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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION Boys' Suits WE want you parents to see the new things we have for your boys to wear We have made a special feature, this year, of Boys' Double -Breasted Knickerbocker Suits with two pairs of linen lined Pants to each Suit Prices $400 to $7.50. Boys' Russian Suits 2 to 7 years $3.00 to $6.00 Boys' Confirmation Suits in Dark Blue Sere $5.00 to $7.50. Woolen Mill Store KPGkff MARSHFIELD MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIERS OREGON COOS II A V TIDES. Bel w Is given tho tlrao and liclRht of high and low water at Murshfleld. Th tides nre plnced In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on the first lino and heights on tho sec ond lino of each day; a comparison of consecutive heights will Indicate whetl er It Is high or low wator. For high wator on bar, subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Date. .March. 112. 27 Hrs. .2.40 9.1G 4. OS 11.34 Feot .4.1 r..4 0.1 4.3 28 Hrs. .4.27 10.40 G.12 0.00 Feet .3.8 G.4 0.0 0.0 29 Hrs. .0.22 fi.38 11.51 G.0S Feot .4.8 3.0 G.7 0.1 30 Hrs. .1.02 C.33 12.G1 C.GG Foot .G.4 2.1 CO 0.1 31 Hrs. .1.38 7.19 1.43 7.3C Feot .CO 1.2 C.2 0.1 Lays "The Busy Corner "The Rexall Store Vy Our Delivery- all us up for anything In our lineNo matter how small -and we'll have It at your door In a surprisingly short ne. Strict attention is given to all phone calls, vNeed anything Phono us 298 Lockhart-Parsonsv Drug Co. ONE' -MAIN 298 US The Royal TONIGHT In Vaudeville GUTTER iind 80UIE present their laughable Comedy Hkctcli "THE JOCKEY" Also a "slnglo". Tho Dost Violinist In tho world. PICTURES: "Tim QUESTION" Drnnui .MUTT and .1EKF In Matrimonial Affiilro Ahvuys good THK WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON Cooler In Interior nnd west. Fair tonight and Thursday. Heavy frost In enst. South to west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:13 a. m Mar. 27, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special government mo- teorologlenl observer: Maximum G2 Minimum 44 At 4: 13 a. m 45 1'rcclpltntlon 07 Wind, northwest; cloudy. Boqucntly asks tho public not to got alarmed ovor tho llro nlarms then. Cowh Itother Kcsldeuts of South Mnrshlleld who havo boon bothorod by cows running at largo last oven Ing appealed to Marshal Carter and n couplo of tho niook-oycd bovlnos nro now In tho city pond. Tho crit ters got Into tho comctory nnd did considerable damage, it Is said. PERSONAL NOTES MISS OLLIE RICHARD or Suinnor Is a Marshflold visitor today. Plan for Contest Arrangement nro being perfected todny for tho Domorest Mcdnl contest which will bo conducted at tho Mnrshlleld Moth odlBt church Friday night by tho North llend V. C. T. U. Tho con testants who participated In tho con tost thcro Inst Friday night with tho exception of Chns. Van Zllo will tnko part hero. Heporl Untrue Somo one started a report hero todny that Miss Annlo Wheolcr, n daughter of Ceo. Wheel er, had died suddenly at Qnrdlnor. Tho report was absolutely without foundation. Miss Whcolor went to Gardiner Monday and Is employed nt tho W. F. Jowett home. Mrs. Jowett stntod this afternoon tunt alio had not been oven 111. Now Phono Line. Supt. Frank Smith of tho Coos River fish hatch ery and tho Coos county Flro Patrol Association nro constructing a now phono line from tho Coos River hatchery to tho hatchery on tho North Fork of tho Coqulllo. Tho lino will koop Mr. Smith In closer touch with tho Coqulllo hatchery work and will also bo of great sor vlco during tho summer months when thcro Is dnngor of forest fires. Ilulld Itarn -Dnstondorf brothors nro eroding a largo barn on tholr ranch near Sunset Day. TOMOUUOW NIGHT CUTTER and KOULE In mi entirely new bill (Their last night) and "THi: FRONTIER CELEBRATION at CHEYENNE" Good Riding, Ducking, Running, etc. TIiIh plcturo Is a full reels, has drawn Inrgo crowds In all plncou. It comes nR a Bpcclnl fpaturo, Independ ent of tho oxchnngd pictures. ALL FOR 10c. Altur Guild Meet Tho niomboro of tho Altar Guild of tho Episcopal church aro kindly askod to moot nt tho church tomorrow promptly at p. M. for tho sorvlco. Meet Saturday A mooting of tho Crab Club has been callod for noxt Saturdn yovenlng nt tho Odd Follova hall. Several candidates aro to bo Inltlntod nnd a big Boclal tlmo Is bo Ing arranged for. Going to Panama Major Tower of Emplro was a Marshflold business visitor yesterday. Ilia son, Mortoii Tower, who has had chargo of tho government Improvomonts of Hum boldt Hay has boon given n month's leave of absenco and nbout May 1 will Join a party of government en gineers who will spend thrco or four wcok inspecting tho work on tho Panama canal. Aftor tho Inspect ion trip, Mr. Towor will rcsumo his work at Eureka about Juno 1. J. M. UPTON Is spending a few days nt tho homo of his parents In Cur ry County. K. A. HARRIS has rcslgnod his po sition with tho Tltlo Guarantee & Abstract Company. MISSES ANNA and Ada Cllnkon bonrd of Daniels Creek nro Marsh Hold shoppers today. A. S. HAMMOND, who has boon spondlug a few day.s at Coqulllo, returned last evening. A. E. ADELSPERGER oxpocto to leave Saturday on n week's busi ness trip, to Portlnnd. ARCHIU KKUSE of Randolph Is spending n fow days In Marshflold on business and pleasure. MRS. HENRY CONLOOUE roturnod to Myrtlo Point yostorday after a Bhort visit on tho Day. MRS. JOHN SULLIVAN, formorly of Marshflold but now of Dandon, Is visiting frionda on tho Day. E. F. MORRISSEY and S. C. Smith will loavo in tho morning for Co qulllo to stnrt tho paving contract which thoy recently secured thoro. MR8. A. L. HOUSEWORTII nnd Mrs. Fred K. Gonitis left today Ifor Dandon whoro thoy will visit for a fow dnyH with Mrs. J. T. Sulli van and other friends. Funeral Held Tho funeral of Mrs. Goo. Doubnor which was hold yostor day afternoon wnB qulto Inrgoly at tended. Tho pnll boarors woro O. F. McKnlght, D. L. Rood, J. Loo Drown, John F. Hall, Miik Tlmmor man nnd C, W. Wolcott. Tent Flro Alarm Chlof Koatlng of tho Marshflold Flro Dopnrtmont an nounces that spoclnl tost of tho llro alarm systom hero will bo hold about 7 o'clock" tomorrow ovonlng nnd con ANT ADS. S.U.B Good young' work V', well broko. Soo J. C. nt. I I'Oll HATCHING Muck Or- lw-.SUier Spangled, Hamburg v, ivmto Leghorn. Also "Leghorn pullots forsnlo. En rol Mrs. L Dalslgor, No. Dond ISALK Hamilton roll II mo. neajonable, Phono 201. I REXT FuruUIictl hoiisekeep- vuij, i-uono 4 9. r. MW Seroml hand bicycle " ' " ' uoes Ul a uargam. r"uuuu uaanco ' caro Times klU'ir........ ..... ..... linn .... "'" ivani, price !. Will sell soparato or to- l-tr. Pnll .,., n . fr. North Inlet. I "MT Four Itiinni fiirniuiwwi Phone 174-X. -Urea sllvn- imi. i i.i. .. Kk a!,e,'mbot,v'oen Mothodlst wit md Tni. ... i . PsDrug store. Add. Chean. ,l, t w !EUth St., Portland. Or! KiT'i6 N,,r"ny Store of ' MrrVi n ' tnreo m,loa ir Drlv."'. one-quarter mile i i&r. stck w"1 ln- tim..i T,ouu- 'or terms SUlaJ8 aPP'y to Mrs. S. J. -',, oi;way Ore. ilnnrT120 acro homestead b?Tme and a flvo ' th o" . He srao- 2 ml. Nr;;r.,.'u.",r'... i vamp, Lampa, Oregon. 'fiiM11! 5"roo' bungalow, l& ?..,0ts. on pavod Mtktt."",8', ?2450 aie' See J. c. Doane. L7S " ,,ouso o" '' rwe bldg, vacant Apr. 1. T V' two n "perlenced cdal r ivPnp-men; one rope k Beaver Hill Coal Co. cleared. Team, stock, tools, 25 tons of hay, corn, spuds, SO chick ens. Geo. Witto, So. Coos River. I'Olt SALIC Oood restaurant. In quire Tlmos offlco. FOR SALE Ono now 20-foot gnso llno launch. Soo Max Tlmmer m nn, 8G2 North Front Btrot. FOU RENT Two nlco sunny house keeping rooms. Inqulro nt Naa burg Qrocory. LA'ITIX HOTEL Doard and room, II por day; $0 por wcok; family Btyle. 316 Socond St., South. TWO FUHNI8IIEI) ROOMS to rent. 392 Droadway. FOR GOOD AUTO SERVICE Any whore, any tlmo, night or day, phono 184 X. or 228 J. "LEST WE FORGET" DAYTON NEWS TRY THE EDGE WITH YOUR FINGER. Examine a collar freah from onr laundry. Notice IU clear, whit col or, its even, elastic atlffneu, U omooth and IU perfect shap. Then test the top edge by running your finger-tip over it. Notice the emoot. slick finish given it. Noth Ing there to rub, dig or irritate your neck. ThlB test will prove tho value of our service. Send us a trial bundle and apply the teit Marshfield.Hand & Steam Laundry Mauser Broe. Propa rbone 229-J. Our Wagois Go Anywhere Aaytlme. Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for andHDelivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry TOONS MAIN B7-J Published Occasionally by Marshfield Cyclery R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 11 Nortli Front Street SPECIAL EDITION There's a reason for everything, even for an automo bile, IT'S THE BACK SEAT. But that's never advertised it's too expensive, NEWS ITEMS, Dr, Swift's auto ran over the bank, Dr, Slow's auto ran Into the bank, Dr, Charge's auto is in commission again, Dr, Pill's auto is out of commission again, ITEM The police estimate for 1912-13 includes $9000 for two automobiles and $9600 for maintenance of same, S, F, Examiner, Mar, 23rd, page 6, ALL roads in Coos County are wide enough for DAYTON BICYCLES They'll not break themselves, your bones, nor your bank account, They can be lifted over any dredge pipe, We don't "Distribute," we SELL, $27:50 Dayton Bicycles-$42,50 MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Phone 180-R, Agents, 60 Front St, NOTE Tho Dayton news will Boon Inaugurate a subscription con test Each contestant will receive a tin whistle. Other prizes, equally valuable, will ho given from tlmo to tlmo. Plans Auto Trip J. L. Dowmnn of Portlnnd and Geo. Hotnor roturnod yestordny from n business trip to Dnndon. Mr. Dowmnn Is now spond a day or two at tho Coos River homo of IiIh fathor-ln-lnw, Anson Rogers. Mr. Dowmnn Is planning to mako an auto trip horo from Portland In July, bringing his two llttlo dnughtors and his son horo for a fow weoks stay. Ho says that business conditions In Portland nro good and ho anticipates a mnrkod development on Coos Dny this year as ho Is confldont thnt rail road construction will bo Btnrtod on this ond of tho lino this spring. AMONG THK RICK Tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrd M. Dliiko Is reportod qulto sick. Jooy McKoown, tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur McKoown', who hns boon qulto sick, Is roportod Im proving. Mrs. E. II. Ilodson, who has boon 111 at tho homo of nor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert McCann, In North Dend, Is reported Improving. J. 12. Cooloy Is ill at his homo In South Marshflold. MrH. DoMoss of Dnndon under went nn oporntlon nt Morcy hospital In North Dond yestordny and is re ported gotttpg nlong nlcoly. Dr. Mann of Dandon nccompnnlod hor to tho Bay. HARD I.UCK STOIIIICS All my friends aro sick nnd ailing nnd thoy como to mo n-wiilllng of their woes and triuuiauous, jusi im though I was to blnmo; ono Is driven to n frenzy with n caso of Influonzy, and some other dlro diseases frolic through his woary framo. Old man Qunckenbush Js bavin' lots of troublo with n spnvln', nnd IiIh ringbones hurt him Boroly when tho weather's cool and wot; through old Qulgway's frame meanders every symptom of tho glnndors, nnd it ronlly ronds my henrtstrlngs when I soo him fiiBS and frot. Ono has 'got complaint ca tarrhal and ho buyB dopo by tho bar rol and ho'd hnvo mo stand and listen n llm alnUnnlnir fldtfllln! Oiig'b broke out In reddish patches, one hns got tno ucning scrnicnoB, ono hub kh rheumatic Jlmjams, ono hns got in- rtiuliir .inlla Qn Mmv linrA inn with descriptions of their spasms nnd con- nipuons, ana inoy mint kivu mo look In when I'd spring n prlvnto groan: little enre I what befell them, fnr I'm miffArlntr In toll them nil about 'tho fifty-seven rare diseases of my own, WALT MASON. VM. M. DROWN, who hns a homo stcntl on Coos Rlvor, roturnod to dny from Snloin, whoro lib mob spent somo tlmo rccupcrntlng from Injuries sustained In nn nccldont In a logging camp. K. K. JONES roturnod today from a business trip to Coqulllo vnlloy points. Ho roports that North Rend homo tnlent company pre sented "Olo OIchoii to n packed house nt Dnndon InBt night nnd scored n big hit. J. E. SCHILLING nnd Wnrron Rood havo returned from n trip to Dnn don nnd other Coqulllo vnlloy points. It Is posslblo that they may erect n flno now hotol at Dandon. Thoy will loavo tomor row for Gardiner. C. S. JACKSON of Rosoburg, candl dnto for prosecuting attorney on tho republican tlckot, is calling on Cobs Day frlonds todny. This is Mr Jackson's first visit to Coos Dny In 20 years and he Is con sldorably surprised nt tho chang es that havo taken plnco. Ho Ih accompnnlod by W. C. Roso of Co qulllo nnd with L. T. Mntthows they rnado tho trip to North Dond todny. This aftornoou Mr. Jnck non loft for Dandon and will re turn to Coos Dny tho latter part of tho week. Try n MINT JULEP nt BAKTKKB. Tho "Child's Wolfnro" movomont linn nhnllnncnil tho nttontlon of thoughtful pooplo everywhere. Moth ers aro nnturni nupportors, ana win find In Foloy's Honoy and Tnr Com pound n most vnluablo aid. Coughs and colds thnt unchockod load to croup, bronchitis nnd pneumonia yield quickly to tho hoallng and floothlnc nualltlos of Foloy's Honor nnd Tnr Compound. For snlo by Rod Cross Drug Co. GROW CRANBERRIES Clatsop County has tho finest Cran berry marshes in the Went. A new association composed of Astoria and Portland business men Invito 10 men to Join them in a profitable Invest ment. Write and ask for full In formation. Nothing better for a permanent Income and pleasant home slto. Address J. K. GRATKE, C33 Chambor of Commerce, Portlnnd, Or. You'll Have to Hurry IK YOU WANT ANY OK THOSE. 50 Boxes 4 Tier Baldwin Apples WHILE THEY LAST $1.25 Per Box TIIKY ARE GOING PAST Phone 32 The Bazar The House of Quality. The Potato Flurry Has Passed what the future has in store remains to be seen. I still will pay the highest cash price on the day of delivery. f. s. DOW