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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1912)
IAITING NEVT1 BRINGS ANYTHING EXCEPT TO HIM WHO DOESNT NEED rDVEItTISlNO to Tuo TIMES 1.. v- Ileal Btto "ia QI000 WANT ADVERTISING la Tbo TJTMBS Will Keep tho Income from Vow Furnished Rooms from Lapsbigt YOU can really help the family rovenucB by renting a few furnlshod rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified column, you may keep that little extra Income Market" Effectively! m nut tho facta about your .iMi DUX01" .. ' 1.11' In town. Ana "' - hom who micnt to t- "?..ii tell It! .'"- MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS as "steady as a clock." W Sm mmtz lOUXXKV Established in 1878 , Tho Const Mall i J MfLLlS OF COMPANY OK COOS BAY OUTLINES POLICY MSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1912 EVENING EDITION A .Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull n OQ1 mid Coos liny Advertiser. nv' to ' c9vs Work Will Start Within Say?. V1. novo lf PpnnB a XIV uuj Meet Conditions. WT.SAMETERMSAS py uinen nrm-nunw fonts Riflht of Way Through Marsntieia anu uu uyH"i tion to Bridging Bay. . jMn't como to Coos Bay with -..dob or with a chip on my shoul I but 1 did com0 t0 ,,nd '' h.A wAtit n t whether me pop. - n?'SB co-onorat.on that "T hv worn wllllnir to i i nnaciovwu vv ImmtMn' a milt Tleo-presldont and gonoral Ser of tho local Southern Pa- Li. .-A na DBBlBUlll. "i n Kronle of that company, who ar bli hero this morning on tho Brtkwater. no accumpiuuuu oui. (f P. Minor one irum -uinuu. Kn. MlUls Is with him and thoy wl will iomo limo timo on uio uuy. Mr. MIIHa when soon this nftor- l- ..lUint onvlni flint iA Wll miHQ- riLll.i;ilLa OUJiHh .- it tould like to confor with local -otic beforo making an oxtondod Eatenent of tho situation. In aub luwe, he said: lame Iicro (or rrcsiucni opruuia iD id hoard of dlroctorH to nscor- Ula the attitude of Coos Dny pooplo lonrii tho Bouthorn Pacific's .prop Miiien ta build hero. It Is a plnln fciiiMi proposition for both sides. "Ia tho first place, lot. mo say to kwthitl bavo tho railroad for Cooa Jyla my pocket with authority to luoance that wo will bogln cqn- nctlon hero within CO days If tho plt hero will cxtond tho co-opor- L'Jcn.tbat any other business coming i Mre Ii entitled to and should ox L U thoy do not. It Is llkoly that h will bo forced to wait until thoy pa This ta not a threat, hut moroly, l eudld statoniout or tho Bltuntion. to does It moan thnt wo will not hU to Coos Hay. Wo will, but Ju.Ht fin depends on tho pooplo horo.i "Oar pooplo feel that In making a ll.009.OOO Invcstmont to build and Wt a road to Coos Bay, thoy Aoildi not bo called unon to nnr fttle to a small local concorn and i biodlcapnod by thorn. Wo wnnt icome In boro and do business llko i io at otbor cltlos. If wo had to h; I) to 15 a car swltchinir chnrm.ii 13 I local coinnanv tn hnndlo the Nile, we would simply huvo to in- pm our rates that much and tlho f'd bo a hardship on tho shippers r- puce mom at a disadvantage In Petition With Pnrtlnnil n- nMmr l-i whero thoro Is no such handl- ?. he Bouthorn Pacific wants to tO Marsllflnli! ami Nnrth rtnnil Mtlllt cannot, It will havo to nr PHMts own terminals and you will M til.. !..!. - ... . .. . ' n. UU"1U0S- w" como to mom.' . feel that tho nnnnln of Conn J7 itould give us a right of way -so we town, cltnor over strcota ' tirough prlvato proporty. Wo do " tor it to do oxcluslvo, but wo (J M want any strings attached to " want to uo able to handle Defines nnranltrno nAMnn. An- iwpmepts In California havo maco r m nern I'aclflc chary nbout rTur ten rocniati....- i.. .i.- i..,.i. ! i city council which .Is unfamiliar N-wiroaa uuslness and whlcn tJm ,laken Political zoal might BW ruinous conditions upon us. ,.," ?J w,id havo to liavo a lUo iould give ua gonoral access to r.M. ,r(ront" TePUc Mr. MlUls, ft'Ra'lway has boon granted TV"! Wav ulnnrr tl,n n.oa.fnn i t be easier for them to securo I "rough tho cltv f..rtin. i,oi. . SSfc of th0 Southern Pacific" Mnan,LWarh0U.8ea ?nd fao. oald rf ". wiuoriront wnicn W h.Tni dlruct 80rv,co a"" wo it, ,?"" to bo nblo tp accommo- fped hi u".lu U0,nB handl 'othe ii0 swltdIng charge of I lm tnld il. . . t thai n V. l Hon, PooP'o nero ij Li?, Southern Pacific, but I sr.. i. ou,a nt bo tho case. ,nelt40yoar8T lhldglB U.o Ily. Ns sta8t!i0 burh,Slng tho Day, Jlr. . 'stated that hv thr.,,1 n.t VhllTJr th0 co"l'ny "'"I l-tth,n.!?a.rtmot to handlo with- "All ;" v,re"Co of other parties. ' left " "KAauout this Is thnt It M the com no War Department, I' "houlYT J l0 8emo- f course. Denn A,ve.thl co-operatlon of "ri in this and not their ,J "rh . "' ?' o . w thoy "Denartn . !efl TOntters up. The !rIt thl - rtl. crtaIiUy would not 2? tkVif n8Jructl0l a brllBO -wvSiinat would bo detrl (ContL fi DOLLAR "ued oh pare 4.) E TO RUN HERE M. J. Savage Buys Vessel From Dollar Company for Coos Bay Trade. Announooment was received horo today that M. J. Savngo of San Frnn cisco, who "hno boon Interested in tho Dollar Steamship Co. and other lines ns a stockholder, has bought tho Stoamor Graoo Dollar and will put hor on tho San Francisco-Coos Day run. Tho vessol bolongqd to tho Dol lar Steamship company. Sho has boon nn oxcluslvo lumbor carrier but It Is posolblo that Mr. Savago will nl ho fit her up as a passongcr boat. Just when sho will mnko her Initial trip In horo Is not known. Mr. Sav ngo has not selected n master for tho vossol but Is understood to be try ing to Bccuro Capt. T. J. Mncgonn, for years master of tho Drcnkwntor, to nssumo command of his now boat. Ho has stated that ho considered Cnpt. Macgcnn nno of tho host mas ters on tho ConHt and Is very anxious to socuro him. It la not believed, however, Unit Cnpt. Macgcnn will givo up tho Ilrcakwatcr for the now run. Mr. Savngo may also socuro other vorhoIb and establish a lino of staoin-ors. HAD IHOT AT NANKING Outbreak Among Now Troops of tho UilncMO Kepiiuuc (Dy Associated Projs to Tho Coos Dny Times) SHANGHAI, April 12. Tho now troops mutiniod last night in the con tur of Nanking, looting and burning many stores nnd residences. Tho Canton rogulara romalnod loyal and surrounded tho mutineers whom they subduod. No forclgnors woro injur ed during tho rioting. AID FOR MADNItO Tuft Permit Shipment of Wnr Sup plied to Mexico (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, April 12. Presi dent Madoro is trying to havo his navy as woll ns his nrmy munitions of wnr purchased In this country un der oxcoptlons to tho American pro nimnnHnn nriiiiiftin i tho exnortation of war matorlal to Mexico. President Tnft nuthorlzod today tho Mexican government to 6xport n largo box of miscellaneous fittings for nuval guns. W RRITORY TE TO BE OPENED North Bend Sash and Door Factory Plans for Busy Season This Summer. mu VT..II, Ilnml Rinll Xr. DOOr faC . ...nnnii lrf nnnnlnc a dlb- lory uua uuwub"" ' 7. T a trlbuting branch at San Pedro and to supply tho southern and south western portion of tho United States from there. As a result of tho now brunch, which Manager R. A. Wer- nlch and Ij. J. simpsun huvo annus for, tho factory will soon bo working at Its maximum capacity nnd If the business grows as anticipated, will probably havo to be enlarged. Through tho San Pedro branch, lower California, Arizona, Now Mex ico, Texas nnd Oklahoma will b supplied and nlso carload shipments for tho Chicago territory will' be shipped from tbero, It was thought at first that It might bo necessary for tho cpmpan ro build Its own warohouses at San Pedro, but this was found unneces sary. , , . . ., . Manager weriucu, wuo uu juk--i -. n rii thronirli the new territory, stated yesterday that ho was now arranging to Increase the forco in t) o factory nnd cxpectod to havo it running full time and at the maximum capacity Inside of six weoKs. WAFKMW nnd IIAIU) CAXDIKS, Per 1rouiul, Saturday nnd Sun day, nt staffokh'S. . Glnsswurol Glasswaroll GInsswarolM ' SATURDAY SATURDAY PEOPLE'S 10c 10c 10c GENERAL SDL Commander of the Department of the East U. S. Army and Son of Famous General Ex pires Unexpectedly in New York. i (Dy Assoclatod Proas to Cooa Day Times.) NEW YORK, April 12. General Frcdorlck Gent Grant, commnndor of tho Department of tho East, son of tho famous civil war gonoral died suddonly at midnight at tho Hotel Buckingham whoro ho was taken so cretly by his physicians last Wednes day. Ills prosonco In tho city was not known until n policeman station ed noar tho hotel had callod an am bulance at tho request of an cmployo who told htm Gonoral Grant was choking to death. According to tho physIdanB death waB caused by heart failure. Ho hnd boon suffering tor bo mo tlmo thoy said from "diabetes nnd attendant digestive disturban ces." SHOCK TO WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. April 12. Olnclal Washington was greatly shockod to day by tho nows of Gonoral Grant's doath. It long had boon known that he wns In very poor health but tho sudden end was not cxpectod. Secre tary Simpson who for many years was In elbsd Intimacy with General Grant wns much atfocted by tho death of his frlond. Ho said tho Amcrlcnn pooplo would retain a keen appreciation of his military caroer his high civic virtues nnd tho kindly qualities of his heart. Frederick Gent Grant was born In St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1850. Ho graduated from tho U. 8. Academy In 1871, being appointed from Now York. Ho was married to Miss Ida M. Honoro In Chicago, October 20, 1874. Ho hns boon actlvo in nrmy and political life ovor slnco his grad uation. In 1886 ho was appolntod minister to Australia by President Harrisoto. Ho served as Political Commissioner of Now York from 1894 to 1898. Appointed Colonol in tho Bpanlsh-Amorlcnn war with distinction and Fob. 18, 1901, wns appolntod brigadier gonora In tho U. S. A. nnd has romalnod In tho nrmy sinco thnt (Into 1 E THE . E RULE RILL Irish Nationalist Papers Re gard the New Measure as Satisfactory. ' (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos) DUBLIN, April 12. Nationalist papora In Ireland on tho wholn con sldor tho Government Homo Rulo bill satisfactory although somo of thorn profess to regard It as not being fin al. Tho Freoman'fl Journal describes tho bill as tho greatest, boldest and most gouorous of tho throo Homo Rulo bills. MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Steamer in Early Today From Portland Sails Saturday Morning. Tho Droakwator arrlvod In early today. Tho weather was a llttlo rough off tho coast but aho mado good tlmo. Sho hud n big cargo of miscellaneous freight and a capacity passenger list. Tho Droakwater was gaily docor nted coming up tho Day, Capt. Mac gcnn having ovory flag and piece of i.i.nMm. linlntnil In honor of C. J. Mil- lis, vico-presldont of tho company op erating tho vossei, anu huw uodioiuuv of prosldent Sproulo of tho Southern Pacific. Mr. Macgonn felt that even this hardly expressed tho honor that Is duo Mr. MllUs to whom Is duo tho credit more thau any other ono man for bringing tho railroad to Coos Day. . . . . Tho Breakwater was on drydock nt r,tinH i lila trln and fitted with her new propeller. As a result of the now wuoei, ouo is uio iu . much bettor tlmo than In tho past. rri.lo t-ln aim WAB IllBt 24 llOUTS frOm dock to dock and was on,ly 14 hours making tho run from bar to bar. The Breakwater win sail at cau tomorrow for Portland. Among those arrlvtng on hor were tho following: S. Smith, A. B. Woodward, Mrs. WoodWard, Irona Woodward, J. P. Hondrlx. E. Doyle, Mrs. M. Dlulm, Mrs. II. C. Gladman. N. Ekblad, Mrs. i.m,i,i,i Mnhia Hkhlad. Archabol Ek blad, Allco Ekblad, H. E. Hayes, J. C. Poltz, J. Uortnoss, 11. rrauuuu, vv. II Mixer. Mrs. S. II. Cutly, Blanche Cutly, Mrs. D. It. Hewer, Emma Strung. I. C. Larson. C. W. Young, Mrs. Young. Doris Young. Mrs. a. Flimnder, J. V. Enslln, M. Ledoman, J McCroa, Geo. Goodrum, W. Mears, Mrs. Hnttle Hall. R. Falrchlld, Mrs. E. M. Falrchlld. G. R. Smith. A. M. Smith. J. Noble. Mrs. W. A. Sharo. W. II. Potera. Mrs. Peters, C, II. Potter, Mrs. Pottor. C. A. Potter, Allco Pottor. L. Ciilbertson, H. D. Hall, C. M. Smith. R. A. Moper. F. E. Johnson. C. E. Elliott, C. C. Wil son. Mrs. Wilson, C. D. Dranough. W. E. Laird. G. JackBon, M. Lutsoy, Mar garet Throop, H. Nordrum. It. Nerd rum, Mrs. H. Rogers, II. Rogers, Claud RIve3. Ellon Rlvos, Ettlo Smith. W. Smith. Leo Matson. D. W. Vaughn. May Atherton. IJ. P. Dona hay. Geo. Colehrook, F. A. Collar, C. J MllUs. Mrs. Mlllls, W. F. Miller G. W. Logglo, J. W. Coffey, MIbs N. E. Raynor, A. Jenson, W, F. Appe lof, Wm. Appelof, G. C. McCann, J. Turney, H. H. Cooper, L. Stonevlch, R. Wilson, R. Raneko, S. Spencman. BUSINESS. MAN IS MURDERED Prominent Soap Manufacturer of Massachusetts Found Dead on Roadside. (Dy Associated Proas to Coos Day Times.) LYNN, Mass., April 12. Tho body of Goorgo E. Marsch, preuldont of tho lnrgo soup manufacturing compnnteB horo wns found today bosldo tho Point of Pines boulovnrd with Ave bullet wounds In his body. Tho pol ice bellovo thnt ho wns murdored. T NE6R0ES MEET AWFUL DEATH Entire Family Murdered in Their Sleep and Bodies Are Mutilated. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 12. Wm. Burton nnd wlfo nnd two child ren and Loon Avers, his brothor-ln-law, nil negroes, woro murdorod In tholr homes horo today whllo asleep. The head of each appoars to havo been crushed with an axo. Butcher knives were found sticking In tho boil I os of all excopt thoso of tho children. j Thoro Is no clow, but tho pollco oouovo inni uvKra iuuuuw i sponBlblo for tho murders. Tho manner In which thoy woro butchered was similar to tho four or flvo negro families exterminated recently Louisiana whoro Cloqtlno Barnabot, a negro womnn, confessed to the crimes. S E EAR IN HILLS Remains of Man Long Dead Accidentally Discovered By R. E. Pinegor. Whilo making tho trip across the hills between Laird and Hodglns Creeks, abut midway between tho North nnd South Forks, R. E. Pine gor yesterday discovered tho corpse of n man. Tho body was badly de cayed, only the skeleton remaining. Tho skeleton was hidden by ferns and It was only by tho ineroat acci dent that Mr. Pinegor discovered 11. There was no sign of clothing or nnythlng elso. Evidently tho body had lain there for mnny months. Just who it could bo or how ho camo to his doath will probably al ways bo a mystery. So far as could bo ascertained today, no ono has know ledge of any ono disappearing In that section. Coroner Wilson has been notified and will go thero soon to investigate the matter thoroughly in hopes of finding something that might lead to an Identification of tho remains or a solution of tho mystery. Tho spot is far remote from any dwelling. MISS CLARA BARTON, Of RED CROSS F PASSES AWAY LOOKS LIKE A BIG R.R. STRIKE Locomotive Engineers by Over whelming Majority Vote to Cease Work. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) NEW YORK, April 12. By a ma-x jonty or moro than 23,000 out of 1(1,000 votes cast tho Iocomotlvo en gineers on fifty railroads oast of Chi cago and north of tho Norfolk and Wcstorn havo authorized a strlko should further negotiations with tho railroads for lncroasod pay fall. Tho count was completed by noon nnd tho result announced by "J. C. Stuart, chnlrman of tho Gonoral Man agers Association of tho railroads nnd tho General Manngers havo call ed a meeting for April 16, to consider tho result. J. C. Stono hns askod If tho railroads havo a countor prop osition to mako. Tho Gonoral Mana gors havo turnod down tho domnnd of tho mon for nn lncrenso amount ing to fifteen por cent. In nddltlonji) tho 16,000 members of tho Brotherhood, Mr. Stono snld npproxtmntoly fifteen thousand moro mombors of tho Brotherhood of Lo comotlvo Firemen nnd tho Englno nion also had n voto. Tholr voto, ho said, was overwhelmingly In favor of n strlko. CHEATED THE GALLOWS Condemned Criminal Takes Poison on Day of Execution. (By Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 12. James Jefforson, who was to hnvo been hangod today, committed sul cldo oarly today by taking poison In his coll. Whoro ho obtnlnod tho drug is not known. Jefforson shot and killed a policeman whllo resisting arrest. AFTER TOBACCO TRUST Senate Conildorfl Hill In Anti-Coin- blno Cakc. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12. Right of way In tho Sonnto was given to Senator Cummins of Iowa and Senator Pomoreno of Ohio, tho form or to urgo action on his bill per mitting tho lndopondont tobacco In terests to Intorveno In tho so-called tobacco trust reorganization nnd tho latter to ndvocato his resolution di recting tho Attorney Gonoral to begin crlmlnnl prosecution against tho of ficers of tbo Standard Oil and Amorl can Tobacco Company. LEAVE TODAY ON ALLIANCE Steamer Sails This Morning for Portland Rough Trip From Eureka. Tho Alliance, which urrlvod In In,o yestorday from Euroka, having boon dotalncd by tbo rough weather, sailed this morning for Portland. Sho had n good list of through passengers and a fair cargo of freight. Among those sailing from horo for Portlund on tho Alllanco were; T. Olando, A. II, Mooro, E. I, Dakor, B. F. Daly, A. W. Durton, u 11. Hnnford, A. E. Dalen, D. S. Do land, A. T. Holdon, C. II. Freeman, C. C. Wlntermuto, Mrs. E. D. Busby. Mrs. H. Leach, J. II. Levers and wife, G. W. Lawrence, F. B. Coulter, E. W. Wright, Geo. HolllBter, R. W. Mooro and K. A. Reals. Thoso arriving from Euroka on tho Alllanco yesterdny wero: Mrs. Masson and child, J. M. Hughes, B. II. Wormser, A. O. Mur phy, D. Ruff. J. M. Nyo, Jr.. P. S. Mitchell, P. S. Mitchell, Jr., and M. II. Rcase. SCANDAL IN HOUSE American Woman Who Gained International Renown ' Succumbs Today. HER WORKS OF MERCY W0RLD-WIDE IN EXTENT Celebrated Her Ninetieth Birth day Last Christmas III Several Months. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmo.) ' WASHINGTON, April 12. Mis Clara Barton, foumlor of tho Am erican Rod Cross Society, died at hor homo In Glon Echo, Md todny. Thjs causo of doath was chronic pnou monln with which sho was stricken nbout a yoar ago. Miss Barton wan born nt Oxford, Mass., in 1821. MIbs Barton was confined to her homo since last fall when sho re turned from a visit In Now England. It wns thought tho trip would bo 4 bonoflclnl one, but soon nftor hor re turn she wus taken seriously ill. Sho colebratod hdr 90th birthday anni versary Docombor 25. Miss Darton might proporly be callod tho Floroneo Nlghtlngala or Amorlca. Llko hor Drlttsh prototype, hor works of mercy woro not con fined to hor nntlvo land, but wore carried oven Into tho eastern homlir phoro. Hor personality mado an lu dollblo Impression on tho Rod Cross organization ltsolf as nn Internation al Institution through participation In Its conferences at Gonovn, Carl Hiiho, Homo, Vienna and St. Peters burg. In 1904, tho Red Cross wan reorganized with President (thou eocrotary) Taft aB president, nud Miss Darton though far ndvnncod In ago nnd somowhat brokon In health, rotlrod from actlvo connection with tho organization. Sho resided for tho last sovon years at hor homo at Glon Echo, Md. Sho grnduatod from tho Clinton; Now York, Liberal Instltuto and taught school for ton yonrs. Sho organlzod system of public schools In Dordontown, Now Jorsoy. Hor fame, howovor, restu on hor roltof work In tho Civil Wnr nnd her association with tho Red CroHs Socloty. Sho has recotved recognition nud modnls from Congress nnd wns montlonod In Preft Idont McKlnloy's nnnunl mcBsngo In 1898, expressing his own apprecia tion nnd thnt of tho Amorlcnn poopru for relief work In tho Spanish-Am orlcan wnr. Sho Iu tho nuihor of numerous books on tho Red Cross Movement of which sho wob tho most famous exponent In tho world. I. iV. W. IN CANADA More Strlko Troublo Jit Victoria and New Vancouver. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Tlmo.) VICTORIA. D. 0., April 12. Four hundred steel laborers struck today. Thoy gavo no notlco and mndo no de mands, but simply laid down tholr tools nnd quit. Tho troublo Ih at tributed to tho I. W. W., whoso or ganizers reached the city a tow days' ago. A paving company which cm ployed tho men puld $2,75 for eight hours, whorens tho civic employes re ceived $3. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Cooa Bay Times) VANCOUVER, D. C, April 12,-... Not a worthy incident was reported today in tho Canadian Northern strike. Yestorday 130 strikers in duced tho steamshovel gang at Wal- InMitn In stnn work. Although tho mon wero under tho protection of a forco of mounted police, tnoy Biaion. thoy fcarod the Btrlkors would tako revenge In tho future Committee. Accused of Ileln Influ enced by Womim LohhyUt. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, April 12. A scathing denunciation of tho House commltteo on expenditures in tbo Interior Department was dollvored today by Representatlvo Mann, tho minority leader. He charged that Graham of Illinois, chairman of tho TWO ARE DEPORTED Foreign I. W. W. Rioters at Son Diego Ousted. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) SAN DIECJO, Call., April 12. The Immigration authorities today deport ed Thomas Bowling, a natlvo of Can ada, nnd Arthur Prnschon, a nntho of Englnnd. Both woro nccuBod by tho pollco of bolng niton nnarchlsts. Investigation by tho United StatoB nuthprltios led to tho discovery that both mon refused to recognize tho Amorlcnn govornmont or reBpoct Its fine. They wero arrested a4 I. W. Wrhotera, Minmlllpn. Iiml narmltteri n. woman I lobbyist known to him to bo In tho employ of persons prossing cinima beforo the commltteo to shape legis lation. Mrs. Holon Pierce Gray of Mlnnosotn wns tho womnn namod by Mann. He charged that for three months she hod occupiod a desk In tho office of the Commissioner of Iu dlan Affairs on tho strength of hor rolatlous with tho House committor "In that tlmo." Bald Mann, "Mrs. Gray had solicited and rocolvod fees amounting to hundreds of dollars from Indian claimants," Mann said a dlssatlBKed Indian had filed n pro test with Graham and ho told tho woman "To keop tho money."