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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1912)
6 f WE 'ftJOS BAYf IMES, MA&SHflELD,- OREddfii THURSDAY, AIL 11, 1912 EVEAlINQ EDITION. Where Sail Meets Rail Items of Interest poncern- Ing jfyfastcrs and. Vessels of the Pacific Coast I Stood od tho shore bcsldo tho sou; Tho wind from tbo west blow (ro3b and froo, Wlillo past tbo rocks at tho harbor's mouth Tbo ships wont north and ships wont south. And some sallod out on an unknown quoat, . And Bomo Bnllod In to tho harbor's rest; Tot over tbo wind blow out of tho west. Holtnosas, socond.ofllcor t . -kTIiIbivgsoI la knQ,w,n horo, belong ing to Captain Simpson, In. -former days, mastors ofttlmos purposely made lifo bo full of cares for tho sal lors that thoy would desert their ship In foreign ports, tho ship being tho gainer of ithc. wagon. duo- That gatno won't work any moro, a statu to hav ing boon pasaed to provent this out ragOi Now any wages duo a desort lng seaman are to bo forwardod to tho shipping commission at tho port wboro ho slgnod on, whoro It will bo retained subjoct to bis propor do-mand. I. . .SMITH'S THK WORLD'S ailHATEST HARHOR I said to ono who had sallod tho soa That this was a mnrvol unto mo; For hbw can tbo ships go safoly forth, Somo to tho south and somo to tho north, Par out to sea on their goldon quest, Or luto tho harbor's calm and rost, And ovor tho wind blow out of tho weat? Tho sailor smiled as ho nnsworcd me, 'Qo whoro you will when you'ro on tho sea, i Though bead winds bafflo and flaws delay. You can keep tho courso by night and day, Drlvo with tho brcozos or against tho gale; It will not matter what winds pro- vaii, For all doponds on tho sot of tho sail." Tho Droakwator Is duo in oarly In tho morning, having sallod from Portland this morning. Tho Rodondo 1b scheduled to sail from San Francisco for Cooa Day next Monday afternoon. Sho crossed out last night. A groat marltlmo boom 1b appar ently universal. Tho American const wlso trado Is flourishing; so Is tho trans-Atlnntlo trudo; so Is tho Pa cific trado; so Is tbo trado ovon In far away Australia. Evorywhoro thoro Is a demand for ships that can not bo mot. Much significance Is placed on tho fact that previous ronmrkablo marl- iimo rovivaiB liavo followed porlods of buslnosB depression and hnvo pointed tho way to marked rovlvals of buslnoss on land na woll. Tho harbor of Now York 1b unques tionably ono of tho finest natural harbors of tho continent, perhaps of tho world. Till tho beginning of tho nineteenth century it was predicted that Boston, or oven Nowport, would becomo tho great port of Nprtn Amorica. As late as 1812, Philadel phia was tho suporlor of Now York as a financial and commercial cen ter. Contrary to all predictions, however, Now York has left all other cities far bohlnd In Its phenomenal growth Today Its commorco ox- ccedn that of any otlior port In tho world, including its groat rival, Lon don and Hamburg. Its population, according to tho last census; Is also Increasing about two and a halt times as fast an that of London Tho moasuro of the commorco of a port Is tho total volumo of tonnngo of tho vossols ontorlng and clearing. Tho total tonnngo ontorod and elenrod nt London during 1910 was In round numbors 20,230,000 tons; nt Hamburg, 22,300,000 tons; at Now York City, 25,600,000 tons. Tho corresponding figures for Now York City for tho year 1901 woro ap proximately 10,300,000 tons,. There fore tho nvorago lncrcaso In tonnngo during tho past 10 years was 1,000, 000 por annum. Tho valuo of Imports through Now York Harbor during tho yoar 1010 approximated $930,000,600; oxports, ot2.00u,uoo, a total of SI. 588. 000.- 000, giving tho federal government n rovonuo of approximately $200,000, OOO.Charlcs W. Stanford, In Engi neering Nows. I (Continued from page 1.) probably so anxious to bo on tho win ning side that you "(lopped" ovor and workod with tho other faction. Slnco nl M t te MinnllntiArl dm r t A a B -'""...""" "-"uu iuo iuuuui ui ,,, -,,, ,, ., mn,1n nllV political defeats, I am reminded that '"" "V r T mv V.n liTii two yoars ago, your non-ln-lnw, Mr, camo from tho very best Kentucky stock, I havo boon in Oregon longor than you havo as I am a natlvo son jof this Btato and ,havo lived horo all my llfo, and whatever charges oro brought against mo at this tlmo I havo tho delightful satisfaction of knowing that I havo Mover bdon por trayed by Ilex Boach or ony other novolist as a vllllnn. Again you say "that In a talk wo had In Coqulllo tho day tho Central Commlttco mot thoro, thnt I said all of this tommy rot yelling of progressive pollclos by a lot of snnrllng hyprocrltlcal high binders nB though they had a copy right on tho term, mado mo sick." In reply to that statomont I say most F. K. Qettln8, who Is now n candldnto against mo for tho nomination for tbo ofllce of State Senator, was nominat ed by tho Portland Assembly for tho ofllco of Wator Commissioner. I pre sume you also know that tho said F. K. Oottlii3 was defeated by n VERY largo majority. Not on ac count of location ns ho has suggest ed or lack of qualifications for tho position, but for tho ulnin nml Rlm- plo reason that ho and you wont In such statement In my presonco. IJut ovon If you had mado thnt statomont to mo It would havo had on Influcnco with tho pooplo for thoy know whoro you stand with reference to nil pro gressiva policies of tho ropubllcnn pnrty. Thoy also know whoro Mr. Collins stands nnd wborel stand, and tho vordlct will bo rendorod by tho pooplo at tho Prlmnry olectlon ono wcok from next Friday. If tho de cision Is In favor of Mr. Gottlns I will Biipport lil m nnd assist him during tho campaign. You say lots of pco- with a lot of schomlnc nolMrfntm ino cnmpaign. ou say iois oi pco "& rob tho people of the.? . ' , iVZ - W"1 - j i JA at NefMHa Shlw-1 slMving three' Hew StyiqfStetson fiats. and should know that all tariff legis lation is enactod by Congress nnd not I suggest so you will Tho slonmshlp men, like tho rnll road mon, long ago, learned that tbo adoption of tlmo schedules to suit tho convonlonco nnd ploaauro of tbo traveling plibllc means Increased Iintronago for tholr linos. Two of tho blggost trans-Atlnntlo Hnora will horonftor anil from Now "Vork at 1 n. in., Instoad of In tho day time Tho deop, wolMlghtod Am oroso channol mako audi a schodtilo poislblo. It Is arguod that tho Inno vation BllOUld bo nomilnr liivnnan It will glvo ocenn trnvolors n chanco to attond tho theator In Now York on Tuosday night nnd will pormlt thorn to roach London In tlmo for luncheon on tho following Mondny. -Iot.!?.n,y wnB fho cnrK 'nkn "t of Seattle recently by tho stonniBhlp "Minnesota" on her Inst trip tho largost thnt ovor crossod tho Pacific, but It waB tho largost freight ton nngo, ovor carried from nm. nni. in tho world on tiny oconn." Tho groat vcbsoI wolghod, Includ ing cargo, consisting principally of flour, 40,000,000 pounds. Tho Uolglnu government is export moutlng with a dovlco on ono or Its Ghnnnol stenmors by moans of which It hopes to effect u having In coal nmountliig to about 12 por cont. This will bo accomplished by pumping a. film of nlr between tho hull of tbo tnlii and the surrounding watora, which It la expected will diminish friction. It Is claimed for this Invoii- won uiai u is nlrendy In successful oporatlou on two stenmora and that tho economy In conl, ovon nftor al lowing for tho forco to pump tbo air along tho sides of tho ship, Is de cidedly noticeable. It Booms n long cry from tbo days whon Andy Mnbonoy mndo Marshllold na n travollng salosman to tho recent Incorporation of tbo Olson & Mnhon oy 8tonniBhlp Company with a capltnl of n million dollnra. Andy Is woll romt'iiiborod by ninny of tho old-tlm-ora who will wish his continued pros porlty for In tho old days ho was n good follow. .'170 ANGORA GOATS ARK KILLED 11Y HAIL LANOTUY, Texas, April 11. Hall accompanying Sunday's henvy rain killed 50 grown An- gora goats and 320 kids at tho Hutorbulor ranch near hero. Tho hall was tho heaviest In yoars, All motor boat owners nrn int.. osted In offorts to defeat a bill thnt im men iniroiiucPd In Congress by Representative Shorwood. Tho mat tor was brought to tbo attontlon of tho Mnrshflold Chainbor of Comnioreo by Hugh McLaln. This bill, known as house bill 18,788, It Is nllogod, wquld destroy tho gnsollno biislnosa on tho Pnclllc const and would dam ago tho fishing Industry of this const, as, if passed, It would roqulro all mo tor boats moro than 40 feot In length to carry two llcouhed men, Tho bill, It Is bollevod. was Intro duced at tho roquoat of tho Eastern Bteam-propollod boat operators, na tno ga8oiino bont Is not much usod ror commorclnl purposos on tho At lantic const but la used largely on the j'ncuio uoast ror passongor and freight and particularly In tho fish ing Industry. To roqulro tho small operators to carry two llconaed men It la bold would bo ruinous. WORKING AT HOME. Ono day whon Inspiration fatlod, Ami ready wit within mo staled, I thought to try And fortify My haultlng uso hy chnngo of nceno And quiet. And so I snld I'll wrlto nt homo, And mnko a tlnklo-tanklo porno . Outside tho ofllco riot. Dut oro tbo thought Expression sought, My wlfo said: "Percy, doar, Tho furnnco flro Will soon expire, Unless, porchanco, you disappear And huBtlo on somo coal." And so I stooped my willing back, And harrowed up my soul. Tho miiBo ngnln My lagging pen Pursued with florc'o dcslro: Dut hush! O Blush! Tho 'laundry wngon comoa, And little wlfoy loudly hollors For Percy's shirts nnd etiffe and col lars. Pntlcnco succumbs; Instead, thoro hums Through nil my volns a throbbing Iro. Tho woodshed wants a lock, Pleaso fix tho kttrhon clock t boat It Can't completo It So horo nmld (ho din, I cnlmly toll and spin, And notlco with n grin Tho blamed thing's ended. EXTRA COPIES OF THE SPECIAL RAILWAY EDITION COOS RAY TIMES Wrapped ready for mailing mny bo obtained at tbo office. Price 20 conts each. legal right to nomlnato candidates tnf 1in Vnflnna rtfYlrttM ltt.1 .n-1.l In tho oloctlqn of n democratic gov- P ttho Stnto Legislature. nnnm. i n . .i.i.i. . ' -LSlzl, I that you road up a llttlo .nninriivy'innnn a,-i i"i not oxposo your Ignoranco ngaln. o,t .n f,.,'. ... .:.'" i Dut If tho pooplo aro so anxious to active T candidate for 1 nnmin'Tti know my views upon matters of pub- for tio high ofllco of governor of Ore gon, nnd that you wont out Into tho highways and byways and spent a lot of tlmo and money trying to con vince tho vptors that you was tho log ical candldnto for that ofllco. Dut to your groat surprlso and dlssappolnt mont, when tho votoB woro countod, you had about enough to havo oloct od you Justlco of tho Poaco of Marsh I161d If you had boon a candldnto for that olllco. Tho nconlo decided thoy didn't want an old political bar- .nlclo for tho ofllcq of govornor of this Binio. in 18U6 you was a mombor of tho Oregon Legislature and was ap active candldnto for tho offlco of Sponkor of tho Houbo, and mado about tho kind of n showing thnt you did whon you ran for governor. Whon you returned from Alaska a fow yearn ago, whoro you woro acting na j Bomo Kinu or n juiigo, It was reported horo In Oregon, thnt you woro charg ed with malfeasance In ofllco, and that It got so hot for you, that you woro compelled to resign. Dut aftor you roturnod to thin stato you ox plalnod tho mnttor by saying that tho charges woro not sustained, nnd thnt you roslgnod tho offlco. I will accept that Btatomont an being truo, but morely mention tho lucldont to show thnt ovon ns good a man as you tiro, and progressiva republican that you aro, has nt least onco In his llfo boon fnlsoly accused and will thorcforo know how to aympathlzo with mo wnon I nm bolng fa so y lie Interest they must bo equally In torosted In knowing Mr. Gottlns' vIowb upon tho samo quostlons as wa aro candldntos for tho samo ofllco. So will mnko tho following proposl position. Thnt wo hlro n public hall whor Wr. Gottlns nnd I will moot nnd invito tho public to hoar us discuss all matters which wo may docldo will bo of Interest to tho public. I will pay half of tho cxponso and eith er you or Mr. Gottlns pay half. Dut If you aro to pay half of tho cxponso, I would suggest thnt you first pay for somo of tho merchandise for which you owo In this town nt this tlmo and hnvo owed for a long tlmo. Hoping this reply to your vllo lottor will bo satisfactory and wishing you abund nnco success In your political futuro, I remain your ox-frlond, . I. S. SMITH. I HOW I INVESTED MY DOLLAR AND WHAT GAME OF IT (Dy, Ruth Cownn of tho Sixth Grndo High School Dulldlng) Ono week my mothor wna vory buBy and sho did not havo tlmo to wash hor dishes, Sho told mo If I would wnsh tho dlshos twlco a day for n wcok, sho would glvo mo n ilol- lar. Of courso I was vory glad to think of earning soma monoy. I wnshod nnd wlpod tho dlshcH for n week and I rocolvod a dollar. I was accused, qulto undocldod whnt to do with It, CfcUR business has groWa to its present size because of the values we have given. . Every Die oi mercnancuse we seu is the best obtainable at its price. That 'is 'why we feature "Stetson"' hats Lefyoifii new hat be-a "Stetson" LetYour New Suit , be a Benjamin Let Your New Shoes be Stetson Shoes "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. .MARSHI'IELI) IUXD0.V You boast of having lived In Oregon Thoro wns a lady living noxt door to ub who had bantnm lions to sell. I asked her If sho -would Boll mo two lions for n dollar. Sho said yes, she would soil mo threo. bvory egg tho chlckoiiB laid I Hold to mnmmn. Threo for n nlcklo. Tho money I received fiom tho oggs.I had to uso to buy feed for tho hens. Thoy aren't laying very woll now, and I thought I wasn't mnklng very much on them. Tho noxt day throo bantnm lions lay doad In a pnn read; to U plckod. 4444. EXTRA COPIES OP TIIK SPECIAL RAILWAY KDITI0.V COOS DAY TIJIE8 Wrapped ready for nulllnr may bo obtained nt tho office. Prlco 20 contB ench. M New Arrival of Steel Ranges We are now Offering to the public of Coos Bay the best line of Ranges, for their respective prices, ever shown on Coos Bay or anywhere else, Banquet Great. Western WHY HESITATE? Thomas Holmoa, a sailor, formerly jomployod on the schoonor Churchill, .sailing bptw.equ Grays Harbor and CtllRO, Peru. hV JlbcMln ship ' (or, OTSAFSflK ij&ire An Offer That Imolvcs no Money Risk If Yon Accept R. Wo aro so positive our remedy will completely rollovo constipation, no mnttor how chronic It tuny bo, that wo offer to furnish it free of nil cost If it falls. Constipation is commonly caused by wonknofes of tho norvos and muscles of tho largo Inte&tlne. To expect a euro yon must fhoroforo tono up and strengthen thnso organs nnd rostoro tlom to healtblor ac tivity. Wo want ypu to try Roxnll Qrdo lies on our cuarantco. Thoy nro eat en like candy, and aro particularly good for children, Thoy scorn to act uiroctiy on tno norves and muscles of the bowels. Thoy apparently havo n noutrnl action on tho other organs. Thoy do not purgo or causo other Inconvenience. Wo will refund your monoy If (hoy do not ovorcomo chronic or h.nbtua! constipation and thus aid to reDevo tl.o myriads of af Boclato or depohdont' chrome ali- Jiluyy T"StAySAlljfactoryTbugi aegi.. Banquet Ranges Priced at From $25 to $42.50 i iX BB , , vi?r I Irriirp5ii Renown Toledo Garnet Monarch Malleable Ranges $65.00 to $75.00 Renown Ranges $30 to $32 Garnet Ranges $32 Toledo Ranges $40 to $45 Space will not permit of full descriptions why each of these Rages is the ages is inc fltoro. Lotkhrt. Parson nrw nd best for the price. Call in and see for yourself. We will leave it to you to be the judge. GOING & ftf ARMBY A t COMPLETE SOUSE FURNISHERS GO. StaewiU. Baartw of the ChurctfR.1 "To Bwy CorBr." Jl . t thitt W i,- u. P KM tH fW , I tt