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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1911)
. ffHE TIMOROUS MAKE TOR THE TIMBER BUT THE UNAFRAID FIGHT IN THE OPEN fttm? . i.itilo "Ciunpalgn" Of fflnns WANT ADVERTISING In TIio TIMES Will Kwji llio Income from Vonr I'urnlMicri Room from Laplugi YOU enn really help tho family revenues ly renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tic classified columns, you may keep Hint little extra Income ns "ftendy ns a clock." LiKTADVBl WISING In The TIMES vvlll Put Vonr IlcM Estate "in dK) Market" Kr recti voiy i ,, will nut tho facts about your It "'". '. - 11.. .. ,.t nil In,.... .- lUn ntna ,.f nil 'find. ...nnrly UOIoru uw wv . .. i pi"-...., in town. Anu ikifl buyers" m low"- 1 re's i ono of them who ought to If nB Hi "" ' ii ..nll'll ItPll 111 MUMMER OF ASSOCIATED l'lilvSy Established In 1H7H ns The Const Mall 0L XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const MnlJ nml CMs Ray Aihcrtler. ' No. 123 $mj nuns m ret GIVE EVINCE 0 Inform Officers That They Will Not leil rcuurai i uiauu Jury Anything. ANNOUNCEMENT CAUSES I STIHIIMUTiMMmiicrnuDi: Irtie McManlgal Is Summoned As First witness eeiore Investigators. l(Ey Associated Press to Coos Baj TItnC8J ,na avhrIiKS. Ciil.. Dec. 7. Lin J. McNamara, confessed dynn .... ,i.i Tniior Gnllnchor today that under no clreumBtanccB would w clvo tho fodoral grand Jury nny formation of nny kind. Following 7T - ,oi- ITnilnr-nlinrtff ijU nnnuuntui'ivjin., w..-. ..-.-.-Brain Immediately nought Orcnr Law kr special government InvcBtlgator, to 'tell him of tho prisoner's utatc stnt. It was understood that jimca n. McNnnmrn also would rc rnA to clvo testimony to tho fod- trl grand Jury. Tho federal grand Jury convened here today to tnko up ovldonco to bo presented for tho purposo of show ing that a gigantic conspiracy oxlsts tiroughout tho United States through ihlch dynamiting, running Into mil lions dollars, hns boon dono to build legs under construction and already completed that dynnmlto has bcon transported unlawfully from ono itite to anothor and porhnpB that Improper ubo has bcon mndo of tho malls. A similar Investigation Is be fog conducted In Indianapolis. niioAo mtniilna nftnr thn crnnd I... .itvnnil Hlilrlff ITnllimol WnB notified to havo Ortlo McManlgal, tho ..r.a.A.i .li.nnttiltnr lirmiirht linfnrn tint body. McManlgal Is oxpoctcd to fife testimony of vast Importanco to tho stato In completing Its chain of ..Mum nnnlnit 'lln' nllniTnil dvna- mlte conspirators. Whon McManlgal tent to the grand Jury chamber, ho was accompanied by Mnlcomb McEn ren, local agent of tho Hums' dotcc- the agency. ASK STATE AID BJnk Irrlgntlon Ciul bo Greatly aid- cd by Legislatures (Br Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO Dec. 7 Closor cooper ation by tho stnto legislatures with the federal govornmont in promoting Irrigation wns urgod today by Sam nel Fortlor, chiof of tho Irrigation In restlcation bureau of tho U. S. Do partment of Agrlculturo bofpro tho nineteenth annual session of tho Na tional Irrigation Congress. Ho de clared that in many western states projects are bolnc rotardod bocauso of lack of necessary legislation by dates. Other snookers boforo tho congress today woro Georgo H. Hut- ion or California nnd Dr. W. J. mc Kee, expert of tho soils bureau of tho Department of Agriculture. NOT SEEKING HONOR Oscar W. Underwood says ho Is not a Candidate for president (From Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON. D. C Doc. 7 Oscar W. Underwood of Alabama, majority loador of tho Houbo, was waorsed as a candidate for tho dem ocratic nomination for president by Alabama dolecatlon In congress t a meeting today. When ho learn- ot tho action, Underwood Bala no Appreciated tho honor greatly but taat he was not a candidate IN ON TRIAL A. H. Moore and C. A. Moore Charged With Using Mails to Defraud People. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) 8EATTLE, Wash., Dec. 7. A. H. Moore, president and general mana er, and C. A, Moore, secretary and treasurer, of tho Alaska Investment jnd Development company were plac- on trial In federal court today "arged with using the United Statos "Us to defraud In connection with "aims of ownership of largo tracts "mining ground at Nomo it deveL "Ping later that tho company, owned ao ground at nil. ALASKA FRAUD NICKEL PLATED BATH ROOM F,XTURE8 at MILKER'S. EECOYS at Tho GUNNERY. TO F CONSPIRACY TUT SENOS nrii flflrpn fi upuu jjrnjljl President Urges Ratification of Treaties and Agreements With Other Countries. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7 In tho second ono-toplc messago ho has sent to congress during tho three days' present session, President Tart rcvlowcd today tho relations of tho United States with foreign govern ments during tho last year. In tho messago tho President gavo first of ficial explanation of tho post-hasto movement of twenty thousand federal troops to Moxlco nlno months ago and urged tho Sonato to ratify tho gcnoral arbitration treaties with Great Britain and Franco and agree ments with Nicaragua and Honduras, and Rtiggcstcd legislation that 'ho de clared would strongthon tho nation's trade and position among tho other powers. MANY ARRIVE OS BREAKWATER Steamer Arrives In Early Today From Portland Sails Early Saturday. Tho Drcakwntor fcirrlvo in oarly today after a good trip down tho coast. She brought a largo list of paBsongor8 nnd n fair cargo of freight. The Drcakwntor will Ball at 10:30 Saturday morning for Portland. Among thoso arriving on hor todny from Portland woro tho following. Capt. D, 8. Ames, G. L. Woldon, Mrs. L. J. Simpson, J. Doylo, D. II. Rood, J. Shaw, II. E. Poster, H. Lccoq, D. Fostor, C. W. Rollins, H. D. Dounhcy, w. a. uoouman anu , wlfo, L. C. Dnlloy, A. G. Llnd, H. A. Utninrrln. .T. n. McDonald. E. Gilbert- son, W. J. Robson. D. 0. Cowan, F. Vandormnst, Snm Nass, F. Norborg, Miss C. Mcintosh, Mrs. M. McKnlght, Mrs. J. P. O'llrlon, Miss M. O'Drlen, IM. L. Drownloo, Clara Wright, A. E. Johnson, Mrs. II. F. Drolllnger, A. Adolsborger, F. Zoho, Zona Zeho, Mother Margaret Mary, Mrs. Trend gold, 0. Randlomnn, D. L. Greene, W. P. Noonan, W. Huffman G. A. Kerry, Mrs. J. Kollam, Margaret K11 am C. Sama, T. Stauff, L. Zen rhoff J. Nashon, J. Miller, 0. Siderc. COAL RULING MADE. RulhvajH Required to Glvo Snfo and SKHNly TrniisiKirtntfon. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) tvAnirivnTON. n. n.. Dec. 7. Tho Interstato Commorco Commls IBion declared its assumption todny of Jurisdiction over tno prucuvcn ui wu- roads consiiiuiing a uiuruuHii umu "affoctlng tho right of tho shipper to safo and speedy transportation of his freight." Tho decision was handed down by Commissioner Lane in what was known as tho car Bhortago caso in which tho Missouri nnd Illinois Coal Company complained of tho embar go established last winter by tho Il linois Central railroad against tho shipment of coal from mines on its lines In Illinois to points in Missou ri. Tho commission holds that "tho tfomporary ((onnscation oy camera of cars of other railroads nnd plac ing embargoes lagainst cars being sent off tho lines to make such rules for tho return of tho cars as will ter minate such abuso." GARY IS WITNESS Head of tho Steel Trust Gives Views on Understandings (Dy Associated Press to Coqs Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. 7. E. H. Gary, head of tho United States Steel Corporation, testified beforo tho Senate committee on Interstato Commerce today that ho always be lieved li was entirely legal for com petitors to como together mutually and disclose their business conditions to study and balance trade, without making any agreement on prices. SALAD SETS at MILNER'S. ill'S RUSIiESS SATISFACTORY Conditions as Reflected by Banking Operations Said to Be Most Satisfactory Now. (Dy Associated frcss to Coos Day Times. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. Tho general business of tho country n3 rellocted in tho banking opera tions, is "qulto satisfactory," accord SHIPPIMfi MA k ids no mm IS LOCATED Walter W. Lady Found at Smith-Powers Camp on . South Coos River. Wnltor W. Lady, regarding whoso wherenbouts much misgiving was ,folt by his wife who recently arriv ed horo from Shorldan, Oregon, hns been located through tho aid of Tho Times. Burt Clayton, foreman of tho Smlth-Powors Logging camp on South Inlet, rend tho story in Tho Times about Mrs. Lady appealing to tho Modern Woodman of Amorlca for aid In locating her husband. Ho re called thnt a now man by tho nnmo of Lady had gono to work for him and showed tho Item to tho latter i who Bald that ho was tho man sought. Lady ronchod tho logging enmp last Sunday. Ho said that ho did not think that his wlfo had como to Marshfield from Scottshurg yot and consequently ho did not como hero to sco nor. Mr. Lady camo down today from tho enmp nnd Jolnod his wlfo hero. STEAMSHIP SAILS THIS MOItNINO l-'OH EUREKA DROUGHT MANY PASSHXGER8 FROM PORT LAND. Tho Alllnnco sailed today for Eu- rokn. Sho arrived In lato yesterday from Portland. Among thoso Bulling for Eurokn on hor woro: V. R. Chllson, J. F. Clarke, II. D. Williams, V. Dean, J. Adams, W. R. E. Puckott, Jannotta Murray. Among thoso arriving from Port- LEAVE TODAY OHAWAf'E land wero tho following: .tho small crow of men at work has Geo. F. Dombroskl, J. b. cook, a. conBtructcd sovoral hundrod yards D. Lancludah, Mrs. A. F. Donlnguy, ot trnok, nnd old rails havo been Albort Finnlstrom, Karl FIJort, 0. trUng along tho right-of-way for a W. Thorn, Don F. Allison, William distance of a half-mllo or moro. Tho Jones, Herbort Koono, E. Canard, II. c j8 flrBt laid flat on tho ground SIckolB, Albort Evans. J. W. Town- nnd tnon dtrt fluC(1 ln and tho track sons, II. Lurgl, II. W. Knnpp, Mrs. brought Up to tho required grade. Carlson, Miss Carlson, Harry Carl- "Qrado stakes havo beon driven son, L. E. Ferguson, Mrs. FergiiBon, niong tho rlght-of-wny for a consld J. I-JT Christie, W. F. Christie, Nellie orav,j0 dutanco toward tho city and Govlnslkom, Clarice Taft, Margarot BOmo jlstanco beyond tho Elralra Anglln, Vera Finlaoy, Anno Mere- roadt It jB uoiioved that a mllo or dlth nnd Annax Pavlowa. two of track will bo constructed with I thoso old mils boforo tho regular LAND IS RESTORED Aliout 2,500,000 Acres of Land Along Snako River Open ti) Entry (From Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7 Nearly 2,500,000 acres of land In Idaho that was withdrawn from en try nbout a year ago for coal land. classification purposes was restored today by ordor of President Ton on recommendation of Secretary of tho Intorlor Fisher. Tho land was wlth- vnl.fn Tho land s along ' OUt COS! ValUO. ThO land IB niong tho Snako River. PAYNE RILLDITCTTED Tariff Hoard Measure is Tabled In definitely. (Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times) WARIITNOTON. D. C. Dec. 7. Tho Pnvn liln creatine a nermanont tariff board was brought up nororoino , House committee on ways nnd means todav by the republican members, ' but the committee Indefinitely post- have also surveyed for tho north arm poned action through a unanimous 0f the proposed "Y" to bo construct voto by tho democrats. This prob- ed. The north arm, ns surveyed, ably shuts off any consideration of will extend through tho McClaren the measureat this session. tract and strlko tho main lino at a Rumor Deai; A report was In Point Just south of tho Holeman circulation in North Dend today of Ph" on the river road, the arm ."".,.., t,n m, mn. n... crossing the Elmlra road a few yarda pie and tho Southern Pacific relative ,t' rival linos to Coos Day. ono ver fon ! being thaftho Stho?n Pacific had taken over the Sumner n-n.t Kn vr flcntlon of the renort 'could bo secured and but little ere- . v . .i oence is givenu.4 Seo CUT GLASS EbKUTiuu LAMP being reduced fl.00 a day at MILNER'S. I owriMAN fmiVA SALAD bowls ing to the annunl report which Law i renco 0. Murray, comptroller of cur rency, submitted to congress todny. jThe controller makes the startling 'statement, "Tho dishonest prnctlco by officers of banks of receiving personal 'compensation for loans mndo by tho bank Is a growing evil and has nl-. lUllli II'UIUUU DIllU 1U UJIUl UUIID no to call for crlmlnnl legislation on tre subject." Marshfield Aerie Elects M. Ostrow President For Ensuing Year. J. Marshfield Aerie, No. G38, Frater nal Order of Eagles, last evening elected M. J. Ostrow prcsldont of thoj ... .,.- , t, t.i Acrio lor mo onBuing ju'iu. jvh mu other ofllccrs woro also elected. Thcro wiib a big turnout at tho meeting which was followed by ni banquet and social session which' proved ono ot tho mots cnjoynblo of tho many tho Aorlo has had tho past year. Tno following aro tno omcors of tho Aerlo for tho ensuing year: Pros. M. J. Ostrow. Past Pres. J. W. Dnvls. Vice-Pros. R. E. PInogor. Chnplaln C. R. Flanagan. Incldo Guard. J. C. Chrlstonson. Outsldo Guard Chas. Oulmottc. Sec. C. C. Going. i Treas. Wm- Longstnff. Trustees D. A. Curry, W. W. Holland and Hugh Sneddon. ARE VERY BUSY Southern Pacific Contractors Have Large Gangs of Men at Work Buy Land EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 7. Tho Guard says: "Matorlala aro contlnu- nllv nrrlvlnir In Rucono for tho con- etxiictIon of both tho Oregon Electric railway and tho Southorn Pacific company's Coos Day branch, nnd i,oth companies scorn to bo very ac- tlvo visit to tho scono of operations ot tno Orogon Electric- west of tho eiv Sundav revealed tho fact thnt grading work begins In this section Camp has been establlBhod noar tho sceno of operations, nnd moro camp equipment Is nt tho S. P. do pot, indicating that tho forco ot men at work near this city will soon bo increased. S. P. Material Arrives. Twohy Dros., S. P. contractors, aro OXj,octinB on ovory train two carloads of gasolino engines, air compressors and drills for uso at tho tunnel 23 miles west ot tho city. Sovoral largo " BCrnnorB llttV0 a"lved' bleating .,,, nnnrnHnm. nnnr Riieeno that grading operations near Eugono may begin in tho very near future. Most all of tho materials and mach inery that have already arrived for Twohy Dros. have been haulod to tho tunnel camp, several largo loads go ing out yesterday. S. P. May Huy Moro Land. Tho Southern Pacific surveyors havo during tho past few days Bet mo graue siaices iur a cuueiuuruuiu distance west of the Junction of tho Coos Day line with tho main lino, and west of where it branches off from the river road. It Ib believed that tho;c ompany will buy a bl. Poftlon of tho McClkren tra ct to al- "w i"u uu.iub ". " . ". J" Possible ttrt'taX ha hnucrht. as the comcany neods tno 'ground on which to store tho largo amount of materials that will bo ne cessary ln tho construction ot tno new road, and this tractVeems to bo the only available one closo to the EAGLES Mb lit OFFICERS i IE ffi EUGENE I GRAND JURY PROBE ELECTION CHARGES HERE PUCE fHIII HAS RESIGID Father of Child Emperor of China Retires as Guardian of Throne. (From Associated Press to Coos Day T'lc3' PEKIN, Chlnn, Dec. C Prlnco Shun, tho regent nnd father of tho , ... , .. , . . . .,,, chlld omnc;or, nbdlcatcd today. II s placo as guardian of tho throno Is tnken Jointly by Shlh Hsu, a Manchu prlnc nnd former president of tho ...ii n..nn1i,K. nn.i Pan Rhl national assombl), and Pan Shi Chang, n vice-president ,of tho privy council. Doth of tho now gunrdlans of tho throno woro formerly Grand Coin- clllors. Tho administration remains for tho present in tho hands of Pro- mlor Yuan Shi Kn , while tho Ln- press D,ownBr and Emperor con 1- nuo to hold nudlonccs and carry out tho coromonlal functions. " Canvass of Election Returns PostponedPowers very Irate. . ,. ......,, .,. Thcro wasn't a quorum present at last night's mooting of tho Marshfield city council, called to canvas tho re- turns of tho Mnrshllold city election Tuesday, and nothing wns dono. m, -i!. .... nnnrnm nrnnnni Not only wnsn t a quorum present uut Btronuous euuris on mo imri. ui thoso nresent to forco tho uttondancn of the missing members, with the aid of Marshal Carter, failed. Anoth- Mo nimni m at CITY COUNCIL ,BPeClnn7.n,w?aMnrfll,n0ll tlon "" t,lnt tho Copplo forces had Friday ovonlng nt 7:30 nnd Marshall . , . . which to InBtltuto tho Cartor waB Instructed to sorvo writ- "L,?ByB m w"lon t0 ,nBtltuto lDo ten notlco on tho members absent co""""' last ovonlng to bo present Friday ov- boclidl Drop It. oning. iiiiMl Secretary Stophan of tho local bo- Councllmon Powers, Coko nnd'clnllsts, announced Into yeatorday Savage and Mayor Straw and tho that they had reconsidered tho Idea othor city ofilclnls woro on tho scono of contesting the city election as thoy early and so woro Bomo of tho most first lntondod. Ho said tho showing nctlvo workers In Mr. Straw's cam- the socialists mado was moro thnu polgn. J. W. Donnott, Tom Don- gratifying to them nnd thon, ho nott, Donnoott Swanton, Arthur Mc- cinmed, all of thoir votes woro not Koown, R. K. Booth, G. W. Trlbbey polocl. Ho said they would start and others wore thoro early and tho workng immediately for tho next crowd was considerably nugmontod oIoctlon nnd lhnl tllon thoy wouId lator lu tho evening. lor iu mo ovodidk. Tho Straw forces woro apparently very anxious to havo tho council meet and canvas tho, returns of tho election nnd lssuo tho proclamation doclarlng Mayor Straw and tho oth er ofilclnls having tho highest voto Tuesday duly ejected. When tho hour of :3U rouoti nround and no quorum was present thoro was n display of uneasiness. Mayor Straw said Councilman Fergu - nn hml nhnnPfl him that ho would f.o? bo IbiVTbe nresont Council- iSi .S thil Mim rrLwPcTruBMr!0CopdpIeby pK straw retorted that ho would not H vfhinff nr thn bind d .TMayor1 called tho mooting to order and stated that aB long as thoro -wasn't n quorum pres- ont, thoy only thing thoy could do would be to ndjourn. Councilman Tom coko cauea wiy Attorney Goss out into tho ha 1 for a conference. Boon niter ineir ru- turn, Mr. uoss inquireu u iiao umyur rrimnn or council did not havo tho power, W.R. '"""''f, . 7 to compel tho attondnnco of absent WASHINGTON, D. C., Doc. 7. members. Mayor Straw said that An appeal from tho Persian poopte thoy could but ho understood tho to Congress for uld and sympathy ln charter to requlro one day's notlco the controversy with Russia, was beforo thoy could bo compelled to at- rend today ln tho House. It asked tend. Mr. Goss lookod up tho char- tho aid consistent with Porsla'a dlg ter and said that ho thought tho nlty nnd Importanco. marshal could compel the abuant -: members to attend without ono dayB PLAN WESTERN TOUR. notice. a"3l Thon tho question of how soon the Chicago Football Team to Visit Pa returns had to bo canvassed after, cmc Northwest, election was raised. Tho city char- (Dy Associated Preps to fnns nay ter does not specify beyond stat'ng Times tho returns must bo filed with tho CHICAGO, III., Dec. 7. The city recorder within two days. Tho EvnnBton High school football team stato law does not refer to city olec- hn8 nrrnnBod a western trip, leaving tions but specifies i that the county tha rt Decomber 19, MntcheB are clerk and two Justices ; o : tho peace , d Uh tfc , h h , t poH. shall canvasa ithe 'returns of elections ,and' and Tacoma. chn"en:o- wore W J WDonJett wanted to know if rcco,ve1 from tett,ns nt Pendleton. thoncTcould nontt0bavo the dty ". Wenatachee, Spokane and recorder and two Justices of tho Aberdeen. peaco canvass the returns Thursday. SMOKERS' SETS nnd TOiiACCO Then Mr. Bennett called City Attor- I L Many Stories In Circulation Today of Possible Develop ments In Affair. EXPECT CONTEST TO BE FILEDVERY SOON No Official Statements of Plans ObtainableStill Cen ' ter of Interest. Speculation ns to possible dovolop monts in tho Mnrshllold city election nffnln nrn nt 111 tlfn Inilnv nnil tvllllfl mnny rumor8 nro nflont, lt l8 dlfTlcutt to secure nny authentic Information regarding lt. Ono story that seemed to bo woll founded was that ovldonco of fraudu- ,))nt votng wng b0,ng oblnlnod nnd WouId bo submitted to tho Cooa county grand Jury now ln session at Coqulllo. It was reported thnt a considerable funfl In lnvf.glBnt)on of tho Bt0r08 of moBftt voting nnd tho prosecution of nny flno who hnd wrongfy particpatod wJ)o wn(j rna,n wflH n(jt known gomo of th(j 8trnWN EUppnrtcrB Bnld thnt lt wnB bo,ng dono. Bomo of t, ,0 mon wh,0 of h , t ,, H fc H dor8tood mon nround town wh0 hBd, tn,fm nn ftctvo pftrt ,n Ul(J CBm pnlgn wero doing It. City Recorder Dutlor stntcd at noon today that ho had not beon served with any notlco of a contest of tho election. ' Tho Copplo faction havo not nu Mhorlrcd nnyrtntcmont thnt they had (arranged definitely for a contest but I mnny of tho Strnw supportors oxpoct a contest. The Strnw supportors declare that tho absence of Messrs. Copplo and Ferguson from Inst evening's meot ing of the city council was to glvo the Copplo faction time In which to com plete their nrrnngemonts for a con test of tho election boforo n mooting; ot tho council. Thoy oxpoct thnt nn' lnJlincllon wllI bo BC'cur(d In crcuIt co,irt prohibiting tho council from eanvnsslng tho election returns and issuing tho proclamation of tho ro- " '" "'" ui'u. wni oo hu- cured before tomorrow night whoa U)0 counc meotg ngnn tf canwM tho returns. rtnn niinmnv inn.i m,, ,i, .nn vnBB of tl0 roturnB dd not lmvo nnv i.nnrini? nn n -. nf ,, nt. B,10W tbolr real strength. ,, ,u ,nii, ,,.,, Ho said all tho socialists woro highly Indig nant over what ho termed tho "non resident voters." PLAN TO DLAOICMAIL Wltuchs Spring Now Sentmtlon la ( Associuted Press tn tne Cons nnr uy Associuteu i ross to ine i.nns nny 1 WAQIvnTnN n p nnn 7 WAoHIMl ION, U, L., IJ0C. I In " Lorlmer inquiry today. George ai08B testified that Frank Booms, a Mend of Charles A. White told him thnt no nnd Whlt0 woro Preparing storv t0 hlackmoll Lorlmor to the possible extent of $160 .000 and to tho cortaln extent of 175,000. PERSIA ASKS AIT). I wants United States to Assist Trouble Willi Russia. Iar Dy Assocmmd Press if "'nnR dm JARS at MILNER'S. . C. (Continued on page 4.) 3B cents each COOS BAY Cash Storecity. PUNCHING BAGS at The Gunnery llja,.-.-.. dE.J