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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1912)
THF COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1 912 EVENING EDITION 1 COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY Editor and Pub. DAN E. MA LONE Y News Editor Entorcd at tho postofflco at Marsh flold, Orogon, (or transmission through tho malls as socond class mall matter. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIME8. Marshfleld :i :i it it Oregon MILL CASE IS PUZZLING Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho people, that no good causo shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrlro unopposed. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year $0.00 Per month SO WEEKLY. Ono year . $1.60 Whon paid strictly In advanco tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for Ix months. Official Pnpor of Coo County ' An Indopondont Republican uows papor published ovory ovenlng ozcopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coo Day Timos Publishing Co. SOME KAJUOA!) FACTS "Mothor, what do you think of thls7" said SI Hawkins as bo glanced up from n closo reading of tho latest consus roport (ono of tho hundreds sent to him by his rcprooontnttvo In congress). "According to theso fig urcs, wo farmors havo droppod to socotid placo ns omployora of labor. "In 1010 thero wore 0,340,357 farms In tho United States, valuod, with tholr Improvements, at $34, 081,607,000, and during tho samo j oar tho farmers paid out In wages $046,012,000. That reads woll, but In this roport from tho Interstate commorco commission I find that In tho samo year tho railroads of tho United Statos paid for labor tho enor mous sum of $1,143,726,306, nearly doublo what tho farmem paid for tholr labor In tho samo year. "My opinion lias been, when rail road officials said that thoy wuro tho grcatost employers of labor, and tbnt thoroforo, Injury to tho rail Toads was bound to effect business In terests of tho whole country, that thoy woro talking for effect. Ilut with thoso flgurcti boforo mo, prov ing boyond doubt that with an army of 1,000,420 omploycA and a payroll nearly twlco that of all of tho fann ers In tho country. I am forced to altor that opinion consldorable." "Land sakes!" oxclalmed Mrs. Hawkins, bringing her mathemati cal, talontB quickly Into piny, "thoso tallroad follows got an avorago of noarly $700 a year; no wonder they can wonr bluo sultn'and braos but tons. Why, that Is about three times as much as wo pay our hlrod man, John, and ho works 13 hours every day of tho yoar, oxcopt on Fourth of July and Circus Day. Maybe If tho railroads mndo their men work like tho farmors do, tho fnrmors would not havo to take second placo as tho groatost employers of labor." "Yos, and I hco In tho papers," said SI, as ho bont closor to tho con sus roport, "tint soma of theso rail road chaps running trains only work ono-thlrd or two-thirds of tho time." Strange and Romantic Stories Involved Coos Bay Connection. Tho KImmolI myatory caso at St. Louis which attracted moro or less Interest on tho Hay on nccount of ono of tho strong ploces of ovldonco In It alleging that tho missing banker was slain near Empire Is still In contro versy dcsplto tho verdict of tho Jury. Yostordny's Associated Press dis patches to Tlio Times told of tho lat est movo of tho mnn who claimed ho was Klmtnoll and whoso clnlm Is re futed by Klmmoll's mothor nnd sis tors and othors. Ho litis gono to Ann Arbor for n medical examination and possibly an oporntlon to romovo tho prossuro on his brain which Is clalm- ou to nnvo montnlly unbalanced him. Concerning tho caso, Tho Censor, published nt 003 Fullorton building, St. Louis, Mo., March 7, printed tho following: After six years of litigation, which Is roally not long ns tho stnndnrd runs In our Judicial systom, a Jury iiiiuny ucciues mat tne ox-convlct who cnlls hlmsolf KImmolI Ib not Klmmoll. Of courso tho moro fnct that tho plaintiff gets a vordlct doos not moan that ho wins. For, far bo It from anything so calculated to tako bread out of tbo mouths of Judges and lawyors. Tho attorney for tho Now York Llfo Insurnnco Company announced whon tho Jury wn8 lockod up In thnt caso Ho vor dlct was agnlnst tho Insurnnco com pany tho Judgment would novor bo paid, for It Is ono of tho bonutles of our beautiful system of doing things that after any of tho noonlo nftor Incrcdlblo effort flnnlly do Induco a court to dccldo against n corporation, tho corporation frtv fluently decides to simply lirnora nnv such decision. What O'Urynn prob nbly moant. howovor, was that tho Now York Llfo would Just contlnuo the litigation indefinitely, to the ond thnt othor persons who wish to col lect policies It does not wIhIi to pny may bo prevented from making the nttompt to forco It to nay. I won- dor If It has also thought of tho ivntor liofnrn SOWlllK tllOIll. SUrll Of- fects of a fire nre not coniineu 10 rnt'nafn Aftor tho grent flro of 1800 the jnmiip tm nn tho slto of London li iiiPiiso nunntltlcs of a yellow cruel ferotis flower, hence known ns Lon don rocket. It wns so nbundnnt tnai knowlodgo of tho details of events first of all roasting tho seeds. And which was to convince scores of por- those who grow ennnas nro in tlio nnnu Mint lin ,i-nu tt'lmninll? In tlila linlllt nt steGnlnC thO SCCdS III llOt I case thre wns hardly resouce. Whon ovor he failed to mako good In es tablishing his Identity as Klmmoll, ho and tho defonso foil back on tho fnct that his Injuries wcro such that his mind was affected. It wns ap parent thnt his mind wns affected; thnt In nniiin Rtiurn nt liln r.nrnnt tin had suffered frightful injuries to thero was supposed to bo on this spot his hend. This mndo tho common ' more thnn In nil tho rest of htirope. resort In enso of discrepancy seem ' And It docs not appear to have been plnuslblo. I notlcod thero previously. The case Is certainly n most ox-' Another oxamplo of tlio samo plant trnordlnnry ono, nor will tho verdict! springing up on tho slto of a smaller of tho Jury sottlo It to tho Batlsfac-I flro Is given by Daxtor In his "Ilrltlsh tlon of many. Tho controversy is i Flowering Plants." A spot In tho Ox llkoly to rngo In Nlles, Michigan, for ford botanic gardens on which rub years to come. Tho truo inwnr"d-' blsh had been burning for two or ness of tho caso will probably novor' three days, was trenchod and pro bo known. Who nnd what was nnd ' pared for n plantation of willows. Is the claimant? Positive test!- This was In 1834, nnd In tho follow tlvo testlmonvwas nroduced to show Inir voar nn abundant crop of London that ho Is "Turkey" White, a some 'rocket sprang up, "on a part of tho tlmo railroad man and oftoner tin garden," writes Uaxter, "where I nov- I I.I ...l. I rt . I I- It hi.fnu. " iiuiu Kiimuiur who kuow ueorgu i or roinomuui buuiiis Klmmclt In Arkansns City; but If hoi London Olobe. Is White why did ho Impersonate Klmmoll 7 Was It duo to a slncero and Insane delusion thnt ho Is Kim It before." moll 7 It Is truo that ho frequently showod grent astuteness for n deran ged mnn, and tho knowledge ns to banking brought out on tho stand wns Incompatible with tho theory that ho Is tho Ignoramus. White. But If It's not nn insano delusion who pnid him? If tho agents of tho Now York Llfo wcro guilty of anything of thnt kind, why did they mako tho mistake of choosing a man for a tool who so grontly varied from Qoorgo Klmmoll In so many ways and par ticulars? And what about tho weird talo of Swlnnoy? Thero Is a whole romnnco concoalod In that What would bo tho object of Swln noy in tolling such n tnlo If It woio untruo? Wild ns It scorned, whllo It could not bo supportod, neither was It disproved, except to somo ex tent In tho matter of Snyder's wnurenuouts. It has boon, nnd still Is, n most oxtrnordlnary caso, nnd no Jury ever had a knottier problem to decldo than did tho Klmmoll Jury. HAVE YOU REGISTERED? Tho last day on which voters mny register In ordor thnt thoy moy cast tholr ballot at tho prl- mary election April 19th Is April 0th. Got busy and rogls- tor all you who havo not dono so. KXTKA COPIES OF THE SPECIAL ItAILWAY EDITION COOS HAY TIMES Wrapped ready for mailing may bo obtained nt tho offlco. Prico 20 cents each. Many Homes Are Not As r Well Lighted As They Should fi, pi. I C Many ritizens arc paying suffteioul money each month to obtain tlio satisfactory electric lighting which they do not get. The fault lies in unscientific lamps, shades, re. f lectors and fixtures which they arc using. No matter how good the electric current deliy. cred, poor lighting appliances will blight illum. inating results. The new Mazda) tungsten lamps (jive nearly three tithes as much tight for the same con sumption of current as do the carbon incan descent lamps. Our exports will be glad to help you solve your lighting problems. There is no charge f6r their service. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co '''i ToSUCCESSVIjUU FOREST I'IRES CAUSE NEW PLANT LIFE A remarkable fact In connection with forest fires Is that after their occurrence different vegotation usu ally springs up. Thus after the burn- possibility that Its always readiness" "!!"' I'L0'0" V J.1;, i" 10 HiuuDorniy iignt nga nBt tho pny- ,," i ...L . , 'i'- - mont of any policy In which there! v?r,0M8 TC,L8 of, ncacla oven In is n technical and other defect, mayfe?" n nono h,nvo bC0" known MkowlBO illscniirncn thn nnvmnnt , ' Within tllO memory of mail. PERSONAL OVERFLOW C. R. PECK Is expected home Satur day from San Francisco. Ilkowlso dlscourago tho naymont of premiums. Moro nnd moro Intelli gent peoplo nro realizing tho unwis dom of paying In thousands of dol lars to provide for tholr families when they die, on tho mora chant that thoy will got tholr money back. Of rmiran Tf Inimnll'a mnMiAn nwl sister will got nono of tho $25,000 ! wor1'!' .'" "s brllllai for which tho mnn'a llfo wns Insur- " ri'w,,on f tho f od, oven though thoy win. Tho.'o Is scare ly n doubt tlm tho lawyor's feos and costs havo nlicndy eat'n it qulto up. Surely tho Klmmoll caso presents ono of tho strangest, meet rnninullo nnd fnntnstlc stnrlen that ban in on known In real llfo In ninny a day. Had tho caso boon trlod In Now York all the spoclal writers would havo been dctnllod on It and It would have boon mndo n world sonsntlon, but ns there Is a gonoral theory that nothing worthy of spoclal Intorost can happen outsldo of Now York, tho Now York pnpors do not know such In tho case of n scrub flro which has swept away tho undergrowth, loavlug tho forest trcos still alive, but with bare and blackened trunks, tho plant to spring up Is tho waratnh. The waratnh has been said to be tho handsomest wild flower In tho In Its brilliant color It scorns ro which canned its birth. A travoler through tho charred trees little tongues of flame seem to lick. They nro tho wnratahs, oach plant bearing on a stem six fool high a single burning rod flower shaped like n heart nnd tho she of a man h closed fist. Imngluo ninny hun dreds of rod stamons, groater In slue than thoso of tho tiger Illy, packed eloholy together to mako a heart shape and you havo tho Australian waratnh. Somo Interesting experiments re cently carried out In Australia by Profescor Ewart of Victoria, have suggested to him n, possible xplaiia Builders of Homes. ' Our- "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Cortificates reREALMoneyMers & Send for Dooklot 6045 6 CorboltDIdaPorlland Ota CAPT. Ilrltt of tho Coos Hay Llfo Saving Station was n Marulifleld visitor today. ROUT. FENTON and family havo movod from Wont Marshfleld to 124 Golden nvonuo. Movo Station It is oxpectod that Copt. Wollander of Yaqulun and Mr. Forshay, superintendent of con struction, who wero sent hero by tho Llfo Saving Department to luvcjtl gato tho demand for tho removal of tho Coos Day station, will roport In favor of tho chaugo in sites. Thoy have obout coiuplotod their -work nnd wl probably leave Saturday. Their roport will not bo made pub lic until nftor it is submitted to tho dopurtmont officials at Washington. It Is understood that tho slto fa vored Is bolow tho boll buoy and near tho lower harbor light. It la undorstood that Capt. Ilrltt also fa vors this as tho now location. imOTHEH IS KILLED C. II, Worrell, bookkeeper for tho Simpson Lumber Compauy, received word today of tho death of his broth er, Morodlth Worrell, who is engaged in tho transfer busiuoss nt Seattle. Ho was Injured last Saturday by be ing thrown from a wagon. Ho was 20 years old ami unmarried. Mr. and Mrs. Worrell will loavo tomor row for Vane ivor, vrhora tho funer al will bo holtl. His parents live In Vancouver nnd a sister, Miss Grace Worroll, is In Portland. a caso has been trlod and tho pnpors !t,on of tuo n,l(,vo romnrkablo phe horo havo restricted thomsolvos tonononoM l-xporlmontlng with soods u roport of tho moro salient features'0' "'" r' or Hi) years old ho has of tho tostlmony. Tho caso Is strango I0111"' t,mt tluSU w'"l germinate If tho In thnt each sldo prosontod n groat llnr', 'vorlngs are previously soft volumo of tho most posltlvo tostl-l0"? "rolled. mony ono sldo, that tho ox-convlct1., '" tll 'no of tho Australian forest la Klmmoll nnd tho othor thnt ho la."F.c' I'rofessor Ewart thinks that the an Impostor. It would soom Impos-I"1"""10 at,l,os produced by the fire Mblo thnt n man uftor reaching thoinm ntl " tl10 hardened coals of tho ago or uuriy coum uo nnsont rrom "" v..n .,... m mo kiuuuu iukj his frlonils nnd kindred for no ioroi80fte,l,t,10,n' 0r tno "t may partly thnn thirteen yonrs. and on his ro- ?"nr, V1 C8 8nmo ,mrdonei fe'l ""it, turn ilnd such n volumo of posltlvo ' In, oltlior enso tho seed Is able to gor contradlctlons ns to IiIb Idontlty. It """nt0- Thus tho Idea scorns to bo would seem Incredible that his own ' tlm,t th,0 covorlng of a seed may got mothor and sister would not know 80 lma tl,lU t,l ombryo cannot pono ulm by voice, habits, tompornmont, ! irnt0. " nna tnat It may bo prosorved charactor, etc., howovor much his,"1 tho ground Indefinitely In this porsonal appearance might bo chan- slnt0 without losing Its power of god. Tho Jury ovldontly took this . KwtU. vlow of It. without giving weight to Is thoro hero a hint for tho gnrd tho possibility that llnnnclnl consld-, j?,0V , ,l ,a 8a'11 tUftt tho waratah Is orations might ewny tho testimony .difficult to grow In gardous, but that of thoso nenrest to Klmmoll, but on 80mo navo sneceeded In growlug It by tho othor side thoro was a groat rr- ' volumo of tho most surprising and HOW COLD CAUSES ICIDNEY posltlvo testimony thnt contrn-l DISEASE. dieted or ignored such discrepancies Tartly by driving blood from tho as tho oyo-scar mado by tho oecullat, aurfaco and congesting tho kldnoys tho dlfferenco of moro than twenty I nnd partly by throwing too much yonrs in tho apparent nges of tho work upon them. Foloy Kldnoy Pllla two men nnd tho dlfferonco in thoBtrongthon tho kldnoys, glvo tono to color of tho oyos. Scores of people, tho urinary organs and restoro tho who know Oeorgo Klmmoll Intlmnto- normal action of tho bladder. Thoy ly swnro mat tho ox-convlct Is Geo. ""J tonic in action, quick In results. Klmmoll. Thoy rolntod how tho ' Try thorn. For sale by .Red Cross man in prison recognized oomo of ur"B uo thorn whon thoy went to boo him, and how he rolatod to them tho do tnlls of ovonta that nono othor than innirfn l r iai i aa iri a a i.h .u . r.A :'""V ..V'.",". IV?. "u",:H: I "ooa. .w". ireful Driver, and vu .hv.1. i.s.u ,ul uu h uuurisu rmoHDit charges. Our motto: Klnunoll, but dcsplto that his own "will go anywhsre at any tlm , mothor contradicted his idontlty. I Standi BUnwHotrt and and what testimony Is thoro higher c,ar Store Day Phones 78 .ni i than that In a question of identity! Nht Phone 4 Ph0ne' 7S "d " If tho ox-convlct Is not Oeorgo ' RARiCEn A onnnuv t. Klmmoll, tho conclusion can "-" ,mitKK" QQODALK, PronHetow. uo escapou tuat tnore was nn excel lent conspiracy orgaulnod. How olso could this Impostor have socurod First Class Auto Service Spoclal trips to North Bond and1 Emplro any time. Train and party calls a spoclalty. Phono 14-U nights and day. Aftor 11 P. M., Pnlaco Restaurant, Phono C-J. Rohldonco rbono 28-J. I D. L. FOOTE. Proprietor. Coos Bay Naturopath College CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHIC, HYDROTHERAPY and all branchos of Natural Thera peutics taughlt. Tnrmi reasonable. For Information address DR. BIRD B. CLARKE North nend, Oregon. We Have Been Successful in buying a Inrgo stock of first class Electrical material and can glvo our patrons a vory low price on houso wiring. Got our prlco you can't afford to miss It. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J City Auto Service BlancharcTs Livery1 We have wiiro. the livery bui. I Jets of L. H. Helscer and are pie pared to render uni.. .! the peonle of Coo- nar. nrur..i VAM iAn hL . -J ... I w. .'..'" u "" aja "voryihing nat will mean batlafarinrv !.. , the public. Phont us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In the livery line. We alio do truck. T tuslne of all kinds. flLANcnARD nnoniERs Phone 118-J Uvery, Fel ud Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets fwaimsco. FlOOR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality Unique Pantatorium THE .MODERN DYERS, CLEANKRS. PRESSERS ana HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward E. Strauii & Co. fine Tailoring Let us make your next Suit. gfl OomrtMM-clal. Phoao ZSQ.X. Lots on Installments Bay View, Bay Park Bunker Hill Eastside and Other Locations I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front St. FLANAGAN &' BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. At tho close of business, Feb. 20, 1U1U. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ; . . . . H29.16J.Jj Ranking Houso 60,000 04 Cash and Evchangos 166.01U1 Total S6U.iTI.0l LIAUILIT1ES. Capital Stock paid In BO 000 00 Surplus and Uudlvldod ProflU 67,0!'ll Deposits B36.J69.Jl Total S6U.27J.01 CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At the Close of Hiulnces February 20th, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and discount J221,:iUI Bonds, warrants and securities 73.9XC.1 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 25,000,0) Real ostato, f urnlturo and fixtures ', 81,011.11 Cash and sight exchange lU.SO.ii Total ,. f3J3.72l.7J ' ' LIAIIILITIES. Capital stock paid In 100,000.0) Surplus and uudlvldod profits 9.2J5.0J Dlvldonds unpaid (.00 Resorve for taxoa !....!... 1,000.00 Circulation, outstanding 24,600.00 Doposlts 410.881.CI Total 8515.721.73 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockhold ers Is 8100,000.00. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Qlvo us a description of your property and wo will obtain forjou amount of taxes on same. Sheriff doea not notify you. HURRY! FPS GOJING FAST Wo have a limited quantity of ALDER WOOD, cut into 2-foot lengths, suitable for fireplace that we will sell at $2.25 per load, while it lasts. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Phone 190-J. 182 So. Broadway. Abstracts, Real. Estate, Fire j and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, HENRY SK.VG8TACKJCN, Mr. Coqulll. Offloe Phone 191 - Marahfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Plattln Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDBV The Electric Shoe Shop IS WHERE THEY nUY SHOES PROM 91 PER PAIR UP. THE ELECTRIC 8HOE SHOP 180 So. Broadway Marshfleld .A.A.A.A.A.AA.. -" 4 "Getting business Is Just like courting a girl you must offer the right kind of goods, and keep on calling." WANTED ! ! ! JAItPETS UPHOLSTERING AND ! PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneuma- no vanning uoinpany. Orders foi work taken at GOING & HARVEY PnONE 100 HEAL ESTATE AND K'lliE INSURANCE . Bargains in Citv and Out side Property. AUG. PRIZEDN. 68 Central Ave., Marshfield. A Modern Brick Bulldlnir, '"" Ltgbta. Steam Heat. WMW Furnished Rooms with H and Cold Water. HOTEL .0008 C. A. UBTLIN. Wnwirto Rates: 50 cents a Day and Up" Cor. Broadway and Marie Marahfleld. orerou. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOBTBELL . Vhone 81 li CU of ldv who k?lnreltJ,rTI