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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1912)
COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1912 - EVENING EDITION I THE NEW LINE TO iBESSIE DOLLAR OREGON PLAN! LIES TODAY If : I it m to POWDE Absolutely Ptar Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the houscwifo is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Mum No Lime Phosphate W II LI L TARIFF IS ll.lfl President Taft Urges Reduc tion as Result of Report of Board. (By Associated Press to tbo Coos Day I Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 2S President Taft today transmitted to cougrouH tlio tariff bourn's report on tbo cotton schedule with u recom mendation that this section of tho tariff law bo taken up with a view of rovlslou and reductions in the rates of duty. President Taft ad vluos congress that tho board's in vestigations have shown that tlto dutloB on boiiio cotton yarns are two and three times in oxcess of tho dlf forouco of tho cost of production lu tho United States and abroad. Tho duties were Imposed becauso of tho tbo oxtra cost duo to finish ing and aro often in excess of tho total domestic cost of finishing. Tho prices paid by tho consumers lu tho United Stntos aro higher than abroad oven when tho prices received by manufacturers lu both places aro tho same. This is said to ho duo to tho higher coBt of distribution hero. Plain clothes aro as cheap hero as anywhoro but on fancy fabrics tho duties aro In oxcess of tho difference In cost mill In many cases tho duties aro greater than tho conversion costs in tho mills of tho United Stntcs. Taft asks n deficiency appropriation of 100,000 for tho board to contlnuo its work during April, May and Juno. Ho urges congress to contlnuo fur thcr tho llfo of tho board, that It inny prosecute tho Investigations of tho metal, lenthor, chemical nnd sugnr schedules which tho president has directed. Tho president's mes sngo Is n comparative summary of tho board's findings. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Flflcld and Brooklyn sailed this morning from Hamlon for San Francisco. Tho tug ltobarta from tho Sluslnw, t.li4nl. la tiniL' Inllniv nnnl from Mm Coqulllo Itlvor to Florence, enmo In ncro touny. biio is on routo norm. Tho Nann Smith was off Capo Illanco nt 3:15 this afternoon and will ho oft tho bar about 7 tonight. A modornto sea and fresh northwest wind woro provnlllng, nccordlng to a wireless raossngo from her. Tho Rainbow, Cnpt. Edwards' now boat, was launched yostorday morn ing nt 7 o'clock. Thoro was no for mal sorvlccs or chrlstonlng owing to tho uncortnlnity of tho hour of launching. Tho now boat will bo roady for sorvlco In about tlirco woeks. Tho Allco H. Is now on tho Allegany run, tho Alort bolng tied un in ordor that Cnpt. Edwards may suporvlHo tho placing of tho onglnos in his now boat, tho llainuow. (I)y Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Times; WASHINGTON, D. C. March 27 -Inviting the democrats of tho house to join thorn lu passing n republican wool bill and "making n radical re duction now Instead of preventing n reduction" tho republican members of tho ways and means committee to day submlttod n report on tho mi nority bill, Introduced last week which would reduce wool duties to about -10 per cent from tho rates under the Pnyuo-Aldrlch bill. CANADIAN RECIPROCITY Jiinv Will lie Itcpi-nlcit Kxcept At Applied in Paper anil Pulp. Illy Associated Piess to Coos Day Tlmos. i WASHINGTON. 1). C , March 27 A fawiritliW' report mi th bill to iv piul tho Cnuudlun reciprocity luw, oxeopttiiK section two. relating to wood and hit. was uutluirUod t dnj by t' gfiiiite eoiumlttec ou tl nunee 'j'he law was nudertHl lu op orntivo save tu to th paper schedule 1 Canada's rojeetlon of tbo reel prncii) agieeiiient. TAXES SOON DELINQUENT l'cnnltjr of Ten Per Cent Added After April 1. This will bo tho last wook for pro porty owners to pay tholr taxos In Coos county without dangor of do llnquoncy. Tho law provides that all taxos unpaid, by tho first Mondny in April shall bo placed on tho uo llnminnt list. Whllo tbo tax collection this year hnsbcon cxcollont, thoro aro many who havo not paid. All porsons pay Ing tho half payment boforo tho day of dollquoncy may havo until Octobor to pay tho othor half. When tho col lector's ofllco is closod noxt Saturday night tho books will then bo subject to tho delinquency porlod. To pay taxes aftor that dato, a penalty of 10 per cent nnd 1 per cent a month Is nddod. EXTRA COPIES OF THE SPECIAL RAILWAY EDITION COOS RAY TIMES Wrapped ready for mailing may bo obtained nt tho oftlco. 4 Prlco 20 cents each. WM. S. TURPEN Architects 171 FRONT ST. COFFEE KING DEAD John Ai buckle SumiiulHs nt Rrxk- hn IIihiio TihIm). (lly Associated Pre to The Coos Uuy Times) NEW YORK. Mai oh 27. John Ai buckle, t'e well knowu coffee detiVr, died at his home lu Brook bn today, aged 7 I. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Rental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high cIqb' vork on short notice nt tho voi lowest prices. Examiuntlon fret 1. a il.v nttendnut. Coke bulldiug, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone 11'2-J TT)lt. K. P. WINKLER, Naturopath nnd Chiropractor All chronic disputes treated. Consul atlnn free. Olflce hours' to IX a. ui ; 2 to 5 mid C to 8 p. in Naturopath lustltute- -Itomu No. 1 No. 138 Uroadway. Marsalltdd. Orr NORTH IlKNH NEWS. Cnpt Kdgnr Sliuimon wus a 11 old business visitor lust night. rn. . w. liisliu, - Ostcopatlilc PliyslcUu Graduate of the American school o Osteopathy at KlrksvUt. Mo OBo in ttldorado 111k. Hon". 10 to IX: 1 Ibone 1R1-J; Marshrttld. Orejoi August Hoolllng Is mourning tho loss of his lino Irish setter. Tho dog was killed last night by Dr. Rur mestor's auto. Aftor the snow ny a TurkUh Butb Phone 214-J. W. UKN.NWn, lawyer. lltlie over Flanagan HeuneM Bant fnrshlleld Oregor T-vR. J. T. McCOHMAC. - Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon, Mice: Lockhart Building, Opposite post oUlco. Phono 106-J Central Pacific to Build Direct From Nevada Changes Announced. ' EUGENE, Ore, Mnrch 27. Tho Oregon EitBtern railroad, under which nnmo the Nntron-Klnmnth cutoff of tho Southern Pacific is being con structed, has been sold to tho Cen tral Pacific Railway company. Tho purchaser of tho property Is tho Har rlmnn corporation, but undor sopnr ato management from tho lines In Oregon undor which tho Oregon Ens torn has bcon built. Tho Blgniflcanco of this salo is hard to dotormlno, but, according to in formation provlously printed, prob ably moans that a now lino will bo built from Klamath Falls to n point to connect with tho old Central Pa cific in Novnda, thus giving another line into Oregon from tho oast. Tho story was prlntod in tho Snn Fran cisco Examiner. This was tho first announcement of tho plans of tho company to build this connecting rond, it having como from hohw quartors in San Francisco. It means that through trains fom tho Central Pacific lino, en routo to Portland or Coos Uay, will pass through Eugcno. With tho through trains from tho cast by way of Vnlo or Central Oro gon, tho through trains from Califor nia by way of California by way of Klamath Falls and tho regular sor vlco on tho present ShnBtn routo, all passing through Eugcno It will easily bo seen that this city will becomo a big contor for tho Harriman lines. Tho consideration for tho Oregon Enstorn property as given in tho dood, filed with tho county clork to day, Is $250,000, but tills Is only a nominal consideration, as tho lino Is worth sovoral millions. All of tho property of tho Orogon Enstorn, ox eopt tho property In Malhour and Harney counties convoyed to tho Oro gon Enstorn by tho Dolso & Wcstorn Rnllroad company on Dec. 28, 1910, nnd tho property sold to tho com pany by William Hanloy nnd wlfo, is convoyed to tho Central Pacific In this dcod. Tho Central agrees to pay tho California & Northeastern divis ion bonds now outstanding to tho amount of $5,000,000 Issued Jan. 2, 1912, as a lion on tho rnllroad from Wood to Klamath Falls. According to tho recent Btory In tho San Frnnclsco Examlnor, Presi dent Sproulo, of tho Southern Pacific, has ordered tho construction of tho connecting link botwocn Klamath Falls and Fornloy, Calif., tho point In tho Contrnl Pacific whoro connections will bo mado. On March 30 In San Francisco n contract will bo lot for tho construc tion of 130 miles of now road from Fornloy, Cal tho same bolng part of tho connecting linos bolng construct ed by tho S. P. In northorn Cali fornia, southern Oregon nnd north western Novada. This lino will ovon tually extend northward to Klamath Falls, an dtho trains from tho Con gene to Portland nnd Coos liny. Bin Lumber Carrier Crosses Out This Morning With Cargo for China; ' The llcsslo Dollar crossed out this '"morning for llollinghnm, Wash., nt which place sho will tnko nnothor ' 1,000.000 feet of lumber for hor car go for Manila and Hong Kong. Cnpt. , Olson piloted her out nt 6:15. Tho 1 bar was perfectly smooth, Cnpt. IChaB. Masters crossing out In tho Dixie and bringing Capt. uison dock. Cnpt. Olson took tho Desslo Dollar down tho Day laBt evening. Tho tldo wns vory low and somo feared that ho would encounter difficulties ! but ho did not. Sho was drawing n llttlo moro than 17 loci iorwnru nuu a llttlo over 18 feot stern. In mak ing tho turn opposlto tho Cold Stor ago, tho current swung hor prow too far over nnd Capt. Olson throw nn nnchor nnd caught hor boforo sho rnn on tho mud. Dy tho uso of n lino to tho plor, sho was brought around and proceeded down tho Day to near tho Llfo Saving Station whoro sho romnlncd nt anchor all night. Mclvlllo Dollar and wlfo who havo bcon guests hero whllo tho Desslo Dollar was loading wont to Belling ham on hor. Mr. Dollar was Im mensely pleased ovor tho dispatch with which tho Dosslo Dollar was loaded and tho fact that sho camo In and crossed out without dirtlculty. Noxt tlmo, ho said, ho hoped to tnko a full enrgo horo. TJio troublo In Chlnn has greatly reduced tho do mand for lumbor thoro. However, ho expects to tako nnothor cargo from Coos Bay within two or throo mouths. Capt. Olson will Immediately ro sumo command of tho Nann Smith which Is duo In today from Hay Point. Although thoro was llttlo advanco notlco of tho Dosslo Dollar Icnvln? yesterday, tho dock In Marshlleld was lined with pooplo to watch hor go down tho Hay, tho oxchango of sal utes betweon tho big boat nnd tho Drcdgo Oregon nttractlng many. Soundings woro tnken whllo thoy woro crossing out nnd tho least water found wits about 30 feot and most of tho way It was 30 foot. This condition, coupled with tho fact thnt tho Dosslo Dollar was draw lug over 18 feet, nnd wns nblo to go down tho Day without touching. 1b snld to havo greatly Impressed Mclvlllo Dollnr and Incldontnlly It Is somothlng thnt ovcrybody on Coos liny snouia no oniteii over Wilbur W. Purdy who wnH on Coos Day n fow yonrs ago promoting an oloctrlo lino via Coob Rlvor to Oak land or Suthorlln, Orogon: "W. W. Pudy wont to Portland Saturday ovonlng to spond n couplo of dnys conferring with J. Arnold Doylo rolntlvo to maps and othor data portalnlng to tho survey botwoon RoBoburi; and tho const." GRADERS GET RUSY Southern Pacific Contractors Get More Equipment nt Eugcno EUGENE, Or., Mnrch 27. -Fuller ft Co., sub-contractors on tho South ern Pacific compnny's Coos Day lino, rocelvod a Now Era grador nnd n car load of dump wagons Mondny morn ing, nnd thoy will nt onco bo tnkon to tho company's camp Just west of tho city. Their 80 bond of mules which woro expected In from California havo been dolnyod, but will nrrlvo olthor tonight or tomorrow morning. Aftor tholr arrival It is oxpected that tho work of grading on tho prnlrlo wost of tho company'si camp will bo gin In earnest, if tho good wonthor still continues. Tho grader Just received Is a big affair, and n dozon mules and horses nro roqulred to pull It. It turns up tho earth with n plow attachment nnd tho looso dirt Is thrown up In tho contor of tho roadway with a sort of scrapor, on tho samo prlnctplo ns employed In tho operation of tho or dinary road mnchlno sovoral of which aro In uso In Eugcno. NOTICE TO PHESRYTEIUANS. A meeting of tho members and con grcgntlon of tho First Presbyterian church Is cnllod for Friday ovonlng, nt 7:30. Matter of vital Importanco to tho church will bo considered. Mooting will bo hold nt Ltithoran hall In rear of Luthorun church on Com mercial avenuo. Dy ordor of ROAnD of TRUSTEES Try Tho Times Yvnnt Ads. W.K.Wiseman The Old Reliable-Now oar rics a complete stock of J 1 ousel uriiisliniKS. Wvei'v- tliiiitf from Kitchen to Bed room. Now Goods. "Reasonable Prices. tt2a South Broadwaw Phono No. 210-.7.' PL'ltDY IN ON IT Former Coo Day Ruilrond Promot er Aiding .1. Arnold Doylo The following Horn from tho Rosu burg Nows Is bollovod to refor to T. J. 8CAIFE & A H. HODQINfl Marshfield Paint i Decorating Co. Estimates MAHSHFIEI.D Furnished Phone M0L Omgii ft? 3v 'THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY' ' &. Ai I A WfMF ""Tli R W C I sjt ? s ;t. ! iw ii EQl IPPI I) WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY AT 6 .P. M.f TUESDAY, MARCH 26 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RVXK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMMIIP COMPANY. I'liono II. i O. F. M GEORGE, Assent. 'AVI' AND COMMODIOUS Edo iteamer Redo HQMIMER WITH UUU'l.l.v, AM) SlI'MARINE HELL SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR. COOS BAY THURSDAY, MARCH 28, AT 3 P. M. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. ,,,ol,e " O. F. Mi GEORGE, Agent. Ctrt1il lilt t cfl!re-J Dentin eQtwycfs Makers of . Benjamjn ClothM STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES- ARROW SHIRTS New Arrivals for Easter Wear A. Benjamin Priced $18 to $35 "Money Talks" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, MjivHhf inlcl. JJanuw STR. WASHINGTON AVTLL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO, FROM COOS HAY, FRIDAY,ACII2.(),ATG:30A. STRAM1T.R HOMER SATLS FKOM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY , SA'ITKDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 30. ,., a frean v0 F. S. Dow, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT S P. 51. ON .MARCH .', !- 10 A. SAILS FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE ON M-1 L. A. PAHKHUtST, Alj" l, 1, 2:1 AND 30. Phono Ma'" ' TbieTWanFAds Bring Reslli L