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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1912)
r .Jf. fv 4 " $ VACANT LOTS AND HELP ftlAKE MASHflELD A CITY BEAUTIFUL SSE? ffimtia Sag QFimra WANT ADVERTISING fa The Will Keep the Income frcca Km Furnished Rooms from Lpgl YOU can really help the fatally revenues by renting a few turnlshod roomB and, If you knew how and when to use the classified columns, yo may keep that little extra lncona as "steady as a clock." .- pt low n ... ,1U iket' iWecUreifi ,,, W thsm who ought to i'i er; .n tti q,)W-H-" member OP ASSOCIATED IRE8S . ...... i. tain MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION Uvtf A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mull Mn OQQ nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. ,,JU fcUW RAAi M The uowt "" ROVE Y0UR ffill GAHRIED ILLINOIS NEW YORK DECLARES V 115,01 OVER ft 0. TAFT "WE SLUGGED ') 0 Primaries i nere... Bay little Short of Sensauonau fgM? WILSON L Denecn and Judge 8 Nominees loruuvu ir Cullom Beaten. , jjAnoctatedlTOBS.) 1CACO, APr '-"V: I '"' . . ...ii.... t.. iv .b-;- - " :.... un nnn. nov- Vncen was rcnomlnntod i So, whllo Oiumo was '..a. iim ilnmonritta by (9.000 majority. nuwi: IB HISATKA ij AUOOiaioa iioao.j ICAGO, April lO.-Hy i Airnvnt inn manor :jn suffrage- was Htibtiilt- tkl TOtCrs OI tlUKHB" !iy'i primaries with tho that I. was ilofcatoil T1U IU uuv. - IchteJ Press to tho Coos Day Time.) 100, April 10.--Theodore i ittnttA William II. Tuft rtftrcntlal primary In I III irdijr ly approximately ono ivi iin thniisnml votes, nnil Chimp Clark received n inn- core than ono Hundred mm wind oror wuodrow Wll rrilog to tho rctiirim this S. Dcnccn was nonilnntcd l:r Hie third consocutlvo tie rcnubllrans by n plur- ai'eJ at soventy-flvo thou- StitM Ronntnr Rliolliv M. '! years old, and donn of lhase In Congress for 30 T'l Fta'c itintor. Is f Mr rvr Ms first po M Provl'lnl ii republican It li elec'crt. ho will bo huc- W Liffrunco Y Rlinrinnn. '.''flint governor. ! F D'nr.e. former mayor ', rrclved tho nomlnnflon CronDin itimnrrnlln HMmt i!"t closo to fault In Chicago. s onofflclnl returns In tho i!"S Rlvo Tnft 41.107. TM13. nml I.n rill, tn Complete unofficial rotuniH We Clark 113,331. nnd '(It, Thn tnlnt rnnntillonn 11M5J, ana tho totnl dom- w.o:2. -usn roit clauk Cltfn nnvit n.'.iii,... i.. Houw Today. :,Wi Press to Coos Day X'CTftV n n ..ii np Clark rccolvod nn rri intllnnan nn.l l. nl..m trwto .i. t-i..i KT Missouri, seen rod por- 'v uiu iioiiso ror ono "'of all Mlpcourlnns nnd "roughout tbo country," re to concrntulnto our " masntflcont tribute erday br the democrats "we or Illinois. It wns X.n..m,Rhl covot: u raited States." Spoakor -f end broiiRht down tho LcrAsh aml ll'o House "" me romlno of busl- HOLDS FOR TAFI EXPECT STRIKES IN EASTERN THEM IJVER )) t. noosEVi:ir. Former President Elated Over His Great Victory Jn Illi nois Primaries. (Dy Associated ProBs to Coos Day Tlmo.) QUEENSDUItO, I'n JVprll 10. "Wo sltiRBod thorn ovor tho ropes." That wns Colonel HoosoVolt's com ment today on his victory In tho Illi nois prltnnrlcs yestorday. Tho col onol wnH In IiIkIi spirits. "I want to boo Ponnuylvnnla do on Saturday what Illlnolu did yesterday and do cliiro for tho pooplo ngalust tho po lltlclutiB," ho Bald. TAIT VIICV OK IT Dlici'lnr ,McKlnlry 'I'iIIh of lniiie.s. nIoii of Illinois Iteiult. fDy Associated 1'ross to tho Coos Day Tlrnos.) WASIUNOTON, I). C, April 10. "Tho result In Illinois wnB not unox poctod by those familiar with tho situation," said Representative Mc Klnloy, director of tho nntlounl Taft bureau today In tho first comment from tho President's sldo on tho Illi nois primary. "Tho Issues which oc cupied tho attention of tho pooplo of tho stnto woro so peculiarly local as to causo tho presidential Issue to bo lost sight of so far as President Tnft Is concerned." McICInloy's homo Is In Illlnolu. "I sny this advisedly," McKlnloy continued, "nnd for this reason, RooBovoIt recently Invndod tho stnto and dovoted tho major portion of his addresses to subjects with no rcln tlon whatever for thq most pnrt to tlu Issues on which the ropubllcnn jinny must nuot the democratic party In November. "In other words, Kooiovolt partici pated In tho campaign In Illinois with nil tho froodom of n full-fledged citi zen of tho stnto nnd mot and talked to tho voters of Illinois on subjects which woro uppermost In their minds, unmoly tho stnto Issuoa. "Tho participation of eight candi dates for tho republican nomination for govomor resulted In n comploto breaking down or tho party organ ization," says McICInloy's statomont nnd new alignments wero brought nbout. "Thoso now organizations Itoosc volt wns nblo to reach by porsonal contnet, an oxperlonco Tnft could not onjoy," said McKlnloy. U OBIE ST 0( First Honors rn Bend npmnpoof N Program. ;1U last PvonB won aal,ralorcaI it p,il,. ,;1 eontesi "i b? f hal! nn(l wa Df (. "0, eii unuor 01 the North Bend W. 'vMhlntrat0'lcn- n-j,..;1"1 '"Ra scliool D wJ Afr'1 PleBlns -u u uarKo pre- " m it T. T Slmn. ,r '' 'fi and Mrs. m .&-"!?? w?ro "."lUllt X10U- iEVELT AS PONTIDS PILATE Sensational Speech in U. S. Senate Censurinn Former President. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times j WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10. Colonel Itoosovelt wns portrayed In mo sonnto touay as a couuiunmn m Pontius Pllnto. Tho picture was drawn by Sonntor Jones of Washing ton, who sketched as tho ground work tho rexent Detroit speech of the ox-Presldont condemning the mu Joilty moinbors of the I.oiimer In vestigation commlttoo fnvomblo to tho Illinois senator as not being ro bponslvo to tho sontlmont of their conbtltuencles. , "This Is tbo lntost rulo for Judicial action suggostod by this self-pro-clnljnod loudor of progress. Senntor Jones. "Uecauso we have not followed It wo nro not progres sive but reactionary. This wns the rulo of notion followed by Pllnto nearly 1000 years ago. This Is tli first time, I venture to say, In our history or In tle history of any civi lized pooplo thnt the Pllnto rule of Judicial action has met with the ap proval of any man savo those who would crucify Jesus and they ilii splso 11m for following It. U former President Jtoosevelt had . Iiocm standing on one side when I Hate delivered Jesus to the Jews arter having examined Into, the ",nS?" and found no fault In him. but at the demand of the pooplo turned him over to them for crucifixion, no would hsv rlnnped his. hands and ox.almed, 'Most rig ;eo.s most nonorauic, wuai. j- ".! i, h.,i he would have done his If he had be6n as progressive then as he Is now. I am charitable enough ;to be lieve, however, that ho would have heon a reactionary." Republican State Convention Adopts Platform Urging Delegation to Sunnort Presi dent. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) ItOCHESTOIt, N. Y., April 10 Tho ropubllcnn stato convention adopted today a platform urging Now York's delegates to tho Chicago nntlonnl convention In favor of tho ronotnluntlon of President Tnft, cloctcd four delegates at largo and alternates to that convontlon and nd Journcd sine dlo. Tho delegates chosen woro United States Sonntor Rllhu Hoot, Stato Chairman Wllllnm Unrncs, Jr., William Derrl of Drook lyn, nnd Kdwln A. Mcrrltt, Jr., Bponkor of tho Assembly. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) HOCH12STEU, N. Y., April 10. Denunciation of tho critics of tho re publican 'party, within nnd without Its ranks, of "political pntont modl clno men," of "tho mon who would destroy tho Independent Judiciary," and of "thoso who tell us that wo must buy their political patent medicine- or fall to carry tho next presi dential election," formed tho koy noto of tho address bofora tho ro publlcnn stato convention hero of Nicholas Murray Dutlor, president of Columbia University, tho conven tion's temporary chairman. "Tho Supremo Issue of 1012," wt.j tho subject of Dr. Hutlur's address. This ho defined na "tho mnlnteunuco of our ropubllcnn form of govern ment." In conclusion, ho declared that the chief measures of progress confronting thu nutlou were tho e actmont of n worklugmnn's compen sation law enactment of propor mou otnry legislation; rovNon of tho tar iff, supplementary legislation to tho anti-trust Inw; Judicial settlement of International disputes; economy In govornmout, and legislation U shorten tho law's delays. Ho snld, In pnrt: "What criticism la made of tho ro publlcnn administration of tho nation during tho pnst sixteen yenrsT Thoro is, first, tho honest nnd fair criticism of our opponents from whom wo dt for In many muttors of fundamental political policy. This criticism Is n natural and neceinry Incident In tho conduct of n republican form of gov ernment. Second, thoro Is criticism from nn element which, howovor, j numerous, Is certainly In full pos-i session of Its powers of speoch, niu. ' which Is found In part within tho ranks of our own pnrty nnd In pnrt ! within tho ranks of tho domocrntlo pnrty. It Ineludis to whole of tho socialist party as well ns somo of, thoso whoso mental condition Is ono of such blissful elevation thnt thoy1 cannot find nny political association qulto satisfactory to tuom. "These critics toll us thnt wo uro behind tho times: thnt we nro, In tho significant lancunge of tho gaming tnble, standpatters; thnt wo hnvo lost touch with the innrch of prog ress; thnt wo arc out of sympathy with tho satisfaction of tho deopot humnn noods and with tho nllovlatlon of human suffering; thnt wo put property rights nbovo humnn rights; nnd thnt somo moans violent If pos sible, peaceablo If necessary must bo found to froo tho govornmont from our paralyzing control. "It nppears, on fnrthor Inquiry, that what Is really meant Is .that, rep resentative govornmont nnd repre sentative Institutions nro" n failure, and thnt thoj- must bo swept aside to mako way for a direct domocrncy. In particular, It apponrs that the most clnracetrUtlc nnd bonoflclont nf Amorlcnn Institutions, tho Inde pendent Judiciary charged with tho Interpretation of tlie inw ana wun h onfofmnnlltlir of constitutional limitations, Is uow regardod as a harmful check upon tho peoplo's will nnd as an obstacle to tholr freo nnrt progressiva social and political de velopment. "If this vehomont denunciation of our govornmont nnd of our courts Is one-half truo, thon the republican nnrtv should get down on Its knees and nnologlze to the peoplo of this country for bavins tnreo times do foRtPd so fnrlghted a man ns Mr. Nrvan for the presidency of tho Unl'ed Stntos. What thso revolutionary e-lo-iients of tho population most dls ll'o is t' e rule of law. Their con (pntinn of unvernment Is n sort of glorified lynching, before which tho nr-hiPvomnnM nt Snrlngflold, 111., or at ContosvI'lP. Pa., would fade Into Ipplgnlflcanco. Any judicial officer who, In obedlenco to his oath, ven tures to derlnro the law to bo some thing which Is out of agreement with i,ni,. nrosent-dar pronososslons, ' nreludlces. emotions or desires, be come n tyrant who should nounsneu from his plnco on the bench bv tho profoundly wicked instrumentality of l'p "Pcnil oi juagen. "It Is forgotten nn'iarenMv, that - 1...I iinHm-oa tbp law. but does 'not make It, and tbat in dec'arln 1 .i o inw li l pvopnMno' th neonlo's i,i1wm.i oivi m""' mature will In so 'doing ho Is not Imposing anything Upon tbo peopio save wuui mey nvo Imposed upon themselves ns Xho nec essary and well-justified restraints upon appetite and passion. Tho man who would destroy tho lnde- KJKNTUCKY FOR, TAKT Delegates to National Convention to uo instructed lor rrcsldcnt. (Dy ABsoclatod Press to Tho Cos Day Times) LOUISVILLE, Ky April 10. Ad herents of Tnft are In complete con trol ut thu stato convention as sembled here today. Tho Indications nro that the four delogatcs at largo to tho Chicago convention will bo In Btructcdf grtho i I'TeBldenl t. o . pendent judiciary becauso ho dis likes or differs from somo specific judicial finding la as mad as a man who would sot his house on firo in order to ltnprovo Jts vontllatlon. "The fact is that In tho history of mankind somo things, after long toil nnd tribulation, nro settled onco for nil. Thoy nolthor Invito nor permit amendment nnd Improvement. Thobo achievements, taken togcthor, nro progress; they constltuto progress; they nro the evidences of progress; they nro what tho word progress means. To attack, to undonnlno, or to overturn them is not progress, but reaction. "Tho fundamental principles which underlie tho Constitution of tho United Statos -nro no strulglu Jackot Into which a growing pooplo Is forced to Its distress nnd linrm. Thoy nro rather a chart by which tho ship of stato may sail safely out on uow and untried sens, certain that the danger spots uro elenrly marked and the heavens nccurntoly lndlcnted. Those principles enn novor grow old; thoy nro everlastingly young nnd now nnd truo. "Wo ore todny Infested with po litical patent medicine mon. Ignor ant of ordinary laws of political and social growth, or dofylng thorn thoy press upon us tho odd and curious nostrums of their own making which nro to euro our evils, to abolish pov erty, to do away with Injustice, nnd to bring nbout thnt happy ami bliss ful Utopia of which certain types of men with nothing useful to do habit ually drenm. "Pious nnd oracular aphorisms nro tho stock In trudo of tho political pntont medicine man whoso pursuit of n higher offlco Is so compelling thnt ho cannot find tlmo to attend to the duties of tho offlco which ho already holds. Tho platn dlschnrhu of present duty does not seom llkoly to coinmoud him sufficiently to n larger and moro Important constl tuonry. Nolthor tho sonnto of tho United Stutes nor tho governorship of u sovereign stnto offors adequate senpo far his activities and his genius. Ho must hurry off, whllo public business waits, in ordor that ho mny sound his own praises and re clto his own phrnsos to tho open mouthed thousands who nssomblo to greet so groat n ninn. "It mny perhaps bo said that, how over misleading thoso political patent medicine men mny bo, howovor Ig norant nnd howovor Bolflsh tho popu lar demauoRucs of tho day. yot thoy have gained so largo a following that we must listen to them nnd buy tholr political patent medlclno or olso wo shnll fnll to carry tho next presi dential election. I dony absolutely. I deny that tho republican party and Its principles nro for salo. I dony Hint a political party exists only to win elections nt nny cost. If it soils its principles, It Is no longor n po litical pnrty, but only nn orgnnlzod appetite. "Why should wo hesitate to follow nreclsclv tho same course In 1012 thnt served ub bo woll In 189G? Lot us stand up before all tho pooplo of tho United Stntos and say that wo propose to go forward with pollcloa of true, not falso, progress; trnt wo propose to protect and enro for hu man rights, whether of porson or of property, without privllogo and with out monopoly; but that wo proposo to do this under the fundamental guarantees of our constitutional gov ernment nnd In accordance with Its represontntlvq forms. Lot ub mako tho maintenance of our republican form of govornmont tho loading nnd controlling political question. "Tho International policies which have dignified nnd mndo memorablo tho administration of President Tnft should be continued nnd oxtended until we h"ve convinced not only tho whole civilized world, but oursolves as woll, that wo are committed to a nollev of pppco. good will, and tho 1'ullclnl settlement of Intornatlonnl dlsnutes. "Tho nnpnlllnu extrnvaganco nf Government should bo checkod. nnd tbo reoubllcan nnrty should nledgo iltRolf to check It. It mny well bo nslfpd whether.ln Instituting n much- nppded Inquiry Into tho hlih est nf hlvln". wo should not begin wlt'i nn Innnlrv Into the high cost of being governed. ! "Those natural resources of tho I country that still remain part of th nubile domain, whether forests, min eral lands, or water power, should bo I so iupd nnd dovoloned ns to glvo tho ! benefits of ownershln to tho peopo ns a whol wHIp affording pppnr Itunity to those who undertone tho , task of ripvplnnropnt to train n fair rivr'i fi their lnbor and tholr In vestment' i I mo HAND DANCE Saturday ev ening, lionet miss u, rrOPLE'S . 10 nnd IB CENT STORE; I'hono 233-J. GOAL FIELDS WILL END SOON NEW LINE TO W Portland, Eunene & Eastern Plans to Extend Here Before Other Lines. Tho Albany Hornld says: Goo. O'Connor, gonornl superintendent of tho Portland, Eugono & Enstom rail way compnny, loft his headquartors, In Corvnllls two dnys ago for Port land, tho gonornl headquartors of tho company, rooms 1311-1C Yoon build ing, nnd went from there to Eugene, where tho compnny Is operating nn electric railway, returning tho Bntno dny to Portland, nftcr Inspecting tho Eugene lino, and nt onco mndo tho necessary urrnngomcntB for suppllos of material for tho Eugono Hue, na well ns for tho now lino uow in courso of construction from Satom to Stay tun, a distance of 10 miles, partially paralleling 'tho now electric lino of tho Southern Pacific, now building from Snlem to Fir. Also, whllu In Portland Mr. O'Con nor made tontntlvo contracts for a sufficient force of laborers, not only for tho Salcm-Stayton lino, hut for tho Corvnllls electric lino, now soon to bo put under way, ns soon as tholr franchise Is secured from tho Cor vnllls city council, which Is expoctod nt Its next session, Immediately, all thoso different linen nro under way, nn eloctrlu lino will bo built from Albany, to connect with tho Corvnllls line, nnd tho pres ent stcaiii railway lino from Corvnllls to Monroe will bo electrified, and eventually extended to Eugono, and on to the coast nt Coos Day. It Is tho Intention of President i. W. Audursuu and General Mauagor A. Wolch to beat tho Oregon Eloctr.c nnd Southern Pacific compnnlos to tho const If posslblo, nnd "pick nnd shovel" will fly ns fast as men and money can mako them turn tho dirt ovor. , (,'KT IMCi'HT OK WAV Pmiric (.'rent Western Takes Deeds foi' Laud .Win- Eugene. The Eugono Guard Bays: As an evldonco thnt the Pacific Oroat Western Railway company Is still nctlvo In securing right of way for Kb proposed railway from Eugono to Coos Day, thoro wns filed for record with tho county clerk this nftornoon by I. II. Dlnghnm, president of tho compnny, dooda to nbout two mllos of tho right of way In township 17 south of rnngo 9 west, consisting of twenty odd ncres. The deods are glvon by P. W. Osburn, trusteo for n numbor of tlmbor ownors In that boc tlon of tho county. Thoro nro fnr thor ovldoncos thnt this compnny will booh hnvo an Important an nouncement to mako In regard to this road. Bituminous Miners Expected to Give Majority to New Agreement. NEW CONFE"RENCE IN ANTHRACITE TROUBLE Former Commission May Be Called Upon to Settle Differences. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 10. Tho soft conl minors nro voting to day on ncceptlng or rejecting n two yenr wngo contract drnftcd nt tho recent Joint conforenco of tho opera tors nnd reprosontntlvos of tho mlr ers nt Clovolnnd. That moro thnn UD per cent of tho minors will npprovo Is tho bollof of tholr nntlonnl officers. It la oxpoctcd the result will bo an nounced by tho end of tho week. ARE HOPING l-'OR PEACE Anthracite Miners nnd Operators lit Conference. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) PHILADELPHIA, Pn April 10. Tho minors nnd oporntors nro in Joint conference hero todny to mako an other attempt to ngroo upon a wngo scalo to tako tho placo of tho ono thnt expired March 31 nnd send back to work tho 175,000 ldlo anthracite mlnoworkers. Doth sides nro hope ful. Tho oporntors this nftornoon pro posed thnt tho nuthrnclto conl strike commission bo reconvened to tnko up tho situation In tho nuthrnclto region In view of arranging n now working ngroomont. It wns ngrccd to hold tho oporntors proposition In nbuynnco until n subcommittee of tho two sldos trlod to find a common ground on which to come to nn ngrcoiriont with out resorting to tho Borvlces of tho strike commission, REACHS IN PARIS Accused llroker nnd Wife Guests nt W. K. Vniiderbllt Home. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day Time.) PARIS, April 10. Frederick O. Heoch, tho Wall street broker, against whom n warrant charging lilm with nssnult nnd battery with Intent to kill his wife wns Usuod nt Alkon, S. C.,. nrrlvod bore todny from Loudon with his wlfo, Mrs. Ca milla Iloach. Thoy went Immodlato ly to tho rosldonco of W. IC. Vandor bllt, where thoy nro guoBts. Iloach declined to mnko n Btntomont. UIU EAULE IS DEAD GOME, IOSES OUT Klnlity McCrao RiicciiiiiIm to Opera. Hon nt Helena. (Dy AsBoclntod Press to Tho Coos Day Times) HELENA, Mont., April 10. Fln Iny McCrao, grand treasurer of tho Fraternal Ordor of Eaglos and sec retary of tho democratic stato com mittee, died hero today following nn operation for cancer. COUNT VOTES OFE (Dy Assoclntcd Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10. Emillo Vusqucz Gomez tins boon road out of tho .Mexican robol rnnkn by u manifesto of tho robol chlofs repudi ating his. presidential aspirations, ac cording to Stato Dopartmont reportn today. TO STOP RAGING IN Results of Referendum Ballot of Brotherhood on Strike Known Soon. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times) NEW YORK, April 10. Warren Stone, grand chief of tho Drother City Council Orders Speed Or dinance Drafted City Beautiful Work. Tho North Uond city council last ovonlntr took steps to put an end to tho nuto racing on Rhenium avonuo that has boon the cause or mucn complnlnt thoro rocontly. Tbo city attorney was Instructed to draft ft vohlclo speed ordlnanco, modeled after the Oregon vehicle law, which will enable tho city authorities to copo with tl o situation. It Is claimed thut somo of tho North Uond autn ownors hnvo been using Sherman avonuo as a speedway and huvo boon rnclng there and ondnngering pedes- Tho commlttoo recently appointed by tho council to take charge of tho "City Uoautlful" campaign which Is lmliur liniiiBiirnteil for tu iNorui lwmii nf i.ninnuiilvft TCnuinpftrH. nml I iinn, i Kcimnl children mndo a detailed fifty assistants, nro horo today to report of tho plnn to the council last count tho votes of twenty-five thou-.night. Prlzos nro to be offered for sand engineers on tho forty-eight ' tho host kopt lawns, for the bast rose eastern railroads which will detor-i gardons, flower gnrdons, vegetable mine whether tho organization's of-1 gnrdons, etc. floors mny call a Btrlko should fur- j Messrs. Simpson, Wlnpor and Kern thor negotiations with the railroads wore appointed a committee to con for Increased pay fall. Announce-, for with the property owners In Plat mont of the result Is expected tomor- n nlong the wnterfront and try nnd ' urrnngo for the construction m n COO feet of bulkhead mere imwjbu row. FOR ASSESSOR I hereby announco myself ns re publican candidate for assossor for Coos County betoro tho primaries, April 19, 1911. (Paid Adv.) LLOYD SPIRES. .,.., .... win, iho nresont bulk- head. It was proposed thnt tho city do the work but It was found that thoro would not bo sufficient tlmo for It to go through the regular routine.