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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELP, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912-EVENING EDITION. 11J w 1 SvS? I TTie Wide ud roomy f,f ttil comfort. &MW wlMJB What's the Difference what you pay? You get more real shoe value, dollar for dollar, in the Florsheim Shoe than in other makes you could buy for less. Consider the COOS HAY TIDES. HcUv Is glvon the time and "eight of high and low water at Mnrshflcld. Th tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on tho llrst lino and heights on tho hoc ond lino of each day; n comparison oen and J. V. Smoaton and tho Southern Pacific officials at Ban Fran cisco woro also In circulation but nothing to verify thom could bo obtained. Alliance Delayed. Tho Alliance crossed In Into this afternoon from EuroKn, having boon dolayed by rough weather off the Coast. SIio will sail for Portland at 7 o'clock In the morning. SHOE added style, com- A Complete Showing at $5.00 rort and service. Woolen Mill Store HOME OP GOOD SHOES Always "Jhe Busy Corner' --The Rexall Store Watch ! Watch ! Watch This Space Tomorrow Night for Our Big Special Saturday Sale Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE -MAIN 298 US Pupils Will Work. Instead of their regular studies tomorrow, tho Mnrshllold High School students to moiiow will Inuugurnto tho "City Beautiful" campaign by Improving tho appearance of tho school grounds. Tlln Wfirlf llf (InnrlllfT Mm i.rriltflfla nrt.1 of consecutive heights will Indicate bonutlfylng thom will bo dono by tho ntllnll ill. It I 1 I . ... .... ... - "V1' l ' 'a niRn or iow wnior. ror uojs wmie tne girls will servo lunch "ign water on iar. aubtrnct 2 uours 31 minutes. " Bale. April. HJIlrs. .3.153 9.48 4.12 11.2q Feet .4.0 4.3 1.1 4.5 12 Ilrs. .5.00 10.58 5.15 12.01 IFoot .3.4 4.5 1.1 4.9 13IIrs. .G.49 11.5C 5.49 0.0 IFoot .2.7 4.8 1.1 0.0 Mlllrs. .0.40 0.22 12.48 C.29 Fcot .5.4 1.9 5.1 1.1 local temperature re- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 1:43 a. m., April 11, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo- toorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 53 Minimum 37 4 At 4:43 a. m 38 Precipitation 38 Wind northwest; partly cloudy. Wants Divorce. MInnto Talbot has begun suit ngalnBt Frank Tnl bott for divorce. They rosldo near tho Smith-Powers Logging Camp No. Brown Coming District Attomoy Qeorgo M. Drown loft for Coos Coun ty Tuesday uftornoon whoro ho will attend n speclnl torm of court which convenes on Monday. Rosoburg News. eon. in tho grades, arbor day pro grams will be hold. Feature Irish Production Tho ' House of tho Photoplay" announces that tho big three-reel Irish dramn, Arrah-Nn-Pogue, will bo on exhibi tion all day tomorrow, starting at 2:30 P. M. This picture Is thrco times as long as tho usual subject, lasting nn hour, and will bo run con tlnuously all day Friday. All scones were laid in Irolnud and tho story Is exceedingly dramatic and thrilling. .Miss Oeno Gnuntlor, world-famous motion plcturo nctrcss, performs tho leading pnrt as Arrah Mcollsh, tho title of the plcturo having been se lected from n bcoiio whoro Arrah gives her foster brother a kiss through tho bars of tho prlsoir, honco Arrnh-Na-Poguo, or Arrnh-of-the-Klss. Tho Orphcum outbid all competitors on this extraordinary featuro and although tho bid submit ted by this houso for this subject waB a conBldornblo amount, It will bo run at tho regular price of admission. WANT ADS. VAXTi:i) Olrl for general house work. Phono 140-J. .'uiii-u oicti uumuiuu ...,,ii . P. Cheap If takon ati ,.."'",' W 1 TlmMniAN nil ttUU.MMti: I'OIl SALE boat 3 H once Knquiro E. J. Thompson or Times ofllce. WAXTKll Fumalo holp. Coos Day employment Agency, Market and Wtorfront. years old and well brolco to drive slnglo or to rido; porfectly safe for women or children to drive; prlco $200. All of my horses woro raised In a pasturo whoro a logging train ran through sovoral times a day, thoro faro thoy aro not afraid of trains or gunranteo all homos to be as rep resented. L. D. SMITH. I'OIl SALE Cheap; ono second hand buggy and gasollno launch Charon. Mrs. Juttlo Kondlo, Marahflold. WAXTKD Waitress, Hotel. at Chandlor U'ANTi:i Feinulo help. Coob Day Employment Agency, Market and Waterfront. FOR SALE Ono nor 20-foot gnxo llno launch. Soo Max Tim mer man. 8C2 North Front stret. Try Tho Tlmos Want Ada. TFe Royal TONIGHT "THE LIARS" Iogger Injured Uny Hatcher, an employe of tho McDonald & Vuughan logging camp was brought to Morcy hospital last evening as a result of having his right foot cruahod In an accident. The- great too had to bo amputated. Whm Tenuis Honors A dispatch from Corvallls states that Fred Mc- Cormac, a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. McCormnc, was a mombor of tho Ore gon Agricultural college tonnis team that defeated a Philomath Col lege team there- Inst wcolc. Dance Friday Night Tho Marsh Held Dancing Club, which has Just boon organized, will glvo Its first danco Friday evening at tho Eaglos' Hall. Thoro promises to bo a largo attendance as a consldorablo number have already socurod their tlckots for tho sorlos at tho "Dusy Cornor" Drug Storo. NORTH DKND NKWS, Matt Stora and family, who hnvo spent tho past thrco years In Los Angeles, returned on tho Rodondo to tnnke their homo In North Dcnd. Tom Stora returned on tho Iledon do fronua six months' Btay In Los Angeles. PERSONAL NOTES R. E. SHINE of Coqulllo Is a Marsh field business vUItor today. MISS OLL1E RICHARD of Sunmor Is a Mnrshllold visitor today. CARL SCHROEDER is in from Ten Mile on business and pleasure. J. C. KENDALL leaves this after noon for Rosoburg on buslnoss. H. C. DIER3 of North Bond Is a Mnrshflold business visitor- todny. PETER LOGOII3 of North Bond Is n Mnrtdiflald business visitor todny. LEO J. CAREY of Coqulllo was a Marahflold business visitor today. WILL SNEDDON has been sufforlng from a rathor sovero attack of quinsy. JOE COACH of Bnndon Is In Marsh Hold today on business and pleasure. CLAY ROBERTS of Portland Is on Coos Bay Investigating Its pros pectB with a vlow to locating hero. D. It. BASCOM of North Bond, who linn beon suffering from a sovero attack of rheumatism, Is reported Improving. .1. W. FLANAGAN, George FInnngan and Jack Guyton nro spondlng a fow days at their housoboat on South Inlot. MRS. E. D. BUSBY will leavo on tho noxt Alllnnco for Moscow, Idaho, w,horo sho will visit relatives for a fow wooks. A. J. SHERWOOD of CoqulJIo Is In Mnrshllold today on buslnoss. Ho Is elated over tho prospects of a democratic victory this year. MRS. AUGUST BERY of Empire was tho guost of her daughter, Mrs. Augusta Scott, In Marahflold to dny. Mrs. Bcry Is Just recovering from a sovero Illness. R. J. Coke, who has been In Cali fornia for tho last two months, re turned on tho Rodondo. Mrs. Coko I'tiiualucd In Los Arigolcs. HOUTII SLOUGH ITEMS Ira Motcalf is havlnir somo trouble getting his calves off tho rango. It took him three days to get one calf three miles. fOIl RK.VT Furnluhrul linnnnbrnn i . . """zr. "w". .b rooniB at bub First st., near A cemedy sketch by Birch. Phono 239-J. .1 1011 SAI,K 2 lots, GO x 120, five room niodorn houso In Ferndnlo. Inquire R. O. Hall, phono 1C9-J. I'OU SAM': Lunch room and. side lino of goods for Bnlo or ront, liv ing rooms connected; suitable for man or womnn. Call at Times of-1 nee. HHllthM 9-room rooming houso na Us furnlturo for buIo. llil ftorth Second street. WANTED TO RENT Modern houso, x or moro rooms; will take torm me If desired; no children; must oe reasonably close-in and good location. H. J. Kimball, Jr., vuaumur notel. CI IAS. AND fiERALRINE McCLOY. Laughter from start to finish; 3000 foot of good pictures. Matinee Saturday at 2:!i0 P. M. Party to the children nflertvards. The event of the season 10 cents. rM HUNT Furnished housokoop. JS looms. 415 South 4th at. WANTEi) a nian t0 BOjj tamalos; Kooa Job for right person. Inqutro "oward's cigar Btoro, Front st. WAXTE1) nooo loan for 2 years, per cent, real estate security. Address 22. care Times. Ancona and Sicilian Buttercups Best for eggs; tho best atrnln; imnutlfiillv marked. Ekes for hatch ing. Salmon Favorolles, the winter North Bond. Phone 299. layers, quick growers. F. K. filmier. Organize at Bridge Fruit Inspec tor P. M. Hall-Lewis reports that tho fruitgrowers organized a society at Bridge last Saturday and eloctod tho following officers: Prosldont. G. W. Stnrr; vice-president, Ollvor E. Hill; hecretury, A. O. Hooten, and treasur er. J. P. Eastor. Mr. Hooton will likely be- nppolntod deputy fruit In spector for that sectiou. Smith Wins Case. Tho Jury In tho rasa of E. M. Smith vs. Goorgo Craig In Justlco Ponnock'B court yos torday aftomoon brought In a verdict for tho plaintiff. Ho wan suing for about $84 but tho only amount In tho controversy was 11.G0, tho prlco of ono pig. Tho costs In tho case amounted to $30.80 which Mr. Craig paid last night when ho paid tho Judgmont. Mr. E. Conklln spent Monday and Tuesday of last weok In Marahflold. Mrs. L, A. Lolby and daughtors. Doris and Anna, and Mrs. John Cot- lou and son, Robert, spout Sunday as mo guests or Mrs. Laura Conklln, Mr. Roy Wlggln, Mr. D. Wesson and Miss Nolllo Motcalf spent Tues day ovoulng at cards with Miss Nellie Wosson and nophow, Billy Wolfe. ROBERT DEMAREST and wlfo, who hnvo boon residing nonr Cooston tho past sovoral yoars, loavo Sat urday for Portland whoro thoy ox, poet to remain for a tlmo. LOGS BOTHER RIVER BOATS Serious Menace to Launches In Coos River Reported by A. 0. Rogers. Coos Rlvor navigators nro com plaining of tho largo number of stray logs afloat In tho river as bolng a Horloim monnco to launches plying In thoso waters. Tho logs broko out of various booms and rafts during tho Inst froshct and aro now floating, somo partly submerged, In tho river. A. O. Rogers, who wns in town to day, Bays that somo bad nccldonta huvo been narrowly averted. Lato Tuesday afternoon tho 5-yoar-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson of Dan iels Creok fell nnd broko her nrm. Dr. Horsfnll was called and ho chni torod tho launch Kid for tho trip. In the darkness they ran Into ono of tho logs near Al Smith's ranch and dam ngod tho bont somo. Anothor was encountered further up tho rlvor thnt did moro serious dnmngo nnd resulted In their not reaching tho Nolson plnco until about 2 o'clock m tho moraine I'WM Mr. Rogers Is trying to find somo way of having tho logs rorcovod from tho rlvor boforo moro serious harm Is dono. E. PETTITT arrived horo today from aiondnlo, Oro., to look this section ovor with a vlow of locating horo. Ho rocontly enmo to Glondalo from Ohio nnd wns Interested In this section by Ollbert Gllbortson. W. T. IIENDRYX wns In from his Hnyncs Inlot ranch todny on busl noss. Ho expects his brother to nrrlvo on tho Breakwator from Portland to take a partnorshlp In tho oporatlon of tho ranch. Mrs. Hondryx, hid brother's wlfo, has arrived. E. C. Barker Watchmaker and Jeweler 100 North Front Street, MARSHFIELD, ORE. K0R J Lynn Lambeth Fred Nemle friffiew. Cadillac Auto Service icuer rocker and heating stove. Phone 280-R. ' ,,)Three or more furnished nousekeep,nff room8. must b0 Jgogern. "Home," care Tlmea. Fil.8A1LB Fine restaurant at n "argaln If taken within fow days, inquire 80 Commercial Avenue. WANTEI Good Cars Reasonable Rates All Night service Careful driving assured. Phone Blanco Pool Room, 231-R until 11 P. M. After 11 P. M. phono 6-J. Palace Restaurant. MEN of Ideal, who havewme lnventle abil'tT plioM write UHEELKV ABilKIIUfc Ql . . S'ASsKrai,,0, I Ininup Pantatonum Apply Beavor Hill Coal Co. j I HORSES FOR SALE TnB MODERN DYKRS, 01iKANKR8, WNJ. Price 3Q0. Iext8ult .. . A'so one Warrior Gordon mare, 3 S35 Commercial. FImmw . Concert Sunday Tho Coos Bay Concort Band will glvo a benellt con cert Sunday afternoon at tho Masonic Opora Houso, tho proceeds going to nld in defraying the oxpensos of medical attention which tho child of Mr. and Mrs. Jud Mills Is receiving at Son Francisco. Tho bnnd Is donat ing Its services and It Is oxpected that thero will bo a largo attendance. Dir ector Fenton will announco tho pro gram tomorrow. Ik Round Over Tho Rosoburg Ri vlow suyu: L. F. Thom. of Suthorlln, charged with burglary of Fred Win ston's homo at Suthorlln, was ar raigned boforo Justlco Marsters and waived examination. Ho was com mitted to Jail in default of $200 bondH to nwalt the action of tl.j grand Jury. Thom was formerly a, resident of Eugeno. Thom was ar rested In Marahflold by Marshal Car ter and was takon back by Deputy Sheriff Qulno. New Itullroiul News. Thoro was little railroad news ailoat hero today, most of tho gossip bolng as to tho likely announcements by C. J. Mlllla who will nrrlvo hero on the Break water tomorrow with Supt. W. F. Mlllor. A number of stories about Important conferences between W. S. Chandler. L. J. Simpson, Arno Mer- Mr. John Conklln snys it Is far easier to build fonco or pull stump man mend a grapnopnone. Ho hns boon studying for a weok how to ad Just tho spring In his machine and at last reporlB It was still out of com mission. Miss Doris Lolby was a North Bend shopper Tuesday. Milton Elliott hns beon doing somo much ueoded work on the road from' South Slough to Big Creek. B. A. Hndson of Ross Inlot spent a fow days lust weok as tho gucflt of Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Lolby. Mr. Sncchl of this place was a Marahflold visitor last Saturday. John Cottell and L. A. Lolby were North Bond visitors Tuesday. HAPPV DAI'S Tho basoball season soon will opon and Joys for which wo'vo long boon gropln' will bo our own onco more; If wo hnvo cares wo soon will loso 'em; tho good old gamo will sootho each bosom, and heal the head that's soro. When wo uBsomblo on tho bleachers wo'll soon forget tho tire some creatures who fuss In politics; forget their ranting and their posing; tho schemes nnd plots that thoy'ro disclosing, forgot tholr Cheap John tricks. Tho grand old gamo must be suspended each year until the win ter's ended, nnd whllo It's off tho map we all get sour and cross nnd rusty, and till the air with, language gusty, and stand around and scrap. Thon Idlo things gain our attention, plpo droams too numerous ,to mention, nnd wo nro In a trance; wo think to better our condition, that wo must boost somo politician to pomp and circumstance. But nil such things go callyhootlng when onco wo hear the umpire hooting his larynx at the mob; then grlof nnd worry are for gotten, and politics seem stale and rotten, and care must Jump its Job. It's better far to seek tho bleachers MI88 CORA MAE MONTGOMERY , will arrlvod horo noxt weok to spend tho summer with hor slstors, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford and Mrs. Colby rorry. Hho lias boon visiting rela tives In California for tho last fow months, J. II. LEVERS and wire will loavo on tho Alllnnco for Portland from whoro thoy will go to Everett, Wash., whoro Mr. Lovers will tnko n position with tho Byllooby peo ple similar to tho ono ho hold with tho Oregon Power company horo. L. D. 8MITH of Coos Rlvor wns In Marahflold today on buslnosa. Ho snys tho Tlmos' want nds aro cortalnly groat buslnoss gottors. lie hnd somo stock for sale, Insert ed a wont ad and n score or moro pooplo hnvo boon thoro to buy tho nulmnls. S. P. PIERCE, Joint reprosontntlvo from Coos and Curry Counties an a caudldnto for ronomlnatlon on the republican ticket, arrlvod horo last evening from Gold Boach to look after his political foncos. Ho snys that ho Is cortnln of a good majority In Curry County. T. E. RAYMOND, for many years In tlio employ or tho Douglas County Abstract company, at Rosoburg, arrived horo today to tako a posi tion with tho Tltlo Gunranteo & Abstract company as abstractor. Ho comos highly recommoudod and his fninlly will Join him horo soon. GILBERT GILBERT80N, or Glon dalo, Ore., arrlvod horo today via. Myrtle Point to look nftor IiIb proporty near Cooston. Ho is ar ranging to opon a mlno on IHb proporty und will movo his family horo noxt month to spend tho sum mer. Ho was 25 hours making tho trip from Rosoburg to Myrtle Point, owing to tho hoavy roads. Ho will rotum to Glondalo Sunday for his family. TEACHERS ARE RE-ELECTED At a rccont mooting of tho Coqulllo board of education all tho toachorn at prcsont employed in tho city schools woro ro-olcotcd. Miss Bonson of the eighth grado nnd Miss Hopkins of tho hlgh school wll) not nccopt their posi tions for another year, but practical ly all tho othors havo nccoptcd. It Ts fortlinato for tho school that bo many of tho teachers nro holding ovor for anothor yonr slnco a teacher's work 1 always worth a gront donl moro after Bho hnB becomo acquainted with, tho chlldron nnd tho community. Tho list of tenchors for noxt year bo far as tho places havo boon flllod Is as follows; 0. II. Howard, superintend ent; A. J, M. RoborUon, prlndpM of tho high Schools' MISS Idn nml.ln eighth grado; Miss Renn Anderson, sixth grado; Mra. Elonn Mlnard, fifth grado; Miss Carrlo Rao, fourth grado; Miss Grnco Black, third grado; Mrs. Ed Lorcnx. second trmde. nnd Mrs. W. C. Ghnso, first prndo. Coqulllo Sentinel. TinCY PUSHED HIM IN Roosovolt's Idon of "accepting" tho nomination puts us In mind of s, boy wo onco know, onys an exchange, who, having promlsod his mother that ho wouldn't go In swimming would undress nnd otnnd on tho bank nnd got tho othor boys to push him off Into tho wntor. and Curry countlos, arrlvod here today. Ho is a candldato for re homlnatlon on tho republican tic ket nnd will Bpond somo tlmo here looking aftor his political fences ond also gottlng rondy for tho trial of several casos at tho noxt term of court at Coqulllt. AMONO THE SICK - Miss AgnoB Carpontor, tho Marah flold High school toachor who under wont nn oporatlon Mondny for oppon dlcltlo Is roportod Improving very rapidly, much to the gratification of hor many friends. nifi BAND DANCE 8atunlnr ev ening. Don't miss It. If you hnvo anything to soil, trade, or ront. or want holp. try a Want Ad. 1 i ... i GEO. M. DROWN of Roseburg, dls trlct attorney for Douglas, Coob OET A Royal Tailored Suit MADE TO FIT YOU From $18.00 to $35.00 FIXUP SOLE AGENTS MARSIIF1ELD Marshfield & North Bend Children are much more likely to contact tho contagious diseases when thoy have colds. Whooping cough, dlnthorln. scarlet fovor nnd con sumption are diseases that are often than share with patriotic creatures pnntractod when the child has a a hie lone camnalcn houso: it's bet- cold. That Is why all medical au- ter far to win a ponnant than to olocti thorltles say beworo or colds, tor a bran-new tenant fort Washington's the quick cure of coldB you will find Whlto IIoubo. nothing bettor than Chamberlain's WALT MASON. Cough Remedy, It can always be do-1 pended upon and Is pleasant and safe if you have anything to sell, trade, to take. For sale by all dealers. or rent, or want help, try a Wdnt Ad. MASSTEEL-M -ANDSKILtr-a aCAHMAKEM DAYTON BICYCLES Master Geo. Hanson showed mo a button and received a blcyclo pump free. BIARSIIFIEU) OYCLERY Phone 180-R Agents 607 Front st. 5y5S SOUPS FLAICED PEAS A small handful of Flaked Peas added to any soup, fifteen minutes boforo It Is ready to serve, will greatly Improvo Its flavor and wholosomcncss, .-" PUREE OF FLAICED PEAS ; . 3 cups of boof stock cup cold water 1V& tablespoonfuls catsup Tiny piece of garlic 1 cup Sperry Flaked Pens .... Vt medium onion tablespoon Worcestershire Banco Salt to taste. Boll onion In stock until tender, add catsup, Worcestershire, gar lic, dash of white pepper and salt; then add the fUUed peas. Cook slowly 20 minutes, strain and serve with croutons. Stick pnion with whole cloves. '