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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. IV I SAVINGS AND i fTorm carnarition. rrtranliA i. n . . fiu y -7.-'j--- r - - ...Ih slnntcif A frnm ArAnAn reccjvouwvM.. .6 AUYcuiorB, ana make loans on Oregon -rtv. Returns nrlticinnl onH ,iini. "" uu yrcgon ' -;.. flnl t.. ., T.;f;.;flnf guauuiww. w w u.b, viwvuiuonea to term of contract. to ten years. Ample Reserve PingCTonn . . Ain O. Pjjitt, at pun A tun iiu. P. Lnmb.rmeo. Ht, Hank J. ?. jiB.."??" , Q. Mtr.. Blmond. tt. Oo. fy A J J. "ROT Br"n Jwoloti M M r ft. OMfTonOjVJ . . J. 1XXJLT. V " ' U. Oooi. AH OREGON CORPORATION We Are in Position to Loan You Money For Building Purposes AT A REASONABLE HATE OP INTEREST RETURNED OX THE MONTH IA' PAYMENT PLAN, SAME AH PAYING HUNT. IF IN TERESTED See. Mr; Emery at The Chandler The Best Electric Lamps Are Now Strong and Durable At first tungsten (Mazda) electric lumps were somewhat fragile and were, injured by shocks and vibrations. The wire drawn lamps made today are rug ged and reliable. They are now being used in street cars and railway service. The new (Mazda) tungsten lamps give nearly three times as much light for the same con sumption of current, as do the carbon incan descent lamps. Tungsten lamps make possible all the light you want without increasing the cost of operation. Good lamps and fixtures must bo used in order to have good, lighting and prevent high bills. Our experts will help you if you will give them a chance. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. Steams Washington WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO, FROM COOS BAY, TnunS DAY, A. M., AFRIL 11. 1 ' i1 TICKETS AT OCEAN: DOC1C, OR ON nOARD.. PASSENGERS (JO ABOARD WEDNESDAY NIGHT. F. B. DOW, Agent. TAST AND COSDIODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS AND SUHMARINE DELL SA&SFOR. COOS BAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO Tuesday, April 1 6, At 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. ' ttiose 44. O. P. McGEORQE, Agent. THE FRU3ND 5. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SIfc From Coos Bay for Portland at, 2:00 P. M., Thursday, Aprfl 1 1 CONNECTING: WITH TIH3 NORTH DANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC 8TEAMSniP COMPANY. fhone 44. O. F. MeGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 0 A. M. ON APRIL 8, 10, 17 aA 24. lB.1J PKOM COOS nAY APRIL 0, IS, SO AND 27, AT SERVICE OF '.TUB TDDB. L. A. PARKHURST, Agent. Phone Main 350. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance LOAN oiiia oojv ... .! uy uicgon DUBiness men. to .i . . """! ciuumgs at Fund. one Absolute security. Bnun UNDER STATE SUPERVISION Ocean Dock. OP COOS BAY """, er. uui.MutDftl Ufalu. Have That Roof Fixed srow See CORTHELL Pbeat SISt TWO DIE IN AN EXPLOSION Anticipation of Powder Blast In Canada Prevents More ' Casualties. (By Associated Prosa to tno Coos Bay Timos.) NANAIMO, IJ. C, April 10. Supt. W. A. WllBOIl of tlin Hnnnillnn Hv. plosives company, wns killed and W. woods, a laborer, wus seriously In jured by nn oxploslon In tho works at Muruuieiu louny. utnor Ueatlis wero averted by the Tact that tho oxploslon was anticipated by about ton minutes aud a warning blnBt was given. ELECTION AT FLORENCE John W. Hcignmu Chosen President of Council. FLORENCE, Ore., April 9. In a closoly-contestod city election hero Tuesday, with 86 votes polled, flvo out of six candidates named on tho Independent ticket wero elected. John W. Bergman, tho nowly-olcctcd president of tho council, Is a young man well known throughout this soc tlon. Ho rccolvod 37 votes, a lend of 13 more than his closest opponent. For councilman, tho uucccssful cau dldated woro: John Safley, E. A. Hoach, Thomas 11. Phlllltm nn,i fioo. T. Schroedor. For marshnl, O. C. Cumpton defeated C. E. Fero,' who was a candldnto to succcod himself. Tho number of votes polled Is Indi cative of tho recont IncroaBo In popu lation of tho town, tho lamest mini- bor over cast nt n city oloctlon prior to this bolng G7. Llbby COAL. The Kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 73 Paclflc Livery & Transfer Co. WhyNot? Pure Milk and Cream Wo are tho only firm STERI LIZINU our milk products, and wo furnish: SULK AT 23c PER GALLON. CREAM AT 20o PER PINT. Willi PINT. CREAM AT 25c PER BUTTERMILK GALLON. AT lOo PER DellvorloH 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phono 73. Coos Bay, Ice & Cold Storage e Co. HURRY! IT'S GOING FAST "Wo have a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that wo will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. , C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Phono 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGJ3TAC1CKN, Hgr. ' Coqullle Ofllce Phone 191 UarahOeld Office 14-J, Farms Timber Coal and Platting Landa a peclalty. General AgeaU "EAST8IDB" City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Driven and reasonable charge. Oar motto: "Will go anywhere at any Ume." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco ClKar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46, Night Phone 46. nARKEK ie CJtKlllAUlt. ifopnuiora A Modern Brick Bulldlnc. Eloctrlt Lights. Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOT EL .CO OS a. A. 1IETLIN. Prop. niatea: 60 cenu a Day and Upwaxde Cor. Broadway ana uarxei Marahfield. Oreron. Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry FHONB MAIN 87J TOE HARBORS 0 Portlnnd, Ore., Apr. 1. Ldltor Times: Will you kindly publish In tho next lssuo of your pnpor tho onclosod Resolution? Port Improvement bv tho munip. lpallty has mado tho subject ono do mnndlng lmmedlnto attention horo. Judging from tho suits In court reported from Alsoa and Coos Uny, tho question must bo ono of similar Import nt nil points whoro tho public nas 10 contend ror its rlghtB to wntor termlnnls with aggreBsIvo railroad corporatlono. Yours for tho Commonwonlth, United improvement Clubs Associa tion, Ily M. O. Collins, President. RESOLUTION: Whereas, tho rights of tho City to tho uso of tho shores of Its harbor are sorloUBly Jeopardized by tho pol icy of tho Port of Portland In Invit ing riparian owners to bulkhend tholr wntorfront on tho harbor lino and tho offer to fill back thereof, and Whoroas, tho harbor area, already sadly too small, would thereby bo sonouBiy contracted, and, Whoroas, thoro npponrs to bo no concorted effort to correct this con dition, Thoroforo bo It resolved FIRST: That tho Stato's tltlo rights nnd Interest to the harbor nr oa, up to ordluary high water mark, within the limits of tho City of Port land bo transferred to tho City, to be administered ns n public trust. The City'B tltlo, rights and Interest so acquired Hhall bo Inalienable. 8EC0ND: That Sec. 3 of tho Port of Portland act bo atnonded so as to repeal tho clnuso conferring ownership of lands mndo by tho Port In Its dredging operations, upon ad joining ownors, nnd that nil othor legislation Inconsistent with tho pur poso of this resolution bo repealed. THIRD: That tho public rights to tho shores of all navlgahlo waters, up to ordinary hlgh-wator lino, with in tho stnto are Inalienable and the tltlo vested In tho Stnlo or nny mun icipality of tho State. In Intended to protect such Inallonnblo rights, nnd shall not bo nllonntcd. FOURTH: That n copy of this resolution bo nddrossod to tho Mayor or Portland, to tho Port of Portland, to tho Dock CommlHslou, tho Stuto Lund Ilonrd, mid tho Governor uud the Attorney General of tho State, nnd asking that these oltlelulu appoint u Joint meeting to act upon thoao questions nnd (p. formulate and pro poso tho noccssary remedial legisla tion. Snld mooting to bo public, and to which tho public shall bo luvlted for conforonco. , FIFTH: Thnt n copy of this, re solution bo fiont to ono or more u own papers In each city or town of tho Stnto situated upon nnvlgnblo waters, thnt Is a county sont or tho motropo-' lis of a Port, for publication. Signed, Unltod Improvement Club Associa tion. By M. O. Collins, Pros., L. H. Wills, Soc'y, J. B. Zloglor, chairman; M. O. Col lins, O. 13. Welter, W. A. Cnrtor and Dan Kollahor, committee J9flS?AL-D!RECT0RY D'SR?XXllENDRXiB Modem Deatal Parlor. We are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at the verj lowest .prices. Examination free Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. DR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathia Physic! Graduate of the American school ot Osteopathy at Kirkiville, Mo. Offlc in Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 13; 1 tc 4' Phone 161-J; Uarsbdeld; Oregon J. W. BENNBTT, Lawyer. )fflte over Flanagan & Bennett Dan) Iarshfleld Oregon TR. J. T. McCORMAO, - Physician and Surgeon MarSbjeld, Oregon. 3fflce: Lockhart, Building, Opposite post ofneo. Phone 105-J After the show try a Turkish Bath Phone 2 14-J. I 0 llilll FLAG AND OUR SCHOOLS FLAG .SHOULD FLOAT OVER EVERY SCHOOL SALEM, Or., April 11. In tho cur rent Oregon Teachers' .Monthly, Stnto Superintendent of Schools L. n. Al derman calls attention to tho falluro of schools to display tho National Hag over tho school buildings. Ho nlso expresses tlio hope Unit each school will Join In tho proper obsorvanco of ueeorntlon Day. Hon says In pnrt: ills communica "This ollleo has received lottors rrom momborH of tho W. It. C. nnd tho G. A. It. nsklng why tho school lings nro not living over tlm Rdmni houses on good days. Why aro thoy not up? Tho lnw requires thnt tho Hag bo dlsplnyod over every school house on oory school day, oxcopt in unseasonablo wcathor. What la moro beautiful than to seo tho Stnrs nnd Strlpos over thu school houses? I noticed that tho Hag was not up on Washington's birthday, nor on Lin coln's blrthdny In n certain city school. "I nm suro wo cannot ovnr tonoii tho lesson or patriotism oven If wo do our boBt. Tho lnslstanco of tho men aud women, who know what our Hag stands for and who lovo, It, that tho Hag bo kept Hying ovor Bchool nouses, is proper, nnd beautiful." Superintendent Aldormnn will also ask tho schools of tho stnto to ob serve Friday. May 10, us Mothors Duy. The. second Sunday In Mny will bo generally obsorved In tho church es as Mothers' Day. $ LIMIT PUT ON 4 GRADUATING DRESSES. MEDFORD, Ore, April 11 Absoluto simplicity nnd n' limit of 7.50 has been plncod ns tho principal foaturo of tho grad- uating (ireflBos of tho Medford f nign Bcnooi; wnijo they must bo ns void or frills and ruffles ob the artistic young woman can force horaolf to onduro. All tho f young pooplo In tho domostlo Hcnncn classes will ho given nn opportunity to mnko tholr t. gowns during hcIiooI periods. The others will assist their DATICS OP EXPOSITION Sun FnuiclNco Fiir Will 0eii Pel. 20 and Clo-H IHc. -1, 1015. SAN FRANCISCO. April 11 ' Winter to Winter" Is tho slogan of tho Pnnnma-Pnrlile fntornntlonnl Ex position. Tho Unlvorsnl Exposltlqn Is to open on Saturday, February 20, 191C, and close on Saturday, Decem ber 4, I91C. Alaska will 1mvo n unlquo oxhlblt nt tho exposition. It will consist of a copper 'ball weighing 2B00 pounds mado of motal secured from tho Cop per Rlvor Valley. Alaskn. John llrlshen Wnlkor, formor own or nnd editor or tho Cosmopolitan Mngazlno, and ono of tho best-known literary men In this country, has boon selected to bo director of oxploltatlon ff iho Pnnamn-Paclflo International Kxposltlnn. LACKING FINGERS AT I1IRTII Sues Slirel Cnr Company for Fright to Mother 8T. LOUIS, April 11. Holon C. Rortrnm, 3" months old, is tho plain tiff In n Hult Hied horo today ngalnst tho locnl stroot railway company nsklng damages for injuries recolvod before her birth. A car in which her mother was rid ing, struck a wagon nnd tho drlvor hold up a hnnd from which tho ling ers woro mlsBlng. Tho doformed hnnd was scon at tho samo tlmo thnt sho oxperlonco tho fright of tho shock. Tho child was born without lingers on its right hand. FOREIGNERS IN OREGON WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11. According to a national census bulle tin Just issued, Oregon's forolgn horn white population in 1010 num bered 103,000. Gurmnns woro In tho lend, totalling 18,000; Canadians 12,000 In numbor, enmo uoxt, and Swedes third, 10.000 In nil. FOR ASSESSOR I hereby nnnounco my,solr aa re publican candldnto for assossor for Coos County beforo tho primaries, April 19, 1011. (Paid Adv.) LLOYD SPIRES. Don't forgot PHONE SMJ. the Turkish Baths. Why Ho Wns Lnto. "What mado you so latoT" "I met Smithson." "Well, thnt is no ronson why you (should bo nn hour Into getting homo to suppor." "I know, but I asked lilm how he was feeling, and ho Insisted on toll ing mo about his stomach troublo." "Did you tell him to tako Cham berlain's Tablots?" "Suro, that is what ho noods." Sold by all dealers. Union Oils MHOLINB DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENF SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Gods Bay Oil & Supply Co Wwthfleld, Ore. PHONE 80sVJ Mail Orders Belleltod. NEW AUOS FOR OUR STAGE LINE Orders Siieclal .Machines for Coos County Service. Tho Portlnnd Journal says: Ono of tho most progressiva man carry ing united States mall under contract in tho Pacific Northwest Is C. P. Bar nnrd, or Roseburg, Oro. Mr. Bar nard Is the contractor nn tho Roso-buig-Myrtlo Polnt-Mnrshflold routo. Last year ho mado cxtonslvo nxnnrl. - Illuivt8 toward modernizing his cou- eyuueus, aim anor thorough investi gation, concluded to bring his busi ness light up to date by tho substitu tion of automobiles for horso-drnwn vehicles. Toward thnt ondho hns purchased rrom tho Howard Automobile Com pany of this city two National Chassis and lour Uulclt touring cars. Tho uouios lor tno Chasls aio being built in 1'ortlanu by Uelmoro, Mcuougui a: .Mooiua, according to mr. Bar aid h own specUlcaiious, ut u cost of out iOu eucu, wnilo thu spuclul tiuiBsis to wiiien tney nro ntted cost in mo neignuornood ot ?2&oo eacu. it is .Mi. Buinard s lntoutlon to uso tno Antlonuia lor hl mmviiir work, whicn will include tho carry ing oj muii uud pasbongurs between noaeourg and .Myiiie i'olut, Tno cars uiu deaigtied to carry looo pouuus or mail nud three pusseugeru uaeu. For uiu exclusive purpose of currying passenger traffic, .Mr. Bar uuiu uus purchased tuteo 30rhorse powor, llvo-paHsongor Uulck tqurlng cam and ouo iU-horuopowor, flvo pusBougor Uulck. The 40-horsepowor car nnd two of tho 80-horsopower curs woro shipped to Roseburg Monduy una tho remain ing two will be shipped him as soon ub tho bodies can. bo completed for the NutlounU. Thoro nro now 84 head of horaos regularly employed on this route. nud from his experience fit lust year Mr. Barnard ebtlmuu-s tbni each ouo or tho big cars will eliminate- 16 horeoH, and that the two will elimi nate tho uso or moro tiiau one-third or his livestock. , , Mr. Bnruard's efforts yiiii bo wutched with considerablo interest by tho stage men throughout the Pic clflc Northwest. WESTERN COAL P06'l United States Nnvy Trying to Oct Hotter Supply on Poclflc Coust. WASHINGTON, 1). C. April 10 Western coal hau boon found unsuit able for uso by tho navy oxcopt at shore plants uud on tugs and othor vohsoIh which will not bo expected to tnko part In battle. Comjmratlvo lestB hus convinced tho naval offlcors It would bo unwJso to glvo prqforpnCo to western coal which is said to Pro duce excesstvo ashes nnd soot, teud- ing to clog tho tubes aud gratos nnd having n curtain destructive effect on tho hollers. Tho navy department In koonly Interested In flndlnir soma coal In the westorn states which will uurn ns wen ns eastern coal and to this end further tests of othor coals will ho hold. IIRim: It YEARS OLD, WEDS (.'ROOM OF 17 MOniJRLY, Mo. April 11 Tho comblnod ngos of Mr. nnd Mr8,A. Splcor, who llvo noar Moborbly, Is but 28 yoars. Tho brldo, who la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grnbltt. Is but olovon years old, and tho bridegroom IB bix yoars her senior. Tho couplo woro married yoBtorday, at Hngora Apel, wost of Moborbly. by a minister who has been conducting a sorlos of revival meetings In that vicinity. Tho parents of both consented to tho marriage, WIPE HAD NO USE FOR MODEL HUSBAND OAKLAND. Cnl., April 11. Edwin Illrsch, an Irvlngton morchant. has received a decroo of dlvorco from Ha zel Illrsch, who dosorted him two yoars ago, unable to enduro longer his perfections. According to his testimony, Illrsch gnvo hla wRo ovory luxury within his moans, placod no rostralnt on hor itmusomontH and novor showed Jeal ously, Ho novor spoke an unkind word and never indulged In liquor, tobacco, profanity or lato hours. "Didn't sliti oVor And any fault with you?" askpd tho judgo. "Oh, yes!" rosponded tho wltnois, "sho froquontly said alio could have loved mo If only I had boat hor or at loust scolded hor once In a whllo." .MOD SLAYS NEGRO Negro Acquitted In Louisiana Court Is Lynched Later (Ily Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmo.) SHREVEPORT. La., April 11 Thomas Mllos, a negro nged 29, was lynched hero today nnd his body rid dled with bullots. Miles was accus ed of writing lottors to a white girl; proof was lacking when ho was ar raigned lu court yesterday and ho was dismissed. DON'T GET RUN DOWN Weak and mlsorablo. If you have Kidney or Madder troublo, Dull head palus, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pains In the back, nnd feel tired all over, get u paakHgu of Mothor Gray's AH OMATICLEAF tho pleasant horb cure. It never falls. We have many testimonials from grateful peo ple who havo ucod this wondorfut reinody. As a regulator it has no equal. Ask ror Mother Gray's Aro-mntlc-Lcnf at Druggists or sent by mall for COc. Sample FREE Ad. dress, Tho Mother Gray Co., Lo Roy, N.Y. IB ..,! hi 14 W ! Nortk Fros tyr