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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1911)
-sr Oi THE MAN WHO PRONOUNCES HIMSELF A FAILURE, THEREBY GIVES YOU THE CLUE i f.min "Pnninnlen" Of (tag lay AVANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep tho Incoino from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn really help tho ramify revenues by renting n fow furnished rooms nnd, If you know how and when to use the classified columns, you may keep thnt Httlo extra lucomo ns "steady us n clock." VXT ADVERTISING in The TIMES Wilt Put Vour Real Estate "In the Market" lit t o c 1 i v o 1 y I It will put tlio fncts about your nrnnorty beforo tho eyes Of till "pos sible buyers" In -town. And It there's ono of thorn who ought to own It, you'll soil It! MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Sfattra VOL XXXV Established in 1878 ns Tlio Const Moll robdWeTl's RULING AGAINST JOHN I'MIMM Decides Veniremen Cannot Be innot Be - Objected to Because Dynamite Belief CONSIDER DECISION VERY IMPORTANT ONE Only Small Number of Original Venire Remain to Get Bal ance of Jury. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Time. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Oct. 23. Judge Dordweii annonncou iimuy mm tho law left lilm no option but to refuso a challenge directed by tho defenso In tho McNamnra murder trial against Talesman George W. McKce, who said ho bellovud tlio Los Angeles Times' oxpjoslon wns caused by dynamite. Tho ruling is consider- cd by tho opposing counsel as of grcnt Importance. Tho defense con- tended among otnor uunga tnui ino Times' explosion was caused by nnd that anyone believing In tho dy namite theory would not be qunllllud to try the case of Jnmea U. .McNa mnra for the death of Charles J. llnggcrty, a machinist killed in t'io. disaster. This Is the ilrst ruling of thb trial which tho defeuso had strongly opposod. When Judge Dordweii concluded, stating his ruling, Attorney Scott lor tho dorense asked it the same ruling jay they have n strong opinion thnt tho building was blown up uy gas. . Judge Dordweii icpiled, "You wll find out when wo come to it. Do you think I would use ono hide dif ferently from tho othor?" Scott replied In tho negative, but ndded that the district attorney has taken n position that tho gns theory Mould disqualify a Juror. Just prior to thu adjournment an nit,..,- ....iiiuinu iwniirriii. Tnlosiimii W. P. Oliver in answering n question ' hoped tho gamo will bo played to by Uarrow said ho know no reason morrow. why laboring men should strike. I Dordweii Interpellated tho question ' If he meant strikes wero not requlr- This rnln reminds ono of Phil- cd and not proper. Darrow objected adelphla, where It rains nearly to tlio question, but Dordweii over- all tho time. ruled him. Darrow protested tho f illa.lliwi nnfll.if...l l1i Ilia llln tt 'UVStlVM lUllilll.llll ,111(1 ll,0 1...W ' t examination and for that renson the, court withdrew it. Tho luncheon recess followed. I'Vw Veniremen llciiurti. Only eighteen mon outsldo of tho Jury box and six of tho original 125 veniremen summoned to try tho enso of Jnuii's II. McNaniarn for murder remained when tho court convened today at the beginning of tho third week. No Juror had qunlllled llunliy. 1 Three talesmen, Seaborn Manning,1 Hobert Unlit nnd F. D. Croon had ueen "pnsseti" or temporarily ac cepted by both sides. Within a few minutes after tho court assomblcd, Talesmen A. C. Robinson and A. It. Mcintosh had been excused by Judgo Dordweii, leaving only 23 talesmen and veniremen. Doth mon snld they wero opposed to conviction in cnpltal punishment cases on circumstantial evidence. Joint Committee of North Bend and Marshfield Councils' Meets Wednesday. Chairman A. H .Powers of tho joint committee of tho North Bond and Marshfield city councils having in chargo tho investigation of a wat er supply for Coos Bay. has called a Meeting of tho committee for Wed nesday evening to consider the roport f Engineer Richardson on his In vestigation. ii,5ho rl'OFt will ho discussed and ne question of whether It covers tho wound sufllclent and also whether It rhii necessary to havo any of It ha m d l,n hy another ongineer will -" uiKuuBseu. The North Bend and Mnrshfleh h .C0!lnc"8 meet tomorrow night will 1 lf ,not ,,ke,y tnat nny notion Joint .tak1? on tne ren0rt unt th0 JhU cpmmlttees file their reports. riiJ111811 " nATn will do you C0D. Phone 214-J. TO GONSIOER ITER REPORT ON FIRST POINT I SWDPE TRIAL OPENS TODAY Dr. Hyde Tried Again at Kan sas City For Killing Mil lionaire Relative. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da; Times) KANSAS CITY, Oct. 23. - Dr. 11. Clark Ilytlo was today for a sec ond Minn nlnmil nn trlnl ptinrirml wUn murdering Colonol Thomas II. Swopo by poisoning. Hydo was found guilty at" tho first trial, nnd sentenced to llfo imprisonment, but tho decision wns reversed and tho cnB0 remanded for retrial. Following objections by tho dc- fcl,Hc to tho present vonlro, now ve- nlromen have been summoned to np- ,CItr i cort tomorrow. WET TO PLAT World's Series Game HaS to Go Over Until Tomorrow Weather More Promising (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Dny I Times) ' PHILADELPHIA, Pn., Oc. 23. i There will bo no gamo in tho world's series hero today as tho ground', r.rb too wot. i no weanior is inir ana it COAST LEAGUE Lastl Games Of 1911 SCllCdUlC Played Yesterday Plan Benefit Games. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23. Yes teiday marked tho close of tho 1911 Const League's season. Some past season benefit games will likely bo played. . Yesterday's games resulted as fol lows: At San Francisco San Francisco Portland . . (Second gamo.) San Francisco Portland At Sncranionto Sacramento . . . Onklnnd (Second game.) Sacramento Oakland At Los Angoles Los Angeles Vernon (Second game.) Los Angoles Vernon ' Saturday's Scores. At San Francisco San Francisco Portland (Second game.) San Francisco Portland (Seven Innings Agreement) R C 3 8 1 R 4 0 7 8 R fi 7 8 7 R 7 9 5 0 19 21 II 13 13 7 1 II 7 S II (i 14 At Sacramento- R 5 1 R 3 7 Sacramento Oakland At Los Angeles Los Angeles Vernon DON'T FORGET the Seventh An imal HALL, NORTH I1KXI) FIRK DEPAIiT.MKXT. Eckhoff Hall, SAT URDAY night, OCTOBER 28. Tick ets 11.00. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, R. WALSH PASSES AM Former Banker, Publisher and Railroad Magnate Dies of Heart Disease One Week After Release From Prison. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times)' CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 23 John It. Walsh, former banker, publisher nnd Two Killed and Three Fatally Wounded In Outbreak at Coweta Last Night. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MUSKOGEE, Okla., Oct. 23. All Is quiet la Coweta following the race riots last night In which ono white and a negro wero killed and two whites nnd a negro fatally wounded. A company of mllltln is maintaining martial law. Tho soldlors have arrested many negroes and havo other under sur veillance. Quiet was soon restored nfter tho nows thnt tho soldiers worn nt hand was circulated. Unconfirmed reports stntu thnt two whlto farmers hnvo been killed by negroes near Coweta. It Is rumored that unarm ed mobs of blacks are preparing to march from Redblrd to Coweta to! night. Warren Parker's Property at r Parkersburg Destroyed Early Saturday. (Special to Tho Times.) C0QU1LLK, Oro., Oct. 2'3. Tho shlnglo mill property of Wnrrcn Par- Kur 111 i-iirtursuurK. wiib uuiiiy oea- RACE RIOTING IN OKLAHOMA SHINGLE Mill 11 OW iruu uy uru uuriy Biiuiruiiy iiiurii- At tntf building which WB8 , nl- ng. Tho oss will aggregate sovoral.rcnHy wo Ucd tll0 H,DB,IIB beBn ihousand dollars nnd It could not bo t onco a of u ,no8l vol . nscortnlned whe her it was insured. lneot,K8 Mnralifleld has over held Tho origin of tho fire Is a mystery. ' iv.i uv ,,11 tii pn,ni,i,inii It was discovered as a result of the' explosion of n big tank of gasoline, 1 1110 iioiso 01 which awiiKvneu me peo- pio ncaroj. h is ospecieu uini u.e mm win uo rebuilt soon. C. R SMITH IS MING RERE HEAD OF ME.VASHA WOODEN WARE COMPANY EXPECTED TODAY RUMOR ABOUT DEAL AVITJl SIMPSON COMPANY DE NIED. C. R. Smith, head of tho Mennshn Woodonwaro company, whoso big holdings in Coos coupty were great ly Increased Inst summer by the ab sorption of tho Southern Oregon company, Is expected here overland today. It Is understood that ho plans to Bpond considerable timo on tho Bay Inspecting tho properties. In connection with his arrival, a rumor waa started In North Bend this morning that there was a big denl on betweon the Mennshn Wooden ware company and tho Simpson Lum ber Co, would likely be closed dur- ling Mr. Smith's visit here. Neither 1 Li. J. SIninsan nor Cant. Edcar Slum. son could bo soon this afternoon con corning tho report, but It was stated by a man closo in touch with the af fairs of the Simpson company that tho report was absolutely without foundation, Ono roport In North Bend had it that it was tho Old Town mill prop erty that the Menasha people was to tak over. Some havo expected that Mr. Sm.tii would make somo announce ment during this visit relative to tho plans for developing his Coos county holdings. However, it is stated that it Is not his plan to do anything un til the government's suit involving the title to the bulk of the Southern Oregon company's holdings Is decided. OCTOBER 23, 1911 -EVENING railroad owner vho was released a week ago from the federal peniten tiary nt Leavenworth, died to day of heart disease. He had been In bed most of the time since ho was released October 15 to be attend ed by physicians. Intermittent re ports of Walsh's falling health had been denied nt the ponltontlary. On his release, I It was phi In he had aged nnd he gnvo up his plans for tho re sumption of his position as a finan cial leader and took to his bed, Black Fugitive Kills Three and Wounds Two In Alabama Today. Dy Associated Press to the Coos Day Times.) BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 23. Prank Harrison, a negro, who killed former Deputy Shorlff Cooper nt North Port yesterday, today killed Deputy Shorlff Drown Horton nnd I a negro . and wounded Deputy Shor- Iff Hohmby and another negro near Sander s Perry. A posse Is on his trail. , Tabernacle Crowded. Dr. Knox I Speaks on Unpardonable Sin Sunday Evening. Thero was an unusually largo at tendance at tho various young peo 1 pie's societies in tho churches last evening and as tho meetings utiished, "" Jo,no,(1 J" n lonB I,a?;n,d?n!0 tabornncle. It was estimated tho that ' ..11.. AAA ...w...Ia i.nxlli.MiitA.1 l n march through tho streets. Dy tho .singing "Hold tho Fort, For I Am Coming" nnd "Oh, That Will Do Glory For Mo" of tho paradors, tho denizens of front street wero nctunl ly moved from their comfortnblo musings to walk as far as Broadway tQ BC0 w,nt w8 ,,, , croW(ls . mndo tho we,kl rig wltl tll0 ol(, B0I,B8 ot tho Gospel. igVOPVmlo Hp,i11L,,i ninnseil with tho 'spirit of tho workers and the straightforward sermons which tho pastors of tho locnl churches deliv ered yesterday. Rev. II. I. Rutledgo spoko in tho morning, a report of which will bo found In this evening issuo ot the "Record." Dr. Know spoko in part using tho text: "Tho Spirit of tho Lord De parted From Him and an Evil Spirit of tho Lord Troubled Him" found In first Samuel 10:14 "Samuel was the last of tho Judges and Paul was the first of tho kings, But ho was ono who became too self important be cause of tho npplauso of tho pooplo. God became displeased with him be causo ho exercised the triple olllco of prophet, priest nnd king, nil at tho same time, In doing so ho brought his own sins down upon his head and tho spirit of the Loid departed from him. "Saul was like a great many peo- plo today who sny, "What do I care if tho spirit of tho Lord does depart from me, I am freo to do as 1 like. I make no profession and I am strong, what do I care?" These cut tho church and all righteous influen ces far from themselves, they scorn things divine and nro absolutely Igno rant of the truth of God. Dr. Knox then went on to explain that the spirit ot the Lord which troubled Saul was not the devil, but It was tlio Lord. Ho used striking Illustrations from electricity nnd fire, saying "If you break tho laws of electricity you will suffer. Tho fire Is a benefit to warm our homes, but you break its laws and you suffer. Saul had broken tho laws of God. Ho had Ignored what God had told him and now Ho who once was his friend was troubling him and that because Saul himself had turned his back on God and by doing this God was made his own onemy. "Thero are young men in this very community who are driving nails in their own coffins, and at the same tlmo they are boasting "I am strong, I can do this onco moro, it won't hurt me and they say God will never bring me to any Judgment seat, I nm Tint nfrnlil. TIia dnv will rnmA If NEGRO. ELAYS RIS PURSUERS MANY PARADE 1 rnriM nininniirn mum unununtD I EDITION. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mali nnd Coos Hay Atlvcrtlscf. E' IRE IP NINE KILLED BY Ten Seriously Wounded and Fifteen Entombed In Illi nois Mine Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) HARRISDURG, 111., Oct. 23. Nine men wero killed nnd ten who wero gravely wounded wero carried up by rescuers, nnd fifteen moro are imprisoned In a caveln ns a result of the explosion of a keg of powder which ignited tho black damp today In tho Ognra mlno nine miles south of here. That moro lives wero not lost was duo to tho fact that tho shift was changing when the explo- slon occurred. Congressman to Reach Coos Bay Thursday to Inspect Harbor Work. Congressman W. C. Hnwley will roach Coos Bay Thursday for a few days' stay here, according to lottors received by Col. Wm. Grimes, Dr. McCormne nnd W. U. Douglas this morning. Mr. Hawloy's visit Is in accordance with his announcement sometime ngo of a desire to visit all tho rivers and harbors In his dis trict with n vlow to being better nblo ' to present their claims for federal appropriations nt the coming session of-MJongrcsB. in tho letter rocelyed today, no mention Is mndo of Con gressman Humphreys ot Washington, n member of tho House Rivers nnd Harbors committee, who wns dele gated to accompany Mr. Hnwley on tho trip. It Is expected that a public meet Jng will bo arranged to welcome Mr. I,nwloy ,,cr0 n,", tr,,s t0 VI,r,0UB ' l'""s ui uio uuy win uisu uu ar ranged. Tho schedule for Mr. Hawloy's trip Is as follows: Leavo Drain early Wednesday, Oc '25 for .Mnralifleld via Elkton, Scottsburg nnd Gardiner. Arrive at Marshileld Thursday aft ernoon, October 2G. Will bo In Mnrshfleld nnd North Dond Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, leaving Marshfield Mon day nt 8 n. m. Arrive nt Myrtle Point nt 9:40 n. m., leaving nt 4 p. m. Monday, Oc tober 30. Arrive at coqulllo at 0:40 p, in. Monday, leaving Tuesday morning, Octobor 31. Arrive at Dandon at noon Tuesday, leaving Tuesday morning, Octobor 31 Arrive nt Coqulllo nt noon Wed nesday, leaving at 4:45 p. in. Wed nesday, November 1. Arrive nt Marshfield at 5:10 p. in. Wednesday, leaving Thursday a. m., November 2. Arrive nt Drain Friday afternoon, leaving so ns to arrlvo In Salem Sat urday morning, November 4. it has not nlready for somo, when they win'renllzo that God has dopnrt ed from thorn as n frlond nnd the are troubled becauso they havo been nil along through life the enemy of God." Meotlng tonight 7:30. SANDWICHES and COFFEE CAKE and COFFEE JO CENTS LUTHERAN hall, WEDNESDAY I from 2 to 5. EVERYONE INVITED by Episcopal ALTAR GUILD. BAND DANCE at EAGLES H.Utf Saturdny evening, OCTODER 28. Jill. SIC by FULL band. DON'T FORGET tho Seventh An nual BALL, NORTH BEND FIRE DEPARTMENT. Eckhoff Hall, RAT VRDAY night, OCTODER 28. Tick ets 11.00. RAND DANCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday ovenlng, OCTOBER 28. MU SIC by FULL band. OS RAWLEY WILL BE HERE SOON T.i No. 85 OfiTANT CAPITALS ' UKWm Last Victories Add Two More Provinces to Territory Con trolled by Them. CONTINUE TO GAIN FAST ON GOVERNMENT Changsha and Manchang, Leading Southern Cities, Are Latest to Fall. (Dy Associated Press to Coos BajJ Times.; SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 23 Tlio I occupation by the revolutlnists oC two moro important southern cities. Changsha and Manchang, was an nounced In dispatches that reached this city early today. Changsha Is tho cnpltnl of tho provlnco of Hunan, nnd Manchang is tho cnpltnl of the Klangst province. Their capture, thorofore, delivers into rovolu- f,0lmr' ,'nml8 "10 local govornmonta " l", lwo "n,,0V , ,ro,v"7"' 1 thereby moro thnn doubling tho t"r- iiiury 111 which iiiu ruuuis uro ihh tors. TO MAKE EVEN! LASH WEEK Inaugurations of Presidents of ' United States to Take on Pageantry of Royalty. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day; TtmcB.) CHICAGO, III., Oct. 23. A spocml dispatch, from Washington Bays, "Thero Is a plan under discussion to havo the presidential Inaugurations last a week. Americans who sra patriotic enough to spend their mon ey at homo and democratic enaugfn not to cravo tho prcsenco of royalty In thu court of honor will no longer hnvo to cross tho sens for coronations and durbars In ordor to grntlfy their lovo of pageantry providing tho am bitious schemo hntched by WashluK toulaus within tho last fow dnya In carried on to- completion. " FOOTBALL IS FATALJO MAN Hardy E. Dimmick Receives Message Announcing Brother's Death. Hardy E. Dimmick, who enmo here a short tlmo ago to locate, loft X's torday for his homo at Orogou Cay In response to a messago announcing; thnt his brother, Ralph Dimmick, had died of Injuries sustained in u. recent football gamo. Ralph Dimmick,. who had recent ly completed bis college education at an eastern university, was coaching; tho Columbia Univorslty this team. Recently he participated In a gamo thoro In which tho teams woro mndo up ot former stars ot tho gridiron. Ho was injured and had to bo tnkon to a hospital. It wns thought that ho was getting along all right until WO the message ennio announcing his death. They aro brothers of Grant B, Dimmick of Oregon City who was a candldnto for tho republican nomina tion for governor in tho recont pri maries. Ben Chandler Hurt. A Eiigeuo dispatch concornlug tho Univorslty of Orogon football team has tho following concern'ng a woll known Mnrshflold boy: "Bon Chan dler, ono of tho prominent candidates for the vacant end post, sustained nr knee dislocation that will keep hlrs out of tho fray for a weok, and" BoU Fnrlss, a promising guard, Is tempo rarily out of tho mix with a craokjpj rib." DON'T FORGET tho Sovontlr An nual BALL, NORTH BEND- FtR DEPARTMENT. Eckhoff Hair, SAT URDAY night, OCTOBER 28. Tick ets $1.00. ; , Read tho Times' Want Ada. :