation than would bo expect ed from his recent surroundings. Ho had sorved in tho army. Ho camo to Coos county threo or four years ago -from tho north. Ho told Ilttlo of his past but spoko oc-J caslonally or his mother in tho east. Ho was decidely dissolute In his habits. Ho rented the small ranch on which ho has been living from tho Simpson Lumber company. HANFDRD CASE PROBE URGED Congressman Berger Wants' a Further Investigation of Judge's Associates (By Associated Press to tho Coob Bay TImos). WASHINGTON, D. C, August 7 Representative Berger, author of tho' Impeachment charges against fornior1 Judgo Hnnford of Sonttlo, urged up-j on Attorney General Wlckershnm to- j day tho prosecution of somo of tho men mentioned In tho Investigation.! Borger said Inter that ho believed thp fedoral grand jury ln Soattlo would tako up tho question. S T AT HOSEBURC File New Freight Tariffs with the Interstate Commerce Commission Today. INTER-MOUNTAIN RATE IS REDUCED SLIGHTLY Reduction Order of Commis sion Carried Out at Ex pense of Coast. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 7 General increases in freight rates on commodities to bocomo offectlv Scptcmbor 2 aro proposod ln now tar iffs filed by transcontinental rail roads with tho Intorstato Commorco Commission. Whllo tho now rates aro doslnged to meet tho commis sion's decision ln tho Spokano, Reno nnd Phoenix rato cases and would roduco tho rates to intcrriiountala territory, thoy would materially In croaso tho rates from all eastern to Pacific coast points. Tho proposod tariffs which aro to affect all transrontlncntnl traffic woro filed by R. II. C. Countlss of Chicago, for all tho transcontinental railroads. It always Iiiih been contondod by tho railroads that these rates woro too low. Tho commission hns not chocked up tho tnrlffs with present rates but such an as hns been pos sible Indicated thnt llio incronsos to tho Pncillc terminals nro consider ably grantor thin iho reduction to tho lntor-ltoeky iiioinitnln torrltory. Countlss snys that somo carload rates to terminal points nro advanc ed on commodities which nro not sub ject to water competition to any groat oxtcnt. This ndjustmont, Ire polntc out, croiti.s.nn ndvnnco to tho tnrmlnnls but reduces tho rates to In terior destinations. Somo commodi ty rales in forco nt presont aro absol utely eliminated, thus automatically transferring tho articles shlppod to tho western classification under which tho rates would bo consldor nbly higher thnn nt present. Coun ties mnlntnlns this ndjustmont would lellovo tho discrimination ngnlnst In torlor destinations which now exist. PERRINE LAO BEFORE JUDGE Worthless Paner Floated Here IA'Ii,: i'kkmnk ok iioskiiukg, vvui uiK-aa rdjjui nudiuu nti o . sriAYEit of joxathax quick, ivu iruuu ui ouu5 nay Swindler Found. UP IX JUVENILE COURT AT COQU1LLE. So fnr, tho local officers havo beon unablo to find any definite traco of Clins, Daniels, or whatovor his namo might bo who passod bogus chocks on IX FATHER'S CUSTODY. COQUILLE, Ore., Aug. 7. ! Judgo Hall In juvonllo court mr'A,":. ""-'"i"- "V ,";..,,. i found Lylo Porrlno a dolln- Chr.rPen Ts Vennlni" and' WZX ! t Chas. Thorn of North Boia inst week. I . ,.": "", " i 7i. ;.. VpiT i. i,rtn...i i.. i. if. i.r.o.i tho order of tho court. Tho caso it bollovod that ho loft on a boat1 beforo tho chocks woro discovered to bo bogus have beon hav lonco but owing to tho bad checks will not bo tnkon beforo tho Rosoburg merchants' rnml Jury' Ju,,B0 ,In doc,d- invlnV? n J!mlSr ovnr 'nK Hint tllOrO WOS 110 OVldOIlCO alLng.a.,fin'",r Si. except that of the boy and any- having been passod thoro about tho' time thoy woro passed on Coos way tho lad was too young for v criminal prosecution ! T?n. 1. In .fin. !.. . 1 n . iltffn.nn. v.r.. .., ll o ii.uub.ll w.uv uitiu.uui. iiiuu j rinrtfTTf t r. r n r l turned tho tricks. Tho following' vVwl"", "" ""' V-"' '" from tho Rosoburg Nows tolls tho story of tho worthless paper floated there: Jerry Tuzar, who for tho past six Porrlno, tho Rosoburg boy who shot nnd killed Jonnthnn Quick of Co qulllo nt Bnndon tlio dny beforo yos- torday, will bo arrAlgnod bofore months has been in this city posing J?S John P. Ilnll In Juvonllo court ns a painter, Saturday took advan-l loon- "" i accouni oi no imi tnge of tho acquaintances ho had ' J',0"1 1 nM(l llIa confoBaoil guilt, tho of mado hero and passed a number of f clnls nro POwled what to do about worthless checks on locnl business ? ca? Ju. "al will probably men and then made a Hurried de-l take tho matter mder dv se me t parturo. Simon Cnro cashed ono of """ lu l"u """ " - the checks calling for $5.00, R. B Matthews was stung for a similar amount. Tho Now York store cashed another for $11.00 while a local bar- crlmo' V."." Wanned for .?"' ...,J N;0ki!.ro'-.twenty.nvemin- rd to ecomi Ti daniB waB lntro P of Illinois. nomination on ftsvsn, T,knl VOU havo t & Tr.VA. i,,0o 72 Pnclflc -v VO. MASOX FRUIT JAR IIUUBERS J DOZEX for 5 OEXTS nt tho COOS HAY CASH STORE. Times' Want Ads bring results. AXXUAL MEETIXO OF STOCKHOLDERS Notlco Is hereby given that tho annunl meeting of tho stockholders of the Coos Bay, Rosoburg and East ern Railroad and Navigation com pany will be held. on Monday, August 19, 1912, at 12 o'clock M , at the offlco of the company In Marshflelu, Coos county, Oregon, for tho purpose of e!ecMng directors of said com pnny nnd for tho transaction of such other business as may come beforo said meeting. G. L KING, Secretary, XO TARIFF BOARD. Houso Refuses to Permit Its Con tinuation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bav Times). WASHINGTON, Aug 5. Notlco was served on tho senato today that under no circumstances would tho houso ngreo to a continuation of tho tariff board. Provision for such a continuation had been placed by tho senato in a number of appropriation and tariff measures. DANCE EAOLE8' HALL Saturday eve., AUG. 17. L'ato music. KEY ZElt'S ORCHESTRA. No "ragging," PEXSIOX HILL CLASH. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay lior. Rimer Damntta. took n. rlinnrn; rimes.) for $5.00. It is understood that tho1 WASHINGTON, Aug 7. Tho checks woro all drawn on tho Doug- "Klt to pass tho $150,QOO,000 pon lns National Bank nnd boro vnrlous "'on npproprintlon bill wns lost by a signatures. Some of them woro os-!tl0 vot ' the Bonnto today nnd tho tenslbly drnwn ny a C. H. Miller and, measure was sent back to tho houso pavnblo to Tuzar, others wero drnwn! for a furthor conferonco. Aftor a by' Tuzar motion to ngreo to tho house amond- "Warrnnts havo been Issued for 'Vont to nbollsh the seventeen pen his arrest but as it Is moro than llko-1 sln agencies had beon lost on a tie ly Tuzar has left tho city, no arrests vote, the senato agreed by a voto of have been mado. Tuzar has beon hero 2,9 to 20 to stick to its domand that for somo time and has held himself tlio pension agencies be -retained, out as an artist. Ho has dono consld- This Is tho only point that tho houso erablo interior decorating in cafes nml Bennt0 aro nr out on. and other places It is understood that! .,,,,.,. , n ,, ... ho wns an experienced gambler and! ArrhMlti.N, A. o. u, . that when not engaged In pninting ho! has piled his skill with the cards." Mammoth Lodgo No. 87, A. O. L. TJtinr tv rnvvAt-vTnr w-. will hold tholr regular mooting i nil I r T.I . ' Thursday evening. Aug. 8 A full COPENHAGEN, Aug. 5 Tho In- atrendnnco is required. This is the auguratlon of tho Danish-American stnrt of a r01BIng campaign nnd natlonnl park In Jutland took plaeo your ilcp js needed Tho Deputy hero today beforo a hugo gathering; Grand Master for the state is horo which Includede several thousand Danish-Americans. Tho park had been presented to Donmark by Da'i isu citizens of tho United States. and wants to meet nil tho mombors. E. A. ANDERSON. Recordor.