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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1911)
QUICK TO ANGER AND REPENT BUT SOME WOUNDS EESTER AND LEAVE SCARS a r.iitlfi "Cnmnnlgn" Of (Hum Sag Sfattra WANT ADVERTISING .i The TIMKS Will !" Vour ,u'nI KUxlc "' Ul0MnikctKffectlvolyt it will put tho facta uuout your rnncrty boforo tho eyes of nil 'pob Jble buyers" In town. And If .. ono of them who ought to iS It. you'll so" Itl WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep the Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lnnflingi YOU can rcnlly holp tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use tho classified columns. you may keep that llitlo extra lucoino ns "stendy as a clock." MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED IMUisa VOL. XXXV Established In 187H ns The Coftfct Mail MARSHFIEL'D, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1 911 EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mail nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 124 CONTRACTS LET FOB BUI6 SUMNER LINES TO COOS BAY OVER 150 WORKMEN FULL TO DEATH McArtliur-Perks Company Will Build I in- ivmes or noau From Eugene. ESTIMATE TOTAL COST TO bt ABUU I $0,UUU,UUU Expect to Have Trains Running in Unrn fhPi Rnnrl With- III llwlw V (Ul 1 S 1.4 VI It llll in Two Years. t IIONDS SKLL WELL. . . (By Associated rrcss.j LONDON, Englnnd, Dec. 8. f The subscription list to the OroEon-Wnshlngton Rnllrond bonds of which a total of flvo million dollnrs nt tho rato of four per cent was offered todny closed shortly after the opening. Tho bonds woro ovor subscribed. (Special to Tho Times) ' El'OENB, Ore., Dec. 8. Officials of the Pacific Oroat Western Rail way todny mndo public tho news that the contracts for the line from Eu seno to the const had loon let to JIcArthur, Perk nnd Co., Limited, and that construction will bo begun Immcdlntely nnd rushed through to eirly commotion. McArthur, Pork nnd Co. woro nlso iwardcd tho contrnct by tho Pnclflo Coast Railway compnny to build a line from tho Sluslnw River to Coos Bar. I Italph Hunt, chlof engineer of tho Fac. Ort. Wstrn., snld last night that trains probably will bo running ovor the now lino In less than two years. OOclals of tho compnny dccllno to state whnt Interests nro bncklng tho road, but from tho promlnenco of tho contractors thoro is llttlo doubt that Its fittanclnl bncklng Ir ample Start Work Soon. It Is announced thnt tho construe tlon uork Is to begin ns soon ns tho machinery and men enn bo rushed hero and plnced nt convenient points along tho right of way. The contracts cnll for tho construc tion of 114 miles of rond nnd tho expenditure will bo In tho neighbor hood of $5,000,000. Tho chlof en gineer of tho Pnclflc Great Western, i R. n. Hunt, stated thnt ho expected to havo trains running' on tho now line Insldo of two years. RYAN IY BE WITNESS NOW President of McNamaras' Union Did Not Join- In Cen suring Them For Act. (Ily Associated Press ,to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGKLES, Cnl., Dec. 8. Members of tho District Attorney's oillec hero nro discussing todny tho fnct thnt 1-'. M. 'Ryan, president of tho International Association of Drldgo and Structural Iron Workers, did not nlgn tho stntcment of com mlttco of tho American Federation Labor niado yesterday In Washing ton, denouncing tho McNnmnrns. It wns but ono of n number of Instances whero tho district attorney's oifico has manifested cspcclnl Interest In whnt Rynn snys nnd (lorn and whoro ho goes. Ah hend of tho orgnnlza tlon of which John J. McNnmarn was secretary nnd trensurcr, It wns snld todny, thnt it is not nt all unlikely ho would bo subpoenaed to appenr ns n' witness boforo tho fcddrnl grand Jury. Railroad Bridge Across Volga River In Russia Collapses With Terrific Loss of Life. Dy Associated Press to tho Ooos Cay Times.) Between 1C0 and 200 workmen wero todny plunged Into tho Volgn river through tho collnpso of n rail 'road bridge near Kazan. Tho bridge I which was in course of construction, I wns carried away by tho pressure of ' Irn. Cnmnnrntlvnlv fmv liriillpn woro STPETERSBURG, Russia, Dec. 8 recovered this evening. 1 E DISASTER WAS DUE TO ON TIE OUTSIDE S WATERWAYS TO BE .IMPROVED WILL CALL McNAMAHAS Will llnvo to Appear Boforo Federal Grand Jury Anyway. v (By Associated Press to Ooos Bny Times.; LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 Informnl. ly It wns snld todny thnt no chnngo hns been mndo by tho United States district attorney In his plan to call tho McNamnnrs boforo tho fcdcrnl grand jury. Tho brothers hnve snld they would not testify to nnythlng, but tho theory seemed to bo thnt It will do no harm to ask them a fow questions nnd cstnbllsh a record. National Rivers and Harbors Congress Closes Annual Session Today. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 8 The Nntlonal Rivers nnd Harbors Congress closed' Its eighth annual convention hero todny. Resolutions urging tho ndoptlon of a brand, liber al, systematic policy of wntorwny Im provement woro presontcd to Tnft, Shormnn nnd Spcnkor Clnrko. Sen ntor Nowlnnds snld npnthy nnd lnck of initiative on tho part of congress wero tho onuses of n sprend of tho do. mnnd for Inltlntlvo and referendum nnd recall. The clnlm of tho city of Spoknno to bo tho noxt convention city wns presonted by Scnntor Poln dcxtor. Tho offices of tho Congress will bo romoved from Cincinnati to Wash ington nnd It Is probabla this city will bo mndo tho permanent meeting plncc. STRIKE GUARD KILLED TODAY CALL nUSLVi:sS AGENT TPK HILL IS Walking Relegate Hulijmeiinpd for TjOn Aiifi'lcs Iiirestlcntlon (From Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) RAN FltANCISCO. Dec. 8 E. A. Clancoy, former business agent of tho local Structural Iron Workers Union received a telegraphic subpoena to appear boforo tho federal grand Jury 'at Los Angeles. It Is doubtful ir Clancoy can mnuo the trip to Los Angeles at this tlmo as ho Is seriously ill at his homo hero of heart trouble Tho Los Angeles grand Jury which Indicted tho Mc Namarns failed In tholr efforts to Be euro Clnncoy's presonco during that investigation. PACKERS' TRIAL DELAY. SELLS OUT TO S.P. Two Others Seriously Wound . ed In Illinois Central Yards , at Memphis. 'By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) MEMPHIS, Tcnn., Dec. 8 -Victor C. Rentier, nn Illinois Central Rnll rond guard, was shot and Instantly killed near tho Nonconnah yards to day while riding on tho running board of a switch engine nnd Cnptaln G. W. Dlllnway n deputy fedoral marshal, and Charles McCalman, an other guard, woro shot and serious ly Injured. Tho guards woro called to tho railroad yards to suppress re ported noting. As they approached tho yard, they wero fired upon. They returned tho llro but missed tho ns. snllants, and they escaped. Thoro was no rioting In progress and an In vestigation Is being mndo to ascer tain who sent tho decoy messago. Tho strike of tho road's Bhopmon 1b still under way. TO PLANK ROAD TO NORTR BE1D Plan to Have County Improve Highway North From Fern dale at Once. F. E. lingua nnd C. S. Wlnsor havo practically arranged .with tho Coos county commissioners whereby tho county will plank tho old wagon road botwecn Marshflold nnd North Bond. Tho work hns been In n gen Wrecking of Battleship That Caused Spanish-American War Explained. U. S. NAVY DEPARTMENT ISSUES STATEMENT TODAY Army and Navy Investigation Board Makes Report of Findings In Case. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) WASHINGTON, D. O., Doc. 8. Tho battleship Malno wns blown up In Havana harbor by an explosion from tho outsldo. This Is tho gist of a short Btntamcnt Issued by tho ixnviii uepnrtmont todny based on. 1 Y ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR SUMNER COOS HAY PROJECTS CAUSES STIlt HERE. The announcement thnt tho con tracts had been awarded for tho con-1 tructlon of tho Sumner lines from Eugcno to Coos Bay camo ub a docld- d aurprlso and a happy ono to Coos j For somo tlmo, thero havo been tumors that thoro would bo something doing on tho Sumner pro wls very quickly and nftor tho an nouncement thnt thoro was every In dication thnt tho Hill system was backing tho Sumner projects, many wve expected tho announcement of e awarding of tho contracts any day. No ono on Coos Bay has any offi cial knowlodge of tho "Insldo work "&8" of tho project but that tho faster hand of J. J. Hill is behind h the confident belief of many. "R will bo anothor Deschutes race," remarked ono Coos Bay man. I wouldn't bo surprised to see tho company enter an agreement for tho joint uso of tho lino, tho samo as in 'he Deschutes country. This would five both tho Hill and tho Harrlraan lues access hero and would reduce the exponso of building ono lino and incidentally It would mean tho com pletion of tho road at an earlier date." Engineer Sumner Ib supposed to "e at Gardiner with his aurvoylng crews. Vlco-presldont Sumner is apposed to bo In Portland. The right-of-way condemnation jults started by tho Sumner lines aMlnst North Inlet proporty ownors "" to force right-of-way across southern Pacific properties will prob D'y not come up for hearing at this j"n or court. Motions regarding me of thorn woro argued beforo ;Ee Coko this week but tho cases "e-mselves will como up later. Tho notions required tho Sumner people J? give moro specific descriptions of e property desired. Right of Pre-emptory Challenge Not Yet Exercised. (By Associated Press to tl Coos Hay Times) CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 8. Although twelve mon woro in tho Jury box to hear tho case ngalnBt tho indicted nnrknrs. tho oxcrclso of nro-omptory challenges by both sides is oxpectod to prolong for somo tlmo the secur ing of a trial jury. DENIES ANY' CLASH. President of McNnmnrns' Union Talks About Statement. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) INDIANAPOLI8, Ind., Dec. 8. Frank M. Ryan, president of tho In tornntlonnl Association of Brldgo and Structural Iron Workers, who ar rived In this city today from Wash ington, denied that thero was any truth in tho reports of friction be tween Gompera and other officials of tho American Federation of Labor nnH liiniRolf. Asked why ho had not signed tho statement Issued by tho Federation of kauor omciais in mo denunciation of tho McNamaraB, aft er tho conference in Wnshington yes terday. Ryan replied: "I took very llttlo part in tho conforenco because of other business. I will not add to mv first statements in regard to the outcome of tho McNamara cases. I have nothing moro to say. "Will you call a meeting of tho ex ecutive board to consider tho atti tude of the association toward tho McNamaras?" "I don't know." "Did you, as president, know any thing of tho details of tho expendi tures by John J. McNamara as secre tary of tho fund of ?1,000 per month, .nnrnnpintnd for organization pur poses and which thero was no ac counting!" "That is a matter that will take care of itself." Tiir?rra ml cnmCKENS and DUCKS at STAUFF's GROCERY. Lane County Asset Company Transfers Right of Way For Coos Bay Line. EUGENE, Ore, Doc. S. Tho Guard says: "Tho Lano County As set company has transferred Its in terest in tho 30-ncro tract at Pow ell's pass, which it has hold for tho past two years, to tho Southern Pa clllc company, thus giving tho latter a continuous strotch of right-of-way botwecn Eugono nnd tho tunnel sito 23 miles west of tho city. J. L. Buoll hold a mooting with tho Asset compnny and final arran gements for tho transfor of tho prop orty wero inudo at thnt tlmo. Tho Southern Pacific compnny will tnko immedlnto possession of tho property nnd It Is highly probnblo that grad ing work will bogln thoro in a fow days, ns tho wet woathor will not in terfero becauso tho ground is high nnd has good drainage At tho tlmo Twohy Hrothors took tho contrnct for tho construction of tho first 23 miles of tho Coos Bay road, they ex pressed n deslro to bogln grading at that point, and now thnt tho com pany has secured tho proporty, tho contractors will doubtless go right to work thoro. Thero will bo a big cut through tho pass, tho Southern Pacific grade being seven foot lower than tho As set company's grade, which means that a cut ovor twica us iU'mji im wns made by tho Asset company will bo necessary. Tho Southern Pacific sur vey crosses tho grado built by tho Asset company at about the summit of the pass nt a "scissors" angle. Tho Asset company's grado oxtends duo east and west while tho survey of tho S. P. company oxtonds in a slight ly southwesterly direction at that point. Mr. Bnell has been working hard to got this pleco of proporty for sop eral months past and is naturally do llghted at his success. Ho has done excellent work for his company in securing tho right-of-way for tho now road and has always treated the owners of proporty through ..which tho road will be built fairly and squarely, in each instnnco paying a good price for tho land, in many cases paying much moro than It was worth in order that thbre might bo no difficulty in securing tho right-of-way. Tho members of tho Lano County Asset company havo only words of pralso for Mr. Buell and express themselves that ho has dealt with them honorably nnd above board. Tho company in transferring Its land to tho Southern Pacific company does .11 41. f1nn nf ncafoflnt fia f fl 1 BO Willi ill" luoa vi un i ns possiuio in me enterprise, us mu Harriman people havo shown good faith, and havo actually demonstrat ed that their Intentions to build a road to tho coast aro gonulno. Send Out Material. A big car loaded with eight dump (Continued on page 6.) IS BUSY ON PROBE MANY WITNESSES CALLED IN DY NAMITE CONSPIRACY INVESTI GATION AT LOS ANGELES Mo MANIGAL TELLS THEM, WHAT HE KNOWS. (By Associated Press to Coos Ba TImos.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Dec. 8. Tho federal grand Jury inqullrng In tho alleged dynamlto conspiracy to day interrogated John Crutckshank, district passenger agent of tho Snn Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lako railroad. Many other railroad mon probably will bo called aa witnesses. "Wo can trnco every arllroad tick et bought," was tho declaration of a stnto official in connection with tho McNamara trial, Just ondod. Ortio E. McManlgal went boforo tho grnnd Jury again today but It Is bolloved to havo comploted his tes timony Just boforo tho noon adjourn ment. William Andro, ono of tho sworn Jurors In tho McNamara enso, wns called at tho office of District Attorney Fredorlcks today and' was closotcd with him for somo time. Ho refused to tnlk about tho visit, as did Fredericks. oral way arranged for nnd It is hoped' tho flndlngB mndo by tho Joint Army to got It Started SOOn nnd COmpiOlCU'""" ""vy uuiuu wiuuu hiiuiii, eovurui so as to mako tho highway availablo months In tho Havana Harbor inves tor travel this winter. UKV'MB ll" W"-CIV ,. ,,. Judgo Hall when approached on1, r,,1 statement fol owb: "Tho tho matter, said that ho would poa4rd fon, that tho Injuries to tho try to arrange for It if tho plank-.?:?"? of tho Mnlno eauBOd by an o lng could bo secured at nn expenso ?Ln f hC?tJitV0J m not to exceed $8 per thousand. ," 'n"ine5ri" ,2XJ" L of "'? BBi ' P ii..., -I.t iirir..n. M,..., between frames 28 and 31, port sldo. Ki MiVn n,J Bhn.B.f iSmw.8 ''d ' BnltlnK and oxplod.. ferred with tho Simpson Lumber t, th(J contcn(H o( thB,x ,ncu company and they agreed to furnlBh . BPrvo magazine A-l-KM, snld con- tho plank ng for 8 per thousand. ' tonts Including n lnrgo quantity of It Ib estimated thnt it will rcqulro i,act vomor. Tho moro or Icbo, about a mllo nnd n half of planking flUddon explosion of tho contents oC' to connect tho plnnklng on tho North jemnlnlng forward mngnzlno follow Bend road district, Just beyond Kit- ed. Tho magazine oxplOBlon rosult tyvlllo, with tho Improved Btroots ,vl Ir tho destruccMi of tho vcssol.' In Mnrshflcld nenr Forndnlc. I This is tho first official stntomont Mr. Hnguo snys thnt with this of tho cnueo of lb disaster which ro pleco of road, which is now nlmost sultid In tho Spiuibh.Ainorlcan war. Impassablo on account of tho mud, , At tho tlmo, It tns gonomlly clalmod Improved thoro will bo a flno winter (that tho Malno had boon sunk by t rond to n point boyond Empire. submnrlno mlno but not until tho vos- Opimimj Special Levies.,. M"6' w"8 raised tho past year could this. Judgo Hall reports that tho Coos,"" definitely determined County Tax Association through its secretary, W. J. Conrad, has filed a gouornl protest with' tho Coos coun ty commlBsionors against nil special road district levies for road work for tho coming yenr. Whether tho association proposes to go nhend nnd fight theso levies in tho courts, ho does not know. Tho commissioners mot at Coqull- lo this week and discussed tho vnrl WAR AGAINST TIPPING. Hotel Workrnt Form Union to Get' Wngen Increased. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay. TImos.) NEW YORK, Dec. 8 Tho carn- palgn against "tipping" will bo tho chlof work of tho nowly organlzod internntlonnl Hotel Workers Union. ous now rond projects which nro to Tho unlon'B plntform Is "living wngos bo taken up noxt week. Nothing do-, for hotel workers," which would PREACHES ON NOTED TRIAL. "Tho McNamaras and their crime" will bo tho topic which Rov. G. Lo Roy Hall will discuss at tho First Baptist church next Sunday evening. Tho meeting tlmo for this address is 7:30 p. m. WILL RASTEI B W Conference Between C. A. Smith and Local Business Makes Plans For It. At a meeting of C. A. Smith and some of the leading business men yes terday at the C. A, Smith company's offices, steps were taken to hasten tho further improvement of tho Coos Bay bar nnd harbor. As a result, a. com mittee will probably go to Portland on the Breakwater tomorrow to tako tho matter up with Major Morrow, In charge of tho United States engin eer's in this district. Major Morrow wired that ho would bo pleased to meet a committee from thoMnrshllold Chamber of Commerco nt his office in Portland next Monday afternoon. The concensus of opinion was that tho comniltteo should urgo tho res toration of the North Jotty and also the extension of the lraprovomont In tho inner harbor. Tho present gov ernment project for tho inner harbor calls for a channel eighteen feet deep and two hundred feet wide aud it Is proposed to have jhla extended for a (Continued on pago 6.) flnlto was dono. Go to Portland. Tho commissioners nrrnngod to nt- tond tho Oregon Good .Roads conven tion which will bo held In Portland noxt Tuesday. All threo commis sioners, Hall, Dement and Arm strong will go. It wns decided they go nnd return ovcrlnnd and thus in spect tho ronds whllo on routo. Thoy plan to go out via Myrtlo Point nnd return via tho old Coob Bny Wagon road or vlco-vcrsa. RECLAIM SWAMP LAND for National Association is Formed Tlmt Purpose (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Dec. 8 -A national Dralnago Reclamation Congress do- algned to seek tho reclamation of render tips unnecessary. PASSES Ml IN CALIFORNIA J. M. Davis, Well-Known Coos Bay Pioneer, Succumbs Early Today. J. B. Davis today rccolvod a tolo. gram announcing tho death of his father, J. M. Davis, a woll known Coos Bay pioneer, ut Santa Anna, early this morning. Ho had boon BWbamp lands in the Mississippi Valley f ' ' " LTh"??"' " K" " and elsewhoro in tho United Statos was organized temporarily today. It will work independently of tho Na tional Irrigation congress but will bo affiliated with it. ELECT SCHOOL I Special Election Called For Monday, Dec. 18 Will Also Fix Tax Levy. Tho Marshflold school board has nfrnlTnf8 nt 7 30 for tho' John w. Hint. Mr. M. C Cordy and nlng, Decombor 18, at 7:30, for tho Mr A niohnrdson. purpose of fixing tho tax levy for. Mr, Davte te vcry wei, lpown to the tho ensuing year nnd also for tho ,,, ,,,,,,..,,,, t,' tiia ih election of a director to nil tho va-ivlBt ncro WRB about a yoar ng0 nla critical and tho news of his doatb, camo aa a shock to tho friends and re latives Mr. Davis was ono of tho oldest living residents of Cooa Bay. Ha enmo hero in tho early CO's, about tho tlmo that Glen Aiken, B. F. Rosa nnd other woll-known pioneers camo. Ho wns horo when Mrs. Esther M. Lockhart arrived In 1853 and was then residing on a ranch on Cooa Rlvor. Mr. Davis was sovonty-nlno yoara and twonty-threo days old. On his arrival on Cooa Bay ovor fifty years ago, ho located on his ranch on Cooa Rlvor whoro he remained until tho death of his wifo, about fourtoon years ago, Slnco then, ho divldoA his tlmo botweon Marshflold and Cal ifornia. Besides his son, Bluford Davis hero, ho Is survived by soveral step daughters, thoy being Mrs. W. B. Curtis, Mrs. Emma Nnsburg Mrs. cancy caused by tho removal of J O. Mtllls to San Francisco. The meet ing will bo hold at tho Central School building. It is oxpeoted that tho levy will be tho same aa tho present year, ten or eleven mills. Tho term of Mr. Mills as director will expire in Juno, 1914, so thnt tho director elected to succeed him will servo until then. Tho other direc tors aro Dr. J. T. McCormao and M. C. Horton. AVE SERVE tim best coffee on earth at tho Baltimoro Lunch, death will bo sincerely regretted by thoso who know him. Tho body will bo brought horo for burial but no plans havo been mndo for tho funeral. FAMOUS SINGER DYING Noted Basso Eduardo Do Reszko fut ally 111 in Paris (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Dec. 8 Accord'ng to advices, Eduardo De Roszko, the famous basso la dying in Paris of heart trouble. WATCH GOING &HARVEYS STORE AVATCII GOING &nARVEY'S STORK FOR TOYS. I FOR TOYS. I 4 "A h v u