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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
BBrcHnn Blngor Herman l.conBrcs ani.trdny hav- fC5U Z " W. Hosoburs r!t cclcto visit familiar lst ff . . nl.l noluhbors I, and ",s '"''." v. ; woll V'Kl cr some property lntoi IUol'olnt. Mr. Ilormanls at ' - -s: looking well and Informed us that ho had almost fully regained, his former good health again, tho result of his lato trip abroad nnd rest slnco re turning homo. Coqulllo Herald. POTATOES ljii ceiilH imimd by tho sack. ANONA Cash GROCERY. Ho sure nnd ATT UN I) RAND DANCE NEXT SATURDAY night. 1912 Harley Davidson Irf m I 1 MW Infest forci(,,t (ho ho ,'H . rnrrrc1o with lo now FUL-FLOTEING seat nnd t u ' ,Z t norkliiR FREE-WHEEL control ever devised. Tin """ iSntc-it Inventions or Wllllnm H. Hurley Uio world', ,"" Motorcycle designer nnd engineer. ' 1912 MODELS AND PRICES . ,r p. Single-Cylinder Bat- tcry jiouui Knl-Flotelng tV mom with $900 IK nro t i if. P. Single-Cylinder Hat 4 ,cry Model with Ful-Flotc- 1,nVEeatnndKree-j210 wheel control... V- w . it p. Single-Cylinder Mag neto Model with $225 puM-'lotelng scat ip i-- A H. P. SlnBlo-Cyllmlcr aing- ncto Model with Ful-Floio-lng Bent and Freo-JfcOOC wheel control... pJJ GV6 H. !' Twin-Cylinder Mag neto Model wltli Q?or7C Ful-Flotelng scat !2Z &wmm JFteQj iif? wr-it-iF t MK2 fa TOWNS, j NORTH INLET NEWS. (Spcclnl to Tho Tlmjs.) nimrloa .iniiRon nnd It. It. Plnkor- ton have gone out on a hunting trip. The fanners nro busy during this lino wenthor getting In their potntocs. They report u lino crop. Mrs. John Vnnbtirgor and family, of Lakeside, have been visiting at the homo of John nnd Hob llopo for a fov days. COOSTOX CULLIXGS. (Special ti Tho Times.) Mr. Johnson has Just finished pick ing tho potatoes on a three-aero Held that yielded SOU bushels. Hugo and Oscar Stault, Mr. Victor Stuulf'8 sons, who aro attending tho college at Corvallls, report an un usually large attendance at that In stitution this year. v& ?.&.' .yrt-SSV. KKX'ITCK INLET ITEMS. (Special to Tho Times.) Practically all farmors hero nro now dlirnlnir their notatoes. Tho yield Is medium or nbovo tho normal. Mrs. .Tudd returned on tho Hcdon do. Sho has been visiting lied daughter In Snn Francisco for a month or bIx weeks. CV6 H. P. Twin-Cylinder Mag neto Model with Ful-Floto-lng seat and Free-djOQfi wheol control... PJJ ..... ,,. t,n iiii.Pfl F. O. n. In Mllwnul'.co. Our 1 II. P. Mng- ..,. Modal Is now on our iloor rendy for Inspection. Cnl'l and seo It and let us tnlk It over with you. y '"' I feast Cfa?n.rnng . W. O. Hamilton hns been homo for over a week on account of a horso stepping on his root while working for tho Smith Mill Co. Mr. Win Llndstroni Is finishing a flno now dwelling. Tho palo Hold oir his ranch Is ubout as lino us one can find anywhere, and the same can bo said about his corn. Mr. E. P. Hrlbs Is building a very flno living houso on his place. Mrs. Hansen Is also putting up n home on her ranch. Frank Hamilton Is carrying his arm In a sling on account of a seri ous rail ho sustained Sunday morn ing while working on tho North Star. Mrs. Long, with her son nnd daugh ter, or Idaho, who have been visiting nt her daughter's. Mrs. C. Helsner, nro going out on tho Uedondo to tho city. They expect to romnln In Cali fornia il winter. CTLLINGS OF COQUILL13 Tho fruit Inspector recently pro nounced Victor Stiuiff's orchard tho finest young orchnrd in tho county. And It certainly Is line. It Is plan ned along up-to-dnto scientific lines, nnd it is being well attended. Tho trees aro simply flno. The surveyors nro now nearly Mirnnirh with their work on tho nro- posed county road from Allegnny to North Uend. Tho Burvcy leaves tho old road n short distance below Mr. 13. P. Hrlbs' plncc, and tho report Is that tho uverngo grado will not ex ceed C per cent. Geo. D. Mandlgo is weok In Coqulllo City. spending a C. Stanford of Hnynos Inlet lo a guest today of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Nomner. ReVi D. A. McLood returned yes tcrday from Youcalla whero he at tend Presbytery. Mrs. J. G. Homo and daughter, Miss Edith, of Shor an avenue, wero Mnrshfleld shoppers yesterday. Miss May Peterson, who has been visiting relatives hero for a few days, has left for her homo in Maine. CL'ltltV COUNT V ACCIDENT. Coos County Sent New ns Told Ry The Hernia Tho nHndon Commercial Club has filed articles of Incorporation In tho office of tho county clerk. Olympic Flour Highest Quality Tho Hnndon Water company hns Italflled articles of Incorporation, tho rnpltnl stock being placed at $25,000. Tho Incorporators nro Directors of tho Dnndon Commercial Club, J. W. Mast L. C. Craln, O. A. Trowbridge, L. P. Sorcnson nnd C. K. Wndo Marriage licenses hnvo rocontly been Issued by County Clerk Watson to Clyde Collier nnd Lllllo M. Thorn ton or. Coqulllo; Hoy A. Snubort of Acme, Lano County, nnd Hannah T. Larson of Mnrshfleld; Travis Hyzor of North Uond nnd .Dora Sinclair pf Coqulllo. A pretty wedding wnB solemnized nt tho homo of tho groom In Coqulllo Wednesday evening, Octobor 18, 1011, tho contracting pnrtles bolng nVydo Collier nnd Miss UJjJlef M. Thornton both of this city, his honor, Judgo 13. G. D. Holden. olllclntlng. LnBt Saturday morning Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Woodruff's youngest son, Lyman, met with nn nccldent that nearly cost tho boy both eyes. Ly man, together with his elder broth ers, had drawn tho loads out of some shot gun shells, and llko nil boys, left tho litter on tho iloor for tholr mother to sweep up. Mrs. Woodruff swept tho trash Into tho lire. Lymun snw something In tho trash pile ho wlnted to snvo from tho Hro nnd alnminil til llll'lt it 111) tllSt II R tllO SUP posed empty shells exploded. Powder and Hot omiiorH nueu ins inco mm eyes, singeing off his hnlr nbovo the forehead. Tho boy was oroiignt io Dr. Schllemnnn Saturday nftomoon who dressed tho oyes and discovered they were not out, nnd says tho boy will ultimately recover his vision ngaln though It will bo somo tlmo bo roro ho can bear tho rayB of light. Gold Heach Globo. A number of relatives and friends witnessed tho pretty nnd linprcsslvo coromony and tho happy couplo woro tho receplonts of many usoful wedding. gifts. Tho groom Is nn ln diiBtrlous nnd most exemplary young man who hnB grown to mnnhood In this community. Ho Is foreman of tho brldgo crow on tho Coos Bny and Eastern railroad. Mr. 13. Evcnson Is getting his plnco Into lino shnpe, having also nearly finished a living houso. Mr. S. W. Harmon Is busy clonrlng land nnd planting a fine npplo orchard. Mrs. M. G. Pratt spent last Wed nesday In Mnrshfleld at tho homes of her daughters, Mrs. Wm. Lawhorno nnd Mrs. T. V. Johnson. Miss Floronco Peterson, who has boon spending tho Inst two months with relatives nenr Oregon uity, is expected homo next week. Ilev. Frank Adams of Coty'.o passed through hero en routo 'homo from Youcalla where ho attended tho Presbyterian convention. Mrs. Elmer Ilussoll, who hns been spending tho summer with rolatlvcs on North Coos Hlvor, hns roturnod and gono to housekeeping hero. Tho flower garden nt Abo Ander son's plnco Is perhaps ono of tho best In tho county. C. T. Smith's ranch mny bo said to bo a model ranch In ninny ro BpectB. It Is ovldeiico of what work, planning nnd porsovornnco will do on Coos county land. Mr. KJcllnnd Is nlBo rapidly getting his ranch Into first clnss Bhapc. SCIENTIFIC NOTES. Spain rontnlns 11,597,013 ncrcs of unproductive lnnd. Pneumatic boxing gloves hnvo boon Invented by a Phlladolphlan. A seml-nutonintlc tolephono sys tem is bolng tried out In Amstor dnm. Tho Pino Is believed to bo tho old est of trees, somo having nttnlncd tho ngo of 700 yenrs. M3SI0 at tho CHANDLER on SUNDAY ovcnlng. Arrnngo to tnko YOUR Sunday DINNER there Ho suro and ATTEND HAND DANCE NEXT SATURDAY night. First Class Auto Service Two flno Cndlllnc cars ready for service at all hours anywhoro at rca sonnblo rates. Phono 6C-J until 11 p. in. nftcr lip. m., Phono C-J. ncsl donco Phono 28-J. I J). L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Tho Methodist church of North Hcnd Is In process of being ronovated with fresh paint and paper. Tho ef ficient nnd nctlvo Lndlcsl Aid is tak ing tho matter In hand. Tho North Bond firemen will glvo tholr sovonth nnnttnl ball In Eckhoff hnll Thursdny ovcnlng, Octobor 20, nnd tho mombors nro endeavoring to mnko It fnr surpass all previous ones. Holnlo Iloltnntllor who Is playing on tho Los Angeles tonm this year and who Is making tho big showing In stick work now, wnB a mombor of tho North Hcnd tonm In tho Coos County Lcnguo several years ago. Tho North Bond High school stu dents, Mlzpnh Blblo class and Wcs loynn Hlblo clnsses nro nrrnnglng to unite In nn organization to transform tho old tnbornnclo Into a gymnasium. If a leaBo can be obtalnod on tho ground whero tho building Is lo catcd, they will do it. Ths cost will bo about $12B. POTATOES Ufi cents iioitiul by tho sack. ANONA Cash OHOCEUY. A TURKISH HATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. Try Tho Times Want Ads. OF COURSE YOU ARE INTERESTED Every man and woman is snterested in what is best in good clothes and where to get them at The Most Reasonabse Prices Our stock offers ample room for selection and all our goods are offered at money-saving prices. We invite inspection and and comparison. Merchant (& The Big Store tBi i ii . fl ' 'V'V