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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1912 EVENING EDITION. & jp things are I $ Humming I Jn our business because wo have won the entire con fidence of nil our customers by the reliable quality of our drugn and the moderate prices we charge. We always exercise the greatest care and accuracy in filling doctors' prescriptions, and our medicines never fail to bring about the results desired. If you suffer from piles we can give you a cure that never fails Rcxall Pile Ointment. It stops the pain and itching, reduces the inflammation and effects a speedy cure. Sold with the Rcxall guarantee. In box, handy for carrying about, 50c Lockhart- Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY PHONE Ask to See Those Blue Serge Suits at, $15 to $25 The Fixup Mnwhfieltl North Bend. The Sign of Good Candy Always W tf 'in rurmsh Your louse on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman .111 North Ifrnnl Rt. N. Phone 29C-X; Res. Phono 16C-J Trt Mi i.-ixi Sweden, Norwav. Finland hi any otbor part of Europe. Now urao to uuy your tlckot from AUQ. FftlZEEN. Ileal Tvfl t Itrn n n f TnaiianniiA Central Avenue. Marshfleld farnard & Langworthy Metrical Contractors Bnd.SunpUea. PHONE 184.R. I'O So. Hninilwnjr, next door to IT I.... XW - k v . . "H .linn jiiaruei. foujAuto Call Foote r..013 U1'J NIGHT AND DAY nd front of Lloyd Hotel. lfi TWO NEW OARS Ar ii p. M, i.jjono 5.j residence Phono 28-J ""I nillkfl Irlna tn r-nr,nlll -ltv Anto SwtAm I Good r, .... . PMonihil V ""ui unvers ana Ivn ble charges. Our motto: WLV.r? y "p:' IgarRtn. A" L'."101 aHU uiaucu Lght Phoe 46. 1'nones 7S and 4B siLfGOODALE, proprietors. Wantrh t ? t "IPET8 I'nnmo . ii..nn "niHuaniiiinu Al rk taken 'at Compan' 0rdt" f01 nui.NG & HARVEY PHONE 100 I It MM in CORNER" MAIN 298 -US Extra Good Improved and equipped 300-ncro rnnch, with 197 acres bottom; bal anco bonch land; has oil prospects; throe-fourths of a mllo wator front. Prlco 00 per aero. Terms. I. Ivory business paying better thau 40 per cent on tho Investment. Prlco $3750. Hulldlng and CO x 110 foot lot. Prlco $11,000. Terms on cither or both, French Realty Co, 315i2 N. Front St. WANT ADS. WINDOW-CLEANING, Floor polish I UK, etc., call up A. Landles, Phono 8-J. FOR RENT Sovon, room furnlshod hotiBo; closo In. Call at Tlmos of fices WANTED Hoard and room, private family, business man; pormancnt If pleased. Address X1T Times of fice. FOR RENT 4-room liouta on Cth b. near Elrod: good location, (leo. A Dallies, 18G Hroadwny South. FOR RENT Nlco largo room over Rust Real Estato olllco, suitable for bed-room or light hoiisokoop lug. Will rout furnished or un furnished. See J. C. Doaue. FOR SALE Ono box Indies' rubborfl. ono sack dried chlttum bark, nt tho Breakwater office I OR RENT Furnished, moderately Improved flnt. No children desir ed. No. C48 Elovonth St. off Flana gan nvenuo. FOR- BALK. Furnltnre Tor fiv 'rooms, nil new, cheap. Call at room 214, Coko building, or tele phono 2C0-J. FOR BALK1-Vermont Gold Coin seed potatoes. O. N. Wilson, Sumner. Phone 3106. FOR ALL KINDS OF HAULING Clifford Doano. Phone 331-R. WANTED Clean cotton rags at Tho Times offlco. WANTED Molmlr, wool and cas cara bark. Apply to Henry Song stackon, at office of Title Guar antee & Abstract Co. IJAROAIX SALE: f0 horsopower nuto for $500; first-class condi tion: fully equipped: cost new V-aJa. "hi n fnr JK00 on easy terms.' John U Koontz Machine .' ...... n otrnot Phone Sliop, JNorm riuui "- 180-.T. A GOOD nUY. A modern bungnlow; has the rooms and l" fitted with all modern conveniences; close In; price only $2S00, with good terms. Inquire- of E. S. GEAR & CO., First National Rank nulldlng. Dayton Bicyelcs Marshfleld Cyclery -nvrt.ES FOR RENT WM. S. TURPEN Architect 171 FRONT ST. ! IMSy BIG 1PINI ! $PtS OF AGHIIERYl COOS II Y TIDES. Hoi w Is Given tho tlmo nnd height of high and low water nt Marshflold Th tides aro placed In tho ordot of occurrence, with their times on tho Ilrst lino and heights on tho soc oud lino of ouch day; a comparison of consecutive heights will indicate whether It Is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtruct 2 hours J 4 minutes. Onto. May. 30 Hrs. .1.39 7.73 3.01 7.50 Feet .0.8 1.0 4.7 3.2 31 lira. .2.20 8.53 4.43 8.30 Feet .0.7 1.1 4.G 3.5 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 n. m., May 30, by DenJ. Ostllnd, spoclnl government mo- toorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum r9 Minimum 36 4 At 4:43 a. m 38 Preclpltntlon nono Wind northwest; partly cloudy. School Is OuU Tho Marshflold schools closed yesterday for tho year. Tho second class of tho eighth grndo who will tnko tho examination next Thursday and Friday will continue their review work until then. Want Hotel. Pnrtlos from North Ucnd today stated that It was llkoly that something deflnlto would bo dono thoro soon about u big now ho tel. They stated that an endeavor was being mndo to Interest W. 8. Chandler In tho project. Repent Program-. Mrs. Kuboccn Luso-Stmnp announced today that tie MnrBhflold boys who recontly gnvo n Domorcst medal contest In Marshflold will repeat tho program nt EnBtsldo noxt Tuesday evening. Tho following wcok thoy will go to Co qulllo nnd prosont tho program thon-. To Pay Claim John D. Oosa, re ceiver of tho Port of Coos Uny, has been authorized by Judgo Coko to pay tho old claims against tho Port Commission. Thoso will havo to bo filed and npprovod by tho court. Dills for current oxponsea In carrying out tho Port Commission's proJoctB can bo paid promptly by Mr. Goss. Undergo Operation. Dnn Con logue, of Lampa, who passod through hero today on routo to Portland in icsponso to a tologrnm stating that his father had boon sorlously Injured In nu accident there, this morning re ceived a message stating that an op eration would bo necessary. Ills father, John Coulogue, Is qulto ad vanced In years. In Nortlnwst League. "Happy" Smith, formerly a star In tho Coqulllo team In the Coos county loaguo but who has boon playing with tho Drook- lyn National Lcaguo club tho last fow seasons, has boon farmod out to tho Portland Northwest Longue. Ho playod his Ilrst gumo with Portland last Sunday whon two of his timely hits won tho game for tho Portland aggregation, Report Two Lost According to n report received horo from Curry county, a small gasollno launch wns enrrlml nut. over tho Chotco rlvor bar and two men drowned In tho break ers. Ono of tho victims wns sain to bo a ranchor4 nnmod W. W. Hntflold. Tho othor was unknown. Tho en gine's breaking down cnused thorn to drift out, according to tho report. Tho Chotco rlvor is near tuo un mor ula lino. MACOENN ON ROOSEVELT Captain LnmN Ills Cliolro for IYpoi. dew la vere. r-,..,t Tniniiti nt tlin Ttrpnku'iitnr la mi mithiiHlnHtln Hoosovolt man. If you don't bellovo It Just mad tho fol lowing vorso tlint no composeu nuer he read the roturns from Now Jersoy yesterday: Wo woro with you in mo jungio. Wo woro glad when you came horn ", And wo gavo you n recoption Llko tho victors' got at Homo. Modern Cnosar of Domocrncy, First nroirresslvo of today. Snlillnr! Statesman! Teddy; tho man from Oystor Day. Capt. Macgonn has neon a dining advocate of Roosevelt from tho start nn,i ,inf-inro,i when the Colonol I'1""' nunounc.el himself that ho was cer tain to win. Ho says no cani oo ueiu If the people Just get a chance to ox- press their preference. HAS NEVER SEEN A RAILROAD TRAIN PRINEVILLE. Ore, May 30. Frank names, of Prlnevlllo. who Is 58 years old, has never scon a railroad or a train of enrs. Ho Is n brother of Geo. Ilarnos, woll-known criminal lawyer of this county In earlier days, who was Bhot and killed last year at Canyon City, Grant County, as the result of a foud. Mr. names camo hero from Lane County In 18G9. He has not been outsldo of Central Ore gon slnco 18H0, when ho Jour noyed to Tho Dalles with a bunch of cattle. At that time, however, tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation company's lino had not been built. Tho railroad Is only GO minutes' ride- by automobllo from Prlnovlllo, the nuto goes to nnd fro at all times of day and nig' t. but Mr. Hnrnos says ho has no curiosity to see tho new, modern trunk line. ;;" I HIRTV CARLOADS OF MATERIA FOR C. A. SMITH COMPANY'S ELECTRICAL PLVNT COMING NO RAlliROAD SHIPMENTS YET. Tho first consignment of n ship ment of over thirty eat loads of ma terial nnd machinery for tho now electric plnnt of tho C. A. Smith com pany Is expected to reach hero short ly. The material will bo brough' hero by tho Rcdoudn nnd Nairn Smith. Following this thoro will ho h shipments of mnterlnl nnd mnchlnoi for the now pulp mill of tho com pany. It is stated that within nnothcr year or so, when tho now electrical plant nnd the now pulp mill nro com pleted, tho C. A. Smith companies will have on Coos liny by far the largest Investment of nny Industrial corporation on tho const, that Is tho valuo of tho combined plants will ex ceed tho valuo of tho combined plants of any other Industry owned by nny ono concern on tho conBt. Not oven tho big Biignr roflncry plnnts In Cali fornia will rival It. Tho nearest to t Is understood to bo tho iron works which Mllllonnlro Mooro nnd others Installed on Puget Sound and which recently went Into bankruptcy. Agent Flsko of tho Intor-Oconu Transportation company arrived horo lata lnst.ovenlng on tho Nnnn Smith, lie did not havo any news concorntng tho shipment hero of supplies ami cqulpmont for railroad contractors. Tho Nann Smith will go on dry dock nt Snn Francisco noxt Monda. for her soml-nnnuat overhauling. It Is not expected that It will delay her moro than n fow days. SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY Alumni, nanquot. . FRIDAY Mrs. Earl Savago nt ton 4 Marshflold Dnnclng Club. ' Lndlos' Art Club with Mrs. 4 Jas. Cowan. 4 4 AMONG THE SICK ! Mrs. Fluella Turner In confined to hor homo by n sovoro ntnek of throat trouble. Edgar Mauzoy has been qulto 111 of stomach trouble and othor com plications nt his homo in South Mnrshllold. Harold Martin roturncd homo yes torday from Morcy hospital where ho underwent an operation for nppon (Ileitis a couple of weeks, ago, Henry E, Johnson; who undorwont nn operation nt Morpy hospital yes torday for throat trouble wns. ablo to bo brought to his homo today. A. Yarbrough who has boon crit ically 111 of appendicitis nnd peri tonitis nt Morcy hospital Is roported much Improved today nnd It Is now bolloved that ho will recover. HAS RAD FALL Otto Proy, who has been working In Anson'H logging camp tho past winter Is enjoying n forced layoff. Ho says ho enjoys It becauso ho es caped with his llfo last Friday. Ho and ono of tho Anson boys woro nt wnrlt nn a mile, nliulo nuroKS a ranvon n our tho camp, nnd tho engine wiihI started boforo the boys had gotten' to a point of safoty, with tho result that tho lino struck Otto on tho logs i nnd ho lost his balance nnd wont I head Ilrst to tho ground twenty-flvo feot below. It required eight Htltchos to dress Uie gash on his head, and tho gontlomnn wnB "lucky ho didn't break his neck." Myrtlo Point "En terprise ... LOHIMEH (USE I'P Illinois Senator's Case- to Im Drought Hi-fore Ki'iiato Tlu-n. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tiroes.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 30. Tho I.orlmer election case will bo lirougl t up In tho Senate next Mon day, Immediately after tho routluo morning business. Senator Kern of Indiana of tho minority, who holds that corrupt practice woro lined In bringing about Lorlmer's election, to- lay mado that anuouiicomcnt to tho Sennto. Have ycui Job prtutins; done at "ho Tlmen' nfflc. P0soncoAK rXa REMEDY HSJftSi. nut a. chilblain. rcLONS, burns, ctc, A VALUABLE HOUJLMOU) IALVC. au. eu4iiT- HAvcrren wcilctpm omuiiuut msttVHICHAILSr.0 5NroNCI8CO. AT TiTe Royal TONIGHT Mccormick and dulce Present Tho comedy sketch entitled "THE IJARY HOSPITAL" Good singing and music THREE NEW PICTURES 'Parting tho Ways" "Helpless Man" t "MnhllUutlon of Fiwlftc Fleet" "Sunta Catallna," Tho Islo of mystery NO REPEATERS Always a good show for 10c. PERSONAL NOTES W. J. CONRAD was a Coqulllo busi ness visitor yesterday. A. O. ROGERS, JR., of Coos Rlvor, is n Mars. i field visitor today. HEN McMULLEN. of Myrtlo Point, Is ii Marshflold visitor today. MRS P. D. RLAKE, of Catching In let, Is , Maishflcld shopper todn.,. NED C. KELLY of Coqulllo was n Mnrshllold business visitor yester day. D. O. KENYON and wlfo of Lako sldo woro Mnrshllold visitors yos tordny. TOM WALKER of Coqulllo was In Marslillohl yesterday on business nnd pleasure. MRS. FRED KRUSE of Isthmus Inlot Is spending a fow days with Marsh Held relatives. MRS. II. A. WELLS will loavo soon for n month's visit In Portland nnd othor northern points. MR. AND MRS. HARRY WINKLER nro oxpectcd homo from tholr hon eymoon to Southorn California Juno 1 ERIC EDLUND loft todny for Port land nnd other northern points where ho will spend a month's va cation. MISS VESTA McOULLOUail of Enst sldo Is n guest nt tho homo of hor aunt, Mrs. Chns. lllckox, In West Marshflold. ALDERT HAINES loft on this morn ing's train for Myrtlo Point to Join tho Haines' surveying crow which Is working In that vicinity. ED. HANSEN of Gardiner, onglnoor of tho tug Glennor, spent yesterday visiting Ills brothor, Jons Hanson, nnd his daughter, Miss Edna, horo. MRS. J. O. LANQWOltTHY and daughtor, Miss Evelyn, oxpoct to loavo shortly for California to visit their daughter and Bister, Mrs. Paul Poralta. WALTER CONDRON camo over from Myrtlo Point yeslordny for n short stay. Ho says everybody thoro is expecting early railroad activity there on tho extension to Urldgo. JOE HOTCHKISS, who has boon a business visitor In Marshfleld for tho past fow days, returned to Myrtlo Point this morning, whoro ho again Joins tho Hntnos' survey ing crow MI8S LAURA HENDRY, who Is teaching nt Tomplaton, Is In tho city for n brlof visit at tho homo of her parents, Dr. A. J. nnd Mm. Hendry, She expects to return to hor school Sunday. MRS. II. W. OLSON and dnughtor will accompany Capt. Olson to Snn Francisco tomorrow for a week's stay thoro whllo tho Nann Smith Is on drydock. Tho Nnnn Smith will got out about 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. MRS. R. K. IIOOTII who has boon nt Moroy hospital was nblo to bo brought homo yostorday and whllo recuporntlng from tho effects of tho operation will bo at tho homo of hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs, O. A. Dennett. F. A, SACCIII and wlfo oxpoct to loavo tomorrow via Myrtlo Point foi) San Francisco where thoy wll ronsult specialists about Mr. Snc chl's health. That ho will find speedy relief Is tho onrnost hope of their many friends horo. EI) WEIDER who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, M, Welder nt Ton Mllo, came In yes terday for a fow days' visit, Ho reports tho fishing at Ton Mllo good and says that another bg dunco will bo given at Lakeside Saturday evening. A. A. WOODS who rocently purchas ed a forty-aero tract from Crosson nnd Morgnn on Dnnlols Crook was In Marshfleld yesterday arranging to Improve tho place Ho enmo hero from Salt Lnko City and plans soon to huvo ono of tho finest fruit ranches in this section. I). C. GREEN will loavo the first of noxt wook for Soattlo whoro he will attend tho annual convention of the National Eloctrlo Light Asso ciation, Mrs' Groon will accompany hi in to Portland and thon go to Albany for a fow weeks' visit. Thoy will return about Juno 21, 8. D. MAONKS of the firm of Mag ties & Matson Is oxpoctod horo tho luttor part of Juno for a fow wooks' visit. Ho Is reported much Im proved In health and his many friends horo bollavo that a fow weeks' Inhalation of tho Coos Day ozono will prove a regular fountain of youth for him. Llbby COAL. Tho sind VOV hav 1LWAYB L'HKI). PHONE 73 Pacini Livery & Tranifnr Co. Snow itaww pLOOR C9HT ft'f I North Bend News Miss Lillian McCann and Robert Clnrk wore Marshfleld visitors yes tordny. Miss Elvira Moody, a teacher of Coqulllo, will bo tho guest of hor nunt, Mrs. Geo. Hnzor, for tho com ing wcok. Proprietor Rogstnd, of tho Oregon llotol, Is trying to Interest local peo ple In a proposition to oreul a ?100, 000 hotel In North Dond. The Razor & Son hardwnro Btnro is being moved Into tho rooms In tho First National Dank building which woro formerly occupied by tho Coos Day Morcantllo Co. Denny Hull. J. M. Thomas and Dr WntBon nro planning to open n now moving plcturo show In tho Mlckoy building, noxt door to tho Oregon Power coiupnny's offlco. MIbs Margaret Wilson, who hna been working tn Marshfleld, has r -turned to North Dond to spend tho summer at tho homo of hor ststor, Mrs. Loulo O. Anderson. J. G. Dlctrlck, of Portland, Is hore negotlntlng for tho purchnso of an Interest In tho North Dond milk con donsary from Gcorgo Shorldan. Ho has had many years' cxporlcnco In condonsarlos and It ho becomes In terested In tho plant, ho plans to havo It enlarged considerably. Mrs. Jackson Sllbough, of Soattlo, a worker of tho W. C. T. U., will reach North Dond Saturday, Juno 1, nnd will hold a meeting at tho U. D. church at 2130 Sunday, will locturo at tho Ilaptlst church In Marshflold Sundny ovonlng nt 8 o'clock, nt Coos ton Monday evening, Juno 3, nt Sum ner Tuesday, nt Eastsldo Wednes day, at North Dond Thursdny. whon n program will bo given at, Eckhotr Hall. Sho will leavo Friday for Co qulllo, going to llandon, Myrtlo Point, Coqulllo and Port Orford. 1LXERCI8ES IN NORTH REND. High School Commencement Program Will Hegln Tills Evening. Tho nnnunl commencement exor cises of tho North Dond high school will bogln this ovonlng whon tho fol lowing program will bo gtvon nt tho high school thoro: Muslo High School Orchestra Invocation Rov. A. S. Hlsoy Selection.- High School Qunrtot Address.. .President P. Ii. Campbell, University of Oregon. Presentation of Diplomas by S. 9 Jennings, Prcsldont of Donrd of Education. Music High School Orchestra Dcnedlctlnn Rov. D. A. 'MacLeod Class Play, "Tho Rlsb of Coos Ray," wrltton by Clydo E. Pinlth, nnd prcsoiitod by tho graduating class, as sisted by other members of tho high school. Tho annual class sormonvwlll occur Sundny ovonlng, Juno 2, In tho M. E. church by tho pastor, Rov. A. S. illsoy. i . Tho class this yosr consists of six porsoiiB, nnmoly. Harry ,0. Conro, Faith I. Hunt, Ozro II. Hqpt, Xenla A. Knorr, Clydo E. Smith and Chns. J. Van Zllo. Tho motto of tho class Ib "Deaf to All Obstacles." NEW PHONE COMPANY R, P. KWioo Plans to lustal Now Ex change In North Rend Soon. Tho North Dond Harbor says; R. P. Kehoo states thnt ho and oth ers nro making preparations to build a inodorn tolophnno lino In North Dond nnd that a franchlso will bo np piled for Immediately. Ho states that the- company proposes to start with up-to-dato phonos nnd thnt tho In stallation will bo tho very Jiost. Whllo thero Is not room for tw,p .com panies horo now tho plan of tha com pany Is to got their main systom In stalled and bo ready for the growth expected this summer. llWllll 1 1 KERN WILL RUN Consents to Do Candidate for School Director In North Dend. Tho North Rend Hnrhor says: Upon tho personal solicitation ot L. F. Fnlkonsteln, S. S. Jcnnlnga, Supt. Rnab. Goorgo Hazer, C. S. Win- sor nnd othors, Ilonry G, Kcrto has agreed to becomo n rnndldato for school director. Tho school meeting will bo hold Juno 17 at which tlmo tl'o vncancy on tho hoard caused by tho oxplratlon of tho term of F. W. Stnvons will bo filled nnd a clerk and treasurer elected. Mr, Kern has Mrvod on tho city council two yonrj during which tlmo no has taken an actlvo IntoroBt in tho nffalrs of the cty and provon himself a valuablo man. It Is with tho keenest sonso of appreciation thnt his friends nn nounco his wllllngnoss to servo the. pooplo In nnothor chnnnol, that of. membor of tho school board. , i Come In tomorrow and try Haines' Hour. Don't forget tno Turkish Dutha. PIIONH2MJ. . "My llttlo Bon had a vory sevore cold. I was recommonded to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, nnd before a small bottlo was finished ho wns as woll as ever," wrltos Mrs. II. Bilks, 29 Dowllng streot. Sydney, Australian. This romody Is for Bnlo by all dealers. Drift Flour ..- Highest Quality