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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1912)
feffl2MBBNGAjW0DUSTENER'' IS ALWAYS A DANDY ASSET Lyr ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES f iii rat Your Ileal Estat "In OIuos Sa Ottawa hfl Market" Effectively! WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIME Will Keep tho I n co mo from Yooj Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really holp tlw fatally rovcnuci by renting a low furnished rooms and, If you know how and whon to ubo tho clnsslflcd column, you may koop that llttlo oztra Income as "steady as a clock." ! ,, .ill DUt the fact about your it beV ,ho ?L0' of Ri' ',po?: fe'iTV them who ought to a . 'ou " "" MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED TRESS ,xxxv Kslabllslicd in 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGQH FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1912 ivENING iu Tho ConstMnll EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast .Mall and Cooa Bitjr Advertiser. No. 278. l 1 1 ii sin rinnT ri ft 1 1 k i n ! . M n hird nnoi nuunu in m m WAH AHA NH H M PRIRFS P N IIESIED DELEGATIONS TODAY Lai Republican Commit- i unanimous in Hiauama Decision. NK STRENGTH IS ABOUT ay iu di imuw ator Borah Makes Futile: Fight for Roll Call on bacii uuesuoii. ,! AMiliUi ' v By Associated I'rcsR CHICAGO, Juno 7 Tho on- L Alabama dologntlon of 21 Etci l now ere lltod to tlio Tnf t loan. Tlio fliiuiunni couunii- t decided against nil tno (osevclt contpats from thnt hit. Tno oniy dissenting voio v THINK TEDDY I Campaign of Violence Starts in prooKiyn and Many Mcai Markets Are Forced to Close. (By Associated Press to tho Coos liny Times.) NEW YORK, Juno 7 Tho women P edged to wniro wnr nn tlm i,ioii will mm HOB OF EXPLOSION Roosevelt Expected to Come to Chicago Next Week to Di rect Campaifjn. (Dy Assnclnted I'rcsa to the Coob Day TImos.) CHICAnO. JtlllO 7 Tlin nrnanW lllfll fnl lln.nii..ll . . ... ........ u,. iiuuButuu inuy como 10 UM- cngo noxt week to direct Ills cam paign for tho nomination hold pol the tonnnlttoo was In tho do- 'tlcnl ntloutlon whon tlio day onon- lon on tho ninth district whon i', tho exclusion of tho Ropubll- , Toto was 38 to 15. ;ran Notlonnl Commlttoo affairs. V'1" ll,t) rtomnnd fr publicity con- i-uuiiuu uy mo commltteo yostorc ay. tttf ?? uuuiuvuii ionucrs rncotl ,ltKXS.S I'Olt TAI'T their dellnlto tost of strongth In tnk iDy At:oclntod Press.) ' l"B l tho Alnbiunn eontost today. CHICAGO. Ill . Juno 7. Tlio l:!C3t over ilulegnlps nt Inrgo, er voles, was decldod In fnvor I Tift by n unanimous void. iTbe roinmlttco voted unnnl- fcmly to reject tho hrlof of J. Comer, or i.iiuo hock, who the Roosevelt contostuntH ha Arknnrns as contnlulng Ijectlonablo Inngungo. Twelve Killed Outright and Scores Hurt When Powder Factory Blows Up. (By Associated Press to Coos Da Times.) VIENNA, Juno 7 Twolvo soldlors and workmon wore killed and scores were Injuroil today by tho explosion of an ammunition factory nt Wolncr Neuetndt. UN PI.AX TO AID ALASKA ED S T SUIT IS OffER Aluminum Combine Agrees to Decree Cancelling Illegal Contracts. (Dy Assoclatod Pross to Coos Day Times.) PITTSBURG, Juno 7 For tht purpose of destroying tho allogcd monopoly of tlio so-called aluminum trust, an agreed decrco was ontorcd In tho United Stntos District Court hero today against tho Aluminum Co. of America. Tho docrco nhrogatcs tho allogcd unlawful contractu and restraints tho defendant company from negotiating similar pacts. Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlmou.1 bICAGO, III., Juno 7. President Iron tho first of tho contests for In the Itepiihllrnn Nntlonnl con- ha heard by (ho National com ic when a voto of 53 to 0 (n mom decision) on tro contest I Alabama's six dologntOH wan de lta favor of tho "Long" dologu- Tno first voto was viva vooo, for riornh asking for n-yoa nnd bote though ovldcntly thore woro ppiivcs. Ills request was com- I with nnd was confirmed by n ilaous decision. fc voto In tho ninth Alabama nd was tho first real tost today libowed tho following llftcon i for tlio Roosovolt contcstnntH: Rht of California, Dupout of ore, Borah of Idaho. Lowclon of nli, Durnham of Kentucky, Kol- oi Jiinncsota. Rosawator ofl run, Mttnuor of Toxno. Flnnnl- Isf Novailn, Ward of Now York. In of South Carolina, I.ooso of I. Dlober of tho District of Col M. Thorsen of South Dakota. "tj of TonnosRoeo nnd M. J. larger of Louisiana. Tet of .StroiiL'tlt. Nnltteo nriiln dofontpd thn inii- Icf Senator Honih of Idaho whlrh ft enable eight members to ro- 1 roil call, Tho number now P' at 20. norah'a motion was by a viva vnrn. This rrqtill illlzed tlr linnrosalnii tint (ho P 13 vote of yvstordny really rop- ivLiuvo -itui anu nnii- trOHCtll In Mm nmmtillton. Fn from South Dnkotn nnd Miln nro generally accredited to -irollettii iniorostB. Puiur iiurii Rnld lin Irnnw llin.n.,.. .....i.. . t. -' ". .,, v. ..,-, .... IIII.-IBI.I.l. V.. ...." Time hrd tho votes to seat any Linn wn nnliold by tho decision. riTA. i .)...... . r. .. ' -..'.. .."" "---.-- . ., .. - it uiBiruu. 10. MHt "JO.UUll,- Tim InrlSdlCtlOIl 01 lUO uoiuiuiiw-j eopie nro watl'lilm; thin nn in m It- r, . ...,.. nn,,,nlnlntu nf shllinors 08 fCSflon." lin .InMfiro.l ...,.! ...i. W .'. U U .' .1 '. w,.,lrn,l liv tllO .. " ..v.,.. . ... ....I, i wen as over ihudu iwh"'.". - SM.w0rn .'? c.,ear' U W,H be Commission through nfflrmntlvo or wa mat all tl-o Intorests nro not I ,or8 for rollef, was denied today bj .VortliuoNt Development Congress l'nvirs Self Oovernmenl lily Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SBATTLB, Juno 7Tho North west Development Congress today adopted a report of tho commlttoo on resolutions asking for Alnska tho right of solf government nnd tho development of that region and tho enactment of measures by thq states which shall mako mora dangerous the business of fraudulent real cstnto operations. SS WIIRK RAILWAY RATE ' MUST BE S 1 Roads Can't Haul Railroad Fuel for Less Than Is Charged Patrons. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Tlmes.j WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 7.--Tho U. S Supreme Court reversed to day tho ommorco court's doclelo which would hnve allowed tho rall roads to carry railroad fuol coal at !..... mAa tiinn commercial coal. in tit I .-.- - . t'ommorco i uihhu- 1 fair treatment." 1 mOtlOn Of Konntni- Panrnon Ihn ! Of ArlzOtln U'na iinaiml mmn In iRfpiibllean National commltteo iaier dnv. WlESKXT- TAIL'S NAME Q 0. Hauling of Ohio to Nom- Ilinlll Pnwlilnnl Associated Press to Tho Coos .... "ayTImea) uji Bl'S. o.. Juno 7Tho tho Supremo Court. 1IAIK AND 1IRARD STOLKX Vnudal Tubes Half. I.envei Unlf, a Vlctlm Sleeps in Park. SAN FRANCISCO. Call., Juno 1. ' Whon Andrew ueeiso, a miiuni Unrdener! strode Into Colden Gate Park last night ana siu u. ........ JHIK liio. ...I." " ,- .. , ,a, hour's nnp ho uoasiea n nu M President Taft will bo .ro-l "nnInrto any hair tonic nnd a board - j me Uilcngo convontlon bylt,nt foii to hi breast, ino b- a. Harding, former llout-'nnn 6t In the dock In tho court of governcr of Ohio. Harding J Paitco Julo Shortnll this morning. need todBy that ho had accept- but his appearance was nuic comnlsilon. V1LS0NVins OUT Camllnu Domocruts Indorso uui ma .ii'i'". ,.. t,iD ehnnced. The hair on one nine u. .... heart had been, clipped ti , ho scaV nnd hnlf or his uenru " . ""ni1"'; -. chnrKed with vagrancy His Candidacy. Ho hadheen arrets In Golden Hate .... . trvintr rnr an nuiir ." " Associate 1 Press to Tho Coos ' . i..o, trvlnir for an hour n Tlm I '"n'"Ky.. .' ..! itnnneil to CSZO KpGH. N. dTjune 7-An all' hlm and pas on th lMht.r. ieS :'! 8t?'? Democratic C hft nUe on the park bench r. 7 i"'lo oigm aojognies, nfter his summer " .- -- , f to Daltlmore and by a voto j?n0 work of a mysterious culprit and ,' to -30 endorsed Gov. WI1- lo sat still with the oontont of o n Hcan-lUa-y, ucie4. Tho delegates nro Bay hncini two niSTitiryrs Wins In Contests Over Two l)nl.......l AMoc'a-,1 Presn to Coos Tlmno EA1. IU- Juno 7Tho first dM I'-'rlc-ts of Alabama woro 2i l Taft- The Uoosevelt del n'tne second district were glv- fJBQt to go beforn tlin rnnvon- icaseR Tote waa unanlmouB In Hnnc ." lU0 nrsi Aiauarna caso Miwsevelt sldo waived argument ,no sat Sim "".":..:.;-,,oa,,0.,n(i whn has nil tnat ne cmm ...-.- -- nnv of an officer and looked In a STl?rop that he learned why he had neon tho ob'ect of so much levU. ""judge Shortnll gave tho nnfortu nnto gardener his liberty. .rItMKI.S .15 CKXTS per jKiuiid nt STAFFORD'S SATFItDAY nnd SUNDAY only. White LEGHORN W'MiKTO FOR SALE-TAUFF GROCEKY CO. TO C01ITTEES More Plans Made for Big 4th of July Celebration in Marshfield. Furthor plans for the thrco days' colobratfon of tho Fourth of July In MarshDold nt n meeting of tho genornl commlttoo on nrrnngoments last evening woro mado. Various phases of tho celebration woro dis cussed but tho detailed program for the big ovont will not bo comploted for somo tlmo. R, O, Graves who has genornl charge- of tho colebmMou urged ho special committee to h careful that their expenditures d.i not exceed tho amounts apportioned to them. Dr. McCormnc was assigned gon oral cbargo of the spanking program on tho Fourth which will bo hold at tho Masonic Operu Houso. Jay D. Tower was appolntod to tako cbargo of the auto parado. Fred Wilson was given gonoral cbargo of tho big Liberty Car for tho parade. W. N. Ekblad was selected to tnko charge of tho trap shoot for which 1100 has boon appropriated. Dan Keating, chief of tho Marsh flold Flro Department, was solectod to tnko charge of the hoso races and contests. Prof. A. L. Darker of tho Marsh field High School Is also planning to assist In tho Hold sports and will probably do much towards getting n good flold of entries. Last ovonlng. It was decldod to try nnd god M. G. Coleman of tho North lifend Motor Dont club to aid In tho boat races and water parado. Messrs. Frank Smith nnd Anson uogors. jr., have promised to assist nnd with Mr. Coleman's cooporatlon, It Is boliovod this could bo made a big feature. Last ovonlng, nn appropriation of $50 was made for tho organization of a streot show on tho, minstrel or der by Jay D. Tower and others. .Inek Flanagan. Will Dungan, C. S. Dodge and Vlnco Pratt will probably assist In this. .... , It was decided last night to havo Ion rolling contests on the third nnd Fourth. On the third, tho prlzos will bo 520, $10 and $G and on tho Fourth tho prizes will be $25, $10 And $5, The prizes for the tug of war which will bo held the Fourth will be MO and $35, TEACHERS EXAMINATION NOTICE U heieby given that th. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT of COOS COUNTY will hold tho regular examination for applicants for statu papers in tho COURT HOUSE In Co. nn He. commencing Wednesday, Juno 19th, at 0 a. in., and continuing until Friday. Juno 21st. at 4 p. m. iriun.ju.i w. h. nUNCH. County Superintendent. CARAMELS .S CENTS per pound at STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and SUNDAY' only. prices of stnplo foods started n cam paign of vlolcnco In Brooklyn todny, directing their efforts against tho meat shops. Several shops woro at tacked and somo dnmngo dono. Doalers woro warned against, contin uing to offer meat for snlo. Eight shops obeyed tho ordors of tho houso- wiveg. HEAVr TAX 01 S Bill Introduced to Make It Ex pensive to Keep Weapons of Any Kind. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, Juno 7 Repre sentative Slsson of Mississippi has proposed a now law to curb tho wnr- liko spirit of tho Amorlcans nnd In troduced a revenue monsuro which would Impose n heavy tnx on "gun totors" nnd vondors of dondly wea pons. Ills bill stipulated that from July 1, 1913, every such weapon stored In any wnrohouso, wholcsnlo or retail establishment In tho Unttod States must boar n rovonuo stninp which will cost $2.50 nnd 2Ii por cent of tho vntuo of tho gun in addi tion thereto. WILL TO! TO OUST HANFORD That tho tolophouo oxchango at tendants of Pnrls aro much older than thoHO or tho United States Is snld to account for tlio fact that thepj Is greater delay In securing calls. LEAVE TODAY Impeachment Proceedings In stituted by Representative Berger Today. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 7. Representative Dorgor, a Socialist, began Impeachment proceedings to dny ngnlnst Fedornl Judge Hnuford of Sonttlo, WnBh., who recently de prived Leonard Olsson of that city of his citizenship because ho wns a Socialist. Dorgor charged Hnnfonl "With high crimes nnd mtsdomonnors, i long sorlos of corrupt nnd unlawful decisions nnd with bolsg a hnbltunl drunkard." Ho askod that tho Judlnl nry commltteo Investigate Tho De partment of Justlcu already Is assist ing Olsson In nn attempt to havo I Inn ford's decision reopened. Tho Houso adopted Dorgor's reso lution directing tlio Judiciary commit- ico to mvcstignto. TO SEND U. S. ARMY OT 510 MEN TO CUBA SOON Preliminary Arrangements for Dispatch of Troops to Island Begin. FOUR BIG TRANSPORTS ORDERED IN READINESS Several Forts Instructed to Got Men Ready for Trip South. Jul.Ml .MOHK .MARINES (Dy Assoclatod Pross) SANTIAGO, Juno 7Tho Un- Rod Slates gunboat Paducah landed fifty mnrlnos last night under lieutenant Philip Torroy at tho El Cuoro mines nnd six- ty marines undor Cnpt. On Ico 4 nt Pnntti do Sal. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TImos.) WASHINGTON, Juno 7Tho gen eral staff of tho army Issued prepara tory ordcra today for tho dispatch of a military expedition of llvo thous and troopH to Cuba. Four big army transports now at Newport Nowb whoro ordered to bo put Into com mission, provisioned nnd supplied. Ordem woro also sont to nrmy posts nt Plattsburg barrackB, Forts Porters, Nlagrn and Governors Island, Now York, nnd Fort MePhorson and Oglo thorpo In Georgia from which tho troops bo Hiippllod. Tho expenses of tho City of Loi. don havo boon greatly Increnscd by tno inauguration or n oiiBtom which Insures every mombor of tho police force ono day's rest In seven. ENJOIN UNION ALLIANCE FROM STRIKING Steamer Sails Early This Morning for Eureka North Sunday. Tho Alllnnco grilled nt 2 o'cIock this morning for Eurokn. Sho bad (tulto a list of through passengers and considerable through freight. Tho Alllnnco Is scheduled to re turn bore early Sunday morning and sail tho samo day for Portland. Among those sailing on bar woro tho following: J. W. Mooro, Mrs. J. W. Mooro, ... A. Dowo, F. Lawronco, Frank Moro land, Miss Agues Hutchoson, Antono Anderson, M. A. Cohon nnd W. D. Hutchcson. VIOLENCE IN BOSTON STRIKE Walkout of Employes of Ele vated Lines Results in Serious Clashes. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times). DOSTON, Juno 7 Vlolonco mark od the beginning of tho strlko of several thousand employes of tho Boston Elovated Railway at daylight. Tho men on tho strlko ask recogni tion of tholr recently formod union. Tho street rnllway sorvlco on tho el evated Is oporatcd about half tho time. Half a dozen arrests havo been made. TRIES TO ASSASSINATE 4 PRESIDENT OF DIET (Dy Assocatod Press) BUDAPEST, Juno 7 Count Tlsza, President of tho Lowor House had a narrow cscapo from assassination in tho Diet today. Ho was fired upon tbroo times by Doputy JuIIub Kovacs who then shot himself with pro- bably fatal result. BUDAPEST. Count Tlsza was uncathod. Kovacs was ono of tho militant mombors of ?- the opposition among those - ejected from the chamber Wed- nesday for dlsordorly conduct. NEW DANCING CLASS begins Saturday at 2 o'clock. Prof. ISEGGS will recolvo now hoys nnd girls at Odd Fellows Hall. The Jolly noys of Hunker Hill will give a social dance at Finnish Hall Saturday, June 8. Everyone Invited and strangers especially welcome and assured a Jolly Time. Good music. Heads of Railroad Organiza tions. Restrained From .Causing Walkout. (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Juno 7 Judgo Hugh Drogy n common pious court todny Issued nn Injunction restrain ing tho fedornl commlttcou of tho Brothorhood of Trainmen, conduct- ors, Flromon nnd Engluoors from tak ing action that tuny lead to a strlko on tho lines of tho Pennsylvania Rail road east of Pittsburg ami tho Erlo because of ullcgod grievances 1 N AT D Large Number Attend Knights of Pythias Reception There Last Night. About soventy-flvo Knights of Pythlns assembled at tho reception tendered by Poseidon Lodgo, No, !5, at North Bond last ovonlng In honor of Grand Chancellor Frank T. Wrlghtman and Grand Kcepor of Records and Soals L. R, Stlnson. Tho recaption was Iu tho naturo of nn open session of tho lodgo. Messrs. Wrlghtman and Stlnson epoko ou Pythian work and develop ments nnd woro followed by Com- mnndor Geo. F. Ross of Myrtlo Lodgo, of Marshflold. Prof. Davidson ron dored a couple of piano selections during tho evening. Following this session, tho assem bly adlournod to tho banuuet hnll wbero a sumptuous banquet was HOME TROUBLE TODAY Eight Ncgroos Attack Isolate! Vill age In Cuba. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Buy Times.) HAVANA, Juno 7 Early toda.y eight nogroes attacked nnd burned n vlllago on tho Guantauamo West ern Itnllrond, eight ni'les from Gunn tnnamo, whoro a garrison of ono hurj. drcd American marines nro" station-' od, Tho negroes woro armed, with rllles and nttnckod tho Toledo Sugar mill at Marianas, a suburb of Navn nn, but woro hold back by private nrmed guards. Tho tiro continued until tho cavalry summoned by tolo phouo from Camp Columbia appear ed and then tho liiBurgonnts lied. CASES END IN LOCAL 10D0T Charges Against D. L. Foote and A. Erickson Reported Dropped. Tlio last chapter of tho cased of D. L. Footo nnd A, Erickson who wero nrrostod with two companions nt tho Hnlllday rooming houso tho other night has been written, no cording to tho olllcors todny L. A. Llljoiivlst who announcod tho otlior day that thoro was not likely to bo any furthor proceedings unless Mrs. Footo Insisted on it had Mrs. Footo subpoonned yostorday to appear boforo him at Couulllo. She did not wish to mako any charges against hor husband nnd mado an nllldnvlt to that offoct which linn boon forwarded to Mr. Llljoiivlst. City Recorder Butler stated this aftornoon thnt Footo had paid flno of $lo nfter ploadlng guilty to n chargo of disorderly conduct, Mr. Butler said ho did not know why tho charges of dlsordorly conduct wero preferred against Footo nor anything nbout tho caso but ho said ho undoistood thnt Mr. Footo's $100 ball money had boon returned to him. In fact, ho profossod much lg noranco about tho caso. Marshal Carter oxprossod surprise that Mr. Butler said Mr, Footo had boon lined, Howovor, ho said that his Ignoranco might bo duo to over work affecting his montul condition. Mr, Footo says that ho wan a vie- -- --- - , ill! . UWIU UUJH h ( V IIU f I MH law served. A. H. Dorbyshlro presided I tjm 0( drcumstancos In tho affair as toastmnstor nnd cnllod on a num- nnd thnt ho wns entirely Innocent bor for Impromptu toasts. Among iof nny wrong-dolug. Jlo saya that thoso responding woro F. A. aoldon,' no oxplnlnod tho matter fully to Mr. C. H. Broulllard, B. E. Rlggs, Edgar, LUJoavist. Ho also says that ho dls McDonlols, Frank Mlllor, C. II. Wor-, iijjos the notorloty which wan given roll. Elmer Russoll, Archlo Phillips, tho nffa r nnd n be was anxious M nt . G. Rnab. C. A. Smith, Phil Four lor nnd Mossrs. Wrlghtman and Stln son. LUMBER FIRM IS FORMED I'm (land Capital Incorporates Tide water Mill Company. SALEM, Oro Juno 7. Tho Tide water Mill Company, or Portland, which Incorporated horo with a capi talization of $300,000, proposos In Its nrtlclos to conduct a gonornl lum ber buslnoss and reserves tho right to construct railroads nnd oporato navigation companies. In this connection It states that Its terminal for navigation purposes will bo Floronco and Portland, Ore,, and San Francisco, Call. tho matter bo brought to n closu as soon nu possible, he entered n plan or guilty to the charge in tho city recorder's court. Saturday Is DISH PAN DAY. Sale opens sharp nt 10 A. M . M QUART GRANITE DISH PAN It's worth a $1.00, but now our limit is 13c. Invostlgute. SEE OUR UTNIIOW. PEOPLES H-1 0-l He STORE SPECIAL candy SALE nt STAF FORD'S SATURDAY and SUNDAY CARAMELS J1H CENTS per l'Ol'XD. H TEDDY ROOSEVEIT wero lit town he. might trade bis BIG STICK for a PIANO at Going & Httrvoy'j..