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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
1 -1 I (Ministers and otlicra aro request ed to hand tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evonlng to Insure Insertion Saturday.) H CHIUBTIAN SCIENCE. M Servlco Sunday at 11 n. in. Subject, "Probation Aftor Death." Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday 8 p. ni. Christian Sclenco hall, 327 Third street, North. 4 SEVENTH DAY ARVENTISTS T. 0. BUNCH, Minister. Seventh Day Adventlst service aro conducted ovory Saturday at their now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 n. in. preach tag servlco 10:45 n. m. You arc cordially Invited to attend. niK LUTHERAN CHURCH. Cor. 3rd and Commorclal Avo. Hot. B. P. Dongtson, pastor. 4 294 Highland Avenue t Phono 94-R Sunday Bchool 9:45 a. in. Morning servlco nt 11 o'clock. Evening sorvlco 7:30 p. m. , NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN Itev. A. Q. LIND, Pnstor. Ilesldenco 471 Elrod St. Morning servlco 10:15 In Marsh Held. Evening servlco 7:30 In North Ileud. Sunday school each Sunday, 10 A. 4 K METHODIST EPISCOPAL M Ror. II. I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. X Sunday school. 10 a. in. Kpworth League at 7 o'clock. The subject of tho Kpworth loaguo mooting (MIhhIoii Study Rally Day) will bo "Intelligent Warfnro." Frank O. Illrcli will bo tho leador. Congregation will unlto In Union 4 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. C. LoRoy Hnll, Rcsldcnco 592 Sixth street , I'Iioiicn: Rcsldonco 2nc. Study, 289-L. Sunday. 10 A. M. Sunday school. Alva Doll and Wesley Smith, superinten dents. 3 P. M Eastsldo sorvlco. (Take 2:30 forry). 3 P. M. Boys and girls' meeting Mrs. a. L. Hnll in charge Congregation will unlto In Union Ilevlval Sorvlcos nt tho Tabornnclo at 11 o'clock A. M. niul 7:30 P. M. MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. A. R. Munro. Mass will bo colobrntod In Marsh Held nt 10:00 A. M. Sundny morning. CHURCH OF CHRIST Regular sorvlcos ovory Lord's day. Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Comnyinlon servlco 11 o'clock A.M Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 o'clock P. M. Prayer mooting Thursday evening ach week 8 o'clock. MARSHFIELD M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCII X J. T. M. Knox, pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:00. Congregation will unlto In Union Revival sorvlces at tho Tabornnclo at ai o clock A. M. and 7:30 P. M. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. and 8 o'clock. . EPISCOPAL Emmanuel Church Rev. Robt. E. Browning, Rector 8 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Morning service and sermon. 7:30 p. m. Evening sorvlco and Bormoili Sorvlco and sermon In St. Luke's church, Emplro nt 3 p. m. NORTH BEND CATHOLIC CHUR01L Rev. Father Springer, Rector. 4 , Mass will bo celobratod at 8 Held at 10:00 o'clock Sunday morn ing. NORTH BEND METHODIST CHURCH. Tho services for Sunday, Oct. 8, will bo bb follows: Sundny school 10:00 n. m. Preaching 11:00 a. in., 7:30 p. m. Junior Lenguo 4:00 p. m. Ep worth league 0:30. Mld-weok Prayer mooting, Wednes day 7:30. Tho morning sorvlco will bo given to tho work of tho Woman's Homo Missionary society. Miss M. Do Witt will present this most worthy cnuse. Sho wishes to moot tho young women of tho church in tho nftornoon. Tho subject of the evening sormon by tho pastor will bo "Stovcn, tho First Martyr." You will recolvo a cordial wclcomo to any servlco of tho church. !.? NORTH BEND PRESBYTERIAN Rov. McLEOD, Pastor. ; Sunday school, 10 a. m. sharp. Y. P. S. C. E. at C:30 p. m. Preaching nt 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. LEARNED MORE THAN HE EX PECTED. Coos County Man Pleased With Ore gon Agricultural College Courses OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Ore., Oct. 21. "I shall Bay, for my part, regarding tho work I took up, I cortnlnly learned more out of It than I expected, only wishing tho short courso had been a week or two longer," Bald Victor Llndstrom of Cooston, In reply to a luttor from Denu Cordloy of tbo Agricultural college asking for sug gestions for making tho courso this year more helpful than last. Although ninny would like to sco tho courso extended In length; as Mr. Llndstrom suggests, It has boon de cided that it is wiser to Bhortou it to four weeks, but offer a larger num ber of courses in that tltno, each de voted exclusively to tho Interests of sonio one class of growers, as the vegetablo gardeners, prune growers, raisers of small fruits, peach and plum urchardlsts, mid those in dry farming regions. REJECTED SUITOR SUES GIRL FOR $12 HE .SPENT ON HER. Potor B. Hnll, who lives up Con- nni'llcnt wnv. In n cnndldato for tho championship bolt of a bad sport. Hull has sued Miss Theresa Alchler ror $12.53, which ho says ho spent while "keoplng company" with tho young lady during tho porlod from Juno 7 to Juno 22. Tho bill of particulars contnlns a number of entries for trolloy fares no taxis for Peto and nlso tho fol lowing items, to-wlt: Ico cream, 10 nnniH! Hiinnor. 45 cents: dinner. G3 cents; shoro dinners, (1; hiring horso and wngon, 91; chocolnto, 35 cents; hiring horso, $1.50; suppor, 00 cents, with tip to wnltor, 25 cents. Potor was sure n fancy spender but fancy a man who, out with his 'lest girl, keojis n doublo-ontry nc 'oinit of ovory cont ho oxponds on her! Hall has retained counsel to prosccuto tho suit ntid says ho ln tonds to fight It out In tho courts until ho nuts Justice. Alas he'll novor got Justice Tho law doesn't permit It, In bucIi cases. THE HIGH COST OF SOULS. Rov. "Billy" Sunday, tho former linRdlmll nlnvor who lias conducted ovnugollstlc meotings In nlmost every nnrt of tho country, has succeeded, ho thinks, in reducing tho saving of souls to n bu8lucssllko basis. Ho has gono so fnr as to mnko an estimate nt Mm mst of soul saving In various cities. In Mr,. Sunday's coBt sheet, ndlannpolls souls come highest at $G20 each. Now York City souls aro quoted at $545, whllo in Boston thoy can bo obtained for $450. Other quotations aro Denver $425, Chicago $395 and Now Orleans $78. So far ns Mr. Sunday has mado Investigations, souls camo cheapest In Atlanta, whoro thoy may bo saved for $75 a head If souls havo heads. "Billy" Sunday's figures havo aroused much mystification and con sldorablo advorso criticism. Atlan tnns complain becnuso souls are so chenp and Indianapolis people be cause thoy aro so dear. Tho general Impression seoms to be that "Billy" Sunday acquired tho porcentago habit In his baseball days and hasn't been nblo to shako it off. From "Success Mngazlno." DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED lij'l ral applications, they cannot reach the dUcasi'iI portion ot tho ear. There Is only (oneway to cuiedcafnesi.and that Is by eon ttltutioiialremeillca, Peadieis la caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kiibtachlan Tube. When thli tube li in flamed )ou have a rumblinx tound or lmpr. feet hearing, and w hen It la entirely cloned, pcafneta la the remit, and unlesa the Inflam mation can be taken out and this tab restored to ita normal condition, hearing will be le at'oyed forever mine caeca out of ten are caused by ratarrh. which la nothing but an luflain. med condition of the mucous aurfacea. Wn will elve One Hundred Dollars for any cake of deafness (calmed by latarrh) that can. tint be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, tree. r. J. uiienci o. tu,, loieao, u. Bold by Prugglats, 7V. Take ilall'i family N1U for constipation. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro nt any time." Stnnds Blanco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 4C. Night Phones 5 J nnd 4C. BARKER & GOOBALE, Proprietors. Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No. .. 156 No. Broadway Coos Bay Investments $1,500 Flno 8-room Iiouho and bath, nice garden, well Improv ed, within ono block of Flana gan Bank. Splendid Invest ment nnd will mnko you mon ey whllo you sleep. Terms. $3,500 Form of 100 acres, on deep water nnu wiinin yt-miio oi Crenmefy, flno storo, hotel nnd village This will doublo your money by spring. 25 ncres in cultivation. Houbo nnd barn. Small payment down, balanco 1 to 5 years. $3,000 Farm of 80 acres, In Co qulllo valley, about 25 ncres in cultlvntlon. About $700 to $800 good timber, nnd remain der easily cleared. Low bench lnnd. A great bargain. Own er compelled to soil. $10,000 Business property, In tho heart of tho city, 50x115, Im proved. A Bplondld Invest ment. Look this up. 93,000 Prettiest llttlo bungnlo In tho city. G rooms, nil modom conveniences. 3 blocks from ccntor of town. $2,200 Finely located bungalow, close In nnd splendid neighbor hood. A bargain. Acreage -In tracts to suit Including Bonio splendid platting proposi tions. HOME REALTY COMPANY Telephone 100R or call 301 North Front St. Mni-hhllcld, Ore. Any Information regarding Coos Bay Investments will bo gladly sub mitted. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses nnd careful drlvors are now nt ttho dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES ' Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Ilorsoa bonrded nnd rigs cared for. Now hcarso and spoclal ncommo dntlons provided for funornl parties. W. L. CONDR.ONS LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF HAT WORK. 2CC Control avenuo Phono 250X ROSS & PINEGOR. TIMBER LAND 240 Acres of flno tlmbor 40 per cont Cedar. About 10 million feet $8,000 100 millions feet in ono body. $1.00 por M. Call or Wrlto 'AUG. FMZEEN Marshflold, Oregon. A now stock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Sond In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J a. Modern Brick Building, Electric Lights, Steam Heat Elogantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEIi.COOS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market Marsh field. Oregon. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash thoso garments cleaner and bettor than tho work can bo done elsewhere, and they aro not worn so much. We do not shrink them, even woolen garments are roturned the same size as when sent us. We iron tho garments nlcoly, make ordinary repairs free of charge and you havo fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundle yours up with next weok's laundry bundle. Afarshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PHONL 220-J Silver Spoon Sweets 0 Aro Delicious Chocolates made o Pure Materials, in a Sanitary factory by Clean and HEALTHY workmen. They are packed in -poiuul boxes at 25c and 1-pound Send One Full Coupon, (or 2 half Coupons) and 10c for One Spoon G Coupons and 48c forN Six Spoons. Help for the Housewife A little study of gas range cooking will pay dividends to the woman who really superin tends her household. Mrs. Helen Armstrong's famous course in gas range cooking consists of six four-page pamphlets. Each tells the housewife things she ought to know about using the gas range how to get the most results with the least gas how to prepare food so it will taste best and nou rish best. Every customer of our company may obtain the complete course upon -request. Telephone No. 178 Oregon - CONDENSED STATEMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS HAY At tho Closo of Business, September 1, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts J209.719.C2 Bonds and warrants 88,852.40 U. S. Bonds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Real estato, furnlturo and fixtures , 81,472.94 Cosh nnd sight exchange 100,0.11.00 Total resources 9005,070.02 Liabilities. Capital stock S100.000.00 Surplus and undivided profits. , C.88C.20 Circulation 25,000.00 Deposits 433,100.00 Total liabilities 9505,070.03 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS t W. S. Chandlor, president; M. O, Horton, vlco-presldont; Dorsoy Kroltzer, Cashlor; John F. Hall, John S. Coko, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas, F. S. Dow, Wm. Grimes, W. P. Murphy. STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (& Bennett Bank of MARSIIFIELD, OREGON At tho close of business September 1st, 1011. Resources. Loans and Discounts S39J.393.03 Banking House 50,000.00 Cash and Exchanges 141,540.53 Total $588,010.40 Liabilities Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 54,1C5.72 Deposits 484,774.74 Total f 588,040.48 X1 boxes at 50c. Each package contains ft Coupon which ( will help you to get one of these beautiful Silver Spoons everybody sells 'em. Bradley CandyCo. Marshficld formerly Tho Modern Company. Power Co. BEsP""ll Br5u'iif Hello! Hell Housewives of Marshfleld m Marshfieldi Creamery! Bufeter It your groj3r does not ke It call up Phne 73-J. i I I Freo dollvery8 a.m. to 2 p. also I STERILIZED CREAM & mi ICE, BUTTERMILK COTTAGE CIIEESL. Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATK 1 BENZINE KER091 , SAMSON GAS ENGINES auC i CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS f Coos Bay Oil & Supply t Handiflcld, Ore. PHONK Mt Mall Orders Sol Id tod. t WANTED!!! . CARPETS UPHOLSTERING A PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pnoua, tic Cleaning Company. Orders fi. work tnkon nt .GOING & HARVEY 1 PHONE 100 1 Prof. A. Richard A GRADUATING TEACHER J Pupil of Carl Chrlstenson, the wel known Now York Swedish concer.i pianist, will tako a limited number ot students for prlvato lessons. Applicants call at Studio, Seam tnckon Bldg., 100 Broadway. f PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR r II. 11 F. WINKLER, Naturopath niitl Clilropracton All chronic dlsoascB treated. Consut tntlon freo. Ofllco hours: , I 9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 nnd 0 to 8 p. M. IIUIIII UfUblt IMOblblltU JIUUUI 11U. No. 13C Broadway, Marshflold, Or X? 4 .. .. n . 1. f.tiaM....t T)n f 4. rR. G. W. LESLIE, U Osteopathic Physician Qraduato,of the Amorltan school o Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. 001 In Eldorado II Ik. Hours 10 to 12; 1 1 4; Phone 1C1-J; Marshllold; Oregon J V. BENNETT, Lwyer. Offleo ovor Flanagan & Bennett Bank' larahflold Oregoa ' rR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeoa ! Marshflold, Oregon. Jfflco: Lockhart Building, opposite Post OflJce. Phono 105-J r R A. C. BURROUGHS, Scientific Mnsbuglst, Treats all diseases Ofllco, corne Second and Central Avenue. Olll co hours 11 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 p. m. r It. A. J. HENDRY'S - Modern Dental Parlors. We aro equlppod to do high claw work on short notlco at tho very i lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotel. DR. II. II. moohi;, Chiropractor Chronic Ditciuca u Siteclalty 203 Coos Bldg Phono 81-L Ofllco hours 1 to 5. Have That Roof Fixed NOW , See CORTHELL Phone 8131 T. J, SCAIFE A. II. HODQINS Marshfleld Paint (Sb Decorating Co, Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Oregon MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced tp: Day 50c. 75c and 11,00; week S2. 00 to J5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to J18.00 por month. FREE BATHS- -E. W. SULLIVAN. Pron "It Is a pleasure to tell you that Chamborlaln's Cough Romedy Is tbo best cough medicine I havo ever used." writes Mrs, Hugh Campbell, of Lavonla, Qa. "I have used It with all my children and tbo results have been highly satisfactory." For ualo by all doalors. t" f 4 -.$m Jftr