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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
!- 'i , "IT""" --" f 8 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION.' ' The 1912 billed electric starting, lighting and ignition system absolutely positive and unfailing in its action. For the present this ap Cars. It cannot be sold for attachment to cars now in use because it must be built special lor each type ol motor. It is in ,. . i ii .. . .in.,.,.,i..niii inn iwlnnf if Ia flin viivinns ninrnrs. liiKli eradc cars will use tins apparatus as rapidiy as our engineering uuiHu-mifin v.n um u .w .... ...- JJAXj-VjiN JliJNUliN.UirJlU.iNU- JjiViiUlXiVXUUXlO KjKJ., .ui iu, vmu. The above appeared in the 'Motor' of .September, and is not a Cadillac ad, but the manufacturers. O U SELF - STARTER .u. . .... "Ji Some i)eo)le say you weigh 300 pounds, some say 350, some say 400. Now what the balterv. Make a guess and subtract the weight of the magnetto and other attachments on of a 19.12 self-starting Cadillac. SPECIFICATIONS IN BRIEF MOTOH Four cyllmlor, four cycle: cylinders enst Blnply. $ Inch bore by I M Inch piston stroke. FIve-benrliiK crank shaft, 1 Inch llumctcr. UjarlniPi bronze with babbitt lining. Five bearing cam shaft. IIOILSKI'OWIIIt Nominal, A. h. A. M. rutliiR. 32.4. Actunl horsepower reatly In excess of that ratlnK due to Cadillac deulttn, Cadillac principles and Cadillac construction. COOI.IXiJ Wnler. Copper Jacketed cylinders, copper Inlet and outlet water manifolds, fienr driv en centrifugal pump, ltadlator, tubular and platu typo of tine qualed elllclency. Fan attached to motor, running on two point ball bearings; center distances of fan pulleys ndjustablo to take up stretch In belt. HiNITION l)y;miuo which furnishes current for Ignition, olectrlc starting device and electric lights. Also Delco Dlitrlbutor system with dry cell current. M'ltUICATION Automatic splash system, oil uniformly distributed. Supply maintained by me chanical forre-ftt'd lubricator with single sight feed on dash. CAItlU'ltirroit Cadillac special, new, dovoloped upon sdi'ntlllc principles. Air may bo adjusted from driver's seat. ClilTCH Cone type, large, leather faced with sp?clal spring ring in flywheel. Clutch rendly re movable and most easily operated ever rnlvorsal Joint between clutch nnd transmission practically noiseless In all positions nnd easily unlovable. TIIAXSMISSIOX Sliding gear. kpU'cMtv type, tlirio speeds forward and reverse. Chrome nlriiel steel gears. Chrome nickel steel transmlsbloii shaft and clutch shaft riming on five annular bull bearings. imiVK -Direct Hnft to bevel genrs of special cut teeth to nfford mnxlmum strength. All gears cut by us. Drive shaft runs on Timken hearings. Two universal Joints, tho forward telesconlc, each enclosed In hnqslng and running In oil hath. AXI.KS- Rear. Timken full floating type; special alloy Ptoel live axle shaft; Tlmkon roller boarlngs. Double torsion tubes nrrnnged in triangular form affording unusual strength. Front nxle, drop forged 1 beam taction with drop forged yokes, t )rlng perches, tlo rod ends and steering spindles. DHAKKS One Internal and one external brake direct on -wheels, 17 Inch s 2'd Inch drums. Kxcop tlonally easy of operation. Both equipped with efliiallzcjs. 8Ti:i:mX(i JKAIC Our own pitsonted worm and worm gear u-ctor type, adjustable, with ball thrust bearing. J3i Inch steerlDg pom, 18 inch steering wfcoel with corrugated walnut rim, aluminum spider. 1'UA.MK Double dropped (2Vj Inch drop) prewo.1 steel, chnunel -station, width 30 Inches In front, 33 Inches In rear. Phaeton and Tor- iKAIt HATIOS Touring Cnr, Coupe and LlmouMne, 3.02 to 1, option 3.0G to 1. pedo, 3. 00 to 1, option 3. -13 to 1. lloauster, J.ia to l. option, a.uu 10 i. WIIKKLS Wood, nrtlllery type, fitted with quick detachable rims, special largo hub flanges and speclnl strength, henvy spokes. Tlltrs 30 inch by I Inch. Wlli:i:i HASH 110 Inches. TKKAD Mi Inches. Option CI Inches. Sl'ltlXCS Front, seml-elllptlcnl 30 Inches long by 2 Inches wide; Rear three-quarter platform; sides, -12 Inches long by 2 Inches wide. Hear serosa 30& Inches long x 2 Inches wide. All 10 leaf. , , , . COXTIlOli Hand genr change lever at driver's l'.gat. Inside cnr. Service brake, foot lover. Clutcn, foot lovor. Kmergoncy brake, hand lover at driver's right, outside. Throttlo accelerator, foot lov er. Spark nnd throttlo levers nt steering wheel. Cnrburetor nlr adjustment, hand lever under steering wheel. GASOMXK CAPACITY Touring Cnr, Torpedo i'n.1 Limousine, 20 gnllons. Phaeton, Roadster Coupe, 1-1 gnllons. OID CAPACITY 6 pints, sufficient for 400 to 000 miles. ltOIMDS Touring Cnr, Phneton, Torpedo and Ho ulster, steel, Improved process of manufnct'ire. Llmousluo nnd Coupe, nlumlnum, all Ixullcs Aith foro doors. I'l'IIOLSTKIUXC Hand buffed bind; leather over genuine curled hair and deep coll steel springs. Seat cushion springs are Royal Arch construction. Ul'XXIXf! HOARDS Llnoloum covered, with metal binding. FINISH Royal bluo bodies and chassis, striped. Dash and door trimming strips, walnut. (Tole do finish grey. Option royal blue.) STANDARD KQl'IP.MICXT Dynamo with SO A. II. battery for nutomatlc starter, olectrlc lights and Ignition. Also Delco distributor Ignition system with dry cell current. Lamps, Gray & Davis, es pecially designed for Cadillac Cars, black enamel with nickel trimmings; two hend lights with ad justable globes to regulate light rays; two ilelo lights, lull light. Hans gasolino gauge on dash, horn; full foot rail In tonnenu, half foot rail In front; robe rail, tiro irons, tool box, sot or tools ln eluding pump nnd tiro ropalr knit; cocoa mnt in all tonnenux except cloEeel cars. Speedometer Stnndard, improved with 4 Inch fnco and electric light, . . . m - p.r.,c.ef K'S;r " Mnr8hfle,d Including standard equipment as shown nbovo, nnd Top and Wind shield, $2075.00. The Cadillac does not claim to be the fastest, nor the lightest, nor the cheapest car on the market, but it does claim it is the most durable, having more real stay with vou value, working capacity and comfort than any car within $1000.00 of its price. It is not built like a spider, but built like a. real machine with a perfectly cooled engine with all the modern conveniences, with full floating axlcn and all parts strong and heavy enough to stand the rub, then bo a car that does not have to go to the .junk pile. No, it is not the cheapest, but by the ihne yon buy a dieap, frail ear and run it six months or a year, you can see where putting your money in a real car would have been wise. .lust look what the Cadillac cars are doing o i the road, not only here but everywhere. Started out with one Cadillac on tho Allcmny-Drain run with four other makes, but in less than one month there were live Cadillacs and no others. Gentlemen, when a car can make a o mile run every day for a whole summer over mouu- i f Automatic electric, sett-starting device, electric lights, two complete and distinct ignition systems, scientifically developed carburetor, more power, larger wheels, larger brake drums, steel bodies of latest accepted designs, nickle trimmed, 21 -gallon gasoline capacity, full floating axles, gasoline gauge on dash, speedometer with electric light, an engine unsurpassed .by the best, the most perfectly cooled ' eneine made today, never boils water and vibration is almost eliminated 1912 CADILLAC, complete with everything from "A to Z", laid down in Marshfield, Oregon, for J $2075.00 ' NOTICE "DELCO Starting Lighting Ignition. It is a custom of the Delco laboratory to produce each year some new, unique device which will add to the pleasure and safety of automobile users. FOR 3912 CARS we have perfected a com paratus can be seen only on 1912 Cadillac fact a part oi the motor itself. Other Hell do you weigh ? Here it is a dynamo about 8 inches square and a storage I other cars and it! it increases the weight 50 pounds, I will make -you a present f tains where there is 2U per cent low gear work wit'iour ever wiling me warer or uaving an engine overnamcu or caruurctor adjusted, there must be car value. - ' It' I can't show vou more car value for the money in a Cadillac, I don't want your business. sgF .'lust figure up the self-starter, electric light?, dynamo that keeps your battery charged, special electric lamps, nickel trimmings that need no polishing speedom eter with electric light, 21 gallon gasoline tank with gauge on dash, 30 .x 4 wheels and various other things the Cadillac has and see what it will cost to make some i .1 of hoi car comnlete. Now you will have to come to this sooner or later so why not' make the first cost cover it all and have it right rather than be dissatisfied after you have found you need same. Seo GEO. GOODRUM, Marshfield, Oregon FOR NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARS 0&ifimk&vmiv&imm0t mmtmm M