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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1912)
-. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION i 4 Interesting Facts About Oregon's School Fund Law Orogon, under the loadorshlp of W. S. U'Ron, was bofore all of tho States in restoring to tho pcoplo tho control of their govcrnmont by tho In itiative, referendum and recall. Now that tho shadow of tho Money Power Is bolng cast ovor tho country, again may tho Nation look to Oregon for a way to bocomo froo from that dan gerous1 and corrupt forco. From tho boglnnlng of organized govornment In Orogon, tho Stato has boon a sourco from which farmors could obtain monoy. Tho Act of Congress creating tho torrltory bo catno offoctlvo In 1849. Tho Terri torial Statutes of January, 18GC, pro vide that tho Trcasuror should loan school and othor funds on mortgages. Tho Journal of ho Sonato of 1804, shows tho total sum In tho funds was $23,D8G; by 1D10 It had Incroasod to JG, 351, 349, all of which was lnvostod in farm and mortgagos at G por cent Intorcst, school bonds and land certificates, except f G5.9G5 cash on hand. For tho samo year tho total paid up capital of tho 1DD banks roporting to tho Stato wiib $7,751,025. Stato Hank Examiner Will Wright says that tho county banks oucourago tho tho Stato loans, us vory fow loans are madu on farm lands. They ro gard thoin as a holp by reason of tho their neighborhoods, and that tho borrowers aro substantial mombors of their communities, whoso Indus try In tho devolopmont of tho coun try Is thus nldod. Ho says tho In vestment or theuo funds Is in II rat class loans. Applications for loans are roforrod by tho Stato Land Hoard to Its at tornoy In tho county whoro tho land may bo located. If his roport as to tho valuo and titlo of tho land, and char actor of tho applicant, Is satisfactory tho loan Is granted. Tho prosperity of tho farmers of Oregon, and the care exercised in making loans, is ovldencod by tho fact that not ono farm Is now undor foreclosure, al though tho law roqulrcs any loan ov or two yours duo to bo foreclosed. No loans aro made for less than $250 or more than $5,000. Tho to tal numbor of tho school fund loans Is 3,023, tho average of each bolng $1,400. A vory largo number aro of 500 and less. When making loans, tho Stato Doard selects all of tho applications of $1,000 and less to bo paBsod on first. Tho proforenco Is glvon to tho smallest applications, and tho loans aro mado so as to dis tribute them equitably throughout tho Stato. When monoy Is in do mand, tho Doard sells Its school bonds, and loans tho monoy on farms. Tho law provldos that thoso funds shall bo loanod op mortgages on grazing lands In oastorn Oregon and farm lands for not oxcoodlng ono third their valuo. Such securities do not depreciate, and can nlwnys pro duco enough to pay tho interest. No toiiim nro made on tlrnbor lands, city lots or other spoculatlvo property. Tho proceeds of tho sales of school and othor lands, forfeitures and gifts to tho State, and cortnln fines, are tho sourco from which theso funds obtain their rovqnuo. Tho prlncf- plo Is mado lrrouuclbio, tuo intorcst only being used. Tho report of tho Stato School Superintendent shows that during tho past thirty-eight yours tho total Interest recolvod from this fund by tho common BChool ex ceeded $5,000,1)00, tho sum last year being $320i2?2. Undor tho law, tho Intorcst on hand August 1st of each year Is divi ded among tho counties in propor tion to tho numbor of children of school ago. Elghty-flvo por cont of it must bo usod to pay toachors salaries. Southern Pacific R. R. Uses Quarter Million Ties Yearly Ono-sovcnth of tho twenty-five and a quarter millions of railroad ties that nro In tho Pacific System of tho Southorn I'uclflu Hullroiid havu to bo taken up each year unci roplacud with absolutely now onus. Thoso tlos, bo foro bolng replaced In tho roadbed, must bo treated olthor by croasoto or with a chemlcul preparation known as tho burnuttlilng treatment, botoro they enn bo usod. Those Interesting factH nro taken directly from a statistical roport of tho maintenance of way department of tho Southern Pacific Company. They aro positively accurnto. Ilo Bldeo this, they aro a fow truths about railroad operation that aro seldom glvon to tho readers of tho nows-papors. Thoro aro a llttlo nioro than twen-ty-flvo and a quarter million tics on tho Pacific System of tho Southorn Pacific. At tho renewal rato of ono sovonth each yoar, nnd an nvorago of 2800 tlos to tho mile, nioro than 240 miles or tho Southern Paolflc roadbod Is robullt each 12 months. During tho last ton years 20,008,490 tloD in tho roadbod of this road were taken up and replucod with new oni's Pino, fir, oak, cedar and redwood aro tho woods lined by tho Southern Pa cific for its ties. With tho single ex ception of tho redwood, all aro sub ject to tho preservation process. Tho burnottlzlng procoss consists cf forcing chlorld of zinc Into tho wood colls. A vacuum treatment Is first applied. Tho ties nro placed in a cylinder, steamod for tho pur peso of softening tho wood colls, then tho vacuum Is applied to oxtract tho sap and wator from tho wood. After this tho chlorld of zinc Is applied. Moro than a hair day Is required for this process aftor which tho ties aro treated to u sun bath for several weeks. Tho crensotlng process Is es sentially similar to buruottlzlng, ex cept that dead oil or coal tar is used in placo or zinc solution. Thoro nro four spikes in each tlo nnd two tlo plates. Drlng your mathematical talents Into play. Tho answer Is 101,000,000 spikes and 50,900,000 tlo plates In tho Pacific System of tho Southern Pacific. Tho tlo plates wolgh G& pounds each, tho spike a half pound, making a to tal of 681,950,000 pounds of motal attached to theso tics, not counting, of courso, tho rails, which wolgh 90 poundB to tho yard and tho numerous tin rods. HOW'ri rum We offer One llundrnl Italian (or ny cmcMif L'ntnrrli tlmt cminiit bo vnrtl b) llnll'flrr Cure. K. J. UIIKNKY A CO., ToUdo, O. Wo. tho lilKlrrnlmifil. lnvo knnivn V J. Che- nnjr fur the lt lft yearn, mul believe him twr fwtly lionotl)lo in til butliicta trtimitctlmi nd Ihmnclnll? nblu to curry out any obllira- nun. iiinuc uy mi linn. tVAIDIMl, KlNNAN A Mamin, Wliulualo DniimlMi, Toledo, O. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure U takun Inleniall), ml; liiKillirctly ukii the lilitoil and imuoiit mre Intra of I tm ajatem. Teallmonlata arnt (re. I'rlre 7Acvnta nvr bottle. Bold byall dnntiifit. Tak. Ilall'a family rilla (or contlatfoii. We Have Been Successful In buying a largo stock of first class Eloctrlcal mntorlul and can give our patrons a vory low prko on lioiiHo wiring. Oct our price you can't nfford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J FOR RENT Grocory Storo on Elrod and Tenth Streets; 9 rooms; all modorn; stovo and fixtures; nil for $35 por mouth; several dwellings ror ront. AUG. FJtfZEEN. 68 Central Ave.. Mftrshficld. WM. S. TURPEN ' Architects 171 FRONT BT. E RRRUU3C0. '?'' rf ismvm ri-jiFii p zt m .. XJ& mm J Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality PORTING GOOD! Ammunition and Fishing Tackle We Carry a Complete Line of U. M. C. Remington Rifles and Ammunition 330 Front St. j f la w BHwhen you buy JSsff Marshfield, Ore. Jt. TheREDBALL is up 11 along" ihe Usasi t riffs i tea aW i I T I BM B mm m v m m vv aV I 1 Bv MM" BaaHalaHHaiaHLaVV .k-" -T Stimttjfi SgSl gJSSsgSFggfcxJfrS' gar .v-.. 8 ? i W p-"" sSgShSf The Handicap Winners of the East are Here! Pemngton.-UMC Eastern Factory Loaded Shells in your favorite trap and field loads are now on the coast These are the shells that have won over 60 of the total trap events of the country in the last ten years that have won 13 out of the 15 Interstates held in the last three. The fast, uniform, hard-shooting qualities that make this record possible are guaranteed only by J?emngton:UMC factory loading. Look for the red ball on every box you buy. Ask your dealer to-day. Qg&lngtQtell&IG'-tiM perfect shooting: combination REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY 299 Broadway, New York City ELI SS3 Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Eastern Factory Loads The Gunnery Sportsmen's Headquarters Springtime Is House-Cleaning Time The Coos Bay Bedding and Upholstery Co. Wnnt to Clcnn Your Carpels. Six conts por Bquaro yard. Sutia fnctlon guaranteed. 733 So. Drondwny Pliouo 21C-L First Class Auto Serviq Spoclal trips to North Bond asj Bmplro any time. Train and parti calls a spocialty. Phono 144 J nlghJ and day. Aftor 11 p. m Palat, Rostaurant, Phono C-J. Rosldenq Tliono 2S-J. D.L.FOOTE.PrQprietoj. Launch Tioga's Time Table AFTKH Al'Itlh la, l!)ia Tjcuvcs North lleml 7 A. 31. IiCnvcs MnrHlifleld 8 A. 31. Loaves Camp No. 1, South Co Hlvcr, nt JJ I. 31. Allco IF. on run Suiulnyn. WANTED!,!! JAltPKTS UrilOIITEItlNG ANI PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tht Pnouma tlo Cleaning Company. Ordori fo wtirk tnkon at GOINU H HAItVliV I'HONK 1IKI T. J. ROAIFE A. II. HODOINI Marshfield Paint, 8b Decorating Co,' Untlmatos MAHBHFIELD, FurutibnU ' Phonn 140L Orefon Blanchard's Livery Wo have ftwjiiro- the livery ail ' iot.8 of h. II. Holsuor and ara pro- pared to rondor oxco.Ioat wrrtco ta tho poopla of Cuo- Buy. Cireful ilvom, "kooq rlju ad ororythtng bat will mean batlutactory lorrle ta tho public. Phont uo for a drlvlnr horso, u rig or anything needed Is the lUory lino. We alio do truck- .g buslubaa of 11 kinds. . ilTiANCIIAUl) UHOTUEnS Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets A Correct Insurance Policy Is vory ossontlal. It It Isn't correctly wrltton it isn't Insur ance. Wo wrlto correct policies In tho host companies. I. S. KAUPMAN & CO. 177 Front St. TltY THE EDGE W1TII YOUR FINGER. Examlno a collar fresh from or laundry. Notice 1U clear, white col- or, Its even, elasUo stlftnsu, U smooth and Its perfect shape. . Then tost the top edge by running your flngor-tip oror it. Notice tks smooth, slick finish given it, Notk ing there to rub, dig or irritate your neck. This test will proye the value of our service. Send us a trial bundlt and apply the .teat Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry Mauzey Bros. Props rhone & Our Wagons Go Anywhere Aaytlas. ' '-- --! "" ' " ' I Try Tho Times Want Ads. a ' ( Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at The Pacific Monumental Works South Hromlway and inako solec- , tlon from the largo stock nuwnua'V luuid. Mr. Wilson lias In his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter In Coos county. And none but Uie best work is turned out. jrwa FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAItSIIFIELD, OREOON. At the close of business, Feb. 20, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts , J4o0 3CG 69 Banking House ..., " T ko'ooo'oo Cash and Exchanges .' !!!!!!!!! lSSoiliSS Total S644.278.01 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid la . 50.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 57.408.17 Deposits ; 636,869.84 Total J644.278.01 WILSON AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIGIIT Phones 184-X, 228. Marshfield, Ore. The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE TIIEY nUY SIIOES FROSI ?1 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC SHOE 8n0P 180 So. Broadway Marshfield CONDENSED STATEMENT Of, The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho Closo of Huslucss February 20tli, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $221,234.34 Bonds, warrants nnd securities. 73,926.11 U. S. bonds to securo circulation. . ' 25,000.00 Ileal estate, furniture and fixtures. : ' "f'f" Vf J ' 81,022.34 Cash and sight exchange !!!!!!!!!!.'!!."!!. 144,699 Total J ',,,,. $815,721.73 , LIABILITIES. '' . N Capital stock paid In - ' $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. . . 9.235.09 Dividends unpaid 6.00 Reserve for taxes i 000.00 Circulation, outstanding! gHooioO Depsits ,".'.'.'.' ;.'.'.';!.' .';.'.'.'!.'.'.' . m.m iQm $545,721,73 F ora.ta ifooSoWo0 apUaI StCk th ,ndJ,-,lu'dl HaWy ot Stockbold i INTEREST PAID ON TLME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President. m. O. HORTON, Vice-President, DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier,