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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 2 U r. I 11 . We Are Making Clearance Prices n Our Ladies' Tailor-Made Smite, Silk Dresses Lingerie Dresses amid Summer Coats HI flit -vrfrf - 4-4J 4l C4TS -N C4TTl I- 44?-4rf4s-sJ -5 - O 11 " s 4A r -k-vl"T - 4-1- v .2 J M -J. .i x uu ud.ii jliiiu mc oizc- o-ijiu. otyic o.l i cu-ucu jiicd vv c cue umy in uic liiiuL ui Our Summer season You will need to replenish your wardrobe with light, bright costumes We go to the very fountain source of fashion to procure merchandise for this community Fabrics are always the best and designs are always correct in our establishment Our prices now are reduced on many li LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS Fomnneriy Foirinnueriy Foinnnierfy Fomnraeriy Formerly 4-OoOOc are eow 3SoOOo aire mow 30.00, are now 2S.OO, are mow 22.00- are now 26o7S 2 1 .SO $ 1 oSO $17o7S The most attractive bargains in this sale will be the Silk Dresses Lingerie Dresses which we have marked out for fast selling. Coming as it does at this time, the values offered will prove money-savdrs as the season on these charming garments is just opening up. It Will Be to Your Advantage to Look Over These Offerings M AGNES &. MATSO; N COOS BAY TIMES H. O. 8IALONKY Editor and I'ub. DAN K. MALONEY Nevri Editor I j tho ndvntitugo has lcng boon 'jtho stnndnrd for ndjUBtmonts botwoon lubor nnd capital but this Is bogln TIMES CHANGE. .UT horo In tho prosporoiiB west, lug to bo questioned and nppnrontly I I with Its puro air and fortllo with reason. lolds and forests and Its hapnv Slucctlnir In football la considered pooplo with oasy consclonco und Dedicated to tho lenrlce of th brutal nnd unfair, not that It does wholosomo habits of thought, It Is people, that no good cauio hall lack not hasten tho ond nnd nsslst with difficult to understand, tho positive champion, and that eyl! hall not tho piling up of scores, but thnt n terror wim which tno growing move- thrive unopposed. BUD8CIUPTION ItATES. DAILY. One year I MO Per month 60 One year moro humnno nnd consldorato public nont for popular government lini la domnndlng rulos which will allow utu ousorvou in cerium circles nnu nion to play, without sorlously Injur- Particularly In tho oast. Ing their follows. Similarly, In tho Alon About tho tlmo when nvo- Industrlal struggle tho light for m,os r I'ubllclty wore so wldonon llnnnclnl succobs. A svstom of wholo. w" "o 1'popio began witn interest WEEKLY.' I81"0 "InuBhtor of children In mills o Inform thotnjclvoa nbout tholr own WM-KLY. inna fftCtol08 moan , k Kuvornniont It got to bo tho fashion When pild sirlctly In VdVance the . for somebody, but tho ultimata d looms' ,o those with iSmwoH bscrlptlon price of the Coos Day . JJc :Jm . bus trau, i to ho good of S thoStwml.t. wuTouttff fc d i.J.B"00 l,r yar r ,2,B '"I w ml c , s to'S n unfa r ml? & '?: iff !""'- 4 : WITH THE : I OAST AND TEA t (soon EVENING. A man who docs not learn to live whllu ho Is getting a llv- Ing Is n poorer man nftor his woolth Is won, than ho was bo- foro. J. o. HOLLAND. su Times etx months. fled Into expressions of contomnt fur "tho uplift" nmong tho moro Ignor ant adherents of tho thoory Hint tlu pooplo nro Incnpnblo of solf-govi'iu niont, but among tho Informed wlii tngo of wouknoss. iMm an Tiir orwt rt 1tlirn rta rmrnJ An Indepondont Republican nows ...m, Mm ..,( r n..i ,.? papor published ovoryovonlngoxcoptlt B00II18 on,,. fnIr thnt n nmn who sunuay, ana wooKiy oy workH nmy ,mvo (locont f00(, nni, . 0, 0 r'Uzo ti V, coV aln T he Coos liny Times IMiblUtilnc O". i-lotlilnc nnd sholtor If nothlnir ninrn . ?, ronl,z l' conaui ou- ir-r i I t"lt""'t' ""'' Hiioittr, u noining moro, como 0( tj,0 ,n0vomont security hni Address all communications to - """ ""' J"i8try wiilcli enn not exist KVOn wny to tenor, and no lungiiug- TOOS DAY DAILY TI.MKS. oxrfPt nt tho cost of such comfort seems ndequnlo. : :: Ois-con , ',:? "i"". '" "l ' ' , "" '"' Tlio New York Times, whoso hys .....S.. legltlmnto eompotltlon. This Is tho teiln Hiuoad oven to nn oxnrosslon nf Eutorod at' tho potolilco aV Marsh-. TI'' stn,"a.nn, Vo. "slating goiu.lno four that tho nation would Held, Oregon, for transmission!";"'""';".... "V" .. .,.""". ""." ?r""0 over grnnieii suarago MnrMilU'lil :: :i : th mnll rough ho mails as second class! ?m'v ,tor,nln "1,,01 '" tl10 Bt"'BBjo " women, has resorted to "exports" ll mutt - c'""jfor exlstonco and If they nro nblo to wrlto, with a spilnkllng of sclen- in nmn... to do this, the gniuo of buslnoss will tlflc nlluslon, more or loss ambiguous uui.ivs or tin: cjami: bo lontrollod null liumnnlzed as woll dlntrlbos ngnlnst tho movement for ns out nimiBomentB nnd sports. popular govornment mid nion who ( nmy lio lending or liavo a part there- A XNV ISSl'i: , ' f course, It is tho principle rather than the nion thnt Is aimed ut Till: prohibitionists of Indiana In l"wover bitter may bo tho specific umwMitton sot a new mark for t'cl " Individuals. "Mcddlosnmo nnrtv doIIpIoh wknn timv n.innfmi rofoiiiis," "nttneks on our social Tho contention for i ln ,,u'11' Plntform n plank which ad- structure," "cheap and fnlso soclnl- tuniieu "tno improvement of men ' '" i,"ji'u ' i'u vihusmiii tin el Till-: old contoiitlnn thnt tho best human development Is brought about through the moat rigorous cnnipeiltlon und struggle for exist ence Is becoming modified in n mini her of ways 1I..1...V ...i.v r. . ... ...., .... .it....i..k..n ... " ...7. :.V7...v:. .".: ". ... .r.".. .riiuul womon ns tho behest nntlnnni " uo Key io uio nninius or '"'..'""'r: ..""". ' "8l ?'B" V B "u raiworvntlon." This Is taken nB '"""J nislns products of the blr To tlieo y o rZrmors wl o ad vniu-c,l action, and Is perhaps tho w , IfI , vJ!l T "S.! " II"' by any political party to approve .... ,.t.tll 'eftl' BlBiUflcnnt thing .......w ......n "t'ri" mi'bvh Mi'Mti ., .,,...,.. , .... . i.i.n iiriiiiiiuu. ntrniiiHr nniiiuni the assumption thnt ovory workor Rliould huvo enough to live decontly This Is in direct contrast to tho long estublUhed practice of determining wages each party to n contract doos his best to boat the other for his . " "" ' ""'' ,. "8 " m own advantage. This element canl! JSiin ,?J f'' , V, Wl,lc,h fn.vora. tho not bo nbbont In a degree from any: 'llc l'rforvntlon of natural re- ,.,.,, .,.i.ih,m, PiM.nira ut mo I'oumry Hut the old Idon that a workman L,,!'1"';, "'8" w,oro Inlroiluced do could bo forced to starvation trm, no.,.lnc1' K .Polysomy nnd tho social with no right of protest Is being bo- , ,a .VS"? l Z .8UI,JV0SS," rloiwlj quoBtlonoil. and tho nowor ?,? unlform Inwa throughout liuiuwn 12 111 lrmttilntr ifltl i .1. " 0lHlu i---V OVVlH(, If till lil HC" volopmout In other directions. Just iih sports have boon humanlod to a grout extont slnco the old gladiatorial contests, ami tho rulos of any gnmo are uudo inoio and mote lluidly In ravor ot tno dom oirort or each In dividual, so ln buslnoss we are bo giuiiliijt to demand certain restriction-, for tho provontlon of the abnso iiKiir of tho woakor or the undue nd (in kc of tho unfortunate. This spirit of legardlng the rights of eory man to tho oxtent of giving him at least an ndoquiite salary to llv ui. is not nocossnrlly opposed to tho Men of a struggle for exlstonco. It li iih rely an .itteinpt to make tho llgl n humane one nythlng to get In no v. tllle production of human tlmm.... eiument is omno.uod In tho nttou brods. t,on P"'1' to Knguet. said to bo n The Introduction of such a plank J'Sv ')?(,?imy ,"0,",,P!:: wl,01'8 "- cnusod surprlso In tho convention V,0rlly for U, Jec,a.rnt,on tlmt It was brought In me olv Si i'0.??? .PI ..". ,et' ." viutiuj- uiui iiiiuauvo win do oiimiunt ed and our civilization will beconio "a stagnant pool." What Fnguet may think about democracy Is not Import ant! It Is not oven Interesting, Hut It Is significant that ho has beou Biintched from rcasonahlo obscurlt in iranco to voice tho protest of speechless Americans ngalnst tho In sistence of tho people upon taking ovor their own government. Thni uio limes, ropresontattvo of thU class, resoits to Fnguot. In Its turn. Is not Important; but It serves to Il lustrate most clearly the ndvnnc whlch tie popular movement Is mrn- Inir ' I.MI'ATIKNCi:. Wnlt" do you sny? Hut my nrms inlrly ache for you Och, but tl.e waiting Is dreary iiud long! Sweot, tho old heart of mo's ready to break for you; Suio, and the wish for you's grow ing more strong! Faith, I get mad for the sound nnd tho sight of you, Ay, nnd tho touch of your bond o.i my breast, And tho feel of your baud and tho klsbos 80 Iluht of vnn "Wnlt!" do you say? and "It's all for the best." "Walt!" do you snyr Uut I'm bun.. Ing with flro for you, Crying nloud for you nlghttlmo mid day! And my body nnd soul nro athrlll wmi uesiro tor you, Wasting nio swiftly and suroly nwny. "Walt!" do you say? Is tho heart oi you numb to mo? Whoro is your pity, lovo vanished nnd flown? Och, but I love you; oh, como to ma, como to mo! "Wnlt?" do you say? Hut I'm wanting .My Own! Soino Coos Day pooplo aro llko books tho bct thing about thorn Is tho biiullng. n snonklntr hopo that somebody will hnvo a stroak of generosity und glvb us enko. O.V TIIK OTIIKIt KM) Toaciior "Don't sny 'How it is rninin'j' rronounca your '." Klttlo Girl "1 know, touchor." Tonchor "Say It again, coroctly." Llttlo Girl "Goo! How It Is ruln- ln" Judgo. Wo nro nil willing to bnttlo for tho right. Tho trouble la that right seoma to bo all things to all pooplo. Ho who fights and runs nwny U duo to forfeit all hla pny. It Is n heap easier to decplvo our Holvoa than It Is to docelvo'nny one elso. "It" OP A liOTOFOmCM Tho names of nearlr one-u!0 offlclulB of Coqulllo fcfilntMll us follows; Llljcqmt, Udi iyons, i.vncli and uiri Lowla Is not without the nM tho twelfth letter of tbeilpSiM his name. Jtather a pculurti atauco, and, what li belltr.ln nmong tho foremost la totklti) tho advancement of our (ilrtij-j Coqulllo Herald. Xo ono enn spoils. keop a secrpt that You Al'TO ee fiOIXG 1 1 VICY'S PIANOS before job Uj. Dig DANCi: nt KJIPinRiW DAY, Jl'XKH. MuilClJMii orchestra. Midnight lupptr, I he man who thlnka before ho speaks doesn't hnvo bo much mini "iitliig to do nftorwuid. We are ofton limit in ti,,. ,ii,,.i, i,.- the light roinnrks of our associates. lOvery girl knows whoro there Is sp endld material for u world faiuoiu uctruss. "IU.KST ItKTIIKTI Onroutto nnd Matilda Ed- JTHATDIN'DS" Countv Clerk Watson Issued the following marriage licenses durlntr I1H Wl't'K ' K. wards. I.eter T. Doinont and Mnbol C. Adams. Andrew O. Rrlckson and Edith I. G regie. Geo p. Jonscn and Anna G. Colo brook Coqu'llo Horald. If you got t e OTIIKU KKI.T.OW'S 0T bring tho goat to GOINO .V II KVF.Y nnd trndo It for a PIAXO. Try Tho Times Want Ads. Somo Coos Day people novor toll a I they know because, they prefor to choose subjects on which hoy enn Every woman expects to have gray hair, but stoutness is tho Inst Indlg nlty of a malicious fnto. Somo coos Day men nro fond or a d nnor nnd a dnnco but hnto to pay olthor tho grocer or the fid- Mlv-I i ou can't mnke very grent prog ress with your own work whon ou glvo so much grntultoiiH oversight to your neighbor's. INDECISION.. Old Jii3)or can't ninko up liU mud: ho looks iiifmvi im i..i,u i,. . hind, mid springs n grist of hems nnd s and quotes a string of nncloiit saws, ond asks udvleo from Dick and loin, and gets no benefit thorofroni. lies ulways on tho ragged edgo; ho mnkes a plan, and thou ho'll liodgo, discard It ror another plan, and then on thnt ho'll tlo tho can. Whon Jab per stalled ills careor propitious gods woio smiling near; ho had mom chances to mirp,n,i .!., .,.. .,.,. backed mortals need; but nlwnys ho ".,. ..uiii una nnw. nnd shv ac .";. . " ' tw, and pnuso 10 lead the book of rules, and nianufnc- uio obbtaclea. And Jasper, ns we go 10 press, is Rlim-tlnn- ........I ... ....i " IUII1IU 111 KIL-IIL ing From Jeering nt "fanatics" to on lUtlnm tho Fnguet definition of do mocrncy ns "the cult of Incompt tence" inny not Indlcato n siirrondM of conviction, but It does disclose th. flold on which opponents of populnr govornmont intend to tnko a final stand, DLATrilFOltD'S CALF MEAL nt HAINES Somo Coos Day men keep their fn"!11,1??, '" 1,ot wntor bec"s the fuel bills nro so high and somo nro hot bocauso they can't got tho water. THE WISE OIISICnVKIt SuV J ; Somo of these ilshlmr iin,iva Z cnm.i rii. r- . - o "i nil "ah-ohoJl.d,a..m,gllt beUer bo Tho Coos Day band boys do not Piny the races but they play for them. Whon wo nsk for bread wo hnvo uess. no-a been abandoned by "Is fi-mi ; tho si orirf lovled on Iij cow; no has no place to sleop or ea;; tho coppors shoo him from the. street. I llOVer hntl nn lnnlr lm o.i w,',tU lla whlbkors wlpoa his eyes, ij all tho fates I've been nccurst; i.wor,la ha8 '''eked mo from tho list. i seo lots moro. from dny to lay, nil 1-ended down tho sumo old a.v. Iho lane of Indecision goes RAILWAY DATE WALT MASON. ':,' t'NE H. Music by KEYEIPS chestra. You are Invited. ., Jon 1IEAKD A ItAILWAY UF- ' " ,,?'!i1l' bring It to GOING &. n.ii i.vs nnd trade It for n Pimm. NOTICI- N'OTIPE Is hereby slreathil! slunntures of nn actual miJOf&H tho whole number of 1i!to!mJ r.nlfoulil Prcplnet. In Cool I Hint.. ,if n'PL'in. liave twa oVj) In the milliner required by l'' N. S:ilrla. to n peuuou two- Mm rv,,,,,lv r'nnrt nf COM P State of Oregon, prajlogtbitj X. Shrln bo granted a "" Bplrltntnis mnll, ana Tinoi nnd fer, i itcd elder, In Wf loss than ono gauuu, "r- potltlon Is In the worm "' following, to-wit; niwi'Kinv mi) MOI Oil LIO 1',. (1,., lli.nnrnhe COUUlr C1" Coos County, Ststeof Off.- I Wo. the undcrs'gnea. i r mid nctunl residents oi .....!...., ... .1... PnnntVOfOxA'' in ruin, ... inu --' ...w. J of Oregon, respectfully ff iioiiorame mum v .j r-,..intv stnto of Oregon, to Pl IlceiiBo to J. V. SWrU ton3 ,.... ...nit nmi vinoui HH"W . ferineiitcd elder, In q", thnn ono gallon, in u .. i r,.. n.,,,lv state 01 """ CIIICl. I. mis """' -.,),, (MiP r,. n, ..orinii nf txmontM'' eighth day of July. Ml Said business to be S tho wo-story irarae u"":r w .. i. ..nionstcorner oi " Dlock 22. on tl.e w Mj,i street. In the Town ol :UW Tlriiniln KOl'll . i-.l A. Knlna H&- C. E. A. SIcstreemH.R-" .' Jim Slestrecm Ch Clnudo Noblo CarlK jw R. A. Humphrey 0. & , Alex Uarison -: mKi Oscar Hneamnkl "blIpr Fred Knii C. J. Johnson Honry Lnl.ninn A. Llndros Alex, nelson Fred Muetzel a ,i.mif nienn II. S. Poppelbaura Chas. . A. F. Johneon " " ,11 r T. nlmlnn A'r.tmai. Wm.'wilklns . w:i',i,itLM Notice iBhereWPW! July, 1912, PPV ' 'cBiff. county touu "' -,leen8e. ., i of Oiegon, ior.Buwv, gfliiu r- i, .. i. linnc""'- win p. wo. iwr William Js s.J '-,