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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1912)
THE BALM OF GILEAD WASN'T MEANT FOR THE WFIINER; NOW GET BUSY! ffANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will Put Your Boal Estate "in OlflOB Wwmb WANT ADVERTISING ill Tlio TIMES Will Keep the Iiicomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Lnpdngl YOU enn really help tho family revenues by renting n fow furnished rooms nnd, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep thnt little extra lncomo ns "steady as a clock." tho Market" Jtnecurciyi n win put tao nct8 about yur nmnortr boforo 'ho oyos of all "pos flblo buyer." In town. And It .i.rft'a ono of thorn who ought to ifi!, you'll Bell itl MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS n Bau VOL XXXV Established in 187H ns Tlio Count Mn1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mail m- oin if I'lli SHOOTING AFFAIfi IS ENSHROUDED IN MYSTERY NOW Bert MoDuf fie Dead and Mrs. McDuffie Badly Wounded Early Today. DEAD MAN CHARGED ' WITH DOUBLE CRIME Rinid Investirjatlon of Tragedy Will Be Made by Coroner Wilson. (Special to Tho Tlmo.) DANUON, Ore., March 28. Tho discovery this nftornoon of somo itrango circumstances In tho McDuf fio tragedy may reult In somo start ling dovolopmoiits. This will prob ably como out lit tho corouor'a In Tcstlgatton. Ponding this Investiga tion, It Is difficult to gut at tho facta la tho caso. Jf Is now claimed that a step-son of McDufflo's wltnossod tho tragody. He Is about 20 yearg old. It was stated mis iiiiornoon tuui PLAN 10 MEET FRIDAY II iChamber of Commorcn tn Take Steps to Retain Dredge Oregon. Tho mooting to b0 hold In tho Marshflold Chambor of Comiuorm tn- jnorrow night to dovlso ways and moans of rotnlnlng tho dredgo Oreg on horo and also to probably Inform ally discuss tho moans of hastening uiu rcurgnniznuon or tlio Fort of Coos Hay Is arousing much Intorcst and promises to draw aJargo attend ance Tho motlng Is of vital Importance. Unless means aro provided for contin uing tho Drodgo Orogon on tho work PREDICTS GREAT RAW STRIKE STRIKE OF NEARLY HALF MILLION MINERS IN AMERICA EXPECTED Chief Stone of Engineers Says Less Than 10 Per Cent of Men Will Oppose it. (Hy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, March 28. Wnrron E. Stouo. grand chief of tho Broth erhood of Locoinotlvo Engineers, predicted today that when the re sult of tho strlko voto on tho wage question Is mado public, April 10, It will ho found that less than 2G00 of tho 2G.0O0 engineers In tho brother hood will oppose tho strike. "it is significant." sa id Stono. 1 thnt In none of our conferences with tho eastern railroads represen tatives have they onco declared our demands unjust. They do not Bay wo do not need tho Increase, thoy say merely that thoy cannot afford to grant It bocauso they woro not al lowed Increased freight rates. Thoy claim that tho Interstate Commorco Commission stands In tho way of tho raise and as tho commission repre sents tho public, that Is tho stum bling block. That Is why I repent that tho public needs nn object les son to couvlnco thorn thnt tho roads aro entitled to moro pay for tho freight they carry. Freight rates aro bound to go up. t- u.nnlfln u'nn unt lintllv lnlurod. I the bullet striking n bono and glunc-thiit tho I'ort Commission had nrran lne free of tho vital organs and In- .Jioa ror nor, Coos Day will lose about Hiding only a bad flesh wound. li.uuo in Hard cash on tho ono Job A strange fact Is that Mrs. McDuf- alono. Tho Oregon hns been doing Is badly pawnor uurnou, wniio uo uroiiging fie McDufflo doen not show (my uueus of tho powder buniH; Another pe culiarity Is that although ho was right-handed, tho buUet wound was is tho loft side of IiIh Jiead. Mrs. McDufflo is a slstor of Mrs. Arthur Coach of Hnndon, Ilor moth er, Mrs. W. L. Ilouch, ulso resides in Bisdon. JlcDufflo was n painter by trade. He has two or threo brothers and other relatives In this section. i:hly report ok it iBaI Ciim of McDufflo Tragedy Not Y;t Attccrtaiiiori, (Special to Tho Tlmos) iDANDO.V. Oro., Mnrch 28 After i&ootlng bis wife through tho bronst, Bart NcDufUo this morning turned the revolver nn htmsolf and blow out Us .brains. JIo died Instanly but It li practically certain that his wlfo lll recover. Thesbootlac occurrod shortly after I o'clock this morning in a houso In which Mrs. McDulllo has been living since she and hor husband bocamo Ntratgod a month or so ago. Tho McDuQles havo bociuxonduct lag a small hotel hero known ns tho Popular. It wiin known tuht their life wm not frfco from family Jars, la fact somo veoonorlous onoe occur red afbilcf Intervals. A month ago, following jjno of jane iwaiiy disturbances, iltn. Mc ,DuO Jolt him uii established a home of hor own wjicro alio and their mag son resided. McDuffle went tlmo this morning m soon altor ho reached tho liouso, w anootlCjg rojiowed. IkDufllo was a iiUddlo aged jnnn wails wife Is ubout 35. Mra. Jilc OoBe was formerly Alias Lnura Wan wen, belnr; a menxbor of ono of mo bfcjt known families In tho Co Wile Valley. Sho nnd McDulllo itre married tin or twnlvo yoarB aj:o. Thero aro all.klnds of stories nfloat MBctruLig tho fcffalr and tho causn r 1.1 1 1 ",l '" ' ,)Ut ",08t Qt tll0,n e nighjy overdrawn anC aomo are without nny foundation. Uroner Wilson 3iaa beeu.suinmou airom M.rsliflold nnd w&s oxpoct-i w to leavo there nt 2 o'clock. A1 trough Invstigativn will )w made. nt n cost of less tlmn six cents per yard and urivnt.. drcd. jkcs havo been charging nt least twol vo cents. Thoro Is about 120,000 .yards of dirt to bo removed In front of Forndnlo. JDosIdes this Job, thoro aro n num lior of other lmprovomonts.In tho har bor that should bo dono soon nnd it tho Oregon should bo tnkon nwny from horo, it Is uncertain when nn othor dredgo can bo secured. Grieved Over 1,ohh Seldom hns anything over hop poncd on Coos Day that has caused such dcop chagrin us tho decision of the. Oregon Supremo court knocking out tlio port commission. Every ono Is expressing his sentiments strongly about it and is urging that a special oloction bo nrrangod for tho earliest possible date to roorganlzo tho commission. Somo expressed tho fear that aside from..dolaylng harbor Improvements, tho .knocking out of tho port commls- filau might mean a uclar Imtbo oom ing Sf railroads to tho Bay. iiriimfi in i-n nn " S. P. TO BEGIN (HI NOW IN ON IS END ROCK ISLAND Frank B. Waitc Expects Rail road Construction Near Coos Bay Soon. That tho Southern Pacific Is plan nlng to begin construction on this end of tho Coos Dny-Eugono lino early this spring Is tho nows thnt Frank 11. Wnltc of Suthorlln brought Many Arrests Made Last Night Although There Were No Serious Disturbances. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times)' HOCIC ISLAND, 111., March 28 nml Coos liny Aihcitlsrr. GREAT hero today. Mr. Walto nrrlvod on.DollovIng tho prcsonco of tho Sixth tho Ilronkwator this morning to look icglmont Is a guarnntco ngalnBt a B,wrh.r.nnris.rS SccS It "y - Mr. Wnlto visited tho Southern Pa- t,ny' tho c,tV nnd county officials ro- clflc officials. At tho offlco of Chief .gretted today tho suggestion that tho Engineer Hood, ho was Klven to un derstnnd thnt construction would bo stnrtcd on tho Coos Day end of tho lino this spring and thnt It would bo rapidly pushed to completion. troops bo withdrawn immediately Somo citizens snld it would bo wise, to hold tho soldiers until nftor tho primary election, April 9. Scoros of Mr. Wnlto says that thn nrosnocts nrroRln warn tnnrtn In.t nli). hut nLCl,".ny Bnl.t.LllBM0-t,I0P "mm ,8!to was no disturbance worthy of also good. Business conditions' m . . ., ., , , nlonir thn connt m imnrovinir. in ii comment All thoso arrested woro ----., -.., . .v , '-"O, - "-. . . estimation Mr. Wnlto is a 'candidate for tho democratic nomination for stnto son ntor from Douglas County this year. YZ10I.i: FAMILY CREMATED Fire Ifcrlhh In Destruction of .Homo at Askuin, Pa. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Tlmos) WILKKSIMUHE, Pa., March .28. ICWiu Mllllck, his wlfo and three children -wore burned to denth when thalr home at Askam, near hare, was destroydu". TEDDY DENIES TO U I Declares Report of Intention .to Leave Party if Defeated Is Only a Fake. flly Associated Press to The Oooa Uay Times) ST. LOIUK, Mo., .March 28 Re ports that Col. Uoosovolt had intimnt ed thnt ho would holt tho Republican party In caso he Jailed of nomination brought forth a denial from Roose velt who nrrlvod horo today. "Any statement llko that is untrue," he said. "Any time J havo anything to say an that subject l w.iu say ii my ALLIANCE IN EARLY TODAY lakon to the county Jail nnd will bo hold for Investigation for several days. MANY ARRIVE E NEARLY OVER Believe That End of English Coal Miners' Trouble Is in Sight. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, March 28 Tho end of tho coal strlko which Boroly affected many millions or tho population of tho United Kingdom tho Inst fow wooks Is bollovod to bo nt hand. Many minors will grasp the llrst op portunity to return to tho pita but others dCBlro to wait tho result of tho referendum on whether or not tho strlko will bo contlnuod. Tho latter class Is willing to go to tho extent oironng vlolcnco to carry their point nnd It Is these which necessitated tho dispatch yesterday of troops to Chick In, Wales, whero men rcturnod to work n fow days ago and whore n body of strikers tried to provont their fellows working. Destitution among tho worklnn classes Is everywhere apparent. Min ors nro living In a state of soml-stnr-vatlon In vnrlous parts of tho coun try.. Settlement can como nono too soon for, of tho two million men be side tho minors who havo been thrown out of employment, nt least half do not belong to nny trndo or ganization nnd therefore do not ro cclvo "out of work" benefits. APPEAL BY ASQUITII BREAKWATER Stnnmop Arriunc Frnm Pnrr. oiuuiiiui dim y in La yu uur- land and Will Sail Tomor- of FSnarcMany row for Eureka. Passengers. , . .... ... Tho Breakwator nrrlvod in thla Tho steamer Alllnnco nrrlvod In morning from Portland. Sho had early this morning from Portland, about 2G0 tons of miscellaneous .Sho had a igood trip down tho coast freight, tho largest Incoming cargo .nnd brought a good enrgo of rolscol- ho has hnd in somo tlmo. Sho also lanoous freight and a fair passonger had a big passenger list, list. Many passonger woro bound Tho Ilronkwator will sail at 8 through to Euroka. o'clock Saturday morning for Port- Tho AUIanco will sail at 7:30 to- innd. morrow morning for Euroka. i Among thoso arriving on the Tho Alllnnoo Is now back on her urenKwaior were: mciiinr ton iinv Rpliminio nml win O. JohiiBon, Mrs. Mlnnlg. Martha sail from hero for Portland noxt Mon- M,,nn,,S a- Mlnnlg, Mrs. Ynndlo, G. jny W. Ross, Mrs. Ross, W. B. Horsh- Thls morning sho hnd 1C0 tons of ""'" ",",ui " "ruy. -. frelKht for Marshflold bosldos a shin- lv'Br' J .!v- H?!''1" wnroqrg, WXno.V WOMAN VICKY ILL 3,u- W V. Hoiviiiii SiiiTers l'niilytlo Suoko nt Homo There. n.v,l,ieelal toThoTlunos) w S m.N'' 0ro MnrtJ 28. Sirs, ik'.i . ,,nnn' ""Hhor uf City Vnr- ,UJI MOlnihn nt n..Tnn4 n l'Pa!viip u.i, ... - .'- J.'..,.... nif nml nnvthlnc nurnorting to come B NmiHiill "' "?" '! Hi " urilllNII --"'"'.- I, ,vanlf 1 II . .. owing to hor ndvanctd in,MI J,,u '"lso "' '" v. ue ll0, , ,s onrtalnwl for har inuo. recovery. i MOW YOUK iirniiii'. mont -of plpo for tho Drodgo Orogon. Among thoso arriving on tho Alll nncowero tho following: lor, Carrlo Card, Lesllo Jonson, C. II. Stowart, A. Edwards, Mrs. A. Ed wnrds, Danny O'Drlon, Mrs. O. Lar lobo, G. II. Larrobo, Geo. L. Burton, Mrs. G. L. nurton, J. Smith, OIo Olo son, T. Johnson aud J. Scaler. ro.Miiti roi-xii Gi'im'Y (B; A-sr . j it . i ,., ss t() tne f,oos IJay Ii I.i:.E. idho, Muroh l 1 1 IS i ha i ! I F'-Midien was foyud lu the second de- i nig Isaac i hriiary u UopuUw when (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tin-an. I ALBANY. N. Y.. March 28. Gov- orijor Dlx terft a speolal mwsafe, wllliout rocoinmondatlon, to the log- lBlatlll'A II) II BY BUllulll " Fathor Donnelly, J. M. Donohuo.MrH Donohue, A. L. Hnll, Mrs. Hall, F. Alda, Mrs. Alda, Eva Clark, F. Ill- C Frast J J JlnkasYl M J Taw- ron- 3' n- C,nrk' w n- Colvln, Mrs. Kj. rrnsi, j. j. jinicaBii, ai, j. law- pnVin . oni.iii n Aii,t n Sherych, R. W. Moaro, R. Gegas, J. McDonald, I). Carlos, L. II. Stolnhart, C. Kltchon, Mrs. Kitchen, A. W Wllllnms, Mrs. Morgan, W. Fisher, Hell Smith. S. V. Morrison, William uruncllg, C. A. Urodlo, Mario Wal ters, May Pard, Doll Howard, O. W. Evans, A. L. Jameson, D. F. Daly, Mrs. A. Vnchoro, A. A. Kendrlck, L. Preslor, Mrs. Prcslor, I. Andorson, G. L. Wood, Cr. Lundemnn, A. D. Scott, , T F. Fox. N. Algor, E. T. nakor, G. It. Judson, Mrs. Judson, A. Judson, .1. Judson, D. Judson, W. Judson, Mrs. J. Keelnn, R. Mntsou. A. Mnt- 'son. Sr., G. L, Vooth, W. E. Pagott, .v. u. Jonson, rv. low How Daks, J. Larls, II. Chrlstonson, J. Spain, A. Stakes, N. n. I'liimmor, O. F. Irons, J. Kummor, J. A. Johnson, F. Pedor-son. I'rcmlcr Urges Miners to Support Minimum Wage Bill LONDON, Mnrch 28. Promlor As qulth Issued nn appeal to tho minors of Groat Drltlan today to accopt tho minimum wngo bill which, ho said, would atfoct largoly what thoy had fought for. Promlor Asqulth mado this nppoal In a opcoch to tho Liberal members of tho Houso of Commons. UP TO KING GEORGE Houso of Ionb I'iinm-n Mlnlimim Wngo Hill. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos) LONDON, March 28. Tho Houso of Lords tills nftornoon pnssod tho miners' minimum wngo bill without amendment. It has now only to ro colvo the royal assont. LORIMER WILL HOLD POSITION jGAGE APPEALS 0. OWN Sheriff Uncertain About Inter fering With Marshfield Prize Fight. foond do- , w , CtarM ii. Duolt. ohaliman : C. Oopo-1 '" t, Roogeveu commltleo of New M. Foil- Y k Uy gyggegied that another, Ha" 'j F0I1 nei To detprmliift whethor or not he tthould interfere In tho proposed 20 , -"-:---,..-, .ha1 roiinil llgui huiwwjh u iinuu niu m IIIBIK l.k IlOin IIlttlH UHI.U.V Mi &hw ... . - , r.i 1.1 . 11 paliin ia sarvo ''" M, ,r I Ca i.aitnia at th lieiiiinrsoii noro iiaiuruuy ihbiii, MowlS ,0Ti8- "rr'ttn"?' Sheriff W. W. Gage has taken the X V,:1.,.! carm od, thaV lllMuii inntt.r ij ir le t Aiiorney I "' . - i t'la en.1 was "SO. .11. lJnwn ui uunsuuig. .ur, huay he necesmrj to end was eid claim. .Fou- defeuae. '-CLL OF JUDGES (B; A!"clated Press to Coos Bay pa u,uoa-' "f.MX. 4.r- ..,. oo. I also jBiicloBod. boy Forxi) siai.v tin tera I (By Associated Pres to The Coos -A Day Tiniosi last evening and he was undecided what ho should do. It Is understood' that n number who ore opposed to prizo fighting have appealed to the shorlff ami he council to tako action to bar prize fighting nnd boxing bouts horo In tho futuro are still being circulated Senate Committee Sustains Illinois Senator in Elec tion Contest. 'Dy Associated Frees to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch 28 Tho right of Sonntor Lorlmor of Il linois to n soiit in tho United States senate was upheld today by a spe cial Investigating commlttco, which decided that tho senate's voto sus taining Lorlmor In tho last congress on substantially tho samo chargo bnrrod any further procoodlngs against him, Tho voto was flvo to threo. Shut-Down of Most of Coal Mines Next Monday Prac tically Certain. NEITHER SIDE IS WILLING TO CONCEDE President White Says Anthra cite Tie-up Has Practically Been Ordered. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa Hay Tlmos; CLEVELAND, March 28. With only threo days Intervening lioforo the time set for tho shutdown In caso no agreement Is readied, tho hopo of averting tho widespread coal strlko In tho United States, begin ning next Mondny, centered today In tho sub-commltteu appointed by tho bituminous operators and minora agreeing on n compromise wngo scale. All other means of ngroolng had failed and It was snld that un less n compromise was soon offocted 300,000 miners would quit Sunday nt midnight nnd tho suspension . would ho In effect a strlko. Jointly tho woko dlsimto In tho nnthrnclto nnd bituminous regions Involves In tho threatened strlko al most C00.00O minors. No provisional plan of ngrooment hnd boon drawn up when tho bud commlttco met today and according to both sides, thoro was no pros pect of agreeing. "Tho strlko In tho nnthrnclto floldst mny bo said to Already havo boon ordered," said John P. Whlto, presi dent of the United Mlno Workers of America. Tho union officials have an nounced that practically all tho nn thrnclto mines will bo closed, but that in cose of tho bituminous mines thoro would bo exceptions. Tho union contracts in Wyoming, Montana, Washington aud Colorado do not expire April 1. Contracts In tho southwestern Hold, embracing Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri roqulro SO days' notice. Non-union mines which would not ncccssnrlly bo Involved employ 800,- uuu mon. Tho sub-commlttco this afternoon' announced It wna unnhlo to agrco nnd it would so roport to tho full conforenco. Tho motnbora said argu ments had brought about a continu ation of tho dondlock as tho opera tors and miners repeated their posi tions of n week ago, HARD COAL STRIKE I.OIIIMER'H CASE UP. Investigation of Illinois Senator's Case Is Resumed WASHINGTON, Mar. 28 Tho Sen ate Lorlmor cotnmlttoo today resum Shut-Down In Anthracite Field Ito- gunlci! nn Inevitable. (Dy Associated Proas to tho Coos Bay Tlmos,) NEW YORK, March 28. It was learned todny from an nuthentlo sourco that tho nnthraclto coal op erators aro making no movo to pro vent n suspension of work In tho an thraclto fluids and that thoy regard suspension nt midnight, Mnrch 31, Inovltnhlo. No meetings of the com mlttco of ten which conferred with tho minors' roprcsontntlvos havo boon hold since tho termination of tho negotiations, It was said, and nono nro scheduled. AWAKENED TO RES T San Francisco Man Tells Wife of Intention to Kill and Tragedy Follows. (By Associated Presa to Tho Coos Day Times) SAN FRANCISCO, March 28. -Goorgo Noel, a. chnuffour, probab- ably fatally stabbod his wife and loauiii- ,i,:. i..i ....i..i.,. ,.. ...: od consideration of tho ease of the .'""Vi.iiJ' - .T" "' uo,,u"r.f lu' " Junior Senator from Illinois with tho r, ,7 fr0 no .noTiolv dno to 11U expectation that tho report might be n J" likened IiIh wlfo In voted upon boforo adjournment. The I'8!"' A! "?'BiS!I,flL-,V' i?. VI0, r""i:o..5 " ' ,T " l2 1 t08t vote in the committee yesterday I ,'r th'oa7' Ti10"V.a ran but was ...... ,.,uu,j nn. no io soomou to indicate mat tne comuiiuee i .uaua,! ai,. i, lBCa ,, -,, i1w lll Tl& t0 3 ,n fvorof Lorlmer an,.;? sieSpS 'TSTo""?! "rJStT .. .-. ....... ..B ,.... u..,. uuuur IIIU CiruuiUHUIUl'tM II IB mriNns than nut hla nun tlir..n Uiln that majority and minority re-, MiHu the JudTc a'ry" ro7a pnoVIDBNTB. ii I.. March 28- Is In ubt as to what he should do .."w h tliB nni . i ,..,. i,i ,i.m,t nnf hi head bat-, somo oi mo vuum umuiu . . u.. irriOBa I HbUIIIII lit. I MM IIIIKl LI II II 1I1BI IlllUUk - . - I .-.- ct iinn nnr.n.i ii. -r i . .i i-,h irtni'ifB in viuiriiti r aVm A,Mna leglslatude to- on tho body, William Mothers, aged Mi ? ?entll bill Is in tho 12 years, who disappeared nfr mH aenato rnmmltlsa nnlRnlinnl n montn BgO, Xfua .uuuu . "Miuuonal ,.i:.t. in .. " . CLEFpCvnSKRN NETTING and 'ENOEatMILXERS'. tho wobds near tne bouooi muu. There is no clue as to how ho met his death. . t GARDEN HOSE at MILKERS'. i . . . . . i,. i e doestooti to nave iaKon mo iuuu i thnt thore Is only one thing for him to do ana mat J3 to prevent mo holding of the bout, especially when Sheriff Stevens of Multnomah coun ty refused to permit it to be pulled off thoro. The petitions asking the city It is said, on tho grounds that It won't do any good to havo tho bouts stopped in Marshflold ns thoy would simply be pullod off In North Bend nnd claim that Marshflold would then lose tho mnnoy that tho prlzo fight fans would spond If tho con tosts were pormitted hero. SCREEN DOORS, Window Screens and FLY KILLERS nt MILNERS'. Trv n AITO FLIP the vory newest new drink at SAHTER'S. GROUND WHEAT at 91.00 at HAINES. for CHICKS The Times' Want Ads bring results ports ultimately will be made to tho Senate. Friends of Lorlmor appear ed confident today that he would re tain his seat. NEW MOVE IN CHINA Disband War l)uiHi'linont to Hahten Coalition. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Time.) HANKOW, March 28. Goueral LI Yuen Heng, vlco-prosldent of tho re public, hns disbanded the war de partment at Wu Chang to facilitate coalition. BLAME I. W. W. NOW (Dy ANGLER'S LICENSE at MUners'. Associated Proas to Coos Day Tlmos.) HQBTON. March 38. The rospo' slblllty for tho strike look-out sit Hon In Lowoll, Mass., cotton m whore fourteen thousand oporo nro Idle, lu laid at tho door - loadors of the Industrial V tho World, In a stntotn Manufacturers statement says the tlrely to an attempt trial Workers of tho ' a foot hold and strongt, ganlzatlon. AssocUy he stra