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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1912)
IS TIME OF YEAR, IN ORDER TO HAVE YOUR INNINGS, YOU 8KB OUTINGS S 7......niuiMrJ In Tho TIMES QkmtB WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio KIMaJfl ' Will Kerp tho luconm from Yoj Furnished Rooms from Lplnp;l YOU can really holp tlw ftuilly revenues by rontlng a few furnished rooniB andi If you know how nnd when to uso tlio classified columns, you may kcop that little oxtra. Income ns "fltoady as a clock." I U iui. 1,,,iv..Iv! lI,U .. ........ nllllllt vcinr ""t ".oy"ofull"poB. ..rtnrtv bnioro fJ Atlil ,f Ible buyers ht t0 ho'.. one y p )wn ". uu , M KM HICK OK ASSOCIATED PRESS DW.1WiTTrmJMMEETCjrerB31 .. . . .1..1....I I.. tU?H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1912" EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. A CoiiHolIdntlon of Times, Const .Mull iuid Coon liny AdtcrtlNcr. No. 332 AAA T, roast Moll OI0OS mk OPPOSITION FOB PANAMA CANAL BILL IS ANTICIPATED WHEAT CROP BETTER THAN USUAL U iw.. jw&sssr Iill sanction ruiiumu Measure. AL VOTE WILL n Bfc IHfxCIV juumi nk That Broadening of Refi. stration provision Help marine. INK BECKER WILL CONFESS IDespite Denials of Police Lieu tenant, Prosecutors Hope For It. Government Report Shows It to be Ten Per Cent Ahead of Ten-Year Average. (Dy Associated Press n Cooa Dav Times). WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 0. Tlio August crop report of tho crop reporting board of tho Department of Agriculture Issued today shqws tho condition of corn to bo 80 por cent of normal, compared with tho 82.8 per cent nvorngo for ton years, Spring wheat Is estimated at 90.4 por cont compared with a ton year avorago of 80.3 por cent. It Is esti mated that tho total production of winter wheat will bo 390,000,000 bushels. Tho estimated yield per ncro of winter wheat Is 15.1 bushels. It's early condition was 89.1 per cent. The rondltlon of flax Is 87.5 per cent nnd the production 28,000,000. Tho liny production is 91 por cont nnd the production 73,000,000 tons. iiiles rondltlon was Gfi.8 per cent I Associated Prcsa to Tho Coos Day Times) i,iMiivnTn. I). C. Allg. a. i nato's nmcndinont to tho Pann- (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coob Day ... "hill to admit to milted' Timer) Lireelstry Amorlonn ownod for- NEW YORK, Aug. 0. Although n built vcssols engaged in foreign ih0 tombH prison kooierH nro Inclined l only ami pass thorn through tho .to think todny that Llout. Ilcckor Is Unilnrl Qtotne; Tt-nnne flrrlnrnrl Efrco of tolls i iU probability on tho verge of breaking down andi Un'tC? ftatS ' rPS UraeretJ receive no opposition irom mu niinoiigii inoro nro roportH w utoi uui IU oiuu naiuiliu III blnUtratlon. Secretary jvagoi who uistrici Attorney oiiico that tho pollcu TPXa? ammltlcd to tins men uchuvub h oiiiciuib uiiuer imnuinioni ror unin- Ho tho beginning of an American lIor ItoHonthiU'B murdor might turn (ijy AsBoclntod Press to Tho Coos rlnc. With mo voio uu mo um biiuoH uvnionco, neater inmsoir in i Dny Tlmos) i .mAmWnts bci lor nvo ociuck jv Biuiemoni tins morn ni; ( on- M.V , ........ - ... .. . . .."... I iifttrnoon, uio Qunniu ucki iuii iiiu irum in mo reports nun no STRIKE LIKELY TAFT VETOES WOOL TARIFF BILL SECOND TIME TODAY TT SPEECHES NOW President Turns Down Propos ed Revision of Schedule K by Congress. SAYS BILL DESTROYS INDUSTRY PROTECTION Street and Elevated Railway Employes Threaten to Walk Out Soon.. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO. Auc. 9 An ultimatum El. PASO, Tcx Aug. 9. Mexican , from tho street car nnd elovntcd rnll-j Senate Grants Requests About Campaign Literature of Parties. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlmeti.) WASHINGTON, Apg. 9 Tho Pro gressive Party made its formal bow I todny In the- sonntc, when Sonntor poinuextor, as n memuer or tno new party, asked that Colonol Roosovoll's Chicago speech bo printed ns a pub lic document. This request was fol lowed by one by Urnndcgco that i. .I., .j .. . uuui h biiuccii oi nuuucauun niiui"', ""- ...n.. . uuu u Tnft'B speech of acccptanco bo prlnt-lnctod n moasuro to Bubstnntnlly ro od ns a nubile document. Culberson ' uco unnecessary existing uuucb Steel Bill, Cotton Bill, Sugar Bill and Excise Bill to Get Axe Also. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos). WASHINGTON, D. C, August 9. For tho second tlmo within a year. President Toft today votood tho bill torcvlso tho wool tariff schodulo "K" of tho Payno-Aldrlch law. The. President roturncd to Congress the, bill evolvod as a compromlso botwoon tho Ilouso and tho Sonato, holding that tho low rates provided In It would bring disaster to homo Indus try. JIo apponlod to Congress, how ovor, not to ndjourn until it had on- deration of tlio monBiiro with tho vcnlomplntcH a ixnfeBHlnn. Ho said, bnndltB crossed tho Intornntionnl, wny employes that tho traction ofll- nsked thnt James' notification speech I "without destroying tho protection ht agaliwt Bt. the railroad owned lia. ho had no confession to mako i,,,,,,,,!,,,.. i ni. ,! ,i ,nM clala must nnswor dcflnltoly tho do- Tor tlio Bliuplo reason I have nothing i , Ql nl - mnnda of tho men for hlghor wages (n conrcsH CANADA AlSO AXKUV raiding near Sierra Dlnncn, according todll " "n. n tho hands of street rnll Ki a lologrnm to Sheriff Kdwards ro-( wny ofncinls. Tho union men declare IM. Columbia 5lny Not rjirllclpnto In 1'nlr. Ajsoclatcil Press to TJio Coos ( Hay Times) , fANCOUVKIt, H. C, Aug. 9 Ab n bit of tlio notion of tlm Senate In inl to tho Panama raiinJ tolls, kuh Columbia may decline to pnr- pateln the Panama Paclllc Kxpns-1 The feeling engendered .In bll- U fact which was cmiiluiHlr.ed by atement Of A. H. Krsklne, picrtl- Timnnhl Alrlnrmnn In tin Arnncl. of the Hoard of Trade, when "'" 'J niuuuuuiMuui, ni,lv")l urn a dispatch from Lnndnn, iitnt- Ithat Great llrltnln might jilmi ire- her tupport to tlio fnlr. DF RllT M VFttf WMM 10 KEEP I 1 I LJ 1 fill L i 1 1 l has dispatched a troop cnvnlry from Fort IIIIbh nnd may Bond n company of Irfiintry nlso. n walkout Is inevitable if tho traction olllclnls rcftiso to net on their do mane's. ed on Charges of Conspir acy and Bribery. (Dy Cooi IS WINS ; HI IS Associated Press to Tho Day Times.) .I1KTUOIT, .Aug. 0 SoiiBntlonnl duvclopinontnln tlio local, nldormnnlc gfaft .Bcandnl oceurrod today when I'roHPCiitlng Attornoy Shophard nn iiouncod that heforo night nbout 20 I nlderiucn will ho arrested on chnrgos LOAN OFFICES NAVAL VESSELS ABE DAMAGED rernor, Follower of Roosc relt.Said to Have Beaten Curtis for Senator. Continental Building and Loan Association Enjoins State Officer. (Dy Aeaoolntcd Press to tho Coos Day Tlnioe). SAK FIIANCISCO. Aug. 9. Su perior .Jiwlco Gralinin Issued n tcm- of conspiracy to defraud Alio city In pornry rostrnlnlng order todny pro uonnoetlon with their olllclal posl-l vontlng tho Huildlng mid Loan Coin tlons. Nino nldormon wovo rocontly mlssloner Wnlkor from Interfering nrrotiW'd on Hlnillar chnrgos and nlso nro Inoludod nmoiig tho -0 now nr ireHtB. It Is said tho nrrostH nro to bo tinned on ontlroly dliToronl ovldouco 'lliiiu thut which led to tho arrest of tho nluo nldorinon nnd tho oocrotnry ! Associated Press to tho Coos Da "' tho common council who nro now Times). in iinoriy on uiui rncmg ennrgos ot ,nnt i mi.iii)ihi; ititu i wuniin nih ' iuvuhu i mxa, win., Aug. 9 With ro- a.rlbo nionov for clvintr tho Wabash M from nil of tlio 10." counties J-iillrond elty property for building - vi uoeinor Mtiuus today imrposos. nio prosecutor said no bis noililD.ltlim for l'ultnil hud KtrtnOr nuinv now nvlilonres of l Senator iu Tusilny's primary, graft. Thu Superintendent of "Pollco I y,u'u muiente tnnt lie carried rmu iniuio id arrosta Dororo iioon. fl the 1C5 legWatlvo districts. TYmso newly nrrostod woro required pni. II, Tlioiuvson probably Is lo Xurnlsh 5,000 bonds nnd thoso I UtmOCratzC Kfnn?nilfil , tvlwi ntn ItmlK nfwnal 111 pnnnnnHnn luuiau an.-nrdent .Roosovolt man with tho previous rhargo were ro- luueci against Senator Cur-, leased on utlrtltlmnl ball of ?2,000 aTaltman, Tlio llnnnnvnll .nn. 'taT)iB.0i!lt'prBcUw,,jr nM n,f)11B! moxoii HiTT. noxcii lv)iil0 lliiliiti for (V (' ifimiiily TvrtcliorH lVoscnt Him Pci'rihiii Hooker DANIJON, Ore, Aug. 9 In appre ciation of tho long and faithful ser vlco of W, II. Dunch ns Coos County suporlutendent, tho tonchcrs nsesni blod nt t'tio a n mini iustltuto hero this nftornoon will pretont him a Torsinn rocker. Tho institute Is well attended and ts proving very successful. It will continue all of next wook. lie Tjesday '"in.TK ,i. maim. L(';l(U 1 1 .. ..... .-. ''liuWJciia X'..inl,mn. r::..u,,10.A"' 9. with th- caZ?fc,?!' 'ls- ?ib llcau noniltntlon tor gov tare,.?,' V0,es' Two of tho JUs want e nro ti,....!.. . . "ainej n tirgo vote. pUMClULWLWUS rOCIvIXGS OF COLD KETTOX TVnnr.o . .. . wk!EE ;" V: " A"C 9 vamoi A e Bold the fnah- m.v,5.- ..r iuu'i,..,.i nv..f nnnn tn rtn. .MffEBr'ielngX,lcUnln,r NKW YOIUC. Aug. 9 Tho old '" Aline Gordon' f v . , ' slock of tho Standard OH company of OUhe fn.v.1 ". . Vl Aev Ork. W. Tflrenv wlilnli Innliwlna nil Mn Jie Mount W8hlBrtnnig PPlo'tiUbsItllaries. sold on the curb rocent- Ut tfl ! UIUl9n hOtOl, IS U. fnn 1 ftln o ol.or n lilfrl, roonrl l!,on to Brettoa iw.m?Hc An"! PfIco- A tllla flSro tho market vnl- 'ii and admiraHnn ,,i.i 1 . twtlon of tho old company Is ono un ffl t(u.n. "yu,atlon which her n,. .STAXDAH1) OIL STOCK UP TO 91,000 A SHAIIK fn 'w;kln rtUch her, nan. market vnluo of tho old stock nround C75 a sharo. was HUa n. . ". Il(.i la. BW ..1.1UU.1 a.. .. . ? old point ..; .f'..nB cn? Whon dissolution took place tho - llOlilof.. 1...... '""" -JJ!-au Bill far .,,"' ""Oil. lr ct the LGn,rdn haa wor" Sr" PMran- ,derful "nations. &ance3rThpnTilsatonoofthe P!a u,i.' hen ''or descent of II - -! nfHiril.a. . --- -, rwtha.7 . Ina"ed by a h Th lalda"'cd all the othor further 'With the affairs of tho Con- tlneutifl Dulldlng and and Loan As soolatlon until after BOttlomont In tho omuls of tho difficulties of tho nssoclntlou, which yesterday was do olarcd Insolvent by Wnlkor. Tho order Is returnable- Mondny. Walker hnd nnnoiinccd his Intention of clos ing tho offices of tho nssoclntlou to dny but wns prevented by tho 1s BiiniH'o of tho Injunction. nnd Wilson's acccptanco bo printed ns another document. All thrco ro quests were granted. TO W 1 BDRDWELL IS WITNESS NOW IIAVK EIGHT DAMPS West Imiv ; B ll owlntr iiin ' urotliors, who have n i yb0 solden texfurS im7were bl,,,d 80 mlles of tho nsdei1 will Turn,. V,r ronrt w8t of the Notl t SXZH&- n'lsS?,0,. ready established eigh Porter Jliotlicrs Woil of Riigeno in .- . - " fciii? 111 11 1 1- : mi. .. . . .in.,.1 i .. . eona nnit- .i.7. 1110 liugono uunru Buys: -i-oriur QL Ihn .... -.-- v 111111 nil. n..n. . . ... . x . - - uiiovlnt? !-.,. . ' 1 uroinors, wuo navo a Buu-comnu-i iu Coos Day rnll- tunncl, have al- salil tl.-. .1 i ,-"" eBiuonsiieu uigui cuuiia iuuiib ...".' llml tno. tlm lino lllo. Inmla rf Biinnllpn nro leaving Kugono every dny for tho camps. "Passengers coming In on the Slus lnw auto stage last night report that they mot 18 freight teams, most of them four-horses to tho wagon, haul ing material for railroad construction work west of tho city," V ,l0 a Pair c"s,den;a b-uMwotlme-!-,f nn wear u,es,f yo.. SS'I? at ST.VF. ..T "" Niimliiv n.... '33 fent Pe' Pound. r"-ts. iii-. tff&g Times' Want Ads bring results. McNamara Trial Judge Denies Lincoln Steffens' Claims On Stand. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Aug. 9. Judgo nordwcll, who presided nt tho Mc Naniarn trial, was called today as a witness In tho Dnrrow trial to im pend! tho testimony of Lincoln Slef- rejiH. tno magazine writer. Stoffona testified that he hnd Informed Judgo uoniweii oi me negotiniions ror a compromlso plen In tho McNamara onse. nordwell today denied that Steffens ever discussed tho mnttor of plc-ns prior to tho pleading of the MeNnniains. Acocrdlng to nordwoll, Steffens tiled to discuss tho mnttor with him, but he refused, warning Steffens thnt ho could not talk about the case. On cross examination nordwell corroborated tho tostlmony of Steffens thnt tho latter had shown him nn article In n local nows- ik-dpi" prior to Its publication lo which ho had suggested alterations.! FAMILY CAT CAUSE OF FIRE Battleships Nebraska and Con necticut Meet With An 1 Accident. (Dy Associated Press to tho Cooa Day Times). WASHINGTON, D. C Allg. 9. Tho battleship Nebraska ran on an uncharted shoal near Newport, H. I., In Ft nlclit nnd was so seriously dam aged that eho lias been ordorcd toj drydocK nt tno uoston navy ynrds. Tho llngshlp Connoctlcutt broko her starboard crank shaft about tho oamo itlme nnd line been ordered to Phila delphia for repnlrs. It Is believed that the damages to the Nebraska nro serious, but thoso of the Connecticut nre not ser ious. An Invcbtlgntlnn will bo start ed nnco nbout the location of the iinohnrtvil Hlinnl, which was n great siirnrlno to the naval officers. Indorses Simpson and Arm strong for Commissioners Eastside Plans. - OPPOSE ACTION for tho wool Industry In tho United Stntcs." Tho President's disapproval of tho wool bill Is to bo followod by similar vetoes of tho Btcol bill nnd cotton bill. Tho sugar bill Is Ukoly to be votood ns la tho oxclso tnx bill, tho lnttcr probably on tho ground that tho President bollovcs It unconstitu tional. Unllko tho veto of tho bill a yoar ngo wlilch Is Identical with tho votood I todny, tho president assigns a differ ent reason, lie vetoed tno rornior bo causo It wns framed boforo tho tariff board mndo Its report. Ho vetoed the present bill becauso It was framed In disregard for tho board'B findings. President Tnft rolteratos his support ot reduced tariffs but only In caBo the protective tariff system slinll bo maintained. MANY ARRIVE Dr. McCormnc, president of tho Mnrshilold Chnmbor of Com merce, Btnted today that mom bora of tho local organization whom ho had discussed tho mat- 4 tor with woro opposed to rocom- mending nny candidates for port commissioner. Ho snld that It was tho Idea of tho offlcors thnt tho pcoplo should bo loft frco 4 to select whom thy dcslrod. RELATIVES OF VICTIMS ED It was reported thnt n meet- ,, , , - . ... Ing of tho Mnrshflold Chnmbor .H. L0,rCnZ Of CoqUillC and MrS. of Commcrco wns to bo hold to- Ron Smith Of Mnrshfip d night to consider tho mnttor hut DUI "'U' V! "Hr&lllieia ho ctntcd thnt no such meeting ' bet bail IMCWS. would bo hold. Tho North Dend ! ,.. . . . , ,, . , , commltteo woro Informod thnt ', Tho ABsoclatod Press dispatch In no meotlnc would bo held. ' 1IlG rimcsyestordny oncoming tho i murdor of tho Gould sisters near W Steamer In This Morning from Portland Leaves Early Tomorrow. Tho Drenkwater arrived in this morning from Portland after a good trip down the coast. Sho bad a fairly good list of passengers and consider able miscellaneous freight, Including another shipment of logging car trucks for tho Smith-Powers com pany. Tho Droakwater will sail at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning for Port land. Among those arriving on the Droakwater woro tho following: Mrs. E. Ryan, James P. Reld, H. W. Holden, G. 8. Mathewson, Paul Valley, Chas. Cownn, II. D, Danoboy, W. L. Wellborn, Mrs. W. L. Well born, R, Helms, Mrs. Evans, C. C, Dovare, C. W. Vltncer, Miss Em ma Johnson, George Larson, P. H. Nelson, Harry P. L. Nelson, Wm. Dlnckmore, Mrs. Emma Doyd, Mrs. Sarah Hartenbrook, Capt. C. A. Morcer, W. II. Dott, Simpson Miller, Morlo Huecke, F. G. Jones, Tom Wat I Wonvervllle. Calif.. Is of consldnrnhln At a meeting of tho North Dond Intorost In Coos county becnuso Wm. Commercial Club last ovonlng, L. J. Lorenz, tho stop-fnthor of tho victims, Simpson nnd Horbort Armstrong Is n nophow of II. Loronz of CoquIUo. were endorsed ns North Demi's onndl- Georgo Loronz, who wns with tho dates for Port Commissioner. Tho girls n short tlmo prior to their mur--- nctlon wns taken following n request dor nnd who has dlsapponred, is also from cltizons of Cooston nnd vicinity n nophow of Mr. Loronz. thnt stops bo taken to apportion tho commissioners to tho different pnrts of tho district. There was n good nttendnnco out nnd port mntters woro discussed nt length. Dr. Dartlo, president of tho club, presided. Messrs. Simpson and Armstrong woro tho only ones con Bldorod, C. S. Wlnsor who hnd boen previously talked of having docldod not to bo n cnndldnto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dandol of Mnrsh flold who formorly llvod in Trinity county, Calif., know of tho fnmllr and wero much Interested In the nows. Mrs. Don Smith, who resides at tho Dniulol homo, had nn uncle, , Frnnk L. DImmock, slnln In Delta, Calif., last Snturday by bandits. Tho first nows of It wns rocolvod by her " through an Associated Press dispatch Dr. Dartle, Potor Loggto nnd Geo. In Tho Times D. Mandlgo woro named as a commit-1 - ceo to confer with tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco about having tho Intter body Indorso two candi dates as Marshflold's sharo of tho commission. Tho tdoa was for North Dend to hnvo two, Mnrshflold two and the outlying districts ono member of tho commission. Knstsldo Wnnts Ono Residents of Eastsldo aro nlso de sirous of having a member of tho Port of Coob Ray Commission. They havo been discussing tho matter nt longth among thomsolves nnd havo called a mass meetlnc to bo held nt tho city hnll there next Mondny night I to tnko doflnlt,o action. C. E. Jordnn ! and others lmver,J;Gen Jl' Tll nedoni10 sn" this afternoon LEAVE TOOA? ON 0ED0ND0 I Steamer Sails This Afternoon With Large List of Passengers. Man Stops on Feline, Drops Lump, era, Russoll Morgan, T. M. Hnrtsook, mid Ilouso Is Diirnod G. T. Nell, C. A. Langlols, J. D. Tuck- PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 9 Whon er, Harry Carlson, G. W. Ross, Jns. Louis J. Lafayette, of 1175 Llebe Dunson, Mrs. Fred Pursloy, C. II, Din street, a brakesman, stumbled ovor' dinger, S. Reed, J, Kollock, J. Me dio family cat nnd dropped a lighted I Namara, Mrs. J. McNamara, E. II. oil lamp, a fire was started which Parker and wife, D. A. Donaldson, made homeless himself and his wlfo. Chas. Pursley. G. F. HIckok, H. P. The house was burned to tho ground. I Thurston, S. D. Leonard, H. A. Phil- No water facilities were In tho lips, E. H. Drlstrow and wife, M. L. neighborhood nnd nothing could bo Sill, G. W. Holllster, Miss L. A. done to save the place. I Lawler, T. C, Wlntermuto, Sister Tho cat wns burned to death. Mary Ursula, Sister Mary Clotlldls, When frightened, It sought refuge In' Henry Smith and wlfo, O. F. MJd the fireplace of tho house, and would trlst, O. Appleby, Mrs. Susan Cox, not come out In response to tho calls Mrs. C. H. Marsh, Miss IbIb Marsh', of Its mistress. Lafayetto places tho F. Folger, Mrs. G. W. Shields, Geo. value of his house, furnlturo and per- Prenty, Mrs. L. Hoeck, Wm. Hoeck, sonnl belongings ut $1,500 with $900 C. Wllko. H. E. Jones. A. Levy and Insurance. J, P, Squire. FOR JAIL SENTENCES Violators of Sherman Anti-Trust to Get Worse than Fines (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day fsoint.L WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 9 Senator Kenyon's bill to compel tho federal courts to lmposo Jail senten ces Instead of fines upon convicted violators of tho Sherman law got out of tho commltteo today and took Its i place on tho calendar. SPECIAL CANDY SALE at STAF. FORDS' Saturday and Sunday Car amels 215 cents por pound. An EASY WAY to SAVE MONEY Duy FLOUR of HAINES. In addition to her regular lumber 1 cargo. I Among thoso sailing on her wore tho foliating:' Miss L. Ward, Mrs. Max Roodor, Mrs. O. D. Kephart, II. Borgmnn, C. Coppage, G. S. Gordon, Mrs. H. Wlt schl, Mrs. J. E. Clary, Mrs. L. P. Hughes, Mrs. R. Potors, C. R. Peters, W. II. Werlo, J. S. Lloyd, H. Brl qulst, and wlfo, A, II. Olson, E. Pntton, Max Roeder, Miss Maud Col ' llns, Selmn Stonelako, .Mrs. A. Nolson nnd child, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Dod ford, Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Miss May Prouss, John F, Long, A. C. Gorst, 1 Jnmes Aiken, T. Madden, Wm. Hora fall, C. K. Porry, Geo. Dacon, Alor Nordl, L. Dalonezln and J. Jnrvls. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU hsvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72 Pacific Liver" & Transfer Co. CAR.MJ3LS only !J5 cents per pounA nt STAFFORDS' SPECIAL CANDY SALE Saturday and Sunday.