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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1912)
liJ5R!UOAUU0JAKE YOUR AIR CASTLES BECOME REAL pKIlTlSlNa In Tho TIMES l?! v-r llel EsUto "In f,,r...L..i. RfrccUvely! nut the facts about your lii"". V-. lio eyes oi mi v"b- . . hllllllD urti v .: it. InWD. Ana II w?f thorn who ought to k . ono v- -. ... ftirfUH""' OlnoH $mj ttites M KM It Kit OP ASSOCIATED PRESS WANT ADVERTISING la TIio TIME Will Keep tho Incomo from JTov ' Furnished Rooms from Lapshtgl ' YOU can really hdlp tlw funll'y revenues by renting a fow lurnlad rooms and, If you know how afid whon to uso tho classified columna, you may keep that little oxtra Income as "steady as a clock." tCitabllilii'd n 1U7B Tl, con hi ninn HARSHFIELD, QREGOW SATURDAY,7uWE 8, 1912-EVENING,EDITI0N, EIGHT PAGES. AIN OVER HUE SE CARD GAME IN VIRGINIA A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 279. nunntinn nt Poker Lin Heavy Loss of Life. I oaay. ,aic ARE ARRAYED pT MOUNTAINEERS , Camp at DantaVaJust .rtnnnc(;nn Line. IS jV of Conflict. ,-dited Press to Tho Coos SVILLB, Vonh., Juno 8 A ii'iu . I mw onvii twnn- :.?"' ss ' . . - onnl pniiin. Alln- InrtN Over u v... u llBounUlnocra woro nrrnyod Loch other. IHP?"; I, mn.intnln- i!ltl, ennrswu "'" "- ," Ki cheating thorn nt cards. ,iie orougui mw " i"" P ....i.i n dnvn Inst hln Ufa. Kjrt victims wcro byBtnndoro. rrOLR VAULT RECORD lllt'rl&htof Dnrttnoutli IircnkH Old Rcconi xounr. titled Press to tlio coos uay Times.) BHIDOB, Mass., Juno 8 In b.i nines horo this nftor- Ttul A. Wright of Dnrtmouth t i cade a now world's rocoru joietiult hy cloaring 13 foot, UN. TAMA MILL BURNED TODAY St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Sustains $500,000 Loss Today. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) TACOMA, Wnsh., Juno 8 Tho plnnt of tho St. Paul & Tacomn Lum ber Co. early today was damaged by flro with a loss of $500,000. Tho plant was Insured but a sorlous loss from tho Interruption of business will bo sustained. Tho ciuibo has not beon dotormlncd. FRANKLIN RAO ROPED AGAINSI NOPE AEL CONTESTS DECIDED TODAY IN FAIR Df PRESIDENT TAFT Important Evidence in Favor of uarence Darrow Brought Out in Los Angeles Trial. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Tlmos) I.OS ANGELES. Call., Juno 8. In tho Darrow trial today, tho dofonw brought out an Important point dur ing an attack on Bert Franklin's tes timony showing that Franklin hnd gononbout protesting tho Innocence SAYS FLAG IS NOT HONORED of Darrow after ho had made tho con fession to tho prosecution and oven hftor ho had testified ngnlnst Darro,, boforo tho grand Jury. After a long series of questions by Attorney Appol tending to draw from tho witness his reasons for defending unrrow in public after ho had testi fied against him boforo tho authori ties, Franklin roplled drnmntlcnll : "I hnd hoped against hopo that Dar row would bo able, to clear hlmsolf of tho chnrgo and continued hoping so Jlri.-V-ll-8ruBn---'" PREAGRER HELD 1 FAER 29 LOST DSASTER UEIt VOTE IN JULY Ifnrtkslly Completed tor Ac- lion July I ited Press to tlio coos Day Times). tootON, Juno. 8,ftnnB Wly completed tqunyfor it to voto on (be Lorlindr ictfWalr 1. ! USING ILL SLOUGH hat Chamber of Corn ice Favors New Plan CA.Smitirs Views. It meeting- at the Mnrshllol.i Pr of Commerce last ovonlnc. Itfoii was adopted favoring tho I; tf Mill Slouch from tho onst II Broadway street to Sovonth f ne action was taken nftor n fkitthy discussion of tho mut- klch J. A. MntRon, Dr. Mc- Mhr Doll. Dr. Lesllo nnd "Wtlrlpated. pwolutlon nlao stated that tho - COmmlt'ca In rhnruA nt tlin iould tako It up at onco with innncu anu re wlint could b "Cat It Thll rnnimlttiin nn. jDr Leslie, I s Smith, Alva urimei ni a l E. Alloi.. probably fjo It up wltn i Jiona y niKlit'H mee.- 'Iej tho quo Mon of cIohIiir 'VI Ot MM) S Imo-I. nt-' t!oa between Ilrondwny nnd y-iad the operJiiR of Curtu ttarough to t'o watorrront 'IT i,a out la'ori Tl, c,os- .mKu Wiu necossltnto tho CUOll nt n ln.. ... it xiii h2. abuttlK Property ,hn ..... Sir Voa,etl hy 0i"intlnB :,." Ul " "lougn, win pay i7k.i .rl20"ur nU tlio prop. m iUtrlet will bo assessed 'U1 LA Ana n. It.- 1 ,ik .. KK U1U l'rouioms io outbythn city council.,j,.sV,t.WSi. tiiD,8..Dr' McCormao read -"lne letter frm o a cs...,ii. aim., """ v. n. oiiiuii Wse to II tnln.r.,.., ...I.l-i. r i.v.I -'""iu wiiiuii nr. -"Indent hln following tho Doctors Vm.M days so I recolvod CQT'e? V,! ,,eol,le,, edtft it. . Hvuiiiio eouiu i,,Tv? 'h.e wVprfront. Wei Z W?.n was sent for in "'", requirinK any Urn ,n wr,, yoil Ut iliht 1'hit "'''pvenlnR, which li i-io WPrn d,'OBatod to ': n'T1 "wrdlng this iulZsUe o tho water- ,. "QOrlraen imooii.iii.i I'll lnmi '"'"n'tiinen. li tiani li1 dePth botweon mf h"llt "P to and In L5 'hlS ObceHon n,m..l.l 1., -'lnated;aUhough,ev rilKNCH SUII.MAH1NK SUNK IN COLLISION WITH IIATTLKSIIIP NEAH CHICIUtOUItG TODAY. (Dy Asaoclatod Press to Cooi Bay Tlmos.) CIIERBOUna, Juno 8Tho now French submnrlno Vcndomlnre .was sunk In n collision with tho baitlo rthlp St. Louis.. Tlio submarine iS cut in two. It Isfriflrod tho wuole 6row of twcnty-iilx wiis drownod. Colonel Randolph Says 0ld"te "Klljfe,,?! ' Glory" Is Not Respected in lYlexico Now. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bny Times.) LOS ANGKLKS, Call., Juno 8. Killing His Father-in-Law Last Year. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) NEW SWEDEN, Mnlno, Juno 8. Colonol Espcs Randolph, prosldont of Qn tho chnrgo of murdor, Rov. Chns. tho Southern Pacific railroad In MoxvEmollus, a Luthornn minister, was Ico, declared today that conditions ' nVrcstcd horo today. Ho is nccusod could not bo much worso than thcyl i. , i,mi. i... ,n,, i nnr aro now along tho wost conBt In thnt ' 4f hnv,n5 Mod fathor-ln-law, country. Whon asked If It wnn una. i Kugiist Jncobson, Juno 17, 1911. Lo- slblo for tho American government to do anything to better conditions, ho replied, "My oxporionco Is that tho American flag means nbroad." cal authorities nt tho tlmo pro nounced Jacpbson's death a caso of Rlilrlcln tint ronrf nnntnMvnn nt Mm vory llttlo attorney gorioral's off Ico maintained lie was murdorou. BANDITS ATTACK CASIP Several WouudtM In Kight In Old Sfcxlco Todnr. (By Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Bay Tlmos.) GUADALAJARA. Juno 8. Th.. camp of tho Clnco Minns Mining Co., a Now York corporation, was nt- tneked by bandits who woro repulsed utter a fight. LINES ItKSUME SERVICE Itoston Elcvntcd 11ns Cora in Opera tion Today. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Time.) BOSTON, Mnss., Juno 8. Aftor n night of complete suspension, owing to tho strike, tho Boston Elevated which two woro , Hallway company resumed, tho opor it. In killed and uo'verni on each sldo .wof 6 jfltljjn of all Us surfneo. elevated nnd wounded. RuralM and state guards , tunnel lines today with n decrVand hrc pursuing ttrt bandits. W 1 FOOTE TRIAL Petition Asking That Prosecu tion of Murder Case End Circulated. Petitions nsklng District Attorney Goorgo Brown and Doputy Prosecut ing Attorney L. A. Liljonvlst to drop tho prosecution of W. It. Footo for tho murdor of Chas. Wilcox nt Co qulllo aro being circulated bore to- day. Tho potltlons nro on pnniou 1 forms nnd It is said, that thoy will bo . circulated tnrouguoui tuo couniy. I' Tho petition recites that tho petU , tlonora bollovo Mosars. Brown and Llljoqvlst hnvo dono tholr duty nnd thnt tho oxponso of another trial to tlin rnnntv should bo avoided. . JiiBt who startod tho potltlons ln i circulation Is not known. V. W. Roll Hold who wns circulating ono of tho I potltlons unld thnt tho petition wns ' slvon to him by n strnngor. R. O. ! Graves, ono of Footo's nttornoys, Biild thnt frlonds of Mr. Footo wore responsible for them, i W. R. Footo, tho nccusod wns In I v t.n.1.1 .. .... I..a nn lllA fVlinaf Ct AllirSIIIIUIII JINHUIUUjr n i" mw-v w. his son. D. L. Footo. Mr. Footo shot Wilcox Inst Jnn nary, charging thnt Wilcox hnd ruin ed ono his daughters nnd nttomptod tho ruin of another. Wilcox wns sec iinn Vnnmnii nn dm local railway nnd hn.l n vtn mill child. TIlO shooting I occurred In Coqulllo. Tho first trial I . ..!. ..i.ln.l In n ilia. Or KOOtO insi IIIOIllll imum "'"- ngreed Jury nnd It wns expected thnt it would bo brought up for trial ngaln uoxt month. then, I bollovo that tho streets open ing to the wntorfront should bo some distance apart: but ns tho situation W in MnrghfloUl, whoro the ilocKinjj tnust bo nlongsltlo Ilia slioro. I enn not help but bollovo that it would !o n serious piJstake, as, of course, oven tiifl eouiiell could not permit nny part of h ship to Ho In front of any street which Is open to tho water front, it dooi soom too bad thnt s excellent opportunity of sGCurlng h vory important work of filling this sUiugh at this tlmo could not be toko-i ndvnntngo of. With ninry regards, I nm, yours very.SMITn AVTO 'STAfiK 'or 1JIWIX "J! PORTLAND b.V way of ALLM.A- starts Sl'XDAY n.ornli.R. 1 " MAItSHI.MELDatr,:)a..lKMJ DAY therenfU-r. '" L8i C2 . EU for tickets. CAPl'. ! L AVARDS. , MASOv'fRUIT JAR RUimERS SPKriAL CI I DOZEN FOR 25c. COOS RAY CASH STORE. BREAKWATER IN EARLY T Steamer Brings Large List of Passengers From Portland Sails Sunday. Tho Breakwater arrivod In this number of carB. HIGH TO 10 Large Number Attend Unveil ing of Huge Memorial Shaft In Washington. (By Associated Press to Coos Ba morning from Portland after a good j WA8HINaT&, jjno 8-Tho Un trip down the coast. Capt. Macgonn led 8tnt08 , payng homaBO todny to reports that the last trip from Coos tno dlscovoror of Amorlcn bjr unvoll Bny to Portland was tho roughest ho Ing n magnificent momorlnl fountain hns hml In many months. Asldo from erected noro uy uongross io vriaio COL ROOSEVELT S G T Says One of Alabama District Was a "Rank Steal" Plans Statement. (By Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) OYSTER BAY, Juno 8. "Thoro H ono district in AInbnma which rcpru Bents n linked theft," was all Colonel Roosovolt cared to say today regard ing tho work of tho Republican Na tional committee In Chicago yester day In deciding tho contest. "I can't say anything mora about It now," ho continued. "It is too Important. I shall proparo a statement about It Inter In tho day." Col. Roosovolt In dicated tho statement would bo pop-pory. VIEWS OF FLYNN RooHcvolt Lender Reaches Chicago Early Today. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Juno 8. William Flynn, of Pittsburg, tho Roosovolt lender whoBO coming was heralded by reports of posslblo demonstrations in and about tho Republican Nntlonnl commlttoo headquarters, arrivod to day aud declared that tho rumors which had preceded him woro loss substantial than thin air. "I am not hero to .start a rough-hoiiBO, and 1 havo no monkey wrench to throw Into tho stoam-rollor," said Flynn. "I nm horo.Rlply (ti do what llttlo I can to further tlio nomination of Col. Roobo volt." Flynn declared that whothor Roosevelt would conio to tho conven tion doponded on circumstances. "It his friends ndvlso him that his presonco Is necessary or doalrablo, Roosovolt will como to Chicago," said Flynn. Tho question of n posBlblo bolt by tho Roosovolt mon wan parted by Flynn though- ho eald "It all depends on tho outcomo of tho contosts. It tho steam-roller crashes nlong with out regard to Justlco, It will bo time enough to think of thnt question." n stiff head current, tho waves woro running high and spray was tossed ovor tho boat. Dosplto this, ho aver aged hotter thuu nluo nnd a half miles por hour. Ho said Portland has noon cxpcri pher Columbus who oponod tho por tals of this liomlsphoro to civiliza tion. Ono thousand visitors crowdod tho city, according to estimates of committees conducting tho ceremon ies. Half thnt numbor nro nioiiibora mminir rihiio vorv warm weather. It of tho Knights of Columbus nnd gnth being DO In tlio snaue tnoro mo outer oreu io give muuiu iu wiu punuu ui dny, their order. President Taft dollvor- Cant. MncKonn hns received a cop ed an nddross and ln recognition of of tlio recent Order Issuod by Supor- tho nllcglnnco of Columbus to tho vising Inspector John F. Bulger, of King of Italy, tho Marquis Cusanl tie first district, relative to pntfeen-j Confnlonlori, Italian ambassador to ger ships carrying deck loads, n , Washington, unvollod tho memorial, ALABAMA UP AOAIN Senator Dixon Scores Committee fo Their Decision. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Juno 8. Tho Aln bnma cases In which tho Roosovolt dologntes woro "Turned down" pi'om Iboh to como up ngnln. Sonntor Dix on's Btntemont Inst night that "Tho thoft wns cold-bloodod, promodltntod nnd dcllbornto" in this caso has In tensified tho fooling betweon tho Taft and Roosovolt ndhoronts ln tho com mittee Tho statomont hns aroused considerable resentment. DROP TAFT HOARD Republican National Central Committee Seats His 1 Delegations. "STEAM-ROLLER" DOES , THE WORK IN HEARINGS Not a Single Contest Decided in Roosevelt's Favor So Far. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III,, Juno 8 President Tnft was nwardod tho two dologntes In the, third congressional district of Arkansas ln tho first decision of tho Republican National Commlttoo to dny added to tho eight from thai stnta and tho slxtoon from Alabama given him yesterday. Tho third dis trict decision was unanimous, tlio voto being 51 to nothing. Tho fourth Arklnsas Taft dolo gntes woro seated by a voto of 48 to nothing. Committeeman Dopont of Dolnwaro who thus far has voted with tho antl-Tnft people mndo tho motion.. In the fifth Arkansas, two dolo gntes woro credited to Taft. Com mitteeman Durnnm'a motion tose&t both factions with n half voto to each wns dofentod by a voto of forty io ton. In tho sovonth Arkansas district two delegates woro.crodltod to Taft. Tho third Arkansas district con test over two dologatos was uhanl inoiiBlydccJdod In Tntt'a favor. Tho 'sixth Arkansas district wan uncontested and clnssod "Unlnst.rucU fjd." " "T " Senator Borah, who has thus Tuf, led tho Roosovolt contingent, was not present this mornlne, ovon by proxy Florida to Taft Florida's first district, two dele gates wera glvon to Taft. t - Florida's second district's two-4l- ogntcs woro also glvon to Taft. Florida's third district's two dele), gates also wont (o Tnft, giving Tn'ftj all tho contested Florida dologatca. 'Georgia Cwo Up. Georgia cases covering tho ontlrd stnto delegation of eight In all, was takon up this afternoon. McHarg said tho Roosovolt stdo would Ilka to present all cases nt once on ono genornl lino. Formor Sonator Chan. Dick, Taft's attorney, objoctcd .la such a consolidation, Tlio committee docldod to tnko up tho Goorgln caso' Individually. TAFT GETS FLORIDA Roosevelt DcloguU's Turned Down Hard in Committee. (By Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Bay Tlmos.) CHICAGO, III., Juno 8. Tho Flor Ida delegation nt lnrgo, nix dolognte, , was credited to Taft, tho voto boing unanimous. Mr. Chubb nu Nntlonnl committeeman domnnded a roll call. "I want this committee" ho snld, "to sit down on such dnmnablo ciuitostit ns those." Tho motion to seat tho "Chubb" delegates was unanimous, ' 1 1 to 0. TO NOMINATE CUMMINS uys tlio order does not affect tho lumber schooners plying to Coos county norts. Tho order was aimed nt vossols carrying largo shipments , surmounting tho fountnln. of fruit on the upper iloclca which so crowdod the docks that It mndo It relonslng tho hugh American flags whoso folds clung to tho grnnlto shaft nnd tho marblo stntuo of Columbus CLASH IN CUBA difficult to handle tho llfobonts. Tho ymxv Negroes Killed and Four Sol lu m nor 8CI10011UIS iujwk " arranged dlfforontly nnd tho deck loads of lumber do not Interfere with the llfobonts. Tho Breakwater will snll nt l o'clock Sunday for Portland. Among tho Incoming pnssengors on the Breakwater woro tho following: C. Tcchn, Mrs. Techa, Mrs. Lamon... Mrs. Trcnnor. L J. Treanor, George Trennor, A, R. favls, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. H. Carlson. Miss E. Browor, H. M. Brown, F. N. Irwin, Mrs. Irwin. D. w, Freomnn, Thos. Freeman, .rs. Freeman, W. Preoman. II. Fl'oomnn, V. As p iind, F. O. Weeks O. A. Tib ue1, O. Nelson, P. L. Lawwn, E. Lnwen. E. T. Dybeniafi, V. K Kl'". Jr 11. Gohlstone. John Hnyden, Mr. Freeman. O. A. Cogatl, J. O. Ma caulev. J. W. King. G. D. Unlght. Miss "Gcoree. Miss C. Holmken, Mrs. II. llelmken. Mrs- T. Larsen. Mrs. L. Stftuff Helen Hatflold. P. P. Quia., Mrs N. O. Wolander, Mrs. Qulst, C. j Townsend. Dr. W. Pomberton, C. fliers Wounded. (By Assoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Times.) SANTIAGO, Juno 8. Tho govern ment troops encountered tho Insur gents at Caridad del Rosarlo and In tho skirmish four negroes wero killed. Four soldiers wero woundod. OLD WOMAN BEATEN TO OAST OUT DEVIL LONDON, Juno 8 A caso of "cast ing out tho devil" from an old woman is reportod from tho Swiss vlllago of Nolrmont, near Gonova. ' Tho peasants of the village, whoso cattle had become ill, accused an old woman living nlono of possessing tho evil oyo and casting spoils on tho cattlo. Sho pleadod InnoCOnCo In vain, and tho credtttottS poasants ap pointed n doldgato to caBt out tho devil from hor. This man me tho old woman and thrashod hor severely. Ho has boon tried and sentenced to two months' pay nnd - 111llAn II unnillllll'll I. Bansch, o. u. u"i """""""' imprisonment nnd ordered to T. Yaroa, W. Hausen, II. Minor, u. , iniiomnity to tho old woman Smklch. E. W. Steolo. k. -leciH.. -. y- Laiuont, Mrs. Veddor, Miss V. Edd. " " : , ?. O. SMdjirom. j NV Sandstroin l l.oacaor, hi- .'"""-:-, . ,,av .ii'VK h. Music bv KEYZER'S 1 Tllnl.'aiITl!7 1L. 1 1UIVU ll.fal I '-, --- --- I i.An,n 1 .Inlirht annnnr I UlUllVbll U. .,.V4..b..v .(')"" 1I1K. 1'.. I IVI1'.I ":. n O nee Hughes. Anna liugnos. . a. Shlrck. A. R. RWIoy. Annlo Sml th, Iv. Wllholm, L. Raftery. J. P. Shnolf, v Paonn Mrs. M. Pnnn, P. Wnhl, N Taklel. h. Marn. W. J. Haydo... a! Swanson. B. Rosco, C. Rna-neanelnnowlch. Photographers' supplies. WALKER STUDIO Portraits ln water color. Walker Studio. llousttltcfiihCH Appropriation for Tar- I It ""sitttlitli.uf itf i (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay Senator Keiiyon of I own to Present "Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, Juno 8. Tho Hombo todny votod 72 to 47 not to Includo In tho sundry civil appropria tion bill tho monoy necessary to con tinue President Tnft's tariff board during tho coming fiscal year. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN Swedbh Llnncii Society Holds An nual Election Tho Swedish LInnca Socloty at Its annual mooting this weok decided that It should tako part In tho Fourth of July pnrndo. They elected tho fol lowing officers for tho ensuing year: Presldont Chas. Frodollus. Vice-pres. Cnrl Magnuson. Roc. Soc Hormnn Erlckson, Fin. Soc. Axol Anderson. Treas. Victor Johnson. Master of Ceremonies Peter Er lckson . APPENDICITIS IS 1JLAMED FOR CHANGED TE.MPER MUNCtE, lnd., Juno 8 That thore Is some weird, stango 'connection be tween tho appendix and good tomper la tho bollof of Mrs, Nottlo Franklin, suing Arthur Franklin for divorce after 34 yoars of.marrlod life. For 29 yoars, sho soys', sho and hor hus band llvdd togothor happily, and then he was attacked with appendicitis. In an Andorson hospital tho appon dlx was romovod nnd nftor that his wholo disposition changod, sho sots forth In hor petition. MASON FRUIT JAR RUBBERS SPECIAL DOZEN FOR 23c. COOS HAY CASH STORE. LADIES'Siiniiner UNDERWEAlt nt MONEY-SAVING prices at tho COOS RAY CASH STORE. follcnuiio's Name. (By Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos. Bay Tlmos.) DES MOINES, Iown, Juno 8. Son ntor W. 8. Konyon mny nomlnato Sonntor Cummins In Chicago If a plnn discussed by tho Sonutor'n frlonds horo todny mntarlnllzeu. Konyon Is not n delogato but no diffi culty Is expected In procuring a proxy, for him. CONGRESS TO ADJOURN Recesses Planned for Nntlonnl Con vention Period. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 8. A scries of threo dny rocossos In tho Senato during tho noxt two weeks -to covor tho Republican and Domocratlo conventions Is probnblo. Confer ences on this courso woro hold by lenders of both sides lu tho Sonato chamber today. TO NOMINATE HARMON M. A. Dniiglicrfy Will Present Ohio Governor's Nnuio (By Associated Pross to Coos Ray Tlmos. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Juno 8. Gqv ornor Harmon confirmed tho report thnt M. A. Daughtorty, an attorney of Lancastor, Ohio, would placo his namo beforo tho Baltlmoro conven tion, LADIES' Summer- UNDKRWEAU nt MONEY-SAVING prices at the COOS HAY CASH STORE. Draughtsmen supplies. STUDIO WALKER Soo tho now stylos of Photoes nt QUATERSIASS STUDIO.