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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1912)
iLUff AND BLACKMAIL NEVER BOOSTED ANYONE TO GENUINE SUCCESS fZivRimBlSa In Tho TIMES I Will 1'ut Your Ileal BsUto "In QlflflB WANT ADVERTISING in Tlio TlMk. Will Keep tlio Income from Yow Furnished Rooms from Lnnlngl YOU can really holp tlw fatally revenues by renting n low furnished rooms and, If you know how tnd when to ubo tho classified coltlmns, you may keep that Uttlo extra lncomo (Mutes 0,0 Market" Kirecuvciyi . it,n fnnli ntimii vmir Irtr before Ho eye. of nil "pos- ,U.. one i of thom who ought to there a uu ... .n in ;n it, y"' BC" '" na "Btcndy as a clock." MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS L vVY 'tMnimsiicu in io ht. AAA' nH Tlio Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coiwt .Mall fg, 270. ntid Coos liny Advertiser. $au SLIDE FOR ROOSEVELT 1 NEW JERSEY PRIMES Lr President Apparently' Has won mii ui iwumj- ciglit uciuyaiuj. ILL HAVE 15.000 MAJUHII I uven iri ! . ninOA nf 9Q nom- JV.WIISOII uuto -t V,J"V "w"' focratic Delegates nuysu- veit tiaicu. ..AAAAA -W V Y RMmiTKiii MKiaaiiTKiit 1 1 (Dr ASSOCluiuu "-' T OYSTER HAY, May 20. Hb6 result n w - t fcrtaki for ltsou, bi ' bt'Kow Jersey lms loft much lor mo to say." i "" """' y .i Muted ovor tho outcomo E(tbe primaries thoro. Ho will Cloak omorrow nt Gettysburg. ft "- ' LKAI1 IS l.M.'iii'.ani. in. AtcnMtitfvl PrOHS.) vriifAIMf NT .!.. MttV 20. L..i tinn.nvnii'a iHiimlnr tilurnl- Erin the state la about 15,000, iccord nc la ino iniust hh'..'" ! Aisoclatod Press to Cooa Day bvAUK, N. J-. Mny 20. Colonol bMvelt and Gov. wnaon woro ovur ttelnKly wlnuorti In yostorduy'a fcirlcs in .Now jurooy, nccuruiuK jctarly complete roturna. Roobo fi Tlctory is n clour aweep, tho L.r liroalilonl iililinrolltlv having LT.nlinf tlln State's 28 delOgatOB pike Chicago convontlon. In tho iftHnco vote his plummy ia iimy (000 over Tait. tt'llmn'n trliimnli an tlio domO- Lie ilde Is only n trlflo leaa com fo. Gov. Wilson lost four dolo- ktout of tho 28. Wilson's victory i staggering hlow to tho mon who td him. WILL GOMTEST 260 DELEGftTES Roosevelt Forces to Contesi About 225 and Taft Forces 35 Seats In Convention. (By ABsoclatod Press to Coos Hay Times.) CHICAGO. Mny 20. Tho last day for filing contcRta of dolegntcs to tho republican Natlonnl convention began today with n ruah. No ntlompt was mado to classify thorn beyond esti mating that thuro would ho a total of nbout 2C0 contents. Of theso tho committee catlmntcs 225 nro by tho Roosevelt forces and 35 by Tnft men. Of tho 1078 dolcgntca, crodontlalB for 1000 had been received today. N0R1R BEND 10 RAVE EREE DORK WILSON IS PLEASED ptraor Elated Over Approval f voicrs votticruiiy. Auoclatcd Press to Tho Coos TImos.) RENTOK, N. J., Mny 20. Gov. urn la nlnnsiwl nvnr tho flimnort !a Mm in yesterday's prlmnrios. !r approval," ho said, "makes tcry happy, becnuso In it is tholr Hscnt of a now roglmo in our poi- tt Vaw .Tnrflnv ntnl mnnfiH thnt icw order is to bo unstained wltu pifistncss and enthusiasm.' 1Y ARRIVE N BREAKWATER feamnr In Prnm PnrHnnri Early Today Pack Sal mon un Rogue River. te Ilreakwator arrived In onrly uiornine from Portland, bud a fairly good list of paHsongers i,uu cargo oi miscoiianouun t, Including nbout 1500 bnrrola Council Will Abolish Charges for Freight On City Wharf Other Business. RAR SPEAKING ON NORTH IIEND STREETS Tlio North Hum! city council last evening adopted an ordln- nnnco prohibiting spenklng on tho public Btreota or In public pnrka without n special permit from the Mayor. Tlio objoct of tho ordinance Is to oliminnio undcHlrnblo street orators. Tim Vnrlli llnilll I'llV COUIlCll InBt ttiu --- --r - evening lii8tructel City Aliomoy .miii un in ,mtt nn nrdlnnnco ollnilnntlng tho whnrfago chargea thnt hnvo been lovlod on all incomiiiB ami ouiB'b freight hnndlPd over mo cu o hi thoro. It la now proposed to innko u n irw wuiiii. . , ,. Tho chnrgea imposeu mii i.i i,ni.r rivn rmitH nor ton o.i coal, flvo cents por thousand on lum bor, otc, besides a chnrgo for stor ago whero freight was allowed to re main any longth of time. Tho councllmon stated tl ut It would not bo long until railroad :o -tractors would probably bo desro is of unloading .HiuilleH nnd coulpniont on tho Hny nnd that a freo vharr m"ght bo niL Inducement to Ham e il through North nend. .This will bo thn. nnlv freo wharf on tlio ua. tl Th VawliOTM nt North Dona owned by tho Simpson Lumber Co. "o S tho city has no power to regu. Into tho ehnrges made by it. sireis"Wfisra: nmi iui ; ." -",. 10 REPEAL CAiiN REG1PR0GITV Senate Adopts Amendment to aMBhLTZh"cTlihotaeov' lire Providing Change Duty On Paper. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Mny 20 By n Senator Pomerc I nmendincnt to tnko Rflnlnl To..:f n..:n:n Rinnn Senator Pomercno offorcd nn iFiuitu iuiiii iiuvioiuii mutio- mnnlilnn tnnln from tho Houso freo list nnd assess n duty or twonty por cent on lliom. Senator Lodgo moved to nmend tho Pomorcno nmendincnt to lncrcnso the duty on mnchlno tools to thirty per cent, but tho Senate voted in tho negative, most of tho progressive rc- puuncnns voting wuit mo uomocrnta. ti & v u ! ilk ii i iiiiiniiMiiiH vniini' u ii ii w ii n iiiiiimiitiiih. voto of 35 to 34. tho scnato voted Then tho Pomorcno amendment was down today an amendment to the defeated 43 to 18. metal tariff, bill placing a largo mini-, By a voto of 37 to 27 tho Scnnto her of farming Implements on tho i agreed todny to an nmendincnt to tho ireo use. i-rnciicany an or tno niiirm- metal tnrlfT rovlalon bill so ns to ro ntlvo votes woro cast by democratic, peal tlio Canadian reciprocity law SCIlntOrS. but flnvnrnl rnllllllllrnll RPnn.l mill in (imvliln n .lutv nt lim itnllnrn tors were absent PLAN 10 END LONDON STRIK E WILSON TELLS T S W WIN ON THE EIRS1 BALLOT Senator Dixon Says He Will Have Over 600 Delegates In Convention. CLAIMS OVER 30 OF NEW YORK DELEGATION Congressman McKinlcy main tains Taft will Win up to Committee. NVESTIGATE ABOU CANAL Labor Trouble Likely to Be sunmiucu to boarci or Trade for Arbitration. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmM.) LONDON, May 20 Tho situation In tho London dock striko Is un changed todny. Tho lenders of tho ntrlkn nnw nnv tlin (rnilliln will nnnn bo brought to an end ns tho men ex press thomsolvcs sntlsnod wltu tno report of Sir Edwnrd Clark who nftcr n el mm Innnlrt fniiml ttin trnlllltn wna duo mainly to a fnlluro to carry out n ciauso in tuo existing ngrcomcni between tho cniployors nnd tho men 1. 11... .i. .it ........ i. A prOVKIlllg llllll UlU UIIHItllU'D UU ll-i""i ..u r......v .-.............. ferred to tho Board of Trado for n foreign vessels, provided thoy did not lunniw vnlnllnna tlCClBlOn. viuiutu mi uvui; iuihuuu. Secretary of Agriculture Gives Views On Regulation of 1 Shipping. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Tiroes.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 20. Secretary Wilson told tho Sonato committee, on intcr-ocennlc cnnnls to dny that ho favored permitting railroad-owned steamships to ubo tho Panama cnnnl under rogulntlons of tho Interstnto Commerce Commission. Sccrotnry Wilson declared ho would not cxcludo railroad ships boforo n wronc hud boon commlttod. Ho fn- vorcd tho same tolls for domestic nnd SMOKESTACK IS 200 FT. RICH NEW EVIDENCE III COAL OEAL Large Reinforced Concrete Structure to Be Built at C. A. Smith Mill. Tho construction of n rolnforcod concroto smokestack 200 foot high has been started at tho Smith mill. diii nr. for thn foundation of tno Itnmenso tower nro now being driv en Judge Archbald Mixed Up In Several Projects In Pennsylvania. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay TImos.) WASHINGTON, Mny 20 Tom Ho well Jones of Scrnnton, Pa., a coal nnnrntnr nnri n Culm bank doalor. told tho Houso Judiciary Conunlttoo JAPANESE DEAL Alleged Negotiations at Mag dalena Bay Will Be Probed By the Senate. (By Associated Press to Cooa Boy TlmoH.) WASHINGTON, Mny 20 Ncgotln tlona of Jnpnneso Intorcsta for land on Mngdnlena Bay, Mexico, woro ro forrcd by tho Scnnto Foreign Itola tloiiB Commlttco to a subcommittee fni liifnotlimtlnn tn ilntprmlna If nnv acquisitions of territory or conces sions thoro oncroachod on tho Mon roe doctrlno. STREET WORK IN NORTH BEND .(By m,. nu. an.nitostnck will servo tho hearing ehnrges against Judgo Arch- .iii niv nn,i will reiilnco tho no- bnlil of hla own connection wun u.j. Sin brlr smokestaek now doing Williams in tho Katydid Culm bank e ice Tho TrSu mnokeatack to! deal. Ho said that nogotlatlonB woro !, Vnii onniich nnd It is defective,1 carr cd on In Judgo Archbald's ofllco. ?v.iJ t bo brncml In several pacl Representative Webb brought out a having to bo brnioc in sot or ni pmc i . . 08 ThPTw snXstaPk will ho by rom Jones tho admission that ho waa hrrjrSS5K ;,nt.,oBa a partner with ArHmnn effort SACS Kwll K'viS,roS .!,,, ii... .inni'or nr urea irom oniiino. i " - Mayor Simpson Outlines Im provements mat wm uosi About $200,000. At n mnntlm: of tho North Bond c!ty council InBt evening, n lottor from Mayor Simpson, who loft a fow days ngo for 8nn Francisco, urging many strcot Irnprovomtintu thoro, wna tnkon up and discussal. Owing to only four members of tho council bo Ing presont, nctlon on tho project wnB doforrod until Prldny night when nnother mooting will bo hold. Tboso presont nt Inst night's mooting woro Councllmon Fnlkonstoln, Bar tlo, Grubbn nnd Korn. Tim imitrnvnmonts rocommondod In Mayor Simpson's lettor Includo tho following stroots: Union from wnsningion 10 i.iucuiu Squnro. Estimated cost J 15,8 10.80. Wnsnington irom union io duoi man. . ... Sheridan from Virginia to Califor nia. Shorldan from California to north lino of platted portion of town. Montana from Rhorldnn to Pony Inlet brldgo. Estimated coBt, ?0, 031.251 Ti nrnWtH nn Sborman nvonuo. Ono for Improving It from California to Florida wnicn wouiu cum, , Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmon.) WASHINGTON., May 20 Sonntor Dixon, cnmpnlgn mnnngor for Col. Roosovolt, returned to Washington from Nw York, todny nnd mado tho prediction thnt Roosovolt will havo moro than six hundred dologntcs on tho ilrst ballot in tho Chicago convoiw Hon oxclustvo of contested delegates.' Included in this number ho said would bo moro than thirty from Now York. Tuft's mnnngor, Congrossmnn Mi Klnloy of Illinois, assorted thnt tho President's actual strength nt presont In 57! dolcgntes, oxclustvo of dolo gates-at-largo In Ohio and Toxas. Ho omphntlrnlly predicted tho nomina tion of Tnft for prosldciit on tho Ilrst bnllot. I'll to Committee Now. Friends of President Tnft ndtnlttod todny thnt ovcrj thing now depend on tho republican National commit tee Thoy nro confident, thoy said, thnt tho committee will bo for TnfL Tnlk of defections! among southern1 delegates pledged or Instructed for Tnft wns revived todny, but Tuft's po litical advisors profesRod to hollovo tlio dologatcs would stick to htm. It was positively stated that ttuv President's nnmo will bo presented to tho convention, no matter what hnp rvnnn. TIiIh bears out tho BtatO- incuts Tnft inndc months ngo tlmt "Nothing but death" would koop him out of tho fight. Tnft Is lutoroitod now particularly In tho platform. It Is said, and In tho selection or n mam to present his nnmo to tho convontlon. imv wm uo useu, lor buiuuk Packlac Balmnm Wlillo tlio law tlhll. n, fl,l., ' , ' T, ,l.,o- --.. mci. ii.uiilK ill iiuguu f ., Mlalmed that many salmon can bo N by hook and lino nnd nn of- '"going to bo mado to mnko tno rnni r" -... P, lUKiiiuing auoui iuuu uurroia n '.. fnr ni10Ut ten nionu WtweconslKiied to Roguo rlvor.not been pal 4 for n bout wy win uo used lor sailing i " " :."; j3,rjo per month was ngili ,..". - :,'."". ' ,;..' Ln,niiv. TIO Wniei V.i'""'. :., iuimi.-raiii Hueeeaa. ii is u- mi"''' . .i. filn pity oi .uiui that there will bo a big run no con met m ,111 t no u llmnn U n i i.i ooann Tlnnil nllOllt tllO UHlllui "" . in l -. ' ,kuno llui lllin Mmiim - -. . nffnrt Will DO lll " te nroni.v,( n ! iilkolv thnt an enori " , - "i.NnilH u Tlll DUI1 V I "" Mn nt wck tomorrow for Portland. draft n new com..." ItKOnir HinEo o..i..i., n tint --B .itWJfl Ulilflllf, Uil .. ;vfater were tho following: ' w. Holllh'cr, Mr. McKlhbon, W. 'ai. H. L. Burt. F. L. Greonough, - Honeywell, Miss Kate Sargent 8 M. Ulackmoro, H. O. McLenr, - .uuvlDUll, .MI'S. 1. U. rtlUl'Hl ;J Phillips. Mrs. Phillips, L. C. -"'. jir. I'arlcnurst, ii. v. wer, w H. Milgus. Miss P. u. Mrs. Hlntz, Mrs. A. Huntor, J. Illlnlor I 1 Xfnnnn A T. . t5 J!" 0 lanison. Paul Lninson, Elllfson, G. J. Honry, Mrs. G lry, Mrs, J. b. EcUninn, Miss M. ,"" ". u. sandager, I. Pitman, Moorland, J. d. Dowo. Goo. F. Rwll, Mrs. Kimball, Dr. E. U. rf H. M. Jones, R. S. Scott, O ;..":"." -, a. uarison, u. u HONOR ROSTRON IAN! REFUGEES TO ELECT NEW DIRECTORS AND HIS CREW, FROM MEXICO Officers of Carpathia Present-Transport Bulord Brings 373 ed Tributes By Survivors of Titanic. From West Coast Ports to San Diego. School Politics Beginning Jo Liven Up In Marshfield and North Bend. School politics In North Bend nnd Mnrshflold aro beginning to liven up a bit. n director having to bo ojected ... - .. . ... i....i...ii ,Ua,ii nt nnrli tilnru. H , cSKn7b7toan,: Tho i Mhrshne.d tho term of M O second' project Included .another Horton will exp. e JUJlh block of graaing. con , "i in ,1. frle id havo been urging that ho nccopt tho position ngnln, It is un derstood that ho does not feel thnt Ills presont plans will ennblo him to do so. interests nwny irom mo street from Florida to tho Ilnll Park, which would moan nn additional cost or 1705.75 U done by drodgo or ttotnor. If flnnn liv tnnni. i,U.MV . .w..w ,. -- Mnyor Simpson also rocomtnoni , rca,llro milch of his time nnd pro thnt hard paving bo laid on Sliormnn yont lmj from gvlg th(J tm t0 ti,n nvonuo nrtor It Is graded. InoHltlnn thnt ho baa In tho pnst, A. Tho Idon Is that lr tlio Boiiuiorn jioworH B understood to bo bis Pnelfie nnssongor depot is loented on ,.. fn. ,i.n i11PA n,i i u llkelv Shorldnn nvonuo botween Cnlirornlnt,mt Mr j(,wor8 wm nccopt tho posl- and tho T. W. Rennio nomo, as huhiu t,on No olj10r candldntos havo ucon now expect, and tho freight depot to;8,IBg0Bt0,i H0 fnr. located at Shorldan botwoon Caiir-j In r;orth nend, tho term of F. w. ornla nnd Connecticut, it Is very ob- 8tovonf, Xplre nnd ho will not bo n sontlnl that onsy grades on tlio can(llilnto for tho placo. Tho olec- CELEBRATION IS ASSURED (By Associated Press , to Tho Coos (Dy Assoc.ate,! Pre. to Tho Coos VFW YORK Ma)- 2'J-Captaln Ar-I SAN DIEGO, May 20-Tl.o trans- Carpathia. the ship that apod to " , , nurnbor, (0rty- i mltteO OI Tlium " -- ,;-. ! hoardo.1 tho Carpathia on ner arrhal ..,,.,--- tn The Coo8 hpre today, uoiu, biitui . . - uy nM,v ... nere ju..,. framod wlth a sef Tlraea.) o'f engrossed rosolutlons woro pro-, DAYTON. Ohio, May 20 Wilbur t -t, .. ". -. MT.I,' ?' &ne- ' aml: .u In 7,7 : " "unter, J. McCormicit, m. Walters, L. R. Wright, R. Albo, "EH ONE DAY'S DREAM" is y, ,"' 1""lBSlon of ino jiiuwi" vmh TREATKR, T6klo. This feature .. i. j t ---.. juui cannot auuru .u At tho ROY,l TfONIGIIT. to DANCE EAGLES' HALT., Finance Committee Meets With Generous Response In Ap- neal for Funds. .mmifton of tho The. "nf July colobrauon report Fourth of Jul c' . k of Be. splendid prosresa In the tr , B curing i6r'up last year are Arms who 8ln"?fX Bnd many are "ntLBfh?rmMnU of tholr con- inoreuo."o pariy in tho any ' trlbutlons. Eari w p,dly 0p amount secured as w proacblng the J0JJ2ommUtee n A meeting of J c0, bo held general arnwnentB wh genora, tbia evening ." th0 chamber of engrossed rtuiuun ".,'''' uaviua, umu, ; -" sented to tho offlcera and entire crew comlltlon today showed no Wblch had been mustered in tho sa Ion. 1: . t, .,., rAannmlod and said . P ' ."u"".r. nil due to the y,yi;r,,ana.h..ho NEW I. W. W. CASE stroots approaching tliom uo pro vided. , Tho tost of tho projected Improve monts, It Is estimated, will bo In tho neighborhood of 200,000. Owing to bo much grading being nocossary and tho fact tlini ino uiri tun o.u.v,. in,, win im liniri Juno 17. Mrs. Hor- bort Armstrong wns Hiiggestod by many for tho plnco but sho Is unnhlo to nccopt tho position, nlthough sho nppreclatos tho honor. nmn Mnnm Ii wnlUknown Noi'tli nend mnn. lias boon brought out for tno raci umi "-- " u"",I"r,'.. T Mir'n.n.i Mntherj down tlio IIIUll lini nour n.u ', uiu uro u ." ."" V. ' i, V,."- Qi.,,nnn imlloves thnt Uy- nnd Teachors' Club, although ho has draullo power utilized. Jnot fon.mlly amiounced that ho vvn. eSU coS'cublo yard by tho ommondlnc somoonoto .jjacjd Mr. 0,'5r.:rngo- in grades will raise !oro th. two "Jj "'ffi havoc with many of '".onSlMro. ns n along tho street, cuts of ten, llfteon " , amctor. educational and oven ns high as eighteen feet ol "'. . . d ',. t0 UlP i. being mado. This will mean a con-, ' ,' ( tho Bchools. From so nmny Blderablo additional owenao to tho '" BUBKoatcd It was difficult nrnr.Brtv ownors asldo from tho cost """"""' ,,,. i,t Mr. Mooro "ew of tho Carpatma una ma ui 0 8llIl hail meroij w.- - -- iumanity. D ego t.riiiiu Jury. sailor toward suffering humanity, i ABBOCa70d Press to Tho .Coos vnriPE TO KNIGIITSOF.PYTHIAS , XMav 20Judge ". A" ?e3b0?whlLa. MSd TWting W. R. Guy. in thoSuperor Court ro- Knights of Pythias anu v.-h uetday The issuance of an ordor brethren aro requested to bo present , waea too alngt next Monday f.TpnLn0SderVrank Hco J. K. Wilson, charged by Attor r..n r; hancollor Commnnuor nu v nnhh ns. renresent- S r,i3.tman and Grand I Keeper o ' ?w --' "; ;n T w. W.. wltj UV)B .uuu.w T: Z ... iii .!. R. Stlnson willing members of e . w. v., -, complicity iu i.. "-- "o nw. of their stenographer. V. B. Raw lins, from San Diego. May 10. Judgo ' .... ..!' la nna fnr win. Guy says mo umuoi " - " . J Q1o I KWS-STKW&Wt .. f,An t... pl.itfof'SiS and" Feed aVli'aln. siderat.on by tho grand Jury. property ownors asldo from tho of Improving tno sircuiB. TRIES TO KILL FAMILY San J'rwiclhco Man SIhhIips Children mid Ends LI re. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 20 Jos- t. ai,,u.r n mhlnat makor. slash ed his two infant children nnd u aov- en-year-old stOP-uaugnior wim u ra zor horo oarly today and commlttod BUlclde by cutting his throat. The children will live. Domestic tnfol city Is tho alleged cause. to mako a decision; but Mr. Monro seomed to bo tho ono tnnt would ' avo moro tlmo to devote to scnoui u.". osts nlong with tho othor neceHFTy (liiallfications." NO FURTHER NEWS Details of Rattles Near Fez Not Re- .Alifwl In I.Viiiirn. fDy Associated Press to Cooa Bay v Times.) PARIS, May 20 Nolthor tho French rorolgn ofllco nor tho nown napors have any rurthor news con corning tho reported attack by Ino Moorish tribesmen on Foz. -v uipn, dune l. Don't miss iu