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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 19T2 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES JOILV A. LOHAX i WAS HKA.. lOl'XDl'H OK M.'MOIUAL DAY M. C. MAI.OXI2V Editor nml Pub. US K. MALONEY News Kdltor G' Dodlcntcd to tho sorvlco of tho pooplo, tbut no Rond causo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not Uirlvo unopposed. EN'ERAL JOHN A. LOQAN wai tho rcnl founder of Mcniorlnl dny. On May 5, 18C8, ho was commander In chief of tho Grand Army of the Itoptibllc nnd ns such gave tho order thnt Dccorntlon dny bo generally colebrntod on May 30. HUIISCIUPTION KATES. ' 0" """"J" i0V " Into (loubtlow DAILY. wns tllnt ,l wns on AIn- 30 tllnt tne Ono year J6.I0 Inst Union volunleer of tho war was Pr month BO discharged. WEEKLY. Qoncrnl Logan was born In 182C, n.m wonr 11 r.n'sorvcu in congress irom Illinois as a Whnn nnl.t ntrlnMv In n.lvnnrn thn I DoUglnS DOIUOCrnt, resigned to gO .. wa ! u...v. .u, vv I 1. .. ...u t..-1.A A t.u.. tl-.i subscription prlco of tho Coos Day , ? "'' "'.' 7",,'v "L .' '".'J l? "u 'V.i Times is J5.00 per year or 2.G0 for '" ""'" .1. mnntlia IHBl Illlllll.ll, An Independent Hepubllcan nows pnpor published overy evening oxcopt Sunday, and wookly by Tlii Coos" liny Times Publishing Co. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Wnndiflcld :: :t :t :t Oregon Entorod at tbo postofflco at Marsh Sold, Orogon, for transmltaloB through tbo malls as second class mall matter. MEMORIAL DAY. PEACE. Oh, draw usldo tho drapery of gloom And let tho sunshlno chaso tho clouds away And gild with brighter glory every tomb Wo docornto today. and DonolHon, being wounded at the commanded tho comer hoforo VIckahurg, beenmo military governor of tho city nftcr tho su. rendor, sorvqtl for sovornl yenrs In tho United States Senate nnd was n cnndldnto for vlco president wlt.i Illalno In 1831. After bis defeat he returned to tho Senate. James a. Dlalno snld of Gonerul Logan: "Whllo thoro have been moro Il lustrious military leaders in tho Unit ed States and moro Illustrious lead ers In lcglslatlvo halls, thoro has, I tlilnlc, been no man In this country who has combined tho two careers In so omlnont a degrco as Qcnornl Logan," I WITH THE t t TOASTANDTEAS , ' GOOD EVENING. Sny not always what thou knowest, but always know what thou snyoth. Claudius. OVER THE HILLS TO TIIK POOIt HOfSL' our paper-wedding nnnlvorsny, and I'm going to wlirlt just to splto hor." Capt. Macgonn says: "If all our deeds wero written on our foroheado, sonio of us would wear our caps very low." TUNES OI' MI-TV YEARS AGO. rings And sllenco rolguln porfume bless In tho holy round, Whllo nrnyers of tho atmosnlicro Whero loyal souls of lovo nnd faith nro found, Thank God that pence Is here! And let each angry Impulse thnt may start . Bo nmothorcd out of overy loyal brenst, And, rocked within tho cradlo of tbo heart, Lot every sorrow rest. James Wnltcomb Itlley. ANOTHER year has rolled around and nnothor Memorial Day Is at hand. Prom bolng a purely patriotic holldny, Momorlnl Day 'a now becoming moro and moro a dny wjion all the dear ones gono before nro remembered nnd honored, us well no the Roldler. It is n time when all tho pooplo of this groat country puusi. In their work for a brief porlod of tlmo at this most beautiful Hcasou of tho year, to pay loving tribute to their dead. Kvory nation In nearly overy ago linB obsnrvod similarly somo dny each year. The time tho IlomnnB sot apart was from February 13 to 21; thoy called this Keratin. All work us rai ns possiblo was sot aside, and food of nil kinds, mid wreaths of flowors wore placed oh tho tombs. In China nnd Japan thoro oxlsts tbo anclont festival known us tho Kenst of t'o ijuuiui ii, un (ins uar H1038 Trno "By fours right mnrcbl" down tho lino. From troop to troop It flics, Tho bent forms stralgbton; thoro comes tho ohlno Of tho old light In tholr oyos. "Ta-rat-tat-tuml" throbs tho turbu lent drum, Whllo tho wild flfors shrill nnd blow, And tho tunes thoy cry as tho ranks go by. Aro of fifty yonrs ago. Old "John Drown's nody" "Guldo right thoro hop!" And "Itally Round tbo Flag!" Tho hoarts of tho marchors keep In stop, Though their old foot halt and lag. "Tho (llrl I Loft Dohlnd Mo" sny I novor hear that air Hut I think of tho day mnrched away And loft Hor standing thoro. ' "Tho Dnttlo Cry of Froodom" Dill, Did you hoar how the baud blared out "Tho Battlo Cry" when wo charged tho hill And took It with n shout? "Ynnkeo Doodlo", "Tho Picket Guard", "Gono at Tholr Country's Cnll" How thoy tako us back through tho years, old pan!. And how wo lovo thorn all "WVro Coming, Father Abraham" job, coming us of yoro, And whon wo pitch our flnnl touts Upon tho farther shoro WVro suro "Old Abo" will greet us thoro. And tho boys wo usod to know, liavo passed on, thoy bollovo, comoAn(1 wo'" nonr nbovo tbo songs wo lovo Of fifty years ago, J. A. EDQERTON. TIIK DULUTII PLAN. back to visit tholr friends hero, mid whon tho ovonltu; comes, n little boat, with a lighted lantern, Is launched on tho HiMBhoro, to tako tho soil I back to tho spirit land. Tht Jour des Mort In Franco Is tho . day the French cover with flowers' A AJ option rocontly Duluth tho graves of tl-olr frlonds nnd rein-1 J ndoptod nn amondmont to Its tlve. Up lu tho Alplno vlllngps. , clmrtor providing for tho Inltla- wrontns or evergreon and flowers nro, mo rororonuiim and rocull. Tho woven, and these nro placod on tholvo' wa8 moro than four to ono In Knives All SalntH' day. In tho oven- 'ftVr of tho amondmont. A year ngo Ing a lighted lamp Ik placed ut tho Duluth abandoned a movomoiit fur foot of ,ioh friend's grave In Hug- tl10 "ow rulo bccniiRo of tho opposl land, tho Inst resting placos at both "" f ' politicians to destroying Kaster nnd Whitsunday nro covered tno ll ward form of government, with flowers. Throughout the rontl- '?ut In adopting tho amondmont for nent one part of All Saints' day Is nl- u, lw:l' nnd tho Inltlntlvo and rof. wnya devoted to decorating tho roniliiin Duluth hns robbed tho old Krnvn I form of about ovorythlng thnt mado Two claims nro mndo for tho origin ' "o attractive to tho politicians who oi tne day wo ceioiirato In tho Unltoil ( "Pl'oseu mo commission plan. maies. uno cinun is tint n 1SU7. Over tho hills to tho poorhouso, I'm sotting n sizzling paco; I'vo mortgaged my homo for an nuto, And I'm playing her straight and for plncc. There nro others well up In tho run ning, Hut I'm holding my own, you bet: I can seo tro roof of the county farm, And I'm going to get thoro yet. Of courso, I can't afrord It (Thoro nro very few who cnnl, But tho family whined about It, And Insisted I wnsn't n mnn If I didn't get six cylinders, A tonnenu, somo tires nnd plugs, And go out nnd speed on tho high wny With the nutomobllo bugs. So wo plnstorcd tho houso with a Hen, Tho second I'd have you know; The first was for part of tho purchase price, And a few othor things I owe, My wlfo said it would bo a saving, Wo'd soon pny for tho machine With tho dlffcronco botwocn tho car faro bill And tho cost of tho gasoline. Tho girls hnd to biro n "shuffer," A Inutorn-Jawcd son-of-n-gun, And whon Sonny goes out for a Joy rnio, I'm sorry ho hasn't ono, For whonovor ho hits a Inmp-post Or sends tho car Into a ditch, I cough up somo moro spondullx To fntten the, bloated rich. Onco I was known for my wisdom, My business foresight It was keen. But thnt was before I Invested In nn nld-to-bankruptcy machine. Now others aro gottlng tho rhino, Their assets with' solvency shine, Whllo I'm on the road to tho poor houso v Tho Homo for tho 'Indigent, mine. Whooppo! Clenr the wny for I'm com ing Just passed by a bunch of my friends, All bent lu tho same direction, Whero the rond of tho scorcher ends.. It's tho pnro of n drunken sailor. At tho helm of a rudderless ship: Over the hlls to tho poorhouso, I'm hitting n lively clip. EXCHANGE. Tho Clovolnnd Lender reports thnt a citizen of thnt town was "shot In , tho nutomobllo," And wo'U hot tho nutomobllo stupidly took him to n hospital Instead of to a garngo. Bv tho tlmo summer begins there I may bo n reorganization of tho ama teur gnrdenor's mutiinl condolence league. It Is snld tho saddest hour Is ono hour nftor sunsot. Yet I'll plneo my roll on tho enrly hour In tho morning when tho whistle blows. Back lu Boston things hnvo reach ed a funny pass. Not only hnvo they barred silk hone, short sleovcs and peekaboo walBts, but thoy aro taking tho pork out of tho bonus. Probably tho butter trust Is not so anxious to raise prices ns to keep them whore they nro. Will soma ono kindly toll ub what thoy do with tho millions of Bibles they Issuo overy yonr. In tho olden dnys If a kid got licked nt school ho got another at homo. Now his dad arrests tho teacher. Tho Portland womnn who fainted whon sho found n mouso In hor bon t had a rnt thoro nil tho tlmo. WIIKItK DO YOU DKLOXG7 Tho only posslhlo thing, under the sun, Is something thnt cannot bo Imag ined, my son; Somo men nro cownrds, others nro wenk nnd don't try, Other fellows nro quitters nnd sit down nnd cry. These enn mnko overy kind of ox- cuso nnd then flunk And say: "Thoro s no uso trying, everything's gono punk." Whllo tho fellow with n will gets thoro with both foot, Bound to (icrnmpllHh his tnsk and cannot be bent. Horn's n spring poom handed lu by Alius Kingston. It Is entitled "TIIK CALF'S LAMKXT" "A klckt n sqiicnl, nnd then I'm v'cnl." Speaking of dnffydllls, Bob Booth wants to know "If tjio wood win knotty, would tho snwbuck?" Joe Bennett nnd Col. Grimes wero seon on tho stroot talking amicably about tho nomination of T. Itoosevolt On second thought wo might ndd thnt tho nbovo hnppcned four yoirs ago. Davo Stafford Is planning to gut nwny soon on n fishing trip. Xot thnt wo nro particularly Interested ourselves, but wo like to warn the fish. It all simmers down to this: It's easy to see In which class you nro going to let yourself bo; That you can mnko of yourself Just whnt you mny will, You can bo n go-a-hcad or n dead stundstlll. EXCHANGE. AS IT HAPPENS ACCOUDINfl TO HOWK. A slonder, pretty girl of in. with fnt ancestors, cannot realize whnt in ahead of her. A mnn of sonso does not require n policeman nt his olbow constantly; a sensible man Is his own policeman, and knows It doesn't pny to violate tho ordinances. General John II. Murray of Waterloo. N. Y , Inaugurated this beautiful cer- HiikIi MpLiiIii. who Is soniothlnc of'n democrat, says tho holes bulns dug In tlo Front street paving uro for elophnnt traps to cnteh tho O O. P. When I hour or n qunrrol, know whnt It means; two men nro trying to got tho best or It; npd tho qunrrol will bo ROttled when ench mnn tnkes whnt ho knew ho was entitled tn in tno nrst place. AFFA1HS IN CONGKKSS. For a tlmo tho bono was o. omony In his homo town; tho other Pressed tnnt Congress would bo nblo ih unit in tno 8)ng or tno same year, ,u '",l "l uio snuttors bororo tho Chl tho ladles or Columbus, Miss, In their C"K convention mot. Now thnt hope liopi or a reunited country nnd In n " n'most dend. Convention day Is uplrlt or womanly tenderness, strewed """J" n fow weeks dlstnnt, and tho flowers upon tho graves or both fed- '"bles or Congress nro plied high orals and confederates. In ltitiS tho w' business. Even tho supply bills rninmander-lii'rhlef of tho army gavo aro ' backward stato; and Uncle out n general ordor, nsklng the re- Sam ,ul'8t "'vo his rations. And so muliilug veterans to cherish and gar- " 'H urged that Congress must sta land th mounds of tholr brothers. i '"0 Jb until It Is cnmplotcd with Nt d.y Is moro fraught with son- 't'llborntlon. No hurrying lu tho In tlment nnd sad memorlos than ,l"'t,B' ' politics. Dny, and no holiday should bo more rreo rrom Irroverent sports i .MODESTY. on tho day we pay honor to the dead. t" "Flowers for our dead! i A man may sing his ego song, pro. Tho delicate white rosea faintly red; r,,,'ni ll'8 merits with u gong, nnd The valley Illy lusls, us purely white fo' t" folks n whllo; but thoy will As hhlues their honor In the vernal olRh him In tho end, size up his cal light; ilbur and sond him to tho old Junk All blooms that bo pllo. To gather lu somo fnmo or poir As fragrant ns their fadeless mem- no cheap mnn always boosts hlmsoir ana uinKos a wondrous nolso; but noise soon bores his follow mon nnd i fills them with tho willies; then bo's outlawed by tho boys. I'vo mot somo iiuiiiiwH really groat j. somo guys who IS THAT DKMOrilATir leicl ed a high estato In letters or In ECONOMY? rt; and shy nnd modest woro thoy THE democrats rodo into power In nll"1U) banners on tho outer wnll, the Houso of Hopresontatlves ,u '""""orlsms sinnrt. And I hnvo economy Throughout the presont l , , I"u,,ot '"" tno skies resoundod session all thnt tho country has heard wJtl','l'0'r fnmo; ah. thoy wero madv ombers hiu "'. J'""1 iUm: l,mr cl,',8,8 w John D. Goss has Just proimred 'he c,,r'Mo loiiowing uy-Mvs of tho Coos Hay Gravy Mllltln: "Artlclo First This fompnny shnll bo known ns tho Coos Day Gravy Mi litia. ' ' "Article Second In rimo nf nr this company shall Immediately dls- linn.l ' A country doctor Is celebrnted'wh.i was called to see n man very III with nn unknown dlsenso. whereupon tho doctor tried to throw his pntlont Into llts, a complaint he claimed to undor stnnd. Tho pooplo todny nro trying to throw business into nnlltirs ni. though wo know from long oxporl- onco thnt politics Is opllopsy, and In- bnnd..' When n man Is nil In how much Is ho out? THE SAME. YET DIl'FEUENT. About two yoara has passed away Since Nell nnd I hnd mot; So 'twas not strange thnt I should say, Whon I again chnnced by hor wny, "Noll, aro you married yet?" ory! By tender hands entwined and gar- landed. Flowers for our dead!" ' wiieici: Mhen n girl says "Save your monoy" to n mnn then It la right ror tho rollow to bo cautious ror Ills' Iln nlsh Is In sight. She glnnced at mo In mild surprise , I would have mado a bet mat tnero was sadness In her oyoa As she replied, between two sighs, es, I am mnrrled yot!" UDGE. MEN. It Is easy to plan and ensy to schemo 1-en the toll or tho day Is done. " '8n,s-'' t think nnd ensy to dronm or the glories yet to bo won. nut tho mnn who wins Is tho mnn who digs Awnv nt lila .fnii.. ....... In80"; nfrt "'" w,,,l ovof L1. t0 b0,Ana ,a!c8 " tk s t comes to STOUYOFTIIEDAY: 4 Hud to Drown Them "I wondor." mused Ilttln iinrrv who wns studying bla Sunday school ! COO or COO years old again?" "iso. 1 guess not." replied his C year-old sister. "The Lord tried tho oxporlmont onco and thoy got so bad ho had to drown most or them." ' irom tne tiomocrntlo mombers Iu.j ' ,'.".1 "" inoir cnests woro been repented declarations of the pur- 8"0JJei; I lit to bust, tholr heads .. - . (1 tV flllfltl nil Mm ...,... A (till imsii ih Keeping tnot-e promises of , " " "' l"" """ a who wniie. eoonoiny 1 throughout tho town, tho solllng-plat- Wlnre Is that economy? 1 era hold renown, nnd then thoy sln It Is truo thnt annmiirlutlniw ii.r. n,ul 8l" nt Inst thoy Join tho has. boon ledueed In cortaln illivrtlmis ie.on clan nnd hnvo no friend In mor but tl have lon moro than ofrset by coitaln Impairment In offlolonry nnd unnecessary appropriations in olhor channels. A deal or time and a conse quent largo sum or money hns been expended upon Investigations which were heralded as undertakings lu the luteicMt or the pooplo, but woro known of nil mon to bo slninlv fish. Ing excursions to land some political iai mnn sinco thoy hnvo lost their goes shining over nil the earth ns grin. The iiiflimurn nr mnn m- ...i. shines tho summer sun; it needs no carnival of nolso to gain attention from tho boys, or hold It when it's won. Ovnltkt 1112. t Owt lUllfciv lUml Time was whon n boy thought a oloclpode exciting. Hero Is a new riddle by Dorsoy Kroltzor: "When is nn nutomobllo not nn nutomobllo?" "When It turns turtle." away to bont the CbuoJn tVWJ HOWAIUVS gonuino .MEXICAN cntohefi for tno approaching presides TAMALES dollvered any place In the '" "ih. icuy unui i o'clock at nlghi. Democratic congressional economy They nro BEADY to SEItVE. Phone Is'l In tho promise shape, 335. U by don't they put thnt city coun cil steam roller to work on somo of tho bad roads of the county? Gonernl William T. Sherman. In Ms younger (lnysl was admitted tn tho bar by onCniiBas Judge on tho iiiiuiiuciuion or ins "general Intelli gence." it's a pity that test Isn't In. voked moro ofton nowadays. hven Satan may not be so black n he s painted; you can't Judge a man's prlvnto character by his business rep utation nowadays, A TKTK SPOItT. "Why do you live with your hus- uunu. 11 you qunrrol all tho time won chocolnt nnd. Keeps working bnnd. Tho whllo with n smiling rront. It Is easy to dream or heroic deods And lone ror n phnnnn tn .lx Some wondrous task that tho nation 1100(18 And get In tho nubile vimv But tho man who's cast In humble. pince And sees that each duty's uono, Is the man who stands ror tho nn t Ion's best And ror Its strength loads nil the res. 111 uio victories it haB won. SELECTED. If You Are Not Using urtlLl'V Hkn a?i)Nr e tfjtflH You Are Not Using the Best The June Bride Dreams . Of a Well Regulated Household Her friends can help her make such a home t the gift of labor saving, pleasure making, dtclrfc appliances. ' ELECTRIC WEDDING GIFTS enable her b dispatch housewifely duties quickly, Electric appliances are practical. Different from the usual run of presents. Delight the bride with one. She'll appreciate the conveniences more ev cry day. Sec them in our display roomPercolators, toast ers, irons and chafing dishes. Other appliances to fit any pockctbook, OREGON POWER CO. Tclephono 178 CONDKXSKI) STATEMKNT Of The First National Bank of Coos M At tho closo of biislnes April IH, 1012. itKHOtrucrs. L.onus ana uiscounis Illljllii Donds, warrants and socurltles 7 1 J tui U. S. bonds to socuro circulation ,,, jj.HII Ileal estate, furnlturo and Ilxturos n,nj Cash and sight exchnngo HUilri towi i k m,m LIAIULITII. Capital stock paid lu HI,ILI Surplus and undivided prorits....r J Circulation, outstanding 11,1111 uoposlts mm: Total . ,.,, i,ar In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of BtodWl ors ih iuu.uuu.uu. INTKKICST IMII) ON TIMH AM) SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, Prcsldont. M. C. HOIITON, VtM-Pn DOItSBY ICREITZBIt, Cnshlor. 8TATU.MENT OP CONDITION OK FLANAGAN & BENNETT .MAHSIirilCIil), OUICGON. At (lie closo of business, April 18, 1012. RESOUnCES. Loans and Discounts J"IJ! unnklng House , '" Cash and Exchnngos ""'n Total I'.ml ,L LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In -.'..' Surplus and Undlvldod Protlts Deposits Total MH lMtt l!WH Parties Desiring Monuments Erecle Would do veil to cull t The Pacific fflonomenlal m South Hroadivsr i tlon from the Urge tfoc t, . hand. Mr. WHon n j tho only practical nwrWe cutter in t;oos ruw- . but the best work UtornfO' $100 Reward, $100 The rileri ef llilitmpur n 111 be i,in... learn inai iiiptm u Mt i..j0 .. .i. . . - nut ;! , l,; 7Z"", ", i: " o'"' ij usMirlaw. ..f tll .fcm.the-ci"c" iroUi J llu- foiinlatlon ot liiMlue,," iuini? J-5 l lout .iru.tllj fn btilhlliw up lo oii. it,, Hon aiul H.-iellnK n4lro in l, , iXai' llteWrn llmt tl.ev Jfler one nir'd ZV FaWtilM mm&KMi tf--. 'T7LPt1KKBE X i If i i BWITP?SCw ll 'mBZ'.i I Have That Roof sow See COnTBEti im IVER JOHNSON BICYCLES at Pioneer Hardware Go, .,',.. '"' uimiroi an tno tune' K. j.ciievfy. trn Tni.. - "Woll. my sister bet mo a box of I 'AHf ' njuK i" 1! co Toledo, o . ocolntes wo would never celobrato 1"MIU"' I,wllyi,UUion-onttpaiton lCH ffhaaavar,n.a.lnvent'veab,,,tr' pbon Don't bo surprised UJj attack l1 au,v' . un, tlU I . a HIT, W I I1 01 niBUr".artil Just rub tno "" .,ff-t Hl with Chamberlain "tf will soon aiBBV"" dealers, ATURinsnDA-f11 GOOD. Pboue"' ,111'