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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAYTMES . O. MAl.ONEY DAN K. MALO.VKY Editor antl Putt. Now a Editor Entered nt tho postofneo At Marsli Kold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second class tnall matter. Tin: slanderer. 0 , F ALL tho crooning, infectious, coward nnd dnmnlng Ills tho human family has to contend with the slnndorer Is tho most IiibI ilunus, tho most deadly nnd tho hard est to catch up with, In all tho list of social ovlls wo know of. But onco tho author Is detected, punishment rarely fallB of Instant nnd ndoqunto application. It 1b n pltlnblo fact that wo arc nil, moro or less, slanderers; for every time wo say nn unkind thing or pass on a mean suggestion, of anoth er, In tho absence of that other, wo Blnnder, and what Is moro, wo know It when wo do It. It la not sheer thoughtlessness: wo nro too willing to fall In with the tone of tho talk of thoso with whom wo aro for tho moment thrown; It 1b n common weakness and a vIcIoub indulgence Wo fall to realize to what proportions our contemptible Insinuations will grow In their furth er travel on tho tonglie-routo nnd be fore wo know It wo nro conscious of (having been party to tho conspiracy that wrecks somo career and blights a dozen lives In Its collnpso. Every community suffers, deoply and continuously, from this thing, arid Mnrshfleld Is no exception. Tho tonguo of ovll wngs hero nil thu time, as shamolcssly and meanly na rinywhoro olso nnd Co tho snmo miser able ends. Tho Btrariger settling hero soon learns to know nnd llko tho pooplo In whoso aocloty ho Is thrown nnd begins to tnko comfort In tho thought of having won tho friendship nnd so ciety or thoso worth knowing nnd cultivating, whon suddonly Me pleas ing estimates aro shattered, or nt least most unhappily qualified by tho moro or loss lying tongue of tho Blandercr; nnd tho Btrnngor 1b not al ways In a position to go about tho unrnvolllng of thoso vicious tnles and must porfdrco lot thorn rnnklo In his jnlnd to tho detriment of tho mnn and woman ho would havo honored nnd to Ms loss of peace nnd confl rinnpo. It Is one of tho hideous com plexities of tho social sphoro nnd risl old as life Itself. What is neetiea is tho frequent nnd wrathful ovonlng iip of somo of thoso outrages at tho liands of thoso of Its victims with cnurngo enough to moot nnd dlsposo of tho wrong. HARLAN OKTS PLACE TO DRAIN SWAMPS. I n't Not FORMER BANDON WOMAN A SUICIDE Too .Much Water tit Had ly Ascuclntod iiw. io the O' Bay M,", 1U,,,, A Ko,l. Well-Known In It.,- i Coos Cotinly Heal Etnto Circle, CHICAGO, III.. Deo. G "Too much' CoiiiiiiIIh .Suicide. water Is ns much a blight to the land Mrs. Hollo A. Kolp, well-known In , as none nt all," was tho pith of an llnndon, nnd a slater of editor Axtol. address nt the nineteen annual ses- of the Lodl, Cal., Sentinel, who was I slon of tho National Irrigation Con- recently convicted of murder in tho gross today by delegates interested first dogree, ended her own life n In tho reclamation of swamp land, few days nfter tho trial, by taking Thnt overflown lands located chiefly morphine. After taking tho dose, In tho southern nnd somo of tho Pa- Mrs. Kolp penned n fow words to her clflc const states should bo drained friends In which sho said sho could , nnd mndo habltuhlo and that tho rlv- not onduro tho disgrace brought upon er courses should bo regulated has, tho family and that she did not enro according to U. A. Fowler, the pros- to llvo longer, ldent, become as much n part of the Tho first that was heard of the propaganda of tho congress as tho tragedy here, was when it ennio out Irrlgntlou problem. It was stntod In tho dally pnpora that n sister ofi thnt there aro eighty million acres of Axtelrs had attempted suicide, but swamp land in the country which, If that sho poBslbly might recover. How drained, will support ninety million over, Inter developments proved people. j fatal, nnd It was learned thnt Mrs. Kolp had passed awny. Tho affair PACK KltS OX TRIAL. Healing of Chlcngonim Charged With Trust Conspiracy IJcgliis. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, III., Dec. G. No ap parent further attempt to delay tho trial In tho United States district court was mndo by tho counsel for tho packers when the caso was called before Judgo Carpenter today. All tho defendants expect J. Ogden Armour wero In court. Attorney J. S. Miller asked that a plea of not guilty bo entered for each of tho packors. Tho extreme penalty In case of conviction Is n flno of $5,000 or ono year in jail, or both. ROCKEFELLER TO TALK. Oil Magnate Given Cluuico to Answer Mcrrltt Charged. Dy Associated Press to tho Cons tiny TlmcBl WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. G. John D. R'ockofollor and Fred. D, Gates, manager of tho Rockefollor charities, today wero Invited by Chnlrmnn Stanley of tho House Stcol Trust Investigating Committee to appear before tho commltteo next Monday, if thoy caro to do ho, to "ro ply to tho charges by tho Morrltt brothers of Mlnnesotn, concerning tho 120,000.000 Masaba oro proper ties In Minnesota. ADD PACKERS .rG... J. Ogden Armour reached tho court room shortly nftor court opened. RATE CASK IS UP. To bo Named Tnlorstntu Commission '(By Associated Press to tho Coos Day of Commorco Just boforo the nrgu Commerce Court Parses on Long and Rhntt Haul. fDy Associated Press to the Coos Hay Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. C. Tho Commerce Court denied a mo tion to dismiss furthor proceedings boftyo thnt tribunal In tho famous trniiBcontlnontnl and lnter-mountnln long nnd short haul freight rate cases. Tho motion wns mndo by tho Couiibo1 for tho Chicago Association came as a great shock to Mrs. Kolp's friends In Damlou, nnd much rogrot was expressed by Bandon people Recorder. GET KLKVKX JURORS. Progress Miule In Trial of Ten Chi cago Packers. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 7. Eloven men wero In tho Jury box todny when tho court convened for tho trial of tho ten packers Indicted for al leged violation of the Sherman anti trust law. Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. G monts wero begun todny on tho mo tion to mnko pormanont tho tempo rary Injunctions granted Hovornl .President Tnft announced today that wook K0, Th,8 nrolml)ly w, ,)0 granted as tho government nlrendy Iiph appealed tho caso on tho tempo rary Inlunctlons to tho Supremo Court of tho United Stntos. HOME RULE FOR IRELAND lie would sond to tho Scnnto probab ly Thursday tho namo of Jamos S. Illnrlnnl 4ntorHtnte romtnejeo com- inlfiHlone-, to cont'nuo in that posi tion, Harlan, who Is n son of Jus tice Harlnn of tho Sunremo Court, will ho rouoinlnntod, for tho seven yenr term. All) PORT OP.FOHI) REEF. Appropriation for LluhUhlp on Ran genius Rocks. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. - Nearly two nnd one-half million d.ol REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank OF COOS HAY, at Marshllcld, in tho Stato of Ore gon, nt tho cIobo of business, De cember 5, 1911. Resources. LoanB and discounts. . .$229,329.87 U. S.' Bonds to sccuro circulation 25,000.00 BondB, securities, etc.. 73.1G1.50 Banking Iioubo, furni ture and fixtures. . . . 81,472.04 Duo from nntlonal banks (not reserve agents). G, 478.33 Duo from Stato nnd Prl vato banks nnd bank ers, trust companies, nnd savings baukB. . . 835.30 Duo Irom approved ro sorvo ugeuts Checks nnd other cash Items . Notes of other national banks Fractional pnpor cur rency, nlckols, nnd cunts Lawful monoy . resorvo In bnnk, viz: Spccto MS, 701. 40 Legal-tender notes 38C.00 70,774.97 4,318.48 2,295.00 03.4"G Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (o of circulation) 49,080.40 1,250.00 PiiMiiVr AmiiI(Ii to Try to Force It Through (By Associated Press to Coos Rn Times.) LONDON, Dee. G Premier As-nulth- nnnnuncod In tho llotiso of Commons todny that tho government would uso nil tho constitutional lnra In appropriations for lighthouses ,nonn8 nt t8 (1.Bp08n1 to ,mss tll0 nnd lightships In n amoral plan of nomo n,lIo ,,, for ir0lnnl durltif? Improvement for aids to navigation (10 fe time of tho present pat-Ills asked In tho estimates of tho Do- ment. Tho Promlor, by his nn- parimon' or i.ominorco ana i.nuor, i onncemont. mennB thnt ho will un Bont to CongreBH. di-rtnko to forro tho Homo Rulo hill Now prolecls not Appropriated for through tho thrco consecutlvo ses last yenr aro Included. j slons necessnry thus making It Other Improvements suggested ns becomo offectlvo In snlto of tho opr-o-"rcsoiirros permit" include: Orford . sltlon of tho Peorfl. Total ?5G0,09G.29 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In. . .$100,000.00 Surplus fund 5,500.00 Undivided profits, less oxpensos nnd tnxes pnld 5,297.39 National bank notes out- . standing 25J000.00 Duo to stato and prlvnto banks nnd bankers... G.21S.SS Individual deposits sub ject to check 338,757.94 Domnnd certificates of deposit 9,403.02 Time certificates of de posit 59,558.29 Cashlor s checks outstanding i i Totnl I550.09G.29 Stnto of Orogon, County of Coos, Coming! Coming! Raymond Teal Musical Comedy Company The Big Song Show Wait, For It Watch For It Carload of Special Scenery, and Electrical Effects 30 PEOPLE Mostly Girls MASONIC OPERA HOUSE HFf 1A 5 Nights Beginning Sunday I'Lv.. I v 1 ':Mmj CASH KNIGHT Our Insurance Strength CONNECTICUT HARTFORD CONTINENTAL LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOI1E HOME Wo wrlto cbrrcct policies. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. $ 1 00 Reward For any sowing machlno I can't placo In first class ordor. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leavo orders, drop a postal card or phonp Rogors hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert Machinist. Phono ltl-L rtnforonco O. O. Lund, Wither butchor T. J. SOAIFE A. II. HODQINS Mirshfield Paint Decorating Co. BiUlmntca MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Oregon HARGAINS IN IJICVCLKS. Fully Guaranteed Wheels nt from 9'M Upwards.. Comploto lino of Dlcyclo supplies, second-hand bicycles for Bale. Guns, bicycles, otc, repaired. HEARY'S GUN SHOP. K. HANDEL, Prop. 330.77 Ifo' "7 Xo' Vl,mt s' I'hone 180-R ss: Reef llghtahlt), Oregon. $150,000 NoresBltv for the establishment of The ALLIANCE brought In a belief. n llghtvoBfo! nt Port Orford Reef Ol PLE of cnrloads of feed for long has been recognized by Coat HAINES ninrlnors running out of Portlnnd nnd i liy ofllclnlB In the lonnl llghthouso Llhhy COAL. -The kind YOU have Borvlco. Hoconiinendntlons for nn LWAY.H IriEl). PHONE-72 Pncltlf appropriation for this purpose wore Uvo v ft TrnnH,P Cn nindo by Henry L. Reek, ln"ector of i the Portlnnd district, and his predo-j ...,. ....,,. , , cossor. Port Orford Iteof hns boon ' YJ?' Jc. 'UX'' rS. 1 B conts ,,p nt tho scene of n numbor of innrlno mis- M':'?,."'' ' . 'xni1 store. hnps In tho InBt fow years, WANTED!!! I JAUPKTS UPHOLSTERING AND I. DORSEY KRE1TZER, Cnshlor , imavos to (imms.i,, m. Pnm.m,.. of tho nhove-nnmed hank do Bolomn-1 ,. ,,,. nm.. n.,i. ,. ly Bwenr that tho above statement Is Uu Cleaning Company. Ordera for truo to tho best of my knowledgo nnd . wrK iaKon ai (JOJNO ii TIARVKY wu AVISE PEOPLE will HUY PEED and Hour of HAINES. their CREAMS and Kl'tJAItS 40 conta Tjor pnlr.COOS HAY CASH storo. tatkhf Ohio, Tm rim), ). I.I l I"'H NTV. I "' Krnnk J rhi'iu-j mnkoaoMli ,1ml lu I si-nlor I partiU'r in the (Inn l v. J, Clionoy A. Co, dulim I IiimIiio in tlm llv ittToli'ilo. Cnuiily and -' Qfl,..ifirM4 ll.l Mini tliitt k.ilil firm will ,lin Mim-itON'KIIIN'miKI)lOMultHfnreiicliHml vitv ri not Otitiirrh tluitrnmiot lie cured liy (lit wto o( Hull' Ciitnrrli t'uro. RESEKYEI) SKAT TICKin'S for SENIOR PLAY on Sale at RED CROSS Dltl't! STORE. Don't foriMH the Turkish I'linvK y i..i Baths KRAN'K J. CHUNKY. sworn to hurnro mo niui Hubkcriiii'd in my p ..,.., UU. ,, In cil of IH-COIIltXT, A. I), ltvvl. (3K W.) A. W.OI.KA80V, .Votary Hnll'iK'ntiurli euro l In en iiilorimllv. nnd i h l llrwil) mi tin- hiiiuil nnd mm on kiufxrra , of tlii lfl'ni inl Mr iiwiinnnii Itve. FARM LANOS FOR SALE WW ?-f w. j m H;iVf I af Knnf hlYPr I!ot for the Money tm v a ' m 4 snw See CORTHELL Phono a I 21 From C acres up. Flro lusuranco I nt low rate. Agent for Amorlcan, I Lite and Accident Co. AUO. FRI'EEN, Heal Ivstute, Insurance anil Rentals, Miifdiflchl, Oregon. DORSEY KREIT7.RR. Cashlor. Subscribed rind sworn to boforo mo this 7th day of December. 1911. ARTHUR K. PECK, Notnry Public. Correct Attest: AV. S. CHANDLER, "W. II. DOUOLAS, M. C. IIORTON. Directors. phone inn . tfJIimS of Hcai.whohaveiwjmelnventlvonljlllty ! PIIIPIRi!uwrita.IU.KI.i:V A MrlTllih, AVhon you havo a bilious attnek glvo Chamborlaln'B Tablets n trial. Thoy aro excellent. For salo by all dealers. STATEM ENT CONDENSED. Resources. Loans and Discounts . ,. , $229,329.87 Uotids, Warrants and Securities 73,101.50 U. S. llonds to secure circulation 25,000.00 Ronl Kstnto, Furniture nnd Fixtures 81,472.94 Cash nnd Sight Exchange 141,131.98 Total i $.-55(),0l)0.2l) Liabilities. Capltnl stock paid in 1100.000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 10,797.39 Circulation, outstanding 25,000.00 Deposits 414,298.00 Total $.-."50,0!W.!i! Windows of Persuasion Twentieth Century merchandising methods count heavily on the SHOW WINDOW. Show windows arc an index of mercantile character a certificate of tho wares on counters and shelves. Properly lighted show windows ATTRACT POWERFULLY; poorly lighted windows repel customers. Good Lighting can add 50 per cent to tho value of show windows. OUR NEW BUSINESS DEPARTMENT IS COMPETENT TO ADYTSE ON THE SUBJECT OF EFFECTIVE WINDOW ADVERTISING, AND TO PLAft PROFIT-MAKING LIGIITINO INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 173. Oregon Power Co. Corner Central and Second STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (gk Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREOON At tho close of IuihIiicsh, December ft", 1011. Resources. ... Lonns and Discounts , 422,31:';; Ranking Houso 50.000.00 Cash and Exchanges , 184,4S6. Totnl . .'. ( $03(1,700.10 Liabilities. ' ,nftnft Capital Stock paid In ." $ SS'SirS! O. .....!.. .,., IT. ..II. .1.1- I n n. r.S.531.01 Doposlts 548,267.55 Total ' ,.. 9O3O.700.W Jo Lr QtvnPlf -1 Olympic Flour Highest Quality Let Riggs Frame y pieties LaieiMaF In An Artistic FOR A Christmas or New Yearr Greeting A REDUCTION ON ALL PICTURES RIGGS' STUDIO hours o to a NORTH FRONT STREET Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENOSTACKEN, Mtfr, , Coqullle Offlio Phono 191 Marshflold Ofllco 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and riattlng Landa a specialty. Gensrnl Agents 'EASTSIDB" GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phone 19-J, Cor. 4th nnd Park Ave. 250 Central avenue Unique Pantatonum DYEING, CLKANINO, PBjf AND REPAIRING ALL UT , HAT WORK. nnca n. PT?:E(i011 "UM .A1 phone ' 1 $fcJ-V-,