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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
lUSflWfW MM - "r-rnzsrr-2:.'2r r tfr aMBBHaiBaaaaaB -..l 551 w 11 Children's Eyes .uld bo jcanilnctl before 'sending ,iem to school. fe 'A child's oyea tiro delicate things. Slice It Is only by tho rarest skill, fe children eyes fitted with glassos, jlilch nro In accordanco with their bqulrements. Yenrs of exporlonco babies mo to guarantee satisfaction aJBitch cases. we Do Our Own Grinding ifllco over Norton & Hansen's Store 1 P. J. HAYES, Optometrist r Optometrist. the Man Who Knows .tioro's nothing llko a rich, Juicy ofsteak no bird's nests for his. t"thoro's ono thing wo'ro particular bout (wo have a enro for ovory unco of moat leaving theso prom D8), It's our bccfstonkB porter house sirloins, tenderloin and all. mo keep a keen eyo on tho market And glvo you ovory benefit of a shado yn pricing. Marshfield Cash Market phono liiii.r Pioneer Htillditig Front St. II. FOURNIEH, PROP. You Will Find Solid, comfort and satisfaction in OUR FURNITURE made by tho best manufactur ers It combines oleganco dura blllty and comfort. Our goods being substantially niado will retain tholr flno elegant finish and last a Ufetlmo and always proro a sourco of satisfaction. Another important fact is that our prices ara no higher than for poorer quality and trashy goods. Lot ub figure with you whon you want anything from a kitchen chair to a comploto outfit. C. A. Johnson, Oldest Furiilluro Store on Coos liny The Best of Everything" i n Bread Buns Rolls Cookies Cakes Pies GOODS DELIVERED DAILY Coos Bay Bakery PHONE lll-Ij IF YOU HAVE ANY House to Build You Will Do Well to See LADD, HUNT CONTRACTORS AND HUILDERS. Phone 138 -J FIRST STOCKHOLDERS MEETINfl OF COOS RAY Ol It AM) AS COMPANY. Notice la hereby given by tho un dorBlgiied Incorporators of tho Coos May Oil & Gas company that tho first meeting of stockholders nml sub Bcrlboru to tho stock of said corpora "v tlon will bo hold nt tho Chamber of Commorco In tho City of Mnrshllold, Cooa County, Orogon, on tho 7th dnv of November, 1011, nt 7:30 o'clock 1. M., at which tlmo u Hoard of Ill rectors will bo elected, llylaws will bo adopted and such other business transacted as may bo propor whon root together. Dated nt Marshfield, Coos Co, Oio gon, Octobor Cth, 1311. M. C NORTON, E. MINOUS. CASSIUS R. PECK, Incorporators. After tho show try a Turkish Batb Phone 2 14-J. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would Oo well to call at th Paclflo Monumental Wonts, South Broadway and make selection from tlio largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and gra nite cutter in Coos county. And nono but tho best work Is turned CO0S fflY.fflEGW. vi -i it I'l't'l'l 7VvT W3P -"TwC SAFE AND IV jJgT SQUARED Jir DEA Lsfif Ci . j The past has proren that Invostments ultles nro tho meit profltablo. Tho C. Oruschko, Mnrshfleld, Oro. 'TIIK PRIENO sv vv (PRESENTED NX BY S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKI) WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Portland Saturday, Oct. 21, In the forenoon. CONNECTINO WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PAJ1FIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 C. V. McflEOROE, Agent PAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for Marshfield from San Francisco Wednesday morning October 25, at 3:30 p. m. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 0. P. McQEORGE, Agont. EQUIPPED Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME HAILS PRO.M PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON OCTOBER .1, 10, 17, 21 AND l. SAILS PROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OP THE TIDE ON OCTOBER 7, II, 21 AND 1!8. I. II. KEATING, AGENT PnONE MAIN 88-L Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT.DIABLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. The boat Domestic and Imported brands. Plutor, Lima, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offlje Phone 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. FarmB Tlmbor Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Qonsral Agents "EA8TSIDE" FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stuges leavo Marshtleld for Rosoburg at 7 o'clock overy evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Pacltlc Rullway. Pare $0.00. COOS HAY ROSEHPRG STAGE LINE. OTTO 8CHETTKH, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Marshfield. C. P. HARNARD, Agent, ROSEHURO, Ore. PHONE II Business Directory Following Is a list of Reliable Huslness Finns that it will Puy to Patroniro. STADDEN AH Kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging uud kodak Jlnlslilng. DEARY'S GUN SHOP Completo lino of Ulcyclo supplies, second-hand bicycles for sule. Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrellas covered and repaired. K. HANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Pront St. Phone 180-R N9ETfwlJu8HC" COOS BAY REALTY SYNDIUWZ. DEALERS J!2s AGENTS, COAL COLONIZATION. J)AIB. FARM FWIT. MNEML w TIMBER LMDS. . ... Organizes or industrial COMPANIES A SPlClALTYsa In small ncro tracts noar growing B. R. S. hns such to otfor. Chas. J. OF COOS HAY" COMMODIOUS WITH WIRELESS Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured the livery bust- lebs of L. II. Ilelsnor and ara pro pared to render excellent service to tho peoplo of Coos Hay, Careful dt Ivors, good rigs and everything lint will mean satisfactory sorvlce to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needod in tho livery line. "Wo also do truck- -B business of all kinds. HLANCIIARI) HROTHERS Livery, Feed nml Sales Service. 1-11 First nnd Alder Streets Phone 138-J If you havo young children you havo perhaps noticed that disorders of tho stomach aro tholr most com mon aliment. To correct this you will llnd Chamborlaln's Stomach and Llvor Tablets excellent. Thoy aro easy and pleasant to take, and mild and gentle In effect. Por salo by all dealers, , GROSS NATION IN AUTOMOBILE Ralph Barker and Wife of Em pire Expected Home Today After Long Tour. Ralph Darker nnd wlfo of Enuilro aro exiiectcd hero today or tomorrow en routo homo nfter having crossed tho continent In tin auto. Mrs. Dar kor Is qulto well known In Mnrshfleld, having been employed for a tlmo as a Hnotypo operator on Tho Times. Concerning th'o trip, tho Rosoburg Nows suyB: "Traveling In their Rco auto truck, Ralph Darker, accompanied by his wlfo, Mrs. Hlancho Wlggln Darker, arrived in Rosoburg yesterday, from Stratham, Now Hampshire, nnd de parted lntor in tho day for their homo at Emplro, Coos county. Tho couple loft Stratham, a hamlet sit uated about eight miles from Ports mouth, N. H., on August 10 nnd since that date havo traveled approximately G.000 miles. In speaking to a Nows rcprcsontatlvo, Mrs. Darker said that somo horrlblo roads had been encoun tered, but notwithstanding they had mado excellent time. Tho worst roads wero found In Idaho, seconded by Oregon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Darker left Marshflold last March and arrived In Now Hampshlro two months later. They vlBltod with friends and rela tives In tho East for sovoral weoks, and not until August did thoy decldo to return homo this fall. Tho car Is In good condition nnd shows little evidence of tho long trip. Mrs. Dar ker was formerly a Hnotypo oporator on tho Portland Orcgonlnn, sovorlng her connection with that paper In tho year 1907." HANKS EXPAND OREATLY Resources Aro More Tlinn A Hllllon flrviifcr Tliiin in 11)10. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. There was a big expansion of tho banking business during tho Inst year, accord ing to reports to tho Comptroller of tho Currency from practically ovory Incorporated bank In tho United Stntcs, National nnd state, nnd n lnrgo porcontngo of prlvato concerns. Tho report shows that on June 7 tho totnl resources of banks tho country over wore nioro tlinn $23,181,200. 000, an Increase of $1,181,200,000 ns compnrcd with 1910. Thoro wero 21,371 Institutions heard from this yonr which was 127C moro tlinn re ported In 1910, nnd 1880 moro than for 1909. An nnnlysls of tho resources and liabilities showed: Loans, $13,017,300,000, an In crenso ns compared with 1910 of $fi2ri,r00.000. Investment in bonds, etc., $5,052,000,000; Incroaso, $328, 500.000. Cash on hand. $1,552,700- 000: incroaso. $72,400,000; surplus and profits. $2,005,000,000; Incroaso $113,000,000: Individual iloposus, $15,907,000,000; Incrcnso $023,- G00.000. HAND DANCE at HAfiLES HALL Saturday evening, OCTOHER 28. MU. SIC by VVhli band. mKMBHMMMMaBaaHaaOTr A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To til inowlnc uffrrrrs of rbcomtlm. wheth er mutcultr or o( (he Joint, aclallca, lutnbafu. Ucktctif, paloa Id thr klJnra or ururalKlt tlo, to write to lirr far a home trraliurut which haa rrpettnllr cured til o lbre tvrlurt-a. She feela It ber dulr to Mild It to til nufferern KIIKK. You cure ouraelt tt home Ibouatuit will tfitlf no chance or cltratte iiii nere. rr Thlt ilmple Ut.eoTrrj btnUhea urle tcM from the htoo.1, looena the atlllenot Joint, pur Idea the Hood, and brlghtena the ejea, kItImk elaitlcltr and tone to the whole astern. U tha atore Intereata jou, for proof tdilreaa Mr a. U. Bummrra, Uoz It, Notre Dtme, led. PROF. C. DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE Phone 461 North Bend $ 1 OO Reward For any sowing machlno 1 can't placo In first class ordor. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leavo orders, drop a postal card or phone Rogers hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert Machinist. Phono 11 Mj Referenco O. O. Lund, leather butchor If wo can't ploaso you with nil tho up-to-dato appliances at our com ln nml. nml nil our oxnert hell), thon It's an Impossiblo Job, becauso no body elso norcatiouts oven caiims to have tho facilities which wo onjoy. Thl sis a laundry whoro the "good onough" sort of laundry Is noot good enough for us at an, aim wnoro tuo highest Ideals make possible tho best results. Try us with your llnon wo'll call for it. COOS HAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE MAIN 8T-J yipBS5p4 Mi S'PS!Giifih -Si & The Stranger Within Our Gates Hu "TnlltH Right In Mi't'tliig" About Cotw County PtiniH. Tlielr Possibilities and Tlu'lf Negleet. In This Your "Pniin"? EDITOR TIMES: Tho most iiBtoundlng nnd puzzling fenturo of Coos Day is to mo its un developed condition. I ask myself: What Is there to show for moro than halt a century of activity 4n this marvolously rich country? A iow Biiwinllls, yes, beenuse there was such a plentltudo of virgin tlmbor and houses wero needod. And somu creamorles, becaiiBo hords of cows simply turned looso on theso wondor fully fertile bottom lands fairly burst with butterfat and milk 75 pounds a day per cow. And tho cow was given tho Job to pull tho family load, and nfterwards was forced upon hor tho contrnct to oam from 100 to 1000 por cent Interest on tho Investments of her boss. And very llttlo moro was done. In splto of tho fnct that thcro Is porhaps no placo on earth whoro vegetables, berries and fruit will grow moro abundantly nnd to greator perfection than around Coos Day, In spite of this fact", I say, thcro aro shipped Into Coos Day seaports from distant states nnd markotH such life's necesBtirlcs, and tho prices nro hluhor hero than elBowhere. What about your "farms"? The most sniluening ana irritating things I havo ever seen nro somo Coos county "farms." Prom 100 to COO acres and moro. Stretches of won derful rlverbottom landB, herds of Holstelns nnd Jersoys lazily browsing in tho siinshilno on ctnornltl meadows, divided by rippling, silvery creeks and streams, and rtishliiB deepwater riv ers. Tho picture Is entrancing. Dut look yon dor a llttlo. What Is that ugly, hum-drum of groy bonras nna Impassible angles? Tho fnrmhotiBO tho outbuildings! Weill Some 40 or moro yenrs ago tlioso buildings wero put together and It Is a fact that not n single nail has been driven In with nn idea to Improvo or preservo tho structures slnco then. It is a sad dening crime. And whon Is tho or chard? A fow puny trees covered with moss and sick to tho coro and still struggling to bring forth a gold en harvest of fruit! It Is a slu. A farm and orchard like the nbovo In dicated Is tho saddest thing I havo seen around Coos Hay. To sit down content with what tho cow can do on unimproved Coos Hay land, or worse yet, to content one solf with adding to one's fortuno In flgurcs nlono, moro nnd more, only with each succeeding rumor of n railroad Into this country, will not ntono for this unpnrdonablo negli gence. If moro Industry had been shown and moro labor applied In this rospect thoro would long before this hnvo been a rnllrond to nld in recla mation. It may not bo nmlss to say Hint thousands of strangers nro coming to nnd JtiBt ns quickly lenvlng Coos Hay because thoy cannot apprehend tho ndvortlRcd possibilities horo In viow of whnt thoy can seo on casual obser vance Got busy yourselves, with Im provements nil along tho lino, you pooplo of Coos nay. It will pay you, bona fldo and straight. It will bring your country into proper renown and plnco Oregon foremost among stntoa Let 'no moro Htrnngors put tho pain ful query: "Is this your "farm"?" ARO US. (JOVERNOR WILSON'S OPTIMISM. Woodrow Wilson always comes back to faith la tho mass of the peo plo, not only In tholr honesty, but also In their Intelligent couservutlsui. "Tho Amorlcan people," ho suys, "aro too varied to run wrong. Whon plo you combine all Interests, aud In plo you cobblnu all Interests, and in order to get this accumulated force you must do tho just and equitable thing. Tho peoplo of Amorlcu, tho body of tho pooplo, aro absorbed in business, In legitimate business. Thoy ara earning tholr living by their brains uud tho sweat of tholr brow, and you cannot make a mob out of material of that sort. You cunnot mnko a reckless, passtonnto force out of u body of sobor peoplo earning their living In a freo country." Faith In tho people, and u Joyous, militant confluence In their ultimate victory. "Do not nllow yourselves to bo dismayed," ho said to his lloutouauts In tho Now Jorsey anti-boss cam paign. "You seo whoro this machlno Is entrenched. It looks llko a real fortress. It looks as if real men woro Insldo, us it thoy had real guns. Oo and touch It. It Is a houso of cardboard. Theso nro Imitation hosts. Theso aro playthings that look llko guns. Go and put your shoulder against tho thing and. It will collupso." From "Success Maga zine." NOTICE TO TRAVEL1NO PUHLIO. Tho O'Kelly Hoat Lino will operate on the Sunday schedule from now un til spring. J. A. O'KELLY, Proprietor. This moans Sunday only. "There could bo no bettor medicine man unamueriuin's Cough Remedy. My cnuuren wero all sick with whoop ing cough. Ono of them was In bed. had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gnvo them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and tho first dose eased them, and three bot tles cured them,"says Mrs. R. A. Don aldson, of Lexington, Miss. For sale by all dealors. MEN of Ideas, who have tome tnvenUvo ab ty pleats write UUEELEY X Uel.NTIIlif, 1'awal Aturmcjrt, WhlBt. U.S . Progress and Prosperity AtlvanceiiR'iit of tho Unltml Stuten lit Material Wei. faro in 100 Years. "Statistical Record of tho Progress of tho United States, 1800-1911" Is tho title of n small document Just Issued by tho Dureau of Statistics, Department of Commorco and Labor. it pictures in statistical form condi tions in tho cominorelnl, financial, In dustrial and transportation syntoniB of tho United States at brief l.utnr vals slnco tho year 1800, down to, and In ninny Instances including the year 1911. In 'those cases In which the subjects aro measured by (luv ornmental llscnl year periods, the flg u res for the llscal year 1911 aro In cluded; In thoso In which calendar year periods aro iiboiI, of courae, statcmontH enn only terminate with tho caloudar year 1910. Among tho Interesting facts nlnn tiro Hint tho area of continental Unit ed States 111 1800 was 813,L'r.5 square miles advancing to 1,734,030 square miles In 1810; to 2,095X0 squnro miles In 1850, nnd .1,020,79 square miles lti 1 8 8 :i , since which dnto no change In area Is sho vn. Tho population which was R 13 million In 1800, was 93 31 million In 1911. Public, doht, which was 83 million dollars in 1800, ruichcd 1!,U7C million dollars less cash In Treasury in 180(5, tho Ilgurus of 1911 bolng 1.01G million dollars. The por capita debt which was $15 G3 In 1800 and In lSGd $70.98, Is In 1011 $10.83. Tho Interest chargo per capita, which amounted to Clc In 1800, nnd $4.12 In 18GR, was In 1911 23c, and tho totnl annual Intereat chargo, which was In 18GG, 14G mi- lion dollars, was In 1911 21 13 mil lions dollars. Monoy In circulation, stntcd as 2G 12 million dollars In 1800, was In 1911, $3,228,027,002, nnd tho per capita circulation, which was In 1800 4.99, was In 1911. $34.30. DeposltH In nil banks In the country cannot hu shown earlier than 1875, at which tlmo thoy nro set down as n llttlo over 2 billion do'.hiiB and In 1910, ovor 15 billion dolln-s. Tho number of depositors In saving banks In 1820, the earliest year for which figures can hu shown, was n llttlo less than 9 thousand; and In 1910, ovor 9 million, (lovernincnt receipts, which amounted to $2.01 per capita in 1800, wero In 18RG, $14. G5, and In 1911, $7.45, or about oiio-hiilf whnt thoy woro In 18GC. Exports of domestic morchand'so which amounted to 32 million dol lars lu valiio In 1800, woro ovor 2 billion dollars In 1911; and Imports, which amounted to 91 million dol lars In 1800, woro IVj" billions In 1911. Many other subjects of this '.hnr- nctor stated In tho dociimont In ques tion, lucludo details of Imports and cxportD by great groups and grind divisions, nnd principal ports through which shipped; tho production of principal articles, such as wlnat, com, cotton, coal, sugar, copper, etc, from 1800 to 1910; tho attcnd-inco lu public schools, nnd sums ex pended for that work; postal receipts and expenditures; nnd a fow pages dovoted to monotnry and commorcla! conditions In tho principal countries of tho world. Copies of tho publican in question can bo obtained by applying to tie Huroau of Statistics, Department of Commorco and Labor. Tho Jester. It was a dark and dismal day; Tho pavo was wet, tho sky was gray. I trlod to drlvo dull caro away, Hut It was all In vain. I Btroo for versos In deBpalr; Tho gloom that flllod tho outer air Came through my window pane. Hut whllo tho dreary rain camo down, Into my sanctum camo mil Drown. A Jester ho, of great renown, Though llttlo gold has ho. Ho told mo stories by tho scoro, Each bettor than tho ono before, And flllod my heart with glee. And whon mil Brown had gone w My heart was light, my thoughts woro gay; My work to mo was naught but PW. Though still tho rain came down. Sometimes a story, quaintly tola, Is bettor than a heap of gold Lord's inlng nn mil ru- MBtariaaMataMttMa