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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1912)
VICTORY Of TEN COSTS MORE THAN IT IS WORTH i T0 THE VICTOR "TADVBnTIBlNa in Tho TIMKS will Put Vour Ileal Etto "In ' -- 411 17tfVAjterAlwt dans WANT ADVERTISING In Two T5MB8 Will Keep tho Income from Yow Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can roally help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to uso tho claBBlllod columns, you may keep thnt Httlo oxtra Income mmt& tt will put tho facts about your nrtf before tho oyos of all "pos- PimS bure" ,n town And ,f &sbono of thorn who ought to own It. rou'll boII ltl aa "steady as a clock. MEMBER Or ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXV Established In 1878 ns Tlio Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Uq 91 Q mill Coos Bny Aihcrtlsrr. " mn IE ff KILLED AND NINE WOUNDED IN ILLINOIS Hock Island Scene of Terrible "outbreak as Result of Factional Fight. ARREST OF SPEAKERS AR STARTSDIRE CLASH Gov. Deneen Orders Out Na tional Guard and May De clare Martial Law. o v 1 JIOHIJ TROOPS OUT a (Dy Associated Press.) . SPniNOFlKM), III., March 2 57 Governor Doneon has or- ft dCKd tCO Cllliru mni ivhi - ! of tho Illinois nntlonal guard to 4. proceed to Rock Island. (B; Associated ProsB to tho Coob Day Tim 08..' ROCK ISLAND, III., March 27. DMPIto tho fact that It was qulot In .11 l.rfnm nf tllO cltV tlllH IllOmlng, the ihcrlff, pollco and mllltln pro-, GREEK KILLED BY LOG TODAY Workman at Porter Crushed to Death in Log Chute This Morning. Gust Konldarls, a Grcok laborer omployod at tho Portor mill of tho Simpson Lumbor company, was In stantly killed this morning upon be ing Btruck by u big timber 1 na log chuto nt tho mill. Konldarls had boon working around tho mill for eight days and ap parently did not roallzo tho danger of getting too closo to tho logs In tho chuto. Other workmen nnd Foro man McCann ronontodlr warned him or tno danger out to no avnll An aired to resist a resumption tonight patently l,0 had plenty of time to got f tho rioting which remitted In thrco , "t of tho way of tho log but did not fiik. and V wounding of nlno om. .....i. .. .., a nun mull in VIIUVUC, Wlin about thirty yenrs old nnd has thrco or four cousins working around tho nay. Coroner Wilson decided that an In quest was unnecessary. Konldnrl's was badly bruised and mangled. Mrwni last night. Tho pollco Btnto (hit moro than GOOO puraons com pwod last nleht'H mob. After tho nt Utk on the station had been 10- policd by a voiioy, a uur.uu ujuu ui wounded wcro found on tho iitroots. Two of the throo dend have boon Identified. They woro J. C. Kolloy, a Mtekimlth, of .SIlvaB, a vlllago a fow mllti up tho river, nnd L. H. Orman, i t shoe merchant of thin city. It Is uld tho riot tnny Bprouu to aiouno, there a political meeting Is to bo fctld tonight. Many Troops out. Three comonnlcs of tho Illinois I utional Ruard, ordered horo by Gov i ernor Dcnecn to quell tho riot, hod I control of tho situation onrly today. A mob attacked tho city jail Inst iltht In an attempt to roloaso sym HtMxcrs of John Loonoy, publlahor of a weekly pnpor whlch.hnd Bovoro I; criticized Mayor II. M. Schrlvor. During the last three days, tho poo pl hare been stirred up over tho controTcrsy botweon tho odltor nnd Mijor and last night tho polios nr roted two speakers who woro ad dressing tho crowd. This Inflamed Ut friends of Loonoy and they bo na to burl stones at U10 pouco sum treslc tho windows of tho pollco uta tlon. The Mayor, who was directing tee police, ordered the offlcors to fin on the mob. The mob finally dispersed but re formed afttr an hour and nttomptel to procuro arms at tho hardware torts. The pollco surrounded tlw tore and drovo the mob bnck. Tho ifcerllf shortly before midnight used Gov. Doneon for troops to as L't tho pollco nnd loent mllltln tonpaay. One company from Mo ose and another from Gniesburg re ordered out and nro now on ditr. THY TO KILL MAYOK (B; Associated Pross to tho Coos Bay TIrao.) ROCK ISLAX'n. Ill Xfnrnli 7 As unsuccessful attempt to assassi ns jiayor seimvor at tho city liau mane today by an unidentified ffon who fired a rlflo bullet "ough the Mayor's office window rem the top 0f a building sovoiul QUJrfS rilklnnt Tl. l.,.ll. inlosnil - - M,Mlllr, 4 uu MIIIIVl IIIICTOV ura. ELECTION IN THREE 1NTHS Port oi Coos Bay Can't Be Reorganized in Less Than Three Months. Following tho shock resulting from tho Oregon Supremo Court knock ing out tho Port of Coos Day Com mission yesterday, thoro is a gonoral domnnd today that anothor election bo called just as quickly as possi ble to reorganize It In ordor that the backset to tho harbor may bo kept to tho mlntimum. On Investigation todny, It was found thnt tho special election would hnvo to bo called nt tho rogular ses sion of tho county commissioners nnd thoy will not meet until tho first I Wednesday In May. From forty to sixty days' notlca will linvo to do giv n so that tho earliest the election enn bo hold will be tho latior part of Juno. Then It will tako some tlmo for tho nppolntmont of com missioners. Owing to tho old com mission being hold an illegal body, the taxes lovled for this year will bo lilegnl so that tho now commission will bo without funds unless they nro ablo to provide thorn by a bond In consoquonco of this, tho propos ed mass mooting of Marshfleld nnd North Dend citizens to facilitate the oloctlon will not bo hold before next weok. . iinwnver. tho Chamber of Com- I THAT PORT DECISION THE doclslon of tho Oregon Supremo Court declaring Invalid tho election creating tho Port of Coos Day Is n deplornbla ouo from nny standpoint. Tho actual damage to this community Is thousands upon thousands of dollars. It turns tho wheels of progress backward three years. It means tho stopping of all public improvements of harbor and Inlets for months nnd maybo for years. It moans that Coos Day will soon loso the U. S. Drcdgo Oregon nnd tho tlmo or possibility of Its return Is problematical. It moans thnt tho filling which has been done for property ownors at G and 6 cents per yard will in tho futuro cost doublo and thrco times that amount. Tho writer makes no claim to legal acumen or attainments but docs not hesitato to stnto that this decision based upon tho failuro to post n fow oloctlon notices In somo romoto precincts scorns to lack law, logic and common sense Thoro was novcr nny question that tho fact of tho dny and dato and naturo of the election wcro known to ovory vot er In tho Port district. Tho returns wcro sumclontly largo nnd decis ive to provo that thoro could be no possibility of chango in tho result of the oloctlon. Notwithstanding this, bocauso of a technical, hair-splitting, non com pllnnco with cortaln provisions of tho election lnw tho oloctlon Is de clared void and invalid and tremendous damage dono to a largo com munity. As one gentleman, who Is not unfamiliar with tho law remark ed yesterday, If tho Orogon Supromo Court holds thnt strict compllnnco with tho notlco posting provision of tho election law Is cssontlnl It will be Impossible to hold an oloctlon thnt Is strictly lcgnl. Thoro nro 90 Jud ges In tho proposed port district nnd na tho law merely requires tho moiling of notices by tho County Clork to tho oloctlon Judge's address, without any provision for chocking or seeing that this duty is compllod with, It will bo readily soon thnt failuro of any ono Judgo to perform his duty would (nvnlidato tho oloctlon. All that need bo dono by any ono opposod to tho organization of the Port would bo to invito ono of tho Judges on n hunting or fishing trip nbout tho tlmo tho notices nro to bo mnllcd nnd keep him away until it wns too Into. Or nny judgo might be tnken sick or go away on a visit and the wholo macblnory of tho elec tion becomes futllo nnd Inoperative It, would soom to a layman that the fact that tho oloctlon was known to ovory voter Is of moro roul Importance than tho technical compllnnco with tho lottor of tho law. It Is decisions such ns this ono out of lino with commonsenso nnd working a hardship on many pcoplo that aro responsible for tho lack of popular respect and rogard Into which our courts hnvo fallen nnd which provo tho need of tho recall and tho renson tho pcoplo domnnd It. Hcgardlcss of tholr opinion of tho quality of the Judgment Involved In tho action tho pcoplo must tnko off tholr hats to J. W. Dennett as a lighter, ilo has fought tho Port Commission from start to ilnlsh and has fought it hard. Threo times It has gone to tho Supremo Court of tho Strtto. This last appoal was not carried up until Mr. Dennett per sonally guaranteed tho oxpouso of tho case. Ho has won but It has been at n tromendous cost to tho community nnd thv tnxpnyors. And In cidentally It has cost Mr. Donnott a penny or two, also. Tho greatest loss, howovor, Is tho blow It Is to harbor improvement nnd the dolny in tho progrosslvo woik thnt hnd been plnnnod. TURKS REPORT H GREAT VICTORY IT DEFEATS COL. ROOSEVELT TWO TO ONE IN NEW Y 0 ROOSEVELT IS REAL BITTER Declares New York Primaries Yesterday Were Crim inal Farce. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.. FOllT WAYNE, Ind., March 27. Tho primaries in Now York yester day In which tho Roosevelt forcoB wero dofoutcd, woro, Col. Roosevelt on his way to Chicago today declared a farce "In Now York Htato, as a whole, there was no real voto of tho republican party whatovor," ha said. "Outbldo of Now York city tho prl mnry lnw was a farce InBldo Now York city, It hns boon shown to havo been n criminal farce "Even ns it 1b, ono-fourth of tho dologntcs nro straight-out Roosovolt men. Of tho remnlnlug threc fourths, n great majority of thoso clcctod from Now York city havo no moro clnim to Bit In n republican convention thnn if thoy woro sent to It by Tnmmnny hall, for thoy wero elected by methods moro outrageous than tho worst methods Tnmmnny hall Itself over employed." President's Supporters Carry Every Precinct They Fought for. EXPECT BIG FIGHT IN STATE CONVENTION Roosevelt Forces Will Carry Contest Further Despite Defeat. Claim to Have Defeated Ital ians in Tripoli, Inflating Heavy Loss On Opponents. (Dy Associated Trosa to tho Coos Day Times.) LONDON, March 27. The Turk ish army in Tripoli has achieved a great victory over tho Italian army whoso losses woro 27 offlcors and 3fi00 mon klllod and wounded, ac cording to tho report of tho Turkish commnndor at Benghazi rccolvod horo today from a special core spondent nt tho Turkish boadquar tors. Tno location of tho bnttlo wns not given In tho report which snys tho entire camp equipment of tho Itnl lanB foil Into tho hands of tho Turk ish troops. 'Tho Turkish commander says tho casualties among tho Turk ish nnd Arab troops numberod only 1150 killed and wounded NEW 10 S w SE S Legislative Dead-Lock Broken and Two Republicans Are Elected. (By Assoclntod Pross to Tho Coos Day Times) SANTA FE, March 27. Albert D. Fall nnd Thomas D. Catron, repub licans, wero elected today United States Eonators from Now Mexico. Tho fnto of the lattor wns In tho hnl- tnm iii mntiar'nnPA when tho roll hnd been cauou. . .. M un r nt the 'regular meeting. Fr.dny . He lacked four votes of election but fe glared' the Sot wns accident-, teht, W& 0 Po of e -. Mcmnged their" "votes 11 t iiraA 1 . . .i- ...1.- iiniinn rnimiiiir iu liiu vvubw - ,-.. .-M - ...iu u,- a uuptuy siieriii who - nmi catron wns elected. KUIl. . I -- - Thoro is only nbout threo or four months' work for tho Orogon on tho government project In Coos Day. Other work which tho Port Commis sion had arranged for tho Orogon and ...1.1M1 luwi imnn sanctioned by Mnjor Morrow would hnvo tnkon nt Jonst , threo or four months longer nnd this would havo mennt. tlint tno uro-1 n - "t uvj.iiij nitvi III hi." I'll IfMlrllnr. . -Ii ... I.... .......... 1 . " " "b ""I Bun mil. u jrnimi I "Muni 11 wa nn attompt on too MJor'g life. PKOCM1M MARTIAL LAW 'By Assoclate-l Trass to tho Coos Day SPniNGFIKU), 111. March 27 u 'Cnor iv iu. .. i,.. ...i Tior nenptn lms reform! tho Wen of Sh-,lff nrunor. of Rook 1 gon would remain ut work on Coos '- to a,,'-,, martial law thoro uy for nt least anothor year, prob ',;M i General Stond for nil nhly. Tho lnttor work Included the nun vim ii ..wvv... THE "SMELTER TRUST" NEXT n ct hi i(e. governor ..." !i!tA,r.r,,, Rninrado Conaressman Says !u " a,;rw "w"lt the arrival ' mouth of Coos River and North Dend GuggoilheimS Created p.i . '" 'inmi uirii&uii iiuiii fitifi inn iiimiu ui iiiu ur -- HAVE PUPILS BEAUTIFY CITY North Bend City Council and Supt. Raab Arrange for Civic Improvement. Tho North Dend city council at a meeting last evening took prelimin ary stops in the inauguration of n "City Deautlful" campaign to bo con ducted by tho school children thoro. Tho plan wns suggested to tho council by Supt. Rnnb of tho North Dend schools nnd prompt nctlon wns tnk en. It wns decided thnt about f7G should bo offered for tho! best flowor or vegetnblo garden, tho best kept lawn, tho greatest Improvements in front and bnck yards, etc. Tho council referred tho mnttor to a special commltteo consisting of Supt. Raab, Prof. Qrubbs, Mrs. Hoi bert Armstrong. M. E. Evorltt nnd '. Mrs. Ira D. Dartle who will work tho dotalls of tho plan and report to tho council nt Its next mooting. It is likely thnt tno conimiuoo win navo entlro chnrgo of tho plan. Other Business Engineer Drlngham reported to tho council the following estlmnto of tho Icost of Improving Mondo Avouuo to MINERS VOTE EBILL W TAIT has ma (Dy Associated Pross.) WASHINGTON, D. C, March 27. Ab a result of yesterday's primary In New York nnd tho stnto convention In Indiana, Taft'B campaign headquarters todny clnlmcd 242 dolcgntoB from nmong thoso solcctcd thus far. Director McKlnloy conced ed but 24 to Roosovolt. McKln loy snld tho failuro to havo bal lots at many polling plncos In Now York resulted In a loss if votes for TafU (By English Strikers to Pass on Government Plant of Adjustment. ACCEPT WAGE IIIMj (Dy Associated Press.) LONDON, March 27 Tho British coal minors after a pro longed mooting, rcBolved todny to accept tho minimum wage bill. This means all tho initios will bo oponed to tho mon us soon bb thoy desire to return to work. Associated Press to Tho Coon Bay Tlraos) NEW YORK, March 27. Dele gates to tho republican nntlonal con vention favoring tho nomination of Col. RoobovcH woro dofoatcd nt tho Now York stato primaries In ovory district whoro thoy wore opposed by candldntcB designated by tho rogu lar republican organization and claimed by tho followers of TafU Tho Taft campaign mnnagors de clared today that at least 83 of Now York's 00 dologates would go to Chi cago favoring Tuft's nomination. This estlmnto included four dele gates nt Inrgo to bo chosen nt tho stato convention April 0. Tho re maining soven delogatoa woro desig nated by tho regular district organ ization hut concouod to Roosovolt. Roosovolt lost tho only two fights his supporters mado "Up-stuto," and tho returns from tho 10 contested districts In Now York city and Look Island gavo his opponents a plurality" avornglng moro thnn two to ono. Roosovolt's supporters now nro ex pected to concontrnto tholr nttontlon on tho stnto convention In an otfort to prevent Tuft men sending to Chi cago nn instructed delegation, Tho primary lnw In operation yestordny did not permit specific Instructions of tho dologntcs nt tho tlmo they wcro elected. (By Rock iV, r.m D'r"60 f'.m and tho filling of tho mg uni "' "Qmnltpr GmV'PVaM " 'cost of Improving Moado Avi ft hi ? ,,ef'.Te ,UoeWlnB, wh?th-1 of Forndale. Tho cost of tills v,hUh , bm? JaCJ ?,? ?o The Coos connect with Oregon street: rt hlM v.111 be proclaimed. , 08tlniatod nt batweau $7,000 ; ' Hy Aotuted I ie- ; to The uh QmM ?0,500.G0; p $0,000 wns to be borne by the port ......... ?nl,v , n March o7,?4,312. Necessary lmpro Plftii.. Commission which had gunrnnteod x.sil IM.ION. : -C .March .7 ' ' ChoBtor Btroot for con,,ecl U I mrr H lyen. i,01 tourse ,0 uie r 'A'. V V, l J '.ouVo m nmlU "on I eluded $C15 for grndlng nnd $1,344 Mf - I H K I- J- supreme court dot Islou. , Trust hj the houso Q0n;11 a lb' for ,,ianUng and on Maine stroot $0C II M r I I 1 knocking out of the commU- mine and mining . Is W0VJg , fqr 4Brn(lng nd ?257.C0 for plank. ' I I 1 1 L. L ,, ' 111 nmu that If this work i ' m-nut o Mitin o 1 00 niu . niuu "... .., ,,,,1. , n a reftoiimun luuwiiou " " ---- -- - - .,....,. lnnklnb improvomonts nnectlon In- Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, March 27. At n full mooting of tho Miners' Federation today It wns decided to tnko nn lm mediato ballot nmong tho mon ns to whothor thoy desire to nccept tho govornmont's wngo bill and return to work. It Is nlso likely that tho govorn mont will estnbllsh a nntlonnl wngos bonrd with nn Indopendont chnlrmnn to consldor nnd dotormlno on pro pnsnlH for tho Introduction of tho minimum dnlly rates of $1.2G for mon nnd GO cents for boys, on an understanding with thoso points set tled thnt nil minora win return to work whllo the negotiations nro pro ceeding for fixing tho minimum for other grades of workmen. Lender Wolsh of tlio minors, says the strlko has now only renlly bogun nnd thnt tho minors nro not going to work until thoy hnvo won. COLORADO FOR TAFT President Will Hnvo Big Majority lit Stnto Convention. (Dy Associated Pross to tho Coos Day Times.) COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., March 27. Tho endorsement of Tuft by tho stnto republican convention todny nnd tho instruction for him of tho Colorado delegates to Chicago convention wns mndo cortnln on tho rirst test voto. Temporary Chnlr mnn T. II. Dovlno, of Piiohln, tho Tnft cnndldnto, won over Griffith, tho Roosevelt rnndldnto, 05 C to 232. MEX REBELS WIN VICTORY DERDJH BE; .1 .,, n 0Ai.,a nw nlsn for meet Ini the expense of It will have to be .V'?.i0,i uMmihar the property ow- SSrSKf??-- tho Chamber or tom.w .- i.. a resolution imrouucau house today. Martin blttei'; at ....1,.1 ,h r: n mini helms. I'e ue- rl-iied the smelter trust ha 1 left BnitMieiH 111 11 .hou "'.T " T, .i,i. 1 JCaTrriflnctTonsoTFeT for It lmslness men win gi " " ;-, " to ,nu .iiiiuinn ova , , 1, - rui 11 1 . t. -i ,iA..ln nmi Ini'nllrl . 1 f ummission usiuk w oi IH ...-.- ,. In... , mibiiiw " ". ""- .,. .... Thoro a murli Ulscussion uvor 1110 Pi" Of Onlv TwentV-Eklht th ""iSfnll "y for it" l..ill Ungl- growlnj out of the port U- ---.., rjii lllll I. i;u 111 I "" - - 'wyerea in West Vir- ymia uisaster. h d Cnyterday la tho mlno of hr4CtL& Coke Co. killed ejgh- Ues havft Cr ' i weniy-eigiu nave been recovered. livi i. -"""-.... ..1. bo dlsciissod ."" "" . ,mi. wi,nt v. Ill be done with tho tax mon- Tho work tMJid" practically ey now on hand, how somo of tho ex- glng of catcmug luiot. by the Larson dredge, will bo paid, etc., aro tho perplexing problems. Larsons were paid $1,000 on their Catching Inlet Job but they still havo something coming. ". Pm to the Coos Bn, ! 'VhogoCeniment project so that b. TlmeB 1 tho decision will not autti . Wa?0S.. March 27.-To However. It will noc-r to act rSalo If It I. to bo dono as it will Savoto be taken up with Engineer ?w and Major Morrow again and enuo work It Is not expected that tho council will ordor it dono this year. Tho grade in somo places would bo olovon or twelve per cont. Mr. Brlnghnm estimated that tho proposed Improvement of Orogon street would cost $1,994.50 for grad ing $2,599 for planking. Tho Ore gon street Improvement would -glvo from a two to a six por cont grado nnd It is expected that the council will nt least havo It graded this sum- "lor .... The council also adopted an ordin ance regulating tho storage of gaso line. Not more than five galleys can be keot In tho business district. Tho ordinance Is similar to ono ro- WILL PASS IHIJi English Cabinet Hopes .Mcnsuro WW Knil Orent Strike. (By Associated Projs to Tho Coos Bay Times) LONDON. March 27 Tho govern ment's minimum wage hill, whoso object Is to put n stop to tho dls nRtroua eonl strike will bo tho law of tho land within 24 hours, but whether It will result in tho mon re turning lo work is n quostlon which will havo to ho determined by tho mnn thnmfifllvOB. The cablnot hopes tho minors will Iselzo the exciuo offered by tho on Untnient of f'o minimum wage bill . . .- 1. Tn.... l llila I for renirninir 10 wur k,yi-ii n im hopo Is realized It will be necessary for othor moaaurea 10 rwwn i ci-eat distresp and It la understood the novernment baa dacldod upon of fectlvo mothods for carrying, on re llof work. DREDfiE MEETIN'O CALLED All pnrtlos Intoreated In tho retain in nf tho Dredge "Orecon" on tho project ns outllnod by tho Port of UOOS nay V ohhuib"ih. "! ""v .. tho Chamber of Commorco nt.8:00 o'clock P M. Fridny, March 29. J. T. McCORMAO, President. cently adopted in Marshfleld. The .council renewed tho Hconsos of tho six saloons. Drive Last of Federal Forces From Jiminez Under 1 Heavy Fire. (By Assoclntod Prose to Tho Coos Bny Tlmos) JIMINEZ. March 27.-Tho rebel triumph la comploto. The Inst of tho fodornl forcos ooverlng their ro tront under n heavy artillery fire, flod during tho night from Jlmlnoz (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times)' SPOKANE. March 27. Tho Spo kane oloarlng lions association an nounced today thnt Spoknno banks hereafter will mnko ndvnnccs to ap ple shlppera In the northwest on bills nf lndlna to naalat tho orchnrd'fl's In marketing tl elr crops. The hanks will advance aa muoh na 75 pr cont of the selling price and will aid country hnnka to make slmllnr pro vision for their cuatomers. CARD OF THANKS We wish to exproan our hoartfolt appreciation to the friends and es pecially mombem of Western Star RolMkah Lodge Nq. 27 for tho kind nots nnd avmpnthv shown In our loss the death K Mrs Coo. Denbnor. W. C. DKUBNER and WIFE, GEO. DEUDNER, Llbby COAL. The Rind YOU have tliWAYS USED. PnONE 73 Paclflo Llrery & Transfer Co.