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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1911)
iND IT'S, ALL OVER NOW BUT THE 'HOLLERING' AND THE HEADACHES -. . - immMnnllfn" Of r-.,vTAAVi:nTISIN(I In The TIMES ff Voiir Kcnl Kstnlo "In fflo0s lag Exmm WANT ADVERTIHINfi In Tlio TIMES Wilt Keep tliu Income from Your FiirnNtirri Kooins from Lftpslnut YOU enn really help tho family rovonues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to use the classified columns, you mny keep thnt llttlo extra lncomo na "ptoiuly as a clock." iM. ... . fnl nlinut vniir 11 .!!!, i.pforo tlio eyes of nil 'pos- PT Mirers" In town. And If I1W. Ln nf them who ought to ffML.ol.H MEMBER OV ASSOCIATED l' Established in JH78 iih Tlio Count Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 191 1 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mall and Coos liny Advert Ner. No, 121 HE FIRST COUNT GIV AW A PLURALITY J ES STR OF ONLY EIGHT SEII MAYOR COPPLE 319 AND RECEIVES 327. M'CHY 179 WE OF THE CLOSEST AND MOST EXCITING MAYORALTY CONTESTS EVElt KNOWN IN THE HISTORY OF MARSHFIELD. ' LOS ANGELES SOCIALISTS LOSE Y VOTE TWOTO&ME-ClTYtS 'WET . COPPLE WILL ASK STRAW i J. ALLEN AND JOHN MERCHANT ARE ELEC TED MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL BY . . SPLENDID MAJORITIES COKE AND HOLLAND ARE DEFEATED. FOR MAYOR. E.E. Straw 327j II. A. Copplc 319 Don jucurnry EOR.GOUNOILME-N" , ITohii C. Merchant , 412 P. E. Allen .'........ 342 frhomns Coke '. .", 230 Carl Evartson 223 hV. W. Holland . ., 2U John Holm Job FOR RECORDER iTohn W. Butler 541 I. J, Stophan '.. 176 Mrvvv. nr htt a jh T?rrc nam ( ) w ,a s ni ; i , 1 i. For "City of Coos Bay" . 1G0 Against "City of Coos Bay"-. s 607 tor "Miinconm" " gainst ' Millicomn" " Never did a more anxious vote late was largely Straw: rowtl gather around poU-tes. Dgplnee,prizcrInKorarnp.- wM mncll speculfttioi; kick man tnai wuiua jiuh- ,(H TO whether tlio iii-SJ bal ed the city hall last evening lots counted were tho last :o hear the progress of tho heforc tho polls closed or tho iint. ones cast wncn tne pons On the first announcement, opened. 1 1. 1....1 .. i:l.Hn,1 ,..!Hi fPIirv fivef lnllnfe milllfpfl IcCrarv second and Straw were, as nearly as a slight! bird. Soon Straw overtook mixing np they got m being IcCrnry and then iff was a .earne'l wrnss rue street in eck mid neck race, Copplc the ballot box when the clcc- eadinc bv a few votes. ition officials were en route to At 9 o'clock they stood supper, the ones cast last anu Hied mid thon Cnrmln took a much to the surprise ol ev- lead of three and it wavered cryone, were practically cv- wck and forth for three-only divided. huarters of an hour. I There was comparatively At 9:,")3, the two wore tied little betting on the election. itli 200 votos onpli mid five, Soon after the polls closed, iiinufps In tor. if. sfnnfl Ann- some of Straw's supporters Pie 211 and Straw 207. It were offering to hot five to llcvandcr Elected Mayor tj.'er ITarriinan by a vote of n t 7 rr a tlvo to one. The result was BOTH Over Job Ilamman, Sor,,l, . .-, .,, i lillUU lUIUAUUClCU ilO IUU 1UUI- cialist Candidate by a Tre- son of public feeling follow ing tbe MciNamaras sjon was such that Alexan der's election was generally conceded. ' The complete count of the mendous -Majority Pro hibition Is Defeated. . (Special to The Coos Bay NVESWION: IKES A STATEMENT CANDIDATES EXPRESS GRATIFWA- TION OVER SHOWING MADE AND THANK . THEIR FRIENDSt FOR SUPPORT Times.') LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6. returns on the prohibition What gave early prom-! amendment to the city char ise of being one of the hotly ,t0r has not been made, but contested elections over held, sufficient is known to give as- in this city became a very surance that the town has MAYOR STRAW SAYS: "WE'VE GOT THE BUNCH LICKED TO A FINISH. THEY' WILL HAVE TO LAY DOWN AND QUIT. STATEMENT OF R. A. part. '"We liavc won wo'vo COPPLE: iKot that bunch licked to a R. A.'Copple when called finish and they will have to one-sided nffair. Alexander gone "wot" by a good ronjo- ''Xm S: HFZ "Hlf 179 was elected mayor yestertk vlrity. WHERE DID THEY ALL COME IS GENERAL M UESTION T snn inniiv Soeijilists I "I am more than gratified llcre lim i to say to 1y the great showing we them that during the cam made under the circumstan- paign j tried to treat them ces. There will be a thorough rigut i wanted to win but investigation of tho election j Wftlltcd to see E. Don Mc and if it warrants it a con- Crnry run second. I didn't test and recount. Further- wunt to sec that hypocrite more, I am going to do every- -win. thing in my power to see that, I 4-t Al 4- linitn 4l trI i.iii'ii ill mi vi' .; 'ini The vote cast iarxceeaeci ns" accinrcu ec. sstcpnnn oi miy iimu who inugiuiy puru- , . f1 . even what were thought to be the local Socialists' organi- cipatcd in the election shall J-iffl, Snftn b,,Hh the wildest estimates' zation. "We want something be prosecuted.'' ' LitatoJTi SS i.lier 4 O ciocit wiiuu um uuuu iu u,vl u miuuru uuui. - t-MnT" if iivAiil1 I il1irtl mii total hcRnn climbing near the "Wo will insist on it.,r of iittj' votes woro contest- ",, V" " i ,. " '"S !,i , V, 800 m and rfteA ,vhon it j . TO.ilc the ballots won, bo-! cd or challenged during tl SZX'lWt STsStMi Z SS Zflo'T.aTSo' any- l'" y, "- x " even more talk about tho ' challengers and checkers for STATEMENT OF MA YOR , 3 ou' streets as to where the vo-( the different factions re- STRAW. Mayor Straw was going to tors camd from than there mained in the room. Following " the completion retire to the Millicoma club was guessing on what Hho F. K. Gettins, I. R. Tower of the count last evening, ' again but Ivy Condron and outcome could bo. mid Ton T. Bennett of the Mayor Straw was . called others insisted that ho go Thnt Mnvaliflnlfl with n Stmw forcps wore there. Geo...11 ""' c iiiincoma umu to.nomc ana nc couici not uo .... - .-...... --- ' : : : m i. l i. ...i i. .... j....h i population of 2,980 according to tho people, Baines and Warren Bachtci'1'01 strcet where he ex-1 seen further. Shortly after United of the Copple forces and O. pressed his sentimentsin an twelve o'clock, he announced States census taken eighteen D. Lash and A. ,T. Stephan impromptu address substan-jtosomeof the saloonmen that one that he had been elect ed. fas run im almost even and ml Oormln would tnke a Uicht lend wlifnli lm mnin- Earlier in the afternoon a lined until a quarter past few bets were made, btraw leven. Thon w fonk tho supporters betting that he ead nrfd held it with from would have fifty or. more ma- bree to ten. I jority. llio crowd was in too reat a ruriipiiro n oven per when the bulletins woro sued from tho election room Rtu near tho InRt. when DISCREPANCY JiV VOTE The judges of election are tendeavoring to ascertain a traw took tho lead. Thenl discrepancy ot five in J jo Rff ?. S - EX. H Klarnce Pe rcnnaMcma of tho clerks of o havTa J lidrf lonrl clection stated 8 balltS r Iasno,!Sn . 'How -it occurred he 3 e ikrttolS be-n ""d the ?tllor elcctiU fficialS ooimted were nnable to even guess cOno man who icopt iprettv g&, three U05e check claimed thov ,.,; ' ,v,n,,m. iq R05 ,1!?1 .?ss: srannoA list '"Uncr P.linn lnn vnofnivlnv afternoon most of the Cop Ple forces m-acHcnllv con- 1 .cI Straw's election csti fwnp that ho would oven "ave between seventy-five and one hundred maiority UUW WiYi'fcnva null (!iir- months ago, could have near ly 850 voters was something that few could figure out. of tho Socialists. iSomo of the candidates were also admitted to tho tially as follows: they could remain open but "T wish to flimilr vmi niwl'rm ihn oUv n'fATtiov'a iwlvin . ., w v. ....... j ... .WJ ..VVW..W. J llMVU everyone else for your sup-sinter ho cancelled this. The Socialists wore the .room durinir the evening. first to complain about the Window's opening from strange voters and first be- the council chamber into tho gan talking of starting a .hall were kept open so that contest. "What show have we the crowd could watch the or . count and hear the votes call- SIDE LIGHTS AND SIDE ISSUES OF THE CAMPAIGN anyone else when they run cd off by the judges to tho in voters from all over on 'clerks of election. tie showed were cast. Some of these were accounted for by incorrectly marked ballots, some voters having voted for two candidates, etc. $18.50 TATTERED SuitB NOW $10.50 at LADIES' EJITORIUM. NICKEL PLATED T1ATII ItOOM C. E. JORDAN 23, Wi LAPALI 17 Eastside Socialists Are De feated by a Half -Dozen Votes. The election in Eastside was quite as exciting and hot ly contested in its way as tho one in Eastside 's big sister Marshficld across the bay. There woro two candidates for mayor. O. E. Jordan, the present incumbent and W, J. LaPalme, who was" endorsed bv the socialists. A warm campaign was conducted hut the nnai count gives inu vic tory to Mayor Jordan with a vote of 23, while W. J. La Palme received 17. Mayor Jordan's friends snTT it was also "twenty-three" for La Palme but riot tho right kind of a 23. Workers thovght tho big fixtures at 3iilneivs. Recent experiments ln Germany indicate that dralntfge waters do not tniffl nnv more nlant food away irora fertilized soils than from unfertiliz ed. WERE woro ninny Incidents, In- nrndflold'a unrber shop when Rotnor tcrcstlng and nmualnR, in tho passed, campaign just cl6sed that didn't ""W t,10rc' rgo!" ' " NO TROUBLE AT POLLS nto tho nowspapor. , Q,ck nB ft fla8ll bnck cnino tno rQ. TWvfn flm Jnfn.ien infnv- Councilman Duncan Ferguson was tort from Rotnor. 1 .i n t . .. jv- j. responsiuio xor one oi mo k""u i" est and feeling over the out-rIc tnat wa8 Blvon curr0Cy during (.Ullie VL lUL Ull'CUUH, tUUlu iim uibcubbioh ui 1110 Biiuuiiuu. vyuuu t . 1 1 . 1 fsitln.tin T?it.irnann la atiffnrlnr. tunc -iirti- n oinrrln nut hvnn l.-l '"""m vioui.u . .... ...t, llllO UUU it U1LIU VU. Hill ! . It, "Oh. man." stop Itl I'm not a STnAV7 Is suffering from nn nffectlon of tho eyes which Is bo- (lurmg tllC (lay Ol' evemilgling trealod by Dr. Straw. Tho coun- nnd fliPTP. Tind nnf. hpon ovpti cllman was on his way'to tho a "near fight" np to mid night when the polls closed, Both Messrs. Allen and Merchant, the two council- men elected, am avowed sup porters of municipal owner- . . . . riinw n iirirnui ship and to this, coupled with whlch ho dlA their personal popillaritj7, turned to politics and tho mayor ask doctor's ofllco for his treatment when ho en countered tho congenial mayor on the strcet and requested him to ac company him. They woro Just out side ono ot thoso llfo saving stations that aro Intended to lessen tho con sumption of water, Dr. Straw said ho would not go Then como wng sprung a dizzy dnffy.dlll the other day to tho offoct that "If Dr. Straw Is worth two social ists what is Dr. Housoworth?" "Del" Cathcart brought down tho houso at the Copplo mooting last evening when ho said at tho prlco ot $1C0,000 there was moro wnter In. tho stock of tho Coos Day Water Co. than there was In tho mains. then because ho had a man that was LOCAL POLITICS. ' just about to "buy" and ho Insisted! ,,,, ninwn that Ferguson accompany tuem, ..,, Once InsIdO tho talk' wihub uio iibu oi uuum m, oiiuut- in on, ana maxm uin uqm iik-bo to- fhniv luo- vnrn is nttvihiirPfl' ed tho councilman what ho thought cal politicks? tlieil Dig AOte IS attllOUtca, . h8 (Straw.B) platform. IC(1. by JlckB, "Well" replied Ferguson It re minds me of an old lady who was very much annoyed by tho most mis chievous boy Jn tho village Ho throw stones at hor cat stretched strings across tho sidewalk and oth erwise mado llfo miserable tor tho poor old lady. Sunday morning sho went to church and up In tho choir with an angelic look on his face, and n sweet voice was hor "bad boy." Sho could scarcely bollevo her eyes. Aft er a brief consideration, howovor, she Eald to herself. "You look nrotty and innocent and your voice is as sweet as an angel, J no VOTE IN 1010. Tho vote in -the Marshfleld city election for councllmen last yoar was: R. A. Copplo 338 Duncan Ferguson 325 C. O. Going 174 August Frlzeen , . . .141 VOTE IN 1000. For mayor E. E. Straw 3CS I. S. Smith .334 Whllo tho total for tho two candidates for mayor was only 603, the total vote polled in 1009 was 704. SMOKERS' SETS and PARS at MILNER'S. TODACCO SALAD SETS at MILNER'S. It Jus' makes mo Mr- t' have ov'ry frlond meet, holler at me 'cross th street, then como over with his smllo, talk n leotlo, V nfterwhlle, t' ask mo who I'm s'portln. Sometimes 't almas makes ins mnd, t' hnvo somo follor say Tio'a glad t' meet mo, when I know ho 'nlnt, causo ho only wants to paint tho pitcher of somo candidate. In n way thut makes mo hato politicks, an' all slch rot, whether I want him to or not; Now, them fellers ort to know, when tlioy'r tnkln to mo so, that I got a lectio senso, an' alnt hangln on fence, an' I know jus' "how to but I knows yez, yo llttlo dlvll." voto, air no ono oido -ami got my "Now," continued Ferguson, gont; all these men Is purty good, that's tho way with you, Doc. You but somo don't stan Jus' whoro they look flno. your platform reads au.snoum; right, and you talk well, but wo knows yez, yo dlvll.' And the Inugh and tho next round wero on Doc. Another amusing tale Is told on tm rtl nnil rinn T?Wnni Tlltr wna UI. UJA "U v.viw, .uw.". ..-. ..-. Bitting in tho shoo shiner's chair In I Tell you what I'd like to do, jus move out whoro skies Is bluo, take my flshln rod and line, an' Jus' Bray thero, an' feel bo flno. tin thno no'l tlcks Is gone fur awny, on' trav'l on ti where they never can como back; this Is what I want, hv lleck! ROBEIIT O. ORAVRS