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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Tr D Trftn rire oac FranHin If you have not a Fireplace in your home buy this Heater Beauty and Durability Combined I Pioneer I 0.10 lltOXT ST Always- "The Busy Why Not A llox of Splendid Chocolates nnd why not buy thorn hero? Wo hnvu them. Fresh stock of Itholu Gold Chocolntcs In IiiiHh nnd pounds nnd nUo that superior Plg'n Whlatlo lino of candles. Wo are exclusive agents for this lino of Pino Chocolates, CIiowb nnd Tallies. Henieinber tho nnmo l'lg'n & Whistle. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone "TIIK FRIEND S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Coos Bay from Portland Wednesday, Oct, 25. CONNEUT1NH WITU TIIK NOUTII HANK UOAI AT POUTLANI) NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY'. PHONIC 44 C. F. McGEOROE, Agent WANTED (Jhl for general house work. Family small. No children. Call on, or address I. S. Knuf raan & Co. TOR SALII CHEAP Two American box ball alloys In lino condition. Carl or Teams. Address A. 11. Campbell. IVAXTKI) Man to do general around building and grounds. Steady work, liuiulru Morey hos pital, r 1'OR SI,i; Cheap If taken hoon, u Rood piano, Apply nt F. Tlinnior mairs lesldonco, North Front St. LOST ItotwiTii tho top of the West Marshlleld hill nnd Ollvnnt & Weaver giocory on Central Avo n dark-brown man'B coat. Roturn to Times' olllco nnd recolvo rownrd. ).?!T,'') Xmo geiitleineii roomers. Will board two. Enqulro 3SS First St. or Homo Realty Co., 3C1 North Front St. IMPORTANT Try tho Dnltlmoro for unch. Speed, quantity nnd qual ity our motto. "ANTED Flvo steady roomers niul warders, nice quiet plnco. Renson aule rates. Close In, 349 First St. Phono 1CCL. :: .'i ten .uk ono or ne best improved nnd equipped' "airy farms In tlm vniinv. win e on easy terms If sold soon. r further Information inquire of vUn VSr1, wner. Phono 101, "'omt, urogon. l RP.XT A small Iioiisj eloso In ei' Second nnd Hall. $10 with --"-. J-.nqiuro of F. E. Allen. 3,'nX(nt womnn for house 6 nweVer" AVedneS(lay 8 a.m. to "iinono oLi. MT ?l0,l,R ,nd' bookkeeper. takiL, accurnt0 ana capable of KlnS charge of set of hooks. Ad- Heater Hard war MAHS1IFIELD .1 Corner' Main 298' Us OF COOS HAY' dress In own handwriting llox 120. P. O. FOIt HENT- lug rooms. il furnished liousekcep Phono I9L. I l'Olt SALE Moulding house near Chandler hotel. Inqulro Times' olllco. WANTED. Position in olllco by young lady who has had steno graphic exporlonco. Address A. C. caro of Coos Day Times. WAXTF.D From 25 to 50 loads of good manure. Freo from Bhnv lngs. L. J. Simpson. North Don d . FOIt ItKNT Furnished room, 181 Third St. Phono 292-J. WANTED Apprentice In millinery OIUIU, JM'l" '.! ill illllVO Ulllivi. I NOTICE Have llindlleld's oiches j trn furnish music for that banquot, I danco or party. Phono 3-J. i .. FOR HKX'f AND SAT.K. Small ranch and stock.S, caro Tlmos. FOK SALI5 My farm 000 ncres In ono lot or will cut up In parcels to suit. C. W. Santord, Mnrshfleld. For a Delicious Lunch Supper or Breakfast - TjJ-" There's Nothing Detter Than 'TignW"" ' Opera Lunch Halibut , SLICED SMOKED Per Carton Only 20c Try It and you will order again hecauso wo know you will bo more than pleaspd. y Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- PRICE $15.00 mpaimj OREt.'ON COOS HAY FOREST FIRES (From the Portland Journal) THE loss by forest tires this year In the forests of Coos county nnd parts of Curry nnd Douglns counties, patrolled by tho Coos Coun ty Flro Patrol association, Is reported to bo that only 000 ncres woro burned over, with n totnl timber loss not ox- .....u.... onn nnn rw. vuuiiiiiK -uu.uvv itoi. Tho nssocliitlan Is snld to hnvo ". " "" spont about $10,000. Tho cost of ror ,,ny ' m"t tho lire protection work nvornged . ono mid one liulf cents per ncre. Tho I SImipK Iiy Auto. Phocbo Rur tlmber tributary to Coos Uny wns es- roughs, n young dnughter of Dr. A. tliimted u few years ngo nt not less C. Durroughs. wns struck by a dollv thnn 1 1,000,000 feet. ery nuto yestordny while sho was The association Is allied with tho playing on tho street. Sho was not stata organization but Its work is its Injured, own and by results Justifies Itself. First of nil, Its money Is spent in I Cot Homesteads. Cheater Hear cutting trails through tho untravor- niul Jay Grimes yesterday nppearod snblo forests to make nil outlying before United Stntes Lund Comnils utid secluded districts accessible to H0nor Arthur K. I'eck and nindo tho rangers. Then It extends tele- nnnl proof on their homesteads phono lines far and near, that Inclpl- wj,cn nro ocntod near North Inlet. ent llres may bo roported boforo they become dangorous. And, by giving Tj,vi, T)lly noyA c namp, tho tho fnrmors whoso lnnds nro crossed Soclnllst lecturor who hns been nsslst by the wires tho freo ubo of them con- ,ng tllc Coo8 C01IIUy socialists In their dltioiiod on tholr reporting flros, tho .campaign for now mombors, loft to nssoclntlon enlists the Individual In- (lny for Portland. Last ovonlng, tho .orest for tho common honoflt. No soclnllstH tinll wns crowded to hear longer wntchlng hopo ess y ho nd- hlin ins address was devoted to an viinco of tho smoke clouds, high In explanation of true soclnllsm. i nlr, tho Uolatcd family callB for ox-i m - pert nnd clllclont holp, nnd tho flro Plan For Fight. Arrnngomonts fighters nro quickly summoned to-nro being nindo for n twonty-ronnd their nld. 'bout between Dniiny O'nrlon of If It bo truo that tho Iobs by flro i Portland mid Enrl Ilondorson. to bo In tho district coyorod by this nsB0.i,)ul0(i off i,oro n))0Ut Novombor 11. cln Ion wns less thnii In nny slmllnr o'Hrlen has been lioro n couplo of district In tho stnto It Is n loud call tln,P8 ,, , clevor ,)0X(,r, A c0. to similar action In ovory othor tlm- ln of ,iro1lniiiinrlos will nlso bo nr bored region, for tho menus nro Hlm- K?2J I plo nnd tho cost liiBlgnlllrnnt Indeed rnIcU' Pmliniilj. . I In proportion to tho servlco rendered. I No meeting Culled. No meeting Hundreds or yenrs of growth nro hns yet been cnllod to consldor En shown In tho rings exposed whon Kneor Rlchurdson's report on tho ono of our forest gnlnts 'has been coos Day waterworks situation. Tho felled. Did you over count them nnd cionr Lnko property recommended ns lguro how Blow thlH ono crop hriB n Hourco of HMIlly jfl owne,i i,y Dr. Won In ripening for uso? To reck- R, MnRB, j. Albort Matson. L. J. r,ynX,JOI, H on? (,n!,KOr Simpson nnd m S. Chandler nnd lire or to wnsto Its vnltio in un- ntura ,.i.mi.i ii.... .... .i ..,i..i. oiiuirn. nitiui'ii ii'KKUiK la huibu IIIUII(IUU1IHII, It 'Is n crime. October's Tqpestry. Hy'tho mountnln stands October, Llko n wenvor brown nnd old; For his wurp ho uses sunbeams Threads of pulpltutlng gold; And the loom spread out beforo him m lilt i m i iiiiii i f in mi. Whllo his shuttle, playing swiftly, Is tho wind of autumn Iteon. For his woof ho chooses colore Amethyst and. purple lost In tho bluo of smoke nnd shadows, In tho gray of oarly frost; Vivid carinlno, saffron, author; Fadod tints the sumnior loft; Mauve and lllao softly blcndod All thoso form Octobor's weft. All day long I hoar tho music Of his shuttlo nnd his loom; All day long I watch hlm weaving Till tho stars begin to bloom. And tho figures on his fabric, bu wa wmv n N.vir As each dny they brighter grow, Seem the forms nnd llow'r-llko faces ; Of tho Junes I used to know. ALICE E. ALLEN. 85 and 305 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Preps.) OltEGON. Oct. 81 Fair to- iiIkIU and Sunday with easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItK- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 1:00 p. in., Oct. 20, by Mrs. K Mlngiis, special government meteorological observer: Maximum . . . TS 4 Minluiiim '10 At 1:00 p. m CI Precipitation none Wind, Northwest; clear. HORN. LAFON To Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lnf on, Jr., at tho home of Mrs. Lufon's IKireuts (.In illnrrodsburg, Ky., n dnughtor, Wed., Oct. 18. News of the arrival of the little Miss Iiob Just been rcelved here and will bo most gratifying to tho many friends of the estimable parents. Mr. Lafon left hero about a week ngo and should reach Hnrrodsburg today. Ho will probably remain there until his wife and daughter can return with him to Marshlleld. FISH. To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Fish, October 20, n son. Mother nnd child nro doing nicely. They reside nenr tho Smith-Powers Log ging enmp, No. 2. N . KuIIh TimIiiv. The Nnnn Smith sailed this forenoon wfth nnothor big '., f I I...- f... l,n a,IM, ...Ml Must lloimlr Itoml T. V. Ronnlo of North Dond who has tho contract for carrying tho mnll betweon Nyrth Dond nnd Gnrdluor, stntes thnt tho liostofllce Inspector hns notllled him thnt unless tho road supervisors along tho routo ropnlr the road nnd rut out tho brush, tho sorvlro may bo discon tinued. Tho brush Is so douso thnt ,t , mOB8iblo to keen tho mnll dry during tho rnlny 'wenther . Hound Over. Jess Day, former pu gilist, Is confined In tho Coos county .Inll pending tho nctlon of tho grand Jury on charges against him In con nection with a "rough houso" in a resort thofe. lo Is unablo to furnish $500 ball required hv Justice Holdcn. Mnrjorlo Denn nnd Miss Drnck woro required to furnish $100 bonds eneh for npponrnnco ns wltnossos ngnlnst Dny. , Opposes Discharge Wm. Dawson of Adn county, Idnbo, hns entered ob jection to tho discharge of J. Virgil Pugh In tho hankriintev courts. As ono of tho grounds for onnoshig Mr. Pugh's discharge was of liability for vnrlous debts, Mr. Dawson sets out that Just prior to filing hts potltlon In bankruptcy. Mr. Pugh transferred Al teon shnres of stock In tho Coos Day Tldo Land company to Abraham Van Zllo of North Dond for $225 when tho stock was roasonablyworth $3,00. Line Nearly Done. Jas Watt, who returned toda from n trip to Co qulllo, reports' thnt Contractor Con (Iron hns practically completed' tho grading for tho changing of the local railway's tracts nt Coqulllo City. Tho flno woathor has enabled them to ninko rnpld progress on tho work, much to tho gratification of Supt. i Mlllor. Mr. Watt says It Is vory gra tifying to Bee somo actual railroad building after hearing all tho talk about construction during tho last few years. Port Election. Parties from Cur ry county report that lntonso Interest Is being taken In tho approaching Port Orford port olectlon which Is to bo hold Friday, Octobor 30. Many of the big timber owners In the dis trict aro lighting It nnd It Is nlso said that many of tho ranchors nro ngalnst It. A largo amount of literature hns been circulated ngnlnst it. On tho other hnnd, tho business men of Port Orford nro holding mnss meetings throughout thnt section to urge tho voters to support tho proposition. Personal Notes G. J. LEHMANSKI left today tor Portland on business. MRS. W. H. SMITH.of Coos Itlver Is Murshflold shopper today. OTTO HILL of Coos River Mutshllold business visitor. Is a C. C. DRIDGES, tho well known Coos River rancher, Is In Marshlleld. C. W. STANFORD of Hnyncs Inlet Is In Mnrshllcld today on business. ALEX MATSON nnd wlfo of Cntch Ing Inlet nro Marshlleld shoppers today. POSTMASTER Win. E. HOMME of Coostou was a Mnrshllcld visitor today. W. F. ROWRON of Ten Mile Is In Mnrshfleld today on business nnd pleasure. LOUIS STONE of Catching Inlet was n Marshlleld business visitor this afternoon. CHAS. MAHAFFY of Coos River Is In Mnrshllcld oft business nnd pleasure. D. O. KEN'YON' of Lnkcsldo wns looking nftcr buslncsB interests in Mnrshllcld today. MRS. GEO. DLACIC of Catching In let is spending tho day with Mnrshllold friends. W. F. DENNING, koopor of tho Cnpo Argo LlghthouBO, Is a Marshlleld business visitor today. MRS. FRANK DLACIC nnd Mrs. Hnr mnn Stnnford of Sumner nro Mnrshfleld shoppers today. MRS. A .II. POWERS who has been 111 for a couple of weekB was re ported not so well today. J. M. UPTON has gono to Curry coun ty to visit for n week with his fath er, n ploncor of thnt suction. MRS. ANDREW STORA nnd Miss Slgnn Stora of Coos River aro Marshlleld shoppers todny. MRS. S. A. YOAICAM camo doWn from her Coos River homestead todny to visit friends nnd rela tives. ' i MRS. M. J. Ostrow nnd bnby loft to day for Coos City for n short visit nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Hunter. J. D. GOSS Is expected homo on tho Redondo from San Franclscb where ho has been looking nftor legnl mnttors. DAVE SNEDDON of Llbby who hnh been very 111 nt Mercy hospltnl for n couplo of woks Is still In a rath er critical condition. JACK SNEDDON enmo In todny from South Inlet whoro ho is teaching school to spend Sunday with IiIh parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Sned don. A. W. MEYERS who has been visit Inc eastern niarkots and also at his' old homo In Poiinsylvnnln is ex pected to return the lntter part of next week. MRS. H. DASSETT nnd Mrs. Milton Mllloy, of Ashland, Wis., nrrlvod hero yestordny for a months' visit' nt tho homes of M. Porclvnl nnd Chns. Schjonborg In South Mnrslt-' field. I J. K. TAYLOR nnd wlfo, who resldo near camp 2 on Isthmus Inlot nro In Mnrshllold today. ARTHUR GEE nnd wlfo of Coqulllo pnsscd through hero todny on routo to Spoknno, Wnsh., whoro thoy will . mnko their futuro homo. Mrs. Geo' Is n cousin of Mrs. W, F. Harmon, j D. F. ROSS, the well known Cntch-' lug Inlot ploneor, wns slinking hands with friends In Mnrshllold today. Ho has fully rocovorod from his rocont Injurlos nnd HI-1 noss. MAYOR L. J. SIMPSON of North, Dond Is n Mnrshllold buslnoss vis-' Itor todny. Whilo somo opposl-. tlon hns dovoloped to tho Termin al Railway frnnchtso thoro, ho Is In hopes that It will carry. j ONE nnd HALF CENT per POUND , for POTATOES by tho sack. A NONA Cash CJUOCEUY. Music by full band next SATUH DAY NIfillT. Don't forget the Turkish Baths PHONE 214-J. Have your Job printing done at I nio Times offlco. Light. Drifted Snow Flour White Always Right GIVE CONCERT E Program Announced For Band Entertainment In Marsh field Tomorrow. Director Fenton of tho Coos Day Concert band niioiiunccd this after noon the program for tho special con cert to bo given Sunday nftornoon. If the weather will permit, It will bo given nt tho City Pnrk but if tho wenther is unfavorable, It will bo given nt tho Masonic Opera house. The program follows: March, "Tho Thoroughbred" Fallback Overture, "Nnbucodonosor" ...Vordl Reverie, "Gloaming" Root Morceau, "Whispering of Lovo". Dion Selection, "11 Trovntoro" Vordi Gloria from "12th Mnss". . . .Moznrt March. "Champ Clark's Congress" Huff Star Spangled Uanucr. MYRTLE POINT POINTKUS News of Upper Coqullo ns Told by the R. C. Dement, president of tho Coos nnd Curry County Fnlr Assocla tlon, has called n meeting of that ns soclntlon to bo hold In this city Sat urday afternoon, Oct. 21, for tho purposo of tnklng steps towards pro curing grounds at or near Myrtlo Point. V. L. Arrlngton returned Wodnes , dny aftornoon from a wcok's visit I with his dnughter, Mrs. Hcrbort Unities of Coos City. At tholr meeting last Monday tho city council voted to reduce tho ll cenno on pool tables from $100 to $50 per year. J. E. Hooper went to Mnrshfleld Wodnesdny on n business trip. U expects to tnko n run up Coos Riv er before returning. Flnloy .Hnrtloy, who hns been suf fering from consumption for tho last two years, pnRsod away Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 1011, near Eckloy, whoro ho hns been spending tho summer In tho hills In hopo of rcgnlnlng his health. Ho was gradually getting worso nnd Ills family hns been with him for A numbor of weeks. Hownrd Flnloy Hnrtloy, tho youngest son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Flnloy Hnrtloy died on Wednesday of last week, October 11, 1911, at tho ngo of 9 mouths nnd 20 dnys. To kcop n diner's Angora cloarr thoro luiB boon invented n silver clip to hold nnd snuoozo n sllco of lemon. Tho city of Pnrls'owiiB n niuchlno which can grind out nearly n qunrter of a million wooden paving blocks n dny. Trimming from now flnx nnd hemp nro tho sfftck from which la mndo tho llnost grndos of "rlco" clgaretto paper. ff you hnvo nnyening to soil, trade, rant or wnnt holp, try a want na. Do You Like to7 Eat? If you have, lost your ap petite and have no desire for food it is a very im portant sign, 'It indicates that your liver is not working properly, that your digestion is not what it should be, B. & S. Liver Pills Make your liver perform its function properly, Helps straighten out the deranged digestion, Clears your brain, Gives an appetite, Makes di gestion your servant in stead of you a slave to indigestion, 25c THE BOX at Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. PHONE 111, MAHSIIFIELD. SUNDAY