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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1912)
IEJAST HAS BKNrORGOTTEN AND THERE'S JUST ONE ELAG TODAY ADVERTISING In The TIMES tbo Market" Effectlvclyl h will put tho fact, about your it '". .--- tin nf nil "linn- Property w"" ."- twn And' lf F1.'-'-- nf thorn who ought to itire -..7 .ii ift En . ?ou" '"" Kstnblftlicd In 187H I'lio Const Mull (tas !mt (Hims MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS tn MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1912 EVENING EDITION." WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TlMcI Witt KiH'p tho Incomo front Ynw I'tmiixhcd Rooms from Luplul YOU cnn really help thd faiully levenues by renting a fow furnlahsd rooms and, If you know how and when to uaa tlio clnsslllod column), von tuny keep thnt llttlo extra Income Mendy na n clock." rarcatnsKsraras ( oiiHiilltliittoti if Times, Const .Mall Wq, 271. kkI Cikw liny Advertiser. 3 AT GETTYSBURG WILBUR ilGHT TIES LAST FLIGHT JOHflllOCKEFELLER 1RTF HORIAJJKISES TDM?, n.tiinr;nlrt Qonnn nf .MIC KHU U UU uuunu wi Observance of Decoration Day bcrviuus. .ROOSEVELT WILL SPkArv ivviuc iuuhi rfmss Locomotive Engi neers and Speak at iNa- tionaj uemeiery. fAuorlatcd I'"88 to Tho Coob 1'irucB.j rvantmo. May 30 ThotiB- .. rnns from all ovor control Luthero Pennsylvania nntl from forthcrn tioruor oi wuijiwiu hero toddy In tho Mpmdrfdl Day fcltts at tno lainoua uiuuu.iu.u. t Was nilUOU uccuuuu ui mo ,. nf Col. nooflovolt who wns ,.y.A tn mnko two nddroanoa. Irit address will bo at tho'luncta i ifcn Ilrothorhood of Locomo- fEnzlnccra nnd tho socond nd- i it tnO NOUOlini uumuiui j mm noon. IIIKW FLOWERS ON' LAKH Etiful Tribute to Notion's Dead I At Chicago. Piuoclatod Prcsa to Cooa Buy I Times.) ifuno. Mnv 30 Flowoni woro I an Lako Michigan fodny n'B a lt( to tbo mon who' po'rlahcd In iiUon'a wnr. this piciurpaquo jrtslto of Memorial pay tooje. Id Grant rant ciobo to mo hub- center of tho city. Largo! VI lined IMC Biioro to wiihubii iiiu Eonjr. ALL OBSEBVE EST FOR ARGE I 75,000 Will Witness Great Auto Races at In dianapolis Today. jUwcIatod Press, to Tho Cooa Day Tlmca.) EEDWAY, Indlnnnpolla, May 30 tftrneath n cloudlosa sky, aovon- thousand porsons wltnossod ond annunl running of tho rlfin nvo-hundrod-mllo swoop- i raca participated Jn by twon- r of tho moat export drlvora Womoblles In tho world. Tho Prize Is S20.000. tho socoiid. MO; the third prlzo $5,000. tho la prize $3.00. tho .fifth nrlzo 0, the sixth $2,000. tho seventh P, the eighth $1,400, tho ninth : ifle tenth $1,200, tho. olov- 1.100 and tho twolfth $1,000. Mii WORLD'S ItKCOKD. King down tho world's rocorda one, Rnlph Do Pal in a In a W led tho field hv n. Inn nt tho f the first 150 miles of tho 500 i we. Ills tlmo for tho dls as 1 hour 40 mln. and 2 sec. i I hour. 57 mln.. 15 boo. sot Nee Drown In a Pint Inst vonr. purse Is two and ono hulf mlloa Pi- Three cars had dronned out l end of tho 150 miles. Joo fl , a National wns second Tet:!aff In a Flat third. 1 TO HAYE LARGE ARMY Shai Kai Outlinns MmG- pent That Will Rival Germany's. ' wwelated Press to tho Coos Day Times. 1 RLl5K JIa' 30. A state- - juan Shi Kal Just ro- "we from ii,i ...n., ..... f5S..wh,i,h th. e(iual of th"1 f "ersai conscrlntlnn "in Mils rxmz.p..y.- la . vio juuai iieoa io fcnrt.;!.0De . to maintain Its ositior ; from S I11 '? a;d,1,,ot- "PMslne :7p, 'Bruu B. m. " Ma Its continent. The military r "I Our . ... j On pro. -i'ii mum oo muu- iSS??" -w"! 0,d tfaJne . 8lff oerore mt' Coos Bay Unites in Payincj Tribute to Soldier Dead Beautiful Decorations. THE VETEHANS. Every yenr they're mnrthlng Blow crj Every yenr thoy'ro stooping lower: Every year th'o lilting music stirs tho hearts of older men; Every year tho flnga above them Seem to bend and bless nnd lovo thorn As If grieving for tho futtiro when they'll never march ngnln. Every year Hint dny draws nenrcr, Evory year tho truth la clearer, That tho mon who siivod tho nntlon from tho sovorlng southern sword Soon must pass away forever From tho bcciio of tholr endeavor. Soon must answer to tho roll call of tho nngcl of tho Lord. Every year with dwindling num- bor, Loyal still to thoso thnt slumber, Forth they march to whoro nlrcndx ninny Imvo found penco nt last, And they plnco the fairest blossom O'or tho allent, mold'rlng lionnnm Of tho vnllnnt friends nnd comnulci of tho battles of tho past. Every year grow dimmer, duller, Tattered flag nnd faded color. Evory year tho hnndH thnt bear them find n harder task to do. And tho eyes that only brightened When the blnzo of bnttlo lightened Llko tho tnttered flags thoy follow, nro grown dim nnd fnded too. Evory year wo seo thorn massing. Evory yenr wo watch them passing, Scarcely pausing In our hurry nfter plcnsuro, after gain, But tho bnttlo flags nbnvo them Seem to bind nnd bless nnd lovo them, And through nil tho lilting music pounds an undcrtono of pnln. DENNIS A. MCCARTHY. Today Is Memorial Day nnd all Cooa nny la uniting In paying tribute to tho BOldlcr dead. Many buslnesa bousos woro closed thin mornlnir nnd this nttoruoon busi ness will be Qtitlroly ausponded dur ing tho Decoration Day program un dor tho nusplcea of tho Q. A. It. and Spnnlah Wnr Veterans. Tho postofflco Is observing holiday hours. This morning thoro wns nlmost a continual floral procession to the cemotory of parties going to decornto tho graves of tholr frelnda nnd rolatlvcs. Seldom If over has tho cemotory been bo boautlfully decorat ed this year. Flnga nnd bunting woro liberally displayed throughout tho town lit honor of tho dny. Tho formnl obsorranco of tlio uav will bo this nftornodn, tho program nnd ordor of exorcises bolng as fol lows Tho following Is tho official pro- gram nnd order of tho dny ns pro parod by tho committee on nrrnngo meats: Ordor of tho day: IIOi,loa Mnrahal of tho Day A. T. Hollies. Parade will form on tho corner of Front street nnd Mnrkot avenuo at l o'clock In tho following order: Coos Day Concert Dand. Oregon Naval Mllltln. Tlakor Post. O. A. . Owen Siimnor Camp. U. S. ". . Sons of Veterans, bdiool children, gonornl public. Front0Bt?eotCto! Central. Central to tho Mnsonlo Opera House, whor tho following program will bo given MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM. Mllsic Coos Ray Concert Hand Proyer nw- L leds" (Pnstor Methodist church.) Music Songs. .Golden West Quartet (MeSrI l!n.h. Tower. Dodgo nnd McCutchoon.) Recitation Agnes Snnnulst ffiesa.'.'.Pr'e'sidont K'l. 'Campbell Mlnlverslty of Oregon.) Song. ('A,Sca!Aud.onco and Dand After the program tho lines will reform In he samo order-Second to i. l. ."". . noli tn cemetery, where h GAR. w 11 conclude the ser tho G. A. it . wi , h0 0re. gS NavAa. 'Smfwlll fire a salute; KJea Jlpward will blow taps. Automobiles win be provided the SScVporao to the cemetery. TEDDY PICKS HIS CHAIRMAN Ahk Hndley to Pivslde, Conditioned on Control of Convention. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Mny 30. 1E10RIAL LIAY Noted Aviator Succumbs to Long Illness of Typhoid Fever Early Today in Day ton, Ohio. Uly Associated Prose to Coos Huy TlmuH. i DAYTON. Ohio uv nn wuimi. Wrls! t. tho noted aviator, dlod enttv In n letter receiver by Gov. Hndlei ,0Iln- I hero. Colonel Roosevolt naked him to lion the patient succumbed nfter bo temporary chnlrman of tho repub ninny days' bnttlo with denth, ho wo- llcan nntlonnl convention to bo hold surrounded by members of his fnm- In Chicago If tho Rooaovolt forces ll.v Ho had been 111 several wecka of I succeed In getting control of tho con- uniinid rover. volition. 0lfcur0 J&wh tn 000 Say The following la tho Hat of Civil War VotcrnnB burled In tho Marahflcld cemetery: J. U. ARNOTT THOMAS UARKER JNO. RENT. A. CLIFTON CAMPUELL 1SOM COX F. F. FULLER F. M. GARRISON GEOROE A. GEE O. N. GEER JOSEPH GROVER D. II. HALSTEAD PETER HENYON THOMAS HILnORN FRED JENSEN V. II. JONES J. W. JUDD NELSON LEWIS J. W. LINBIIAN GEORGE LOMBARD GEOROE C. MAGARY J. M. MAGOON A. II. MOORE MOORE J. P. MOORE SAMUEL MOREEN W. II. NO RLE JOSEPH PALMER JOHN PIERCE J. W. ROSE C. W. SANFORD J. M. 8IGL1N CHARLES SINCLAIR ALEXANDER STAUFF NATHANIEL THOMPK1N8 C. W. WOODWARD mil 1 vi Ittlutnum (Srauw Hut, nu, tho grnvoa which no mnn knows, Uncountod graves which nover cnn bo found, Grnvcs of tho procloua "mlsalng" whoro no sound Of tendor wcoplng wll bo hoard, whoro gooa No loving stop of kindred I Oh, how flbwa And ycurns our thought of thorn I Moro holy ground Of grnves thnn tills, wo Bay, Is thnt whoso bound Is socrot till otornjty dlsclOBo lta Blgn. Hut nature knows, no wilderness. Tliero nro no missing in her numbored ways. In her groat ltoart la no forgottulneas Each gravo sho koopa aho will ndorn, caress. Wo cannot lay nuch wreaths na summer lays, And all hor days nro decoration days. HELEN HUNT JACKSON. I SCHOOL GOMUCEHT Class of Seven Graduated in Marshfield President Campbell Speaks. 4 crass of 101a. Chnuncoy F. Clarko. Milton O. Carlson. Rartlett Flanagan. 4 Ernest Harrington. r 4 Miss Nora Tower. e Miss May Preuss. Mlsa Mary Prlco. 4 Class Colors Red nnd whlto. 4 Class Flower Whlto rose. 4 Class Pi esldont Ernest Hnr- G FOR 0 A class of seven waa graduated from tho Marshfield High School nt the annunl commencement exorcises last evening. The exorcises were held In tho nudltorlum of the High school building and woro largely at tended. Prosident P. L. Campbell of Oregon University delivered tho com mencement address. Tho commence, mont exercises wero followed by tho annual Junior banquet, which was also given in the High School build- '"sunt. Tledgen presided at tho ex ercises and In the course of the oven Ing mado a few remarks on school work. In presenting tho two pen Sants which the Marshfleld H gh School athletea had won during the benoo i HarrlnKton. captain bf the track team, he dwelt on the advantage of Clean biujdhw- ... - schools and what they meant to tho rur" wa made by (Continued on page 4.) W. N. Ekblad Receives Strange Letter From Madrid Sav ors of Old Scheme. Savoring strongly of tho old Span ish letter fraud but dlfforing from it in a number of ways, W. N. Ekblad has just recelvod a lettor from Mad rid promising him a modest sized fortuno for his assistance Tho old Spanish .lettor fraud has sprung up hero and thoro throughout tho coun try soml-occaslonally for mnny yoars nnd only a year or so ago J. W. Urn stattd rocolvod ono of the lottors. However, the letter received by Mr. Ekblad differs from it In mnny par ticulars. Tho lotter to him is aa fol lows: 4-5-12. Dear Sir: Although I know you only from good references of your honesty, my sad situation compels mo to rovcal to you an Important affair In which you can procure a modest fortuno, saving at tho samo tlmo that of my darling daughter. Uoforo bolng Imprisoned hero I was established as a Danker In Russia as you will see by tho enclosed article about mo of many English news papers which havo published my ar rest in London. I beseech you to help me to obtain a sum of $480,000,00 I have In Am erica and to come hero to raise the seizure of my baggago by paying to the Register of the Court the expen ses of my trial and recover my port manteaux containing a secret pocket where I have hidden thedement (Continued on page 4.) 10RE TRAIj9J),00),(l If "A'VVW'WWWVSVWS TAFT BATTLES TO GET OHIO Oil King's Fortuno Reaches Stupendous Amount, Ac cording to Estimates. INCREASE $100,000,000 DURING THE LAST YEAH Now Figure That His Incomers $140 Per Minute, or SBC Senator Burton Will Try and 000,000 a Year. Control State Convention (Dy Associated Pmsb to Coos nay There Next Week. Timi-i.) (By ABsociutod Press to Tho Cooa NBW Y0jlK' m 30. John D. Day Tlmca.) Rockofollur Is now wortli mdro thnu WASHINGTON, Mny 30 With nlno hunilrod million dollnrB, nccord- President Tnft's inlluonco nnd that g to cstlmatoa published In tho of all bf tho Taft political advisors World todnv niasolntlnn or ihn bnck of him, Sonntor Durton will 2. , . i DlBSOluUoin r, " loavo Washington Saturday to tako S'n"'nr OH company hnH addod up tho light for control by tho Taft moro thnu ono hundred million to Uui forces of, (ho Ohio ropubllcnn Btnto valuo of tho oil klng'B stockholdings convention ocliodulod for oarly noxt Inst yenr. A nowHpapcr's fitntlstlclati week. Taft manngora nro coftndont figures his Incomo la sixty million thoy cnn domlnnto tlio Btnto convou- dollars a year, or moro than $140 a Hon and add Oillo's six dolotjntos-nt-.mlnuto. largo to tho Taft column. OF JUL! PLANSI Chairman of Committees Arc! Named Will Meet Again Friday Evening. At a mooting of tho Chnmbor of Viuiiiiuurcu, lunuui iiiuiiiiiiiuuy uuiib woro mauo ror mo inreo unyu- com bratlon in Mnrshllold July U, 3 and 4. Definite action wua deferred until Friday ovonlng when another gonor nl mooting will bo hold to hoar tho report of Goorgo Rotnor and A. J. Mondol, tho flnanco commlttco and alao to npportlon tho funds. It wna propotod to havo tho mooting tonight but awing to toilny bolng a holiday, It was decided to postjiono tho moot ing until tomorrow night. Tho logging camps will tioso down Saturday night, Juno 20, for n week bo that thoro will bo h largo Influx for tho long colobrntlon. Hugh McLuIn presided hb chnlrmnn last ovenlng. Tho attondnnco Wns not largo, owing to many of tho members of tlio general conimlttoo bolng In nttondanco nt (ho Mnrshllold High School Commencement exor cises. Dr. J. T. McCormac was aug TAI-TT STANDS FIRM. - . . .. Dy Asaoclntod Frees v WASHINGTON, I). O., Mny 30. President Tnft sont n tele-. gram to Arthur I. Vorys, ropub- llcan national committeeman In ' Ohio declaring thnt whllo ho doos not ncod thnt stato'a six ,9 dologatos at largo to socuro tho ! prosldontlal nomination, ho will not consider n comprnmlso In tho Ohio atnto convention. ' kf rimis ri nw TO BIG STRIKE Sailors' and Firemen's Union Decides Against Extending" Walkout. (Dy Associated Proas to Tho Coon liny Times.) LONDON, Mny 30. Tho movomont tending toward a declaration of n na tional atrlko rocolvod n norloiiH t bnck today when tho executives at tho Sailors' nnd FlromoiiB' Union, tho strongest body In tho National Transport Workers' Federation, tbo organization which 'would dcclhze LWAY NEWS annlt n aftvllrn jinn Iff nil toiwi Itiut It Mf k gcaled ns pormanont chn i rman of tho Ucefl woro t out by (lllB uody t,mt gonornl Fourth of July Commlttco thoro wouIt, ,,0 no 8t0ppago outsldo but as ho could not bo rcachod to seo , of i,ona ,mCHa oiinn ordor signed whothor bo would accept, tho olcctlonby tJl0 BCCrotnry of tho union. nun iiutuiiuu. i Thoro was moro or less talk of tho attractions nnd diversions to bo nf-. rorucu nut nothing uounito wns uono. It wan decided to have sppclnl com mittees look Into thoso matters and report back at Friday night's moot ing. In ordor to facilitate matters, tho following woro named as chair men of tho special committees: Gonornl decorations E. K. Jonoa. Music and parado P. E. Wilson. Gonornl sporta R. O. Graves. . Log-rolling nnd tug of war A. II. Powers. Horso races F. P. Norton. Illumination D. C. Groon. Baseball nnd trap Bhoot Warnor V. Ogron. Evening amuaomonts Jay B. Tow er. Other comlttcca will bo appointed and tho chairmen of tho special com mittees will bo expected to select ob slatanco to carry on tho work. AT ROSERORG EIGHT SHIPS AT KEY WEST Men of War at Florida Port to Await Developments in Cuba. Report There That Contractors Are Figurinti on Line to Coos Bay. ROSEnURG, Ore., Mny 30. Tho Rovlow says: Reports aro again In circulation hero that contracts havo been lot for tho conBtructlon of a railroad between Rosoburg and Cooa Hay. According to a Portland mun who was In thlH city Monday, tho contractors nro tho Porter Hros., Twohy HroH,, and tbo Utah Construction Co., tho three larg est rnllrond contracting llrniH In tb'e Pacific Northwest. Tho roport saya this la to be an electric lino and that. It Is to bo completed with In n yea. Who Ib backing this ontorprlflo Is not, known, nor Is thoro anything doflnlte Ins to when tho work Is to bogln. An- jothor rumor 1b that tho HalneB Mir- voy has been Bold to Bomo unknown ipnrtloH, porhnpB tho baokors of Mill (Dy ABaocIatod Press to Cooa Bay Times.) KEYWEST. Fia., May 30. Tho eight battleshlpa of tho Atlantlo squadron arrived horo today and an chored In tho harbor. Thoy form now lino. Everyone hopes thnt dffl nlto confirmation of tho nwardlms of tho nbovo contracts will soon bo forthcoming. WORK ON TUNNEL Twohy Hros. Making Good 1'rogrefW on Rig Job. Tho Eugono Register says:. P. P. DoLnno. chlof clork for ss-s. s!&r.w.srs await eventualities In Cuba. Are you going to buy diamonds? If J not buy Hour of UAinia. HAND DANCE EAdI.ES' HALT., Saturday nlgtit, June J. Don't mUs It. Don't bother with poor flour but get good flour at HAINES'. reports the workers not yot through tho stratum of soft formation which gives them bo much troublo und which has to tie umoerou coiuiumi-ur. A few dnya more will put thorn UUo the "bluo" rock again, which la eaijle, worked, TtAND DANOI3 Saturday evening JUNE 1, at Eagles' HnU.