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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
fl1 1911 EVENING EDITION. OiiO I-" . m m i . BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Saves Butter, Flour, Eflfls, and makes home baking easy No Atom No Lime Phosphate 2.) (Continued pago Tower, J. T. McCormac, Eugeno O'Connell, J. T. Hnrrignn, Rasmus- RO. flint lw wna n nniinl nnlv fnllnvv. SL'll. F. A. Golllcll. T. 11. Barry, L. Ing the dictates of n hnppy tempera- Lunib, M. Hutch, It. A. jnent that bad him slezo upon a good thing when ho saw It. The guests, who enjoyed the delightful evening wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. Dennett, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Wornlch, Mr .and Mrs. Otto Schotter, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. K. ISooth, Mrs. Elizabeth Lnwlor. Miss jviac uennott, Mrs. E J. Simpson, C. M. Bylor, J. II. Fln nngan nnd Misses Agnes Hutcheuon, .Mae Uennott, Evelyn Anderson and Oenovleve Sengstncken. Mrs. Lock liart was assisted by Mrs. W. S. Tur pen and Mrs. Hnrry Nnsburg. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Flanngan left danco nre Misses Helen Qulovson, Leon Hoffmn.i, Stella Mngncss, Es ther Holms, Lucy Bessy, Lorcnn Hoff man, Anna Downs, nnd Wllln May Bonebrnkc. 0 The dnnclng party given by the Coos Day Concert band at the Odd Follows hall Inst Tuesday evening, was one of the most enjoyable nf fnlrs of the kind held here In n long time. The crowd was most conge nial nnd the music flue. Punch wns served. The hand will give- another danco next Snturdny evening nt the Odd Fellows hall nt which music will be furnished by the entire band. Mrs. Herbert G. Coleman, who hns been spending n few weeks nt the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Savnge, leaves today for her home In Spokane. 0 The Sisters of Bethany met Inst Wednesday nt the homo of Mrs. Hnrry Brndllold. Several committees were appointed to nttend to future work nnd upon reassembling, to report up on the snme. The meeting next Wednesday will he adjourned thnt the Indies may help with the serving of refreshments nt theSwedlsh-Luthernn Hnll that afternoon. Mrs. Alex Camp- hell will be hostess the week after next. Mrs. S. A. Fnrrln left todny for Portland where she will visit rela tives for awhile. She will proceed to Callfomln there to spend the winter. O Mrs. .T. W. Bennett entertained the Bridge Club Wednesdny at the Chan dler Hotel. Tho room wns prettily nnu extensively decorated with nas turtiums nnd greens. Besides tho regulnr members wero two substi tutes. Mesdnmes C. M. Byler nnd A. Itnlphe O'Brien. Tho first prize was won by Mrs. II. S. Tower and the sec ond by Mrs. W. S. Turpln. Mrs. Ward M. Blnke will entertain tho Brldgo Club next week. 0 Mrs. N. A. Krobloch of Snn Fran cisco Is spending a few weeks at tho home of hor daughter. Mrs. C. W. Montgomery, In West Mnrshfleld. Tho Mothers' nnd Teachers' club Wornlch, L. iot "rtn uenrt Held Its regular fill REQUEST TO DREDGE MT monthly meeting nt the Central school house there Friday afternoon. The following officers wero elected: President Mrs. Geo. llnzcr. Vice-president Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlc. Secretary Miss Bessie Immel. Treasurer Miss Grace Williams. Tho club Is planning to prepare an exhibit consisting of school work, drawings and photographs of school Tv. .Tnnnu .Tnnl; I Jinrppn. rinm! VnHiinri?. a. iirmvn this week with their son proctor ior nnd Tom Bonnott. The Chilling Dish' San Francisco where the latter will buildings nnd rooms to be sent to tho Club, which meets every two weeks, receive medical treatment. Thnt Mothers' Congress nt Portland for will probably be entertained next by Master proctor win gci mo ocsireu tne flr8t four ,iny8 of v0vembor. Tho Mrs. Lnwlor nt the home of Mr. nnd relief Is the earnest desire of thociu, wlll meet tho third. Frldnv of ..... fi.lAti.ld nf thn fnmlH. 1. ... . .. . 1111111 Mrs. J. W. Flifnngnn. 0 Mrs. Evn Gnmmlll returned week from an extended this friends of the family. 0 The Ladles of tho Episcopal Altar umnor lillliu will give u ivmi ill wiu owvuioir trip, visiting many points of interest Lutheran Hall next Wednesday nfler ln the west, noon. Tho nffnlr Is for the purpc:o 0 ' Mrs. Herbert Lockhart entertain- of affording a meeting of tho Indies and ofjiromotlng soclnllblllty JimOQg the "church memuors. snnipies-ot cd this afternoon nt brldgo. As suits MTmbroIdery work will bo shown from tho time of yenr. it yellow nnd Jirown color schemo wns carried out In the decorations. Fall lenvoJt'llowers nnd greens trnnBformedktlfo pretty rooms Into n sembjumnfof tho renl autumn nl 'rlorVTcolor. The guests wero cl'lited nt tables upon which wero dnlnty score cards suggesting the pre valent harvest note. Among those Invited for the afternoon wore: Mes which orders may be taken. 0 R. A. Wornlch nnd wlfo entertain ed the North Bend brldgo club nt their home Inst Tuesday evening. At cards. Warren Painter nnd Mrs. L. I. Simpson won the prizes. Dancing - - wns also enjoyed and refreshments November nt the North Bond Centrnl school building. O Col. Wm. Grimes nnd wlfo this week took apartments for tho winter nt the Noblo House nt the corner of Third nnd Centrnl. J. Mnrhoffer and wlfo, who havo been guests at the homo of their son, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Mnrhoffer, for n rouplo of weeks, left yesterdny for San Francisco. They will visit nt various southern points before re turning to their home In Crescent (Continued from pago 1.) as now seems to be their plnn. It la stilted thnt the ferry for tho present would be cheaper and would be ade quate until the tritlllc increases great ly and besides, some claim, the Southern Pnclllc dislikes to stir up the antagonism that is likely to re sult on the Bny If an attempt Is mndo to bridge tho channel. J-niul Under Option. No deeds have yet been Hied trans ferring tho tract at the west sldo of tho mouth of Pony Inlet which It Is reported thnt the Southern Pnclllc has acquired. However, It was re ported on pretty good nuthorlty to day that the tract was under option, either verbnl or written, so thnt tho Southern Pnclllc could take ns much of It as It needs. The reason for the I option Instead of the purchase Is snld to have, been tho uncertainty of the Southern Pnclllc being nble to bridge the bny at thnt point, If they can, they need tho html nnd If they can't, they do not. Ilnsc of Supplll's, Another report today wns thnt tho Southern Pnclllc would soon begin the construction of whnrves and docks nt Sand Point nnd ninko that the base of supplies for tho construc tion work on this end of the road to Eugene. This whnrf construction, It is stntcd, will bo rushed to comple tion so thnt construction can bo push ed from this end simultaneously with construction from the Eugene end. Little Xowk Today. There wero fewer railroad rumors nllont todny than have been In circu lation for several days past. In fnct there wero no particular develop ments. Engineer Sumner, who has estab lished his winter enmp at Winchester Bay, was reported to have Font to Mnrshfleld for n half n dozen addi tional men to nBslst In the survey work there. The preliminary survey for tho Terminal Hallway has practically been completed nnd now they nro waiting on the dredge fill nnd nljo on tho North Bend election. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, If it's in style we have it, New 3-4 length overcoats. and BrJnln fJotf New Benjamin clothes, New raincoats gaberdines. New Stetson hats. You know why wv sell for e$$ Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAttSIlFIELD "MONEY TALKS" BANDON route tho coinpnny will avoid paral leling tho Southern Pnclllc Co.'s tracks from Hnppy Vnlley to tho city, nnd will also ollmlnnto tho necessity of buying n lot of high priced right of wny, nnd by coming into West llo soburg will not havo to cross tho Southern Pnclllc trncks as formerly planned. If tho routo should ilnd terminals In North llosoburg tho crossing of the Southern Pnclllc Hue would occur in Edcnbower, nnd do pot facilities wlll be sought east of the rock crusher. ASSET CO.MPAXV SOLI) Hns NEW RAILROAD ROUTE. I were served. Among those present dames G. A. Bennett. J. W. Bennett. I n"' un VV.T u?V , It. K. Booth. Wnrd M. Blake. W. T. Is,1"'!""" J rt ,,ffl U'r'W" '" Morchnnt. Morton Tower. C. F. Mc- V M,njr,,ir, 1' X,.r,Rel" IS Collum. Hnrry Nnsburg, J. S. Coke, W. A. Toye. W. S. Turpen, J. Albert Mntson, J. M. Upton. E. G. Flnnn gnn, E, G. Perham, Christine Kruno, Rebecca Luso-Stuinp, G. W. Kauf man. J. A. Luse. It. E. Browning, Guy Warner. I. S. Kaufman, L. W. Trnver, A. II. Powers, Arthur Mc Keown. M. C. Maloney. P. M. Wilbur. II. S. Tower. Win. Horsfall Jr.. D. Y. Stafford. Colby Perry, W. S. Clinn dlor, E. Hngue. C. H. Peek. E. K. Jones, M. C. Horton. F. M Parsons. F. E. Leefe. It. M. Jennings. ('. W. Mrs. J. T. Hnrrignn hns Issued In vitations for bridge next Tuesday afternoon. 0 Mrs. E. Mlngus will leave n week from Monday for San Francisco and other California points to visit friends. Whllo nwny, sho wlll nt- O- Look Before You Buy A glance at the Toggery Clothing Will convince you of their superior style and tailoring; anil no other clothes at the price, $L'U to $25, can surpass them. AVo do not con fuse our buyers by ad vertising suits from $10 to $-10. One price, good goods and on the square is our motto. The Toggery Mrs. Frank Frame. Tho club wlll meet next Wednesdny evening with Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrren Painter. O The many Coos Bay friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stnnlleld Arnold wlll re joice over the news received this week of the birth of a nine-pound son to them nt their home In The Dal les, Ore., October 10. Mother and child nre getting nlong nicely. C The marriage of Miss Hannah T. Larson nnd liny A. Sauber of Acme. Oregon, which was solemnized Ins: Wednesday evonlng nt the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Larson In South Mnrshllold, tho Itev. G. Leroy Hall of the Mnrshfleld Baptist church officiating, was one of the most largely attended nuptials homo on Coos Bny. ever hem on tne uay. rue iietnus of event wero given In Tho Dally Times Thursday. Tho young couple have gone to Acme, where Mr. Sail-' her Is eugnged in business, to mnke their future home. Mrs. I. Lnndo will entertain tho Progress club nt her homo next I Monday. Tho subject for tho meet- Holm; unil Coos liny Surveyor Clone to ltoM'burg. The Itoseburg News .(ays: "Mr. George Beat was In the city for a few moments yesterdny front Looking Glass, and from tho gentleman, the News learned of interesting develop ments in tho railroad situation. Dis covering a party of men lu his or chard the previous evening, Mr. Best went out to leurn tho ronson for in vasion of his property, nnd wns sur prised to llnd a party of surveyors, whom ho bollovcs to bo in tho em ploy of the Boise nnd Coos Bny com pany, although they would neither deny or affirm tho Inquiry, but from them it was learned thnt the survey will run from tho Strickland ranch through tho farms of Georgo Marsh nnd Georgo Best, touching the Crow place nnd thence to tho J. II. Brown fnrm and from the?o It Is proposed to tunnel the Umpqun range, com ing out in the vnlley In the vicinity of Melrose. From this point the sur vey will cross the river, run eastward to and through Edeubower, finding' terminals either in North Itoseburg i or west llosoburg. By following this Report that Eugene Project lleen Alixoilieil. Tho Kimono Gunril Knvs! "There Is nn unconfirmed report J Tito that the Lane County Asset company hns sold Its Interests to cither the S. P. Co.. or tho Pnclflc Great Western, Tho officials of tho compnny rcfuso to confirm or deny It, but wyv the company wns organized primarily to secure tho building of n rond to tho coast, and has always boon willing to got out of tho wny of any company thnt means business. It Is generally believed that tho S. P. will absorb tho Asset coinpnny, although the Pa cific Great Western hns been car rylng on negotiations for tho prop erty and rights of tho local company. "It Is snld thnt the S. P. coinpnny wlll begin work right nwny if they closo a deal with tho Asset Co., ns (hey have purchased n continuous right-of-way from Eugeno to tho mountains, except where It conflicts with tho Asset company's holdings. It Is thought thnt definite news wlll be given nut In n dny or day. "It. II. Hunt, engineer of tho THE MODERN BLACKSMITH. Under n costly cancpy Tho village blacksmith cits; Before him Is n tounr.g car, Broken to little bits; And tho owner, and Mia chauffeur too, Hnvo almost lost their wits. Tho village blacksmith smiles whs glee As ho lights his fnt clgnr. Ho tolls his helpers what to do To straighten up the car. And tho ownor, and tho chauffeur too, Stand humbly whero tliey arc. vlllngo blncksnilth puffs his. weed, And smiles a smile of cheer, Tho whllo his helpers pump tho tlrci. And monkey with tho gear. And tho owner, and tho chauffeur, too, Stand reverently near. Behind tho vlllngo blacksmith la Tho portal of his shop; Tho shop Is very largo In size, With it tiled root on top And tho owner, nnd the chauffeur,, too, At It wero glnd to stop. 'Tho children going home from school I Look In nt the open door; .They like to seo him ninko his bills. I And henr tho owners roar; And the chauffeurs weep as they do I claro They no'er paid that before. Pnclllc Great Western Itnllwny com- Ho goes each morning to the bank pnny. returned Snturdny night from. And snlts nwny his cash; his trip with Engineer Sumner nnd A high Bilk hnt nnd long frock coat Mr. Volr-kninn. of tho Pnclflc Coast Help him to cut n dnsli Lino railway, to Iloronco nnd Coos nut the owner, nml tho ohnuffeur. Bay.' too, Tholr tooth all vainly gnnBh. wns more than a success In both tho j beauty of the decorations nnd the able innungomeut. One of tho lnr- n population of 4.3S1.9B1. n decrenso of 76.S2-I In ton years. Water meters hnvo been ndnnted lonrv .' 80,m? t,nip nll0l tho nuM t0 ovor"w-to ring fog bolls to snvo the expense, "'"' ,lng. Many wero tho expressions of of employing n ninn for the work. A collnpsllile boat Invented by n Frenchmnn rnn bo folded to enrry Tho chestnut treo long slnco has- In nu ordinary suit case. ' tiled, Although tho eggs of different' Tho smith does not repine; species of birds vary In slinpe tho His humble shop hns grown Into yolks always are spherical. A building big nnd fine, Itecent census figures gnve Ireland And It benra "Garage" abovo tho- ii-mi uiu iiiiiiiiiiki' in .u .muuik . ... I- ,i.n( ... nsKomliloi! for Clare Mlllls. daughter of Mr. nnd :.K.tL t!'l?1I ?"?,V".?..S !?V.!h...i?.r Mrs. C. J. Mlllls, nnd Rev. I Shires. plensuro nnd enjoyment. For the dancers one entire floor wns utilized Guy Wnrner nnd wife and bnby re-'nnd the music was excellent, in turned this week from n few months' j each Internilsslon the dnnedrs wero visit with relntlvos nnd friends nt J refreshed with delicious fruit punch. various points in California. Upstairs, cards and conversation O whlled nwny the time for the chnpe- .Tohll Glim nnd wlfo nrrlv,l 0 "' " gUCSIS. ill tllO games In tho Inst 17 yenrs Gorman capi tal has laid six traiiBocoanlc cnbies with n totnl length of 21.7IS miles. On door, n hugo electric sign. Chicago Evonlng Post. Tho asphalt deposits of Cuba, when developed, are expected to prove su perior to nil others throughout tho world. Read tho Times' Wnnt Ads. Rend tho Times' Wnnt Ads. this week from Lendvllle. Colo., to visit at the homo of Mr. Grlm's sis ter. Mrs. Mnry Thompson of South Mnrshllold nnd to possibly ninko their of progressive whist, the first nnd second ladles' prizes were won by Mrs. Lydln Lang and Mrs. W. F. Irish, respectively, and the corres ponding gentlemen's prizes by Messrs. W. B. Scott nnd J. W. Hit deiibrand. Tho guinea ended nenr eleven o'clock, when refreshments of coffee nnd enko were served. 0 very unique progressive party (i The Ladles' Art club was onter tnlned by Mrs. W. E. Hongland nt her homo on South Brondwny Friday afternoon. Sewing wns tho principal diversion. Tho club will moot nnvt Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. G. wns clvon In North Bond last night. Klnnoy nt 107 South Fourth street. ' w"n nbout forty members of tho q .Wesleynn Blblo Class of the Mothod- ., 1st Episcopal Church gathered at tho lug will be "Famous Canals nnd',. "' , "' .'"""''" I"0' " " homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Unllslnger their Builders." ..wniieuy nnu .miss .iny nenueit wero to purchase- tickets for a trip "around guests at Mrs. A. O. Rogers' homo on tho world." After getting settled In (' 'South Coos River tho mnjor portion the train n good dcnl of difficulty The Ladles' Auxiliary to tho Board; of tho weok. ,was experienced In side-tracking nnd of Episcopal Missions met Tuesday' n collectlnc tho cars, but flnnllv the nt the home of Its President. Mrs. .1.1 W. Bennett. A paper, giving nn ac-' count of the work of the society, was! read by Rov. II. E .Browning. Dnln-i t.v refreshments wero served. The .members of the Ladles' Auxiliary I are Mrs. F. E. Iteed.Mrs. J. M. Upton, Mrs. J. T. McCormnc, Mrs. E. S. Downing. Mrs. S. C, Small. Mr J. A. Mntson, Mrs. Geo. F. Murch, Mrs. I Hon nmilnmr Atta T7 Qftwl)mtv imt Mrs. .7. T Hull. Tho Aitnr null.! n i "' Mrs. McCullough, returned this different orunnlzntlon nf tho Rnisrn., week from Chicago where they have O Miss May nennott leaves on tho Nahn Smith todny to resume her course ns n professional nurso nt Lnno hospital In Snn Francisco nftor a couple of weeks' visit nt the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bennett lu this city. Miss Ellznboth Cox and her sis- pal church, will meot next week In place of the Ladles' Auxiliary which adjourns until Tuesday, Nov 17. Miss Wllln May Bonobrnke Is en tertnlnliig this nfternoon nt the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bonebrnke of South Mnrshllold In honor of Miss Annn Downs, who Is her guest during tho nbsence of hor mother, Mrs. A. 7.. Downs who is nt tending the Baptist's Convention at McMlunvIlle, Ore. Those In atten- spent the suinmor with relntlvos. Miss Frances Williams Is entortnln Ing nn informal Sewlnir Club mndo nn I of the girls of the younger set nt her homo this nfternoon. Among thoso Invited are Misses Nora Tower, Grace Kruse, Ruth Allen, Florence Aiken, May Preuss nnd Helen Bradley. The dance given last night at Odd Fellows' hall, under the auspices of the Ladles of St. Monica's church, party wns off with a dash, stopping only nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gub8er whoro the baggago was check ed. In dub time luncheon wns served by Mr. and Mrs. Isnncs In tho dining cnr. Continuing tho trip .stops wero mndo nlong the line to vlow tho scon- , ery nnd marvel nt tho strango cis I toms, the different houses rep ' resenting different cities. A long stop wns made when Mr. and Mrs. Hage presented n marvelous shadow picture representing tho dally life of, i tho Oriental, In which n learned doc- 1 tor-oporntlng upon n Chinaman, foi-j ced thnt Inhuman to disgorge several rats, snakes, rabbits, and ot'ior llkai toothsome delicacies which form his dally diet. The plan ot tho wholo party was original with Mr. Ballsln ger and a few fellow-workers. Get YOUR DECORATION'S and XOVKIIIES for HALLOWE'EN par ties at the COOS 1IAV CASH Store. LARGEST LINE In tho city. Call in and See Our Stock of Watches Rings and Jewelry Best Goods At Reasonable Prices s, THE RAljjROADjTlfEKEEP OP AMERICA LANCAaTtf,rA. H Jewelry and Watch Repairing of all Kinds by Expert Watch-Maker Red Cross Jewelry Department --.x-. .. rrxuffcy Kttf? s! jerii j